he afternoon, Warm today but cooler 1esday. Winds south- except strong and inderstorms. st temperatures ight, high Monday cesuees OO 80 <ING FOR A RTABLE QUIET OUS DOWTOWN? GO TO THE -Ho Room Lancaster NG ST. WEST Weekend Accidents Kill | 95 Persons, 53 In Traffic -- By THE CANADIAN PRESS ford died Sunday from injuries Accidents claimed 95. lives| Suifered in a car-truck crash Sa-| cidents claimed 95 livesiturday about five miles east of| across Canada during the week-' Simcoe, end, 53 of them in traffic. A survey by The Canadian| [an Delth, 17, and Gary Perk-| Press from 6 p.m. Friday until|ins, 15, both of Toronto when) midnight Sunday, local times, the motorcycle they were riding also showed 32 persons drowned |COllided with a car on Highway| and 10 died in other accidents. |48 north of Toronto. Quebec recorded 39 deaths,| Howard Cook, 13, of Port 13 in traffic, 20 drownings, one|Hope drowned in the Trent man died when a lead of hay|River canal while attempting to crushed him, another in an ac-| wade across the river at Camp- cidental shooting, one whe n/bellford. struck by lightning, one when a) Albert Bauer, 77, his daughter tree fell on him, one when: hit)Mildred, 44, and her 53-year- by a train and one in a fall. | old fiance, Stephen Nagy, all of Ontario had 30. deaths, 21 on|Pittsburgh, Pan., in a head-on rs iV ho way. Six others jerash near Gananoque. rowned, one died of a broken i ; ini neck when he dived into a ila coe i ee oe d hit bottom, a boy died when| 4:1: A oe, e Bn » & Doy died when utility pole in Leamington. he swallowed weed-killer con-| Neil Frederick Biggs, 31, of taining arsenic salt and @ W0-\Qchawa when he was thrown j TME GSHAWA TIME» Monday, July 24, 1967 3 ' Biographer Carl Sandberg Dies, Won Pulitzer Prize Twice | FLAT ROCK, N.C. (AP)--Car!/1908, Lillian Paula Sandburg. |Sandburg, who rose through the) Sandburg, was_ particularly {ranks of workingmen to achieve) noted for his Lincoln biography. a delicate and humane touch in| Both men were born poor, ob- a the literary world, is dead at 89.|tained haphazard educations|4"e Syndicate. His cremation will follow aland struggled hard to make a| Then his literary career began funeral 'service today at St.|living. Both understood and: Shaping. John's in the Wilderness Epi lloved the common people. He collected songs of moun- jcopal (Anglican) Church near, The Lincoln biography, a pain- tain people, cowboys and rail- Connemara, the goat farm staking work of 15 ye; won way gangs. With his guitar he where the poet, biographer and him his first Pulitzer Prize. gave poetry reading-folk singing author died Saturday. Sandburg, a picturesque fig- concerts across the U.S. Sandburg, a familiar figure injure of broad mouth and full} the Blue Ridge Mountains since!head of straight, snow - white moving here more than two hair, won his second Pulitzer decades ago, had been jin ill|Prize in 1951 for his Complete health two years. At his bedside, Poems. at the end was his wife since' He was born Jan. 6, 1878, in} MSiek Galesburg, Ill, the son of Swe- dish emigrants. The blacksmith- railway worker father was poor, and Carl dropped out vf school at 13 to work. McCutcheon Favors Right hiagt - oe ° American War broke out, he enlisted in "KELOWNA, B.C. (CP)--Sena- the Sixth Illinois Infantry tor Wallace McCutcheon Satur- served eight months in Puerto -- ing an organizer for the Sorial |Democratic party and secretary ito Milwaukee's mayor. The Chi- cago Daily News hired him as a jwriter after he had served as {foreign correspondent for a fea- DOWNTOWN DELIGHTFUL AIR CONDITIONED DINING ROOM GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICES Special Noon Luncheons | Hotel Lancaster 27 KING ST, WEST SS CELL LLL TE " it | a choked to death on vomit)trom his car and run over by biks odijade ante baka |another on Highway 401 at Osh- Nova Scotia reported four) drownings and one person killed) in a plane crash. In British Sg Columbia two persons drowned|Struck by a car while riding his and one died in a car crash. |bicycle near his home in Red- Newfoundland . was _fatality-| Pridge. free. Edward Jones, 18, of Stouff-| All deaths in other provinces/|ville, Ont., of a broken neck) were on the highway -- New\after he dived into Chandos) day called on his Progressive! Rico. | Conservative party to reaftirm | Attor the war he spent a year the basic principles of consery at' Galesburg's Lombard Col- atism and take a definite posi- ieee. then ak selected for ap- tion to the right of centre on the | ,intment to the U.S Military political spectrum. Academy.He was at West Point The senator said at a news| only briefly for he failed en- conference in this Okanagan|t-ance examinations. After that Valley city such a reaffirmation j}, returned to Lombard i would create '"'a logical altern- After ' Lombard he ative to the socialistic trend 3 Timothy Clark, 12, when 5-Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates NOW EARN finishing lateral for loons. Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death, Authorized--oas Trustee Act In- vestments, CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 Brunswick with five, Prince Ed-|Lake near Apsley and struck) Bo : 4 pursued all sorts of jobs, inciud- ward Island one, Manitoba six,|the bottom. | * _ } obvious in the actions of the ness bib cn 1 Saskatchewan three and Alberta) Arthur Robertson, 56, of Tor-| : dl : pe party. and its: ally, the 2 (a) three. onto after his car crashed into) Ba sce aten te The survey does not include}an abutment on the Gardiner! FROM COOL TO COOLER agen oe Ye pattng } per unnum industrial or natural deaths,| Expressway in Toronto. | delngaten ta? the fe pare sive Did You for five years known suicides or slayings. William Mercer, 58, of Detroit A Toronto policeman tries city hall Sunday where after listening to a concert eral youths were arrested i ibaa ioe i ricoane : NDAY |drowned while fishing off a pier) to remove a youth from the many of 50,000 folk-rock by the San Francisco group (GP Wireahnia) -- ative s' national leader- by investing in Guoronteed Philip Taylor, 13, of Pem-|in Erieau Saturday night. fountain pool in front of the fans waded in to cool off The Jefferson Airplane. Sev- I Tee ition in Toronto in Know That Investment Certificates broke, when his bicycle was} Robert Legge, 28, of Newmar-, Fe Se Re Ae ee nae = ie has: nAngunced Ain Cand which are struck by a car on Highway 41)et, Ont., drowned when the . oe to change the image of law en- Gacy fdr the Job : c. Scholarship auerontene--os to Principal and two miles south of Pembroke./poat from which he was fishing American Cities Seek Ways on He said there has been too is Flexible--moy be used as Col- Edward George Dean, 20, floverturned in Orange Lake 25 Its police have taken Negro much "nibbling at the power of Hamilton when his motorcycle miles northeast of Parry Sound. and Puerto Rican boys to see the individual." that people do struck a utility pole in Hamil-) pi.. Linnea Gronross, 37, of. e the New York Mets play base-|not want compulsive welfare ton, |Toronto after she choked while ] l p re ball and to weekend camps in| programs, or any other program @ YoU agree to open a guaranteed Paulos Santos, 3, of Toronto|.¥imming in Baptiste Lake 10 O an e oOcl1da ressu the Catskill Mountains. Since|\ which reduce the decisions of NAVINDY Perey etn ean Tee when a car driven by his mother] | iia. west of Bancroft. the summer of 1966, 94 plain-|the individual. You withdraw your savings 'to jumped a sidewalk and crushed} Chadiee Lipman "44. of Tor clothes men assigned as com-| "s Pay for the first: year your child him against a retaining wail in} 1,400 youngsters in Roxbury, munity relations specialists te onto when he was struck by a : ! E attends univegity? Hamilton. the main Negro section. have met daily with Negro,| BUY DIRECT @ A Government chartered, non- profit organization? DA'S LARGEST EST CHAIN OF 2 NEW YORK (AP)--Suddenly,jas young as 10 years have, it was summer--the American| thrown bottles and looted stores summer of racial violence. --cannot be written off as just = A rock was thrown in Boston. | all delinquents. And they don't 17, of Seaforth) Giass shattered in Tampa, Fla.|all agree with the more ex- Providing your child obtains normal passing grades, the next three years of university will be paid for by the Foundation? Lori Winsor, 9, of St. John's,|¢at while crossing a Toronto --The Cleveland Community| Puerto Rican and white youths Nfld., drowned while swimming] street: ; Relations director, Bertram)0n the streets, listening to com- in a river in Emily Provincial} Jeen Wynja, Gardner, said playgrounds are|Plaints and sometimes mediat- 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 Park 12 miles southeast of|drowned in Willow Lake six! Rampages erupted in Cincinnati] treme views of the Black Power) being built throughout the city,|ing disputes. a Lindsay. miles south of Kitchener. and Dies, Ohio, in Atlanta,|prophet, Stokely Carmichael, | ig fog e rioting last August,| Most leaders don't put much TONE-CRAFT For appointment call -- OPEN Jack Ranger, 17, of Burling- |Ga., and Buffalo, N.Y. Bee EE | and that efforts are being!stock in programs that end as KING PARK PLAZA Rieniee ton, Ont., drowned Sunday when FRIDAY | And then 'there was Newark, CONDITIONS DIFF IC ULT made to clean up residential | soon as school begins. vos | Frank Buchanan an he attempted to swim across the| Robert Arcand, 3, of Sturgeon|N.J, In five days and nights of Pape pend ot Spare ot vk areas. "It's like putting a little| ----_-- = | Enrollment Officer seabed Burlington ship canal at the en-|Falis, Ont., when struck by a|Negro rioting starting July 12, een cut at tie. shinttne Work iad --In Michigan, where adult Vaseline on a great big wound| 723-6832 Negroes flock to jobs in the that's been bleeding all year," auto industry, officials say that |said Rev. Leon Sullivan, whose any major threat of violence) Philadelphia - based Opportuni- comes from those between the | ties Industrialization Centre has ages of 13 and 25 who can't|/been praised as one of the most trance to Hamilton harbor. i : i . Monique Lavalee, 20, of Lon | sina Relic et jer. ee ee Scie 1,872) hard to get, and despite non-| : don, Ont., wh the Uv st qs|, Joseph Horvath, 21, and Ar-/were injured and property dam-| violent protests, the ghettos re-| i n, Ont., when the car sne Was |tene Marie Dawson, 21, both of|age exceeded $15,000,000. It was ' pea re "has! in smashed into a tree near eid ' vale aii ra jmain to many youths much as : " | Woodstock when the motorcycle|the worst racial rioting since 34) th Iway: , dirty Pickering. % s i rade jthey always have been--dirty, persons were killed in six days) srowded and devoid of opportu- 4 Paul Channell, 19 months, of violence in the Los Angeles | ,,. | easily find work. Every major effective organizations in the sds city in the state is trying to/field of job training. 'You've died in Hospital for Sick Chil- Watts section two years ago. | z y dren in Toronto shortly after he ui "Who says riots don't work"| supply more jobs and recrea- got to put in some stitches or Sd DON'T LET ENTAMOEBA they were riding collided head- on with a car in Woodstock. | Gerald Nicholson, 18, of Pais- A i | With at least two more hot} r swallowed a weed - killer con-|!ey, his brother Larry, 16, and 4 an elderly man asked at a Ne-|tion this summer to that. age A gre egreatee aia Sse) 7 7 1 eir| months stretching ahead, Amer-|* . : per _ s© 9 some major surgery. taining an arsenic compound. |Clarence McTeer, 17, when their) Months, sti um gro lunch counter in Buffalo.! oy ae ineh beech Lana 8 P car went out of control andjican cities, with barely con-|:\Wwe heen' telling them (the! group HISTOLYTICA ADOPT YOU "After unemployment, the No. struck a utility pole near Pais-|Cealed desperation, are trying) |; Page atest Si city) what's wrong for years.|9 problem is police-community | SATURDAY : to control the social Pressures | Now these kids break a few|- Alexander Smith, 47, of Brant-jley. FREE Estimates, # Reasonable 4 : These p i bas are o p form of ani- Rates, Repair Specialist. . mal life which reproduce by just dividing in half. One that increasingly shatter tradi-|\': or relations," said Celes King, tionally oeee suas | windows, and the mayor is down president of the central Los An- | can soon become millions, They are the cause of : |here promising jobs. They work. | les branch of the National Amebiasis, g lly known as Amebic dy y- They é WANT BETTER LIFE I can't fool these kids like my A naoniation for the Advance: are swallowed with food and drink, and burrow inte the 3 a Among the issues in Newark | father fooled me. I worked hard went of Colored People large intestines. e 4 were unfulfilled demands for|@!! my life and I still ain't got : Ree Beginning symptoms are not too troublesome. But, . r new homes, better schools and|0thin, I'd want my kids to} Harrassment by police is a ofter they accumulate, they travel to the fiver, heart, better jobs, plus constant com-| have." 'constant -comblalptcot many Digs aa V4 lungs and brain and a small percentage of cases ere plaints of police brutality. These; Efforts to improve the situa- they clai in never wot ld have | 24 Hour Tonks tatal. Symptoms are easily confused with those of grievances have been cited as/tion are being made. Lhd Meal dant tether NR hp Service Installed oppendicitis, colitis, peptic ulcer, intestinal cancer and occurred if whites rather than others. Your physician can cure Amebic dysentery in causes of Negro unrest in other! Adults in Boston, Tampa and urban slums in the United!Dayton put together youth pa- States. itrols which helped squelch riots These grievances have gener-|on the promise that grievances at Matiie ESET BER PIE ated frustrations among young. |would be dealt with. pagent gieslon ty eo jobless Negroes across the U.S.| Buffalo mayor Frank Sedita! police to cnd massive shows of | Time and again, a random inci-|jjstened for an hour and a half force in the Negro neighbor- dent has touched off rioting. |to sharply voiced complaints' hoods. | Commenting on the Newark |from a group of youngsters. He | "T think some of NEW YORK A LEADER Fast Dependable Radio Dispatched jumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Call 723-1191 CANADA'S LARGEST AND FINEST CHAIN OF about 95% of cases and control the rest if treatment is not too delayed. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. May we compound and dispense yours? Negroes had been involved. In San Francisco last year, Tampa and Buffalo this year, ficial we den't play it? Phone for vaca- your own Beneficial oan Privilege. Call : EASTVIEW PHARMACY SPRING 7) ee A rioting, Oliver Lofton, the Ne-| commented: : gro administrator of the city's | your grievances are just . . .| Perhaps no city 'has gone as | & 573 King Street East e-insured legal-services project, says: some promises haye not been far as New York in. attempts) Oskewa teenie? % "Negroes in Newark have | kept." a= : lousy homes, lousier jobs and THINK YOUNG ' PHONE 725-3594 seeee 723-4687 the lousiest: schools. ie Many cities are aiming their MOVING ? ? ? Fost -- Free ---- Motorized Delivery @ .. .723-8134 : He blames 'the rioting On| programs specifically at young 9 CENTRE = FOR HOURS racist, spin sy ag and | people. For example: Sock ¢ eas T k A D a mayor who refuse 0. work : oca! ong Distonc H ; ix Boston has doubled its sup- ake rive ees el helpless, frustrated) port of a work program de-|f Pecking .@ Storage @ Crating _ CASA SESE SAR RST : ie signed to find jobs for 1,200 to r ACHIEVED NOTHING MAAR APRAPRARAPRPPDR CITY CARTAGE VAN BELLE Robert Curvin, former chair- P bas : A $e . man of the Congress of Racial | CANADIAN . Agents: : foc: GARDEN Equality, says: "We held many| HEARING AID -- 2] UNITED VAN LINES S lemonstrations and sit-ins, but : we achieved nothing. There had} CONSULTANTS 725-2621 heel Glan, been absolutely no concessions, | 10 Bond St. E. ae pean DO-IT-YOURSELF no compromise, no offer, from | 725-2771. er @ FERTILIZER @ SPREADERS N oO T I ie E e city government to ai e| i aisle obrthe poor, inthe ------ @ TOOLS @ TOPSOILS 4 e "And there was always the| | ® SEEDS, ETC. @ Advice on your Garden Problems To Property Owners considering Sale of their pro- perty and who want the best deal they can get ! The Real Estate Department of CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST can get you the best deal in the sale of your property -- Van Belle Gardens "Your Friendly Garden Centre" 5 Minutes East of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... 623-5757 police, pushing and tormenting | | and sometimes beating." | CROSS CANADA PAVING Mayor Hugh Addonizio ack-| has 3 YEARS GUARANTEE nowledges that conditions aren't | also 6 - 12- 18-20-36 month to pay the best, "but we're trying to do something about it." Beyond the obvious frictions | between white and black, a} striking degree of conflict is| that of the young versus the old | RUSSIAN MESS CALL Igor Lebedev, 10, points as the wife of a member his bugle skyward as he of the Soviet Embassy staff Park L9 HESTRA For 2 Month @ FREE ESTIMATE... No Pay After Compl sounds mess call at a camp said the ens egg |within the Negro community. ° near Waterview, Md., American food is ham- | he young Negroes who have : Y where about 40 children of , burgers. (AP Wirephoto) | heen veyed 19 rioting--some | Call 728-9292 Oshawa ime ou Gg WHY ? staff members at the Soviet | Embassy in Washington are attending summer camp. The Soviet Embassy has rented an old hotel there this summer for the chil- dren of its staff members. Mrs. Galina Kuleshova, the head of the camp as well 1--Because we are. also a mortgage company who can often refinance the sale to get you mere cash. a New Oil Furnace? 2--Because we charge you ONLY 4% COMMISSION GOODYEAR of Modern : idway and ' BALANCE YOUR BUDGET TIRE & RUBBER CO. OF CANADA LTD, pial tet cee AND PAY ALL YOUR BILLS 9 DESIGN ENGINEER - eas tig cam yee et ae : size and type j hink ab his wh ish to sell "he Tr WITH A SUPERIOR LOAN a te ee q call us. 725- 3581 in Bowmanville, Your choice of Our Industrial Products Division, has an immediate requirement for a Design Engineer in the Development Department. 22. and reduce your monthly payments by as much as half a new Anthes or Real Estate Dept. Central Ontario Trusf TEL. _-- Lerinox, Installed by our own careful University or Technical School graduate preferred, Experience in V Belts an. asset. for a free estimate servicemen, Five Year Payment OPEN SOON] Pion, if you wish, LANDER- This position offers a challenge to the aggressive young engineer with initiative and involves internal liasion -as well as customer contacts, $50 to $5000 OSHAWA SUPERIOR FINANC the fe ing all-C. jan I Tom Houston 668-4416 16 fastest gi 1g a dian Joan company Attractve salary and company paid benefits. lien Thompson 728-2870 | ee er ecakt Ponakes : STARK Pot Hopon 655-3663 ! 3% Simcoe Street South, 725-65 | Please reply by letter stating qualifications and exper- Ol. Lines polo Sehitiall 725.5067 Daily to 5:30 p.m.; Friday to 8.00 p.m; Other evenings by appointment. 31 SUPERIOR offices to serve you ience to Personnel Manager; Goodyeor Tire Company of Canada Limited, Box 250, Bowmanville, Ontario. 43 KING STREET WEST CANADA OSHAWA | AND FINEST CHAIN OF HEALTH SPA'S SE