Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Jul 1967, p. 16

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16. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, July 18, 1967 o~iSummer Properties : For Sele or Rent INGTON (West Li Lake) < cottage for ; Wi sleep six, al! conveniences, Bath, het and cold water, of! fishing, $4: 2 retrigeravor, good , $45 . $762372. Wecre lots beautitully | located, services. Also 100' x 150' bulld- plots. miss this opportunity, 8re going fast. Teieerone. ese Don't "AGES for ell facilities, 725-2909 or ping, » fishing. in Haliburton | house. Timbered, th am sipsocd 725-6185 good Sxtwrnes, 723-8487. Highlands, in- lake, good atter 6 iége street "West Campbellto Ls Ligpeit, Box Madoc jario. 3 ITTAGE on ks vk Take tuinished, drilled well, hot and water. ae pen write te IR RENT on Lake Kushes and 70 er ie side conveniences, good fishi imming, Beal. Telephone 725. Bea: corre oe - SLOEPs | gas, heat "stove, refrigerator. hot water, fash feller and shower. Bancroft dis- trict. Telephone DB. S. Knight, day 576. 021, aveniogs 576-1512 IKE. New 3-bedroom La panelled mahogany walls and cate, ye throughout, twelve miles sevth, of Haliburton,- sandy beach, geod fishing, hydro. 728-0578. TWe-ROOM COTTAGE and sleeping Mrs. Douglas Staoiey, 6 oo for rent on Leke Kushog. Halibur. County. Good fishing. Fourteen miles of sake without portage, Telephone 723- 22--Lets for Sale Wo COUNTRY LOTS, 100 x 15 near | ay minutes. from Oshawa, Or lephone Newcastle 987.4209. .|26--Apertments fer Rent GRENFELL SQUARE OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES and Best Location FREE. @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ROOM @ 'SWIMMING POOL FAMILY er ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED er UNFURNISHED . RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 AFTER HOURS 576-2826 380.GIBB STREET high rents If you 'like: inconvenien ce If you dislike having fun HATE ANNE and' don't new concept living in Oshawa. are -- We have several icts for sale. | let on! che of which is @ ravine tyne Leskard Read, ten. minutes drive trom the: city. seta J. M. Bullied Realtor 723-1168. 23--Real. Estete Wented Guaranty. Trust We will sell your home and errange 'the. mortgage ' ACT JACK SHEPHARD 728-1653 WANTED Lend, Ferms, Homes in. Osh- ewe end District..We hove .the Buyers if you went te sell. DON STRADESKI Realtor 63 King. St.- West, phone 723-4651 Oshawe, Ont can FOR pga ged -- Yes, | can you: really rrenge 4 " went te sae eal wierd Johnston, 78-| 1066, Schetield-Aker Ltd 24--Steres, Offices, Storage SYORE FOR RENT. also suitable for office, 350 -- feet. South. 725-51 205.Simese Street 25--Houses for Rent FURWISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, suit four gentiemen. Close Avaliable August 1 to south GM.! Telephone 725-8720 OSHAWA'S BEST RENTAL: VALUE S-E.E- TOWER. on the GREEN Overlooking ,the park located en Mary St. North. Swimming pool, saune bath, gym rcém and rée room. Our mode! suite is furnished by: WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom 'Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65. TENANTS "OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M. -- 9 P.M, or by appointment 576-2280 or°725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD. 21 King St. W., Bowmanville CENTENNIAL acne 3 Thon a ag eirom Kt 1. crsadlonmne TV rv gy s 999} ver 723-7711 between 9 - nue. T "S05. NNIAL ACRES, 360 Dwight Ave- obed: homes for rent, broad- room loam, TV towers, from $115. 725-9991 or 7-711 between 9-5 FOR RENT. Three bedroom sime-de- tached house, $145 per month, plus uti! ties. 728-1 8. 5. 725-1956. NEWEASTLE FOUR bedroom house, Rent $105 monthly. Telephone availeble July 15. Néer schools and churches. 987-4253. 30 a.m, fill S$ am. atter canes HOUSE' required in control, io. is for men's hestel. heve @ satatewaen of 12 reoms and avail for Bossession. TO RENT -- Large six- Gugeue te rent in desirable eres, $145. per month. Phone John jowsen. 'Deugies J. M. Bullied Realtor. CI TUREE-BEDROOM upper duplex, close BY acheels and sus, washing facilities led, Wilson and King ares. Avall- le oe 1. Telephone 723-8083 after ' 26 Apertmants | for Rent Write Box CAVALIER APARTMENTS 'One-and two bedrooms Medern and Convenient Beautiful. T.V. reception for 'Color and Black and 'White 'Equipped with stove, fridge, drapes and F.M. Close to shopping centre and schools. for information CALL 728-4283 or see us at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS Saguenoy Ave. -Bachelor, 1 and 2 bedroom _apts. available immediately. Lowest Rents in town! 'Call 728-1678 for appointment * BONUS 1 dnd 2 bedroom, og apert- ents, tujly équippe WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING. RESULTS! j { Apartments" | A Distinguished Address | "La Contessa | | Chaice luxury suites electric- ally heated and tastefully de- corated throughout. Parking, -- swimming pool, Sauna and recreation rooms. CLOSED 'CIRCUIT TV See en your ewn televisien | screen whe-is ringing your you give doorhel!, before them entry. eveilable 'ter Suites enly. adults Ideal for @ quiet end- com- tortobdle living. Rento! office on the premises. 140 Nonquon Road, Oshewe Call 725-1481 NOW RENTING More end mere ef Oshawa's nicest people «re enjoying reasoneble rents at. the: -. NTR> ZZ<r-M%N40n YAZMSAD>V> PHONE 728-9724 GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE - Now available twe 2-bedreom suites. For. appointment te view these ssheearae suites, please call ; 423 723-1712 728-2911 YOU could be the LUCKY TENANT to win 250 DOLLARS with your apartment number to be'drawn on Jenuary: 2, 1968 Bedsitting room $80 -- Twe Bedrooms $119 and $129. Incl.; stove, fridge, water, hydro ond -eléctric heéting. To be seen by appointments only. CALL 723-5325. : Details' of draw given with | _end, barbeque. Sheldian Mansions _ 885 OXFORD ST.; OSHAWA , Enjoy comfortable modern Jiv- ae saune:-room and | live. Model suite by Angus-Graydon. 9 pm. Sat. & Sun till 7, p.m 725-9934 1221 Simcoe St. THEN YOU'LL PRINCESS Models spen dajly2 p.m: t 1) am. N. APARTMENTS There moy be @ few people whe enjoy poying high rents like convenience but if you're in the majority whe DON'T we offer you a in apartment From the Olde English lobby to the twin high speed ele- vaters: end personel mail de- livery, from the all year in- door swimming pool to the spacious convenient suites you'll find this @ place to stretch out and furnished by Wilson Furniture, breadicom ill | If youlike paying @ FOR RENT @ Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room and Boord. Office Hours: Mon, to Fri. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8:30 a.m. to 5pm. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 23 Athol West 728-1070 SERVATIONS § for October taken now for large sooner in modern, private home in Mo! per couple, $1§ two couples, family ef four. 723-1355. FIFTEEN MINUTES tc fast if desired, $10 couple, $6 advit, Special rates children. 725-4497. Bd inter Montreal. "0 leondition, $10 ft to Expe. Two rooms in modern private home, break-| single lor! 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apertments for Rent |26A--Expe Accommodation 30--Automobiles for. Sele: 33--Automobiles Wanted 1963 CHEV sedan. iets white 27--Rooms tor Rent FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- ments, Controlled entrance. Twin elevators, -- swimming ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in-private home. Coll between 5 and 7 p.m. miles. East. "44 CHEVROLET a -- ible, four speed. Many extras. 34,000 origini 1042 King Excellent condition. $574 buys 60 Falcon, two-door auio- matic. Lic. 383264. Easy to finance at 668-3331. trim. Automatic, radio. Perfect aie Lic. 79. Evenings 942-5693. 96) 1 WOLESLEY, Co ny serieay RTS, ators, spindles for 'aie springs. 50? Bloor Street East, CARS WANTED Buying -A New Car? Sell. your used: car to "Ted". Talk. "Cash" to the 'New Cer Desler:and "Save": TED CAMPIN MOTORS - '$400 moter." "in excellent "condition. 'Telephone _ 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 _ SHAW A bebe "WRECKERS CO. Cars ae USED Pi wheels, radi-|beught, sale, Iron and metals is for bought, n Siar Stregt East. 725-2311. 7-458 anytime. ert Nichols. WANTED -- fer wreck: | Best prices Rob- ere ares Seen on sSreet for sale. Please fore. phone 725-5775. $1,450 IN' PRIZES Oshawa Lions Club. 2 JACKPOTS Nos..52 and 58 One: Must Go $300 in 52 Nos. er Less pool, fenced playground, 82 PARK RD. N. 728- 2575 Nicols in Whitby. eee 728-8671 (41 CHEVROLET impala, two-door bare 34--Autemebile "epair _ |Top, shape, mn, wi ly. - - = GNE-SEORGOM spariment, completa |STMOLE ot, fe, ,emleman, Cit and LO deceit necllcdee AUTOMATIC Couple 'only. Immediate possession. Ap-|2369 or Apply 155 Mill Street. save DOLLARS a per ey TRANSMISSION joy Stacey Avenue atter 5 p.m. ae wOTRL Foome | to share, private | 316, cars, 55's up. Trades accepted, CENTRE es m1 also monthly ra 7 ia ; [REDSITTING room, centrally lacated. Telephone 668-5201. 800 Brock SiN. ™ (fee aceon Re Br SO 1038 Simcoe St. N., 728-7339 |for @ Indy. call" 728-4646 between 95. Canoe Sernished dréom for rent. Close snare buys brand new '67 Rambler. Basy i ' Pb 'Ou, a | W-ito finance at Nicols Motors in Whitby. jusiness --- Repairs, Adjust- AJAX _- Large 1 and 2-bedroom apart- Parking: eye eH Pine Avene min . |ments, near all Schools and shopping, |Grenfell. 723-5522. anc] Ei | ments, Exchanges. All Work optional. | p 942-0130. ca wnt housekesp.|22, CHEVROLET bus, 15 'seater. '64) Guaranteed. P vas oom Sr gee ight sekeep- |GMc zhal-ton V-8, '63 Pontiac convert- apar ment in modern 3 a tloded. sies Pennie nha me He ulegeled bed-sitting room. $1,074 buys "63 Plymouth V-8 automatic. FRED STONE raprivate en! » toilet and driveway. ' d S58. Sd Ritson'= Bean. Telephone 725-6200. Hoke Easty fo finance af Nicels in} Brooklin -- .86 Queen St. E. THREE-BEDROOM APARTMENT | --|LARGE FURWISHED room, kitchen 49 CHEVROLET converiibie, po REBUILT ENGINES privat only. Telephone BACHELOR » ae frigerator, laundry facilities. Private entrance. Unfurnished. ate occupancy. 822 King East after 5 jephone 723-71 a) ) CHEVROLET iatation wagon, body |-- ---- | ik, o 9 Flas _ peo Bs a rooms ie |ramaga tieonone35--Loat end Found in sound: | frigerator vanity cabinet, hot ise, proof, now renting ene- and twe-/cold water in room, & minutes 'to om. si, 174 full price buys '61 Oldsmobile, two- jwo- | GIRLS raters gay othe og bedrooms, extre large suites at mos! awa Shopping Centre, 460 King Street. {door ee ig "Teen Pas Magn phone 668-6167. i Invérer free, parking, ele. Call, masais,| TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent, stove.lWnirby obctaat® iWest . [festieerstec. TV included, suitable for = a 36--Legel Rade tae lady or gentleman. $63 monthly. Tele- |1959 FORD sedan, four - door, 6 cylin- ay \two | BEDROOMS, kitchen, frent room! peed 723-0: der standard. Good condition. Telephone jand bathroom, private entrances, stov "igh housekes 723-2905 refrigerator. Apply ifel Phone 728-1491 anytime. |ONE-BEDROOM apartment _in iment building, 787 King St entrance, private driveway. Ref- erences ie sobs One er two children re-\ONE FURNISHED | rking./with refrigerator and stove with park Immedi-ling space. ey 156 Agnes St. or tel- e, 374 Wilson Road or PURKIGHED ROOM, ind, apart. | ------ €., washer, jPriveteges, close te hospital and down-| jane suitable for lady telephone 728-| 7983. » room |& standard, Telephone 7235705. , CHEVROLET in 'excellent _mechan- excellent Centre Street, suit gentleman. ephone 725-5346 ¢ or 723-71 7624. ROOM FOR gentleman, p- Tel- cubic ii clost to south holley jtion, inches, %« cam, solid four - barrel carbs. dryer, refrigerator, stove. Telephone Pag 723-7011 {tr appointment. 0 D TWO-BEDRO! or; a. BEDROOM apart loor, can be rented together or separate-|be appreciated. ow. Quiet adults enly. Telephone 668- !y |CaRGEe : TWO-BEDROOM : aparimeot, | conveniences. Simi Street jin accept one 'child. 'Telephone 725-454 + 728-4535. evenings. F: - AND TWO-bedroom 1 'apartments javailable, modern, all electric building, |large comfortable suites at modérate -- 11 | FURNISHED N.|and refrigerator, Telephone 723-0154. hoysekeeping very central 3 |buses Lady only. Telephone 725-9559 FURNISHED. bedroom, laundry s|kKitcnen privileges, \574 Crerar Avenue, Oshawa. room, lrates; stove, refrigerator and 'nat|28--Room | and Board living can-be seen at @ REGENCY TOWERS @ The best value in aportment | | | AND 349. MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 725-2227 © PREMIER @ | @ MODERN 1 AND 2 'BEDROOM SUITES . @ STOVE AND FRIDGE @ BALCONIES @ FABRIC DRAPES @ FREE HYDRO ® BROADLOOM)IN HA @ ELEVATOR @ LOCKERS +@ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE @ AMPLE PARKING @ CLOSE TO SCHOOL AND CHURCHES @ NEWLY DECORATED ABOVE NUMBERS @ NEWLY DECORATED 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES LLS CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE We festure rents, swimming pool, room,: 'gym, 723-6022 725-9934 Let us solve your rent problem -- Visit MONA LISA APARTMENTS fow monthly sauno three acres of playground, ample ° parking, color stoves and refrigerators, individual mail delivery, fom- ily size suites. You will enjoy your stey at Mone Lise Apart- ments; 191 Nenquon. Rood. Suite open doily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. See and be convinced "Of the 230 NIPIGON ST. ADULT BUILDING Reolistic Rents . from $120 723-0873 or 725-0657 1, 2 and 3 bedrooms *330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige and. kitchen. Tennis ing at low rentals with CALL NOW . 728-2502 applications only. GET CASH FAST... SELL WITH -TIMES ACTION 'CLASSIFIED ADS - rérmy weicome. *Spaccius 1}, building. _ Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook court outdoor swimming pool, free 'hydro and. parking: ~ "COME TO. MALA GLEN : COURTS Join our happy tenants, child- Many - Excellent Features nn CASA MANANA .| LUSANNE VILLA | Hacilities. View any time. Call 728-5282. in apartment building in' Br: [RURWISHED | BACHELOR --apartmen jone- apartment, 3-piec |Teleohone. 655-3611. $60 monthly. Bed - sitting room, dinette, kitchenett Five mi |ROOM AND BOARD oo soklin. | Telephone 728-6770. |ROOM AND BOARD for « gentleman, "Net i ----.|centrally located. Apply 147 Brock Stree Reasonable. too! 'S) CHEVROLET convertible, power | je $4 ast er telephone 725-2938. OSSLAND-SIMCOE , large luxury and power equipped, bucket se: "sink floor console, 330 engine. Telephone 723. Close to 2734. 1960 PONTIAC sedan, radio, "automatic, and seat belts. Telephone 728-7696. Parking space. Apply 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chief, standard Telephone 576-3457 transmi: ~\atter 5 1963 CORVAIR in good condifipn, asking tor gentleman. Led or best cash offer. Apply 571 Fere- ssinn, 4-door, p.m. ell Street Telephone 728-1773. condition. fly: wheel @ little bedy work. tas offer. Cell "erry 252 Susan er 723-2133. '30 MERCURY convertible powered "by | '56 Oldsmcbile engine, bored 'out to 345) litters, 2 Has Offen- PE ie entrance. 155 Mill Street. houser, high rise manifold, Mallory igni Sheifer aluminum \ saa "ROOMS and bath on second |Clutch, Brand new top. Must be seen te one room and kitchen on third floor. |19§ OLOSMOBILE Cutlass, convertible, wr. st "condition r top, $475, 6 CYL... Exchange Price es low as $175.00 8 CYL, Exchange Price as low as $210.00 $200 in Announced Nos. $25 Consolation Prize PLUS $10 per line both. games Eorly Bird Game 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed Minimum $5 Per Line $25 Full Card $150 JACKPOT GAME 20 Regular Gomes at $20 Land Titles Act IN. THE MATTER OF Parts of Lots 4 dnd 5 on Plan 76 and. part of Lot 54, Sheet 13C, on East Whitby Munici- pol Plan 357, now. in the 'City of Oshowa, 'said land ly- ing. between Gibbon Street on "the west and Adelaide Ave- 'nue' West on the ° south, shown on a plan: of survey of record in-the Office of: Land nd CHEVROI four- -4 jedan, ; j good 'fires. -excellent Titles at Whitby. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that WILLIAM. TONNO, J bathroom. Private entrance. i rool for. gentleman, good meals, park-'\6 Standard, excellent conditien 5. [465° King aireet Mee Apety| ina, close 'o bus stop: Si. 4845. Telephone 723-5705. : # rsh TLMITED. ps | EY 100M AND BOARD for gentleme an, | 1960 CHEVROLET, 2-door, custom ra- a oor ee ne iene oar Shopping Centre. Telephone 72 725-|dio_ in Foose hae cg offer. Tele-} COLIN PARKS and ADA King Si. area. Telephone | y25.30%6 3152. ; -- _ ANS RUTH PARKS, -has made an [TRO MEDROGN wren uring (ROOMS aan At, Gus, ch tn an ae cak| application to the. Loca |Stove, refrigerator, faundry facilities. gentlemen, bay ekg quiet home, parking. | standari A ep! Méster. of. -Titlés at Whitby |Clzse to. General Motors. Telephone 81 Par ono 2 ; sificata: bf +i} | ROO som and board for gentlemen. 5? PONTIAC, V-8 standard, one ewn- 'or a certificate of title to | WMANVILLE -- Gne - bedroom Near south General Motors. Parking °F. Telephone 668-2859. this land of' whieh : they japartment wit refrigeratér and stove, facilities. Separate entrance. Apply 863 19598 PONTIAC, two - "Yone dreen,| claim' té Be the 'owners in fee | $B0 ° Hy. . Teli 725-9385. Rits son Road South 723-8364. Parisienne, accessories, very @o6d con- simple free from all encum- Unt ied three reoms 'FOR NDIES near hospital and bus 'ition. Will take ce! offer. Aust sell brances, except' Mortgages and. bath, second. floor, central, 800/100. Private_home. Telephone 725-6195.|within_ week, 423.3621 after 4.30: _ ___) DrANERLy eRceR'. Nietigages BEEN elu na eld [ROOM or roam and board for two will leslie; eevee: siering an enh oa et present 'ebistered on. title. N FOR RENT i) i is» lunches Y [AARTmnys. | re Re Apply nck %, oa pbavakly Ay pvt pa Park es low mileage. $1,485. Telephone 576- oat riment, in new | | Rd. area. Telephone 728-5455. '9 PARISIENNE, two-door hardtop, ex- Wherefore: any other' person having: or claiming to have pel home, fridge, steve, -washer,! ba ive * 'telephone 28768. '29--Wanted to Rent cellent conaiien, ites arate co | any titte te or interest: Inthe TWO - ONE bedroom apartments on/MOME REQUIRED by banker, two 4 BONTIAC, Laurent = land or any part. thereof is |main and second floors. Includes refric. bedrooms or three praterres: Contact v! : Scone mil conical required on: or. before the ,» Stove, heat and hydre. Washing | Mr. Ferguson, 668-335). in hl ars Excellent mail Oleh Mae BE dul 1967 to 'couple preferred. - Centrally | amigny. cosy 9 ar acon fal, Privale lipped. . day uly, Refi 723-1795, RIGHT, 'cony 8 ér araom fiat. Private /s.4s0. 728-199. file @ statement of his claim -allotgei -| bath, centrally located, near bus line, re-|, aeRAM tar ani Boas. saan | s |ONE-BEDROOM apartment, $112. Im-|frigerator and stove optional. Suitable tod su Mince Sa in my 6ffice at the Town of mediate possession. Apply 291 Marland for two middle-aged businest wamen. *fer 6 p.m. e Ban Whitby, and to serve @ eopy |Ave.. Apt. 308. Telephone 576-0668. Abstainers. Wanted by middle of August. 49 FORD six. « cylinder - ander Bet on the Applicant TWO - BEDROOM apartment 1 acing | Teleohone 723-7597 after 7. ive Raid ogi a. Pont offer. . |stréet in apartment block, $9. monthly. | elephone 728-42 Lt aN ; ie Apply 20 Simcoe Street South, Apart: '30--Automobiles | For Sole | | SONTIAG convertible; atendera,| he eagle of "sige Appi leet 4 | New body work. and paint lob, geod cant for service is: riment in tires, Telephone 576-2494 between - seve. CONTAINED apartment in du- Nacsuck: lex, near Five Points. Newly deco. cla eete. |eatta, "P o bedrooms, "and GUS BROWN 1é4 OLOSMOBILE Cutlase, power PARKHILL and YANCH five "rooms, three Meddroors: Possession MOTORS LIMITED bra power steering, automatic, rea- * Barristers and 'Solicitors: BEDROOM apariment, close to | and sthools. Children welcome. int July 27. Telephone 728-8218. |} ROOM APARTMENT, private bath |Apply 285 Celina St. er Telephone 723- 12673 alter 5 MODERN THREE large room apart- iment private bath and entrance. Stove, 20 Pe- | refrigerator. One child welcome. |cific Avenue 725-9308 THREE-ROOM unfurnished \on Grund floor. Telephone | THRE! rtment, in two family @, schools, shop- fie: share bath, $100. Telephone ngs 728-4236, two-room furnished apartment, refrigerater and stove, private entrance, self-contained, main floor. 725-2539. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, » light, heavy duly stove. Private entrance. Apply 478 Park Rd. South. YOUNG MAN has three-bedroom apart- ment, wishes to share with one er two congenial men, in Grenfell Square, Sauna baths, swimming pool. Telephone 723-9750. LARGE two-bedroom apartment, huge kitchen, $116 per month, all: service paid, located above smal! plaza at 1076 Cedar $t.:Call Gord Chariton. 728-8569. H. Keith Lid., Realtor GRIGHT ATTRACTIVELY furnished kit- chen and bed - sitting room, automatic Jaundry facilities, central. Suit ene or two ladies. Telephone: 723-9179. NICE COMFORTABLE apartment with one bedroom. Suitable for lady or couple. All conveniences, vecant new Apply to 91 Ritson N. ONE BEDROOM apartme: ished or unfurnished, with private. "oath, lg able July 27th. Apply .152 Elgin $F. or --_,, 728-4831. ROOM apartment, kitchen, bath, all raised. Whitby central. Telephone 668-6416 "BRIGHT modern' one bed- Kitchen = electrically $98 CLEAN rosm apartment. equipped. Dinette, Near Oshawa Shopping Centre. able Aug. 1 723- 2570. FHREE ROOM apartment, seif-contain- ed, refrigerator,: s sink and .cup- joards in kitchen, private entrance and living room, drapes, Avail- bath, suitable for business couple, Tel- ephane 723-4924 MODERN LOWER duplex, centrally. lo: cated, Available Auguri 1. Children: wel- come. Telephone 723-9965. THREE-ROOM apartment. Stove, _re- frigerator, laundry facilities, .bus stop. R.R; No. 3, Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cors, liens poid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 RAMBLER SALES -- SERVICE and PAINT - New and Used Cars Easy to Finance ot NICOLS MOTORS LTD. WHITBY -- 668-3331 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens poid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-9421 OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 BOND ST. w. Tronsmissions ore still our speciolty, but we do now have facilities to do all gen- eral repoirs. All work guor- onteed. ___576-2610 ~ WANTED Good clean tocal cors for cash. MORLEY STALKER ~ OTORS King West 723-6322 137 723-8311 choose, excellent summer ticn, fully reconditioned. $10 weekly. Wellman for |") BEL AIR, Chevrolet, der, automatic, clean, realiable portation. J87793. No down Only $24 monthly, Stalker Motors, King St. West. down, Blonr and Simcoe. Telephone 725-0748 wepen, automatic, power babe ad steering, $10. down, $12. weekly. le! FURNISHED bachelor apartment with refrigerator, steve, cupl and -sink.| man Rambler, 728-7351. Private entrance, $15 weekly including Fide RAMBLER 7 'American, ae Apply 253 Sinclair Avenue. ULLY FURNISHED apartment, pri- ate entrance, suitable for couple or two igirls, nice district, Telephone 725-9730 jatter 6.30 p.m. |BACHELOR "and one-bedroom apartment |< jin modern apartment building on Simcoe Street "North, controlled entrance, stove, [refrigerator and drapes supplied. 728- | 2870 or 728-4383 APARTMENT for couple, three rooms, redecorated, downtown location, rent $75. Telephone 725- "3501. |ONB-TWO-and three bedroom _ apart- | ments. Includes refrigerator, stove, heat, land water. $75-87 per month. | 'Children. welcome. Apply apartment' 4, 300 jHigh St, Whitby, or 668-5462 ONE-BEDROOM apartment, centrally | possession July 21, $95 month- and hydro included. Apply 235 ly, hy Arthu: St. 576-1904. "62 RAMBLERS, three from which to! transporta- a SUNBEAM RAP' $9| Telephone 725-9113. Rambler, 728-7351. |1959 VOLKSWAGEN, 4150, needs ,_ sme door, 6 cylin- {body work, engine and tires good. trans- | phone 725-2293: after 5, payment, | 137 v down, 10. ble, 728-7351. good top ood mechanically. $700 S76- "§ OLOSMOBILE F "0 PONTIAC, 'adoor, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, Completely reconditioned. No. down, payment. Staiker Motors. 137 King West. $1,574 full price buys '62 Chevrolet. Im-| pala convertible, V-8, with power. 20841L.| 3331. radio, padded |'65 or $850. dan, dark blue, V8, mission, power steering and brekes, "ad colored windshield. Phone 723 "a ~ CHEVROLET Bel Air hardtop, es automatic, needs body and motor work, | miles, sonable sell this or 725-523 |new joffer. 721 '31--Compoct Cars for Sele! 1958 THUNDERBIROG, | top offer. Telephone 728-7705. week, $1,175. 35, body excellent -8584 after 7. restored. Must j. Telephone 942-0984 '38 PONTIAC convertible, 283 automatic |transmission, under warranty, new tires, shape. Best 8 Simeoe Street, South Oshawe, Ontarie. DATED at: Whitby, this 13th doy of July, 1967.- W._H. MOORHOUSE, DEPUTY MASTER OF TITLES ' VOLVO and PEUGOT 4 _Oshor '" wo \@ ENVOY. | Enca nt down, $8 week' J Me Brock 'street' North, 668-6889. reasonable offer. % MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 49 Ritson Rd. South and Fiat Deeler Repair and Service ER ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun Specializing in Volkeswagen 160 Simcoe South = - rr. 'Telephone * 125-4009, condition. ind. 8B Mofor: Seles, '# VAUXHALL, good condition, $250 er best offer. MGB good condition, accept _eny Telephone 725-2951. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ONTARIO HOSPITAL SEALED TENDERS .will be re- ceived,. until 3:00 p.m. Locel Time on | __728- "00511: =»»+.| WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9th, 43 VOLKSWaa Ns snag ther- 1967 Ei Wan: Waren aie, eens). = for the construction of the overhead Electrical Distribu- tion System 'et the Ontarie Hospital, Whitby, Ontario, Tender .Documents may 'be obtained from. Room 1704 (Tower), Department ef Pub- "a a excellent t condition, $ best offer. Telephone 728-8415. Condition. 4s) CHEVROLET Impala Nomad station | ay VAUXHALL for eo price. Tetephon Call 723-6059. hi fandard tri ce at ers, new standal 'ansmission gre two-door, one 'tires, rust-tree condition, Telephone 39." weekly. "Wellman "Ram: es abs! FOR SALE. wi finance. Days 725-6559; after 6, 725- $55: or , goed cond condition. 460 Fernhitt sive. 1960 AUSTIN: Healy 3000, wire wheels, overdrive, radio and other extras, good Four-door. Very 1964 A 'Morris 1160. Mect 'Mechani- Vad Chevy Wh, cylin: |2!Y_ Perfect, $550. Phone 723-6333. Double. in 15 Nos. er Less ADMISSION 50c . _ Bus Service Leaves King end Simeoe Sts. at 7:00 and 7:15 p.m.. in the area for a 50c admission: charge EVERY WEDNESDAY Jubilee Pavilion 'Last -5- Games .$30 Per Game The Biggest Prize Money | All Proceeds To' Charity DEATHS i eaeartel Hospital, Bowmanville, on inher, July 17, 1967, Agnes White of Geacavaer in her 82nd year, beloved of the late Samuel Bick, dear mother of Velma of Oshawa. Resting at her residence: Funeral service 2:30 p.m., phenyl Trinity United Church, Bob- Interment Verulam Cemetery. Fer further . information kindly call Northeutt. and Smith Funeral Home. 623- 5668. «duchies, Mary identy at'Port Hope and District Hos- sia Tuesday, July 18, 1967. Mary Duch- niez belaved wife of Fred Duchnicz, RR 1, Port Hope. Friends are invited to call at the Ross Funeral Chapel, Walton St. ee of Our Lady of Mercy, Thursday, July 20, af A a.m. Interment St. Mary's Cemetery, Hope. LOCKE'S FLORISTS Funeral arrangements and floral. arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. IN MEMORIAM I ARNOLD -- Sydney Robert {passed away July 1966. Time takes away the edge of grief, But' memory turns back every leaf --Lovingly remembered and sadly miss- ed by wife Ann, daughters Elsie, Marion, Ann, Jane, sons Rowland and Sydney jand their families. whe BRISEBOIS -- In loving memory cf @ dear husband and father, Edward Brise- bois; whe passed away July 23, 1945. Always in our hearts --Wite Edith and family. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS JULY 29 - AUG. 1 Places of interest: New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia, Prince Ed- ward 'Island, Cape Breton, State of Maine, U.S.A., and Quebec. Als6 @ visit to Expo. FOR INFORMATION, '_ Tel.. 623-3265. 'or _ 623-3093 COLMER TRAVEL ~ > SERVICE BOWMANVILLE For courteous advice please visit the Park Office, 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS BUNKER -- | wish to express my sincere appreciation to neighbors, {friends and relatives, the Order of jEastern Star, Kinovem Rebekah Lodoe 353, Brooklin Lend-A-Hand group, for the lovely flowers, cards and visits during ty stay in the Oshawa General Hespé Special thanks to Dr. Waldon, Dr. Mrs. R. Maynard, Mrs. V. Wit son, .Mrs. Diamond and Barbara; Mo Coys and Blights, nurses and staf 22 --Many thanks, Pear! Bunkef CHANDLER -- The family of the late Mrs. 'Sydney Chandler wish to express their sincere thanks to all friends and relatives for their kind expression of sympathy in the recent loss of a beloved wife " mother. Also many thanks te BINGO DNIPRO HALL EVERY: TUESDAY 7:30 P.M "Ail regular gomés $10 Share- The 'Wealth Jackpot $150. in 55. Nos, 'or, $20. Consolation Good service for greater 'attendance FREE- ADMISSION DNIPRO. HALL ir; b Rundle, Ladies' Auxiliary, Ca- nadian "lente, Branch 43, Armstrong Funeral Home and General Motors for the- loan 8 car , Mr. 8. Chandler and family, YEO -- The family of the late Berthe Yeo wish 6 @xténd their sincere thanks 'and appreciation to friends, relatives and bers, for their acts kindness, messeges of omy pathy, floral tributes donations to ane Cancer Society in the recent loss of dear mother and Grandmother. 'special thanks to nurses 'and staff ef Bowmanville Memorial Hos+ pital; Morris pried Home and Rev. H, Turner for his ing words, ~The Yeo family. FUNERALS Corner Bloor. andEdith Sts. 30c KINSMEN BINGO 2--~$2.00---Nos; 52 and:$0 7 MUST GO $25.: Consolation TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION 50c . FUNERAL OF MRS. ARTHUR E. KENT A private funeral service was héld, July 17, at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home for Mrs. Arthur E. Kent who died July 15 at the family residence, 382 Simcoe Street North. for Western Jamboree, Aug Civie Holiday' weekend. pi tg a reve agent or men 'Bus Lines, } I", TRIPS hal WHEELING, ' ee Virsa, The service was conducted by Rev. K. J. Frampton, rector of ijSt. John's Anglican Church, | Bowmanville. Entombment was in the Oshawa Union Cemetery Mausoleum. The pallbearers were Lloyd BIRTHS Collacutt, Wallace Wilson, Fred Lengauer, Dr. D. E. McLaurin, lett) are hi their s6n, -- their daughter, Susan Elizabeth, the Oshawa Generel Hospitel. JOHNS -- Ted and Marion (nee. Kel- to-announce the birth of aul Edward, 7 Ibs. 15 6zs., on bred ts Fe 16, 1967 at the. Oshawa Gen- al. Merritt) are proud to announce the birth 7 eis. on Friday, July 14, 1967, et Paul Barry and Bert Bornhoeft. =| eae LEADERS wean Many Menke, fe Ore ne Ew ine POWLBY -- Opvie and irveen' (nee "| atetialewan: StL -251 43 89 .355 Stapb, Hsn Gepeda, StL Clemente, Pgh 281 31 99 .352 318 52 110 .346 217 55 109 .344 o 100% Performance Bond and o 50% Payment Bond will be * requiréd os specified. A 'Deppsit-of $15.00 MONEY ORDER, OR- CERTIFIED CHEQUE made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario, will be: required per set. of tender documents, which will be refunded if documents are returned in. good -condition within thitty days of above closing. date, otherwise for- feited. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Ss Hilliard, |'64 MGB in top. condition, new tires all efter S 5 p.m. at 723-9068. four door | se) | brakes, automatic trans- 158 "VOLKSWAGEN, + mission motor or ane good. Telephone 728. trane- "5p Deputy THE CHANGE OF: ' NAME ACT, .1960 IN. THE. COUNTY COURT |32--Trucks for Sale Only $36 monthly. |Corvair Handy Van, an (30281). "a3 ) INTERNATIONAL pick-up. Also "62 *S7 GM _.Tandém, id '60 Chevrolet Tandem dump truck. Call 725-2156, 43 ECONOLINE, new paint, I, gobd ru Easy to finance at Nicols in Whitby 668: ning condition. $750 or best offer. Tele. |phone 576-2151. '0 DODGE % ton, 44,000 ori excellent condition, asking Sriginal ~~ goed fair. A-1 tires. Best offer. Apply 401 Brent-'or best offer. Also '60 Meteor rok RTE BACHELOR "APARTMENT, | Kigneoeite, | | wood Street or 725-7703. transmission, 45,000 origina! miles, ex- Bebe i Lv Sbaa 4 [cellent condition. Asking 728-0633. vate entrance, heat, light and. water \CONVER 1958 CHEVROLET, V8 cchenatha been th td supplied, bus stops at door. Pelephone | automat steering and brakes, |'SS GMC. 'a-ton pick-up. Very 725-0302 radio, discs, new top. Very good body mechanically, new battery, body | DOWNTOWN, 30 Colborne Street East, tee Galoh. $600. 576-215) eee eee | two-bedraom Refrigerator, 1983 MERCURY, 28,000 miles. Best offer "61 CORVAIR Van, good running 2 end 3 bedroom apartments Istove,, broagloom, freb laundry. factities, | |takes it. Tel apartment. one 725-7215. dition. adc Suitable for camper or Telephone 725-5132. €6n- jervice 'i $115. Apply Apartment | D PONT +t 4 PONTIAC. 6 « cylinder Mil $120. $35" Oxford FURNISHED 3 ROOM basement apart- Good body and mechanically, rustless.| eet. ment, self - contained. 'Telephone 728- van CA transportation. $375 or best! 725-0657 3861 hefore 6 p.m. or 725. after '6. jo! 576-1983. onmiror ---- nee ROOM apartment, plus finish- a ere ~ Fury, 4-door . hardtop, felled sun - porch, stove, fridge,|V-@ automatic, power. steering and IF IT'S FOR SALE Nylshing. machine, 'fenced in -back |brakes, white with beige trim. 119161, No yard, plus verards. Close to General (town payment, only $42 monthly. Stalker AN {viscets Available for August Ist. For |Motors, 137: King West fprmiation . call 725.1902 , \4) FORD, 2-deor, V-8 standard trans | ACTION CLASSIFIED AD ace BASEMENT apartment, unturn-|mission with radio. Red with black top ished centrally located, laundry and park-|matehing: trim: K53448. No down pay-) | WILL SELL IT! I | ing facilities, suitable for ledy. phéne 728-4646, 9 till 5 p.m, w3 z= ment. Only $34: monthly. Stalker Motors, 137 King $1. W. | | FOR RESULTS | Times Actioi Ads in Classified 723-3492 OF THE COUNTY, OF ONTARIO TAKE NOTICE that an appli- cation will be made by PAM- -ELA 'MARGARET DAYDAY, of 792. King Street East, Osh- awa, 'Onritario, before the pre- siding Judge in Chambers ot the Court House; in the Town of Whitby, in the County. of Ontaria,, on. Thursday, the 24th day of August, 1967, at 11:00 d'clock in the forenoon to change her name to PAM- ELA MARGARET ST. JOHN. DATED: AT OSHAWA, this 7th doy of July, A.D. 1967. RUSSELL J. MURPHY, Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King. Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. WANT-ADS DON'T | COST--THEY PAY lara buys. 8 Velkawanen.. Lic ax.| lic Works, Whitney . Block, Gonzalez, Phil 232 37 79 .341 854. Easy to finance at Nicols-in'Whitby.! Parliament Buildings, Tor- 'Runs--Aaron, Atlanta, 71; R. Bag onto 2,' Ontario, (Téleph Allen, Philadelphia, Santo, Chi- FR ects. ge Ke yg mie. SRoIC7#), DEATHS cago, 63. : wheel, 'radio, four-speed, wire wheels | _ A: $1,000.00 ' Bid Bond, o- badder Runs batted in--Wynn, Hous- MACKIR,. Herhert Mal Hospital Kathleen Hamilton, father. ef Miss Heel ' see. ine rest in the Oshawa General Hei ton, 68; Cepeda, 64, Hits -- Cepeda, Brock, St. Louis, 110; Clemente, 109. Doubles--Stauh, Cepeda, R. Allen, T. Davis, New York, 23; Joanne Mackie, Ebenezer, Mrs. Darwin io omen men, aroma cw |Areck, 3 atz (Jeanette), Oshawa, Miss Suzanne Mackie, Ebenezer. and Alexander|. 2tiples -- ee Chicago, Packie Deneve: on at Mra. Annie 8; R. Allen; 7. ackie,. Oshawa, _ br : of Dduglas : Mackie, Nestleton, in his sath year. Rest-|. Home runs---Aaron, 23; Wynn, ing aft the armaicon 'unera Heme, 2. Oshawa, un inesday neen with funeral'. service "in. Ebenezer' United li Stolen bases--Brock, 32; Phil- Stren, | Weane sday, Joy, at wien 'ei p.m. Inte Ebenezer ery. In ing -- Nolan, Cincinnati, lieu of Linco Prisha to the' Ontario Haart rs Foanerer itiag | 8-2, 80; MeCormick, San Fran- Church wane be Lonrecieh PROUT, Gerald Suddenly at Picton, Ont., on Saturday, at cisco, 12-3, .800. Strikeouts ~~ * Marichal, San Francisco, 140; Bunning, Phil- \July 15, Gerald Prout,- beloved husband adelphia, 131. of wn Hetttester, fiber ie yanaree American League White, dina ee cnity, Mc, Dome ae em Pet. Watley | ate a and Mrs James|f- Robinson, Bal 252.54 85 .337 Prout, all ef Picton, in his 34th year.| Yastrz'ski, Bsn 305 56 100 .398 Resting i Fai Armstrong Funeral. Home, Kaline, Det 235 51 Ostia Requiem High Mess in St, 77 328 churen Wednesday. July 19,|Carew, Min 309 42 96 .311 ayers' will be paid at Wee fonerat Wisin, Bsn * 244 40 72 .295 home. Tuesday. At 7:30: p.m. Knights. of uns -- MéAuliffe, Detroit, Columbus wilt 'attend. Killebrew, Minnesota, Tovar, Thyler, Chace Wi Minnesota, B. Robinson, Ralti- estey Entered into, resf in Toronte, Western more, 57; Yastrzemski, 56. Hospital < * chats hie To Slat unand|g RWMShatled In -- Killebrew, RS Be Bey akg RL hart, Ontario; rt, Oshawa; "a is--Yastrzemsk, 100; To- Tage nelieh" Asiiurns" wet Weney| " Doubles--Tovar, 21, 5 z y 'ovar, Campa- SI outty ag Duff tAlmp). Gotwar Boa Mina | Metis, Kansas City,. 19, Jacob, Claremont; Andrew,, Creeimen,| "Triples --- Monday, Kansas Manitoba, in his 73rd year. Resting at City, 6; four tied with the Armstrong Cees Pie gine Oshawa, EIN 2 ith 5. with funeral strvice in a wed.| _ Home runs--Killebrew, 26: F, nésda' jul ie Groveside "Cametery, ein Wises ge og gs : ; : 34; Agée, Chicago, 22. 'Kindhess beyond, -Price, > yet Pitching -- Horlen, Chicago within reach of all 11-2, .846; Lonborg, Boston, 19. 3, OW. bed MeGlothlin, California, 8-2, FUNERAL CHAPEL!" 390 KING STREET. WEST Telephone: 728-6226 Mirikéouts --- McDo Cleveland, 134; Lonborg,, bes: ton, 128. DONALD DU BLONDIE LI'L ABNER LC PRI NUBBIN HENRY JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER

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