Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jul 1967, p. 24

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' oy A ' Scratched: HI Gi S-Miss Todd Riddell, Well ; seis Yee ae 8 FORT ERIE ENTRIES = 0" | GREENWOOD RACEWAY (26s! wx esti iit oe at |Koura, Kelly X108 Line i: Bis! 'alacone, itzsi ns. 11: -Long N Lovely, F 4.70 3.20 3.00|Josedale Royal Pal, Lochinver BI THURSDAY, JULY 274 A-Mrs. W, Von Richthoten entry (Rov Meagunten: Comex, 118 TUESDAY, JULY 25 | {Dally Double, (6) and (2), paid $1140 |<. see, Robilard. a0 4.20/and_ 'tir Scott i wore. . W. Vo y i x3 a, 4 inv NY 'owe 30 _ h OBITUARIES SLEARN AND FAST - da Mattia Sod Ot Tape Sey fea ae a resin a a KxI03 FIRST RAC. eo Mile pace conditioned THIRD RACE -- Wile pace, claiming time 2:08 3-5. ees tloned purse $1,100 tas sid FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim | 07. Me Hottelnger and 8. Pry. entry pe eg ac purse $800 purse Also Staried: Armbro Bingo, May|1-Guy Stone, Furness 3.60 3.00 2.60 MRS. HARRY M. BROOKS of the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary | ng (soo), Malden twoyearclds. 5%] sixTH RACE -- Purse $2,800 aliow.|A-G. M, Hollsinger and J. M. Hundley/éRosa Wick, Feagal | 680 920 208 Eerother Dillon s; Mickst1.40° Aen 2001 wet, Lynam pallet, Bate Ales < or te co eee oe In failing health for threc| will hold a service at 7:30 p.m..)o0%, ww smart, Leblanc 11? Saoee, oe A Neer Scent Fe Ee iacaak Uercings oniry ZLandi Hanover, 'Silliphant 2'90|6Gay Meaden, Fines 2.40 SIXTH "RACE = Mile pace, claiming) Time 2:07 years the death occurred thi:| Thursday. goras Piet, Sirgen tle Cusmax, No Boy 104 = -- Purse $2,200, claim-| alse Started: Solid Play, Ottewa, John- Tlie 231 Be we Glan, Rugeed YoIPTee Won kiadia Giruliee BM dsclOrstten, Tipsha, Getter dime Ree morning, at the Oshawa Gen- We once xii Sr aie cere an ling tates), ineee year olds end up Iinle Pumpkin and Grimsby Nick kee, Coptain Dutt, and Ballerina Wick |6Silver Laird, Holmes 540 4.50) Dale YY eral Hospital, of Mrs. Harry M GEORGE WEIR if. Paul, Inouye 115 Arctic Flash, 'Dittfach 10 {1-16 miles' (8) pa sicoin heh Mil play Ga Scratched: Merrywood Atom 2-Commmonwesith, Waples 5.20 ld mace -- Mile pace, claiming ' Brooks, 472 Masson Street. She d after ¢ Mal ie Pipe ay pei ihe ear aap pecs Scope, mere mM tloned, purse $900 FOURTH RACE -- Mile trot, condi-| Also Started: Adios Susie, Uncle Spud,|1-Prince Su De, Feagan 8.60 4.00 2.80 TORONTO 10:40 A.M, STOCK: in her 79th year. The death occur' Zraketoga, Kelly X10 fascia' Weosrine; [Euture Time, Leblanc 2-Mr. Galophone, Waples 2.80 2.60 2.30/tloned, purse $800 Spicy Number, Wee La Salle and Eclipse|2-Chester Brown, Curran 3.30 2.60 Distriouted by CP take» ear) Lam-|engthly illness, July 25, 9 |stmeBi, Nrlbe xis eee Cruise Control, Bell X112 8-Gene Town, Wellwood 18:60 8.50|8-Renfrew Conty, Findl'y 6.10 3.90 3.10/C. 8-Sandy Demon, Hicks 2.80 Sine Sher" evens ony 3 The former Nina "Pearl Lam.) ~ i Juliana Drive Jepiaiaimiss, Gomez 120 -- Purs lo jon 172 é-Laynes Bill, Walker 3.20|4-Enry logins, Rebiilard 7.10 4.70|Exactor, (5) and (6), paid $103.10 Time 2: y George Weir, 490 Epididimiss, SEVENTH RACE urse _$2,700,| Drifted, Gord ; #4 ; } 340| SEVENTH RACE -- Mile trot, condi-| Also Started: Whi Quotations in cents unless marked vert, the deceased was a daugh: Oshawa Genera claiming (9,000), three year olds and up|Fast Jay, Grubb X11} Time 2:08 1-5 SGey Philip, Norris : iy Cone: | nie Serrens Worle Amine: Virgins z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, _xr-- '4 Mrs. E.|OShawa, at the Oshawa SECOND RACE -- -- PUTS® $2,000 eee tort (10) |Mighty Patrcl, Dittfach 123 Also Started: Jacqueline Hal, Whirl-|Time 2:11 3-5 floned, purse $ Boy, Breezeabbe, and Tuffy Tee Tans, OLE: ie ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ei ital. He was in his 82nc|cialming (3000), Threeyearolds, foaled) Aero, Tero, Bell, X13 Guest Speaker, Gomer 117 away Pick, Armbro Hero, Mischief Long| Alse Started: Squadron Leader, Fa-|é-Moily's Report, Waples 5.80 3.50 2.80/Scratched: David Hal 8. Uses reviouk: boetesak: clealna Ge Lambert, Born Sept. 21, 1888, ear : coe tty Se Grubb X117 Robin Whippet, Dittfach 115 X-5 ibs. "AAC: XXX-10 Ibs AAC: and Doc Herbert vorite Valley, Secret Mir, Oakie Bars, '1-Freighter, Hill 6.50 4.40'Attendance, 7,070. Handie, $374,557, Bball hha rd-lot closing ga ratio ; ; rn ; isheriadie at Cherry Valley, Prince Ed- 'A son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Fares Tour, Bell X117 pueasseaeat PaaS RAEACSEE SRICAITGE na RIRS MINES ward County, she was married) 12+." the deceased was born in eed Kid: Loule, No Boy 128 as there June 21, 1916. Otonabee township, Peterbor-|Susters Mark, No Boy 116 A : Stock Sales. High Low a.m. Ch A resident of -- for 45 ough county, on Oct. 20, 1885. He Golden Jive, Inouye A ae Acad Uran 11000 iS a years, Mrs. Brooks was a mem i Pert, ice Eve-|Crimsen » Grubb : sil a 2 , oe ; : was twice married, toAlice Eve-|¢..g pet, No Boy 122 'Advocate 350 299 28 299 4 ber of Kingsview United Church! 1 Knox, who died in 1927, and] qwimp Race -- Purse $200. Cisim- Agnico 500 155 155 155 -- and a life member of the United ae to Elizabeth Smith,' wholing (3000). Maiden weyear-oids, | Svs . Ang Ruyn 400 103 103 103. -- on "ner husband ars ey ge f Fleet Sesion, No, Bey Ts Bick Bey 200 PP ye esides her » MIS.) He came to Oshawa {from|Centenniia Year, Dittfach 115 jack Bay 7 = Brooks is survived by @ daugh-|peterporough in 1925, where he|Pleasent Miss, Kelly 112 Bh sg "0 z 2. 77 ter, Miss Ena wy ve b SON,|1,ad operated his own cheese fac-|Chic' countess' Leblanc. 119 oe inet 1° io ° '8 '8 pt! shawa. Iron Knight, Gordon 11S ines 8 78 Fay Maing are a sister, 23- He,worked a carpe lher Arde treat Eonech as oo ste Oo Social, rul - Mrs. William Jackson (Norma)| pot; i cE Centre island, Gordon 115 Candore 2000 15 15 15 of Wellington, Ont. and five|""s"°charer' member of St,|Renon commie vig." a mee grandchildren, She was Pre-|payi's Presbyterian church and 4 x : Captain 4500 18'% 17'4 17\4-- FOURTH . Claim: é la late Yel deceased by a sister, Mrs. Nel-|. member of the Board of Ses-|ing (7500), Bn th hag ay 7 aim Session 100 $16% Tere oa 4 lie Collier, of South Bay, Ont.,| ions of that church, the deceas- Lagy Eton, Fitzsimmons 114 Chestrvile 2000 36 30 30 Mise sevinietal service will be! lbh reared Shurch, Osh-| Senay Grubb xi, " Conlge 37000 53 50S} | x Presby c ' "|Hometown News, Gordon 114 Con Fardy 73 260 260 260 held at 2 p.m., July 28, at the|aywa | Highest Ruler, No Boy 117 © Halli 3650 65 61 65 4 : a . }Khaki John, Kelly X114 ¢ Mogul 200 340 340 340 -- Armstrong Funeral Home. In-)" Ye is survived by @ son, John! here's 'Stampede, Turcotte 114 i terment will be in Mount Lawn/ weir, Oshawa, two daughters,|Oval Personality, No Boy 119 € Morin 100 42s 42s 42s 3 Cemetery. Rev. L. W. Herbert,/Mrs. Lorne MacMillan (Hazel)|E%ACTOR WAGERING) C Red Pop 4000 38 3737 minister of Kingsview United/of Oshawa and Mrs. Erwin Steen) FIRTH RACH -- Purse 82.400, sliow- Seas a oR moe Church, will conduct the serv-| (Evelyn) of Cuba, N.Y., two sis-| ne gd aaliaeed baie Cop Fields 433 140 136 136 -- ice. lters, Mrs. Bert Green, Portland, | Pyrochiore, Fitzsimmons 114 ve 4 me ae ee ee Friends are asked not to call/Qregon and Mrs. L. Locke, West-|( inst, 8"er, Grune, 3! D'Aregon 1500 17 (1717 at the funeral home before on, Ont., and two brothers, Fred/Fantino, Kelly A-X14 DrEida 42580 220 205.212 Thursday afternoon. |Weir of Swift Current, Sask.,|Sreen For Go, Gomez B-1is | Dicknsn 500 365 350 350 and Harold Weir of Keene, Ont.| Count pec' crouse exit? | Discovry 25 011010 a . j rome 865 $52 51 52 MRS. EMILY LOVELL | _ He was predeacesed we sul, bem fy sandal Bell C14 m money Call ll co ee a ae health since Last) George Rolan of Y+}Comblen D'Argent, Steve 117 5 robex 200 430 430 430 te ie ily Lovell, a| 196. |Post Pioneer, 'No "Boy 119 Completely Skinned & Defatted i i Gontgrm 1 260 260, 267 February, Mrs. Emily Lovell, a) "aye memorial service will be| P . 'ated Partially Boned Trimmed of All Excess Fat Gredore 1500 17 S\a 18\2~ resident of Hillsdale Manor for), 213 at 2 p.m. July 27, at the| R to-£at Grdroy 52650 68 bd 6S the last four years, died this h - And Funeral] eadly- Green Pnt 6550 52 50 52 = morning at the Oshawa General meg nd sted by Rev Welt | Gulch 2000 2 2 v. Pit. Gunnar Hospital. The deceased, who had), Meson af Et. Penl's Pre:® :-| SMOKED COOKED Hesdwey 5000 Ie "16 16 previously lived at 1412 Simcoe/terian church, Oshawa. Inter- RACE RESULTS Golden ' d ial ea ae Street South, was in her 94th) ment will be in Keene Cemetery, Valley Cc : Hydra Ex 500 18 1818 year. |Keene, Ontario | TUESDAY, JULY 25 Whol a ee The former Emily King, the} ' le ze Net as soo 3, "4 | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Cisim- hid age all la deceased was @ daughter paid | FUNERAL OF jing maiden twoyear-olds. 5% Furs. . 1LB, PKG, kad Half Lb. ihe dd st . ba 4 late Edward and Hannah King. 3 . 7-Bronze Rock, Walsh 14.60 7.10 5.00 L Dutauit 225 $10% 10% 10 Born Nov, 2, 1873, at Deptford,' tiem High Mass was sung|(auigh, Metts), | tw sak topes a % land, she was} m Hl 58 W. 6 | : ; : re 00 * ' L Osu 1000 15% 15\4 154+ married in London, Sept, 23,|i2 St. George's Ukrainian Greek jay" soy" ganas, 'se of Grace" Mas FREEZERBUY Breaded Cod te hal aga Hat 3B BP a i " Catholic Church at 10 a.m.,|Mer, Anti-Ciimax, Vicune Girl and DQ- Red Brand Avg. Wt. 80 Lb ea 0 12 Ox. ; . pee 116 160 160 160 1893. A resident of Oshawa for R H 9 $s. 1@ with P' ¢ 60 160 160 ber of|July 25, for Joseph Krawchyn-|Resarcez C bad Lorado 3000 80 80 80 61 years, she was a member of|?¥! ! Late Scratch--ster Gold Steaks Pkg. Ch Soni ek a te a the ladies' auxiliary of Branch ski, who twa Ae A a . the Da--Finished fore Dut wee disquatities uc S$ 0 ee Lb. eese For facdon hah to - i ' ; Oshawa General Hospital. and placed la: fs Steinbera' 5 . Madsen 1400 195 190 190 = 4 n ion. . . inber, gy inte ong Tang co The mass was sung by Rev.| seconp race -- Purse $2,200. Male. A chuck of beef contains: Stewing Beef Fresh Meaty g's FreshBaked Pkg. of 2 Steinberg's Malortic. 400 bat James Lovell, Sept.7 1940,|J- C. Pereyma. Interment wasjen three. ad four-year-old fillies. 62 Blade Roasts,Boston Roasts * lbs 1 Steak & Fresh ib pried cog nee yell is survived by four|i? Oshawa Union Cemetery. iiive wi es Short Rib Roasts, Ground Chuck Pork Hocks : . ° Pkgs. . Mc Adam 1500 42 42 42 Mrs. Lovell is survived by four e Win, Werry 111.4 22.80 9.20 Kidne P Potat LY | MeWat 200 4 4 46 4 aaaght Mrs. Michael Mc-|_ The pallbearers were Joseph|s-spice Road, Gomer 3.30 3.00 y ries 0 3a Cup rr da to renee owen stage Crossan (Mable) of Buttalo,|Skiba, Michael Gadyk, William |*Sy S00 etn, panorama, wit Meta 2000 99 4 Mrs. Russell Flechtner (Nancy)|SWnar, Thomas Styra, Julien|ning Winnie, Fable Quest, 'Added Lux- Mindre 1000 TMs atv ta of Fiorida, Mrs. Don Clancy|Straszewski and Samuel Kot. [py 04 eet ting, PAID 9477.90 / ™~ Not expt 00 1010 1) (Grace) and Mrs. Frank Hughes) = FUNERAL OF THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Tent. Ge ae me me (Rita) both of Oshawa and a|MRS. MAURA MOCHNACHUK|Ing, Maiden two-year-olds. Sv Furs ICE CASTLE HALF ¢ ne ae eo ee son, Walter, of Oshawa. She; The service for Mrs. Maura] kings Jtlce, Gomez 13.60 8.20 4.4) BRAND ASST'D FLAVOURS GALLON N Hosco 100 178 178 (178 was rigor by sai sons,|Mochnachuk, who died July 23,| soccer's aword, tittacn 7 $ : N tmoerel 409 330 325. 325 James, Charlie and Bennie. at the Oshawa General Hospital,|, Ale Ren tn Order: Moon Joy, Noble- N Senator 9500 35% 351% 35M Also surviving are a sister,| was held in St. John's Ukrainian |{0", ls, Swash, Cat, Allota Tea, Barrel - Norbaske 3000 65-66 66 4 Mrs. Fred ee (May) of ot Greek Orthodox Church at 9:30|Mutuel Choice and Fleet Wren j @ nN Rock 3000 380 36 3A 4 Westminster, B.C., seven grand-|a.m. today. i North Can 700 135 135 135 -- children, 19 'great-grandchildren The service was conducted by cisiming hrewyer clas 'nt oP KT} GIANT BOX C. Stan Mo ais a8 as a and three great-great grand-|the Very Rev. Peter Sametz of|Miles on main *> { Pamour 75 200 200 200 SSilver Moor 4. S'by 37.20 6.00 Si { Patino 215 900 900 children. Toronto. Interment was in Osh-|3-Hugonote, cily 250 2.30 Pax int (67500 19 16 18 4 The memorial service will be|awa Union Cemetery. 1-Repute, Bell 3.30 . Ned Pce Exp 103400 140 133 133 - Also der: resid, Pick ¢ held at the Armstrong Funeral| The pallbearers were Teodor |r2or ee ee timate 2 wchn aom wa 4 mx Home at 3:15 p.m., dy fol-|Szuszwal, Walter Warcho- IXACTOR, 8 AND 3, PAID $99.00 . CARNIVAL BRAND 1LB : Bow, Rov $00 3, $0, 50 " lowed by interment St.jlak, John Filipski, Michael; pipyy pace -- 2, . buramié aE Gull ag George's Anglican Cemetery,|Storozenki, Paul Duda and Ing, four-year-olds and UP, ip PARCHMENT WRAP PKGS, ry QY Matigmt 1009 139 i%0 190 j é ci 3 : 50 9.10 7. ; ' e Park Road North. Rev. A. Wool-|Mathew Pochopski [etait tedtene Gordon 1580 9.10 7.99 Save 21¢ On Comparable Value FOR Rio Alsen Ses Saak aah aete . * | . ultan's Treat, Browne! 60 - lo Alg ¢ W 250 $172 17% 17% = nee gph ann he Pay eg FUNERAL OF sors Ter Sree Oe fe Roman' fis sii. 2m 208 3 service | MRS RICHARD MOORE [ir Cate EK Ger sees pa $8 By he te . at o wn, S. . ' yanor Va 17" y Fens are ated not to cl Te, furl serie on Mi RS ar n° STENBERG 6 OZ.AR ¢ ew ee ee i Tig elgg Ms at the family residence, 367 keh eynindtor Purse $3,000. Allow. BRAND : { By ari wid 498 20 488 J : Rosmere Street, was held atlmeres. crus TSO fillies and Silvriid the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral pata Grubb" 20 2.10 2.10 -- Si "Miler 7300 "17 "TeV IP ] t 3.3 2Margadelia, Leblanc 280 2.40 Silvma 2 #27 «(37 |Home at 3.30 p.m., July 25. SShining Wings, Werry 240 @ Sil Stand 2100 80 80 80 IN MEMORIAM | The service was conducted ance In Order: Line Charger and STEINBERG Cc siace an as " 4 : by Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow, ik 16 OZ. JAR |minist N inster : BRAND o 7100 400 400 400 eer Ce ga ee ' eee a: Elieen, who departed this life July 26,|in Groveside Cemetery, Brook- 'A Leslovers Kelly pay 390 310 ae 1000 42s ay 45 4 1960. lin. 2-Open Page, Fitzsi . 9700 40 Bit obeay salsses you tire thin vi) "The pallbearers were Stanley wn ante Grdars Stormy Linde, @ Chocolate, Coconut, 12 OZ, $ "M3 460 ao "a : n US: s , vdro, um! 50 215 m old. times we off. recall, Douglas and William 'Lynde,|Hewd pa Nights FARM HOUSE Lemon, Banana PIES 0 48 ak as That's when we miss you most of sil, Jack Willi a Neil 0 73 73 73 - Sasi tcc se aren Te Amt Nell mtqurn, aacerure, can, Cutn ! ~-- er FOR dilate bi " dey, . ing, three-y . - i y 200 ie: --From the family. | Sciceeis we tions "Heads bittech ao 3505.50 - "100 99 99 ' NERA ¥ panking Breeze, Gru! 3.90 2.50 ; 500 21% 20 21%4 STEPHEN -- In lovin rery a , ; ' " " dr honend einige, memory of *iMRS. BERT TERWILLEGAR|Girts,<"e Kelly, 3.40 Steinberg's Fresh Asst'd Steinberg's Fresh Apple-Rhybarb Ice Castle Gingerale, Orange gCins. of pod 7 rder: Red Purse, Tony Doz. Fred S ineiereg who suddenly passed away) The funeral service for Mrs. |8 Sood, Those Who Wait, Roys! Doctor Ca e onu Ss For 4 u a ie or C . or 10 6 No ¢ OILS, GAS There Is a link death ver, (Bert Terwillegar, who died July | 20° Ne Tassez Pas t R p Ea. S ft D k return inne an a eee Loe en remembrance lash forever. |23 at the family residence, PY ideas ae ee eee ee - 0 nn Scola = Bil, aie 9750 w ar a ; ~Always remembered by wife Luelle i - Ui 7 Ve 0 and family. Agnes Street, was held at 2 Steinberg's Fresh Aylmer Steinberg Frozen Pink or Whi tei a ae ee ae p.m., July 25, at the McIntosh- TSE Pro al or 9 "s 10 Oz. te CS Pete 100 236 336 236 0 F A LASTING TRIBUTE Anderson Funeral Home. pos T ato S ¢ L d i ¢ = For Permanence and dignity AR <b was conducted ue erry ins we om ou sg emona e 6 Oz.Tin |by Rey. W. G. Dickson, of Shel- . ss eae . ° we nae. Saas ities a emer mucin . Approved \ We reserve the right to limit quantities. No dealers please. All prices in this ad effective July 26 to 29 , 1967. j } r] MEMORIAL PARK Centre Street United Church, It KH A ger he te pie by per bd hos me TORONTO (CP) -- The On- Ss G 'Or courteous advice please |) 'Y, minister of Centennial|tario Securities Commission has \ visit the Park Office. "| United Church. Interment ~ i H y 723-2633 in Okie Gale Gameary ee ee ee ee Picked Fresh Daily... Rushed to Steinberg's Y\ TH E re : most large block transactions to Local grown Canada No.1 Grade | A . t 3} k D . the floor of the exchange, it was Fresh C | announced Tuesday. | ncien 00 epicts Most of this trading now is COBS { done off the floor, with brokers For o charging less commission than Irish As Gre at Lovers - transactions on the exchange} , oor. og Under the proposal, reduced Yn By EDDY GILMORE [calamities by cultivating the ee ae te ee Gee, Local Grown --_ From the Sun Parlor of Ont, Product of S.A OUTSPAN Juicy Size 112 Ks : - g, as sie oe LONDON (AP)--As long ago har Yindly crovided cs wnt |but such trades would have to Cherry Tomatoes Hecping Pint oe 0 Oranges Vitamin C Tested Doz. 390¢ as. 1742 Irishmen saw them-|the author wrote. ' |be made on the exchange and selves annenellnn Ba lovers. ee ees ack within a 15-day. trading period. Local Grown No, 1 Grade Field Santa Rosa California's Finest ae This is made clear in a 225-\ maiden ladies of f Only exception to floor trades year-old book exhibited, but not| om (ates of very great for-!would be in transaction of more Plums tb. | ¢ for sale, in London during the annual Book Collectors Fair. The Irish Register of 1742 |tune lie unoccupied and neglect- led. "For the number of deaths gives a long list of eligible Eng- lish women, and in a foreword an unnamed author of the Hi- bernian Society says: "No nation carries a better face or makes so good a figure as we do. "Some struggling countrymen have, with a small stock of learning and vigorous constitu- tion, crept into the arms of many a fine woman and af- fluent fortune." This is followed by the mar- riage list for the Cork Casano- vas and Limerick Lotharios. Cited as eligible as wives for Irishmen are 11 duchesses, two marchionesses, 15 dowager countesses, 34 widows of barons and baronets, 27 widows of knights, 62 virgins with titles, 106 rich widows without title and 538 plain misses with money. CULTIVATE TALENTS "We ought, by indefatigable tenderness and care of the Eng- lish ladies of large fortunes, to redress our Ireland's preseat d by the war has than $500,000 ,where the broker- age house buys shares from a large institution for its own ac- count or in a takeover bid. greatly enlarged the list of wid- ows and the large body of roops gone abroad has made 'such a scarcity of gay fellows that I don't doubt if it continues you will have such a variety of things open to you as must una- voidably make our fortunes." In 1739, England was fighting Spain, and after these battles, the war of Austrian Succession. In his praise of English women, the author says: "I, who have known women of almost all nations, can say that none ever produced such a variety of tempers in love." |CONTAINS REGISTER The second part of this cu- tious book--owned by a London collector who prefers not to be named--contains what is called The English Register and 1s supposed to be an answer to the Irish Register. Again the author is. unnamed, but it gives a list of English- men and urges English women to turn to them rather than to Criticized TORONTO (CP)--A. H. Lem- mon, president of the Canadi Life Insurance Association, says association members ques- tion a recommendation by the Carter Royal Commission on Taxation that dividends to pol- icy holders be taxed. Mr. Lemmon, president of Canada Life Assurance Co., told the Toronto junior board of Trade Tuesday a policy divi- dend is "essentially a return of the policy holder's own money --not a dividend in the usual corporate investment sense." He also said the commission's proposal to tax group insurance benefits would amount to an in- heritance tax on people of moderate means who now are exempt from: estate taxes. .e/ i a - The text of his speech was released before delivery. --"= ee wee wo ca Cucumbers 'esis Bron BHC Cott 3%40z.Pkgs. ) Orange Crystals Or $1 QD srount cottee 1.796 HOUSE CUP and Regular Oatmeal 24 Oz. Pkg. pe Si ll 360° Dad's Cookies §9C Divi Tissues 3$1 's Pkgs. all ' Coronation Whole or ! =F @rossins 32-390 @ Kadana 69¢ Special Tea Bags ***- fo 59¢ SAUCER SET or COFFEE MUGS Imported China - Asst'd Designs 4-97" Yee & OS Rae awe) i. Wiad een \ . Clip and Redeem These Money Saver Coupons ae } With this coupon ond With this coupon and ' this coupon end With this coupon and With this coupon ahd the purchose of @ 12 Or. Jor of the purchase of the purchase of @ Pineapple the purchase of @ Tin or Bil. of the purchase of @ 1/4 Lb. Bog of Orr jwaelae 10c Fa im SCM Satin Semcseo Re China Ly Farm Kis Onions JAM Modess Carefree 1 QULMM Cheese Cake vo.° wm Chinese Food Small Prunes THIS COUPON ExPIRES JULY 29, 1967 _} 'THISCOUPONBOIRES JULY 29,1967 jHis COUPON Baines WIV 29, 1967 | jas cOUPONDOIRES wy 2, 1967 S | ascouron exes JUiY 29, 1967 5 Cc cocerere: 5 Ox. Jor of 2 5 Cc phy phere eat Lb. Bag of ) C pth sep che. of 48 3) rc Weprchow e214 Ox. Tins of 5 Cc Kepuchoweal es Ox. Tin of OAD icicle Pi OFF aw Pisin c OFF aw steak Icicle Pickles Dog Chow Plain Cones Beans with Pork Steak Spice wines July 29,1967 ~~ | THiscouroN Bones, JUV 29, 1967 | THSCOUPONDORES JULY 29,1967 _§ .|_ THISCOUPON EXPIRES JULY 29, 1967 S | THsCOUPON BmPiRES JULY 29, 1967 .= and Fair TOM( 9 p.m. : YC Is YC

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