Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bowman- ville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in Ont- ario and Durham Counties. VOL. 26--NO. 174 10 Single Copy 55c Per Week Home Delivered ' with variable cloudiness, sun- shine for weekend, Low to- night 62; high Saturday 80, OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1967 Weather Report Unsettled weather to continue Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottowa and for payment of Postage in Cash TWENTY-TWO PAGES New Tremors} Rock Turkey | As Toll Rises ANKARA (CP) -- Turkey's}| Pulumur was razed. army marshaled a fleet of halt | "Please send aid. There are, @ copters today to fly supplies to|/no houses left here to live in," victims of Turkey's second ma-|acting Sub-Governor Ahme AL-| jor earthquake in five days.|parslan reported over one of the The quake hit Wednesday night,| few remaining telephone lines. and new tremors shuddered|/ DANGEROUS AREA across the country late Thurs-| Last August 2,242 persons day as the death toll mounted. died in a disastrous series of Floods followed the quakes. earthquakes in another part of Officials said at least 125 per- eastern Turkey only 100 miles| sons were killed when the quake'from the present disaster area. | - Wednesday wracked the deso- OTTO KERNER » .- Governor of Illinois from. The quake was felt from the Black Sea on the north to the Muftouglu told Parliament: Thursday's earthquakes in We humbly ask Allah to pro-| Turkey were the third series of tect us from further such dis-|major tremors there in a year. to the stricken area. The death toll in last week-| Sparsely settled and sand-|end's quakes in western Turkey wiched between two forbidding] was officially put at 68, with 262/ late eastern district of Pulu-) g mur. Many of the district's 70 E th k t borders of Syria and Iraq on! the south. asters." : The Varto earthquake in eas Premier Suleyman Demireljern Turkey in August, 1966, mountain ranges, Pulumur is|persons injured. about 480 miles from: the west-| A quaké in Turkey in 1939 villages had not yet been heard) Disast State Minister Sabit Takin isas ers broke off a trip to Iran to fly) killed' 2,242 people. ern Turkish city of Adapazari,| killed 23,029. the hardest hit by a quake! The biggest earthquakes of Poe which killed nearly 100 persons|modern times were on_ that Saturday. |wrecked Tokyo and killed 100,-| isting stract TROOP AID VICTIMS |000 people in 1923 and a vast Troops stationed nearby were|one in China in 1920 that killed] sent into Pulumur, and army!190,000. | reconnaissance planes flew; The San Francisco quake of| _'" over to assess damage. The/1906 had a comparatively small Turkish Red Crescent, counter-| death toll of 452, but fire devas- part of the Red Cross, sent doc-|tated the city. t tors, blankets and food. Medi-| When Agadir in Morocco was cal supplies were flown in from| destroyed in 1960, more than 12,- Ankara. |000 people died. The same year, Roads leading into the moun-'5,000 died in a Chilean quake. | tains were blocked by rock-| In 1963, Skopje in Yugoslavia| slides, stalling first efforts by|was razed by a quake that| army units to get through in|caused 1,070 deaths. Quakes in! trucks. 1965 included one in Indonesia Officials broke the death toll|that killed 63, one in a mining into: earthquake 112, floods 13.|settlement in central Chile that ably About 100 towns and villages|killed 300 and one in El Salva-\*..> were hit, 200 persons were ser-|dor that also killed 300. jously injured and more than! China had a series of | 1,000 houses destroyed. jin 1966, one of which, in Hopei| The»towns of Fem, with 57|Province, was described as @/cautie would probably make a dead, and Kargol, with 32 sves |calnaatty. Details: were not dis-| statement to his cabinet at a lost, were the worst hit. closed. regular session Monday and that portions of the statement would I. W. ABEL Gaulle today called in Premie EME ai rapidly | Newspapers continued to dis- jcuss de Gaulle's call for a "'free world was apparently tarnished SAIGON (CP)--U.S. marines|ammunition, detonators and) today entered the southern halflelectric wire. ; | of the demilitarized zone be- Two U.S. soldiers were killed tween North and South Vietnam and 16 wounded when a battery) to destroy artillery and mortar|supporting a cavalry unit near positions, a U.S. military)Bong Son on the central coast spokesman said. jaccidentally fired one 105-milli- Draws ap The North Vietnamese artil-/metre round inside the cavalry lery and mortars are located unit's perimeter. ; south of the Ben Hai River,! On the political front, in- LONDON (Reuters) -- France which serves as a physical fron-|formed Saigon sources said the protested to Britain today over tier between the two Vietnams,|generals who have ruled South|a television sketch which satir-t he said. Vietnam since President Ngojized President de Gaulle and It was the first time marincs|Dinh Diem was overthrown in\his recent visit to Canada. the had entered the. southern half/1963, are making plans to retain) French embassy announced; of the seven-mile wide buffer|a decisive voice in the govern: here. TV Sketch strip since last May. ment if Chief of State Nguyen) The embassy said it had of-* i r 4 thi Van Thieu and Premier Nguyen ficially protested against the In the air war over Nor . i i a U.S. Phan-|Cao Ky, the military slate, are BBC broadcast Vise Gtciiy tought a brief/not elected president and vice-\the news and comment pro- dogtight west of Hanoi, with the| president in the Sept. 3 election./gram-24 Hours in which actor, Americans claiming a probable! The sources said the generals | John Wells impersonated the "kill ate are forming a new military) general. | i 5 ¥ -| oT tc was "'unaccept- irst encounter by|Committee to replace the all- The sketch was "'unacce} sditats tek fiers Vietnam-|military armed forces council able," the embassy said. ese fighters since July 21 when|and the half-military, half-civi!-; British officials said that a lian National Leadership Coun- member of the French embassy cil, the ruling groups which are) 12:¢ drew attention to the item to be dissolved after the elected during a telephone conversation government is functioning. with a foreign office official. Vietnamese reporters said Ky) ne foreign office, they added U.S. pilots claimed three MiGs and another "probable." Both air force and navy| fighter - bombers concentrated | again Thursday in| Spo! ome Hite Vietnam against |told them a civilian dresident) .4. expected to take the matter j truck convoys, railway lines,|who failed to ot ee up with the BBC. k bridges and coastal water ace bam ce agi ig would be! Wells, dressed in 2 French, i fic. : | * fea general's uniform and made up ; : ' hi tary would do it if the people |* sai - Gaull oked Be Viet Cong machine - BUNS | could not. to jeurone big ae = ' Thursday shot down a navy jfun at the Fr E § tre ' helicopter 27 miles southeast of |ditional press conference style. t Saigon. | Sub-titles in English flashed "Ed The "spokesman said U.S.) jon the screen made plain that) troops 20 miles northwest of| nera. S |the 'sketch was particularly | Saigon Thursday found a large) |pointed at the general's contro-| versial statements during his. visit to Canada. It ended with) two white - coated actors repre- senting medical attendants drag- SAIGON (AP) -- South Viet-|ging the 'general off the scene. nam's generals, who have ruled the country 'by decree for two years, are manoeuvering to maintain as much power as pos- sible, no matter who wins the Sept. 3 presidential election. Informed sources report that|' Viet Cong . explosives cache| ings searching @ small sam-! S e ek P. ower The boat contained 220 pounds of dynamite, 224 hand grenades, Arabs Shot By Soldier Paratroops Stop Anti-Mao Riots TOKYO (Reuters) -- Chinese j. until 9 p.m.) ADEN (Reuters) -- A British soldier today machine-gunned to death three Arab. terrorist sus- pects in Aden's Crater Town as they scrambled into a q about 200. yards from him. Maj. Ian MacKay of the Ist Battalion of the Argyll and Suth- erland Highlanders said the sol- dier, who was on a rooftop look- ing through binoculars, saw the three Arabs rush into the mosque within minutes of a grenade attack on British sol- diers in a nearby street. The soldiers were investigal- ing an earlier grenade attack on the generals are forming a new military committee to represent them after an elected govern- ment takes over. If their own military presi- dential candidate wins, the com- mittee would act as a cabinet to help formulate policy. The military candidate is Lt.-Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, with Air Vice-Marshal Nguyen Cao Ky as vice-presidential candidate. But the generals apparently also are.worried that one of the 10 civilian candidates may win. In that case, the new committec|, might be the means by which the generals would exert pres- army paratroops were dropped into the central China city of disturbances, the Japanese! newspaper Sankei Shumbun says. The newspaper's Peking cor- respondent s at least 10 gun- boats were stationed in the Yangtze River off the city ready to back up the paratroop attack. The report says paratroops had Wuhan under control by} Monday. It does not say whether there was any fighting: China officially admitted earl- ier this week, that army ele-| ments in the industrial city had @ patrol, K sure on him, t JOHN LINDSAY . » + Mayor of New York ROY WILKINS Steelworker's President Executive Director of NAACP De Gaulle, Pompidou Talk Expect Statement Monday PARIS (AP) -- President de, Politicians who hope to mz ake \capital about the situation ap Georges Pompidou and présum-/parently are reserving their big- the main topic was de | gest guns for the end of the va- Gaulle's interrupted trip to Can-|cation season, in September or ada. But the furor seemed to be lOstober, Pure m4 French officials said that de|from Canada -- than scheduled, after the Cana- dian government termed "'unac- ceptable., his remarks s be made public. Then de Gaulle ment for Quebec separatism. E t ter Zone will consider the incident closed, | woMENTARILY UPSET #@\the sources said. | if at all by the incident. s Pr ate Destroy Cong Artillery i in2e ues eee ein, wo Paris plumbers Gaulle réturned Thursday a day eartier which| cooled were taken as an encourage-| U.S. today. U.S. Commission To LBJ Proclaims Sunday National Day Of Prayer WASHINGTON (AP) -- Presi- dent Johnson, proclaiming this Sunday a national day of prayer for racial peace, has created an 11 - member commission to search out causes of race riot- ing--and to suggest ways to avoid it in the future. Johnson, centre of a political storm touched off by pillage, arson and murder in Detroit, gave his views on mounting ra- cial violence in a_ television- radio address from his White House office Thursday night. He said what happened in De- troit was not part of any civil rights protest. He said: "This is crime--and crime must be dealt with force- swiftly, certainly--under . The criminals who committed these acts of violence against the people deserve to be! punished. The violence must be stopped: quickly, fi- nally and permanently," Johnson announced all na- tional guard units will be given intensified riot-control training Democratic Governor Otto Kerner of Illinois will be com- mission chairman. Republican Mayor John V. Lindsay of New York will be vice-chairman Johnson gave no opinion on whether a conspiracy has been involved. | Gangs of young Negroes ram jpaged through the business dis-| early today. At least one Negro/ day, a : |tricts of Albany, Paughkeepsie;was reported shot and 15 were} | The French man on the street/and Peekskill, N.Y., Thursday | arrested. | seemed only momentarily upset,! night, smashing windows and) taunting passersby, but the out- inter-| breaks were of relatively short|/nix, Ariz., a curfew appeared to | were! duration. lasked what they thought about iwhat 'happened during de brought into Lorain, Ohio, early} In Philadelphia, Mayor James/in all were fired in the assault Gaulle's trip to Canada. "De Gaulle was in Canada?" they replied. 'We didn't know.) mained on the. alert in Toledo. |state of limited emergency for| -- C8 National guardsmen were today as a precautionary meas- ure while other troops re- Given the details of the inci- Guardsmen also stood watch in wee Wuhan Sunday to stop anti-Mao| : jdent, one remarked: 'Everyone makes little mis takes." Mary Rae Anne McFad- den, 19, 122 Burcher Rd. Ajax, waited from 9 p.m. last night until '1 a.m. this morning before being chosen as Miss Osh- awa Fair. The contest was rebelled against Maoist policies.} moved from the south ball f South Bend, Ind., and, Cam- -| bridge, Md ' Police in Waterbury, Conn., Civil Disorder Slackens riet-torn city, was caught in a| No one was hurt. The sniper| Uns! street 1 Pe c today as police and\or snipers 5! away. the section 2 national guardsmen attacked a\| It was one of but four inci-\on for the first \ In aior ot ntres sniper nest with rifles and tear\dents to disrupt the calm of the sane Bas, . quietest night since sacking and) . The caldron of civil disorder|used smal! pressurized cans of and apparently unperturbed noticeably across the tear gas to help rout groups f|from the only incident of signi- Probe Riot | Officials said earlier this week the FBI has not independently investigated riots. An FBI offi- cial said the bureau would have no immediate comment on Johnson's remark. Johnson, blamed for the tiots by the Republican co-ordinating committee, hit back at Republi- can Congress members who have opposed his social legisla- tion--legislation he said would help root out 'the condition that breed despair and violence." Citing last week's vote by a largely - Republican House of 'Representatives majority to kill a $20,000,000 plan to eradicate rats that prey on slum children, Johnson said: "A government that has spent millions to protect baby calves from worms can surely afford to show the same concern for baby boys and girls." In his speech, the President emphasized there would be no rewards or salutes for the Dee troit rioters--perhaps indicating that those who burned their neighborhoods can expect no federal help in rebuilding. i Yet, at another point, he said | "Let us condemn the violent few. But let us remember that it is law-abiding Negro families jwho have suffered most: at the |hands of the rioters." PRESIDENT TAKES TO AIRWAVES «+. Seeks Causes And Cures Detroit Mayor Escapes Police-Sniper Crossfire DETROIT (AP)--Mayor Jer-\just off 12th Street on the nearjstreets. A day ago he would ,ome Cavanagh, on a tour of his|west side. have been shot. s The mavor escaped unhurt Durning by wild Negro mobs'smoked without heed to pos- M touched off the costliest riot in|sible sniper fire. jU.S. history and spread terror) No new fires ignited to swell rock-throwing and looting Neg-/ticance during the quietest night] through the city Sunday. jthe staggering total of 1,300 -{roes on the city's north end|since racial terror erupted Sun- Thirty-nine have died, four|set since Sunday. more than perished in Watts; Governor George Romney re- section of Los 'Angeles in 1965./imposed the 9 p.m. curfew to A Negro wounded Tuesday|keep sightseers out of the when he was shot by national! stricken areas. guardsmen as he tried to run a' Fire Chief Charles J. Quinlan roadblock died today. toured: the riot areas and esti- of the dead, 31 were Negroes.' mated property damage by fire No more than a dozen shots | A 25-year-old Negro with a would exceed $250,000,000. The | stab wound was seized by petroit Chamber of Commerce |H. J. Tate invoked a 117-year-/on an apartment house near the}guarasmen as he tried' to run estimated another $500,000,000 | old law placing the city under a/heart of the: main riot section!from them in curfew - deserted a. Jost in retail business sales eee and workers' wages. Hordes of rats have appeared jin ruined stores and buildings. Food lines grew on the west side while the city and charit- Insurance Men Prepare For Riot Damage Claims [mee oa Ten tons of canned food col- Nected by church groups ™ NEW YORK (AP)--Insurance,won't be for months. One esti-; Windsor, Ont., waited across the men are poking through black-|mate puts the nationwide total! river far delivery. ened ruins and smashed store- of homes destroyed or damaged ; fronts in riot scarred cities at 428 and the number of busi- across the United States to pre- nesses at nearly 4,000. That does pare for damage claims to- not include buildings in riot-torn talling millions of dollars neighborhoods that officials Property damage in Detroit|have not yet entered. alone is estimated at $200,000,-| A question arose after | The attack by an armored} ; ;|car and two squads of police} gules Poe. (Was in answer to four or five! |shots from what appeared to be New. York was Thursday night. and have brought an abrupt halt to # -22-calibre rifle. |two nights of violence. \fear that scattered disorders |might erupt into full-scale riot- ling. Chicago--Mayor Richard J. Daley said live ammunition will be. used if rioting breaks out. "We know this is a national pro- eram of outlawry and violence, ind it could break out here." the New York -- Mayor John V, 000. jriots in the Watts area of Los pindsay inspected the fashion- The General Adjustment Bu-|Angeics in 1965 as to whether apie shopping area in mid- reau Inc. says it has sent addi-| insurance policies covered prop- Manhattan where groups of ltional insurance adjusters into erty damage inflicted during yoyng Negroes smashed store =m the Detroit area. the battling windows Wednesday. The adjusters also went to Newark, N.J., after that ¢ity ae | was ripped by riots two weeks ago. The Newark riots caused an estimated $15,000,000 in prop- erty damage. No complete accounting has i been made of the property dam- age in the current' widespread racial violence. and probably "i as = 2 Burwash. industrial farm Sunday, were NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Burwash Escapees Caught By OPP SUDBURY (CP) -- who escaped from the arrested by. provin- Two men : cial police Thursday after a 20-mile, high-speed chase on Fi ; Highway 69, 50-miles south of here. Michael McLellan, 23, Be yn Re Sas armic ae "of Toronto, and Eavne' Banks. 19, of Kingston, had a 12- "ei be 3 their car, police te said, | | gauge shotgun and a .22-calibre rifle in | | | Defiant HAVANA, Cuba (Reuters)-- {Black Power advocate Stokely | Carmichael, saying he no longet cares what happens to him when lhe returns to the U.S., called Thursday for Vietnam - type} | guerrilla wars in New York and Detroit + In an interview with the Ha- De Gaulle Fight Ends In Hospital je TORONTO (CP) -- 'Xn argument. over: President de Gauile of France sent a Toronto woman to hospital Thurs- day for six stitches:to close a face wound caused by a jagged beer glass. Shirley Marie Mackenzie, 34, was taken to hospital from a tavern after the wounding. Her pro- Gaullist friend, Gisela Gagne, 44, was charged with wound- ing Mrs. Mackenzie. |vana evening newspaper Juven- 3 tud Rebelde, the 26 - year - old : Negra leader also praised Fidel oe In THE TIMES Today oe }Castr ' i to the baer sage ate a City Rescue Boat Rotting--P. 9 Carmichael said: "I don't GO Train Popular At Pickering--P. $ : care what happens to me. It is} Brantford In Comeback Win--P. 6 - cue RARER I who choose my own friends MISS OSHAWA FAIR 1967 jand I who decide what my des- Ann Landers--10 Pickering News--5 jtiny is and not the American Ajox News--5 Sports--6,' 7 diamond of Alexandra: Park High School, is presented government." City News--9 Television---17 to the Hotel Genosha when with a cheque for $50 and a Carmichael's remarks on set- Classified---14, 15, 16 Theatres--12 the rains came. Miss Mc- modelling course at Walter |ting up guerrilla wars in the Comics? Weather--2 almost Fadden oe = --_ four Thornton school by one of aes ur As par gy 3 i Editorial--4 Whitby News--5 3 girls waited two hours in a nae GuaneR. Gare ormer Cuban leader Ernes Be Weeneale10 4) ] trailer-dressing room. while the Miree Judges, Garry 7 (Che) Guevara's call for the Financial 13 men's--10, : it rained. Here the pretty Carter, president of Walter {creation of several Vietnams in Obituaries--16 = brunette, a student at Ajax Thornton. Latin America, bin ee -- |