Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1967, p. 17

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som CK, Aj 'Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on nday, July 17, 1967, Agnes White of pcaygeon in her 82nd year, beloved e of the late Samuel Bick, dear ther of Velma .of Oshawa. Resting at - residence: Funeral service 2:30 p.m., dinesday, Trinity United Church, Bob- igeon. Interment Verulam Cemetery. r further . information kindly call rthcutt. and Smith Funeral Home. 623- s. SUCHNICZ, Mary idenly at'Port Hope and District Hos- al, Tuesday, July 18, 1967. Mary Duch- z belaved wife of Fred Duchnicz, RR Port Hope. Friends are invited to call the Ross Funeral Chapel, Walton St. rt Hope, Tuesday and Wednesday eve- $3 7 10 9 p.m. Requiem Mass a! the yreh of Our Lady of Mercy, Thursday, y 20, at 10 a.m. Interment St. Mary's metery, Port Hope. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all eccasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS $18 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 ; Whitby, Ont. IN MEMORIAM RNOLD -- Sydney Robert who sed away July 1966. s ime takes away the edge of grief, ut' memory turns back every leaf. ovingly remembered and sadiy miss- by wife Ann, daughters Elsie, Marion, , Jane, sons Rowland and Sydney their families. RISEBOIS -- In loving memory cf @ r husband and father, Edward Brise- » whe passed away July 23, 1945. lways in our hearts ife Edith and family A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS "or courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 ARD OF THANKS UNK@R -- | wish to express my cere appreciation to neighbors, ds and relatives, the Order of ern Star, Kinovem Rebekah Lodos Brooklin Lend-A-Hand group, for the ly flowers, cards and visits during stay in the Oshawa General Hespr Special tWanks to Dr. Waldon, Dr. nt, Mrs. R. Maynard, Mrs. V. Wi? -Mrs. Diamond and Barbara; Mo } and Blights, nurses and staf 22 --Many thanks, Pearl Bunkef 1ANDLER -- The family of the late Sydney Chandler wish to express "sincere thanks te all friends and ives for their kind expression of pathy in the recent loss of a beloved and: mother. Also many thanks fo J. E. Ryndie, Ladies' Auxiliary, Ca- an Legion, Branch 43, Armstrong tral Home and General Motors for loan of @ car. _ Mr, & Chandler and family, [© -- The family of the late Bertha wish t@ @xtend their sincere thanks appreciation to friends, relatives and Ors, for their act# of kindness, ages af sympathy, floral tributes donations to the Cancer Society in recent loss of @ dear mother and dmother. Special thanks to nurses staff ef Bowmanville Memorial Hos: ; Morris Funeral Home and Rev. H, er for his comforting words. : --The Yeo family, _-FUNERALS . FUNERAL OF MRS. ARTHUR E. KENT private funeral service was |, July 17, at the McIntosh- erson Funeral Home for . Arthur E. Kent: who died 15 at the family residence, Simcoe Street North. 1¢ service was conducted by . K. J. Frampton, rector of John's Anglican Church, manville. Entombment was 1e Oshawa Union Cemetery isoleum. ie pallbearers were Lloyd acutt, Wallace Wilson, Fred gauer, Dr. D. E. McLaurin, | Barry and Bert Bornhoeft. ASEBALL LEADERS National League AB R H Pct. arver, StL -251 43 89 .355 b, Hsn 281 31 99 .352 da, StL 318 52 110 .346 lente, Pgh 217 55 109 .344 alez, Phil 232 37 79 .341 ms--Aaron, Atlanta, 71; R, ',, Philadelphia, Santo, Chi- ns batted in--Wynn, Hous- 68; Cepeda, 64, s -- Cepeda, Brock, St. s, 110; Clemente, 109. ublés--Staub, Cepeda, R. » T. Davis, New York, 23; k, 21. ples -- Williams, Chicago, . Allen; 7. me runs--Aaron, 23; Wynn, len hases--Brock, 32; Phil- Chicago, 18. ching -- Nolan, Cincinnati, 30; McCormick, San Fran- , 12-3, 800, keouts -- Marichal, San risco, 140; Bunning, Phil- hia, 131. American League ; AB R H Pct. binson, Bal 252.54 85 .337 z'ski, Bsn 305 56 100 .398 e, Det 235 51 77 .328 r, Min 309 42 96 .311 liaro, Bsn 244 40 72 .995 is -- McAuliffe, Detroit, rew, Minnesota, Tovar, sota, B. Robinson, Ralti- 57;, Yastrzemski, 56. s. batted in. -- Killebrew, astrzemski, 65, * tation 100; To. bles--Tovar, 21, Campa- Kansas City,. 19. les -- Monday, Kansas §; four. tied with 5, ¢ runs--Killebrew, 26; F, 'd; Washington, 24. i bases > Campaneris, ée, Chicago, 22. hing -- Horlen, Chicago, 46; Lonborg, Boston, 12-3, feGlothlin, California, 8.2; ¢outs .-- McDowell, ae 184; Lonborg, Bos- DONALD DU JUST THINK: THEY RAN OUT oF BLUBBER THEY'O HAVE NOTHING 'TO LIVE ON BUT I WIGH THEY {| WOULDN'T PUT STUFF LIKE THAT IN THE PAPER! THE AVERAGE ESKIMO BUT 8LUBBER AND © King Faroe Speticann nes 1907. World rahe weaved. BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN ce 2 I REMEMBER NOTHING, KARL.» NOTHING BEFORE SINGAPORE, Z WORKED, SAVED MY MONEY, AND FINALLY ARRIVED IN SWITZERLAND, AND: CAME TO ME FOR PSYCHIATRIC HELP IN RECOVERING YOUR MEMORY, -- ry THE OSHAWA TIMES, 17 Tuesdey, July 18 1967 BUT NOW I DON'T WANT TO HUSH, KARL! REMEMBER. T'M AFRAID OF DON'T SAY SUCH "THE PAST. THIS MAN SAWYER THINGS ! IT's You WHO SAYS IM HIS WIFE se T.LOVE. PLEASE L DON'T KNOW HIM, KARL. LET'S. GET MARR' I DON'T WANT TO KNOW NOW... AT ONCE! |- HIM. © King Fesvares Syndicate, ine, 1967. World rights THAT CHARRED LITTLE. BLACK THING RATTLING AROUND IN HIS SKULL PONTIACS SECRET AGENT X9 BEAUMONTS IF YOUR . FATHER TUCKED H HiS SYNDICATE | RECORDS IN A } SWISS BANK DEPOSIT BOX, THE KEY Y THIS 1S ALL jes HE LEFT, PHIL. THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. SELL OUT VAUXHALLS NOT TO HAVE LEFT AHINT OF a r SOME KIND. <j i) SIGNOR FALCON SA\ RECEIVEDS wile BUT WE'VB. j > BIG JOE WAS T00 SHARP |#/" ONLY HOURS 1) BEFORE HIS DEATH = IT WAS NOT HAD ME POSTA WN CHECKED AND /}/.LETTERTOYOU ff Sey S| -= : Wa RECHECKED |. AT SCHOOL... wy \ ALL OF His. {3}) oe a> \\\\ PAPERS! I] - G PARDON, BUT THE SIGNORINA |S MISTAKEN... HIGH TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE SUMMER HOURS: MON. TO THURS. 8 A.M. TO.9 P.M. FRI, 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SAT. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M, NUBBIN WE'LL MAKE SOMEONE A PERFECT HUSBAND / | TELEVISION LOG Channel 2--Buffalo | 3-6-12--Expo. This Week 11:00 A.M. 8 1i--It's a Match Channel 3--Barrie Ee ih PM. Be u sed alee : : . racture: rases Channel 4--Bulfalo M--Merw Griffin 2-8--Personality 9--Love on a Rostiop )--Supermarke! Sweep Channel é--Toronto \? Peyton Place | 4--Anay Griffith | 4--Petticoat Junction 11:30 A.M, pies eiapeulley. | 3-6-12--Woijeck 11--Bonnie Prudden ; Channel 8--Rochester 10:00 P.M, Flying Do 9-1 Spy Channel %--Toronto 7--Fugitive 4--CBS News Special 'hannel 11--Hamilti Channel jamilton 10:30 P.M. Channel 12--Peterborough | 2-6-12--Inside Quebec 11:00 P.M. | 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9---News A BRISK WALK, IN THE FRESH AiR PICKS ME LIP PAL! © Wine Festerme Syedicate, lan, 1967, Warkd sight remarved. HENRY TM GOING AWAY -- FAR. EN PACKS. FURIOUSLY FOLLOWING HER Eve paces. Furious AS GKEETS TRIES fo PLAY DOWN THE MOMENT..: : JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE I'M WEARING THIS OUTFIT 'CAUSE I'M GOING TO MUDPYVIEW CREEK ----| G.M.A.C. FINANCING ' HUBERT | YOU ON A' MATTER OF SOME UT May 1 SPEAK TO | IMPORTANCE ? OF COUSE, ELLI!: - WHAT IS IT ? CENTS OUTOF T NEED SOME FATHERLY ADVICE- HOW DO I:GO ABOUT GETTING FORTY ly D King Features Syndicate Ine 1967. Worl YOUR HEALTH | | | Can't Tolerate Light i . By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD . Measles Patients Dear Dr, Molner: Is it true,,garden, the compost heap, and lor is it an old wives' tale, that|the fruit trees? I've been doing jyou should keep children in ajthis because of the drouth.-- ------|room with the curtains drawn|--Mrs. C. A. E. when they have measles, chick- I wouldn't worry about that. jenpox, mumps or such dis-|Of course, wash fruit or vege- - |eases?--Mrs. W. | | cause, jtables if for no other reason | It's not entirely without good/than to make sure no particles of soap or detergent are clinging | With measles there is likely tojto them, But fruit and vege- |be phtophobia, meaning that the|tables should be washed, any- jeyes do not tolerate light. Hence| way, to remove lingering insect jreducing the light in the room sprays or anything else. imakes the patient more com-} My discussion concerned toilet lfortable. The room need not be/wastes, which often are teem- |dark. ing with disease germs, some Light won't do any harm; it's|\dangerous, some just annoying. \just uncomfortable. - ; With the other diseases, sub }duing light is: not necessary. Dear Dr. Molner: My jgirl, 4, never: has stopped wet-| \ting the bed. I've tried different |things but nothing works. Can Dear Dr. Molner: Now 'that "there have been breakthroughs family planning, such as little | birth control pills and fertility drugs, do you believe that some- jday we-will be able to pre- |determine the sex of our chil- jyou give me some information?|qren?--Mrs, J j--Mrs. K. V, ~ . If you mean to find out, be- This is a common problem fore birth, whether a child will BRIDGE -- By B.. JAY BECKER . (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. - Neither side vulnerable. NORTH gad o> 9296462 o7. 10643 * EAST 49875 a@Qsi0 9105 os @KQ10864 @A9532 a5 $2598 SOUTH @K62 @AK873 oJ hAKT2 'The bidding: South West North East 1@ Pas 29 «Pass 4@ : Opening lead - king of dia- monds. 5 A great many-hands start out with declarer sure of makin his contract if the opponents' cards are divided normally. Un- fortunately,. the adverse cards are not always divided this way and more than occasionally de- clarer winds up going down in such hands, However, in some of these deals declarer can make the contract if he takes the proper measures to guard against an undesired distribution of the ap- posing cards. These measures require a certain amount of planning, but they are seldom of a difficult nature, . Here is. a typical case. West leads the king of diamonds and shifts to a spade at trick two. From declarer's point of view, the only losers are a spade, a diamond and a club, but this of course presupposes that the clubs are divided normally, that is, 3-2, However, because there fs al- ways a possibility that the clubs are divided 4-1 (or 5-8), South should start to think very early about guarding against-this not too remote 'contingency. And if he considers the. matter fully, he should arrive at the conclue sion that the contract is un- beatable regardless of- how the clubs are divided. : : Accordingly, he. wins the spade with the king, draws. twa rounds of trumps, cashes the ace of spades and ace of clubs, and exits with a spade. In the actual hand, East fs forced to win the spade and ree turn a club. If he returns the nine, South of 'course. follows low and easily makes the con- tract. If east returns the queén or jack, South still follows: low, thus forcing East to make a losing play. on the next trick. Declarer achieves the 'same Ph A West has the four clubs and wins. third round himself. in an ad id tion after' winnin, : He must lead a ch er Faire ruff and discard, - and, either way, South' makes 'the contract. Kurt Has | Long Trip TIMMINS, Ont. (CP)--If you meet a youth in top hat, tail coat, trousers and spats-walking east somewhere between Can- ada's coasts, it may be Kurt Johnson of Timmins. The centennial project of Kurt, 20, is to hitchhike across ~|the country from Victoria, B.C., to St. John's, Nfld., 'visiting each provincial capital en route. The former employee of Dome _|Mines Ltd.:added several thou- sand miles to his journey by hitchhiking from Tin'mins to the West Coast. He left here June 20. i Kurt hopes his clothes, fash- ioned in the style of 1867, will help draw attention to his out- thrust thumb and spéed his travels, With the same end in view, he has purchased a large sign to let drivers know what he is doing. "The surprise of seeing @ hitchhiker all dressed up, with top hat and spats, should attract attention, The sign will inform motorists of my project and [ hope they will like the idea and give me a ride." Kurt is also armed with thank-you cards. The cards bear the centennial emblem in one corner and the Town of 'Tims mins emblem in another corner. Mayor J. J. Evans said a scroll also had been sent to the youth in Victoria. Kurt planned to have it signed by the mayors of the provincial capitals on his cross-country trek. 1 Kine Feats Syadicnte tat 1967. Worhd vghen reervedl BUBBA, YOU'VE BEEN RIDING THAT HORSE AND SHOOTING MUGGS AND SKEETER | TUESDAY EVENING Weather and Sports h 5:00 P.M, | 12-4-2-3-6-11--News (SeOertnona Hi News Weather Sport nF T Pa ol OR al 11:20 PLM, 12:30 P.M 7--MSaued Viewpoint | 3-12--News; Weathers Sunshine Canada her tee 6 Re nese 3-Littlest Hobo | Usetorre Sarton ervak 4 tar Tan [ 5:30 P.M. é--News, Weather, Sperts 6-4--Search omorrew §--McHales Navy | 4--Greatest Headlines Mery. Gr fin 7--Néws 11:30 P.M, be Z 45 ioe é--Film Feature 7--Movie "1:00 PLM 3--Trailmaster 4--Movie Hahah Confidential 2--Of Lands and Sees | 2-8--Johnny Carson aR IA a aan aah i a 11:35 PM Mov 6:00 P.M. | 6--Dialing for Dollars, @--How's Business 3--Plerre Berton : Virginia. Graham 7--Movie 11:40 P.M, 7--Fugitive 4--Reach for the Top 9--This is Expo 3-12-6--Luncheon Date 412--News, Sports, | 11:45 P.M, 4--Meet The Millers Weather 12--Movie 1;30 P. 6:30 P.M. | vie N--Movie 12--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, | 12:00 P.M. 64--As The World Turns 1--Pierre Berton Mystery Theatre 8--Let's Make A Deal Weather; Sport | alas aes Swatches. and Matos i e i i t "ahene ee 2:00 P.M. 8-2--News, Weather, } WEDNESDAY 12--Ed Allen Time Sports | : )--Newlywea Game 7:00 P.M, | 6:00. A.M. 4--Password 1--Lost in Space Captain Kangaroo 6--Let's Talk Music 9--F Troop | 8:30 A.M. 8-2--Days of Our Lives boAmorica 9--University of The Air 2:30 P.M. 4--Honeymeoners 8:55 AM 12--Summer "scene -T.B.A. | 7--Dialing for. Dollars, People in Contiles 3--Gilligan's Island |" Virginia Graham 8-9-- The Dectors 2--News, Weather, | 9:00 A.M 7--Dream Gir Sports 11--Ed Allen Time 6--Coronation Street 7:20 P.M, ater Bann 4--House Party ¥--News, Weather, Sports| si 3:00 P.M. #--Blography 9--Words and Musi¢ 7:30 P.M, 4--Forest Rangers ea cAncthar World 12-~Star Route | 2--Topper eatin SALE + oar foe | --General Hospital 7--Combat 9:30 A.M, | 4--To Tell the Truth 4--Daktari He Bbexeye via 3-6-12-- Take 30 6--Danger Man | scl Bobby. ee 3:25 P.M, 3--Candid Camera ecolorla See aha te aa 2--Girl from U.N.C.L.E. |g jack La Lanne TkcMke 'Douglas 8:00 P.M, | 10:00 A.M. 9--It's Your Move 11--Daktari 1--Little People 2-8--You Don't Say 3-612--Our Place 8-2--Snap Judgment 7--Superman Show 8:30 P.M, 4--Candid Camera | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night To Yee RN PSS. mm 9--Avengers 10:30 A.M. 4:00 P.M. Wal ; 7--Invaders | 11--Expo Peopie 9--1 Love Lucy 4--Spotlight ' | 9--Cartoon Playhouse &--The Match Game 2-8--Occasional W'fe 8-2--Concentration 3-6-12--Communicate 9:00 P.M. 7--Dateline: Hellywood | 4--Secret Storm 1--Occasional Wife 4--Beverly Hillbillies \2--Mike Douglas I ACROSS DOWN 11. Dregs g 5 1, Folio 1. Public. 16. One who 5. Native spirited squirms of Yemen citizen 19: Road 9. Esau's 2. Behave surface 0 twin 3. Departs material 10. Stairway 4. Spanish post river; 12, Aquatic poss. mammal 5. Literary 13, Conscious scraps 14, Ancient 6. Puts on Sumerian the scale city again 29. Nullifies 35. Rascal 15. Plant 7. Prize 350. Declares 37. Loop 17. Sea 8. Swiss 33, Girl's 41. Limn eagle capital nickname 44, Bitter 18. Perch é 9. Knights? 34. Boring vetch 20. Senorita's contests tool 46. Mature affirmative 21, Roman 1 le [8 [4 WAAsS le Tt Ye date 4 YG Yd, 22. Tailless 9 Y 10 m amphibian YA, 24, Racing '2 S boat Vy, 26. Braces I¢ ZA" 31, Sanskrit : school 8 2 . . 32. Let it stand L, es HOW ABOUT FINDING SOME I. WONDER IF 33. Not real 2 OTHER WAY TO AMUSE COULD RIDE MY 36. Printer's GG WORSE, SHOOT | meanive 26 28 [29 [30 GUN, Al 38. Moslem MY PRUM ALL ' 7, 32 'AT ONCE! nue Yy 39. Flows 40, Pole 33 31 V/A 42. Close to A 43, Size of 39 41 Y 42 type 45. Speak 43 45 47, Atno time 47 48 48. Wise m 49, Anarchists Aso 50. Female LZ VA, aig ee oe SUES 7-18 with several causes and there|he a boy or girl, this is possible is no single solution. First step,| now, by cytologic studies of the always, should be to, have her|/amniotic fluid, although it is a checked by your physician or alrisky procedure. urologist to make sure there is! Jf you mean to control, in ad- no defect in the urinary tract,!yance, the sex: of a child--nos- or infection. The latter is com-|sibly this will come about, but mon in little girls and.far from|] rather hope not. Or at any junknown in boys,,and unless it/rate I hope it will be such a is cleared up, & child may be/complicated process that it will unable to stay dry no matter/not be employed except under how he tries. _,jextraordinary circumstances. Your daughter may be a bit) "Two, or three years ago the young for you to expect com-|possibility was discussed at plete control. Or it may be a|some length at a session of the matter of. habit, nervous ten-|American Association for the sion, or some such factor. Advancement of Science. Sociol- Dear Dr. Molner: I was in-jogists concluded that if a sim- terested in your comments/ple, sure"method were made about human waste fertilizer,|available, the result would prob- untreated and dangerous as injably be such derangement of the Vietnam, or treated and safe as/ social order as to make us yearn here ay jfor the good old days when Am I endangering the health|nature managed to keep the BRITISH MIGRATED Atistralia gained more than 700,000 British immigrants dur- ing the .Jast 20 years. | QUEENIE' ° of my family when I throw my|number of boys and girls in \laundry water on my vegetable! reasonable balance, i LT

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