Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1967, p. 3

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dustrial loss in other 0 is great. Detroit is a f plastics manufactur- 'maceuticals, metal fab- non-passenger automo- duction and foundry 's information office vill be several days at fore it is known how taxes the city will lose destruction of taxable The fire department's ry damage estimate 150,000,000. ale of their pro- | they can get ! irtment of TRUST can in the sale jage company e sale to get MISSION es roney !) uu wish to sell vantage--then ept. Trust FEN TRE ] den Problems dens 5757 LB. 69° LB. 59° °m8 Ags » 19 e 5 1c 09° for 45° cana caves OO" LB. 67* j LBs. 29° 2. OOF 39° pecia, 85° special 85° vate 93° EG. S3e 43° rmarket 4AWA on te PATRIARCH Athenagoras, the left, of the Eastern Ortho- dox Church and Pope Paul VI embrace at the airport in Instanbul toda y before pontiff's departure for the nine-century separation Middle East situation Tues- the ancient city of Ephesus, day and discussed with (AP Wirephoto by cable Athenagoras ways to end from Istanbul) Pope Paul On Pilgrimage ams tat To Izmir Christian Shrines MELBOURNE (Reuters)-- Residents of five small Aus- ISTANBUL (AP)--A Turkish efforts to reunite their sepa-| airliner carried Pope Paul to-| "ated churches, talked for five tralian towns around a bay near here were warned to- day on a pilgrimage to the an- minutes at the airport and em-| |braced twice with the "kiss of| day not to strike 2 match anywhere near the water. peace. Police issued the order and nearby Ephesus, where the} Before going to the airport, after thousands of gallons of apostle from whom the Pope|the Pope celebrated mass at St. gasoline leaked into the took his papal name issued one| Anthony's Cathedral and ap- Westernport Bay 40 miles of his greatest epistles. peared again for Christian un- Southeast of Melbourne Turkish President Ce yde tity. Sunay, Premier Suleyman De-| The Roman Catholic and Or-| 'anker was discharging at a mirel and a 21-gun salute saw|thodox churches split in 1054| efinery. H the Roman Catholic pontiff offjover the issue of papal author-| The gasoline formed a from Istanbul, where he arrived | ity. | Slick two to three inches Monday for the first papal visit) The purposes of the Pope's | thick over about seven to Turkey in 12 centuries. trip -- his fifth outside Italy in| square miles, Patriarch Athenagora rit-|the four years of his reign--are | Police said they are treat- ual leader of the world's 1 to reiterate his desire for church} ing 'the incident as an 000,000 Orthodox Christians,|unity and peace in the world and| emergency and ambulances headed the religious leaders|to commemorate the ecumen-| are standing by. who came to see the Pope off.{ical council of Ephesus, where The Pope and the Patriarch, | tradition Says the Virgin Mary Se SE Mertens tat a tthe. | ee et Railway Traffic Resumes Gets New Post LONDON (AP)--Judith Hart, minister of state for Common- From Canton To Hong Kong wealth affairs since 1966, is Brit- ain's new social security min- \ister HONG KONG (Reuters)--Rail| The British - owned English, _Margaret Herbison, 60, re- traffic between Canton and|language evening newspaper|Signed from the social security Hong Kong resumed today after|China Mail. splashes the head-|P9St Tuesday in protest against cient Christian shrines of Izmir which set off speculation of pos-|its front page and speculates i age ptr eal precarious eco- sible serious disorders in China.|that the cause of the rail dis-|#OmI¢ position. igh ns b: h th ht the|ruption was trouble in Wuhan,| Mrs. Hart, 42, is a soc ialogist ted duce ping Bl and that rolling stock was being |and the wife of ® scientist. Lord there had been fighting along used to move in pro-Mao troops. the railway route in Kwangtung| Latest reports from Peking} DOWNTOWN province. : jalso indicated that the Wuhan} DELIGHTFUL 5 ity i .| power struggle is continuing. AIR CONDITIONED Another possibility is that roll BININE ROOK an unexplained 24-hour stoppage| line "China Near Civil War' on}Plans to reduce welfare ae | The mayor added: | Asie 2 Izmir, The Pope met with of their churches. Today | 4 Turkish leaders on the Pope Paul planned to visit eQWwls a enges Tuesday night where a | 0 eager sea By BORIS MISKEW MONTREAL (CP) -- French during the Second World War || because he was "somewhat busy President Charles de Gaulle's had the personal honor of meet- with another important person," the French leader of the? reference to Gen. de Gaulle. intrusion into Canadian affairs). |was expected to be aired today !9& at the 30th annual conference underground. I admired Gen. de marks did not deter the pro- of the Canadian Federation of Gaulle. We gave him hospital:|, Mayors and Municipalities. Mayor M. FE, Dickerson of face. t North Bay, Ont., a member of HOSTILITY GROWS the executive committee of the ite atmosphere of hostility federation, said he will ask the among the 600 mayors and F federation to call on Prime Min- sei from across Canada has jister Pearson to cancel Gen, de ae "growing because of Gen Moca invitation to visit Ot-! 46" Gaulle's speeches since his 4; Je de Gaulle advocated a arrival Sunday at Quebec City. , ren. ; "free Quebec" during a speech, The president was scheduled at Montreal. city hall Monday)! leave for Ottawa late today. g night and his statement has } been widely interpreted as en-|¢fation delegates Monday night fc a couraging Quebec separation when reference was made to municipal training institute, from Canada him during a dinner after Pre Mr. Dickerson, whois of Mier Daniel Johnson, scheduled ganization is needed to under-| French and English descent, de- to act as host, failed to show up. take studies leading to the crea-| scribed the French president's|) The outburst occurred when statement as an "inexcusable Mayor Reginald Dawson of Ministration training, edu- intrusion into Canadian affairs."'";Town of Mount Royal an- tl "As a Canadian army officer|fortunately could not be present increasing "substantially." 79 ity and now he slaps us in the qay conference, which winds up TOURED HABITAT | session which dealt with pollu- There were loud boos by fed- delegates to establish a "task nounced that Mr. Johnson un- tute.' number of resolutions, among! ;them one which called on the ments to set up a joint program|°09 Per cent in the 12-year!son alone the use of the prop- erty tax as a major revenue and should be avoided unless we are to accept ever spiralling : ; period between 1955 and 1966 to, reduce sucselaat : and that the increase has be- A report on education showed|come a heavy burden on the 'that the cost of primary and! municipalities, secondary school education is source is "unrealistic Property tax is far from hav mill rates." } 1 ing the elasticity of income tax, ------------- It said the increase was about the report stated. For this 1ea- But the French president's re- s of business at the three- onight. | Delegates Tuesday. toured . labitat 67 and several pavilions { the world's fair after a busy Profit organization? on, the high cost of education! nd other business, | Henry A. Lawless, director eneral of the federation, urged S university? orce"' aimed at setting up a paid for by the Foundation? Mr. Lawless said such an or-| THE HEINTZMAN PIANO RENTAL. PLAN Here's a novel plan for parents i : insti.| Who wish to test their children's | | CANADA'S CARGESH onal and higher learning insti-| muitical 'ability das sence AND FINEST CHAIN OF ing a piano. Heintzman will rent ee you an attractive, new small For appointment call -- on of a "'local and regional ad-| 723-6832 The federation adopted al To Seek Improved Media OTTAWA (CP)-- A Canadian}quences, some of them involy MP told representatives of the ing "'life or death of humanity." American and Canadian com-| 'The n.edia must aim at sup- ERE as Tl tid le Rriyscy sg plying information that was Se oe ee Mave "profound, accurate, meaning- forming the public if they do not ful." want politicians to ignore the masses David Lewis, member of Par piano for 6 months--if you de- cide to purchase it, the six month's rent and cartage will be allowed on the purchase price, The balance on Heintzman's Own Budget Terms. 79 SIMCOE ST. N. te 16 Homes Needed "URGENTLY" FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repair Specialist, We have 16 familie 728-2921 for Fall Possession: Good substantial; sil-eagy buyers, 24 Hour nae Call right now 725-1109, Service Installed W. L. DOUGAN REALTORS Fost Dependable Radio Dispatched lumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 1363 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ee liament for the Toronto riding @ A Government chartered, non- HE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, July 26, 1967 3 'Mayors Conference Debates'2""7.2 |e De Gaulle Tour Resolution Know That Centennial Scholarship Foundation @ You agree to open a guaranteed Savings account in your name? @ You withdraw your savings to Pay for the first year your child & your child obtains | passing grades, the next © years of university will be Frank Buchanan Enrollment Officer of York South and deputy leader of the New Democratic Party, addressed the 34th annual con- vention of the American News- paper Guild which represents employees in the communica- tions media in the U.S., Can- ada and Puerto Rico He said there is a "failure essentially to unveil information to the people of this country." This was a serious failing in a world fraught with conse- OPEN SOON Shepherd, 48, a government floor leader in the House of Lord, was named to her Com- monwealth post. VIC TANNY'S CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINES LOOKING FOR A COMMFORTABLE QUIET RENDEZVOUS DOWTOWN? THEN GO TO THE ---- Tally-Ho Room cian oe Interest FREE For 1 Year During This .. . SPECTACULAR SALE e 3 DAYS ONLY! KELVINATOR Hotel Lancaster Guaranteed 27 KING ST. WEST Investment Certificates NOW EARN 612% per annum for five years CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS by investing in Guoronteed Investment Certificates which are Guaranteed--as to Principal and Interest Flexible--may be used as Col- lateral for loan Redeemoble--by Executors In he a0 24-HOUR SERVICE | 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 ent of dea ing stock is being used to move| The official People's Daily is roops down to Wuhan, on the| quoted by radio Peking as say- Vonates River, where Maoists | ing that "bad chiefs" of the GOOD FOOD and supporters of disgraced| Chinese Liberation Army in Wu- REASONABLE PRICES Head of State Liu Shao Chi are |han are making "a last - ditch Special Noon Luncheons i + vey Struggle." reported locked in a grim power SiTussie. : struggle. : Hotel Lancaster Last. week' Deputy Premier GIVEN SEAT FOR LIFE 27 KING ST. WEST Hsie Fu Chihand Wang Li, a FARNBOROUGH, n member of the central cultural] (C P )--W innie Martin, a 67-| eee eee revolution committee, were re-|year-old widow, was given' a} ported to: have been manhan- /free seat for life in a Hamp- died and arrested by anti-Mao-|shire cinen.a for her "great ist groups.. service to films", Minnie has On their return to Peking Sat- | Sone to the movies four times a urday they were hailed as he-| Week for 50° years and galt . has 3 YEARS roes at huge publies demonstra-| oot than om films, many of ; ' i >ia9;them more than once. tions. Defence Minister Lin Piao eae alin 64 12-18; 20 CROSS CANADA PAVING Authorized--as Trustee Act In- CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 ~ GUARANTEE - 36 month to poy 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 23-252 --Mao. Tse-tung's heir apparent ~ and Prémier Chou-En - lai me F pike: ue c lait 'or 2 After pletion were among. Chinese leaders No Pay is (OPEN who attended another mass rally @ FREE ESTIMATE... NIGHTS in Peking Tuesday for the two BUY DIRECT siclenive officials. GUARDS-TRAINMEN FIGHT Right - wing Chinese-language TONE-CRAFT Call 728-92 92 Oshawa KING PARK PLAZA i newspapers in Hong Kong quote |* people who arrived from Canton by road Tuesday as saying there had been fighting between Red Guards and railway workers in Canton. 25 PRINCE ST. Corner Prince ond Bond SHERIEE REALTOR 94 SIMCOE _ For All Your Real Estate Needs Coll 576-0140 SWEET PEAMEALED--LEAN--MEATY Cottage Rolls FOOD MARKET, ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 49: U.S. NO. 1 SUNKIST Loin--Pork--Rib Ends CHOPS Lean Rolled--Beef POT ROAST 99% Oranges 79¢ Fresh Roast OPEN SOON PORK BUTT CLUB HOUSE OSHAWA Fresh Sliced, Pork LEAN 'TENDER 5 5 Shoulder Butt Chops Blade Roast ROAST 69 69 ein 59; [PurTER WIENERS SLICED--LEAN CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF BACON HEALTH SPA'S Tender Beef Lean Meaty 6th & 7th Rib 08 69 69:| 2.S] 7 3534" TRIMWALL FOODARAMA Model K990 Also available in 41" Foodaramo, @ Convenient egg storage basket ill fruit store osket Model 139 AN. Special order only. : Hendy pull-out SOT ORS Ose Color styling available in Antique Giant 312 tb. upright "no frost" freezer c Avacado Green as well as Spacious freezer Large capacity pastry storage basket warranty on world's finest "'No-Frost" 12.4 cu, ft. fresh food rears' ants refrigerator section. @ Exclusive 3-year food spoilage worranty Convenient pull-out shelves f Reg. 699.00 -- Roger's Price 50 c] Interest Free for 1 Year .... Cn White, 6 Piece French Provincial BEDROOM SET Triple dresser, night table, bed, chest, and mirror. Interest Free For 1 Year REG. 249.00 1795 ROGER'S PRICE 30" self-cleaning oven. G:E. Interest Free For 1 Year. RANGE Interest Free For 1 Year r REG. 299.95 249-55 REG. 209.00 149-5 oy Rey ROGER'S PRICE ROGER'S PRICE ALL MAJOR APPLIANCES and FURNITURE ARE ON SALE FREE OF INTEREST FOR 1 YEAR -- Better Quality Costs You Less... Or Your Money Back ! ROGER isi ; and : FURNITURE 50 BOND EAST -- 728-2151 LOTS OF PARKING SPACE White z ii For 1 Year. REFRIGERATOR REG. 299.00 19 .00 = ROGER'S PRICE 19" Fleetwood, Portable Open Thursday and Friday till 9 P.M. (FORMERLY CREDIT UNION BLDG.) Lasse

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