1@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, July 29, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Ezra Pound Will Visit Expo Storms Deal Another Blow Quebec Tobacco Worker Remanded For Sentence AJAX -- Johnny Maloney of|is now in Mr. Linder's garage Quebec, who was on his way to|and is to remain there until for an additional six month per- iod. Terrence Hillier of 1422 Old work in the tobacco fields of| restitution is made. Mr. Linders| Forrest Road, Pickering Town- was Delhi, Ontario, charge in Court Thursday and was manded to Aug. 24 for disposi-|the additional making the total account of $96 tion of the case. charged | told ) with the theft of his own car.}charge storage for the car if He pleaded not guilty to the|Mr. Maloney paid the costs of I t Ajax Magistrate's| going to Delhi and bringing the| Suspension. He pleaded guilty to re-|car back to Pickering. He said|the charge. is $25/ $1,000 BAIL Maloney's car expense the court he would not|ship, was fined $100 and costs or 30 days on a charge of driv- ing while his licence was under Robert Coppin, charged with to obtain his own car. He is to/to the court that the $1,000 bail On his way through Pickering) for Mr. Maloney to pay in order] break enter and theft, protested | Township Mr. broke down, It was towed to|work at the job of picking] was too high. Harvey Linders garage on Har-| tobacco in Delhi and make res- wood Avenue north Pickering] titution for the car repairs and The court was adament claiming that the $500 bail was too low for this type of Attends Poetry Conference TORONTO (CP) -- Thunder- By CY FOX MONTREAL (CP) -- Writers across Canada are beginning to buzz with talk about the antici- pated visit to Expo 67 of another elderly world figure--this one a poet rather than a head of state. Ezra Pound, the bearded, oc- togenarian patriarch of modern verse in English, has accepted Pierre Emmanuel is sched- uled to come from France, Al- len Tate from the U.S. and Pablo Neruda from Chile. Other countries to be repre- sented by top poets include Ecu- ador, Cuba, Poland, Nigeria and West Germany. Expo is three months old to- day and already is past the 25,- 000,000 mark in total attendance. an invitation to a world poetry conference to be held at Expo) Sept. 6-10. If the Pound visit material- izes as scheduled, it could at- |tract scores of top men of let- ters to Montreal from all parts |of the world. | It closes Oct. 29. Today is Scout-Guide Day at the fair, with Lady Baden Pow- ell, chief guide for the world, scheduled to attend with thou- storms accompanied by high winds have dealt another blow to many southern Ontario farm- ers whose crops already had moisture. The storms Bruce, Norfolk, Brant, Grey. Simcoe and Wellington counties in western Ontario and Carle- ton, Renfrew and Lennox and Addington counties in eastern Ontario. A weekly crop report issued Friday by the provincial agri- sands of boy scouts, guides, cubs and brownies. j Thursday saw comedian Jack Organizational work for the | Benny hamming it up at Expo culture department said dam- age was particularly heavy in Norfolk County, where high winds accompanied by rain and been suffering from excessive have flattened whole fields of grain in parts of Township. There were $70.71 worth of repairs done. 'other expenses. Magistrate Jermyn remanded/for legal aid wanted offence. Mr. Coppin. who asked the. bail When the accused indicated to| Roger Kearney, 16, of Rosebank} reduced so he could go to work the garage operator that he was| Road North, Pickering Town-|at a job that he has two cently obtained. He didn't think unable to pay for the repairs at that time Mr. Linders "told) months. He will appear in court} disposition of the|bail for him as his father is in him he couldn't have the car until it was paid for." Return- ing later to his garage he found ship, for an additional iOct. 5 for case. Roger's mother had asked the the car owned by the accused court if her son could pay a fine missing. Mr. Linders said he in- or some other form of sentence formed the township police of Kearney had appeared in court just re- there would be anyone to go hospital. $25 FINE John Joseph Cousins, 45, of 855 Naroch Bivd., Bay Ridges was fined $25 and costs or five days in jail on a charge of fail-|prominent poets who have ac- what occurred. The car was three months ago and pleaded found in Delhi where the ac- guilty to a charge of breaking ing to remain at the scene of an cused Maloney was held in cus-/and entering. The magistrate accident. His driver's licence tody by Delhi police. had striken the plea from the' was suspended for three Mr. Maloney said he had of- record and remanded him to the | months. He' pleaded fered:a tool chest and a new/House of Concord where he is tent valued at $130 as security taking a course which wil that he would pay for the re-|completed in another pairs. He had gone back to the | months garage for some things in his| LICENCE SUSPENDED car and decided to take the car.| Peter Robertson of 10 Mr. Maloney's car was/while his driver's licence was brought back to Pickering from) under suspension. His driver's| Delhi by Mr. Linders. The car! the charge two ITI SIIIIISISSSSIISISS: He left a note written in French) Heatherwood Drive Ajax was Vy on another car telling the gar-/fined $50 and costs or 10 days g age owner what he had done. |in jail on a charge of driving | 4 Basa 1967 0 1087 g conference already is well under with Robert Nixon, leader of the way. | The conference will involve a} three-day symposium on_ the} place of poetry in the modern| |world and will have its climax} jin a bilingual splash of song and verse, to be. broadcast on the) CBC's French- and English-lan-! guage radio networks ACCEPT INVITATIONS hail damaged tobacco fields. On the brighter side, haying Ontario Liberal party. Mr. Nixon was on the fairgrounds as a summer-shirted tourist, while Mr. Benny currently is appear- ing in a show there. | The Ontario Liberal leader| called for firmer action on such} problems as water pollution but otherwise joined in comic antics which had been delayed more than a month by wet weather is virtually complete in western Ontario and about two - thirds finished in central and eastern regions. Corn and beans are growing particularly well in southwest- ern Ontario and wheat is ex- including a camel race with Mr. |Benny and a ride in a cycle- like vehicle--propelled by the |hard-pedalling comedian. Mr. Pound, born in the United States, now lives in Venice. Among other internationally cepted invitations to the Expo conference are Salvatore Quasi- | TRAIN FOR DUTY modo, a Nobel Prize winner) Norwegian Peace Corps 'rom Britain. for service in Iran 1967 CENTENNIAL pected NESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY ed rr I IIIS SID jIT DPS spasesesassasejasussasepeiass}afa almost to be good on well- drained farms. One of the best areas is Es- sex County, where the wheat harvest is _ |and the yield described as good. is}Corn, soyabeans, potatoes and guilty to from Italy, and George Barker training 10 men and 10 women|tomatoes are all either growing id Uganda./well or at peak production. completed Cutex Nail Polish Reg. .69 SPECIAL 3 tor 1.00 Four stunning summer colours. Choose Melon glaze, Cocoa glaze, Pink glaze and Natural glaze. TOILETRIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 SIIIIISIIIISIISIISIST: 4 g AAA Clairol Lipstick Sets su =: 11.69 Four shades; Honey Blondes, Light Blondes, Brunettes, Redheads, and Sil- ver, plus a handy plastic holder. TOILETRIES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 312 EATON'S Month-End CLEARANCE | PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) BRAS DISCONTINUED LINES Reg. 4.00 to 6.50 SPECIAL, EACH 99 » 3.89 Bandeaux -- contour styles. Broken size and colour range. Black, White, and some Beige. FOUNDATIONS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 CONVERTIBLE BRAS Reg. 1.69 1.00 SPECIAL, Tol A poor Colour -- white in sizes 32-A to 38-C, A discontinued line. FOUNDATIONS, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 909 Mortgage Money Shortage Seen Halt To Construction TORONTO (CP) -- Housing/and winter construction, we | construction will halt in Canada| asked for an immediate meet- | in the next 30 days and within|ing with Labor Minister Nich- ..- A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR! BOWMANVILLE, ONT. a 60-day period the industry|olson to inform him of the could be idle unless more mort-|seriousness of the situation. gage money is available, the') «Both Mr. Nicholson and National House Builders' Asso-/c\MHC.agreed with the inability | ciation said Friday. to provide for shelter require- Rice -- as 3 aie ments for the remainder of this while Central Mortga year and we foresee real crisis Housing Corp. statistics showed proportions for housing accom- June starts in the number of/ modation in 1968 if we fall short Per tall ar ba Shee, 10s, ee a ee , »/ing need o ,000 si } the money involved represented | war, as set by the Coane spring commitments by lend-|Council of Canada," (CMHC! ANNANDALE Country Club * MEMBERSHIPS *& PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY 27 HOLES Special rates for weekly tournaments. Call Skip Williams for information. 942-3210 of CHURCH ST., PICKERING at Int, 65 on 401 CHIPS 'N GRAVY Unfasten Your Eot Belt for . . . iA Ep ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'N CHIPS McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT Simcoe St, N. at Taunton Rd, "THE BIG "M" DRIVE-IN" BEATTY HAULAGE %*& Construction * Excavating * Sand, Gravel, oom * Top Soil for Landscaping 725-2156 Taunton Rd., Oshawa ers. has been predicting 150,000). Labor Minister Nicholson told y | NHBA officials in Ottawa Thurs- sane ar ae ce pre day that it would be extremely) ulation ta J totalled 17 | 'difficult for the government to rite ct cteaitr gee Than | make more funds available im-|\ 2. poke ea bee sinlane a mediately because of its own|e. | : "pity -5 per cent. substantial deficit financing. | For te feat sik aontla oc} J. V. AVIATION wer *& Private Instruction * Charter and Private Flights. (Gov't. Approved School) &-+ Commercial Fiying Aircraft Rentals Introducing: The KAWASAKI @ BSA. Oshawa Municipal' Airport Complete Service & Accessories @ Triumph @ Ducatti 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 W. G. Connelly of Ottawa, president of the association, said the builders told Mr. Nich- olson the desired 150,000 starts ban starts of all types totalled 56,270, up 19.6 per cent from 47,051 in the first half of 1966. Completions were down RUBBER GLOVES SPECIAL, ey Bee ee 4 @ Great buy for chores around the house! Sturdy rubber gloves with flock lining, special textured surtace for extra grip strength. Sizes: Medium or Large only. i DRUGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S CANVAS CASUALS MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE =m 2.99 Lots of pretty styles in many pretty colours. Choose from colours such as. white, blue, red, green, beige, black and brown. Sizes 5-10 in medium widths, but not every size in each style and colour. WOMEN'S SHOES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 238 728-3191 Oshawa Monument Summer Is Joe's Color TV TED'S AUTO Clearance of Men's will not be achieved this year}... rply in the first half of the ualess there is an immediate year for all types of housing. infusion of National Housing Act mortgage money. |CONSTRUCTION DIVES NEED 35,000 LOANS The total number of dwellings A need exists for 35,000 direct|under construction in June was loans and 10,000 should be forth-| 73,351, compared with 76,513 a coming immediately, the build-|year earlier, a decline of 4.1) ers told the minister, who is|per cent. | responsible for housing. | CMHC said that in the first The NHBA statement said: | half of the year applications for Company Designers and Creators of Monument & Markers in Granite, Mable & Bronze. We design engrave letter and erect our own monuments, Cemetery Lettering Statues & Cleaning 1437 King E. 728-3111 "In recent weeks our industry|NHA loans by approved lenders and Radio Service BODY @ Here! RY Have Your car com- oA pletely Serviced for the Summer %& Tune- Ri ty) Ups * Gen eran OLIN RADI STATHAM'S BA Repairs 255 King E. 723-4733 || 13 Bond W. European Radio Repai & Tape Recorder -- Free Estimates Specialists BODY & FENDER % Repairs to All makes and models. SPRAY PAINTING SPECIALISTS 576-1670 || R.R. No. 4 (King E.) 728-340 has sought out all conventionaljand by the CMHC itself cov- sources of funds and, realizing|ered 50,065 dwellings, more than that only a negligible amount|doubling the 22,610 in the cor- would become available for fall responding period last year. bi ROBSON MOTORS LTD. razon and Young Men's Shoes "12.99 Better grade shoes all leather uppers and leather soles and rubber heels. Assorted Bro- gue, Loafer and Blucher styles in the group, but not in every size, style or colour. MEN'S SHOES, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 237 Upholstering Specialists Cally %* Furniture De Gaulle Blunder Gave | Opportunity By HAROLD MORRISON | Canadian Press Staff Writer | One of the intriguing aspects of the de Gaulle controversy in Quebec is the storm of interna- tional criticism that suddenly swept towards the French presi- dent. It is as though many coun tries had been prodding and probing for some. breach in the general's armor and, suddenly finding it in his Quebec speech-| making, stormed through in great jubilation Despite his great stature and reputation in world affairs, de| Gaulle appears to have few! friends. His moves towards eastern Europe and the Soviet Union may have political advan- tages but are unlikely to lead to long-lasting kinship. GAP WIDENS "In the west, comments and press hostility on his Quebec performance tend to widen the gap between his voun try and its allies Normally de Gaulle might ig nore this swarm of scribblers, as he has called them, trusting they soon will turn to other matters | But the storm was furious and it is not inconceivable that de Gaulle may make some public "gesture of conciliation towards Ottawa. This could come in a state- ment after a French cabinet meeting Monday to indicate, as some suggest, that in shouting "Jong live free Quebec"' he did not mean to give support to any specific political faction in Que- bec. Whatever statement he is- sued, the Canadian government obviously does not want to de- stroy relations with France. the nature of! -- | To Enemies in Paris who treasure Canadian- French relations. Even if some sort of obscure apology does come, diplomats who follow de Gaulle's actions| closely anticipate he will in time | strike out again. His pronounce- ments are deliberate and his ac- tions symbolic. i Thus even now, it is learned, | Paris diplomatic reports say} lines between the Canadian em- | bassy and the French foreign) office are growing thin and the| ARMSTRONG HOMES Presents FOREST GLEN outlook for resumption of warm, | close relations is poor. | De Gaulle has made his posi-| tion clear: Relations with Ot- tawa are to be downgraded while relations with Quebec are to be elevated. The time may come when, suggested one diplomatic wit, Ottawa might even have to go/ to. Quebec to find out what Paris is really thinking. | i hy 166 . King . E., . Bowmanville, . Ontario Wilfred J. McMechan, president of Robson Motors Ltd., Bowmanville, Ont., is a man with many years of experience in the automotive industry. Starting with G.M. in 1949 he worked hard toward his present position, owner of a thriving new and used car business. As Wilfred will tell you being the owner of a business means that you have to work twice as hard as before. He bought Robson Motors Ltd: in 1961 and has been improving UPHOLSTERY Refinishing & " Restoring %* Custom Built Furniture Darlington Uphoisiery 102 KING ST. Ww. BOWMANVILLE 728-9429 HEIGHT the business ever since. Primarily a sales company for new and used cars, Ss Robson Motors also operates a Garage for complete repairs, a body shop 623-7341 * Bungalows * Split-Levels and o 24 hour towing service : * 3 & 4 Bedrooms Priced from Dealing in General Motors Cars there are from 25 to 75 new cars on only the. lot at all times, as well as from 30 to 60 used vehicles thot hove $18,700.00 been thoroughly reconditioned by Robson Motors garage. ' . . Down Payments as low as only Robson Motors Ltd. became a limited company in 1953. The sales and THIS SPACE $1,434.00 office building is thirty-five yeors, old while. the garage was built dp 1938, % The showroom has been remodelled to a car showroom ani use l A | 6% N.H.A. Mortgages car lot has been increased in size. Robson Motors employs a total of\ 28, AVAI BLE i Harmony Rd. N., Oshowa including Gord Coonsthe, Sales Mgr. and 4 experienced salesmen, Four | For Further Information mechanics and 3 bodymen also make up a part of the stoff. FOR YOUR Coll: 723-4 Married with one son Wilfred McMechan came to Bowmanville from digg Toronto ADVERTISING 814 For oll your car needs, whether it's o new or used cor, oc service on 1 942-3310 your present model, visit Robson Motors Ltd., 166 King St, E. in Bow- | Heal dy MESSAGE RENT A J MOVING Uniformed om ini forme: LEASE : PELESHOK GOOD USED CAR FOR LESS MONEY megan! Drivers' op brid During. Our Local Moving * Plants * Fertilizers wd * %& Tools * Patio Stone 'BONANZA SALE 5 YEARS Specialists All Available at , i KING WEST Terms Arranged Wel prowe PELESHOK M Ltd 'or estimore, MI e Garden Centre anes 728-5930 «1? cw AJAX 942-6300 bs Horwood and Station Rd. 843 King W. 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER se Soft Ice Cream x Milk Shakes x Sundaes all at 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa 1003 DUNDAS HWY. E., WHITBY Dairy | Queen a community of quiet elegance located in oshawa's northern . residential Grea. Simcoe and Taunton If you are looking for a lot ta y... visit cedar ridge -- While Prime Minister Pearson | use g builder of your choice is being depicted in many Brit-| for information, down the Canadian government Ottawa as it is to those fi!) |[_[_----aaainn queror of de Gaulle in a show- is probably as embarrassing to | OSHAWA OSHAWA LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANING % PICK-UP & DELIVERY % DRIVE IN SERVICE % CASH & CARRY t% COMPLETE STORAGE PHONE TODAY 723-8166 50 Mill St. MODERN GRILL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN FOODS! my & Dixie Lee Chicken * Groceries and Smokes Open 24 hours Mon. - Fri 'til 2 A.M. Sat. % Sun, FREE Delivery on Orders of $1.50 or over. 345 Ritson S. 725-3887 OSHAWA TUNE UP CENTRE 222 King W. 728-0817 *%&.Tune-Up & Carburetor Specialists * General & Electrical Repairs Free Pick-up & Delivery PRIET LPTs Pay TRAVE BUREAU * Tours * Lan 25 King E. LINGERIE CLEARANCE Soiled, damaged, discontinued lines. | Reg. 2.98 to 9.00 SPECIAL, EACH 1.98 » 5.99 | Slips -- nylon, cotton, in a variety of styles and materials; broken sizes. LINGERIE, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 SLEEPWEAR Reg. 3.00 to 17.00 SPECIAL, EACH 2.00 » 13.00 Gowns, pyjamas -- long and short. Cotton, nylon and blends; broken sizes. LINGERIE, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 BRIEFS & PANTIES COUNTER SOILED -- DISCONTINUED LINES Reg. .69 to 3.00 SPECIAL, EACH -39 2.00 Nylon, Rayon, and some with lace trim; broken sizes. LINGERIE, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 Clearance of Infant's and Children's Wear SPECIAL, EACH 99 » 6.98 Ys to Y2 off summer T-shirts, slims, shorts, slim sets, dresses and sun suits. Sizes S, M, L.(2-6x) in the group. CHILDREN'S WEAR, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 210 Clearance Misses' Sweaters Reg. 4.98 to 17.00 SPECIAL, EACH 2.49 » 8.50 All Sales Final Pullovers and cardigans in an exciting choice of styles and colours. Not all sizes in every style. SPORTSWEAR, UPPER LEVEL, DEPY, 246 Clearance of White Arnel Summer Skirts BY WELL KNOWN MANUFACTURER Reg. 8.99 SPECIAL, each ....... eens e Fully-lined A-line skirts in sizes 10-18, SPORTSWEAR, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 246 SPORT SHIRTS SPECIAL, a 59 « BOE. 65 bcc i cia 2 for 3.00 Men's and young men's sport shirts in colourful checked patterns. Available in S, M. L and XL. MEN'S FURNISHINGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 728 SURGICAL STOCKINGS Reg. 6.95 Elastic hose, thigh length in sizes S, M. and L, with a full foot. Small (with the toe out) only. DRUGS, MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 BLENDED BLANKETS (SECONDS) If First Quality Price would be Reg. 9.50 SPECIAL, % 77 ioe e Satin bound blankets 80 x 90" in Blue, Tur- quoise, Rose, and Sond. There are small flaws which shouldn't affect -the wear of- the blanket. i BEDDING, UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 436 EATON'S SALE OF HOMEFURNISHINGS IS NOW IN FULL SWING! A SALE OF OUTSTANDING SPECIALS FOR ESTABLISHED HOMEMAKERS OR BRIDES TO-BE! Meadows Travei Service A Complete Travel Service Cruises * Accommodation d -- Sea -- Air 723-9441 am WwW. B. BENNETT COMPLETE ASPHALT | PAVING SERVICE Paving and Materials Ltd. * Play Grounds * Subdivisions 728-4661 | * Driveways | * Parking Lots 1290 Somerville ish publications as the con-) phone 723-1194 | did not seek, the Quebec affair J EATON'S Open 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday, Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 p.m. A CONFEDERATION (¢ avan visitor tweaks moustache of life-like m THE SECOND World W brings the heart - stoppi Not by a long shot. Only | restores fabrics to their or new... makes the finish s wear look like new! ® We ar ers, and we are dedicated | your garments. Try ws today PICK Cleaners ai Shirt Launde 728-513. 434 SIMCOE SO :