a ny Limited AMITED LECTION NG s to buy. 0% i 18 Only sENT'S LIC ER 0 IT PRICE | Whitby J cancer minacieremscavonearsmnned WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The Oshawa Times office. Publication of this wedding record depends upon the submission Women's Editor at least three days before the ceremony, The record of the bride-elect's showers and her out-of-town Zuest should be submitted at least five days before the Gay - Durkin wedding. A honeymoon in England is following the marriage of Paul- ine Anne Durkin and Robert Thomas Gay which was solemnized in St. Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church last Saturday morning. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Terence Durkin and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gay| all of Oshawa, The Reverend Norbert J. Gignac officiated and Mrs. Wil- liam Kinsman accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Douglas Cole. Mr. Durkin gave his daugh- fer in marriage. She wore a centennial fashioned empire gown of lagoda silk and Chan- tilly lace. .The empire bodice was styled with a scoop neck- line and short sleeves, frilled at the elbow with Chantilly lace. Matching appliques of clipped, rose-patterned lace en- circled the empire waist, ac- centing the A-line skirt. A Album is provided by the of the completed form to the |resal, full-length train, inset with the same lace, fell from bows on the shoulders, A coro- jnet of silk and lace petals edged with pearls, held her im- ported tulie veil with hand-rolled edges. She carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis. | Miss Eleanor Harrigan was jthe maid of honor and_ the other attendants were Mrs. Norman Sack, Miss Debbie Sack and Miss Susan Stacey. | The best man was George Murless and ushering were Norman Sack, Oshawa; Brian Coleman, Stratford, and Alan Baker, Port Union. The ceremony was by a reception in the Genosha and as the couple left |the bride was wearing a rose- |pink, satin worsted dress and jmatching coat with. white | accessories, On their return Mr. and Mrs.) Gay will reside at 80 Grand-} iview Drive, Downsview, | followed Clemens - Hall Hotel. The wedding of Darlene Mar-\der - length veil and she car- guerite Hall and Barry Arthurjried a bouquet of pink sweet- Clemens took place last Satur-/heart roses and white carna- day afternoon in Hampton Unit-' tions. ed Church, The bride is the) The matron - of - honor was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David|Mrs. John Baker, Tyrone and Verdun Hall, and the bride-|the other attendants were Mrs. groom is the son of Mr. and|Earle Bell, Peterborough, and} Mrs. Milton Laverne Clemens,|/Mrs. Bruce Mills, Oshawa, with all of Hampton. Miss Sharri - Lee Bell, of Pet-!' The Reverend F. J. Reed of-jerborough as flower girl. Ron- ficiated at the ceremony andjald Clemens, Hampton, was the Mrs. R. Bailey of Oshawa was|best man and ushering were) the -soloist, accompanied by|Murray Axford, Oshawa, and| Douglas Dewell of Hampton, {Robert Childs, Hampton. | Given in marriage by her) Following a reception held ay father, the bride wore a gown} Darlington Township Municipal! of doited Swiss net over taf-|Hall the couple left for points feta on tent lines with a cath-jeast with the bride donning a edral train. The neckline and|pink shantung dress with mat- bodice were trimmed with|ching lace - trimmed bolero and Swiss lace, cluttered pearls and| White accessories. styled with lilly-point sleeves.. Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Clem- Her headdress, a flower of peaujens will reside on Mary Street, de soie and lace held a shoul-| Oshawa. | f MR. AND MRS. ROBERT T. GAY Hall - Griffin Harmony United Church was|bouffant, waist-length veil of the setting for the marriage of| Silk ag sy ---- jes - : est prayer book adorned with yel- Patricia Ann Griffin and Jack lhe Gwectlicart tases and wiite Robert Hall last Saturday after-)hapy chrysanthemums. noon, The bride is the daughter} wrs, James Perce Griffin! of Mr. and Mrs. Perce Gren-|was the matron of honor and ville Griffin and the bride-|the bridesmaids were Miss groom's parents are Mr. and Jacqueline Margaret Griffin, Mrs. Willard Russell Hall, all) Miss Janice Margaret Hall and| of Oshawa. Miss Pamela Behm, all of} The marriage of Patricia Lois The Reverend H. A. Mellow,|OShawa- Delaney and John Douglas DD, officiated and Mrs. Marie| Edwin Shaw perforn.ed the Mitchell took place in Calvary Taylor. played the. -wedding|duties of best man and the/pantist Church at 12 o'clock music, - jushers were James P. Griffin, lait, Ratuniay. 'The br The bride. who..was -given in| Alan Murdock Griffin and Ron-| On Aant Samay, Ane: Rrde | : J S-Bi lald Karold Giiffin. ' jis the daughter of Mr. and marriage by her father, wore a | R A floor-iength sheath gown of silk) 'reception. was held in ad it go D. Biggs, --: vi i ice Kinsmen Community Centre, | a" e bridegroom is the son organza: with an empire bodice 3 a Mie COM Mitchell. of and long sleeves of Alencon, For their wedding trip to the y, lace. A detachable overskirt,/ Thousand Islands, the bride pit rient and the late Mr. edged with a deep border of|donned a lime green linen suit) ©! scalloped lace extended into a with white accessories. The Reverend R. B. Lytle A pearlized rose| Mr. and Mrs. Hall will reside, fficiated and Mrs. George chapel train and pearl headdress held her'at 188 Windsor Avenue. Delaney sang accompanied by Mrs. Ted Marshall. Given in marriage by her stepfather, the bride wore a| classical, floor-length gown of \delustered, Strada peau de soie, fashioned on the A-line with a scoop neckline and bow-| Fenner - Parker Barbara Beatrice, daughter of| floor-length part of the train. Mr. and Mrs. George Edward|Her elbow length veil of illusion] ¥" Parker, Gaus and Robert| ®25 held by a cluster of wide|'Timmed, elbow sleeves. The| ed , |Chantilly lace petals and nylon|@mpire bodice was enhanced| Henry Fenner, son of Mrs.'organza leaves, each outlined in|PY @ velvet band and lace appliques which were re- peated on the cathedral train that flowed from the waist. A Charles Henry Fenner, Oshawa,|seed pearls and tipped with a and the late Mr. Fenner, were|pearl and rhinestone. Her bou- MR. AND MRS. JOHN D. MITCHELL Mitchell - Delaney | were . awa; floral|dress with an overdress of yel- Ireland Studio Photo by Stannett shoulder-length veil of tulle was secured by a headdress of self roses beaded with pearls and red roses centered with a white orchid comprised the bride's bouquet. Miss Sharon Walls, Brooklin,| was the maid of honor and the attendants were Mrs. Paul Baster of Kitchener; Mrs. David Owens and Miss Beverly Biggs, both of Oshawa. Ronald Mitchell of Ajax was the best man and_ ushering William Delaney, Osh- David McAulay, Agin- court; Gregory Kallies, Oak- ville. Following a_ reception § at Glenholme Training Centre, the couple left on. a wedding trip to the east coast. The bride was wearing a turquoise MR. AND MRS, J Relatives From For Zoth Anniversary Party l THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 28, 1967 |] Bumpy Instruction |For Future Strippers A Daily Grind | WICHITA, Kan, (AP)--'Hips ;come out here," the instructor illustrated, "and the arms ac- | cented."" The six scantily-clad girls on stage watched her closely. "Now bump, bump, bump." The instructor, Pollyanna' An+ derson, kept one tassel per- fectly still while rotating the other. Miss Anderson teaches classes for girls wanting to be- 2 come professional strippers, {She and her cousin, Judy Bent; + |opened the school. Both strip- \pers, they quit the nightclub | circuit to teach instead. While the students tried to imitate her bump and grind, she explained "T couldn't say it's something you're born with. It's in know- ing how to build up the muscles that revolve the chest, and it takes a lot of hard work and discipline, That's why I make the girls do their exercise rell- giously."" SEE GOOD BUSINESS Miss Anderson, billed profes- sionally as Miss Pollyanna, is a tall blonde with a striking fig- ure, Miss Bent is a petite bru- nette. They charge no tuition. Students who make the grade will be managed. Miss Ander- son foresses a bountiful booking business "It's an extensive course," she said. 'I teach them all the ACK R. HALL Ireland Studio Afar Arrive Yea was poured by Misses Mel- fundamentals, plus a routine or Mr. and Mrs. George J. W and how to walk, talk; Larocque, Montcalm Avenue |>dey and Beverly Larocque !¥® jwere entertained by relative:|with assistance from Mrs, how to use a mike. The whole and friends last Saturday on|Larocque's sister, Mrs. Marcel Works." |the occasion of their silver wed-|Marchand and the guests of , The students will be kept at It ding anniversary. honor cut the two-tier anniver-), Until they are ready," perhaps The honored pair was mar-|Sary cake. in a month or six weeks ; Some plan to just. strip lried in Saint George's Memo-| Mr. and Mrs. Larocque were a, " rial a rotig are 1942 and|presented with a silver serving oh ida they have resided in Oshawaltray, a gift from their neigh- aarr for twenty-one years. The/bors, gifts were also received at ae ae geting 4 couple recently repeated their|/from Arvida, Quebec and a let- sativa : wedding vows in Saint George's|ter of congratulations arrived) 'The business badly needs at- Memorial Church. fron. Mr. and Mrs. Michael]! tractive girls who can do somee Mr. and Mrs, George J. W.) Starr. thing other than just walk out Larocque have two daughters,| Attendants. at the wedding ofjon stage and tear it off. You Misses Melodey and Beverly) years ago were present./have to have talent to be good, Larocque and two sons, Dennis|Mrs. Donald Smith, Mrs. Stuart} and you have to have a gim- and George Junior and one|Knapp, and Mrs. Larocque's|mick to be successful. There's grandson, Thomas Larocque. sister, Mrs. Sidney Gedge, allja lot of psychology involved." An open house was held at Oshawa. the couple's home on Saturday.| Also in attendance at the| ous "i | deed he a open house were several out-of-| Sonulae one can os sub- 'own relatives and friends, Mr. & ; ; and Mrs. Robert Capron, New peg Pid cigs 1 ee Jersey, U.S.A., Mr. and Mrs.|_- i Ronaid Edwards, Midland, two sisters of Mr. George Larocque JUST FOR jand their husbands from Mid- Miss Anderson AND MRS. ROBERT H. FENNER Photo by Cheredaryk MR. | Prenuptial Shower For Loretta Nosal low and turquoise batiste. | Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will] reside at 191 Nonquon Road. united in marriage in st,/quet of white chrysanthemums George's Memorial Church last|/@"d_ stephanotis, bordered by Saturday afternoon. | fern, was tied with white velvet. The Reverend R. G. Brooks|,, The bride's sister, Mrs. Wil- officiated and the organist, Alan|!iam Bes Was "ee cng s Reesor, played the traditional|/honor and Miss Linda Hamil- wedding music, jton, bridesmaid. KEEP IN TRIM Weight - Producing Foods MR. AND MRS. DOUGLAS YOUNG | Brock Street East Couple | Honored On 20th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Young,|their home on Brock Street since} The bride's father gave her| in marriage. She wore a full- length sheath gown of silk- Stanley Fenner of Goderich {was the best man and Paul | Brock Street East, were honor-|their marriage. Parker ushered. ik : | led recently at their home by| The attendants at their wed- ding 25 years ago were both Contributing Cause Of Acne GLAMOUR ? and, Mrs. Marcel Marchand Attended By 130 pes Mrs. Marchand, Mr. Earl\'Marvei Touch" Beauty Traini Miss Loretta Nosal whose honored at a_ miscellaneous shower held in the Polish Hall, Olive Avenue, and attended by 150 guests. Hostesses were the bride's mother, Mrs. Walter Nosal, and the bridesmaids,} Miss Carol Hrycanuck, Miss Irene Dyl and Miss Evelyn Bastarache. A hot dinner was served and the tables were decorated with Madonna lilies. Presentations to the bride-to- be included electrical appli ances, silver flatware and a large sum of money; bed linens and blankets. Prizes were won by Mrs. Danny Tureski, Mrs. Henry Jozkoski, Mrs. Joseph Halick, Mrs. D. Jozkoski, Mrs. Stanley Dulns, Mrs. Frank Ponteck, Michael Shubert, Mrs. Stella Latawiec, Mrs. Joseph Bin- kows and Mrs, M. Korkush. The maid of honor, Miss Carol Hyreanuck, arranged a kitchen shower at her home on Monteith Avenue and the future bride was presented with a toaster, a Canister set and bak- ing accessories. The staff at Magill Printers presented Miss Nosal with a floor scrubber, crystal candle holders, floral sheets and bath- room scales. F The reception following the wedding will be held at 219 Olive Avenue. | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tripp wish to announce the forthcom- Ellery and Mrs. marriage to Emery Bastarache se is to take place tomorrow was) other Ellery; Te hairstylist will offer you Herbert ~Toombs,\"*.° security Glamour and Mr. Larocque's|Poy Opportunities. 'too! For free hare wr | Mrs. Kenneth Win-'¢ jdover, Vancouver; Cousins, MAR Henry and Richard Larocque, }Parry Sound, and Mr. William |Walker, Lisburn, Northern Ire- land. Perry; 210 Bloor St. W., Toronto, Dept. Dems. Evening Courses. al | year: means Mr,\more than that. A professional career Bi bree ite or visit: 5 oT. Branches in incipal cities. Established over 40 s BRAND NAME Men's DRESS SHOES Black and Brown, Blucher, Balmoral, Slip - on Moccasin, Vamp and Straight laced styles. Sizes 7 to 12 2 PAIR FOR THE PRICE OF ONE Plus 1.00 Feature Value ! backed miracle crepe with a| The reception was held at the semi-bateau neckline and lace|Georgian Motor Hotel. lily-point sleeves. The bodice} The bride was wearing a yel-. was complimented by a loose|low two-piece suit with an over-| jacket effect in Alencon lacejlay of white lace, a white chif-| and a wide horizontal panel of fon hat and accessories and a the same lace, accented the corsage of yellow roses when skirt. The chapel train, falling|the couple left for a honeymoon from the shoulders, was"of lace,|at Lake Huron. bordered with crepe and finish-| Mr. and Mrs. Fenner will ed with fins which formed the!make their. home in Oshawa. Deveaux - Pearson The Reverend John Myers of-|among sprays of lilies of- the ficiated at the marriage in Saint|valley held a shoulder-length Gertrude's Roman Catholic veil of tulle and she carried a Church last Saturday afternoon fastatle of orange-ice Tones and of Myrtle Sylvia Pearson and Joseph Arthur Deveaux. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Pearson, baby's breath. The bride's sister, Mrs, An- thony Lamers of Oshawa, was the matron-of-honor and another sister of the bride, Miss Ruth{Turn dryer to warm, not to hot.) Oshawa, and the bridegroom is By IDA JEAN KAIN Teens with skin blemishes, brush your hair off your fore- head and let's see what science jhas to offer. If you have acne, go to a skin specialist, a derma- tologist. Or seek help at a clinic. There is help for you. There are things you can do on your own. It is important! to keep acne-prone skin hygien-| ically clean. Wash with medi- cated soap, rinse thoroughly with tepid water. Pat skin dry,| don't rub. Then use a_ lotion! prescribed by. the doctor. | Let the word "clean" apply to; everything that touches your, face -- clean hands, handker-| chief, gloves, powder puff. Don't powder over old make-up; carry; medicate towelettes. Shampoo) your hair several times a week. | | fare alf the foods: you live on./|family and friends on the occas- Shift to a balanced dict thatjion of their silver wedding anni- includes plenty of vegetables,/versary. particularly green and yellow) Mrs. Young, the former Eve- for Vitamin A, and citrus fruits|lyn Bowden, has resided in Osh- marriage of their only Margaret Elizabeth, present. Mrs. Victor W. Evans Ing ! of Whitby, the former Miss Alice | daughter. : Threadgold and Duncan Bow-\t0 James Reginald Colborne, man of Oshawa had not seen one|S0"._ Of Mr.: and Mrs, James another fon the aay of the Rexford Colborne, all of Osh- and juices for Vitamin C. jawa all her life. Mr.. Young} adi ate puee ' le shaw: , wedding until the celebration 0: Have lea meat, fis came to Oshawa as a youth Seca -- : chicken (talaua the skin) anq| and has lived here since that/the anniversary 25 years: later. once a week have liver. « Use time. He is an employee in the' A luncheon was arranged by skim milk or fat-free butter-/Inspection Department of Gen-|Mrs. Norville E. Sweet, milk, whole - grain cereal and/¢ta! M bread and SGEEAtING br rier og William C. Young, Park Road |B. Miller. Tea was poured by Drink plenty of water. between | North, and the late Mrs. Young./Mrs. Young.'s aunt, Miss Aga- meals. Be sure to get outdoor exercise daily. CORRECTS SELF Acne tends to correct orial Church by the Reverendjand a cousin, Miss Helen Young, D. M. Rose and have resided atiof Toronto. itself after a time. But if you fail to : lequal vith i lobey the rules, the self-limiting Few Women Fight pee oe a | Mrs.} otors and is the eldest son|Jack Mercer, and Mrs. -Wilbur| FORTHCOMING, MARRIAGE | | i The couple was married July|tha Rowe and assisting were an-| ovale : 17, 1942 in Saint George's Mem- other aunt, Miss Greta LS peat ae ag rag Vet factor extends over a long pe- riod and can contribute to scar- ring. Resist the temptation to pick or squeeze the affected parts. |governments cannot act on vio- | jlations of the law unless a com- For Equal Pay jplaint is lodged, and she said TORONTO (CP)--There have "ly a handful have been. She awa. The wedding is 'to take iplace Saturday, August 19, 1967, Jat 3:30 p.m, in Centennial Unit- ed Church; Oshawa, | Mr. and Mrs. Joseph LeBlanc, Oshawa, wish to announce the jtin, to Robert Henry Mullen, Oshawa, son of Mrs. Harold |Mulien, Easton, Nova Scotia, and the late Mr. Mullen. The ceremony is to take place Sat- urday, August 5, 1967, at 11:00 a.m. in Saint Gregory the Great Roman Catholic Church, Osh- awa. been too few complaints from told del s this is s ing delegates this is something RECEPTION the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Deveaux, Cheticamp, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. Mrs. George Tomlinson play- ed the wedding music, The bride was given in mar- riage by her father and she wore a full length, A-line gown of white Lagoda crepe with a fitted bodice and lilly- point sleeves. The bodice and neckline were highlighted with lace appliques and seed pearls. Chantilly lace edged the full-length train which fell from beneath a bow at the back of the gown. Her headdress of crystal» centered rosettes. set Pearson, Oshawa, and Missj|Keep your bangs off your fore-) yoy yun the danger of infection Patricia Kennedy, Toronto, were|head and side curls off face. | and may get into a mess. There the bridesmaids. The best man was Alphonse Deveaux, brother of the bridegroom and ushering were Larry O'Brien, and Clar- ence Deveaux, all of Oshawa. Fotlowing a reception held at the Auto Workers' Credit Union Hall, the couple left for the East coast. For the wedding trip, the bride wore a_ yellow sleeveless silk crepe dress with a white lace coat and matching accessories. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Arthur Deveaux will reside in Oshawa. | PREVENT GAIN | Your diet should be high in) protective nutrients and one that prevents excessive weight gain. A teen-ager who continues to gain too much weight almost! never gets rid of the acne, for the foods that cause the gain often contribute to the acne. Here are the common offend- ers: chocolate in all forms, nuts, peanut butter, greasy foods, pastries, ice crean., rich milk, coffee and cola beverages. Avoid iodized salt. You may complain that the foods listed are ways of dealing with scar- ring, but this is emphatically the responsibility of a dern.atol- ogist For certain types of acne, antibiotics are the medication of choice, Acne is sometimes a hor- monal problem, in which case hormones to bring the glandular system into balance are pre- scribed. Acne flares up under stress. Try to counteract stress with plenty of outdoor exercise. The summer sun will help clear up your skin. women about 'violations of equal'Women's organizations' should pay for equal work laws, Jes- encourage women to do. sica Findlay said Wednesday. Mary Dublin Keyserling, di- Mrs. Findlay, director of the|Tector of the U.S. women's bu- women's bureau, Canada de-\"eau, said the average work partment of labor, was one of life expectancy for women in four panelists discussing the the United States now is more status of women at the Sorop- than 25 years. timists International Associa-} She said girls must be trained tion convention. to recognize this fact' and to About 1,400 delegates from 40 plan their lives and careers. countries are attending the six-/She said while percentages of day convention which opened|women working are growing Sunday. generally, the proportion § of Mrs. Findlay said there is a|women in the professions is de- federal law and laws in eight|clining. provinces guaranteeing women| Esther W. Hymer, speaking Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. High- field, Bowmanville, will be happy to receive the best wishes of their friends and relatives on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary, Thursday, August 3, 1967 at the Memorial Park Club House, Liberty Street South, Bowmanville, fron: 7:00 p.m. until 9:30 p.m. for the United Nations commis- sion on the status of women, mentioned the need for educa- tion and day-care facilities as among problems common to First Pair .. 14,95 Extra Pair.. 1.00 SAVE 13.95 First Pair .. 19.95 Extra Pair... 1.00 SAVE 18.95 2 LOCATIONS 36 King OSHAWA SHOPPING St. €. CENTRE Open Fridays Open Thursdoys and till 9 Fridays till 9 BOTH STORES CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1 PM women of many countries, '