WEATHER FORECAST en ami toga one Weeks 95 Per: | By THE CANA Accidents _ clai across Canada di GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Beatles, Parliamentarians westerly 15 except strong and gusty in thunderstorms. | Low-Pressure Ar @a Moves | Forecast temperatures | Low overnight, high Monday | Windsor ....e.s00. 65 80 Eastward, BringsCool Air iii & 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 24, 1967 | | ign Marij Petiti | Kitchener . 60 80 end, 53 of th Sign Marijuana Petition | i oo. pain a delete ee at te forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. | noon. a . a Press from 6 p.1 * ' EDT: | Northern Georgian Bay, Al-|Hamilton .. 0 midnight Sunda; Vote Of Confidence! YouthShot | Swims To Freedom Synopsis: A low - pressure goma, Sault Ste. Marie, south-|St. Catharines .... 65 &p also showed 32 p : mee | yogiiains ae is moving steadily eastward ern White River, Cochrane, Ti-| TOPOntO -.--++e00. 6 ied i SAN JUAN, P.R. ee ee Ont, « P) = An BERLIN (AP)--A 20-year-old above Lake Superior this morn-|magami, North Bay, Sudbury: Peterborough . 57 80 ge gga porters of Comn.onwealth gov- Ottawa youth was in good con-/Fast German swam to West ling. Slightly cooler air is ap-|Mainly cloudy with occasional | Kingston oes 60 80 13 in traffic, 20 Trenton ... man died when crushed him, an cidental shootin: struck by lightni proaching southern and eastern showers and a few scattered Ontario along a line which ex-/|thundershowers today and early |tends from North Bay to Wind-| Tuesday. Clearing late Tuesday. | sor. Above the upper lakes, per- Cooler. West to northwest winds ernment in Puerto Rico today |dition in hospital here Suneay Berlin Sunday undetected by had the vote of confidence they |with bullet wounds to his thigh Communist border guards and $ wanted from island voters. 'and ankle. water patrol boats, West Berlin In a victory statement Sun-| The youth, Raymond Young, police reported. They said the LOOKING FOR A day night, former governor Luis|19, was shot outside the Diplo-|escape was made in East-West sisting cloudiness 'and ahowers|15 to 35 COMMFORTABLE QUIET t Munoz Marin hailed the out-) mat Bar in downtown Detroit porder waters in the northern will eet a ie ints TueMday:| Novinera while River seston' SeabERGus BOONE aah ae at chine a5 prone thas Puerto ke early Samay ane driven Stee part of the city, Temperatures in these localities! Cooler with showers and scat- Ontario had 3 ans support commonwealth as|to hospital here by a Canadian |will be cooler today. ed shundershowerd pe ee THEN GO TO THE vieiua gs ies Py oe Oe ce at Bees ak ; Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| sunny Tuesday. Northerly winds| Tally-H R Scien. was di fully adapted to the needs of Police in Detrou, faced with Decries Red Tape Itate Huron, Ningara, Lake On: | Sunay,Tueseay. Northerly | ally-Ho Room mned. one 4 Puerto Rico." racial rioting Sunday night, tario, southern Georgian Bay, 49, : a An sebend Haliburton re gions, Killaloe, | _ Oltawa and Montreal Tegion: | Hotel Lancaster Windsor, London, Toronto, Ham-|Cloudy with some sunny periods ilton: Variable cloudiness,,and a few scattered showers chance of a thunderstorm this|this morning. Mainly cloudy | he swallowed v taining arsenic man choked to while swimming Commogywealth received 425.- were unable to answer a request) WARSAW (AP)-- Karol Mal- 081 votes. 60.5 per cent of the/for further information, but it,cuzynski, noted Polish journal- total: statehoods received 273,-|was understood the two Cana-/ist and television commentator, 315 votes, or 38.9 per cent, and dians had been involved in a|complained Sunday that he mis- independence received 4,205, fracas with two women outside sed secing Montreal's Expo 67 six-tenths of one per cent. the bar before the shooting. during a recent trip to the j United Nations in New York be- e } Bp aye ot ( sah ite te To Visit Canada | Find Body . 14 days tn bet T Casetion LONDON ( P) gi Tommy SUDBURY (CP)--The partly- visa. Malcuzynski wrote in an Higgs has spent half a century qonomnosed body of a Malton, article in Trybuna Ludu, the in the service of Canada without Ont., youth was found Saturday Polish Communist, party news- i 7 ae " Food and Drug Bureau moving from the shadow of floatin f: : Suane ee iit - Se H sihitishiieds | ¥ : $ ., floating in the Wanapitae River paper, | eineeeh Nelson's column. Now, at 64, ser shat 7 j TURKISH SOLDIERS iblie gardens following th sik nn Ar Peay aoa ak | . 3 near the Burwash_ industria public gardens following the city of 100,000, was believed the dapper little Cockney is to 2 guard residents of Adapa- s s of earthquakes that to be the hardest hit. i epor S angerous 27 KING ST. WEST morning, clearing this after-| with showers and thunderstorms |------ | Nova . Scotia |noon. Sunny but with cloudy in-|this afternoon. Clearing tonight. | tervals Tuesday. Becoming less|Tuesday sunny with cloudy humid. Winds southwest 15 be-'periods and a few scattered drownings and o in a plane cr Columbia two p and one died in Newfoundland free. All deaths in were on the hi Brunswick with ward Island one ie, Saskatchewan th OPEN SOON three. RE ee The survey d 7 IN farm from where he escaped . . . get his first look at cities and yy 44 : Five Die In Fire zari who left their homes sd western Turkey over (AP Wirephoto sights he knows only from ref-'" poratives Sunday identified es it and went to sleep in the the weekend, Adapazari, a by cable fron. SHERMAN, Tex. (AP) -- A G te oe oined the immi- the body as that of Francis Oui thee ata fone iggs, who joi mette, 19. He was serving nother and four of her children gration office in 1917 as a mes- 9 sfinite died Saturday in a fire that de- | T C iti l senger at 10 shillings ($1.50) a aoa ee a ee stroyed their two-storey frame Earthquake Flattens | ass UFrltica week and who fash works in the charges of false pretences when House. The father, John W.! infor mation eager ellecrres he fled the farm 14 miles south Smith, collapsed from shock aaa hay Pimper nings mace of here during a sports period golden jubilee gift from present _ Police said an inquest w ate DUl WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ba-|free-swinging hippies to perpe- |nanas were a put-on, but not trate a put-on that would alarm STP--it's real and it's danger-/ "square" society. ous, says U.S. government of- "That's apparently what hap- |ficials who thought only a month pened when the word was Of Race Riots ago that this new hallucino-| passed that there were kicks to genic drug might also be a/be had from smoking banana after he and a policeman had W t ha , raced through a sheet of flame Th q a) 4 y MOSCOW (AP) -- The official hoax. po a peel scrapings. es e t enira urke ass distrié It is definite now," John H.| pe FDA spent two months il Del a hi 2 0 rescue one child crouching in Soviet news agency 1 1 a i ; Finlator, director of the Food industrial or 1 known suicides SUNI Philip Taylor. broke, when hi struck by a car two miles south Edward Geors Hamilton when and former en.ployees of Can- "€@. a hallway. All five bodies were buted today a report of the De- i et z researching bananas. ada House. found huddled together near an. ADAPAZARI (AP) -- Turkish!in Adapazari and 456 other vil-|troit race riots stressing "cruel|2%4 Drug Administration's drug) i ign find any hallu- struck a utility | A . upstairs bedroom window. officials say 86 bodies have! tages and towns u rch-! measures"? by authorities. abuse control bureau, said Sat- a are, " apa cae SEST ton i | ppointment been recovered so far from the|ing sun, seeking persons buried] In a dispatch n New York, | !day. ' ; a sll toting provers th panes, HAIN OF Paulos Santos i 'niin the ruins of flattened com-|Tass d "It has been identified. We) and we tried every recipe they Ne whan a cae deve 'ribed the Detroit riots, s well as disturbances in Bir- Recover Body | orrawa (cp)-- commodore Sains earthquake that rook J. Pickford of Outremont. e1ze rugs ry +n think even the people who are| gave us," said Jack Bologna, playing around with it know it's, Finlator's assistant. jumped a sidew: mu! ERIEAU, Ont. (CP) -- The R. At least 110 were injured President Cevdet Sunay and) mingham A. +0 i i 2} AU f x f é I j . half i 1 det Sunay and ngham, 1 Englewood, ti | sceteenalcaeala cnet aaiapababsiingane vennraceermmeann an Tn gainst ar body of William Mercer, 58, of -- ad of aarais a EPINAL, France (Reuters)-- critically, and officials said the| Premier Suleyman Demirel,|N.J., and New York City's Har-|@ powerful drug, but we don't aoaite. aa Detroit, who drowned while fish- alge rues oe Cane Police Sunday seized nearly halfdeath roll could run into the!who will meet Pope Paul in Is-|lem as 'Negro demonstrations know yet just how strong it is. Lori Winsor. § ing off a pier here Saturday '€'s, has been appointed senior . toy, of opium and a tony of hundreds, | Tuesday, drove all night/in defence of their rights." What already is known, or re. Nfld., drowned | |ported about it, was alarming j & var x 'anadiz fficer afloat for the y 5 Pee Bs Awl ; night, was recovered from the Canadian o gees mercury found hidden in the Workers dug through rubble nkara to reach Adapa-| In Detroit 'Tass said. "tr | ; A ; water near the pier Sunday. Atlantic, informants. said Sun- chicken coop of a farm he - aH A celty of 110.000 h In Detroit, Tass said, "troops enough to prompt intensive re- in a river in E : jay. A formal defence depart. (UChen eS SSE aUSe ones a Which' and } ] h carbines 5 > Park 12 miles Police said Mercer apparently @@¥. ce cepa near here. The haul, believed 'ives on farm marketing and/and ¢ and ma.| search by the FDA. Lindsay fell asleep while fishing and fell ™ent algae was ¢* stolen from a drug company HERE AND THERE light industry, shine cled the Nea ae VURE, | An ok cee | Jack Ranger pected today. near Paris, was unofficially es- ery) : Nest' man could still say that STP ton, Ont.; drown , Ont., into the water POPE AIDS VICTIMS | |might be only an attempt by he attempted to Erieau is about 15 miles south imated to be worth 5,000,000 LETTERS PATENT Helicopters' are flying over tranne 1 , Dalinn ea ea i Tha i he Pope, wi will arri in 2CHCOD é ying --_ at 4.3 of Chatham. | Clocks Scare Pens ($1,000,000). Police said The current issue of The On-) ie i a aed will ny ve SG iis vite tran hich alle of-| Burlington ship | ive persons were arrested, in: tatio Gazette carries the infor- /Stanbu ! uesday primariiy tOlficers are ready to open ma trance +to iiamt rtd . OTTAWA (CP)--The threaten- cluding the son of the farmer mation that let ! visit Orthodox Patriarch "eee a va aie me j ' Monique Lava Second Victim Dies ing sound coming from a brown 0n whose property the drugs incorporation hé tgoras I, : bled a me ters at : a ayers | : don, One, when BRANTFORD (CP) -- Elouise paper package found early Sa- and mercury were found. to ic armar Electric Limited, ee a tg gs UU Diavda wee. wiitee tHAL the in smashed int Chilvers, 17, of Brantford died Pvt m ee : ayy bien has its head office in ie . eonenicions: ii cial trouble in Newark eT ts Sunday in hospital, the second/Centve turn siren | ' shawa. i » ee ca gs a result of the Viet- | 'aul Channel victim of a car accident Wed- os e oS os Last Quad Dies MAN IDEN to aid the quake vic- died in Hospital , ' ESTAS ay The package was found Satur- iat : A | dren in Toronto ae On @ country road near) trash can in theformer| GENOA, Italy (Reuters) --| A at aig te first severe tremor in the swallowed a we 'gael ne" 2 © J St rive t Giuseppe, the only survivor of man who fell from an ea early evening Saturday de | er Gerald Drake, 17,' of Brant- mnie ? al ce Seb ge cdots E pie rn t liceman's bound .passenger tra royed nearly 1.000 homes in 25 PRINCE ST. | feming au erect ford, driver of the car when it '0 Orleans quadruplets born to policeman's ? I ne : : non Ir slammed tito a thee. dled Satire wife Maria Columbu July 16, Sate day morning, near the old an area ex ending _south st Porsus Pines SATU] day in hospital. Get : . died in hospital Saturday. Mrs./ Pickering On, has | deen me Sea. of Mi Bond Alexander Smi Hen "nther Branttond naneen Killed By Machine Columbu gave premature birth identified a gene Aeelie He more were bail ee demas (= ERRATA TY ATT : yn t ads--two girls and two'is Oshawa General Hospital cere. 2 Crawf 5 : i to the quads--two girls and two in bili ohn duty ors bal =n KENSINGTON, P.E.I, (CP)-- boys -- after taking a fertility with undetermined injuries. | th tremors shook Istanbul Subscribers To aee6 Wayne Dawes, 18, were repor-ic. Cleveland Bake r,...81,,.@/dru ne tern and central Ane ted in satisfactory condition, (fimmor prince Raward \sland( CONDITION IMPROVED. Foon, sundes but thee @ BLUE CROSS F | agriculture minister, was killed M - P d | Jack FIRnApAy A an em-/caused no more damage. ¥ @ P.S.I ' , Saturday when a road-building ployce of the Bay Ridges Riding} jy, was the see ' 'mie f Inquest Called 'machine at his son Donald's arres rroducer Stable, who had been rushed to i 'nh o aie pend ha For All Your Real @ GREEN SHIELD fi APSLEY. Ont. (CP) -- The farm backed over him. : NEW YORK (AP) -- Sheila Toronto General Hospital Fri-} 4¢ yn a year. On Aug. 19 Estate Needs Coll NEED NOT , : body of Edward C. Jones, 18, of MacRae, former wife of singer day night suffering acute i955, 2.500 persons were esti No one likes "the waiting game" -- and at Beneficial we dan't play Btn iiills. avea was found Sel: Gordon MacRae, was married paralysis from the waist down| mated to have. died quakes 576-0140 PAY CASH! it! It delays us -- and it delays you. So why wait? Phone for vaca- urday floating close to the shore} Exchange Cadets Sur day to elevision pr oduc er was reported in satisfacto that rocked eastern T ev. f tion cash now and get that Big O.K. fast. Plus your own Beneficial of Chandos Lake, three miles) i gee Ronald Wayne. The Macrae's condition this morning. |- sia : : Credit Card with exclusive new 30-day Free Loan Privilege. Call northeast of here. FARNHAM, Que. (CP)--More were divorced early this year A spokesman Toronto Gen You Give Us Beneficial... now! dt h than 1,000 Canadian Army after a marriage Jas cadets from nine provinces be-!95 ye; She no pl gan moving into Camp Farnham opp ackie Gleason 1 this weekend on a _ three-weck tele . Wayne is the he was admitted A post-n.otrem showed deat due to a broken neck, coroner Dr. Robert MacMillan said An inquest has heen called We do the rest, rector | eeCMericial Ewes r? niet Apsley is 40 miles northeast of exchange program which will series producer. fallen on top of Flanage Shamarough. oo ing a moonlight ride FREE aa WE leon ~ . CANADA - t ' . . nig s ~~ Your loan can be life-insured # a ne oh = * ° P 42 5 | Sink in other parts of Canada. Archeologist Dies City-Wide Delivery | ©XP067 month contracts on loans over $1500 sehea | ey, PED CTPERTC €aplane INKS | TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -- Mr Lanai alge af MITCHELL'S OSHAWA -- 2 Offices eos 4 Vilbur Ow 78 js: JOHN BAY, Ore. (AP)--Mu- 4 © 3614 K ' Fees r _Rowey, wanson, ont ice) Prince Charles itutnet'arenecisi. 'known sical coun . rae + 600 king St. East, Casi Mali Shope! Cenire °""7oseiee brother Ross. 45, both of Kitch: -CORDONSTOUN, Scotland best for her work among South Sharp sentence a f OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT -- PHONE FOR HOURS ener, escaped injury Saturday (Reuters) -- Schooldays at American tribes, died Friday of Dreakers to. SW Be , \ AN 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 when their Seabee aircraft lost Gordonstoun finished Saturday Leukemia treets under the ate YF aa ae ' | . a pontoon, spun in the water for Prince Charles, The 18-year a pOnce Man. J y ; Canadian whisky @ SS IG and sank in the main channel/d@ 'heir. to the British throne . it. except the defen he Ge age : of this Georgian Bay port vill go to Cambridge Univer- Producer Marries slg ded et haven't had any re- -- ae : : sity's Trinity College in October peaters. to study archaeology and an- PARIS (Reuters)--Film direc- e j 14. {hropology. During his schooling tor Jean-Luc Godard, 36, has ee " Mennonites To Quit here he sang in the school choir, married Anne Wiazemsky, 20 CALL OR SEE : PEACE RIVER, Alta. (CP)-- played oe trumpet ~ ied in ie Pt : o sy faci Sule DIXON'S ; 16 Homes Needed Mennonites in the Peace River he orchestra, was in the drama- ¥« g Leds rrenct riter fran- F : country say plans are being tic and operatic societies and/ cols Mauriac, vas announced i "URGENTLY" made for more persons to fol- took a keen part in outdoor zc-| Monday. Godard 1s generally re- FOR 3 de Jow, the approximately 100 who tivities. Barges Be one o Erarige § moet OIL FURNACES - We have 16 families relocating in the Oshawa Area aA have left Canada for Bolivia in HORUS new Wave Cee for Fall Possession, Good substantial, all cash buyers. order to maintain their religious s tors. His pl ze + winning film SERVING OSHAWA OVER ; Po a oe ~ F ¢ | customs. A party of 43 left by Paper Tiger i es starring cee 50 YEARS right now 725- H ¥. Saturday, A similar group é é actress Jean Seberg and Frenc'! : 'et lcat. Wetnendns P HONG KONG (Reuters)--'actor Jean-Paul Belmondo, was] 24-HOUR SERVICE W/, L, BOUGAN REALTORS : - cpio {China said Sunday Britain's de- a major box-office success a e e e \cision to reduce its armed forces 313 ALBERT ST; ' 1363 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Cardinal Ill - and ouit its bases in Singapore Fost Action 723-4663 and Malaysia exposed British TAIPEI (AP)--Thomas Cardi- imperialism as a_ paper. ti- nal Tien, first and only Chinese| ger " The official New, China HOUSE SALES! prince of the Roman Catholic'news agency. in a:London dis- i ) McLaughlin Bandshell, Memorial Park pane his bugle sk sounds mess ¢ 1 near Wate i where about | staff members E Embassy in V ? attending su 54 SIMCOE NORTH es Featuring BERNARD TIERNEY and his ORCHESTRA ren Mrs. Galina |] head of the | Church, is seriously ill at Chiayi patch, said: United States and Call a Member of the in central Formosa British "bourgeois press circles OSHAWA end DISTRICT The cardinal, who has not are panic-stricken and can do REAL ESTATE BOARD been well for two years, was nothing about it." x placed in an oxygen tent Satur- - * and List Photo .day night after he lapsed into ae : a coma but his Condition Sunday DX -- DX -- DX -- DX | was reported to have improved > slightly. $ BE WISE: $ et ts ay ascare cided [eee nee MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE -- Tuesday and Wednesday Specials - Sunday to join doctors attending the 77-year-old cardinal, who is - | Archbishop of Peking. $ SAVE $$ $ } ae -- WTH -- Plans Visit ¢ $ a FUEL CANBERRA, Australia (Reut- DX ers)--President Giuseppe Sara- ¢ OIL $ Come and bring the whole family to a Free Concert of Modern Music, under the stars. You'll hear the best of Broadway and ji : GRADE "A" - SMALL C D popular Hit Songs as played in "Big Band" arrangements. LANNING A. EGGS z Concert sponsored jointly by General Motors of! Canada Ltd. and ; P, e e the Toronto Musicians Association with a arant from the Trust : Sat tte | TASTY SKINLESS C | Fund of the Recording Industry. -werns | | WIENERS if ] | MG: BARRY SARAZIN of CKLB First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests g LEAN TENDER -- sito ; CLUB ag Feature Artist: xperience ta ; STEAKS aN Tow BROWN Accordionist Extraordinary | 723-4641 fj BONELESS 4 BUD csvsons aces pee | STEWING mG COME AND ENJOY THE MUSIC Y INEST CHAIN OF y : | ate Gerrothea| BEEF | Se j gat of Italy will begin a six-day visit to Australia Sept. 25, Prime Phone 668-3341 Minister Harold Holt announced BUNGAY.: 6.6 5s Nia ey iDX -- DX -- DX -- DX | EDUCATION for TOMORROW 1# you lock VOCATIONAL SKILL ond 6 HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, you can now study et home te qualify as @ DRAFTSMAN AND DESIGNER @ ACCOUNTANT AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR @ PRIVATE SECRETARY. OR BOOKKEEPER | | throuh TECHNICIA' COMMERCIAL High RESERVE YOUR rouh a HNICIAL or Cc ig Schoo! Course FUNCTION NOW! Eorn a "HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA" and "CERTI- FICATE OF PROFICIENCY" in the vocation of your choice, with only one course, Supervised finel examinetions in your areo for certificates, upon completion of course. All books, instruction ond supplies for as little os $2.00 weekly write: "ACADEMIC STANDARDS INSTITUTE" 40 Main St. W., HAMILTON, Ont. NAME ADORESS A 4 { 4 : 4 4 ; \