Ads' Business Opportunities E STATION at Oshawa's main irtery. Up to hundred thousand ales yearly. Good two-man oper- call John Morissette, 728-5103. Martin Realtor. Employment Wanted OCKEY available for rhythm »s dance. Large collection of cur- 1 past hits, Please call Graham, 3130, evenings 576-1335. SIONAL WINDOW, wall and pintenance, residential and com- janitors' supplies, Multi-Clean I} Service, 725-1885, Female Help Wanted Clerk-Typist erably with experience on aphone, Grade 13 or sev- years experience in of+ routine ond typing. Exe »nt working conditions, phone Ajax 942-1501 for appointment EARN EXTRA MONEY w Canada's finest line of stmas cards, Wraps, No- ies, etc. Over 300 items. free, beautifully illus- ed cataloque ,samples, on roval and the fastest ser- , Jeandron Greeting Card Ltd., 1253 King St. E., rilton, Ont. WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN =MONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. nvestments, Collections, or Deleveries. _ 723-3568 JEWELLERY SALESLADY uired for full time per- ent position. Experience erred but not necessary. ly between 10-5, Burns ellers Ltd., 20 Simcoe UN. \NT five ladies who have trans n, full or part-time work. Tele 139-2537, NG SUPERINTENDENT -- re- é party, full time, small family. Ox No. 60961, Oshawa Times. NK in "Whitby--experienced teller ledger keeper. Telephone Smith, TUNITY -- We want someone experienced and capable of run- ir paste-up and assembly depart- Typing would be an asset. Write ll Adventures Ltd., 845 Farewell Oshawa. ANT BOOKKEEPER, full time, ice necessary. Mature lady pre- Apply in own handwriting te \NENT POSITION for capable ler - housekeeper, two pre-school . Live in preferred. Weekends elephone Hampton 263-8863. 9R WOMAN for ~ babysitting, 10- Id child, light housekeeping. through Friday, starting Sep- §. Telephone 723-6169 after 5.30 OSTESS, part and or full time, are friendly, polite and like te eople phone 728-6756 ask for Mr. mpbell. 1ENCED and reliable cook. Tele- 25-7311, extension 2074, E HELP for Lloyd's General Dne mile east of Oshawa on y 2, Bowmanville buses pass the Bid SPRAIN ESE Lc UNIT RMS AE } AND HIGH SCHOOL students ever, put your spare time tt Unlimited opportunity In cos: Call collect 112-293-3030, KEEPER REQUIRED, five-day hree children. Telephone 723-137 Male Help Wanted MUNICIPAL DISTRICT MINISTRATOR the District of Camp- | River Vancouver Is- d, British Columbia. AED: erally to direct and ad- ister the affairs and bus- s of the District of Camp. River, British Columbia. uded will be directing the saration and the enforce- it of annual capital and rating budgets, personnel ervision and training, os- ng Council in' planning, cy and development of ices as directed by Coun- JUIREMENTS: ferably o degree from 4 gnized University in a J relating to or useful in Nicipal_ management, age to 45, at least five years ~ erience in municipal 1agement. ' -ARY OPEN; ications with detailed re- e of experience and qual- ations, requirements, are to be cted before Friday, just 11th, 1967 to: rsonnel Committee, P. O. Drawer 10, ampbell River, B.C. - Campbell River Munici+ Staff is aware of this ad- 'isement. Seaboard Finance ansion program and pro- ions leave vacancies tor 2 ENERGETIC YOUNG MEN rested in their future. h school graduate mini- n. Credit or collection ex- ence unnecessary. Must able to meet people, make sions, and absorb training, | Mr. T, Sulik--728.6283 Mr. T, Hogan--668-6887 stating also sale ~-~ si etait sat Saat ee 18--Male Help Wented 18--Mele Help Wantee Municipal Public Works Superintendent for the District of Campbell River British Columbia Duties: To supervise the work of the Grade Foreman, Sewer Fore- man, ond Public Works Yard Operator. To direct the over- all construction and mainten- once of water, sewer, drain- age and street facilities of the Municipality. To work with the District Administra- tor in the efficient operation of the Public Works Depart- ment. ac ale ag . To direct four or more crews of men with author- ity. 2. To have working know- ledge of the capacities of modern -- construction equipment. 3. To have o general know- ledge of construction pro- cedure with respect te road grading, drainage, water and sewer systems, 4. Able to read typical water, sewer ond street plan and profile drawings. 5. Have ao working know- ledge of materials norm- ally used in municipal utilities ond streets. 6. Ability to plan work ahead ---- list materials by de- scription or number, and best utilize labour and equipment available. 7. Knowledge of simple sur- vey loyout -- i.e. line stokes, grade and slope stokes. 8. Ability to keep records ond plans up te dete. 9. Working knowledge of cost estimates ond enaly- sis for various procedures and construction projects. Ability to develop loyal- ty and sense of responsi- bility to the Municipelity. Salary Open; Applications with detaild re- sume of experience and qual- ifications stating also selary requirements, are to be direct- ed before Friday, August 11th, 1967 to: PRUNE See. ©. DRAWER 10, CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C, The Campbell River Munici- pol Stoff is aware of this ed- vertisement. 10. ~. PROGRESSIVE j f, ej § i et REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Wanted Urgently for confidential inter- view call 668-8841 for . appointment. RAE R. JONES REALTOR WHITBY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING WHITBY Agents for . Pickering area and Port Perry area also needed. Ux- bridge as well. Experienced STATIONERY. and OFFICE FURNITURE SALESMAN We require an intelligent and aggressive man to expand our present sales force. Ap- plicant should be energetic with a sincere desire to prove his ability in a rewarding and interesting business, We represent top furniture manufacturers and have good showroom and service facil- ities to back this up. This is an excellent opportunity for a future senior position in an expanding operation. Salary and incentive arrangement with pension and medical in- surance benefits availeble. Apply by telephone for ap- pointment to: MR, A. THOMPSON 723-2233 General Printers Co. Ltd. Office Supply Division 12 WATERLOO ST. _ OSHAWA SALESMAN WANTED Progressive company enlarg- ing Oshawe District Opera- tion urgently requires the services of mature represento- tive. Mutual Fund, Real Es- tate or Insurance experience an asset. No upper age limit. For interview in strictest con- fidence phone 576-2520, or 576-2345 Florida Soles Division of W. T. Lamson Real Estate Limited. WALTER MITTLER, Sales Manager POWER SUPERMARKET Requires experienced GROCERY CLERK Apply te Store Manager, » $64 King St. Eost camp sige My Telephone 6: NSIOLE GOV, 16-17, aeatont | to OLIVE HOWE REAL Pine LTD. (REALTOR) 515 Brock St S., Whitby 668-5853 200 ACRES Do you feel cramped for space? Here's what your look- ing for, older brick 2 storey house, machine shed, barn, 10 acres bush, 80 acres plowed, sand and well in pas- ture. For further informa- tion call Marie Wilson 668- 5853 or 728-3937. FREE AS THE WIND Thet's how your family will feel on this 2 acre lot in Oshowa. This 114 storey home is in immaculate con- dition and features 22' liv- ing room with natural fire- place, separate dining room, a dream kitchen with island breakfast bor, 2 complete bathrooms. Oi! heating, near schools and shopping. Like a tour of this home call Audrey Moore ot 668-5853 or 668- 4088. ACREAGE If you are looking for a ter- rific investment between Whitby and Ajox with 48 acres vacont land ond 15 acres with older home and barn. Please call Marie Wil- son at 668-5853 or 728- 3937 WOODED LOT In prestige location. Call Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668-4088. Owner will consider any reasonable cosh offer. PEACE -- PRESTIGE -- PLEASURE Located on quiet street of lovely homes, this unique floor plan offers the utmost in comfortable living, featur- ing 2 stone fireplaces en- trence to balcony, carpeted hall and stoirwoy, intercom, 23' kitchen with loads of cup- boards, 33' recreation room with broadioom, storms and screens, oil heating, poved drive. This home must be seen inside to appreciote its charm and many qualities. Call Audrey Moore at 668- 5853 or 668-4088 11% ACRES Ideol lot for that rambling country home you have been ELECTROLUX "CANADA Le awe, Alex, Port ing district. Must have car 2). From 10 a.m: VENDING ROUTE MAN. Apply | son mornings only. 800 Farewell Ave. and be o' has ings fer seleeren for Sowmanv"ie, Perry end bg dali - 4 Bm. Call 72 Tastee. in § per- 19----Male and Female Help Wanted Of CRAMAHE T. 5S. A. COUNTY of NORTHUMBERLAND (near Colborne) requires two UALIFIED EACHERS Duties te eommenes September 5, 1967 SALARY SCHEDULE 1 -- $4,200 -- $6,100 -- 5800-- 8,500 mi wi with can make $100 week time i full time in Oshawa. Bewman- ville, Whitby 726-4922. COOK WANTED { Pickering, § to \o lekering taurant, Me ast telephone heoaye a tC jonas. 'ene who is not a Me gpl ast hake seattt wi "pens 8 well as goed com! sion, Call Estate, 5761500, evenings 726-5836. PARY-TiMe superintendent req modern buliaing, free oe eeariran, Call for appoint Soiniment. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD with 'Puller, pert. NTED for: ors Restavrert, Res. or fen aaTaTe "AL WSMAN or Osborne. R. Martin Resi required for bivs @reterred, 20----Reel Estete for Sale FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Real Estate Salesman Wanted for Oshewa aftice. Excellent opportunity fer eg- gressive self-starter. Maxi- mum duty time efforded es this would initially entail only 2. soles persons, Also one additional selesman needed in Bowmanville eftice, Cell Beb Johnston, 'Jack Ricard Ltd. 99 King St. E. nw mp TELEPHONE 623-2503 or 576-1050 21 King Street West Bowmanville "623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board TOO ACRE STOCK FARM Near Orene. Good 8 room home. Lerge barns. Springs. Nice. clean. property. Only $40,000---Terms. 92- ACRE DAIRY FARM Town of ils Geed 8 room brick h plus 4 room apartment. Painted barns. Over one mile road frontage. $65,000 -- > Terms. MAINTENANCE MAN for Record Pressing Plant n Ajox. Age 25-40, mechenical back- ground necessary, good op- portunity. 942-1461 of Jand, South of Blackstock an paved read, $5,500. or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m. Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 doe Bornoski 723-5787 Clare MeCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pet Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston. Banister CABINET MAKER Experienced 668-6653 Garden Hill 102)12 Howerd Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 1g of. If the desired location has been holding you up call me now. I'm waiting. Marie Wilson 668-5853 or 728-3937. FEED MILL 1f you are thinking of o busi- ness future call and discuss whot we hove ovailable in Feed Mills around Kingston, Queensville, Oakville ond Hamilton areas $50,000 to $115,000. Coll now. Morie Wilson 668-5853 or 728- 3937. IT'S A HOMEY HEARTWARMING HOUSE When the door closes behind you, you feel the heartwarm- ing ecoziness of this softly carpeted 3 bedroom home. Handy hollywood kitchen with dining area, huge recreation room, paved drive, near Henry St. High School. Take the first step to better liv- ing by calling Audrey Moore et 668-5853 or 668-4088. OSHAWA Lots of house for the money so why rent. Pleose call about this 3 bedroom brick bungalow with huge kitchen. Lew down payment. Call Marie Wilson ot 668-5853 or 728-3937. DON'T MISS THIS Three. two bedroom bunga- lows, presently rented ot $100 each. Conveniently lo- cated in Oshawa, R. 4 zon- Cell Audrey Moore at 668-5853 or 668-4088 for | further information. | LIVE IN LUXURY And you reolly will in this charming 2 storey 4 bedroom 3 bathroom home, fomily room. The kitchen is a house- wife's dream of unlimited cupboard space, Rustic liv- ing room with beams and fireplace, double car garage, large treed lot. Everything is the finest and you owe it to yourself and family to see this delightful home. Call 668-5853 for appointment. 10-ACRE WOOD PARCEL Call 623-3393, 728-7518 TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS RENT THAT VACANCY Ade -- Call 723-3492 today gre BRING RESULTS! H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD, ° 9 Bagot St. $995 DOWN @shawa brand new 3 bed- room twin homes, possession in August. . $1,900 DOWN Immediate possession can be given on this ranch' style bungalow with rec. room. $3,800 FULL PRICE An excellent well treed 120 * x 660 lot 'just outside Osh- awa. 2 streams at rear of pro- perty. Terms may be ar- ronged. DETACHED BUNGALOW $2,000 down, brond new detached bungalow with gar- den. Neor Oshawa Shopping Centre. FOUR BEDROOMS $2,500 down. Brand new two storey home with carport. $3,000 DOWN Completely finished 3 bed- room brick bungalow, fully «finished rec. room and walk- out built-in garage, 728-1656 or 728-1678 nD Wi WELP in has | Place @ Help Wanted ad now by dialing 723-3492, | 20--Real Estate for 'Sole 120--Real Estate for Sole '20--Reol Estate for Sole 120--Real Estate for Sele (20--Real Estete for Sale | THE OSHAWApTIMES, Friday, July 28, 1967 15 SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshowa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 SOUTHWEST A little jewel of a home on Emerald St. for the G.M. em- ployee. Don't miss having a look at this nice 3 bedroom bungalow. Close to schools and bus, Listed only $15, 500. RESALE -- ONE YEAR OLD Lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with basement gorage. Broad- loom and decorating and al- most finished rec room mokes this home better than new. Exclusive location in N.E. With a good down payment this home is financed on a 634% N.H.A_ mortgoge. Early possession, OWNER TRANSFERRED Only reason for selling this spacious 1,248 sq. ft. 3 bed- room bungalow with 2 car garcge and rec room with fireplace. Home and grounds are well maintained and lo- cated in an area of $25,000 homes. If you've been look- ing for an executive type home, you should cell now for all the details. GOING TO U.S.A, Now is the time for someone to get that new home they've been thinking about. Nice 3 bedroom bungalow with ger- age ond can be yours with only $3,000 down. Imme- diate possession. Call to- night. JUST REDUCED Let's have @ buyer tonight for this nice 3 bedroom brick bungalow on lovely lot 55' x 138'. There's o large 2 cor garage and home is loca- ted in the very desirable N.W. Yours now for just $15,900. FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive 2 storey brick with attached garage, just one yeor old. Listed $22,500, N.H.A. 61% % mortgage. You con't go wrong here. Call now, BEAU VALLEY HOMES Several lovely homes nearing completion but ready now for your inspection, Let us know your family require- ments and we'll try to find you the right home. There's 2 storey 4 bedroom homes with double garage, split levels and a couple of bunga- lows you'll fall in love with. A call now might mean your house hunting is ended. QUIET STREET This 4 yeor old 3 bedroom bungalow with a double gar- age will give you lots of com- fortable living. Ideally located in N.W. close to public schoo! and shopping. Let's hear from you tonight. For full porticulars call 7 65 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshonks 728-5205 Irene Brown' 725-3867 Marg Hall 723-1358 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Me! Dale 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED _ 360 King St. West, Oshawe GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 1 @ Commercially zoned prop- erty, on Simcoe St. North. Cor- ner location. 75 foot frontage. Lerge enough to build three small stores. Over five hundred partment suites in a half mile erea. Solid 6 room house now on property, COLLEGE HILL Il @ Modern two bedroom bung- alow, full basement, paved drive on a lot 43' .x 252.9' which is - nicely landscaped, ideal for gardener. Toxes under $300 per yeor. Very reasonably priced ot $12,900. SERVICED BUILDING LOT lil @ If you are interested in) we} have o fully serviced lot in | nice residential area. The price| i Ridge building your own home, is right and the terms are good, OPEN HOUSE | All Weekend 2-5 P.M, Beoutiful brand new | Homes on quiet | i ORIOLE COURT | King St. East to Melrose | South to Applegrove now | Eost | to ORIOLE COURT 64%4% N.H.A. RESALE 1V. @ 4 bedroom bungalow, just} built just 1% years ago, long enough to have many of| the extras token care of, such| os landscaping, T.V. oerial and two extra rooms in bosement.| Excellent fi-| Attached gorage. nencing. Give us © call to in-| spect. OPEN ALL WEEKEND 2-5 P.M Brand New Homes on IROQUOIS AVENUE Split levels, gorages, oil heating. Drive west on Tounton from Simcoe to Somerville Now come North to our models. HERE IT IS V.@ Large five room bungalow} located close to schools, and shopping. Spacious bed-! rooms, family size kitchen éndl room. Quolity! 20 foot living wool broadioom in living room and master bedroom. Closets! and cupboards galore. Would) you believe -- only ten months old, and carries for only 6% per- cent interest. Coll for oppoint- "ment to inspect, INCOME PROPERTY Vi @ Brick veneer building in| @ very busy district containing! 3 apartments ond | store, also 7 gorages in the reor of the Very reoson- building to rent. able down payment to respon- sible party. For more informo- tion call tonight. 3 BEDROOM Vil @ Split carports, | | bus, | reasonable down payment) level home with comfortable kitchen and partly! finished recreation room. This home is situated on a large lot in the east end of the City very close to shopping and transpor- tation, Phone now for detoils. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281 H. KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 KENDAL AREA Only 22 mile drive trom Osh- owa, 20 acres of land with good bush and pond site. A large winding stream = runs through the property. Asking $6,000 with terms. Call Idso Wiersmo, 728-5683. 93 ACRES All workable, with one mile frontage on paved road. Seven room house with new modern kitchen, sunporch on the 'house, double garage. Coll Idso Wiersma, 728- 5683. $2,500 DOWN Four bedroom beauty, locafed on Simene. St. N.-on. @ most unusual treed ravine let, in- cluding your own creek --= two Washrooms. Only $16,- 900 full price. Cell Doug Carmichael, 723-7463. RETIREMENT ? Spotless, cute and central will make this a beautiful little home for someone who cp- preciates a beautiful treed lot and a central location at 152 Wilson Rd. S. Try an offer. ot Doug Carmicheel, 723- 463 FOUR BEDROOMS New resole, two storey home, north end of town. Two fire- places, finished recreation room, carport, separate din- ing room. 64% mortgage. Call Gord Chariton, 728- 8569. INCOME Large eleven room older home divided into four epart- ment units, all with separate baths. New furnace. Asking only $18,500. Excellent op- portunity. Coll Gord Charl- ton, 728-8569. You'll Find Whatever You Want--in the Times A Vacation for Life an investment in the future! Every Friday Night 7-10 P.M. is FLORIDA NIGHT W. T. LAMSON Reol Estate Ltd. FLORIDA SALES DIVISION (OSHAWA) ae 67 King Street East, Oshawa Own your Florida Home for as little as $325.---down or in vest in your future by reserv- ing o lot with a $10. Deposit. We offer high and dry land only. ik COME IN_AT YOUR LIESURE SEE OUR COLOR SHOW. PICK UP OUR FLORIDA BROCHURES. GET ALL THE FACTS FROM OUR FLORIDA SALES MAN- AGER. Please remember: We are exclusive agents for The MACKLE BROS. of Florido. Government approved Home Builders and Land Develop- ers for over 59 Years with an unparalled record of ethical business dealings. ASK ABOUT OUR SPONSOR- ED INSPECTIGN TRIPS. YES! WE SHOW YOU WHAT YOU BUY. FLORIDA SALES DIVISION W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED' 67 King Street East OSHAWA Telephone 576-2520 RESULTS? Use Yimes | | LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simeoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. RALPH SCHOFIELD JAMES O'MALLEY HOMES NOW OPEN For your inspection Saturday and Sunday 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. And Daily by Appointment Cedar LOCATION: Go north 3 blocks on Som- erville Avenue from Taunton |Rd. West. | Look for -- | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST Signs LUXURY BUNGALOW Don't buy or build a new house until you see this im- maculote re-sale in Beau Va!l- ley because it is truly loaded with extras which would cost | you a great deal more to in- clude in o new house. Large Hollywood kitchen, finished laundry room, built-in Tap- pan stove, finished walkout basement to charming gerd- ens and mony other extras. Owner is transferred so has priced to sell at a bargain. Asking $23,900.00 -- Phone now for appointment to see this beauty inside. NORTHWEST LOCATION with SWIMMING POOL | The notoble feotures of the | 3 bedroom home is worth your immediate inquiry. An- gel-stone front with flood- lites and stone planters -- Family room, rec. room, fire- place and swimming facilities ot your fingertips right at home. Call at once for more details, V.L.A. OPPORTUNITY | Lovely 7 room bungalow on obout 2 acres close to Osh- awa: This is o modern frame home with much charm and fine landscaping -- Estate soys liquidate at once so the buyer will be fortunate to get this fine property for $21,+ 500.00 -- call tonight. BUNGALOW Owner will accept $1500.00 down payment on this good five room bungalow. The let has a private drive, good rear vard and is close to schools, Carries for $95.00 per month, principal and interest FULL PRICE $14,900.00 SOUTH OSHAWA Completely redecorated 3 bedroom brick bungalow, spacious rooms throughout ed rec. room downstairs. | | | plus 4th bedroom and finish- | Priced to sell quickly OUR FINANCIAL ASSIST ANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 -- 9:00 te 5:30 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL (NO TOLL CHARGE) R. L. Schofield 725-5067 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 J.B. McMULLAN & Co. Realtor | 120 Dundos West 'WHITBY 568-6201 WHITBY $2,000--$2,500 DOWN 3 bedroom brick home, liv- ing room, large kitchen, 4 piece both. Close to schools and shopping. Carries for $100 per month. List price $14,500. DUNBARTON 2 bedreom brick bungalew on large lot, 50 x 433, with plenty of shade trees. 4 piece bath, garage, broadioom throughout, also heated avi- ary 16 x 32. List price $14,- 900. WHITBY - 3 bedroom brick bungalow with attached garage, 4 piece bath, living room, dining room, hollywood kitchen, storms and screens and mony other extras. List price $18,- 400. AFTER HOURS CALL: 668-4335 668-8562 Alvin Puckrin Tim Vipond Action Want Ads | Doug Winstanley 655-3642 JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 OSHAWA: 3 bedroom mo- dern brick bungalow. Nicely landscoped. Broadloom floor covering. Reasonable price. Only $2,500. down. Balance on 7% mortgage. Call Geo- ge VanDyk 623-7437. OSHAWA: 3 bedroom mo- dern brick bungalow with 2 bathrooms. Nicely landscaped in new district. Electrically heated. Asking only $18,500. with terms. Call; George Van- Dyk 623-7437. HAMPTON: 5 roomed home with new oil furace, 4-pc. both. Large lot. Nicely land- scaped. Asking $15,500. Terms. Call George VonDyk 623-7437. ENNISKILLEN: 8 roomed, 2 storey home in village on large lot. Consider $1,500. down. COUNTRY LIVING: Lovely 4 bedroom brick bungolow. All conveniences. Rec. room. Asking $17,900. Call: Geo- rge VanDyk 623-7437 PORT PERRY: 5 roomed bun- gelow. Oil heated with 4-pc. bathroom. Priced at $11,000. Terms, Call: Tom Donnelly 985-7264. OSHAWA: 3 bedroom mo- dern brick bungalow with liv- ing and dining room. Broad- loom floor covering. Close to schools Asking $17,000. tr George VonDyk -623- 7437. OSHAWA: Very modern brick bungalow with hollywood kitchen. Finished rec. room. Large windows, in both living and dining room. Paved drive- wey, etc. Price and terms ar- ranged. Coll: George Von- Dyk 623-7437. Besides above mentioned we have many more to choose trom. BE SURE TO SEE PINEWOOD TERRACE Directions WILSON RD. NORTH 1 BLOCK SOUTH OF ROSSLAND RD. EAST We hove already, SOLD 12 HO We have oo 8 Homes on Wilson Rd. N. Consisting of 3 -- 2 Storey 4 Bedroom Homes with Gor- ages and 5 -- 5 Room Bung- alows with WALK-OUT BASE- MENTS. 2 Bungalows with GARAGES end BALCONIES on -Pine- wood St. 5 Bungalows with built-in Garages on Beechwood St. All Homes Ready for Immediate Occupancy. All Homes ore COMPLETELY DECORATED, and Lots COM- PLETELY SODDED All have N.H.A,. 634% Mortgages. Down Payments as low as $1,436.40 if you can quality. BUILT BY KASSINGER OPEN THIS WEEKEND Exclusive Agents SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD: 360 King St. West, Oshawa 723-2265 Metcal REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. MUST SELL 4 bedrooms, 2 storey _brick with good sized lot. Priced at $14,500 with low down payment, may be seen any- time. LUXURY RANCHER with many extres, plus epart- ment in basement renting for $65 monthly, Make your ap- pointment teday. NEW HOMES with low down payment, enly $2,368, don't delay, see it today. Modern building with store and 3 apartments, plus ex- tra lot which can be built on. Make your call today to see this money maker. LISTINGS WANTED Free appraisal, no charge if property not sold. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Mark Tomine 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jack Hegan 728-1554 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Pankiueter 728-5416 MEMBER O.D.R.E.B. We list exclusive and M.L.S. 1 P.M. until 5:30 P.M. pint de edd lagi low - is what you with jassified to none bag eewrite blanc Realtor, 423-7461. 723-3492 new for an \ 20--Real Estate for Sele "Land of Three Seasons" RETIRING ? Enjoy life in the Florida offers more for your fixed income Dollor. Ask about trading your pre- sent home. $325 down buys your retirement home in Deltona near Daytona Beach, Phone 576-2520 or 576-2345 FLORIDA SALES DIVISION W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. _ 67 King St. ei | 12 ROOM HOME DIVISION STREET Large brick 234 storey. with some furniture, storms and screens, paved drive, modern oil furnace. Zoned commer- ciol. Excellent rooming or boording. Carries for $125. Coll BILL MILLAR 725-1186, 725-2557 |W. T. LAMSON | REAL ESTATE 67 King St. E ~ ORANGE CRESCENT '20--Real Estate for Sale BRAND NEW HOUSE for sale, in Now castle. $2,000 down, full price $15,900, For further information, cail 728-4066. NEW HOMES -- two left, choice north ares, Taunton. and Simcoe, saan "call fu eae L. Dougan Realtors, corner Taunten imcoe -- any time to inspect. » shopping and je schools. Lot is 138° oo | Monthly payments $100 Including taxes. Call Irene Brown at 725-3867. Aker Ltd. BASEMENT YMENT -- Specious 10-year-old brick bungalow, br in living room, large landsca; with matching garage and paved drive, ey rn two-bedroom gay apart. ment, substantial dewn payment re- vires. Sibby's Real Estate Utd. 72 $1,000 DOWN, full i prin 8 $14,500, . Carries $95. -menthly, five - room le fenced back yard. Newly decorated, See this home today. Call 'shiriey Moskal, 723-4134, Griffin Real Estate Limited. rie Bt ttt: 2 INCOME HOME, 9 rooms, suit ue) -- jlies. Close to schools hog Motors. P THREE-BEI Stone bu Schofield. ungalow thea: [ee Paech well kept, handy to shopping, @ good design for $21,500 with reasonable dewn payment, Tele- Phone 728-3168. 20e--Summer Properties For Sole or Rent EE att A de a 3 SR HANDYMAN'S DREAM 30 miles from Oshawe, seven room frame house with nine, three room ¢ottages and seven, two room cottages, with 21. sefrigerators and completely furnished, 30' by 30' recreation hell end 37' by 25' new swimming pool, childrens' play ares, hot water in all cotteges. Asking price $19,900, Call FRANK "| SMITH, 576-1415 or 576- | 0330, in | DOWNSVIEW PARK | H. Keith Ltd. Your choice of 5 plans, fin | REALTOR ished homes with carports or 303 Hillside Ave. attached garages, all decor- | 576- 0330 ated and sodded, paved ve streets, N.H.A. 61% % mort- gages. Call now and take ad- vantage of this builders clear- ance before prices go up. Contact - Lloyd Metcalf REAL ely LIMITED Maple Sands Relax Have Fun Big safe sand beach on beeu- tiful Maple Lake in the Heli- burton Highlands. 40 King St. E. Pehagaged ar olf, sh, ish, canoe. ature trails. ES 728- 4678 ___| Centenniol program feetur- FACTORY or. WAREHOUSE 10,400 sa. ft, cement block buildings with new office 24 x 30 -- 8 vears old -- can be easily divided --- 550 elec- trical service -- asking only $43,000 with good mortgage, contact: Lloyd METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED AO Ring stb. CABOT STREET Oshawa Shopping Gentre 4 year old modern brick 3 bedroom bungalow with pav- | -ed drive. Clean home landscaped, only $18,900 ond carries complete with taxes for only $111 per month. Call Jock Appleby evenings 723-3398. BOLA- aoe BROTHERS Limited __ 728-5123. LAST YEAR'S. PRICE Orono off Taunton Road, 728-4678 _ ing 'The Doughters of The Sands'. ROOM FOR YOU NOW Phone WEST GUILFORD 2446 PER FOOT 95 miles from Oshawa, go east on Highway 401 te Highway No. 35 and No. 115 to Peterborough. Go nerth on Highway No, 28, 55 miles. 2 miles south of Bancroft te Bentley Lake Estates'. Sales personnel on property every weekend. Sand beaches, and hydro, custom built > cottages. $2, 260 cone 10% down, open mortgage. 347: Sao Torente. Camp Allandale Outdoor Fun for Boys Daily riding, Swimming Peel, Overnight Camping $35 weekly. August Vacancies. Brochures, Box 152, Bowmanville. 22 SCUGO6 LAK jeg, in close to Hwys. 35 and 115, sine RARSPRONT. ea off cattege, ie new two bedroom brick ve- |beach, 100' lake frontage, $1,500. H. neer bungalow, lot 75 x 200. Keith Realtor. Call Marvin Nesbit Last year price $15,500, rea- sonable down payment. Fif- teen minutes to Oshawa in beautiful countryside. Call J. Ochonski Construction 983-5709 |INCOME OF $155 per month plus six- |room home for yourself. Only $25.0! |Call Willard Johnston, 726-1066. S$chofleld- JAker Ltd |RANCHER, situated on extremely large lot in north part of city, Only one year | | | COMMERCIAL PROPERTY | | \aetai Is. 723-1161 $16,500-NEWLY DECORATED, + of 40) at __|erly, with | sloped bungalow, eld. Workmanship beyond Vendor will hold mortgage with reason- able down payment. Cail Willard John- ston, 728-1066, Schotield-Aker Ltd COMMERCIAL. A large | brick building containing offices and apartments in choice King Street West lecation. cellent investment potential. Phone Douglas J. M. Bullied Realtor. modern 10-room brick house on 4a-acre, 30 miles east of Toronto, and five miles north Newtonville. Call Orono IMMACULATE ?-bedroom brick punga- low, tastefully decorated inside and out jwith broadioom living room and dining 'com, cool green tiled bath and weil appointed kitchen, Lovely, hedged prop- back lawn for only \si4 900 in the northeast of Oshawa. Call |me tonight to inspect this preneisy. Dick | Young of Guide _Realty Lid 723-5281. PRIVATE SALE -- 6 per cent NHA "re sale, carries for $102 monthly in soutn east section of Oshawa, 11+! year hes three bedroom: L-sha) |livingroom and good family Scitchen. i: |mediate possession, 723-4134. )susT "LISTED -- Four-bedroom bunga- low with attached garage and walkout ibasement to a treed ravine lot. Sliding 'glass doors to balcony off living room, fireplace in the tiled and panelled Rec. Room are two of the many features tojcol be found here. Priced at only $24,900. Call 4rene Brown of Schotield-Aker Ltd. 3867. ay BUYS THIS six-room brick bun- jgalow with 32 fH. rec. room area and roughed in for 2nd washroom. Sper cent), interest rate keeps your payments rea- |sonable. Call trene Brown for tull details at 725-3867. Schofield-Aker Ltd. |JUST LISTED, southeasi area, smart 'five-roam bungalow, only $13,500, deep) w. jlandscaped lot with on mari Call John}. 00. room cottage, tw COMPATISON. | on Willlams aw Lake FOR RENT -- three-bedroom catiages Sevate near Cae- leetrie tights, sarea, August 8 - 3). range, refrigerator, installed heater, running water, inside conven! il ae F. R, Jones, 728-6246 or 7: 351. nism niall BOWMARVILLE, gpd hg MM o six- jh ihuttered Be furnished, flush Sellet, inlet back safe ey beach 38 West Beach, yard and drive for children. 623-5984 Ps COTTAGES FOR RENT frem Augual Telephone ik Q eooecen epee incite ATTRACTIVE, housekeeping cottages, among the pines and Birches, reagonable rates, boats Inciuded, peed swimming, _ fishing recreational Oshawa. spacious and ye "lfacilities, store and bait supplies. Silver Or Burks Resort S34w4 ae TWO-ROOM COTTAGE 'sleeping cabin, alse Hsqerehgar J eatin en Take rai Halibui County, ing and 14 eo of lake withowt ps 3-5364. MoiRA LAKE, Madec, four-bedreom cottage, winterized, forced air furnace, front and side porch, tile floare, eccous- tic ceilings, mahogany paenneling, 98 miles. 723-1605. MAIJAC COTT. goad Sein 2 ES for rent, goed housekeeping, all fects, LAKE $CUG0G ARBA, meas skiing, fishing, 725-2909 or miles, 25-acre lots, wide river, $5,900 full price. Write Box 30665, Oshawa Times. BALSAM _ "LAKE--Renting four-bedi lakefront or with all convenien: fireplace. Available on August 26. Tel ele phone 455-4978, COTTAGE FOR SAL® -- Twin Lak Highway 7, 16 miles nerth of Havel For information call 723-8717 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE -- Furnished three-bedroom cottage, McLaren's Beach, Lake Sov- gog. Terms available, Telephone 723- | 121 \21--Ferms for ee acres double farm, Rene extras, good craps; small dairy ems ee buildings, best pasture and crop : Good selection 10-acre lots. San si08 ©. Martin Realter. Sandy, 728-5103. » _Resitor. | 22 Lots for Sale | INCOME "PROPERTY "best area for eUEY on Lal Gai |boarders and roomers, only $16,900. Try LAKESHORE bar _ Sates ar or, an offer, Call Bessie Crysler, 723-2925./45 miles- Be, " Ww. a Martin Realtor, 728-5103. Only 3.000. OOM | house, "pathroom, "partly 1 fin isned. basement, hardwood and tile throughout, three blocks from lake, one jacre ground. $15,000, Phone Port Perry 44-6639 or 985-2089 Sous in Caesarea, five rooms, insul- ated, electric heating, large let, $5,800. |H.- Keith Realtor. Call Marvin Nesbitt, Nestieton, 986- 4894. $3,000 DOWN -- "two-bedroom brick, bungalow, livingroom, kitchen, --four- piece ceramic bath, large rec room, 12% x 31, laundry room, utility room, many other extras. On large landscaped lot, 55' x 145', with plenty of shrubbery. Open to offers. J. B. McMullan and Co., Realtor, 668-6201. {BRING THE PAINT BRUSH and enioy village life In this large frame home priced at only $7,000, All inside plumb- ing and within commuting distance from Oshawa. Will swap or barter for older duplex or what have you in Oshawa. Call me at 728-4241 or 723-5281, George Nymeyer at Guide Realty Limited. NEAR HOSPITAL. "Large six-room brick home in excellent condition. Require about $3,000 down. Call Willard John~ ston, 728-1066. Schofield» Aker Ltd. |OSHAWA east end triplex with only $2,800 down, monthly rental $228, mort- gage payments $135 monthly. Trade con- sidered. Asking only $15,900. Guy Le- rn ACREAGE -- NW "on corongtion Rage. Two parcels: about acres @ \- other 16 acres. Both very good buliding sites. 22 acres Ld Homer io ae pecan Street. Very good va For more information call sivoy's "Real Estate Ltd. 7-75 INVEST in your ay g. 8130 down, $15.90 monthly buys high and dry let in sunny Florida. Constantly. rising land prices assure rapid growth ef your Bate dollar. Florida Sales Division of W. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. 576-2520. Wal- ter Mittler, Sales Manager. BUILDING LOTS (4), 13 miles north of pans. Nicely situated. Good reeds, Terms available. 576-1148. 23--Real Estate Wanted Listings Urgently Re uired Call 576-0330 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR pebacn an aoeer etal HOW TO GET IT: If ysu do not fing the item you want in the Want Ads, place @ Wanted" ad and get it) lal 723-3492.