@ 'THE OSHAWA TIMES joy, July 18 1967 James Coyne Removed | Wheat Trends | Show Decline VE STOCKAND : 'year's big export success. By DAV! } WINNIPEG (CP)--The West- ern bank's financial wilderness is without James Coyne, its pro- phet. : Unanimously Monday night, on a date that happened to be his 57th birthday, the board of directors gave Mr. Coyne the boot as president of the Bank of Western Canada. He will remain as a director. His successor, is Vancouver investment dealer W. T. Brown. "The board feels it will have a better chance of finding buy- ers in Westbank stock if I an. not president," Mr. Coyne said. "There was some feeling on the part of some members of the exports to all |the same period of 1965-66, bushels were exported months, jin this year's | OTTAWA (CP) -- Latest re- : ports show & crasy. patchwork From Westbank Presidency /'.:i"s i2."2u": 10 nly a slight decline from last In the first 10 months of the crop year which ends July 31, countries have topped 400,850,000 bushels, com- jpared with 423,470,000 bushels. in Last year's exports came Hoe touching distance of the 1963-64 record, when 595,500,000 in 12) i -ountries d that I contributed to the | coun . Dict surrounding the go Taiwan, Turkey, South Africa, nk." Algeria, Sudan, Bulgaria, Den- Westbank, 344 years in the mark, Portugal, and Costa Rica, making, has yet to open its first branch. With the restriction an- nouncement, the focus on the Winnipeg-based bank, first to bel chartered in Canada in 50 years,! vi the West Coast. : pa bear me Mr. Biba, a 55-/who had failed earlier at a!with foreign interests -- U.S year-old Rhodes Scholar who board meeting attempt to oust and Japanese. was a member of the Porter Mr. Coyne. Mr. Coyne's feeling hae royal commission on banking, Mr. Brown said of the York|ported to be that he knew the i "at : to announce that the 14 direc-| Lambton offer to sell its major-|letter would mean his days as|'@St year. tors present had decided on Mr. ity interest to Western Canada| Westbank president were num- yne's ouster. het agile a prepared statement|given a deadline. fore once again the question of to the reporters. It said: Mr. Coyne, who made _head- foreign control--and ggben cdo food "al from Ganga: 40/672 "The board of director of the/lines in the early 1960s when|fectively blocked the reporte 810,000 bushels from 10,060,000 Bank of Western Canada today)he tangled with the Diefenbaker bid. : : e A shels from 10,060,000, removed Mr. James E. Coyne! government while he was gov-, This, he viewed as a victory Japan, expected to be a contin- as president. Mr. W. T. Brown,/ernor of the Bank of Canada, Always behind the bare /uing strong market, raised its a vice - president, was asked tojis understood to feel that by|Westbank's py ee ig purchases to 49,570,000 from 38,- and agreed to act as president|bringing the Westbank situation|Policy conflict between Mr. ih 00 on a temporary basis. to a point where he was forced|Coyne and associated groups opioid ee ' i to step down he may nonethe- that have sought support which,, South Africa s purchases in 10 STUDY PROPOSALS less have accomplished his pur-|in the Coyne view, would take months this: year have run to Answering questions, Mr./nose of salvaging a bank that away the western character 5,930,000 bushels -- compared Brown said the meeting exam-| wil] be truly western in char-|and independence the federal) with none last year. Bulgaria's ined several proposals that have) acter, |charter intended. imports have totalled 3,800,000, been put forward to purchase) First it was Sinclair Stevens} against none last year. York Lambton's shares -- sd ag pg ee a ne ae of gag ber 2 headed But Czechoslovakia's pur- 50.2 per cent. controlling inter-| Las ursday Mr. Coyne shot/BIF, and later Mr. Bienvenue, ¥ 2 4 est, valued at $6,500,000, whose |off a. letter to shareholders/his successor who at a board sania delks awindied to 907,200 disposition will decide whether|charging that the purpose of/mecting in Winnipeg May 5) bushels from 7,540,000 last year. the bank comes into being. Monday's meeting was to have|sought unsuccessfully to have} And Russia's purchases have York Lan.bton's parent is|the board approve a proposal Mr. Coyne ousted from all con-|been cut almost in half, 80,840,- British International Finance|by Vancouver financier Andrew nections with the, bank. O00 bushels thik yeah ab oa n Y -| Saxt d which effective} - eran ne m- (Canada), controlled by Mont-)Saxton under pared with 157,660,000 last year. > W. T. BROWN . « « his successor from Canada in |months of last crop year, but jthey have this year. CHINA BUYS MORE The widest variations appear in Asia, where China has bought is re- 80,770,000 bushels so far this JAMES COYNE + + still a director ports, either in purchases or in to approval of the National En- ergy Board and the U.S. Fed- real financier Marc Bienvenu,!control of the bank would rest ri . | Imperial Oil Final figures for the crop year Ltd. has displaced Bell Tele- being evacuated from turbulent|siders Londoners bore up 'with facturing, resource and utility) sd CHATHAM (CP)--Union Gas ing blitz of the Second Worldjas southern Ontario during a|taxes and bell's at $1,065,040,000.. maximum of 60,500,000,000 cu- high-speed air travel. |mildly over the talk. It sounded] stantial foreign shareholdings. handle, which provide for 23,- hours to speak their minds. papers they didn't hear any-) Other companies in the top 100.3) power Commission. | - . are not expected for about two Sonic Boom Disturbs In Sales 7.7 2t%,comee 2 argest nl a es figures to the end of June should W W L d TORONTO (CP)--Imperial oil;P® Compiled next month. ar i eary on oners phone Co. of Canada as Can-| ® ada's largest firm by sales, the nion as 0. LONDON (CP) -- There was|pert analysis of the pounds of} Financial Post reports. trouble east of Suez, the poundjair pressure hitting the ear-| The Post lists the country's ® was wobbly and Britons were/drums. On the whole, he con-\top 100 investor-owned manu-| igns ntract Biafra. But what really aroused | extraordinary calm." companies, ranked on the basis the heart of the Commonwealth| Truth to tell, the boom hadjof saies for the fiscal year,Co. of Canada has signed a 20- today was a big bang. about all the impact of one ofjended nearest to Dec. 31, 1966.\ year contract with Panhandle Londoners, who plodde d|those that periodically rattle| It reports Imperial's sales at Eastern Pipe Line Co. of the stoically through Hitler's bomb-| windows in such Canadian areas) $1,183,595,000 after gasoline/United States for delivery of a War, worked up a full head of| NORAD air exercise and pro-| The Post says 42 of the 100jbic feet of natural gas a year steam over the capital's first]/duce a scattering of calls to the| largest industrial companies are|by 1974. sonic boom Monday in a series | newspapers. |known to be controlled outside} The contract, to go into effect of government tests to size up| While it penetrated the houses|Canada, mostly in the United) Noy. 1, will replace Union's two reaction to the coming age of|of Parliament, it registered only|States. Five others have sub-lexisting contracts with Pan- Uncounted thousands of pro-|like a door slamming as a gov-| Ranking companies by their) 500,000,000 cubic feet to the On- testers jammed the telephone|ernment spokesman was an-/Sales rather than assets is made/tario company annually. lines of the ministry of tech-|Swering a question on foreign | possible by recent fuller. disclo- nology, sponsoring the tests.|affairs. Some parliamentary|sure of sales by many public Callers waited as long as 2%| Correspondents reported to their | Companies. sf 7 g. jare: Ford Motor Co. of Canada, The double-bang typical of the thing . |Alcan Aluminiun? Ltd., Massey-. If approved it will supplement sonic break-through was the| TESTED NERVES Ferguson Ltd., George Weston,848 supplies Union has con- lead story in several of today's| Part of the public fuss evi-|Ltd.. International Nickel Co, of tracted for from Trans-Canada dently arises from annoyance|Canada, Canadian Pacific Rail-|Pipe Lines Ltd., including a 20- national Papers--including the aver the 4dea that: the govern:| way Co.. Canada Packers Ltd|Year contract for deliveries stately Times--and even The| ment has deliberately set out toland British American Oil Co, |from the Great Lakes Gas Financial Times put it On}racy the nerves of Britons to| Sige Transmission Co., which is page 1. see whether they can stand | FOREIGN OWNERSHIP building an east-west pipeline BABIES CRIED 6 supersonic passenger planes as| Of the first 10, three -- Im- south of the Great Lakes. WR : : a regular diet three years or|perial Oil, Ford and B-A--are; Great Lakes has contracted There were tales of crying|<o from now. They have been | controlled outside Canada, the to supply Union with 54,000,- om as ' i babies, the occasional shattered | sounding off in the traditionai a dope decibel | Post says. Three others--Alcan,|000,000 cubic feet annually by window, estimates of the decibel |jotters to the editor ever since CPR, and International Nickel) 1975. . -130 gi aid | " . ; pene sad Fae a ngnid: | the program was announced a|--haye a substantial number of Trans-Canada remains our > Chairma e NOISE | few weeks ago. shares owned outside Canada. (principal supplier," said F. R. Abatement Society announced t i 3 Pr eet : he will try for an anti-boom in- The way it works is that an. The Royal Bank, with assets Palin, Union president, an- Ginalon aie etry | RAF Lightning flies at about of about $6,935,900.000, is the|nouncing the new contract. junction against the ministry. /1 999 miles an hour, eight miles |largest of 25 Canadian financial|"But the additional Panhandle Au Commodore E. M. Donald- up. Monday it flew a westward companies, followed by the Ca- gas will give us a measure of son, The Daily Telegraph's air'course from the Thames estu-'nadian Imperial Bank of Com-'diversity, strengthening our correspondent, produced an ex-| ary to Reading, about 35 miles merce, the Bank of Montreal,|over-all gas supply position." re er a ee a heart of the city, pass-!Bank of Nova Scotia and Sun During the last fiscal year . ing directly over such land-|Life Assurance Co. Union bought 98,000,000,000 cu- Lawyer Files marks as Parliament and Wind-| Retailing companies arejbic feet of gas for sale to its : sor Castle. grouped separately, but based'customers in southwestern On- Notice Of Appeal It also went over the so-called|on sales volume. The T. Eaton tario. In this fiscal year it ex- "glass mountain" tower of the|Co., with estimated sales of pects to buy 68 per cent of its LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Law- technology ministry, where Min- $800,000,000 _annually, the Lob-|supply from Trans - Canada, 20 iar Toneld Pad ob London is ister Anthony Wedgwood Benn's|law Cos., with sales of $612.890,-/per cent from Panhandle, and ? only comment was: "I did hear|000, are among the country's 10/12 per cent from Ontario sour- appealing his conviction on two, p..,° j ounts of bribing a former a Dans 'largest. :ces, including its own wells. ge and Trust Co. of E. J. R. Wright, Reid's law- yer said. notice of appeal was filed Monday, along with an application for bail. Reid is be- ing held in Middlesex County jail. Reid, 38, was sentenced last week to two concurrent terms of 12 months and fined $5,000 after he was convicted of giv-| ing two $5,000 bribes to W. A.| MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT Corp. (Can.) Ltd. For Everything for your Swimming Pool " és ; @ Steel Pool Kits Pike of British Mortgage in| @ All Steel Pools aS. = | @ Block Pool Kits @ Aqualock Domes @ Aqualock Covers @ Multiport Halves @ Above Ground Pools Accommodations . still a pated i e uminum Coping ' 7 ABSOLUTE Available @ Vacuumatie Skimmer 10 YEAR GUARANTEE All Pool Accessories ond Pool Maintenance Various Dates - BUS CHARTERS Installed in 3 Days for Nominal Charge 2 days 28.00 Low Cost | * sc gee No Down Payment a partan STEEL | Including everything except oe FINANCING FOUR SEASONS AVAILABLE MAJOR POOL EQUIPMENT TRAVEL TROPICANA (a division of CORP. (canada) LTD. 763131. Mor el Ese CT" 606 Beats Se Call 725-6582 -- Evenings 576-2287 for instance, bought no wheat the first 10 The new agreement is subject}, While the 10-month total this}, year is only 5.3 per cent below the comparable date last year, great variations have appeared marketings of wheat in such areas as Asia, Africa, eastern Europe and even , |some Western Hemisphcre | compared with 58,720,000) Famine « stricken India and | investors: "We have not been/bered but that it brought to the! Pakistan have boosted their im- *« « « x x SLEEPING | COLEMAN xP oT STARR KING ST. EAST are having a All Have Been Fantastically Reduced . . . As The Boss Says They Must Go. HUNTING SEAGLIDER WATER | FISHING SKIS | TACKLE 5° 25° OFF LIST OFF LIST OFF LIST ALL GUNS and AMMUNITION AT BIG. REDUCTIONS!! GOVERNMENT APPROVED LIFE _ BAGS KakKkKkKkK KKK CLOTHES 9 R% KE kK Kk kK KO | SPORTS & MARINA F All Boats, Motors & Trailers x "MUST GO!" & x x x x x * x x x x : Equipment | JACKETS fas R% OFF LIST OFF LIST . BY ALL YOUR HUNTING ACCESSORIES [ol OFF LIST 25% OFF LIST!! All Boats, Motors, Trailers and Guns & MARIN Phone 723-0211 * d A + 0)' P e an Be Financed On Easy Credit Terms Open Mon., Tues., Wed. & Sat. till 6 P.M. ARR SPORTS» Thurs & Fri till 9 P.M. ~EEEUX KE KE UE Ean % » +i a AT THE TOWNLINE . a SIMPSO Air view of Osh ping Centre show of Simpsons-Sear: Osh« Wou Conception of an ¢ centre in 30 or 50 embodying a theatr phony and choral gr art gallery was put board of control yest William Caldwell, | Oshawa art gallery, A. Rundle, vice-pres addressing the boa! progress of the recen gallery, and were their views on the po tions for the propos lery to be included hall complex, also i the agenda. E. R. S. McLaugh ready had _prelin.inz cussions with the bo: ing the art gallery, | be donated by his fat McLaughlin, and for art collection of his 1: has been promised. Mr. Caldwell said a need to establish 2 of confidence and pu in the city of Oshawa the art gallery and th erally. "One of the pr tions we are faced he said "'is the deve an intimate liaison w Misled ( Oshawa Oshawa firemen before the board yesterday claimed H. R. Hobbs had m over the salary to | Capt. Bill Murray 'fo! appointment to the of assistant deputy Neil Mallette, chi the grievance comm awa Fire Fighters' A said when the chie'! association Capt. M to be promoted to a valent to platoon chi said that title was nized any more and changed to assista chief. : The impression \ that he would be g salary rate of an | appropriate to the rz toon chief, to v association did not « in fact, Capt. Murra an increase of $527 < Chief Hobbs told tt tee it was possible to Car Rolls 0 City Man h Othmar Augustine ' "quite satisfactory" in Oshawa General H lowing an accident e day morning on the ! Cartier Freeway ju: Whitby. Mr. Telep_ recei\ closed injuries when wagen he was driv over. He resides a mony Road N. in Os SAFETY | Rev Five main cit are headed for | revision prescr' engineering de} safety require: with increasing City council' committee last two-page engin 1967-budgeted c on Bond, Blo streets, and P: roads. The report, s' eouncil approvi