PARK Tactic duced iberals O'HEARN -- The Liberals new public rela- 'ich could return J ert Nixon has ; position state- with local prob- ample, a flour atin--the town's -burned down. immediately _ is- nt. He called on t to act quickly, grants and try ' industry. heavy rain hit lland Marsh area tement. ick action again: ive financial aid Mount Zion | reunion of former students of) the Mount Zion Public School, in Pickering Township will be held at the school Aug. 19. | The school was built in the} community in 1873 between the 7th and 8th Concessions on Lot 8 ' Formerly under the jurisdic: school board, the old school was| purchased two years ago by) Arthur Latcham of Stouffville for $1,500. Mr. Latcham return- ed the building to the people of| Mount Zion as a community| hall. Area One administrator Lloyd Johnston said records of classes| attending the school had been| forwarded to the reunion com | mittee. | | Anyone having attended the} | school is asked to contact Lorne! 'Reunion Set! For Pupils, MOUNT ZION (Staff) -- A, tion of the township Area One © Tuesday, July 18, 1967 5 | THE OS! A TIMES, | } | 'Will Quit ' | LonDON (Reuters) -- The jhead of Britain's biggest steel combine has announced he is : : j jquitting on the eve of the In- ie } wis ; | |dustry's nationalization. | Ted Judge, 58, led the indus- |try's campaign against the La- bor government's plan to impose state ownership. : He called steel nationalization, due to take place at the end of this month, a suicidal risk, Al- though he opposed the takeover, he was offered a top position in the government's National Steel Corp. ; Monday night's announcemen of Judge's resignation came from Dorman Long, leading company in a recent merger, which will form the biggest unit in the nationalized setup, Judge is chairman of Dorman Long and president of the British Iron and Steel Federation distress and to rainage and flood he area. » whatever goods ing the Liberals, could have bene- lic generally. ng attention and jor Percy Jones of Claremont for further information. '%8-Mile Trip | For Venturers | SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE 668-6841 65- FOOT EXCURSION BOAT ASSEMBLED AT PORT WHITBY } A 65-foot excursion boat shape. The boat, ne en me 3 vt el gt lag tla Whithy will soon be. carrying was built by Nassau Steel transported to the harbor 25 tons, has a double deck, Bow manville area this fall. DAY & NIGHT ve gag Eel ee Venturer;| 250 passengers on tours of Cruisers of Ballantrea north = where the superstructure is --_ js 1 feet. wide and will be Oshawa 'Times Photo |Vosiiwmmledeneeedisc sorted eal -- traveled 28 miles to Kempville,| ae : : we oo : eu : : = broad public is- where they camped for the! TRIALS CANCELLED FREE Estimates, Reasonable Rates, Repair Specialist, night. i | They went through five locks| example, gets a | HOBBY STARTED IN 1913 oo ee 6 H I 38 A . d t bat i. ek A. E. Living, Beverley has a repertoire of more |of portages, said Mrs. Ben La-| urt n CCl en S NEWPORT, R.I. (AP)--Lack of wind caused cancellation of Monday's observation trials for the four 12-metre sloops ¢com-| hitby OPP Investigates Three School Administrators 'On Staff At Summer Course ticular problems 5 : i , : ini ivi | maven 76 : ' peting for the right to defend) concern f s {, Whitby plays the than 500 selections. He is |Haye, acting as liaison, giving : »,| PICKERING (Staff) -- Three! Public School Board and M. A Re goinlaneils the Stree h ee tant d ft kedt form for |daily reports on the Venturers.| WHITBY -- Officers at thejpretty good and if we didn't\,:03 school board administra-\v7... : -g.(the America's cup against chal- of our smaller chromonica, a hobby starte oiten asked to perform for : ' : fos hay eget . ld | « MacLeod, business administra-|jonger Dame Pattie of Austra- when he won as a school various groups and has de- It was smooth paddling.|Whitby Ontario Provincial Po-|win this year we would tr¥!tors will be on staff for the one- co Hae o : nger Dame - > of Austra Hydre n be productive. prize a double-sider har- lighted Fairview Lodge resi- |Waters were calm, no rain but)lice detachment investigated 38jagain figuring that sooner Or! week summer course for school °° 9% the Durham County Dis- lia, The sloops--Intrepid, Amer- re Hout . : tenes w days of Mr. monica, in 1913. It was not dents among others by en- |it was hot. One canoe with lead-|accidents last week in which 26|later our number would come! puciness officials to be held at trict High School Board ican Eagle, Constellation and|f Service bate nt on Keewatin: easy at the start, his long taining with his more |¢rs, John Bedard and John|persons were injured and 19 up. Trinity College, University of Jack E. Upton, assistant to|Columbia--made a rendezvous'f fast Dependable Radio Dispatched Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US, , A peas ii ry- >i leasant re- ced th vays appreciated and he monica." Mr. Living says |for a try-out. 38 accidents occurred on the When they show p , ? Ss in, t sk ad n soln. erry AS : if orp rad ae tale Ploy da to adjourn to he is willing to ioe in- The lunch stop-over was at) weekend. sults we accept them willingly.| A. Ross Pen ae tive people from British Colum-| unsuccessfully for two hours for Call 723-1191 ancial assistance the cow stable. With per- vitations to perform at vari- |Merrickville, the boys went for) While patrolling 14,500 miles,| When statistics show that 40 inof the Pickering District. High|P!@ '0 Quebec. The course will|a breeze i "i " . *hro-. |Brady went through the rapids|drivers charged. Thirty of the| "Statistics are funny things./poronto. starting Aug. 7. Mr, Irwin will attend the course about 10 miles offshore at the hours of practice were not perfected "'super 64 chro : 4 : along with 31 other administra-| America's Cup buoy and waited ister Stanley a swim and had a rest period. |153 vehicles were checked with|50 of our local residents wil be directed by Professor E. ries in the area severance, he mastered this ous functions. School Board and chairman of ivi ee f During their travels, the Ven-|96 drivers being charged and|lose their lives in traffic acci-| FANN ia Brock Rideout of the Ontario t employment. art and today Mr. Living oanawa Tines Pace. turers met a provincial field/54 warned. dents each year we reject ate Pooks. fopok Institute of Studies in Educa OCAL MPP executive of Boy Scouts, who is) The detachment also investi-|thought that we might be in- # do tion said he was do- alking with Leo i | ciati Sc siness Offi-| UO" X PER NAL making arrangements for their gated 74 general occurrences|Cluded. Yet it is a time DION rare ae Gta alin seta This will be the second sum- Th LKS CARS = arrival in Ottawa today or Wed- which included three break and/fact. For 40 to 50 of us our A fe ...;mer course, A previous one was a |Miss May A. Newman, secre nservative mem- ; nesday. enters, three insecure prem-jnumber will come up. Think on pan : ; held at the college in August, a. Prag then: cage he Ww. Fogel A oda be fai eal oe St. lises, two liquor offences, andjit for a while. Admit that it ioe Wensurer of the' WHIDY) 1965 obably wouldn't 7 Pytren Sips Maye Te: eter Ss ANBUCAR Onurch, itn» jone malicious damage, and 65|possible that you will be killed.) ae : oe quick action if turned from a two-week vaca-/dale, and were guests at the) Two Cou les |general occurrences which in-| 'Of course, if you wish to in-| New Transmission Why Are Car Insurance der hadn't pub- tion, spent in British Colum-|reception which followed at the} cluded lost and found property,|crease your chances of being! FREE 24-HOUR S tion. bia. They were the guests of bride's parents' residence. | domestic complaints and blood included in the statistics then| For G r C BURNER SERVICE Rates So High? s asked about bag cur ong Fob ee | Mr, and Mrs, Benjamin Hey,| Chased, Hunte escorts. drink nig Na wee nob erman Vals s if oe tan i Act changes mr, an TUE Sao hee Ae Soaked Fig Tea na the : 4.| The weekly OPP report con-|that one for the road. Exceed) WOLFSBURG, West Germany ervice Contractor Last year, one large U.S. company that too tat and family. They were accom-|Y0rkshire, England, are spend-| poNoLULU (AP)-- Two Ca-|tinues: y eotipetle Roary gee dd calcd lly a panied by their daughters, ae he diay deta thesia al nadian couples who got lost in| fg lottery such as the Irish oes cst s; cour a va eae : : Miss Sheila Dauncey and Mrs,|!fe home of cousins, Mr. and). remote section of Oahu Island |sweepstakes were to be held|behind the car ahead. Follow\a" automatic transmission in effective July 1. > requires that sold must carry auto insurance premiums for (Reuters)--Volkswagen will put million on the business SAWDON'S || "=: rience is a sample of the problems | > Pa *e | . < plaqu industry despite the fact that rotes fitness. Douglas McLean and her two| Mrs. pia pa 133) told police they were chased|anq jt was announced that 40\those few suggestions and thelits new nodels, the company FUELS hove jumped four hundred per cent in the last vas whether this children, Robert and Sheila. | 4UP!n Dr. jand hunted by hoddlums early|tg 59 Jocal residents had won|odds will be in your favor. The| announced today. : Bie? A. COnibinGtien oF ineucaiee te sales. Mrs. Edna Fitzgerald, Lind-| Mr. and Mrs. William|Saturday. prizes totalling hundreds of odds, that is, of being included, It said the clutch pedal would FURNACE OIL -- r stile tonal cont on sopcoitent per- oa -- of et "ee h€ thousands of dollars most of us\in future fatal statistics. Sure,| disappear to be Loge by \ i ; |wan, former Whitby residents,|@"¢ his wife and Mr. and Mrs. | would eagerly shell out money|it is always the other fellow that|pre-selector gearbox on models Lo" we sukoshi canes hee guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garth Saunders, also | of Cal-|tg purchase tickets on the meatlls killed but keep in mind also/from the 1500 type on. spice |Roy Dean, 600 Burns St. Wie, ila cut iegeebsegpe: tool race. We would figure that our|that to everyone but yourself a see sales said reg- : ' jing five hours of terr ' inni werelyou are that other fellow.' ulations influenced changes in ls. But first it Guelph, was a weekend guest|Ewen MacDonald and Mrs.|{iv¢ men who followed them a ---- : jthe new Volkswagen. vith dealers. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|Grace Fisher, all of Whitby, |0abhu's deserted Kaena Point , | fter the visitors took'a Gacal E ' '67 W ld F Md ] W, E. Davidson, 227 Cochrane Harry Adams and Micheal tach, oe xpo $ or estiva St. Other guests were Mr. and| nly dealers are ide these certifi- te the rise in premium rates, many STOVE OIL AND COAL igh Hen : have had their policies cancelle or 244 Brock St. S., Whitby higt on average claims or assigned to a higher priced "assigned 352 risk" category, ' 668 5 4 There is not much we can do about repoir costs or court judg ments except to try as much as possible to avoid them through more | as coreful driving, Hi BROCK NOW PLAYING One Complete Nine out of ten accidents are classed by authorities as "caused" | Program by carelessness, incompetence or violation of laws, The insurance come say, visited her mother, Mrs. Bushey, Kindersley, Saskaiche-| . law might be ly to sales be- Miss Maureen _ Liddle,|They also visited Mr. and Mrs. ; |Cole, both of Ajax, are spend-| Nyen said the carload of five WHITBY : ; : panies themselves point out that although d lassifeid os "high AGO eo MEAs rn tag a wewnik enating vaca.|men forced them to drive out P t S tli ht On Youth | Each Evening--Starting at 7:30 Hau? Stina heie to: bey ddcble oe hee ter dal Sees Vee 'tion at Kiwanis Camp, at Ked-|to the a, her --_-- = - uts po 1g | STRANGE GIRLS IN HIS ROOM... =~! companies lose most money on this business, i feel t | and abduct the two 4 as iS AGO Mrs. Adeline Vallee, Miss/ ron. etl na threatened to kill) MONTREAL (CP)--Expo 67's;the $5,000 prize in the string) LOADED GUNS IN HIS BACK... Some policies contain clouses that cancel coverage in the event $ ev ee Gilberte Vallee, wer bong ain and Mon, Gare Alesan Oe World Festival turns its atten-|s ection, performed Mozart's! ... bodies ... bodies p the motorist is proven guilty of drunk driving or other serious offences, Fishin von Herd _ a. ape ae der and children, 33 Tulloch St.,| 'The couples managed to rep ad poe to pacg ays ig ve pall gcse bag heed pg ge ee a } everywhere! thus leoving the motorist persencliy liable. ae s ; sally, Gedi a; ; mar i real is host to the 21s ress s 4 s '3 ; ; hes of b r bumper troffic when your foot 'ill be used on the Fontaine - Nadeau wedding|jax. have returned from i bord gd iglge Ae pAcnagtherts of the Federation internationale|Annon Lee Silver, a soprano} ¥ ay +050 tig a Sethe Gos pedal Con ribs an ce nane colton WHT cect: les of dirt and held in Maricourt, Quebec,|two-week camping vacation,| among f . |from Glace Bay, N.S., who had) 'Ge SY body to do? % cor, your only defence is ever greater caution, : on : icales. lincluding a visit at Expo. They| while the men hunted for them.|des Juenesses musica | ain the bine keel N anes ; They said the hoodlums later| The first of 11 programs to be|placed second in the voice sec-| Que., the guests of Mr. and spent Wed thane age a he pet A cat and wrecked|offered during the congress by|tion and received $2,000. The| tory RANDALL: sexaBERGER: Hersext LOM ire een eae Rue ie: MEP strategic command _ air it. the Canadian branch of the or-|grand prize was not awarded in ware HYDE-WHITE _~-TERRY-THOMAS ~~ ARTEL and AURHIH Sally: OX: base, toured White Face Moun-| Nyen said that Saunders' feet,| ganization, devoted to promo-/this section. i nema ; tended their visit. ak? were badly cut in the|ting music among youth, was) Miss Silver sang Les Illumi- tain, Lake Placid and several Noa the couples spent running] presented Sunday night at Place|nations by Benjamin Britten, They also visited in Richmond, Be on the safe side while you drive or walk, and for service you're on the safe side when you deo! with Northside, Toomey, 79, of England, a sis- tilda Warwick, le her bicycle me eek from Mid- Mr. and Mrs. Merven Mc-\other places of interest. ; a based on a series of poems by U : ' --________________ |and hiding on lava and coral,|des Arts. : 2 ' y F FR DODGE .ondon, gy er aaneaer mane. . have developed infections. | It featured the three winners gov gg ees ae a y NO CIDE Ss AGO Heskit, atiended the fiobert| ont, sue APEROVED Al) ont Sere S101) cuts ee eae eee ane ae eect crn Tinee cece as { | .COLOR *: yep 1932 : --_| EDMONTON (CP) -- North-/and bruises before they found|voice, piano and violin organ-|Montrealer and first prize win-f = ----------= WHITBY ONT ' ; ios isher i fter|ized by the Canadian group as/ner in the piano competition, erp Development Ain let 6 He TENEEDAR 19 RIE NED # Ne centennial project. |played Beethoven's Emperor Flow Of Fuel [Arthur Laing Monday + ----J| Violinist Andrew Dawes, 27.|Concerto. He was backed by the |nounced approval of a con-} PAYING FINES EASIER of Midnapore, Alta., winner of! Montreal Symphony Orchestra. | three-| AYING S EASIE jsultant's report for a ' Not Blocked |stage ski development in Jasper Ping RE ae Ban nin : National Park that Id make} Par! . ve | OAKVILLE (CP) -- Pickets|;s sone ar ike as eee ski|lified. Instead of filling in forms 918 BROCK N ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION ha Be ov cae ¢ "FIRST TO FIGHT" In Color Starring CHAD EVERETT -- MARILYN DEVIN -- Begins 7:30 WITH = NOK7 laple Bay, call- larbor and un- ads of St. Law- e stored in the ehouse on the ere hasn't been harassed oil tankers at refin-|,.e4; of North America.' He|and postal money orders the of-| # e awa Fire Dept. eries in Oakville and Port) <iq development proposals for|fender now can buy a $2 stamp : jays. Credit Monday but, by ar-\farmot Basin, near the town-\in a tobacco shop, stick it on = = rangement with eee agra Dc of Jasper, would more than|the ticket and dispose of the a did not halt the flow of fuel.| dounle the skiing capacity there. |the whole problem in a mail- e , ee] Drivers of Local 9-593 of the/ski facilities will cost about /box. x Y IN Oil, Chemical and Atomic|¢9 900,000 and federal assistance : > Workers' Union went on strike | of $1,000,000 will provide a road| : ORY bdo contract talks broke off|/and parking lot. BUY YOUR riday. DIAN PRESS About 80 men are on strike COINS IN DEMAND @ SUNBEAM at British Petroleum in Oak- oe pina of the U.S. @ IMP bg ville and 90 at the Texaco plant! Mint is preducing enougn coins et, Seppe in Port. Credit. Refinery work-|for parking meters and vending] @ ARROW of modern ers are members of the same| machines, @ ALPINE 5 years ago . Pt i lecaniehcameicree eae @ SIMCA union and are continuing on the ~aged 66. A job ian, Juarez LEWIS All With 5. Yeor 5,000 The drivers want wage parity Mile Power Train Warranty yr of Oaxaca with West Coast drivers who | 41 and took they say get up to $37 a month OPTICAL | BELL'S GARAGE litical and more than $508 paid men are | Established for over 30 years [ff | of the a Other demands are for volun-|{]10% King Street West | 668-3693 year after tary instead of assigned over: | 725-0444 | DUNDAS E. WHITBY ected presi- poleon III of ops to instal ruler and ne. success- He died dur- n of Pofirio s re-election time and changes in seniority. HIGH ano DRY. Matinee SIDEWALK SLABS || Canada's mildest king size adventurer 5 died desti- in East Af- Mrs, H. L. Caldwell, Ottawa eaty signed FROM, | rthwest = In- doy ediate Delivery|| Switch for the money, stay for the mildness! Me a a tary units; I Look for the coupon in every pack of Matinée, If it's a lucky number, and Me inns Murray, Sameite | ) the Mbem- you qualify, you can win $5, $25, $250, even $2,500! Every hour, every day, Ruby T. Simpson, Lindsay ia more and more people are winning Matinée Certificate Prizes! Stan Pinhal Ree ars ago to- Grown mild, filtered mild, there's mild tobacco in Matinée. And an Excello uae rake See sain : * . * q . rs. re » i PD cme | filter to make it milder. So mild that Matinée is known everywhere as Miss Jean D. Grant, Toronto East Prus- | Canada's mildest cigarette. 'Switch to Matinée. First'for the money, startin Tlenenar: Beace oenigsburg; 7 j Mary M. Ryan, Ott uit 'bom: | then for the mildness! Mes Oi wie, eee atruh for jargaret Steininger, Windsor successive -- t] the. House Smoke Matinée... Canada's mildest cigarette a secret | Sinkings in ai a Lawrence, ~ _