it Ads' 3--Male Help Wanted Municipal Public Works Superintendent for the District of Campbell River British Columbia Duties: To supervise the work of the Grade Foreman, Sewer Fore- mon, and Public Works Yard Operator. To direct the cver- all construction and mainten- ance of water, sewer, drain- age and street facilities of the Municipality. To work with the District Administra- tor in the efficient operation of the Public Works Depart. ment. Qualifications: 1, To direct four or more crews of men with author- ity. 2. To have working know- ledge of the capacities of modern _ construction equipment. To have a general know- ledge of construction pro- cedure with respect to road grading, drainage, water ond sewer systems. 4. Able to read typical water, sewer and street plan and profile drawings. 5. Hove a working know- ledge of. materials norm- ally used in municipal utilities and streets. . Ability to plan work ahead -- list materials by de- scription or: number, and best utilize lobour ond equipment available. 7. Knowledge of simple sur- vey layout = an -- ie. line stakes, grade and slope stakes. 8. Ability to keep records and plans up to date. 9. Working knowledge of cost estimates and analy- sis for various procedures ond construction projects. 0. Ability to develop loyal- ty and sense of responsi- bility to the Municipality, Salary Open; Applications with detaild re- sume of experience and qual- ifications stating also salary requirements, are to be direct- ed before Friday, August 11th, 1967 to: PERSONNEL COMMITTEE, P. O. DRAWER 10, CAMPBELL RIVER, B.C, The Campbell River Munici- pal Stoff is aware of this ed- vertisement. MUNICIPAL DISTRICT DMINISTRATOR or the District of Camp- ell River Vancouver |s- and, British Columbia, DUTIES: 3enerally to direct and ad- ninister the affairs and bus- ness of the District of Camp- ell River, British Columbia. ncluded will be directing the reparation and the enforce- nent of annuol capital and erating budgets, personnel upervision and training, as- isting Council in planning, olicy and development of ieee as directed by Coun- .EQUIREMENTS: reterably @ degree from @ ecognized University in a ield relating to or useful in nunicipal management, age 5 to 45, at least tive years xperience in municipal nanagement. ALARY OPEN; \pplications with detailed re- ume of experience and qual- fications, stating also sal- ry requirements, are to be irected before Friday, 'ugust T1th, 1967 to: Personnel Committee, P. O. Drawer 10, Campbell River, B.C. he Campbell River Munici- al Staff is aware of this ad- ertisement. ZELLERS LTD, Requires Restaurant Managers lan we are looking for ould have a minimum rade 10 education, be be- veen 21 and 34 years of ge, should be willing to ac- spt periodic expense paid ansfers. fe are able to offer to the ght person a minimum arting salary of $90 per eek, based on ability and ast experience. aid training period, incen- ve bonus, free life insur- ice, health plan, purchase scounts, paid summer and inter vacations, ease apply in person to: ZELLERS LTD. TAWA SHOPPING CENTRE WANTED RELIABLE BOYS tween the ages of 12 to |. For delivery of Toronto ening paper. rite Box 30206 Oshawa mes THAT VACANCY through - Call 723-3692 today for action 1 FOR PERMANENT CAREERS CONNECTICUT, U.S.A. - INTERVIEW IN OSHAWA WITH HAMILTON STANDARD SKILLED CRAFTSMEN "You'll Be in Good Company" when you join your feiiow crafts- men from this area, who are investing their skills with this world-famous Gerospace company. Our advanced and diversified projects in aircraft fuel controls, turbo-machinery, propellers, space hardwore and mony others will put to use all of your skills as o craftsman machining these complex components to extremely close tolerances and high finishes Our manufacturing facilities are not run on a mass production, piece-work basis but on prototype and job-lot production where the creative use of your skills will result in TOP PAY and the oppertunity to advance . . . to move ahead . , . to earn the maximum ef your capobilities, Remember these are PERMANENT positions with @ large, stable and diversified organization located in an attractive suburban oreo of Hertford, Windsor Locks, Connecticut) boasting excel- lent schools and fine living conditions. (Don't Miss this Oppartunity) OPENINGS FOR HUNDREDS OF SKILLED CRAFTSMEN copable of working from blueprints and engineers' sketches with mini- mum of supervision to set up and machine highly complex hardwore. ALL AROUND MACHINISTS JIG BORE OPERATORS ID/OD GRINDERS MILLING MACHINE OPERATORS TOOL MAKERS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS HYDRAULIC TEST OPERATORS Interview Monday,. Tuesday or Wednesday in Oshawa. Call Ron Gates at (416) 723-5271 between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Monday, July 24, or between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, or until noon on Wednesday. If you cannot interview here now, please forwerd a letter outlining your experience to Mr. Ron Gates, Employment Office, Hamilton Standard, Windsor Locks, Connecticut. He will be in touch with you promptly PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS Bring your specialized skills to Connecticut and make the most of your career with expanding, diversified Hamilton Standard. Sophisticated projects will enhance your professional standing and give you genuine opportunity to work on "'stote-of-the-art" assignments, Family living in the beautiful suburban Hartford 'area is hard to beat. This is on opportunity you can't afford to poss up if you can fill one of these key openings MATERIALS: ENGINEER -- METALLURGIST Will be required to conduct investigations of; micro structure of alloys, heat treatment cycles, welding and brazing processing, ond structural properties of metals. Must also be able to select moteriols for @ variety of usages in environmental control equip- ment for spoce environment applications. BS in Metallurgy. SENIOR EXPERIMENTAL ENGINEE -- ELECTRONICS To conduct product development including technical cognizance of sub-contractor efforts and liason with design, reliability ond test engineers on advanced portable transceivers for lunor mis- sions. Requires BSEE with 3-5 years experience in electronics which may have included microcircuits and communication systems or subsystems or telemetry MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT POSITION Development work will involve new concepts for forming, welding, heat treating and brazing, and the application of these concepts to provide low cost manufacturing of precision sheet metal assem- lies. Many phases of this development work requires a know- ledge of metallurgical aspects of welding, brazing ond heat treating. INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERS -- COST ENGINEERS With @ BA or BS in Industrial Engineering, Industrial Manage- ment or Business Administration. We are searching for men ex- perienced in the metal fabrications trades. Should have exper- ience in one or more of the following areas: Labor Standards, MTM, Work Factor or similor predetermined time dato; Meth- ods ond Processes; Cost Reduction Value Analysis; and Produc- ibility and Feosibility Analysis. Pertinent experience may com- pensate for lack of a degree. Positions within either Electroncis Dept. or Value Engineering Dept. | Interview Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday in Oshawo. Coll Frank Grismala at (416) 723-5271 between 5:00 p.m. ond 9:00 p.m. on Monday, July 24, or between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, or until noon on Wednesday. If you cannot interview here now, pleas forward a letter outlining your experience to Mr. Frank O, Grismelo, Personne! Dept., Hamilton Standard, Windsor Locks, Conn. He will be in touch with your promptly. Hamilton Standard Offers its employees a complete benefit package including @ Newly increased Wage Scales @ Hospital and surgical. insurance @ Life Insurance @ Retire- ment Program @ Nine paid holidays @ Vacations up to four weeks @ Sick leave and funeral leave with pay @ Low cost Credit Union loans An Equal Opportunity Employer HAMILTON STANDARD U DIVISION OF _ UNITED ot CORPORATION | 'Oshawa, Ajax, Port Perry and surround- i | | | | CAREER OPPORTUNITY Electricians' tools manu- facturer located in Ajax requires male help in the production department. 'Applicants must have a mine imum of Grade 12 education, be mechanicelly inclined and should be able to accept: re- sponsibility. We offer in re- turn @ definite opportunity fer advancement in @ grow- ing company, pleasent work- ing conditions and a good Starting rote Reply in confidence stating age, education and post ex- perience to BOX M30241 ie OSHAWA TIMES Local Man Required 1 need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000. yearly for the right person. Full or Part-time. Age 21 to 70. Can you make short saute trips? We hope you will start secon and stay with us @ long time. Contact Now! Harry Grixti 711 Burns St. West Whitby PHONE 668-3495 Good earnings and excellent opportunity for aggressive and conscientious SALESMAN for Real Estate Office. Sales experience preferred ut not essential. Regular salary draw against commis- sions arranged. For confiden- tial interview, write Box 30475 EXPERIENCED 'REAL ESTATE SALESMAN For Progressive Office PSA, Many benefits, Apply in confidence to Walter Frank W. FRANK Real Estate Limited 21 King St. W. 728-7518 Scale and Yard CLERK Required by local construc- tion firm. Seasonal position. Some commercial experience essential. Apply stating age, experience, etc to box 30209, Oshawa Times | CUIDE , REALTY LTD, 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 OWNER . TRANSFERRED 1 @ Leaving this immaculate 6 room, 2 storey home. Seper- ate dining room ,large family size kitchen, finished recreation room with natural stone fire- ploce. Paved drive, attached gorage. Nicely landscaped. Ask- ing $25,900. For appointment to inspect call to-night. | NEW SPLIT. LEVEL | 1] @ Constructed of Brick and; Stone on a quiet dead-end) street. Mahogeny naturel trim) throughout. Basement finished.| Lawns newly seeded. Call to-! day to inspect. MOVE RIGHT IN, IT'S VACANT | 111 @ Six room brick home with REAL ESTATE -- Make more money) selling exclusive lots and homes to ma-) ture purchasers. fied leads available. mission rates. No Real ence necessary, but licensed sales tial interview phone Sales enquiries No canvassing. Quali-| Exceptional com-| Estate experi-| from in invited. For confiden-| Manager, | Florida Sales Division, W. T. Lamson Real Estate Lid. 725-1186. ELECTROLUX CANADA LTD. hes openings for salesmen for Bow'na'tie, | ing district. Must have car and be oe | 21, From 10 a.m. - 4 p.m, Call 723- TAP MAN required at Genosha H Apply in person. (No phone please.) 19--Male and Female Help Wanted EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED for new tavern @ WAITRESSES @ BARTENDERS @ GRILL MEN Apply in person to BO PEEP RESTAURANT Oshawa Shopping Centre calls, WORM PICKERS wanted, 8 per thous-| Telephone 725-0) and. 44 Ln EXPERIENCED er | hairdresser = wanted, highest wage. Call between 9 a.m. and 5) p.m. only 576-2010. TWO PART TIME superintendents mod-| ern apartment building, adults only, cil heated. Fre artment plus wages. For appointment 72. 0657. ae 8 DIRECT SALESMAN required, Oshawa and district. Permanent position. Top, commission and bonus. Telephone 655-) 4387. 20--Real Estote for Sole H.KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 576-0330 CLOVERDALE Lovely brick five room bun- goalow with attached garage. Large living room with glass doors leading out to a lovely patio and large ravine lot. Only $16,900. Call Idso Wiersma, 728-5683. HARMONY HEIGHTS Only $14,000, for this two storey income home with two apartments, seporote en- trances, two car gorage and poved driveway all on a lorge lot. Call Idso' Wiersma 728-5683. 152 WILSON RD. This charming -- clapboard home on Wilson Rd. is com- plete in every woy, poved drive, finished recreation room, picture window awnings and a lovely mirror aver the mantel. There are three large bedrooms in this home. Call! §76-0330. | | | purchased to-day for $14,900./ ! | separate dining room very good size bedrooms, full basement and garage, oil heating. Taxes ore $249. Wilson Road creo, handy to schools and shopping Full price only $13,900. For more information call tonight EMERSON AVE. --- | APPLEHILL DISTRICT !1V @ Truly a beoutiful ranch bungalow with attached garage The living room is 14 x 20 and has a large open fireplace Holyywood kitchen, with sep-| arate 'dining orea and chino cabinet. Three bedrooms, 4 piece tiled bathroom plus large} recreation room with fireploce.| Broadloom, paved drive. $4,-} 000. down and owner will carry the mortgage A SOUND INVESTMENT V @ Live in comfort and wol@h your money grow. Four bed-| room home in area of rapidly! rising property values, can be} Down payment to suit. Comfort- able living and lots of outdoor space. 4 piece bath, oil heated on a 71 x 130 foot lot. Please phone for more information. QUIET AREA VI @ Spotless 2 family income} home neor separate school. 2! kitchens, 2 bathrooms and oa very large lot. Priced to sell im-| mediately $15,500. Vendor will) take bock the mortgage INCOME PROPERTY | VII @ With 11 rooms | am sure} you will soy that such an in- come property doesn't come along every doy. So see it today and buy ot once then you stort renting and Centennial bucks roll with you to the bonk. 20 MINUTES FROM OSHAWA VIIl_ @ This 3 bedroom bungo- low with attached gorage loca- ted within easy driving distonce from Oshawe on a 2% acre lot, overlooking the countryside.| Only $3,000. down will buy this lovely country home, make sure to see it soon, 5 BEDROOM--$16,500. IX @ Large brick 22 storey home in North West area of Oshawa. Family size kitchen large separate dining room, and paved triple driveway are only a few of the many features Close to schools and. shopping. Owner leaving Oshawa and is very anxious to sell so phone for appointment now | INDUSTRIAL SITE X @ Next to General Motors on Park Road South, Oshawa. Ten acres assembly with all services! available. | PRICED RIGHT Xt! @ Stylish 3 bedroom brick bungalow with a well appoint- ed kitchen. Spotless condition throughout and priced to sell at $17,900. Come ond see this home tonight. GOOD INCOME XI! @ Four bedrooms; 2 bath- rooms, double garage and rec- reation room for only $15,500 Good financing, 6% mortgage Here is your chance to buy this 7 room brick home for such a low price becouse the owner is} | leaving the city. Coll for ar! appointment tonight. | SOB! SOB! SOB! XII| @ Here | am feeling very unhappy becouse my people want to sell me. I'm only 9 yeors old, still very sound in body and all dressed up with beautiful shrubs and flowers My people's children play happ- ily in my recreation room and | thought we would be together forever, but they now soy 3 bedrooms is not enough. They ore selling me for the pitiful sum of $17,500. I'm worth more than thot ! ! YOURS TO-DAY XIV @ 3 bedroom bungolow N.W. areo. Close to all schools very clean, newly decorated large lot finished recreation room. Just listed at $19,909 For further information please call now. GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South . 723-5281 SCHOFIELD-AKER. REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawa and District for over 31 years 723-2265 NORTHEAST Close to Dr. Phillips School this 4 bedream beungalow with. fireplace, carport, 2nd washroom, finished recrea- tion roam and separate din- ing room should be seen to- night. Priced at only $21,- 900. it has a great deal to offer NEWLY LISTED Four bedroom bungalew with attached garage in popular Beou Volley. Only 4 years old ond situated on a good size lot. Call for particulars. FIVE ROOM Bungalow with 2 car garage situated close to both Sunset Heights and St. Joseph's Scheol, also close to North A&P Store and bus. Lot size 55' x 138'. Monthly payments $100. including taxes SEVEN ROOM Split level home with attached garage. This homie features a separate dining room and oll good size rooms. Well worth inquiring about $16,900 Buys this 6 room brick bung- clow with 32 ft. rec. area and roughed in for 2nd wash- room, 5% interest rate keeps your poyments reasonable Call for particulars NORTHWEST Stone front bungalow with spacious kitchen and plenty of cupboards. All five rooms dre bright and attractively decorated. Two cor garage Priced to sell at $18,900.-- interest rate 61/4 % NORTHEAST Only one year old and having 1525 sq ft. of living space, this semi-detached home sit- uated neor S$. J. Phillips School is a real good buy at $16,900. Monthly payments only $123. including taxes and you can buy this with down payment of $1,500 COUNTRY LIVING Lot 66 x 165 with older frame home. Practically new hot water oil heating system in house. Toxes only $184 asking price $11,500 LUXURY LIVING From the spacious foyer to the family room with fire- place and sliding gloss doors to patio, this home is every woman's dream. Good size dining room and extra large and bright kitchen with beau- tiful cupboards on 3 walls. The 17 ft. long master bed- room has its own bathroom and dressing room, Three other bedrooms, 2 baths, recreation room orea, study or den area and double at- tached garage complete the picture. You really should see this one $2000 DOWN PAYMENT Owner transferred to U.S.A ond must sell this 2 months old 3 bedroom brick: bunga- low with built-in. garage. Large kitchen with Formica cupboards; sliding glass door in living room leading to bol- cony. Immediate possession Cell right awoy or you may be too lote on this one. For full portciulars coll 723-2265 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Hall 723-1358 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 George Twoites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Mel Dole 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST AND SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. West, Oshawa 'SIBBY'S REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 INVESTORS LOOK! 4 SUITE APARTMENT, fully rented and situated.on main street in 'Hampton, good re- turns on your investment, and only asking the unbelievable price of $21,500. Call now for more porticulors HANDYMAN"S SPECIAL! HIGHWAY 2 EAST; 1% storey frame home on a 4 acre corner lot, only $8,900. hurry for this one. LOW DOWN PAYMENT! We have several good ones, worth your inquiry. Chorlie Rankine ot your service --H. MILLEN REAL ESTATE LTD. 9 Bagot St. $3,000 DOWN Small service centre complete with gas pumps, snackbar ond 3 bedroom brick bungo- low. 34 acre with plenty of room -for expansion. If you do not wont the wife out working -- then consider this family project. 728-1656 or 728-1678 You'll Find Whatever | 8--Mele Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wontes |18--Mele Help Wented |20---Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate for Sole ,20--Real Estate for Sele le ete for Sele ra 20--Real Estate fer Sele PAUL RISTOW LIMITED "YOUR REALTOR" 187 King Street East 728-9474 ARTHUR ST: An excellent two and a half storey brick home close to Oshawa Blvd. Many extra features including forced air oil furnace, breadioom, coble T.V. and finished attic. Good value at $15,900 with terms available. OUR BEST Bungalow re-sale, just o hop and a skip to public school. Brcodioom, modern kitchen, private yard with tool shed and patio and a comfortable rec. rocm. Inspect this one and you'll agree that the price is right at $16,900 ULRICH STRAHL Hos done it agin! Yes, he hos built three of the best new bungalows thet you will find anywhere in Oshawa. N.H.A financed, as low as $3,800 down and starting ot $20,- 500. Unique plans offer sundeck, walkout basement, sodded yards, ond a whole let of quality. Call us now to inspect NAME YOUR DOWN PAYMENT And you can buy this 6 room brick home Iccated on Ade laide Ave. £. for full price of $13,400 with taxes only $243. I'ts cheaper thon rent! SHOCKING! Yes, it's shocking what some people will do to create busi- ness. For instance, the found er of our Company (bless his hard little heart) has ordered us to sell his home while his family is away cottaging There'll be no more treed ravine lot for them to return to, no cozy flagstone fire- place to hang their stockings on this Winter. They'll miss their three bedroom, cenire hall bungalow with carport and all the built-in appli- ances etc. that go with it But if you have problems finding a quality home in on excellent location at a real- stic price, look at this one. You'll be shocked -- pleas- antly Paul Ristow LIMITED "Your Realtor' 728-9474 After Hours Call Vern Morton 723-8327 Bill Knight 725-3606 W. L. Dougan Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 GO-GO-GO TRANSITS New Listing, directly south of Liverpool Station, Located on Dreva Street. Smart, 3 bed- room, semi-detached in well- kept oreo, Will carry for $142. P.I.T., with only 2,500. down. Possession by: August 15th GO-GO TRANSITS New Listing, Large 6 Year old ranch bungalow. Separate dining room. Large kitchen. Extremely well decorated, 12 block of Liverpool Road, South, Here is real comfort in a delightful home. Listed right at $22,000. OSHAWA Small, compact 2 bedroom Stucco bungalow, 2 @ block off 'Park Road South. Inside completely remodelled. New kitchen and accessories. Fully in detail and professionally finished inside. Listed at $11,800 10 ACRE PARCEL Only one left in the group 2 miles north of New Ontario Durham college. Owner will take $1,000. down with bal- ance on open Mortgage, 340° frontage on Simcoe, 1300' depth. WHITBY--EXCLUSi VE Lorge 4 bedroom, Montcalm Style. Extra nursery room up- stoirs. Many extras in home. Fully poved drive, delightful landscaping with rose-gar- dens. An executive home, fin- ished in excellent style, for the particular buyer who wants the best. $30,000. Lloyd Lafoy at 725-1109 After Hours Call 655-44 ORANGE CRESCENT in DOWNSVIEW PARK Your choice of 5 plans, fin- ished homes with carports or attached garages, all decor- ated and sodded, paved streets, N.H.A. 614% mort- gages. Coll now and take ad- vantage of this builders clear- ance before prices go up. Contact -- Lloyd Metcalf REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. 728-4678 | | You Want--in 'the Vimes | Want-Ads Don't Cost-They' Pay! | | | W. Frank JOHN F. DeWith REAL ESTATE LTD. 14 Frank Street Bowmanville 623-3950 COURTICE: 5 roomed bung- alow, Oil heated, 4-pc. bath. Large let. Clase to schools, etc, Asking $13,800. Terms. Call: George VanDyk, 623- 7437 ENNISKILLEN 8 roomed home on large lot. Nicely loc- ated. Consider low down payment. Asking $11,600. OSHAWA: 3 bedroom bung- alow with living and dining room. Oil heated, 4-pc. both Finished rec. room. Bar. Pav- ed driveway. Asking $19,800. Call George VanDyk, 623- 7437 20 ACRES: with brick home, 2 barns. Asking $12,500. Call Gporge VanDyk, 623- 7437 COUNTRY LIVING: 3 bed room brick bungalow. All modern conveniences. Recrea- ation room. Large lot. Call: George VonDyk, 623-7437. PORT PERRY: 7 roomed, |'2 storey home, All modern con- veniences. 4 bedrooms. Ask ing only $13,500. Terms Call: Tom Donnelly, 985- 7264 BOWMANVILLE AREA: 4 bedroom home with living and dining room, 2 bathrooms. All modern conveniences. Asking $13,500. Terms OSHAWA 3 storey home bedroom, 2 Electric heated 2 bothrooms. Asking $18,- 500. Terms. Call; George VanDyk 623-7437 BOWMANVILLE. 3 bedroom Oil heated 3-pc. bath. Gar- age. Estate Sale. Offers con sidered. Besides above mentioned we hove many more farms and homes to choose from REAL ESTATE LIMITED REALTOR 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa & District Real Estate Board BOWMANVILLE, QUEEN STREET 7 Room 2 storey brick home. Very cleon. Central. Owner anxious. $17,500 --- Easy terms. BOWMANVILLE, SOUTHWAY DRIVE 114 storey 3 bedroom brick veneer home on lot 48° x 115'. Garage. Patio. Good location. Priced ot $17,000 --Terms. BOWMANVILLE, 9 ACRES Stately 10 room brick home, 2 bathrooms, 2 road front- ages. Excellent investment at only $45,000 -- Terms. OSHAWA, TAUNTON ROAD 1,400 sq. ft. bungalow, at- tached gorage. Two ftire- places; sunken living room. Large bedrooms. Spacious landscaped lot. Priced at $24,900 Cail 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m. Bob Johnston 725-6788 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Joe Barnoski 722-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Rod Kruger 723-7900 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Jat Yeo $23-3077 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102512 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 DOUGLAS J. M. ULLIED| REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 ""SOUTHMEAD" Twelve year old brick bung alow on a quiet residential street yet handy to schools and shopping. Asking $14,- 900. "BROOKSIDE" A spacious 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Oshowa's choice north west area. A rec. room with bor and private hedged yord are features of this home priced ot $19,500. Phone for details. "DUPLEX" One year old duplex complete with built-in stoves ond ovens. 6% % N.H.A. mortgage sim- plifies financing and mokes this a good investment prop- erty. "ATHOL STREET" Eight year old 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large lot close to public and separote schools and all shopping. Asking $3,500. down to one mortgage. Phone for appoint- ment to inspect. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 24, 1967 1§ 20--Reael Estate for Sele 20--Reol Estate for Sale { CENTRAL ONTARIO 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. | RALPH SCHOFIELD Manager JANE AVENUE EXCLUSIVE Featuring-- ongel-stone front with plant er and flood-lites. Paved drive and one-cor garoge -- Spac ious foyer --~ family room 3. bedrooms -- Holly- | wood kitchen ---- built-in ap pliances Rec room and fireplace 4 piece hath - 3 piece washroom FLUS large swimming poo! equip ped with filtering unit and underwater flood-lites Sur rounded by cement slab patio and hedges right at your back door, Call immediately for price and more details 19th Century Elegance Large 3-storey 12 room brick residence plus basement op artment situated on large jot TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS! in Whitby, Ontario, featuring 19th century reflections of | architecture, including panel led living room walls, 2 fire places, 3 bathrooms, built-in china cabinet, and large sun porch. Presently showing substantial returns. Requires $16,000. down. This is not on ordinary residence Shoppers Delight This 2 storey 6 room brick residence with basement apartment gives you the ideal location. Adaptable for come multi dwelling or single family use. Just one block trom Oshawa Centre. Double drive and nicely landscaped Call our office for more | details { | OUR FINANCIAL lot | | | | | TRUST | Real Estate Ltd. ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 --9 to 5:30 AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL | NO TOLL CHARGE) | R. L. Schofield 725-5067 Tom Houston 668-4416 Allon Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 KEITH REALTY LTD. 728-7328 103 King Street East REALTOR KEDRON DISTRICT -- sell fast, fireplace, broadiloom in living and diining tiled bath with situated on oa nicely scoped lot 100 x 150 ft WHITBY -- Ranch bungolow about one year old, spacious living, dining room, large kitchen, many, many extra feotures. Asking $20,900. $16,950.00 3 bedroom brick home with fenced yard with trees and patio, only about 8 years old, located near Duke of Edinburough School BOWMANVILLE -- 2 family home in excellent condition, | Must be seen. $17,900.00. | $13,500.00 Brick bungo low with 7 rooms, garage, patio $14,700.00 Suburban home -- finish to suit your- self $9,500.00 -- 7 room home with garage and § acres $500.00 DOWN 4 room home -- Only $7,800.00. LOTS - 74 x 314 -- Taunton Rd. 60 x 166 Adelaide Ave 10 acres ond barn only $2,- 000.00 DOWN. Call 728-7328. $24,900.00 One of the most outstonding 7 room brick bungolows in this. professional area. Now vacant. Clean, 2 car garage, 3 bathrooms, recreation room, with double let. If you wont something special in a well established orea and at 4 with greatly reduced price easy terms. Call now -- JACK APPLEBY 723-3398 Evenings Ltd. 728-5123 PRIVATE SALE room bungalow with attached gorage, fire- place, full basement. Very cleon home. Fully landscap- ed. Choice location. Apply 86 Switzer Dr., Oshawa, Cosy five PETERS Will 2 year eld ranch bungalow with an open stone the room, a vanity and land- BETWEEN OSHAWA -AND Bolahood Brothers ATHOL ST. EAST | | | | | 40 King St. E GORDON OSBORNE Dial Whitby 668-8826 | Toronto 364-6622 |Oshawa 728-5157 218 Dundas St. E. No. 2 Hwy. Whitby, Ontario JUST LISTED A beauty, everything expert- ly done around. This 6 room brick bungalow with attach- ed garage, fenced-in yard, fruit trees ond shrubs al! help to make this home better thon Owner moving away, only reason for selling, Price $23,500 new ALLAN ST. lf you ore looking tor @ Ine- ation close to the separate schoo! or a high school, this 7 room, 4 hedroom, 112 storey home is a buy at $15, 500. with only $2,500. down. HWY. NO. 2 COMMERCIAL 166 frontage and 519' in depth, with 10 room frame heme, plus 18 x 24 work shop and existing equipment, price to sell $25,000. with terms ESTATE in COUNTRY $69,000 Eight room, three bath home with extras galore. 17° by 42' living room, wall to wall expensive broadioom, 4 car attached garage, under- ground lawn sprinkler system and surprises everywhere in- cluding 10 roiling acres. Live in splendor here. LAKEFIELD STREET OSHAWA This brick bungalow with basement apartment could let you live better for jess money. Only $18,200. NEWCASTLE This is your answer, no high taxes, ecanomy living, coun- ty atmosphere, over one ccre of land with a 4 hedroom bungalaw, only 4 yeors old, can be bought with « lew down payment. Don't 'delay call to-day. NORTH OSHAWA -- 3 BEDROOM -- $16,900 This home clean newly decorated brick with garage is neat ond as a 'pin', Extra ine come passibility with base- ment rooms for the budget minded family. Front awn- ing keeps living room cool ond refreshing while rear hes shade and shrubbery. Fire- place here too for those cool- er days ahead, so why look further, SUBURBAN NEAR OSHAWA and WHITBY -- $17,500 2 or 3 bedroom brick home with lower taxes end only about $3,500. down pay- ment. Will not last long with extra large lot. Attached gar- age, start on recreation room and extra large kitehen, This is an immaculate suburban home ond o bonus freezer to the lucky buyer. 50 ACRES--BEAVERTON Eight room, 2 storey brick home, large barn. Only $16,- 900. Call now. $19,700 --- EAST HAVEN -- OSHAWA A 6-room brick home within 4 blocks of all schools, built in stove and oven in a kitch- i hae en 15' and a dining room 11' x 11° Plus the three spacious bedrooms. Situoted on a lovely corner lot in a good residential section. Do, not delay. Call today, 6 ROOM BRICK -- AJAX This is a very clean home with 3 good sized bedrooms, finished recreation room with bor. Call today. George Sullivan 668-6226 Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 Marlow Hancock 723-0288 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 N. Von den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 George Abramoff 723-4871 Gordon White 668-6337 FACTORY or WAREHOUSE 10.400 sa. tt. cement block buildings with new office 24 x 30 -- B years old -- can be easily divided -- 550 elec- trical service --- asking only $43.000 with good mortgage, contact Lloyd METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED _728.4678 $995 DOWN PAYMENT Pertect for larger family. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, dinett, living room and bathroom. One. mortgage for balance. ANY reasonable of- fer accepted, monthly pay- ments only $95, call; Schatzmann Realtor at 668-3338 SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Classified ag [sell things you don't need for s cash | Dial 723-3492 for an Ad-writer now,