Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1967, p. 14

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18--Male Hi Mun Public 'yq@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 28, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' St cncabiad 4 : a Superir 4 a for "4 : ° ' # Distr ifj 5 p.m. Mond d Saturday 8 to 12. 4 ° Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to p.m. Monday to Friday, Sa y q Lampb i nr Acticles for Sol 1\8--Articles for Sale 14--Business Opportunities Wisiec: innards I = "Hoover, like| SERVICE STATION on Oshawa's main A uties: ; Mee Jeamte ha pari $40.| traffic artery. Up to erp thousand 'i To supervise | LIDAY SpeciA [csi re Hoe ean "Nonn'" Monnseties Tages | Grode Forem | HOLIDAY SPECIAL [DISMANTLING 1959 PONTIAC Lauren.(ation. Call John | Moy ; man, ond Put | 50' 1% inch heavy-duty tian station wagon. Parts a Operator. To | structure with double B2-13 |cheap. 296 Nassau Street. --_ 15 Employment Wanted 3 All cobatrick | all-channel antenna com- |WRECKING FRAME HOUSE = 8 me DISC JOCKEY available tor rhymin : once of wate pletely installed, $70. [Sire sn dai ald ead eg) and blues dance. Large collection of cur- = age and stre } ' he "Appliances| "ent and past hits, Please call Graham, j the Municip. | TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 |ELMER'S FURNITURE and Appi days 942-3130, evenings 576-1335. 4 i | : F |will be closed for holidays, July 29-Aug. SAOREGIONAL WAGE, ee | : with ip age: ' S fi i i RUTHERFORD' 112. - floor maintenance, residential and com- a tor in e \Building Trades Gardening sae --- = sino ¥. coups, 'Living Room, |EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS for 5rePatt mercial, Janitors' supplies, Multi-Clean # of the Public Accountants ee | fo STOMP |vment. Must be cash. Mixed Italian, Janitorial Service, 725-1885. ment. ND _€0,, Char. | Pl bi Di t | Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, jrocco-Spanish styling. Telephone 728- ai 3 orga eg is | PATIOS BUILT | Plumbing Discount | Mic, limeriote delivery ce |SaenaLt BRIAN -- ------ aa Mle ny cogs seal een a! S ecialized 149 Brock St. North ed Listy hs vey of 'AspnaitoRive 'Telephone 725-8885. 1, To direct po tea AND €O., Charter-| p | AND REBUILT WHITBY -- 668-6601 love UTHERFORD'S GAS FURNACE and om siove, we ews of " ter only. Apply 214 Bloor Str . ity. ed Accountants, Financial Trade Reo | Direct to yo lumbin: \- i St. South peal Cl k T: t i Street East, Oshawa, | ect to you, plumbing we 156 Simcoe St. Sou' East. erk- 1S Ts hie 1aFlo, 7255808, &. T. Hoprins, CAY H. =| San astin 728-3172 plies, "Everything in Macedonian BABY ARTICLES -- high cl YP : lida et t Beadie, CA; E. Lukes 2 Sean / i P one plumbing line. 20% off on revolutionary DRAPES REPAIRED pen, and stroller, ail goed cpaition| Pisterobly with exnbribnce Gn : pag ih (1AM (ALL, BC . ond } 1 essences GooD $35 total. Telephone % j ' pepe ve ge King. sree! el | | j iy ALEKSANDA AND RELINED HEAVY DUTY STOVE $15., washer; dictaphone. Grade 13 or sev- equipment 725-6529. . ' --9 ; f d $5. Telephone i i . soepen--a bay, Certified General | Spray | Hillside Landscaping | scrueeae ae P : oe A Sheva GENERAL, M®& C |y25: Sone "shen § pine er Saturday. re) Poting ord Wein. sh 3. re ' Shop. { TN, "Mm. i a 9. Accountant, Sule 205, Oshawe Sodding and seeding, ore CLOSED WEDNESDAY RELEASED WHEN HE rRiseees [POOL TABLE, nearly new. complete cellent working conditions: ane i eos ; " 5 i | velvet sods, Marion blue an -- -- EXPLAINED TO POLICE: rood grac BOB CLANCY'S | Accounting ara Painting Kentucky blue, also No. 1 fate PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-| "iE I HADN'T, YOU WOULD 723-7827 ania "aeis nien Geri Kige| Telaphone Ajax wenke ates e Street N., 725-0997. Res. 723-7605. _ field sod. Stark Ltd, Plumbing, Heating and --- = appliances, portable TV, vacuum clean- 2 --~ tered accoun | : "i iiicoe. Streat South. " CITY TV televisions, radios, Pe mirror; 'radio, tani" record." players 942 1501 - 4. Able to rec JOSEPH GUTMANN, cer Bond | Street ° | be tb IA lo Ml at | WHY HE KILLED ME i irs. Service |electric boiler, watle-iron, toaster, coffee ws sewer ond fant, Licensed bbe two large sproy depts, | Telephone 723- ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling, | service and repairs. Se Mig maker, high chair. 723-5603. profile ard jephone 33. be ---- es ¢ " A ahd nad ' icons Rahal tank linings blastisol . hs |rates. *Eatinnates Bedi pee eet: Fp sg Ma CANNING JARS, wagon wheels, art] for appointment 6 Have re nape ty wer, col ad Blueprin aie. le en aa. Js KAMSTRA Wharee NEST black and white T.V. Anten- [fYeSlace, rugs; reguier horse saddle, ledge of 1 BELL DRAFTING and Reproductions' fit reqiqss, apory linings. complete 'Rug - Upholstery | Service | -opdeemrarian 2 nas, rotors installed. Sales [Persian lamb coat, size 18 and many senna ally used Lid. sive Simcse Sireet Mec oe | LANDSCAPING OSHAWA : wasp. ae and Service 9 a.m. to 9 pm. jother articles, leaving for Cantor. ~ EARN EXTRA utilities an 1 inting and nd_photostatic CoP | * [7a3-2573, : ih " | soe ot pero tne, | ANP RUG CLEANERS | 26958 4p ied ates merase cums, yg || MONEY ha Building Trades | | GARDEN SERVICE Professional rug and uphol. A JAPANESE KARAGAN = wert oy : ieee storm windows. Terphone Fl Show: Conoda'é finest line of | -- ota " 5 x | 244s. : ee ie 4 scription Mo Down Payment | Quoietione avaiable on ve: |: 728-8267 Hey comin ae oe | ee rewurts a ci ro"" | MR. TV TOWERS [puso amen gio ew) Chrismas ce, Wipe set gee est. - -- a home or our office. Call for & dition, elephone | E ra 7 'fall hg qauipmient Iments oe Le | MINIATU GYRATE HOURS (USED FURNITURE) - | For free, beautifully illus- Monthly insto | ': MERION-KENTUCKY SOD fe alors iG | SYSCRAPER A COPPER Y FLOWERPOT bie iret fo '9--Market Sg | trated cataloque ,samples, on 7. Knowledge Remodelling | EMS Sandblasting Co. BLUE GRASS 725-9961 | COMPRISING 20 BALANCED ON HER HEAD hate ta ue ir lexeegeeniies 'ick Sor "enn ~ ite | wis, Jeevan Geter cael ~ loyout | (Oshawa) Ltd. All-Green Nursery OR MORE STORES ee Br Nicole 'Garages 'Couriice, easton! Co.,Ltd. 1253 King Str E. oe @ Bothrooms | Sod Growers UG CLEANING | 378 KING ST. 56303 [Nash Rd., Sth house. 723-6280 Hamilton. Ont. 8 Abily ' { j i "yor. 5 ity to stl | 728 979] ' vattog Welcome R ITV. Radi i | | 123 9525 or 725 | PICK YOUR OWN raspberries, 10c. per WOULD YOU BELIEVE | Hs F , --Radio Repairs !{6--Marine Equipment | int, WS. Kalamaga, Base Line, near | end plans | @ Recreation Rooms 72 -9674 -- TOWNLINE N 2 Day Service pa a ne { A @ Gorages Ya M rook Taunton' Village | Free Pick-Up and Delivery | "STARCRAFT," GREW, Traveller, boats. SUMMERTIME SPECIALS pick YOUR Gan large willam | TOY CHEST i beige Osh- -_--- Race | lfeaike' Marine Stobebe and ScRbIy Ghd. at jberries at Chomko's farm. No child A new_deportment of |! Angus-Graydon | - Bee ieee and Surely : 1 jren under 14. Bring containers Tele- | MORE $$$ MORE FUN sis for var ; j | a 1 enh iro gotta: REPAIRS Abe ei of 9728-6254 | YOUR PRESENT [MASON Boat = HP secinc waer| © Wilson's Furr. -- |shone"éitaute tor'piccing aes, "| DEMONSTRATING TOVS, on senaer KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS and Landscaping CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered an. | eae eet boat Sraler: cc ppg be BN erred 109.95 [9A--Eggs & Poultry -- recon ie <4 Pid Ld AAO or bs irene be Coll Todoy For Free Estimotes | NS A complete commercial and jre-styled. Free estimate: See our mate: | AERIAL 1728-3297. Sco bearoom putes. 99.50 5 "DAISY FRESH DAILY =I Haile , Shoe toes | ; ; d ria ering ip covers made Bs cold . White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752 P 728-7583 | ADDITIONS | resdentieltenascoping ond [ia Suter US Wa [Noenees SU", em eh cvieat| "20 CHURCH STREET --__|Note,Foue rere nema eo 723-3568 Solary Oper BF | le e ---- ~ ahadaviads ------ moe i Se are ee eT to j | 4 _ _ Scott heavy duty tip trailer, complete/ ' . z nih LO reerar arpe, and smal lbs me HOMES.OFFICES-FACTORIES | 725-7442 gn OR ce CABLE TV (ie RUanoUT wh | Luxufious Mink Coat |10--Farmer's Column _ JEWELLERY ee aoe repairs, . " | ishes year quar. 5 : ------_____ sume of experi truct e, s Pabrnsenier te F Fe he ee ; |18" RUNABOUT with 35 HP Mercury sume | Roofing Constructi ae Taie| Rec Rooms and Kitchens KING WEST GARDEN CENTRE. Com: eed. Free eatin = ites ey imotor, sll: aluminum trailer, four. '| Very exceptional quality, Col- |SIX ACRES uncut hay. Will sell chéap. SALESLADY ifications stati SAND > AND iD GRAVEL supp' | a Specialty mercial and residentia! landscapping. Pibawa 'Upholstering Wy Dak Avmuie: iackets and other extras, one week eld.) our and design outstanding, |942°6300, ask for Harry. facuicanants 4 phone 725-06 fe ciate arene as Telephone 728-9429. Prop. H. Lamers. | inane : OSHAWA jCan be seen at 345 Albert Street. Sacrificed by Toronto lady. |STANDING HAY FIELDS or fresh cut} Required for full time per- = ed before F ROOFING, CRTANEYS, "ia attee ere | James Allen an ons GENERAL LANDSCAPING -- ond home | -------- - ---------- CABLE TV 14" PETERBOROUGH cedar strip fibre-| Cot $3 800 gelling ot $1, [gr baled. Picked up or delivered. 728) manent 'position. Experience 3 11th, 1967 to cement wirK, intenance, roto - tilling, ploughing, i glassed bottom, 15 horsepower Evinrude | . af ' 2 2 f t i 2 655-3061. F. WieConn, RR 2, Oxnewe. 725-6126 pation: dences, exterior paling' ele exoares. and Service = lene fee-nee trailer. $345. Telephone 723.| 500, Must see to appreciate. |DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm sfock_piek-| aay bedea te Breed PERSONNEL TERRANO PAVING, 10 years in ner SSE ea eS ST cere (20nd: 723-3877. 2 LTD, jo83 | Teleph 728-6386 ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm,| f 0. ness. Guaranteed work, 9c. $d. ATLANTIC PAVING AND CONCRETE. | ey APPLIANCE |S' MOLOED PLYWOOD runabout, fully | Pp |Tyrone. Telephone collect Hampton 263-/ Jewe ers Ltd., 20 Simcoe N. rl | : es East. 723-584). Get your driveway paved by experts. |) ti 723-5278 oa 2721. Licence 101-C-67. CAMPBEL 17 Bond Ea volt, all_work guaranteed for three SMStruction : _.|equipped, 40 HP Mercury, in gzod shape. STEREO tape recorder for sale, UHER ve live WE WANT five ladies who have trans 2 90, fol Work t H REPAIRS - ee take smaller fishing outfit on trade, four-track. New price $500. on sell for INTERNATIONAL | COMBINE No. fh Portation, full or part-time work. Tele- The Campbell years. 723-02 Sie pee ese a | : | ci $500 or best offer, ust se $190, Telephone Brooklin 655-36 self-propelled, 10 new Holland bale |phone 839-2537. i CLASSIFIED RATES BRICK and biock work, chimneys, ver- h f d' | Expert repairs to all makes | SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 5300 of best of thrower with' motor, fit any baler, first pol Stoff is aw ; : ie | ; ca 2 eich ite -- MINI BIKE, with stock mac-9, licensed 4 |BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT -- re: verti stig aN insertion of 24 words, 1-20; [rebuilt "Concrete removal, ait types ot Rut er or S be luis rn Fost ideal Bervice motor, trailer, 31,380" Telephone 68 97 hey Ky good Per ease wveninon. a pas Model 8 N, three | | sponsible Party, full time, small ini Bite ee mod ns : i ny, _ o E en A a ae A elas hool * Ais0 rants avanaste © -- DOMINION __ [rr pvrwooo, soar, string cont novawiyeve:"vung Tn ws: S20" ss wit Trower Wl eee er tive inser silent kd adc tn Hs 4 d jotor under guaran tional words 1945 ee sah 8.76; od eddi-|ALL_ TYPES. building repairs. Roofing, | Driving Sc 00 | TELEVISION 1 HP motor and trailer. Telephone 725- er. 4 _ 925 stove or will accept freezer salvanizea Re MIie Raa RII. pasteur-|and or ledger keeper. Telephone Smith, 4 tive ferate sey oo chimneys, _ eavestroughing, | ALCAN FS PRRAML shell adel izer, in good condition, Forced to sell, | 668-3301. tione) words masonry, Gord May. Whitb | ' uy z SE moving to city. Telephone -723-0317. |OPPORTUN _ ; } r cent odditionel charge oer aT eR OR war-| (Licensed by Police Commission) FURNITURE and APPLIANCE 728-5154 9am. to 9 p.m. _|7--Swap and | Barter UPRIGHT PIANO, 52 inches, recondi-)-- ----___-_".__ {who +g exi HS es a oe ed of Charee ly thin & das eee ee, eee wae Ks ae : : tioned, $250. Telephone 725-7001. \11--Pets and Li vestock ning our peste one essemabhy aise i 7 within kK, r iday. nie | ee: -- ining mi mi 5 joea Sitios -- dam then ra tay 759464 uM hs @ Courteous Instructors | 452 Simcoe S. pine | JOE' S "COLOR - TV WILL SWAP pair ot 8. 's wnltnoeiee'| BEAUTY SHOP equipment. Five BRITTANY < SPANIEL pups, potaters'™ ment. Typing would be an asset Write AL } words out' o TM cs gett Boel Your | LOCAL ch chimney eae tage & Dual Control Cars | Jelarines 1238 s | and Radio Service eal lle BAINES 2) eer EOE On bial hatin ten vihaita, $18, each: and retrievers. CKC registered, Tele- re hag pewbhad nila 3 -- initiol, figure or " neys built and repaired, g n -3327, 1 i d hone 623-5186 after 6. Me fs ounts two sured a zz chair, like new, $20; two waiting chairs, Phone 623-5186 after 6. P . ee Sale seeks Tee © Fay to cee NOW i | SPECIALIZING IN BATHTUBS, $28. Fiush-O-Matic Tollets,|$i7 'each; one. cosmetic chair, leather |CABRADORS) also 'Tove, twivier? and RSTISTANT SOGKRBELER. Wi Wine, Hs -- DEATHS \Corpentry | cuttberdey all mekes. "ci | EUROPEAN RADIOS AND [BRIM ,tiakt caine, pining, ting with 'wheels, 820° "one -combaut "chair, Guered, Tolesnove Magaeis: '1M ferred. "Apply. in own handwriting to BIRTHS -- ovr outboards, a makes, oir 4 4 r '3 "wi wheels, iF + livere 'elephone |Box _30768. BSD har wear ere 725-6553 | cooled engines, Parts and TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS -- |Chinn. 723-7088 Teather, with wheels, $15, one wall. mir BRED daimations or coach | eee $2.50 per insertion with 25 cents oddi- alits y Carl pentry | cooled engines. ; WiLU SWAP' ~~ Fieelwood combination|ror, $15; two round mirrors, $7 each or | TWO WELL george TION for Gime tional charge if not paid within 8 doys | U y p y 14 ALBERT STREET service. Largest service in | 13 Bond W. 576-1670 TV - phono AM-FM radio. Like new, was |best offer. One large cash register,/d09s, puppies, one el | babysitter - hou: ekeeper, two pri v | psa lue. |Smith-Corona. 723-5631. male. Telephone 668-8 children, Live in preferred. Weekends IN MEMORIUMS | GENERAL REPAIRS | Oshawa ane Spply 1190" King' st. e, Wena Bet arr igs GERMAN SHEPHERD "pups "and. dogs free. Telephone Hampton 263-8863. $2.50 for the first 25 words and 6c) tinne Improvement Specialists | 74 BARRIE AVE. as ce V. "Rentals Apply ing evenings. _| DOUBLE continental bed ead- Telephone 6st AE hy dA a te f jus 13¢ per line of} - ae |board. Almost new, $45. Telephone Gest | jfor sale. Telephone aaa |GIRL OR WOMAN for babysitting, soccer se adaitional charge if not patd | eae lla ik District | Jonitor Service 728-2791 or 725-4633 | New Sets 8--Articles for Sale [and chair, $12. Telephone 668-2425, 213 POODLE PUPS -- black inure panto, ei plight Rowena \ within 8 days. or Mony Years. : ALCAN 9 reet, itby. ____|white, $60 up. Blond Spaniels, Dac! * yl ony | ce | hunds, Chihuahuas. Two-year-old min-;tember §. Telephone 723-6169 after 5.30 3 $280 tor the first 38 words ond 7e| ronehone 725.8576. ED JEFFREYS | OPENING --- August | FURNITURE and \uooee epaed Br abet od ive Fes Cinton's Pet" Shep, 's85-S0, aR Wo HOSTESS, part and or ime 4 rge Ly . Cc » 103 Byron St. home, " * CA jOsT: art and or full time, oa shel gal YAU 8 one nal or 623- 341 ] yt ae Cameo Couiffures APPLIANCES I9es,, Sportsman's corner, yro hee [FAR HOSTESS, per Ea time, as. , Anat /ENTS 17 PB ea aS TET B SiS": Whitby. | 452 Simcoe South CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, mat- REGISTERED SIBERIAN Husky 'pups, meet people phone 728-6756 ask for Mr. fer confide SO MNG EVENTS play); $2.00 for the HOME ADDITIONS, recreation arre.|. Residential, Commercial, 108: Byron. st ©: 11 |tresses alt price, all sizes, headboards seven months old, wonderful with chil: Ed. Campbell * Tit 26 Gonds ond €. each thereatier pars, "Felsphore E. Behan 727 | Churches, Schools. _ Floors | OPENING SPECIAL of | ee _ 723-001 pea SIX SERVICE BAYS -- |one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3889. je7en. Two rialas. alt needless 450) each. ne oe view call 66é epoca Se Al, SARPANTRY, | gee A eal -- pi gies 20% off all Cold-waves [fy cows Shattual aiaene Testbed, FOR FASTER SERVICE pee age Bat ping bee DASCHUND PUPPIES | registered, , sired | FEMALE HELP for Lloyd's General - appointment . eee, ver, Se fepes | @ ! 668- : ' hewa¢ 4 up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 by son of Windale's Buster Brown. Stan-|ctore, One mile cast 'or! share a $2.38 PER iNCH PER INSERTION, Telephone 725-4891, | ---- SS $50, Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Tauntonl' qiicey ALIGNMENT SPECIAL |S thy 723-001 dard smooth, red. Telephone 728-6690. |Highway 2. Bowmanville buses pese the DEADLINES \Dentiery bhiackvone ag ngehy | Now Located In Oshawa lnwa ag ~ Cotman sev. Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- lecomna roe ROLIGAYS 7 July 18 to|BLACK GELDING for sale, fi 'eas ow ud ae ue begs is tae j 1 th, Pontiac. We correct jAug. 15. Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-|old. Telephone 942-6729. LADIES AND HIGH SCHOOL studenie ne Sor, DR JONA Wovbem | yCLEANING BY FRED sevay Demolition Co. [Ruin TV renin csronees sree | mouthy jte._Tetepnen a student RAE ¥ | t, inspect and 7 FOR SALE -- three e Toy 18 and ever, put your spare time 4 pm, DAY PREVIOUS CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Sur-) Wi 4. General, Commercial : | 576-1240. wheel alignment, nome' 66830%, "| work." Uniirnited Spportonity" tn" com 1 172 King Street East, Oshawa. For i 5 e our guide to t castor and comber, "STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service. poodle puppies. Telep! one. 6 t Lost AND FOUN Pew' ntment,, 928-8174. Industrial, Residental Experienc JHB as 9 ike: '2--Personal correc a r a 3 ¥ [Repairs 'eye Centre. 204 Bond Stree! camoyep PUPPY tor esie Sax araning metics. Call collect 1127933030, om, DAY OF PUBLICATION i ios abd aout: ~ | Sion 108: In ahd: toe out to : old, has had needies, Free dog house. (HOUSEKEEPER REQUIRED, five-day For free estimates co Call Us At 728- or an correct condition Br ey 2) week, three children. Telephone 723-137! , : | : = sed furniture Call 725-6962. , piris AND DEA PU BLICAT ON \Dressmaking FRED'S WINDOW CLEANING estimate. No Job Too Large ELECTROLYSIS @ Parts extra if required (Suy AND SELL -- "ood us bs suratiors guacine-- CLIPPING SERVICE again|a, d IN-MEMORIUMS and peepee ig saaaperty, fied, ui | : 668-6973 or Too Small. Fully Insured. | 723-4641 @ Torsion bar adjustment (Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. | available, all breeds. Telephone rl 18--Male Help Wante CARD OF THANKS probly drapes. Mrs, Toms, 668-2372. es i rye shire wt Removal of superfluous hoir extra. |GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, POODLE CLIPPING and, shampooing, 4 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS - - pre ; Money to Loan 2 VACUUM and pilsher 'new motors.| Marie Murduff will be in e bright Panton chat vellanies yt Fenscoably priced. Whitby. neeenes REAL , |Gardening and Supplies itis, Jack Lees, pick up and delivery. 728: Oshawa Aug. 14th, 15th and BRAKE SPECIAL |Simege Scuth, 723-0011, eit WHI ep Gees i a \NEED cash Li coneaidate your il | 16th. Phone Genosha Hotel HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, combi ; [PROFESSIONAL boo _seavice --| Ce eet Ly fi cor eariokten ott cer OLAGE RAPAIRG to" sluninum 600] or these dalay for Gonsints Most popular cars. First (HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, com najclieping. all. reeds, poodles our spe. PROFESS CANCELLATIONS AND icent. Also first mortgages available, con-' wood windows and aluminum screens Quolity Royaline, 4 wheels, chairs, dresser and other articles tele. | 8 nd 'Training. Doberman bears BUILE CORSa eS PUBLICATION ar en Upp! ies jfidential, private funds, Cali 723-4631|Free pick-up and delivery. 728-2284. ment $14 88 phone' 722-0982 ater 'five, {ing ladtale sbi Bie Af Pleased | } 9am. D UBLICAT 1 -- a ; J i ; Any advertisement concelied before jeny tee |Se tic Service 4--Motorbikes |WINCHESTER, 12 gauge | shotgun, orl. 'Dachurst Kennels, 655-2881. 4 . publication will be eharged one day's; Niqgara Bug Killers LAC wach dct ARR eS Plus $2.00 Per Wheel ginal mode! 12, Excellent conditlo i. German Shep-| WHI ireertion Mortgages |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv MOTORCYCLE -- 1965 B. Au 450 Twin, (lab ) | phone 725-5029. herds, pups. Show mare in foal. to quar- Pomogreen {ice on 'calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut s350\ or best offer. 728-0736 | abor cos |\WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE vsed\iter horse, Pony. Pinte, Westrn. sedition tp Mabe alagialiehia Malate Nao aaa el Gardenall jee West, Whitby, 668-2563. '49 LAMBRETTA, 150 vn good e furniture or anything you as. The equipmen clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662, for the District of Camp- : takes t Store, 446 Simcoe| FUL BABY BUDGIES, ready : forword replies to box numbers to the) Cl ao, 2E MORTGAGE condition, $100, Telephene 723-1680. City Trading | Post |BEAUTIFUL BAB' bell Vv, | , ossibl rveyors WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL {Street South, 723-1671. for training, talking strain, Apply T.| bell River Vancouver Is- Barre less mn tenet of tool An d Grub be Ser Eiib FLEISCHMANN ow (SS. HONDA, good conation. 80 or best Including weights per witel, [VACUUM REPAIRS, ail _makey, hoses,| Broad, 114 €loin Eat. oF ; Agents for rept no iabi ty in respect iotber nt an DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. offer. Telephone 668-5063. ic pa Meal P tc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. | cepores land, British Columbia. e and domaged clleged to forwarding such te-| Malathion LOANS [{arlo Land. Surveyors Commercial MU oa eee ATR Bend Oct ices scenes 1.95 rea SSLIDAY Ree Ra, ciraar; ire a Sea wiih, 90d iene area ' ee ho cou hether by li- prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. Il makes. We buy and. sell. MUFFLERS, Pickering. | : son fence or cinerwite: The 'Times will net| Chlordane H. FLIM, ONTARIO LAND Surveyor. Ray Whitaker, 150. William' St. E. 728. inate tad ; oe CHAIRS, will sell any| DUTIES: ; ay e 3e responsible for replies uncalled for] DDT |Office 47 Prince St. Res, 103 Elgin St.!oi) FRONT-END WORK ot [iP eekOIne co rasan. loousie "HORSE ee $335. Tele- Generally to direct and ad- bridge as w an Pare | Chipman Rose Dust Moneys ovoiloble for first |e. 725-801 _ 66 HONDA 90, like new, $350 or best COMPARABLE PRICES H : oho tenes Or Piet minister the affairs and bus- \ ic eae ond second mortgages. Open offer, Will trade for car. Telephone 263- |TYPEWRITER, nda ard ty cae CHINCHILLAS --"four-family, four fe-| ines of the. District of Camp- REGULATIONS BE Diazinon mortgages. No bonus. First [TV--Redio Repairs ult .|8467," Enniskillen, UNIROYAL lest mache' tae wee ee 723-4434, fee Pe ruses, Breen ta Hack, Sely| bell River, British Columbia. THE OSHAWA. TIMES WILL NOT BE Atox : mortgages, second mortgages | TV SERVICE _ |1966 SUZUKI 120 fk 1 condition, Com- |EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS for opart- below regular price, Cell 728-2007 be-) Included will be directing the Real { Than nt wattine 'nor oR mone) SIU9 Killer Su one ak | a CENTER? © Sn Sa aunt Sete rent of ennual opal and TH ; é : : ; THAN ONE Pan fone | King st | all chosed. COLOR \5--Trailers we' Now RICO i) ___.|12--Arti ig Wanted pellioe oe Sales VERTISEMENT N DDT an ithane ARTZ | or ee) | Satine "POOL chiorin en Tine PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-| | M. F. SW. | ITE [ VACATION TRAILERS DOMINION. TIRE STORES -- | acuums, filters and einer guppies.' Cail ~~ OVER, UNDER, supervision and training, os > Wented tor © SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Weed Killers : | BLACK and WH | ing say "Mey. Culligan' Man" Sina sisting' Council 'in plannins & Thies reserves the rioht fo] Dust Guns 26¥% King. St. East FOR THE BEST CALL __ for RENT 17, Pork Road South. (eau | SIDEWAYS, DOWN let aout davecaa a _ Excellent oppor Ie Seca aioe renerees te 1 A cl) Oshowa, Ontario | Corsairs, Mobilux, Hunter, Phone 725-6511 ose TIRES, GN al aime BE | No. matter how: you: look ot BONY. end: Gevelopment' o A gressive self-s pee Saerng: Tank Sprayers o | 1 R | O | Tag A Long, Wood's, West- |Goodrich, 88 'King. Street West, met | it, we pay the highest prices | _ pei as directed by Coun- ag In the cases of display advertisements) Lawn Soakers 723-4697 . 'Shel : | ern, etc. : TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-| _ for used furniture. ' WD Yo The Times will not be held responsible, | qwn Hose TELEVISION Trailer Refrigerator ZELLER'S ice, all makes. Free estimates. Cail your] AAR W TOWERS REQUIREMENTS: this would initic fo ore space than thdt which the = - ne ase sas 2 Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. ie aciual error eccupies, 'The 'puslishers RX. 15, 20,'30 | ORTGAGES | FOR CLEANER, SHARPER | MILLER TRAILERS FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new| 378 KING $ Preferably o degree from 4 2 sales elit eriacyor AG: (eoraick. sil odvertais) Everything' for the Gorden | FOR M i TV RECEPTION i dN, Ajox 942-3491 Oshawa Shopping Centre furniture.-Pay only $15 monthly, Baro) 723- 9525, or 795 9303 recognized University in -a additional sole + i { | nishings, i | ' any fonn ere contoined travers o| C Smith Co: eee "TOW acai Gide Gal a installed, |eRRT Furnece cleaned," sawstedtree;|@000_ USED FURNITURE' wanted, tc. Munieipay Surman PR gti @ iz ' j PAs made | ' Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNelll's| ohnston, IT'S EASY TO PLACE A ooper 2m | of the | TV TOWER Also ail types of welding done. Portable) VWAD ING POOLS heh pacll ee earl "OI Compaycn | Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526, _| 35 to 45, at least five years - TIMES ACTION WANT AD 16 CELINA ST. | ONTARIO MORTGAGE | lequipment for rent. 723-6840. urchase from es . 23-1139 BROKERS ASSOCIATION | 728 5143 ia BeemTn ae ae sae, Good e gol g 725-1212. |SELL onwanted articles. Phone 7235492; experience in municipal Jack Ric Coll Classified Direct 723-2312 793. | i 'i jy 18' diameter," 42' deep, |opuG STORE fixtures, metal, for sale,|for Action manogement. | condition. Apply mM Glen Forest S' us ' 7 , a 99 Ki i Id, jh $435 ing 723-3492 Delivery Servi ce ! Our. memebrs in your oreo _Corner _Bond and Division __ ROR AUN a Hal koe ae baked enamel finish on both fair 'years old. Telephone 668- "ly Articles for Rant : HERIOT ------.- Sane SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD week. Telephone 728-5705. sides, Reg. $149.99. EARN p...-0. SALARY OPEN; TELEPI . oF Se Ik Slabs - Pat obs - | . DANISH CHES' a chair : i ee INDEX TO } a a aie c planien 360 King Street West, y TOWERS 5 Mapine Equipment NOW $109 88 and 'cofien table, 21" Admiral television.| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ie se ieee el yy 623-2503 o1 | iy | . oY ine ae ; : Cut! Glasses, Coffee eae Sree Dry Walls - Sand | AVI ROSEN, : ' ing | d condition. 723-0734. es, Cutlery, ts ae f ha CLASSIFICATIONS so WLER'S 785. 285 _Glenrove Street, os, eae nee ; WW TOWSE SMC a OSS Urns, Punch' Bowls, ane piigity Booatky Pee is MAI NTE og fet al | GARDENING SERVICE © | | "BUILT IN OSHAWA" 12 ft. Aluminum cor top oe Son masa TRO Tee ee Furs, Mink gross,' | directed. before Friday, 2--Persona . . io , + 3Sportsman's Column | Phone 728-7787, Oshowa, Ont. | MORTGAGE. FUNDS | AT OUR OWN PLANT Rigid wading pools 75 x SO |g canimai Sipe a proieit y Mint August 11th, 1967 to: MA ina | Lawns Seeded ~ Sodded - | @ Low Rates @ Immediate | We give you o better tower year. guarantee x 12, Reg. $11.99. > and screen for sale, $180, Apply 294 Sim | SARGEANT'S RENTALS Personnel Committee een Eaiene | Fertilized | Commitment @ No Obiiga- for less money. MARINE 'STORAGE NOW $7.78 Ak CONDITIONER: Tia 7B eee aaa P.O. Drawer 10," " 7--Swap and Barter ee Hed: Cl tion. ' AIR CON) ike new, 5 ; B--Articles for Sale | Pruning - Hedge Clipping = ROSEN and SUPPLY LTD. 6,000 BTU's, $125; one meat block, 36" Polish National Campbell Ri BC. Record Pres 9--Market Basket! | Fertilizers - Trees - Hedging= | A. 36", $65; Berkel electric slicer, $125 amp! ver, 10-Farmer's Column | Nursery Stock | Member Ont. M.B.A. = Sea BG Al Open 10-7 HM Can be seen at our side- | Evenings 725-9748. SEP RT Hall for Rent The Campbell R Munici ; iat ated dasha vetdlas | 725-0532 Evenings | ONE PAIR of antique drapes, fully mp iver Munici+ ; ' PHYS edd ll | and Weekends 728-5623 | SUPPLY LTD. CHRIS CRAFT walk sale, |lined. Telephone 668-4386. AIR CONDITIONED pal Staff is aware of this ad- hes 38:40; ono i4--Business Opportunities ; GOOD STOCK SOD: ST a ne SALES and SERVICE AS from $29.95| Wedding Receptions, Ban- vertisement. oe * 15~Employment Wanted CULTIVATED FIELD FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale TAUNTON RD. E. jand up. New and used auto parts. Re! quets, Parties, etc. We Cater BeOS Sait eens spe ground necesse 16--Agents Wanted agreements purchased and sold. Hennick Ciust Gast ot. Ritkend McVay fibreglas sail boots, A L U M | N U M | Bult starlers ond. gurerators: 1175, Nel sgl Te yi he ; 17--Female Help Wanted Excellent. Quality, Low Prices, [and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street Less aiemn Crestliner, Peterborough and |son St. 725-2162. in ges red or Dera salon S See portunity. B--Male Help Wanted Looded oF Delivered East, 723-7232. ee 795.5194 723-8132 Northcraft runabouts. Evin- @ SIDING USED TELEVISION sets, 2" Westing| tion call Joe :Dlugosz 728- eaboard Finance "lege tose ie he Pld "-- Visitors Welcorne FIRST AND SECOND mortoages avail: Sea ddr rude outboard motors. AWNINGS house, new picture tube, console, ne 3718. Peter er Soltys ys 723-4332. Expansion program and pro- 942 1 a seritae Prsnedies able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock fy e Set warranty; 23" Westinghouse, new iWHEEL CHAIRS, hospitel beds, walk: | tions | i ie re 725-9674 Street North, Whitby, 668-336. TELEVISION --- RADIO Oshawa Yachthaven e@ WINDOWS picture Tube, swivel ase, new set wer. ers, reducing macho, ik room "sup motions leave vacancies tor 52-Lots for Sale hs Pe a NS Ge BRE | 723-8186 RS rantys iral, plies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 2 ENE ---- 23--Real Estate Wanted ° Paint ig and Decorating | Ba: baGh Servite a selina @ DOO! 723-8728. --_--.-_| ENTERTAINING? Fiffy to one hundred NERGETIC So Gira "oiticds ant siokail AND EXTERIOR Fate eh ¢ ' LES cooEY single "gauge shotgun. British | people? Oshawa Tennis 'club for ron | YOU CABI Been die Rant Hillside Landscapin |INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. Free esii- 4 ele Mare Tinea' & Gort fadie with parila waeaines, Bak sila: NG MEN ahcAperimants tor: Rent Ping |mates. Call 723-1253 after 5 p.m HOLMES Boat Trailer E V E N | S S speaker. '61 Austin A40, good . motor. parking 23 7726. . MAI be A hi a Rock garden, stepping stones, |PAINTING A AND PAPER hening i armson Telephone 723-6564 after 7 p.m interested in their future. 27--Rooms for Ren' . if id exterior. ree estimates, an 3 t 28--Room and Board sidewalk slobs, patio slabs. {few prices. Telephone 728-7834 | ELECTRONICS Perfect akope" Will handle SALES LTD. Se 'imo ne and fwo 14--Business Opportun High school graduate mini. Eupori Aaah er ohack Age PO Free estimates. PAINTING AND DECORATING, - inte-| 14 feet. $55, Coll 15 Prince St. 725-4632 _{arae gels iner Street. SERVICE STATION lessee required im.| mum. Credit or collection ex- 34--Automobiles for ale 4 | . od cage "§ mediately for ree jundr: san rienc mi at Camnect Cars for Sale | rior, exterior. Bae Mle ste AB RENTALS EASY AUTOMATIC was gallon three-bay, major brand service ie bl € unnecessary. Must 668-¢ 32--Trucks for Sale i Tele hone 723- 9020 \Free estimates. J cole, 576-1829 any| 723 9620 IF IT'S For SALE bicycle, typewriter, ee, role 'Must have real sales ability and @ able to meet people, make 33--Automobiles Wanted p NR See ROS ie ea TOWERS way bed, and German radio. Reason-).ome capital to invest. Experience pre decisions, and absorb training, $4--Automobiie mtd - REN Se Seat EE pehiecatnnans Friday or Saturday morning able. Telephone 728-1773. ferred, but not Lecesenty, vigor hold MrT 35--Lest and Foun ae U LS, let f,{replies to Box 30483, giving qualifica- ee vl a Me 36--Legal og behest tle sot A ea WANT-ADS DON'T Aes, PHONE 668-5679 jy RUNABOUT, 15 iP motor and tai ACTION CLASSIFIED AD Fc egepeitye lg to pay $75 Ere tions and convenient days and times for pad ;: Sulik--728-6283 ¢ ped Sheng, Loming" Evert jee you phrase your ad. j COST: THEY PAY Eagles Mh read Times Action Classi-| dec, Beat otter. are 4 WILL SELL IT! don't call, 173 Westmount, personal interview, ~ T, Hogan--668-6887 39--Not - : \ E % & =

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