Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1967, p. 26

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--se Tree ee ih oe | i i a ac ae Bs lt i Hh ia ee ee re ee | 18----Male Help Wante 26 THE G@BHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, July 26, 1967 | MUNICIPAL "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' | 'ste Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. for the District of Can bell River Vancouver 8--Articles for Sale 9--Market Basket | _--'|17--Female Help Wanted land, British Columbi ! DUTIES: e T.V. TOWER -- NV; nerally to direct ond --_-- HOLIDAY SPECIAL TR BERRIES ? Generally to di ee Clerk-Typist minister the affairs and b : Fae e 50' 1% inch heavy-duty iness of the District of Can ~~ = structure with double B2-13 Pick-Your-Own os bell River, British Columt i : . all-channel antenna com- Preferably with experience on Included will be directing | ' 7 a pletely installed, $70. 32C per quart oo ae) pions preparation and the enfor | is oe = y eral years: €x e ment of onnuol capital « . . TRIO TELEVISION, 728-5143 (Lorge Berries) fice routine and typing. Ex- conrlng: landseix pecion . _----- cellen' workin - ini 'Idi H ind Supplies Rug - Upholstery Service NASSAU GROUPER: Con, 8, 3 miles north of supervision and training, Accountants Building Trades Gardening a PP' ig - Up ry Cepinephelus striatus) GOODBOY Manchester, Hwy. 7 and 12 See sisting Council in planni AND €O., Char- PROFESSION CAN INSTANTLY ALTER ITS FURNITURE MART Bred one Wile: eat. elephone Ajax policy and development Ieeg Acuna cent. Truss PATIOS BUILT RUG CLEANING bye ARRANGEMENT 728-5712 a 942 1501 mecvions os directed by Co rn , 57 Simcoe Poe Ps ' DIFFERENT WAYS Try us for exceptional buys . ! cil. | kay. sh S | d dP slag oie 8 DIFFERE y : Parkinson's : Seg ee ors y Service eae ch as three rooms of fur- a 1 WOPKINS, © AND CO. ae tow pecia Ize AND REBUILT Free Pick-Up and Delivery Share for $399, or quality for appointment REQUIREMENTS: nA peg Oanew rf mattresses for $29.95 up. 985-2415 Preferably o degree from 'ag oe st. Hopkins, CA; H. E. . h 728 3] 72 Angus- Graydon 161 KING ST. W. PORT PERRY ee uaa Nurer recognized University in Soames &. Lviee, Charter- San asting P one x, : 728-6254 LAST YEAR'S registered set of goll|/PICK YOUR OWN raspberries, field relating to or useful WILLIAM ©. HALL, Prete Ho Uy clubs and bag. Regular price $130. Will|pint. W. S, Kalamaga, Base Line, Fat municipal management, « $6 Accountant, 362 Eis, : sacrifice, Telephone $76-1319 between 3/Ajax. GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 35 to 45, ot leost five ye Bre ied anal gr en) Hillside Landscaping : OSHAWA and 7. PICK YOUR own large willamette rasp- experience in munici peace utes saws 'Shop- RUG CLEANERS SOLID FUMED OAK dining "room "ite, berries at Chomko's farm. No child To do pleasant psec e jeav eigl ren under > ri i . ping Centre. 7259953. Sodding and seeding, green | Professional rug and uphol- DAVID TAUVRY (ic69-1201) |pieces, boy's' bicycle, chaise lounge with phone 668-4606" for "picking days, telephone work i] [ P yy * gop CLANCY'S --, nting service. velvet sods, Marion blue and stery cleaning done in your HAD A MEDICAL DEGREE FROM THE |canvas covered mattress and shade, all ee sey ; ' SALARY OPEN; coe aireet Ror 725097 Res. 723-7608, Kentucky blue, also No, 1} home or our office. Call for UNIVERSITY OF ANGERS, FRANCE, | 9¢nlly used. 728-0738. te 9A--Eggs pitch Ad ~ Spd teh he Wey oe Applications with. detailed s Dated thomas ga M 4 tield sod. info AND WAS A CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN |CEMENT MIXER, Admiral, 21" 4 fe reg own office. Hours 9-3 or me of experience ond au , Chartered accoun- rmation. H le |EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY -- sume perie q t GUTMANN, 1y Bond. Sireet Painting AT THE AGE OF 14. EO eR Oee oe she motors: wlWnite Feather Farina, Oshawa sssa7sz.| 6-9, hourly rate. ifications, stating also : East, 'Telephone 723-4833. Telephone 723-9020 725-9961 HP, for sale, 576-2876. ______|Picked up, delivered at store or home. CALL ary requirements, are to % ee cupholstered ane |GAS FURNACE FOR SALE, good condi- Me ae directed before Frid Blueprinting two large spray depts, J KAMSTRA ar iss meine ae ee aoe ' ey Telephone 728-6010 after hem: 10--Farmer's Column | 576-2340 gent 11th, 1967 to: FTING and Reproductions . rial for re-covering. Slip covers made DOUBLE continental bed and heed-- MIXED HAY, prime quality, conditioned. BELL, DRAFT Street North, 723-4461. tank linings, blastiso! complete tae ae Upholstering, 75 Charles board. Almost new, $45. Telephone desk|Telephone Port Perry 985-7773. 9 | ------~ WOULD YOU BELIEVE Personnel Committe Biveprinting and photostatic copies ; LANDSCAPING " a and. chair, $12. Telephone 668-2425, 213| STANDING HAY FIELDS or fresh cut POD 10 fibreglass, apory linings. RE-DPHOUSTERY | by | experis. Estab- Wellington Street, Whitby. _______jand baled. Picked up or delivered, 728 TOY CHEST . O. Drawer 10, Building Trades GARDEN SERVICE (itttete Uta Wecemariie, quate FISHING RODS --and rev coleman 3m ee Campbell: River, B. agp ired by experts on prem- nA "PE ur on ghaeke Gk K- tresses re-built, furniture _re-tinished. Products repaire # 103 Byron $t,|2EAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pic ize of job no object. ises. Sportsman's Corner, 103 By dup promplly. Margwill. Fur. Farm, MORE $$$ MORE FUN ' Mi No Down Payment Size of job no obj 728- 8267 are Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve, SWIC er ete BO Pieneny. Marae ee DEMONSTRATING TOYS, E The Compbell River Mun | Staff is aware of this | Monthly Instalments oe ag) 5 -------- |CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95 mat-l2721. Licence 101-C-47. We Will Train You ; pal Sta ie a 10 ilabl - Hf tresses half price, all sizes, headbo: a = ¥ fi ie, : m tli pera ne Svea Se MERION-KENTUCKY SOD Seles end Service ZBONDO of I one-third eff. Factory outlet. 723-3889. Bel isc heteas: my Hold te; Cali No inves iie Collections, or nate: Remode ING ie BLUE GRASS nda : - GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, |9ss-7128, 2 Deleveries. APPLIANCE ant uP Met} WITH A CHILD : television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and a ec 723-3568 All-G Nurser " INTERNATIONAL COMBINE No. 91, @ Bathrooms het Y REPAIRS --SQIATTING_OM.THE. RAKE ___0 10 For sete 6 Fit pures__ 126 pote ELAM JE Appliances, 4521 <vi-propelied, 10 {1., new Hollend bate] ------- ~ ee 3. , @ Kitchens 728-979] Sod Growers bo a CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS, iuiy is to Class shape," &SSa2T6 ead ule JEWELLERY : ENGINEER isitors elcome xpert repairs to all makes eS. H + ee + jAug. 15, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1-985-) -- * @ Recreation Rooms 725- 9674 -- TOWNLINE N of washers, dryers, ranges, TV--Radio Repairs 8 Articles for Sale 7 7160. _ romp TRACTOR Model 0 these SALESLADY @ Garages h ya M. north Taunton Village _ etc. SERVICE NLY ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP sates. c Service, | and new motor under guarantee. Alto Required for full time per- 3rd CLASS ; KING WEST GARDE NTRE. i leur- 5 A new bor pa och of Os! "af Jie] WERT GARDEN CENTRE, Con| @ ALSO BARTS AVAILABLE e ERVICE CALL O 2.50 Siero Centre. 204 Bon beatae ee a emi, pas eur! manent position. Experience awa's Quality Builder. REPAIRS mercial and residential landscapping. Fast T.V. Service "OR SELLING furniture or "ap-| moving to city. Telephone 723-0317. Preferred but not necessary. Plastics manufacturing cc KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION eee re oe ee ALCAN ied Call Elmer, RE 2695. | = --] Apply between 10-5, Burns f pany in Cobourg require: S Ea: Eran 'Eatiiiuies ALTERATIONS instruction FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE DOMINION BUY AND SELL = 000 used ~orniture| 1 1--Pets and Livestock _ Jewellers Ltd 20 Simcoe N N. a Srd Class Stationary Engin Coll Today For Free 452 Si 5 Oak TELEVISION SIX SERVICE BAYS and appliances, One location only. Pretty GRADE HACKNEY mare, 48a iiches, (DRY CLEANING presser required. Top 4 to operate a brand new 5 728- 7583 ADDITIONS ee ee ewe FOR FASTER SERVICE |Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-2271. _|qark chestnut, eight years, good with|wages, must be experienced. Apply 10 hp. gas fired, boiler « / Telephone 723-0011 D wringer washers, Children in saddle and harness. Brook-|Vadiant Cleaners, Oshawa Shopping j - ressor plont ep 728-5154 9 9 GUARANTEED, USE 9 § compressor plo ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles) '° Rut errora § 728-5154 9 om. to 9 pm. IGNMENT SPECIAL |television. refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and/lin 655-2006 |Centre i repairs, large and small jobs.L.andH:) }HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES NOW JOE'S COLOR TV WHEEL ALIG'! C up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452/paSCHUND PUPPIES registered, sired|WAITRESS, between ages 20.25, exper: Excellent rotes of pay, be: Roofing and Construction. 725 Rec Rooms and Kitchens ree Bring me your mowers, tillers, Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- Simcoe Scuth, 723-0011. by gon of Windale's Buster Brown, Stan-jenced. Enzo Restaurant, 333 Simcoe St. tite and. conditions offere inch ane SeAVEL ppl ele. i] y " bd mouth, Pontiac. We correct HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, "combination |dard smooth, red, Telephone 728-6690. is. Telephone 723-076) i pe SAND AND GRAVEL su @ Specialty rivin cnoo outboards, all makes, air and Radio Service ' phone 725-0697. ee o wheel alignment, inspect ond |T-V. and Stereo, kitchen table 8nd/poODLE -- six weeks old, black minia-|OPPORTUNITY -- We wani someone Please writeor call ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types pes al | James Allen and Sons cooled engines. Parts ond SPECIALIZING IN correct castor and comber, |chairs, dresser and id articles tele-'ture, reascnable. Telephone 725-4142. |who is experienced and capable of run- 1 wirk, stoops. | si (Licensed by Police Commission) sevicn. LGrpest service' in j align toe - in and toe - out to ee ee gric|BLACK GELDING for sale, five years| "On, Trypitg Would bean' sac! uri RAY BLAKELY at 655306). F. McCann, RR 2 oanawe | 725- 6126 ie Oshawa. FURCEEAN RAUIOS AND orrect ¢cndition 7.95 |WINCHESTER, 12 arse ethan Tele. |19-_Telephone 942-6727. tay 'Hall Adventures Ltd. 84 Farewell FERRARO PAVING, 10, years Bun) Sm ven| @ Courteous Instructors 74 BARRIE AVE TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS se rork extrait tecuired cone ee FOR SALE -- three male while Toy Avenue, Oshawa MARBON CHEMICA teed or' d ! nd Toe k work, cl imneys, ver- is m rm elephone : = 'war Pt rete nd eae, o3.sbat. sideuainn, pho adp A @ Dual Control Cars sil _728 2791 or 725-4633 13 Bond W. 576-1670 @ Torsion bar adjustment we BUY, SELL AND "ExCHANGS pines SkmOvED. male, fy iG tas el AiSiy. CHEN Rattan to ee ae DIVISION @ Fully Insured EY) ai extra, furniture or anyihing you have. The | months old, all needies. Apply ib- | Apel OPENING -- August 1 T.V. Rentals Le ean ee |bons_ Street a - peeing eae : -- ALL TYPES buildi airs. Roofing » New Sets BRAKE SPECIAL a ke aii_makea, foses,| SAMOYED PUPPY tor sale, ie sig ences reaueg, "Apply to Toronto: or BORG WARNE Li re rs. oofing, 4 a A ia | 5 had re $s, ree 10) Oe aston of 24 words, 1.20; eavertrougning. fireplaces, 725-6553 Cameo Couiffures ALCAN R S ; brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery. 942-0213. |04 T8492 seat ion Bank, Whitby oa CANADA D. odd 1 words, Se each; 3 ¢onsecu- Gord A 74 Most popular cars. First |Fieming vacuum Service, Main Street,| ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER, full "nf Ccbourg, Ontario high dade ta ¢ 24 words, 3.24; ad ae ro on 105 Byron St. S. Whitby FURNITURE and Quality Royaline, 4 wheel Pickering. |QUALITY CLIPPING SERVICE again experience necessary. Mature lady pre- P.O. Box 10 Homa! werds 1314¢ each, -consec i ate edb cont, Ste | 14 ALBERT STREET y | . aa 350 FOLDING CHAIRS, will sell any 2V21/#ble, all reeds. Telephone _728-9609.|ferre4 "Apply in own. handwriting to ee ri v i : tive insertions of 34 words, 8.76; addi-|YOU", Griveway paved By experts, 20c j OPENING SPECIAL of APPLIANCES $14.88 pe coeoine Conley [POODLE CLIPPING and shampooing, Box 20768. Telephone 372-222 tional 'Words 246 'each: years Janit: 20% off all Cold-waves 452 Simcoe South Plus $2.00 Per Wheel TYPEWRITER, standard portable |ceasonebly Priced. Whitby. Telephon®| BERMANENT POSITION for capabie a t additional charge i , guar- . Ls us er nee ; f t iter, sis, ed. | 96! is ne _..--.| babysitter - housekeeper, two pre-school ; Shetee eihin 8 coys. Sue, wee rey "Holliday, Tele. Om __ 723-0011 NG (labor cost) at Cg Ths uss, |KITTENS, part Persian, free to good children. Live "in preferred. | Weekends Nights one evening? " Method ef Counting -- Less then 24{phone 725-9404. pean ED JEFFREYS Now Located In Oshawa TV TOWERS plifcliedee = 40-foot tower e EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS for apart-| jhome. Telephone 668-3078. ___|free, Telephone Hampton bata eee PB OC ie Su ic ords counts 5 24 words; ac word.|/YOUR LOCAL chimney cleaners, chim- iti er eiin ty ee te ene ment. Must be cash, Mixed Italian, Mo-TOY POODLE -- black, male. GIRL OR WOMAN for babysitting, _i0- initial, figure or abbreviation counts OS| hays built and repsired, ges linings. In JANITOR SERVICE and Seaway Demolition Co. ere iy a ee eines sig WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |rocco:Spanish styling. Telephone 728-|Pekinese, registered. Telephone 6 month-old child, _ light housekeeping, GRIFFIN ane word; phone number counts twolstalied, roofs repaired. 723-2997. WINDOW CLEANING Experience is our guide to Wed ne Service| Including.weights per wheel, {8849 ta _ PROFESSIONAL DOG SERVICE tember Figo iba RT ein words. FRET Residential, "Commercial, | fast ond efficient service. | Nenin rv' rosarnamications , Service| ne ain "weights | 1,95 [SWIMMING POOL 'chiorine, "all typesi|Clinping. all' breeds. | poodles our, spe:10 4 REAL ESTATE LTD. BIRTHS TOOEATHS _ arpentry re od ORUrens, soit Hersey Call Us At 728-2801 for an 1576-1240. SHOCKS MUFFLERS, ana 'Mey. Culligan' Mane' Whitby, jing and training. | Doberman Finschers CAR ROSTER pert and or fuit time, INSURANCE DEPT $250, or insertion, ite Sun's don.| Quality Carpentry. | veshed. woxed ond buffed. | estimate. No Job Too Lorge |5--5. 1 FRONT-END WORK at _| "#6864 | Bachurst Kennels, 655-3881. "|meet 'people phone 726-0786. sek' que yte Now have a highly prod tional charge if not paid within 8 days. y 668-8658 WHITBY or Too Small. Fully Insured. ersona : % USED TIRES, most all sizes, 6. F. |Dachurst_Kennels, ones Ed. Campbell. i S GENERAL REPAIRS COMPARABLE PRICES King Street West, 725-4583.|TWO LOVABLE CATS, one o tive opportunity for on IN' MEMORIUMS | Goodrich, $8 King Street , males. One black and onel|WAITRESS WANTED for 3 fo 11.20 : ! $2.50 fot the first 28 words and &¢/ Home. Improvement Specialists Money to Loan aan niar Reena eiteas camels. alt ELECTROLYSIS ELECTRIC STOVE -- Giasow autome-|Yer¥ clean, Mines a homes. Telephone| Experienced. 450 noel, Reine Rm Experienced Life pelt adationel charge not bor Serving Oshawa A sta Pn leaka chin he Gomi Or your bilis,|Jack Lees, pick up end deilvery, 728- 723-4641 UNIROYAL Ge SU Cat eae ae eae SIE eS2, taurant, 143 Brock North, Whitby. 668- Underwriter birth Boge for Many Years. buy that new car, boat, travel . | o986. i Se eee ee. |MORSEMEN -- Horses boarded, knee| 2057. _ sel éisigah eeal a Honest and Depenable Service we. feature Pacts mortgages of 12 periGLAS$ REPAIRS to aluminum and Removal of Spe Hu hair CENTRES STEREO TAPE RECORDER and dratt- deep pasture. Reasonable. Telephone| EXPERIENCED and reliable cook. Tele- to establish and deve CARDS OF THANKS Swe and 7e Phone 725-8576 cent. Also first mortgages available, con-| wood windows and aluminum screens, Marie Murduff will be in ing table and stool. Telephone 72 Port Perry 985-7773. ___|phone 725-7311, extension 2074, hui an dhe Alon $250 Mole Petal ose additionel 623-3411 fidential, private funds, Call 723-463) |Free pick-up and delivery. 728-228 Oshawa, July 24th, 25th and The New Nome Of ROCKER $18, refrigerator $27, heavy COZV-5 Ranch. Reg'd. German Shep- 18M le Help W. d pace e: re } theroe if not paid within & days, or 3 any time. Seahic Garvive 26th. Phone Genosha Hotel DOMINION TIRE STORES duly stove $191, gat eap yaar lbog EtMlherds, pups. Show mare In foal Yo quar. ale Help Wante eaves ale ee COMING EVENTS HOME ADDITIONS, recreation rooms,|Mortgages pare oerr on these dates for oppoint- 17 Park 'Road Séuth net '$29, upholstered chair $5, smaii{ter worse, Pony. Pinto. Western, saddles, Te the GAL eA we $2.38 per inch (display); $2.00 fer the trim work, See" re SEPTIC "TANKS cleaned. Prompt serv.) ment. Phone 725-6511 {ile 5 shot 8 TY Whe WIN Be ie gkay SUDSING, (AIS) Municipal pra aaa first 20 words and 6c eac! ereafter pairs. Telephone Ne 725-706 ice on calls, Walter Ward, 204 hes nui = run FL tron See MM see Soe t Aoply T. . : ae (Word Ads) CAR Block and cement _ Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. 4--Motorbikes TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- Broad, 11 Elgin Ee etree: NY Public Works @ Guaranteed basic. incon AUCTION SALES meres Den te Capes OF BE eine: '6 HONDA 90, like new, $350 or best ice, all makes. Free estimates, Call Your en, with "gold" mane ' S @ Commission on new ¢ $2.58 PER INCH PER INSERTION. [Telephone "725-4891 Surveyors offer, Will trade for car. Telephone 263- / Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. we tall, Saddle extra, Telephone 688- Superintendent renewal business DEADLINES Dentistry DONEVAN AND SLGISCHMAARN, (On. /8467;_ Enniskillen. 2 FURNITORS = iaee, Coma of ne G20 © Unlimited leads -- pr EE tario Land Surveyor, al blue! i966 SUZUKI 120 cc, A-1 condition. Com- : ORG Wt Sine a (Gao ee a for th ecting virtually elimin WORD ADS CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Sur- LOANS prints, 1 Ontario. street, 725-632 forteble and quiet. 'Black. 723-7830. Oshawa Shopping Centre Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. -- ena errs Wonted _ for the pecting y lip at ated resell fide King Street Ee r"omews. eh HPLIM, [ONTARIO LAND surveyor. | --; Goeanin Seber winter it Mell gages OVER, UNDER, : District of For further information ¢ i , TS17A, ; i i . Res. 103 Elgin St.) 5 r i i r fur infor LOST AND FOUND. saan appointment, 728-5174 Meera available. tr cist Office 47, Prince St. Res. 102 Elgin $'.15__ Trailers aS WADING POOLS. [purcnazt trom western it company SIDEWAYS, DOWN Acvtting Sinlbved JOHN KOSTENIUK 5 Dressmakin and second mortgages. Open --------| VACATION TRAIL! . sie 3 i ---- U ritis olumbia ? 3 Sh DAY OF PUBLICATION DRESSMAKING na. expertiy fitted Lk ga Dleile dial TV--Radio | Repairs for RENT I 1B Alotieten" 42! deep ln ruta or ae eee *elepione eppaigid es ice Duress: é 942-3310 _ IN MEMORIUMS end coats, dresses, Benbtinully Taileree. sai A 5) ti geal pease Corsairs, Mobilux, Hunter, | baked enamel finish on both {728-0196 after § or 1265 King St. Eas pee Bey Ae ie = ce CARD OF TH bathed dha sn sbisibe bier de sarine and agreements for sole pur- of SERVICE 7 E Wood's, W. |". oa ELECTRIC GUITAR -- and case, Eng ; © supervise the work of the Real Estate PREVIOUS - - ; ag A Long, Wood's, West- | sides, Reg. $149.99, k-Upy pale bl . TV TOWERS Grade Foreman, Sewer Fore- CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Gerdening end Supplies | Ce ery COLOR a eee NOW $109.88 |tirssham™ om infor Ta nT one man, and Public Werke Yard Salesmen + ad oe revious; 2 col- : rgiler Refrigerator Z phone 725-8352. oe a8 M ng brine er larger 10 Gan, day previcus . ing BLACK pall WHITE Clearance. DRUG STORE fixtures, metal, for sale, 723-9525 or 725-9303 _ ee el 3 she ressive CANCELLATIONS AND Garden Su lies 26'4 King St. East ST CALL MILLER TRAILERS four Years old. Telephone 660-5435 9 GOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.) Oo re mathe: GEWaLcA ) agg ORRECTIO p Oshewo, Ontorio FOR THE. BE a 942-3491 | i Glh0: 7259792, _____________________|Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeill's ? ns experienced salesme 5 em DAY OF PUBLICATION be | 0 Fy Harwood N., Ajax 942-3 ELECTRIC IBM typewriter, office desk, |Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526 age and street facilities 'of 1 f : , desk lamps, 2 drawer legal file, photo 4 the Mi lity Siedion wits eferged ona" tovs| Niogara Bug Killers 723-4697 1. & 1. 0. EAST END TEXACO | 592. Hog $1199. + (OM St hantthing rel 9--Articles for Rant | wth the Dheet Aannte WEAIAX OFFICE : ; '79. i mi insertion Pomogreen aa TELEVISION TRAILERS for SALE sect (nce size Ie, lawnmower. and j tor in the efficient operation BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 +.| Gardenall FIRST -- SECOND FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Tent Trailers for sale or rent, NOW $7.78 many other items, 723-2573. eS Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- of the Public Works Depart+ Over 400 new homes os w Pee dee san an ben nunnaer 9 ane Cygon 2E MORTGAGE FUNDS TV. RECEPTION 8 models from $299 up. DANISH CHESTERFIELD vara eu helt "if Suilecy, -elaaes ree ment. as tremendous amount of j > sible, we ac- Low Rates @ immediate Supplies, hitches mi and coffee tenia, 31" Aamire Mievision. ms, Func OWIS, - Bria sale listings in fost boomi cit ilg ate Nase ts as Ant and Grub LR © No Oblice: Your Own pee peg togt boats Can be seen at our side- Baby I gM hy Ever Wear, Men's Formals, White Qualifications: Ales Pictaring ates Nie pill oid igh abide hed Malathion tion. TV TOWER $89 ond $159 Wolk: aule: Vv ate SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure} Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. . To direct four or more commissions' draw agai cies hewever coused whether by negli. Chlordane A. ROSEN 576-1250 | al channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi-! ¢ARCEANT'S RENTALS crews of men with outhor- commissions. For private Pra tor jieles Uren tor] DOT Member Ont. M.B.A, 728-5143 -- - | eaicen Witenes mace and insiaies. Sion. 7285143 | sila ity' terview phone JOHN KC in 20 days. Chipman Rose Dust 725-0532 Evenings A Fis Also ait types of weising cone. Pertiel ALL LU MAT N UM _ jmowe SAMERA friar |, trainer! _ 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 | 2, To have working know: TENIUK, 942-3310. Sigvinon and Weekends 728-5623 Corner Bond and Division equipment for rent. 723-6840. @ SIDING od Street Senin WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk- ledge of the capacities of ; i REGULATIONS {17 home-made trailer, needs some re- "GE | ers, reducing machines, sick room sup modern . construction ~* GRIFFIN THE OSHAWA TIMES WiLL NoT BE] Atox FIRST AND SECOND mortgsees, sale jpair, price $695. Telephone 668-4577 @ AWNINGS is ee: mov ie ee a BlGs, Ald Renteta, 105 Basico 705 1646.) equipment. ons FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| Siig Killer agreements purchased and sold. Hennick CAMPER for pick Up, good condition. WINDOWS ipa Ae a Sle Glectric slicer, $125 |ENTERTAINING? "Fifty to one ceil ' He REA ESTATE LTD. ig e rrist 1 King Street e 26", $6 ISEMENTS SUMBITTED OTHERWISE! : and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King ve Telephone 725+ opie? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban-| 3. TO have a general know- THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE] Kin Bug Killers East, 723-7232. =f tab ee Foner gee | @ DOORS Evenings 725-9748. leoe. parties weddings. Bar, kitchen, ledge of construction pro- THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD. DDT and Dithane FIRST AND SECOND. mortgages wai "BUILT IN OSHAWA" bah Be ith hee LES ONE ede: antique ue drapes, fully | arking 723-7726 cedure with respect to Seaboard Finance r abie. chatzmann 'ealtor, rock int ~ ¥ SERTION IN WHICH ERROR occuas| Weed Killers bead abl AR Ata ee ee -- al al EVENISS FIDERGLAS FENDERS "om, 5835 /14--Business ¢ Opportunities cae Stoaloge: arainege, Expansion program and p the right to| DUSt Guns Painting and Decorating _ We give you a better tower {Telephone 728-2417. are, NR tre ara Benetatels; 17s Net SERVICE STATION lenses Jequired iW Beer avaeers motions leave vaconcies Eee coavatinn according its) Tank Sprayers RAND WKTERION: Bree eat! for less money. TENT TRAILER, '65. model, $175. Tele- SALES LTD. ic, St. 725-2162. |mediately for three | thousand gallon 4. Able to read typical water, RGETI oroper clossification. Lawn Sookers mates, Cail 723-1253 after 5 p.m. : phone 728-6779. 15 Prince St. _ 725-4632 __ UsED TELEVISION ie | Weating:| Mini ee coe MENIY ai toate tt ltl plan and 2 ENERGETIC * ispl isements * z . louse, new iM 3 tal ti t, Experience preferred, . The imeetwit nerds ned rexserebie| Lown Hose rine ano varan toons: em! ()SHAWA TV e Equipment RUTHERFORD'S --[12"tarany it" Mevinginne, son Pn ta, BCI Petra) Prone Sowing YOUNG MEN ie gti go rRNA oH es RX 15, 20, 30 iow prices. Telephone 1282834, aoe E ES a 3-room groups, Living Room, aeiys ae aaitel, enaay. Warrenty, aa nt a AU A last pe on! ledge of materials norm interested in their futu ete > cupies ii A i cd beh nei etst aee neo ? fet ri 3 venient days and times for rsoni rs seleune le eacricucs ol averting Everything for the Garden PAINTING "AND DECORATING, "inte SUPPLY LTO: CLEARANCE ee hagee aed oy ge ine. Mince CoN te eran nae linterview. ally used in municipal High school graduate mi motter correctly, but assume no ibility rior, exerior. Very reasonable prices 12 ft. Aluminum car top, Fi A : asy CHAMBERS FREEZER, 17 cu. ft., ex- IGOING CONCERN restaurant, 100-seat utilities ond streets, mum. Credit or collection « of advertisement if any inaccuracies in i Lieb Sptmie lye. 7 O'Teeie: STEERS. any TAUNTON RD. E. : Immediate delivery or lent condition. Best offer over $100 i iy equi ines. Ow 4 any form ere contained therein. Cooper Smith Co. Hine os - Wust East of Ritson) ne ine ere Ihas or interests" mus! set ow call & Ability te plon work ahead Pie ee. z 1 IN : A ' year hotgun. British |John Morissette, 728-5103. W. ©, Martin bere jaterials le- aM TIMES ACTION WANT AD as Bil ag pessiae Plumbing and Heating 723-8131 723-8132 MARINE 'STORAGE : RUTHERFORD'S COpEY soe, ae, veil rio "wih | Rent ctiption or number. and decisions, and absorb traini . - a imcoe t. Sout speaker '61 Austin A40, goo! motor. a ae he ee PD tee Coll Classified Direct : ; and SUPPLY LTD. Telephone 729-6564 cack 7pm. ___|15---Employment Wanted per bale gst ened ond Call Mr. T, Sulik--728-62 723-3492 Delivery Service Plumbing Discount 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. DRAPES REPAIRED PIANO -- | con- Se ne 7 k 4 4 Aa - or Mr. T. Hogon--668-68 Sidewalk Slabs - Patio Slabs - 149 Br - Se dition, $60. Telephone 7 rh 6557 + Knowledge of simple sur- 2 ock St. North AND RELINED. layé i . - ith finish, and tw : vey layout -- ie, line INDEX TO We walk gory WHITBY -- 668-6601 YOUR PRESENT * ee evict M 22C eae, "imo ne pe 15 years experience » Stakes, grade and slope Good: earnings ond excelle pe 7 \ 4 good condition. Apply juniper ; stakes. tunit for aggressi LASSIFICATIONS BOWLER'S Direct to you, plumbing sup- AERIAL McVay fibreglas sail boats, GOO! DRAPES, air, pleated width in All Phases of opportunity 99) , ' '4 GARDENING SERVICE plies. Everything in the Crestliner, Peterborough and Bag Gece ee 104 x 36 oe Phan tones with brown, 8. Ability to keep records ond conscientious teloedl faked Phone 728-7787, Oshawa, Ont. | plumbing line. 20% off all on Northeroft runabouts. Evin- abstract. Telephone 725.9969 after 6 p.m. : and plans up to date, S-Spertsman's Column Lawns Seeuid Sodded supplies. : rude outboard motors. 723-7827 Re gegen Graphic Arts 9 Working knowledge _ of SALESMAN - - : wi o Sane Fertilized 12 pm. -- 9 p.m é ABLE TV Oshawa Yachthaven CITY TV televisions, radios, -- |Fioor model, $225, Telephone 668-3434. ee re analy j $--Marine 'Equipment hia s 81 service and repairs, Service |Must sel. oe ious procedures : fSman" and' Barter Pruning ' Hedge Clioping SATURDAY 9 a.m.--5 p.m. ee ee "6 | Gent. open 7 doys @ week. |CoMPLaTE SET of hore farnisings Wishing to locate in "the ond construction projects, Real Estate Office. r izers = - - " i: 5 a K 5 : S--Market, Baskel PT ONunen Sieee CLOSED WEDNESDAY __ OSHAWA CATARGRAT Mors; Open seven days, | Also T.V. towers, color and [fer sale, like new. refrigerator, stove] greater Oshawa area. 10. Ability to develop loyal : a Jo--Farmer's Column ALL PLUMBIN@ AND HEATING sup]. , CABLE TV week, Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.) black and white T.V. Anten- |room suite, rugs, bedroom suite, - TV, ty and sense of responsi- Sales experience prefe Hi--Bels and Livestock ; plies. Telephone 725-3521, Harold R. & Brocklin 655-3641. nas, rotors installed. Sales [Hi-Fi and records, Telephone 723-5803 Write Box 30669 bility to the Municipality. ut not. essential. Regu 13-Articies for Rent GOOD STOCK Plumbing, | Heating and LTD. THREE-POINT RACING hydroplane| and Service 9 a.m. to 9 pm. |EASY AUTOMATIC washer, also boy's solory draw ogoinst comm 14--Business Opportunities CULTIVATED FIELD ineering, 25 Simcoe Street South. with 20 Mercury outboard, complete.) 248 Quebec St. Call 725- |bicycle, typewriter, refrigerator, -- roll : Salary Open; y hr ' isemployment" Wanted E Quol Low P ALL TYPES repairs and remodelling. 723-5278 Outfit in excellent Fone ON TAEIOR 0500. All Mork guaranteed aaeY teaches mie hel ME alk Oshawa Times Applications with detaild re- sions arranged. For confide 16--Agents Wanted xcellent Quolity, Low Prices, and used materials. 728-3093 after S p.m. Ses se * f able. Telephone 2 5 'i ; B icFemele Help Wanted Loaded or Delivered reed. Estimates tree. 723- tw. J. Foley. 14" CEDAR STRIP boat with windshield, VACUUM CLEANER -- Hoover, like ee aa ie ane aval tial interview, write 18--Male Help Wanted an Vititors Walcome TELEVISION -- RADIO controls, 25 hp Johnston electric start, MR. TV TOWERS © |new. complete with Parts, only $40. PROFESSIONAL WINDOW, wail and fons stating also salary 30475. uae 19--Male or Female Heip Wan fa Scott heavy duty tip trailer, complete " Call 728-0458, |floor and com-| requirements, are to be direct- aati RES PATEEES 20--Real Estate For Sele 725 9674 BR 24 hour Service a |set, very reasonable. 576-3865. (USED FURNITURE) = mercial, Janitors' supplies. Multi-Clean! ed before Friday, August @ Tool Mokers, Fem tr tae 2 SELL! - we [1% RUNABOUT with 35 (HP Mercury Off lity furniture for >i latlende ee ee @ Velen ij -- 3 . " tor, all aluminum trailer, four le ers quality turnitur -- --- -- ers. Fo hent eatste: Wanted Hill id FE ds . 1 HOLMES Tacketo 304 lg cathy ra Fil eld.! -- Jower prices. See us at NEED A 17--Female Help Wanted a beawer te Ag lacs 4 Offices and Storage iiisigeé Lanascapin Can be seen a eer) Stree : ' ' 2s--Houses for Rent ue tile SELL ! ELECTRONICS __ |1« petersoroucH cedar strip fibre- 378 KING ST. W. EARN EXTRA CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C. Harmac Industries His ages on Rock garden, stepping stones, SELL ! « tn ieenee trl Mee Telephone 72s. 723-9525 or 725-9303 JOB ? MONEY The Compbell River Munici- (Whitby) an Fafa 'Genre sidewalk slobs, patio slabs. RENTALS i. ----------| SUMMERTIME SPECIALS Show Canada's finest seer pal Staff is aware of this ad- ee aey \--Wanted to Rent Free estimates. T V Christmos cards, Wraps, No- vertisement. POR 5 meen oblies for, Sele oo That's The Job TOWERS 7--Swep and Barter a Read Help Wanted velties, etc. Over 300 items. SS Ee ae 31--Compact Cars for - j $, $20. Flush-O-Matic Toilets, . ' For free, beautifully illus- ; FILL SPA with paying 32--Trucks for Sale Telephone Of Times : PONE: BESDb1?. Pasinse sinks, "cabinets, piping iilings, Wilson's Furn. Ads Daily 'n tated es GIGAO Semplas con Want-Ads Don"t Phone 723-3492 no wor an ad-wri Pir oer ving Want Ads . boats, re. Greer: eRe SUE TT Sincothy top mattresses 29.95 approval and the fastest ser- on help You phreee your Bd - 35--Lest and Pound RESULTS? Use Times : You'll Find Whatever -- |Shinn, 728-7088. _ -----------| 2-p¢, chesterfield suite 109.95 | The Times vice, Jeandron Greeting Card | Cogt-The Payl psi : Acti Ww nt Ad You Want--In the Times Lose SOMETHING? Piace. a | leat ad in 3-pc. bedroom suites 99.50 Co., Ltd., 1253 King St. E., 3e--Coming Rvente 4 = Action Want Ads, 723-3492 j ese eee waar" 20 CHURCH STREET Hamilton, Ont. Notes a v Ds : * » an

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