Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jul 1967, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, July 28, 1967 ! ANN LANDERS 'i Should She Question Hubby's Faihfulness ? Dear Ann Landers: My hus-jevents, I feel uncomfortable band is presently serving In laround this boy because he real- Vietnam, I have always trusted|ly doesn't fit into the group him implicitly and am confi-| Everyone is pleasant to him (1 dent that under normal condi-|am, too, of course) but some- tions he would never stray. But how I think his sister is not now I wonder. Is it too much to doing right by him because one expect that a healthy, virile, of these days he is going to be young husband will remain in for a big disappointment. faithful while fighting in a com- What is your opinion?--R. J. bat zone? I have heard that | Miss. ; men who must face danger| Dear Miss: The boy's sister every day of their lives soon sounds like a fine girl and de- 0 thinking, "Why not live it serves praise, not criticism. get t up? Tomorrow I might not be Many retarded people progress here." jbeautifully when they are en- re. When a fighting man returns,| couraged to move around social- should his wife ask him if he|ly. It gives them confidence has been faithful? What if he) an says "no"? And doesn't ask him and he confess-| es to rid himself of the guilt? continue to treat this young what if she/general welfare and outlook. | d adds enormously to their hope you and the others will --j|man as you would anyone else. What should her attitude be? Myrtle Beach Dear Myrtle: You can't lump all. men together (service or otherwise) and state flatly that they will all react the same way under any given set of cir- cumstances. Some husbands re- main faithful even though they are separated from their wives for years. Others go catting around when their wives check into the hospital for five days to have a baby. A wife should not ask a hus- band if he has been faithful. If he confsses to an she should listen. and never bring the matter ur again. - Dear Ann Landers: A friend brother who is semi-retarded Dear Ann Landers: 1 am a jmember of a swim club. We have several social events dur- ing the summer and the women, especially, enjoy put- ling on dances I would never dream of going up to a man and asking him to dance with me. The idea of cut- ting in on a man who is danc- ing with another woman is sim- ply ee a 4 Ann, it bridal shower for a wedding this wooden spoon (150 strokes) or for seems as 1 canno ance one ny ohg 7 7 . 9 ' summer, chances are you'd ik€ oieciric mixer at medium speed | °VN. Something New To Serve |THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA For Saturday Planetary influence on Satur- day will be most auspicious for any work of an initiative char- 'acter, for unusual. enterprises and for concluding pending pro- jects or business negotiations, Financial deals, if sound and conservative, should also work out well. , FOR THE BIRTHDAY If Saturday is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that, where job and monetary . pro- gress is concerned, the next five months may prove rather negative. Do not become discouraged, however. Late December will bring some pleasant surprises lalong these lines, and the good period you will enter on the 21st of that month will last until mid-February. Next good financial cycle: The entire month of June. Do avoid extravagance and-or speculation between now and December 20th, however--espe- cially in November. Your best periods for occupa- tional advancement will mostly | parallel the aforementioned 'good monetary cycles, but you Ie _______--|will have additional stellar {parallel. to bottom of umbrella. -- _-- rvs Page wee Cover pans losely with an' when you may receive gratify- |food wrap BRIDAL COFFEE CAKE , standing accomplishment. At Your Next Bridal Shower .ritici?'scia'scttng"When pusivess coon If you're entertaining at a entire number with my hus-|t9 serve something new. Bridal indiscretion band. Somebody always cuts in.' Coffee Cake is perfect for the forgive him/1 feel like a fool having him o¢casion. Rich with maraschino elastic. » snatched away in that manner.|onerries and besprinkled with Hee would like to know how to! sugary rain drops, this pink rip- put a stop to this. My husband pled parasol forecasts a lovely is very handsome and an ex party for the bride-to-be and her of mine who is also 17 has a tremely good dancer. He knows cjeyer hostess. I am irked about this but he Although it's pretty as a pic- He is 23, nice looking and can| Says he can't do anything about tyre this party fare is easy 10) carry on a fairly good conver-|it. Is there something I can do? | make the cool rise way. A busy sation. According to his sister he} has the mentality of a 14-year-} old. to meetings where teen-agers) gather, and to some social' --Indignant D 7. Wee hostess can complete the prep- ear IN: Yes, you can grow] aration of Bridal Coffee Cake in|doug is smooth, elastic and no prella when ready to serve. up and be a gracious wife--orjecs than an hour; . mixing, My friend takes her brother |you can continue to do a slow /\neading and shaping. Then it's food wrap then a towel. Let rest burn and look like a jealous,| efrigerated to rise unattended insecure female. for 2 hours, or up to 24 hours. Bake the coffee cake whenever tions, Round up each portion. convenient, just before the party ready to bake, remove from re- § 3 ssh, re ' F siness © suc- ute). Then beat vigorously with! frigcrator. Uncover. Let stand Pesd So Saperiant 10 minutes while preheating | 4.4 peat A Brush each unbrella with transactions in late December beaten egg Ww hite and sprinkle and mid-May. Y ng oP : and 's \ ; (2-3 minuttes) until thick and with Y% cup pearl sugar: just Generous planetary influ- Scrape sides of bow!) pefore baking. ences will govern social and occasionally. Stir in cherries Bake at 275 degrees F. for 20- family interests during most of with wooden spoon. Then add re- y. | aieiputteape lage """'the vear ahead, but do try to re-'95 minutes or until done. Re-|,,. d "essary. clash : maining flour gradually. Use move handle when it appears indo Unnecessary : AP eahiek a " ppears close circles in early March just enough flour to make a soft 7 vast ti sey anh fi done. The umbrella may take and early June. A determina-| dough which leaves sides. of jioiiy Oi ia Saka 1 2 bowl, adding more if necessary. gs (om Sept preach cro foal tion to curb your innate tenden- Rote _ onto A had board.| ect results. Remove from bak-| to be over-exacting with intl: xia Up moe one. ing sheets immediately, Cool on tative Knead 5 - 10 minutes or until/racks, Attach handle to um- S Best periods for romance: longer sticky. Cover with saran -- = oe Late December (an all-around a 3 good period), next April and for 2 minutes on board, Punch) Housewives Like |May; for travel: Early Febru- down. Divide into 2 equal | vid ere Figo ne saga May 15t an September 0 | Free Garbage Bags next year. Roll each portion into an 8 x} ar n of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited ing recognition for some out-| mates will be the best preven- | | 4 LIMITED QUANTITY " BOMBSHELL . | Capri fF] TOILET TISSUE 4000 Sheets -- 8 Roll Packs 81 | | | Kmart Discount Price ONE DAY ONLY ...sseesvseces if you like. Imagine how surpris- 1§-inch retangle on light greased) y\NCOUVE . ic A child born on this day will led your guests will be when they hoard. Cut ae ane eyed ANGUS ER sf janes be endowed with a fine mind | discover this sparkling bridal/y inch strips. Reserve one strip cs bye eae di ok" in are and an unusual array of tal-| tribute is homebaked and oven | for handle. Cut remaining strips Spaced te 'mod look" 1n gar ents, but will he strongly opi- fresh. diagonally, from corner to cor- sl algl ni aaa a nionated. Add another special touch to ner, 10 make 14 narrow tri- _ During May Ane city Santee) | the festivities with miniature ancies. The tapered ends wit ae po temas oe taigrage Out one said. "I'm all in favor of | arge plastic bags to house-| continuing this as long as the Child Who Cannot Swim Faces U fo S$ n 0 bridal bouquets for the guests form top of umbrella. Twist each of honor. Wrap pastel froste triangle slightly and place close) W!Ves 1m Some areas of the city) canitation department supplies | to test the reaction of the the bags," another said. » GARRY C. MYERS, PhD jhim to go on farther. Put your- : : st By Imonds in saran wrap f004 together on large greased bak women and garbage collectors. sins mromises great fun self in your imagination in these. le 4nths Phe gona a nak 'who can go place of the parent whose diso- wrap and dip rae te . it ing sheet. Push together svhere -- r many childr boiling water to shrink the £"\ necessary to form desired um- t unanimous in saying the use of EXPERT RE-FINISHING helped them keep n all Types of Furniture French TGAtne mae bi t child "goes under,"' . to swimming places. edient ch 8 tery covering. Then come theli,cna shape. Cut a small piece| lf you were ever a cami P\ stems, a spray of greenery, 4\ make knob for top of umbrella ten and made the collecting Si ie OTE batieA OF Anita CHILD GUIDANCE VIF NTY, DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL LIMITED SELECTION Men's & Boys' BATHING SUITS Now is the time to buy. CLEARANCE BATH & SCATTER MATS Values to 9.94 K MART DISCOUNT PRICE Garbagemen were almos ; jeven loses his life. ars eae " mire pagent tt \fimishing touches -- wire f0T\ oF goug from remaining strip to\the bags any | * ey Z - : counsellor leading ten or twenty) qainty doilie and a satin bow. usa eonhatnihate: Subittas dnae\ tanker. | rope and twist slightly for) Housewives were also im-| Oshawa Upholstering Co. | 725-0311 if x '\ ies "t have : '9 areas of big cities don av '\boys to a swimming plate, te \s them unable to swim, ! SOFFEE CAK some of them unable to swim BRIDAL C \handle. Place handle on baking) pressed. such privileges. Many rura' children don't have these privi- fou know what a trial it is t0/5.6 Cups pastry flour | sheet Jeges either. A child is fortunate who from his early years learns to swin.. Not only is he safer while he swims but also while he fishes "or has fun about streams, pools, ponds, lakes and by the seaside Consider the hazards your child 6, 12 or 15 may face if he has not learned to swim well Going with other children in rural areas to the "Ole Swim min' Hole" he may venture into deep water with the other child- ren and lose his life. The local children being good swimmers may suppose he can swim or they may bully him into trying to do so In many parts of the nation farmers are making pools close provide safety for those child- ren who never learned at home the alphabet of obedience, 2 tsp. sugar (Regular or Instant blend- ing) SOME WANDER !9/3 cup warm water During the summer some|- children wander off and explore! , all sorts of places interesting to ~ then. If, for example, they 1 come upon a stone quarry with one or more deep pools of water, these children may at- 1 tempt to wade or swim in it. | During summer, tots from 4 to 10 alone or with other child- 2 ren may wander off along, brooks or other streams. Often| playing in gullies and the like which usually are dry, see what hazards they may face follow- ing a freshet. (105 deg. - 115 deg.) pkgs. active dry yeast cup warm milk (105 deg. - 115 deg.) 14 cup granulated suga? ly tsp. salt 14, cup softened margarine or shortening 2 eggs 34 cup cut-up maraschino cherries, drained saran wrap egg white, beaten 14 cup pearl sugar Spoon or pour flour into dry measuring cup: Level off and pour measured flour onto wax to their homes. These pools are Answering Questions great hazards to young child Q. Suppose some neighbor : ren, Those who can't SWim hood children ganged up on Disolve 2 tsp. sugar in 2/3 cup need careful protection. So do your child, What would you do? warm water in large, warm children who go with their par bowl. Sprinkle yeast into warm ents to family picnics in sum- A. I would try to get into the mixture. Let stand 10 minutes mer. Often the picnic is near a 800d graces of these other Then stir well. swimming place. To many children, welcome them to my the children these places are very perilous. Often there are paper. of "no special safety provisions. lose no opporttunity to tell their spoon or electric mixer at low parents in the presence of these speed until smooth (about 1 min Add warm milk, granulated home so long as they abide by sugar, salt, margarine, eggs and our rules, However, I would 3 cups flour. Beat with wooden . ee courage, fos s Ok ke Ooh kkk Vo Lh hes * CHLLLLES. & fol fh 9 . MUST WARN CHILDREN children of any good I learned ------------------ = = The first thing to do on arriv-|or heard about their children. ing with your children at such = "| OSHAWA TIMES picnics is to ascertain where 7s dangers are and to warn your | children to avoid them. How PICTURE safe they will be then will de- pend on how well they have | \ RE-PRINTS Jearned to obey you. y y : Available At > NU-WAY PHOTO No matter how vigilant you 251 King St. E., Oshowe are about safety to your child Gz 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each in the water, if he does not ob- serve the limits 'vou name for = him he is in danger. i '5x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures Call to mind. the mother sit : ting on the ocean shore or bank WIFE PRESERVER of a-st or lake while her son or da ter ventures be-| When barbecue flames get too vond the ropes or beyond the high, squirt °em down with a mils' named by his parent. Or,water pistol. Kills the flame he zo while she shouts without destroying the hot bed -- A) Laine SAN) Lens AI) fc) (AEN) AERIS [N\A ; E SHON H OOOUOUNIN O00 OOO MTOO OOOO NY VIO OOOO NO00OOONWLO0000ON YMOO0OOO NWS ALL CARPETS Guaranterd AGAINST WEAR L000 \ 2098 and -- helples to of coals DRESS GOODS BATHING SUITS SEE THE BIG BARGAINS AT WARD"S Summer Sale . . . Now on at 31 Simcoe St. South UNIFORMS SPORTSWEAR at No Extra Cost ! 5 [LO NA ANCA uN THUS S SS: Gi: Mi ei a> Lani aia TTS Ss 1246 SHADES When purchasing Broadloom, the two most important con- siderations are: How Long It Will Wear and What Shade. Angus-Graydon GUARANTEES your broadloom against wear, regardless of cost, and offers 1,246 shades to choose from. Buy With Confidence At... Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. W. )E g on TO CHOOSE FROM 728-6254 25%-50% OFF ! ONE DAY ONLY {3 DISCOUNT " BOMBSHELL 125 Only FAB 4.11 Big 5 Ib. pkg of great laundry detergent K MART DISCOUNT PRICE ONE DAY ONLY ..........25-- \alaliala/ > ewe DISCOUNT DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL BOMBSHELL 18 Only GENT'S ELECTRIC SHAVER Ronson 200 KMART DISCOUNT PRICE 13° SATURDAY ONLY DAVID'S MALLOW BISCUITS Each 14-0z. pkg. contains an: assort- ment of flavors. KMART DISCOUNT PRICE 37° SATURDAY ONLY RVIUTI Wy DISCOUNT BOMBSHELL Styrofoam Choose from one with Moulded Sidg Carrying Handles. Reg. 1.97 NO' 10 x e| --or-- Aluminum Top Carrying Handles. Reg. 3.57, NOW ... SATURDAY ONLY e On Highway No. 2 Between Oshawa and Whithy PLEASE -- NO PHONE OR MAIL ORDERS W A reco Oshawa ' Oshawa | depends Women's The reco Buest: si wedding. A honeys following th ine Anne Thomas solemnized Roman Ca Saturday n The bride Mr. and M and the. br of Mr. an all of Osha The Rey Gignac offic liam Kinsm soloist, Mrs Mr. Durk ter in mat centennial gown of la; tilly lace. was styled line and sl at the elb lace. Mate clipped, ros circled the centing -- the The weddi guerite Hall Clemens too day afternoo ed Church. daughter of Verdun Hall groom is th Mrs. Milton all of Hamp The Rever ficiated at t! Mrs. R. Bai the -soloist, Douglas Dev Given in father, the t of dotted S\ feta on tent edral train. bodice wer Swiss lace, ¢ styled with Her headdres de soie and Harmony L the setting fc Patricia Ann Robert Hall | noon. The bri of Mr. and ville Griffin groom's pare Mrs. Willard of Oshawa. The Revere DD, officiates 'Faylor play music. - The bride.' marriage by | floor-iength s| organza: with and 'Jong sje lace. A deta edged with = scalloped lace chapel train. and pearl he Barbara Bez Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Osha Henry Fenne! Charles Henry and the late | united in n George's Mer Saturday after The Revere officiated and Reesor, playe wedding music The bride's in marriage. length sheath backed mirac semi-bateau n lily-point slee was complime jacket effect and a wide hi the same lac skirt. The chz from the shoul bordered with ed with fins 1 | The Reveren ficiated at the Gertrude's F Church last Sz of Myrtle Syh Joseph Arthur bridegroom is and Mrs. Cha Oshawa, and t the son of Mr. P. Deveaux, ' Breton, Nova Mrs. George ed the weddin The bride wz riage by her wore a_ full gown of whit with a fitted | point sleev: and neckline ° with lace appl pearls. Chantill full-length trair beneath a bow the gown. He crystal » center'

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