y-Friend's Wig - w 'Steady' Sign ow YORK (AP) -- Teen- steadies, who once ex- ged rings or class pins, flipping their wigs this mer--matching His and wigs. hey're just like Twig- " a blonde high school nt said in a New York rtment store, where a girl reports sales have "just. tremendous." e human hair wigs origi- were designed for en, but sat on the shelf ise women sought long, ant hair. Then teen-age began showing up at the lers with their boy is in tow. Some of the even ventured in alone. hey come in stuttering stammering," said Larry ews, a New York hair t and wig-maker. 'Then come back for seconds, lighlights or frosting or thing." thews said he has sold ) of the wigs this summer epartment storés from n to Los Angeles at } apiece. Now he is ship- 500 a day, and has @ og of 1,500 orders, » first wigs were made outh Korea. Thén Ma- ; turned to plants in Kong and Italy to help he demand, and tacked 0 to the price. Ernest Marks. These two young. people are members of the Leader Development Program sponsored by the Oshawa Recreation Depart- "WHAT PROCEDURES are followed in chairing a meeting?" asked Valerie Cruess and Peter Burden pictured here with Mayor Free-Spending Arab Embassies Closing Ballrooms In Washington By ARCH MacKENZIE _fume, cases of liquor and the WASHINGTON (CP) -- The like. : French embassy wound up the Little was spared in locating social season here with a party | buildinge mbassies large featuring pink champagne--by enough to accommodate big the bucket "|parties. Algeria's residence, for The revels on Embassy Row|cxample, is the old home of : 4 t President Johnson, who got it now are ended until next au- |t.om pearl Mesta. a big name tumn, the capital abandoned to); , Washington society, summer bachelors. | Lebanon's Embassy is just But the gloomy uncertainty half completed now and work persisting on the caviar - and-/has stopped. Jordan finished cocktail circuit is whether the|renovations just a few wecks Middle East war has irrevoc-|ago. Both the Moroccans and ably ousted the. diplomats who Saudi Arabians have big ball swung the most, the Arabs. rooms and the embassy of oil- Seven of the Arab nations) rich little Kuwait is a showpiece. have folded their diplomatic)now almost deserted. tents and left. One has recalled) -- SOCIAL NOTICES its ambassador and six others are cool to the United nba ithough not yet ready to brea' off ail manta: RECEPTION "No more couscous?" pouts| Mr. and Mrs. 'Joseph W the Washington Post. One dic-|Highfield, Bowmanville, will tionary says couscous is a "mess prepared of groats." "No more stiff - legged little lambs being sacrificed on the be happy to receive the best wishes of their friends and relatives on the occasion of their 60th -wedding anniver- sary, Thursday, August 3, 1967, iy ment. Their tour of City Hall was to give them an insight into the many de- partments of administra- tion necessary to run a city the size of Oshawa GRADUATES Barbara Joy Caplan will become the bride of Shel- don Kalnitsky August 20 in Agudath Israel Synagogue, Ottawa. Miss Caplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Harris. Caplan, Otta- ' the theory of good leadership} : by such guest speakers as Jack (Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 31, 1967 1] Leadership Program Includes ~|salers. The idea behind such a} Feature Garden Produce Daily | Pakistani Women's terenostine Puitioines and To Promote Canada Salad Week STUFFED PEAR HALVES oz. cream cheese : tablespoons peanut butter tablespoon mayonnaise dash of lemon juice Salad Week is to be cele-| brated across Canada from)4 July 27 to August 5. It was back \2 in 1950 that the first Salad 1 Week was organized by the Canadian Horticultural Council and the Canadian Fruit Whole-| slivers of almonds etc, week was to Oenie oe cai Cottage or cream tion to the availability of fresh yiondeq with candied fruit and vegetables. lor This would be a good week etc, to feature salad luncheons and, PLUMPED UP PRUNES ginger, | chopped salted peanuts, w Conducted Tour Of City Hall The Oshawa Recreation De-, At present, their project is partment is offering a con-jto get an understanding of how, structive program for the High|an organization may be form-| Schovl youth, ages 15 and over,jed and run on parliamentary) who are finding it increasingly|proccdure. A visit to the Osh- difficult to secure summer em-|awa City Hall and a talk with) Ernest Marks. helped to ployment and who consider, Mayor | omeye tt ae tallg| 2 t themselves too mature for par-jenlighten them on this subject. | refrige rator unti i. ey ae ie lg cup Ontario dessert wine ticipation in the summer ac-|They also plan a trip to Tor-)Tpe. By the en of July the or sherry tivities of younger children. |onto's City Hall to enable them|Ontario greenhouse tomatoes Combine fruits, juice and A "Leader Development" pro-|to see administration on a larg- should be abundant and very} wine ram, was initiated this year/er scale. tasteful. For calorie count Toss together and chill for # help 'these girls and bovs| This training of leaders will|Sprinkle your vegetable salads at least four hours or overnight Bas ; aid the Oshawa Rec-| With parmesan cheese, sesame, Serve in chilled = sherbet utilize their time and potential./not only It is a voluntary group of twen-jreation 'Department in having ty. They meet Monday to Thurs-|trained personnel for the fu- day from. 10:00 a.m. to 12:00/ture, but will be beneficial to noon and from 2:00 - 4:30 injthe people involved in any en the afternoon at Rotary Hall, deavor. Centre Street, under the super-| who will be entering her third!be awarded to those who have year of Physical Education and demonstrated thay they are Arts at Queen's University in prospective community leaders. the fall. Rise Their motto is 'We learn by} doing'. They are instructed inj Molyneux Stresses Military Coats PARIS (AP)-- Filbeck, Head of Community Programs, Department of Ed-/ ucation, Toronto, and their "do- Capt. Edward ing" consists of preparing, dis-| Molyneux presented his winter} cussing and demonstrating les-| collection Thursday and _ stres- sons at the playgrounds, in the sed elegance and feminity for aquatics program, in sports ac- the international set tivities and other interest groups Coats. are given special atten- hemes age tion. Ranging from batwing to the world "that will so engage jmilitary lines. They are short-| _--Top with Raspberry Sauce people that war as a means of TO BE WED | waisted and calf length. Garnish with cheese--nut bits, '¢q _ existence will be elimin- | Suits are detailed and notched and -- or cherries or grapes. | ateq."" jackefs, fitting snugly at the| Or you might like a Fruit) «we noeeq spokesmen at na- hips, are worn with a fan- Salad Medley, This includes tigna} jevels where social poli-| pleated, sunray, or straight|Stuffed pear halves, stuffed| cies of concern are being de- skirt. They come in oatmeal|peach halves and plumped up termined. and on which the col- ltweeds, biack or bright red.|prunes. Here are the recipes joctiye voice of Soroptimists mustard or apricot for them. should be clearly and promptly Various styles in coats are in- : heard." : : cluded, from the exaggerated | Greater co - operation is, batwing in white wool to a needed with international non- | plice neckline. High boots ar worn with most all outdoor numbers | The coats are along fitted |redingote lines, short - wasted) and calf length. They flare out} in a bell line and have double breasted buttoning. One, with a| red military flavor, is treated| to gold: buttons. For evening wear, soft crepes and brocades come into | Molyneux picture, with black velvet as the season's star. Co- jdors .run from salmon to cy- jclamen, aquamarine, yellow, white and black. and Mrs. David Kalnitsky, At the culn.ination of this pro-| vision of Miss Nancy Wilson,|gram, certificates of merit will swing-styled vanilla with a sur-| include a fresh salad for din-| ner as a side dish. The Ontario Stuff with cream Salad Bowl is very simple and Nuts, etc. easy to make. Use _ lettuce, FRUIT SALAD SUPERB beets, peas, beans with hard 4 cups sliced fresh Ontario cooked eggs and sliced toma fruits fales, is Volunteer Work Impresses Visitor |Jones said: |Korea. The association has |groups in 43 countries. In an interview, Miss Thyer- organized "I once thought TORONTO (CP)-- Glady 5 voluntary work was largely part |Thyer-Jones, who went to La- of the Western tradition, but I \hore, Pakistan, to help set up a Garnish with cherry slice,|Soroptomist club, says she was impressed with found women in Pakistan and India spend as much as 70 per cent of their time at it." ji the organized' 'phe soroptomists are a serv- | STUFFED PEACH HALVES (Volunteer work done by women jce club made up of women rep- cheese, |in that country. resenting different branches of Miss Thyer-Jones, of Llanelli, the professions and business. international exten-| Arnold Edinborough drew a |round of applause from an audi- sion chairman for the Soropti- ence of 1,500 women when he cheese, mist International Association. said Tuesday he resented |She presented a report Tuesday French to the 1,500 delegates attending Gaulle's using the "long live the six-day SIA convention. - | In the last 15 months, clubs: speeches President Charles de free Quebec" slogan in his toes. Incidentally tomatoes|2 tablespoons lemon juice should never be placed in the; 14 cup fruit juice seeds, a touch of paprika and glasses. a dash of lemon juice -- For a delicious fruit you might like to try "Pear \Cardinal,."' Ingredients: | 8 large pear halves ounces cream cheese 1-3 cup chopped pecans #8! World's Resources | Should Ease Pain , Not Cause It rs --Poach pear halves in light sugar syrup TORONTO (CP) -- Dora --Drain, and dry with paper Lewis, retiring president of towelling to absorb extra juice. Soroptimist International Asso- --Blend cream cheese with 1/ ciation, told the association's tablespoon (or more) drained convention Monday that the juice. If desired flavor with world's 'resources should be lemon juice or lemon rind. Add "turned to solving humanitar- chopped nuts ian problems to assure the of rights we want ourselves to an increasing number of people." Mrs. Lewis urged the asso- ciation, an international ser- vice club, to:co - operate in de- velopment programs around --Place small spoonful cheese mixture in hollow of one pear half. --Place second pear half on top, and place on plate stem side up. governmental and govern- mental organizations that deal | with the problems of the world, | return Up To Here In Poison Ivy If you and your family are the outdoor type this ivy" plague. This, too, is the time to send your favourite broadioom and draperies away for BAKER is the time of year to be cautious of the "poison care ! Call and have them picked up now . . . they'll be ready in a couple of days... from holidays BAKER'S gentle carpet and drapery care . fabrics will like it even better. "Free Pick-Up and Delivery" ~ "JUST ONE GALL DOES THEM ALL" **" "Over 80 Years Experience" or wait until you for delivery. You'll love . + your the} IFE PRESERVER Prolong the life of rubber gloves. Turn them inside out jand paste a bit of adhesive tape daffodil jin the fingertips, where nails jmight rip through. | Now Many Wear she said 'FALSE TEETH | With More Comfort To overcome discomfort when dentures slip, slide or loosen, just | 8p! le a little FASTEETH on your | Plates, FASTEETH holds dentures | firmer. You eat better, feel more | comfortable. FASTEETH is alkaline | Won't sour. Helps check plate odor. | Dentures that fit are essential to health. See your dentist regularly. | | Get FASTEETH at all drug counters. | Oshawa. He graduated from the University of Western Ontario with a bachelor of arts degree and obtained his bachelor of physical and health educa- tion degree from McMaster buffet table? "After all, you're not.going tojat the Memorial Park Club- be entertained with belly danc- | house, Liberty Street South, ing at the British Embassy. The Bowmanville, from 7:00 p.m. Canadians aren't going to.. let) until 9:30 p.m. you loll around their place on) cushions, leisurely picking pine nuts from the rice- with. your, fingernails." ' The British still have their June garden "party, the French| their occasional major social! demonstrations of Gallic grace,| Lighthouse Keeper's. Wife Is Happy On Lonely Isle et areca ee University, Hamilton. Mr. Kalnitsky has accepted a position to teach at Fisher Park) Collegiate, Ottawa. wa, graduated from Carle- ton University with a bach- elor of arts degree. Her fiance is the son of Mr. |dren's health and possible acci- |dents. |JUST BEAT STORK "One day two of the children a freak wave,"' she said. "For- CALL ZENITH 9-9100 We Pay The Charge sree M-m-m-m There was a fortune in our style and cuisine, By ANN HELLMUTH |warning ships of the treacher- tunately they hung on somehow product, how per- ow attentive the | is all over and You can't clip it > to check sizes, color. You can't les, and informa- on the table for g decision. But a nto over 23,000, days a week and a day, No other Oshawa, Whitby n of more than y large industries loping area, The ives ore trained on of "Profitable ing' designed to d coverage avail- t the printed mes 1UM"? ARABS PRODUCE FUN SAMBRO, N.S. (CP)--Three US Sambro ledges which ring and got out, but they were é But a habe for 'the last Years ago Helen Harrie was a the island. shocked and bruised." : Halifax housewife filling in her The keepers have a_ boat basement s8 es several years had produced the fun and games, the most daz- zling hosts and hostesses and a determination to spend lavishly even if not endowed with the black gold of petroleum. If Israel had the propaganda benefit of more than 5,000,000 Jews spread among the U.S. population, the Arabs amid the Washington diplomatic commu- nity night after night had the most top - level guest lists from Vice - President Hubert Humph- rey through members of Con- gress, the civil service, military and social worlds. The style was set five years ago by Morocco, which dis- patched the Ali Bengellouns as the first of the free - spending, socially-minded "beautiful peo- ple." The latest from Morocco in- cludes the beautiful sister of the king, Princess Lalla Nouzha. The reigning diplomatic bach- spare time working as a switch- board operator. | Today she lives on a desolate |strip of rock, cut off from fam- jily and friends for months at a |time, seldom visiting a shop or buying a newspaper. | "But I can honestly say I've never been so happy," says |Mrs. Harrie, a small, jovial } woman. "Il am contented and at peace. I have time to think and 'find out what life is really all |about."" | Simon Harrie, once a Halifax \taxi driver, is one of three light- house keepers stationed on Sam- jbro Island, a quarter-mile-long speck in the Atlantic three miles off Nova Scotia's east coast. The families of Sambro Island spend 11 months of the year jthere, living in three spacious, well-kept, red and white wooden houses. PLENTY TO DO AL? test Mrs. Harrie worried," "But I've was said never been lonely or miserable} for a minute since we came here nearly two years ago. You soon settle down and find things to do, I spend a lot of time doing crochet." For the women the main prob- lems concern their children. Eleanor Gwynn, 38, the mother of three girls, came to the island nearly two years ago when her husband John, 43, was appointed head keeper. Her two older girls go to school on the mainland, only getting home for occasional weekends when the weather is fine. Mrs. Gwynn said the children were homesick at first and it had been a hard decision to send them away to school. "But they have to learn how which they use to make weekly trips to the mainland for sup- plies and mail Marjorie Fairservice and her husband John have been on the island three years. They have three children and their eldest, a boy, is at school on the main- land. é "It can be tricky not having a doctor handy,'*, said 35-year- old Mrs... Fairservice. "When SLUT RAL SLL LU RL Sar LCS CLUS my wife had our last child I iY ia ~GS Rv SS) ates SON fattest '\\ Lam ON NY SOCO CONC CO OOONYMOO OOOONY MO SOOOO NWO 0 OOONMAO0OOOON MMO O0 000) had to take her by boat to the mainland at night. We got to the hospital an hour before the baby was born. It wasn't funny, | I can tell you." Before becoming a lighthouse \keeper, Mr. Fairservice was in the navy and saw little of his family. "IT enjoy it here because I see my wife and children every day."' he said. The men work in shifts, six ALL CARPETS Guaranteed elor -- until he left the other) 'The lighthouse, built in 1758, day due to the Middle East war) towers over. the little island. -- was Algerian ambassador / Throughout the night it flashes Cherif Guellal. In his wake he left an international broken ro- mance. LAVISH WITH GIFTS For two years, his frequent companion had been the sump- tuous Wyolande Fox, a former Miss America and a _ widow whose first husband was Jew- DRESS GOODS to, mix with other children,' she hours on and 12 hours off. They said. "They were becoming in- also maintain a weather station every troverted and anti-social."" Mrs. sending reports three AGAINST WEAR i i) Make a List and Telephone and probably in yours too! signals every five seconds,'Gwynn worries about the chil-' hours to Halifax. 2, BATHING SUITS ish. Accompanying the Arab hos- pitality available to prominent Washingtonians were expensive gifts in the shape of French per- OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Available At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE we GZ SEE THE BIG BARGAINS AT WARD'S Summer Sole . . . Now on 31 Simcoe St. South siderations are: | Angus-Graydon wt. GY 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures SPORTSWEAR UNIFORMS 282 KING ST. W. at No Extra Cost! DODO O C000 DATO 00000N RTO 00000 OOOO OOMAND 0 WI2.00.00 000000000 =a iS) SiS iS raw nw m= BD) 1246 SHADES > When purchasing Broadloom, the two most important con- | regardless of cost, and offers 1,246 shades to choose from. Buy Wi ANGusS-(GRAYDON | CARPET COMPANY LIMITED + TO. CHOOSE FROM How Long It Will Wear and What' Shade. GUARANTEES your broadloom against wear, th Confidence At... 728-6254 723-3494 lying -around That's there, Yes, all these no longer needed items you have that bird cage, those hip waders, that floor lamp or maybe that lawn mower . they all represent ready cash, If you could only find a buyer for it! easy, Every day thousands of Oshawa and District residents scan the TIMES ACTION WANT AD columns in seorch of merchandise just like you have in your basement. Try a TIMES ACTION WANT AD today. You'll see. action, "Read by everyone -- used by everyone"