PRINCE .EDWARD Is- land tartan is used in these outfits for fall. They are in flannel and consist of knick- ers and jacket (left) and a kiltie skirt with vestee and jacket. Canadian - designed tartans are being used for Pee ee ere ® everything from women's at-home and daytime clothes to men's hats and shorts. (CP Photo) Maple Leaf, Provincial Tartans se sor mating tams and|Kent and als. dp some sith There are even the recently- "Getting Full Play By Designers sesso jer 0 coneder By MARGARET NESS a ea {hostesses on the Vancouver-San TORONTO (CP) -- Canadian- Francisco run and also is used tion tartans. York Town Casuals has included six in its fall Jine, including Sir John A. Macdon- g B (Mr. : |father of the bride, all of Terre-|the home of § jbourg, Guelph, Toronto, Michi-|Wray Hansel of Bowmanville.|the airy outdoors. i" -- OMEN \10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, July 18, 1967 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723-3474 for Women's Departmem Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett,) John Stezik, Darlene and John' Jarvis Street, have as their Junior, Albert Street, who Mrs. |motored to Winnipegosis for the; jguests their two nieces, | : | | occasion and have now returned jH. Duff and Mrs. A. Savage/home. | from Belfast, Northern Ireland, | | for a month's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Thomas, Talon Court have returned from} At the wedding last Saturday a trip to Fredericton and Monce- of Christina Helen Szulak to| ton, New Brunswick and Truro, |Allan George Rutherford a/Nova Scotia where they have telegram was received from|been holidaying with Mrs.| Mr. and Mrs. William Brenden|Thomas' brother and sister-in- Hartwell, Wellington, New Zea-| law, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Grant land, uncle and aunt of the and family, ae j brace, Mr. and Mrs. Richard A Mrs. Max Wilde, son Lowell, Lawrence, Roxborough Avenue, jand daughter, Janet, of Hast-|have as their guests Mr. and lings, Michigan, stopped in Osh-|Mrs. A. Fairclough of Liver- lawa on their way to Expo to/pool, England who are on a visit Mrs. W. H. Barnhart, Lake-|three-week vacation. Mrs. Fair- shore, Oshawa, a cousin. jclough and Mrs. Lawrence are Out-of-town guests at the paleo Owen-Smith wedding held re-| Prior to her wedding on last) ¢ cently in St. George's Memorial|Saturday, to Frank Stephen Church included Mr, and Mrs./Macko, the former Miss Bea-| William Schrum, Mr. and Mrs.|trice Janette Mitchell was hon- Alfred Schrum and family andj ored at several showers. A mis-| Alfred Schrum, Sr., grand-|cellaneous shower was held at| Mrs. Russell| bonne Heights, Quebec; Mr. and| Dionne, Oshawa Blvd. N. actat| Mrs. A. Abbott, and Miss Carol/ed by Mrs. Walter Mitchell and| Abbott, Verdun, Quebec; Mr./Mrs. Joseph Kolynko, aunts of! and Mrs. P. Smith, Ottawa; Mr./the bride. The choir of Grace and Mrs. G, Fralick, Toronto;|Lutheran Church of which Mr,| 3 Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith, Pierre-|and Mrs, Frank Macko are|ising temperatures call finds, Quebec. Other guests|members, held a pantry shower|homemaker away from _her| lwere from Ajax, Pickering, Co-|at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|range into the relaxed world of] | | | erry - Topped Combines Color |gan, and Connecticut. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie T. Baker, | Drew Street, are leaving by plane on Friday for a_three- week vacation in England where they will be the guests of Mr. Baker's sister, Mrs. Kenneth Wye and Mr. Wye of Erith, Miss Elaine Bebe, maid-of-| If summer humidity is get- honor at the wedding, held ajting the best of you and your} miscellaneous shower at her/family, revive those lagging! home assisted by her mother|appetites with light, Mrs. Clarence Bebee and Mrs.|salads. Allan MacDonald. A party was| If you are held at the home of the bride's|yard buffet this summer, parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred M.|sure to carry the gay, colorfu Mitchell, following the rehear-|theme of the outdoors into the} : sal, Friday evening. |salads you serve. | seeing. Mr. Baker has not ning Berry-topped Chicken visited his old home since 1921. /brings color to your table for a Mrs. L, J. Crombie, formerly} PICNIC MENU [summer luncheon, Nellie M. Johnston of Pieter-| Mac.{Tich in nourishment, too. CHICKEN SALAD Berry Layer: 4% Home economists at is making an extended visit to|Guelpi, recommend this menu Bright summer weather andj any|9 and it is/2% tablespoon |1 "designed tartans are winning|4S the uniform blazer and cape -Hashion acceptance in every-\at Osler School of Nursing in ald, Sir George Etienne Cartier and W. A. Henry designs. These tartans will include everything her family in Canada after an|for a picnic, It will require a absence of 25 years. Mrs. Crom-|minimum of work just before "thing from women's at-home) Toronto. from mini-kilts to a pant-dress|Dl€ Was one of the two Oshawa'the meal is ready and daytime clothes to men's) For summer Claire Haddad|with a covering side-slit skirt, |MUTSeS Who Joined the South Cold Southern Fried. Chick- hats and shorts. has used the Maple Leaf tartan) Among cities with tartans is|*!tica Military ag Vg Final Potato Salad; Tomato Some are official provincial or|in a back-closing top over gold|Niagara Falls which commis- "ci bo. gg baal ae rons | Wedges; Coleslaw; Cucumber elty tartans. Others are merely|antron rompers banded in the)sioned a design based on the staltechit he oi a Si sell rf ;|Slices; Rolls; Fresh' Fruit; tartans done in high - fashion|tartan. Men, also, are wearing |illumination colors of the falls,|" time. to attend Simcoe Stree! \Cookies; Fruit Punch. colors and designed especially|the tartan. Guy Lombardo and|Jack Benny was presented with|Umited Church centennial serv-" tions to make the pic: for indiv fi "\his band adopted it for their!a sports jacket in the tartan|iCe 28 well as Canada's centen-| * cet : nda td : ae nial celebrations. At present she|Nic_@ success include the fol- \jackets, and a large departmen tiwhen he visited the city last maritzburg, Natal, South Africa,|donald Institute, University of One such firm is Sabre Slims "which has found a market iits tartans in the United States.| hoes boxer shorts, pyjamas The most popular Canadian | i9, and a jacket tartan is the Maple Leaf--based|~~. : on the colors of nature with the) red and gold of autumn maples|tartans except Ontario and Que- dominant. Commercially - de-|bec. So a commercially - de- signed and introduced three| Signed Ontario tartan appeared years ago in preparation for|in yellow, green, red, black and Centennial Year, it hit the head-|brown, and a Quebec plaid with lines when one of London's top| dominant blue backed by green, couturiers used the tartan as an|Ted, gold and white. ;ensemble in a private fashion} Both are based on the provin- fi jstore featured it for Father's) fall. Day in a snap-brim hat, slip-on/ This spring the City of Ottawa ,/ asked for and accepted a tartan designed by artist-weaver Mrs, All the provinces have official| W. H. Docton of Gleneagles, Que, Over the gold background are overtones of light and dark blue flecked with white. At Expo, in the Canadian fashion show seen every Thurs- |day, there is a tartan scene in- cluding a jumpsuit with frilled white blouse and an evening showing for Queen Mother Eliz-|cial coat of arms. Highland | 4ress with cross-over back, abeth. iQueen included the Quebec eatin girls in the Bank of The Maple Leaf tartan. also| plaid in the Union Label Awards| Nova Scotia building in Toronto received tional attention!show in a slack suit, three-piece wear--what else?--a Nova Sco- when Hi i Queen designed|suit and an at-home dress with|tia tartan outfit, the tartan as ward-\alternate squares embroidered si Peano robe of M Thejin blue beads in a fleur-de-lys pleated | pattern, 't, shell taRTAN FOR CARTIER The Prince Edward Island "costume =top and fringed stole, "USED BY AIRLINE A Maple Lea sirt'h lley for two costumes for fall -been teamed ese are in flannel and consist ~and white blous e uniform!of knickers and jacket and kiltie| ~of Canadian Pacif ic Airlines skirt with vestee and jacket. cee dee ic AND MRS. RUSSELL G. BONE MR. ttt? Pe epee tartan was selected by Miss Sun a "| slices cooked sausage , | 1-3 cup chopped green pepper jminutes; - igoes ; |Place on a cookie sheet, then |Serve immediately. jried to suit your preference. Make Your Own Pizza Supper same time quick and easy to prepare. It can be made with the ordinary ingredients found in your kitchen, There is no mess involved and only a short jcooking period is required. iServing it hot with a 'tossed salad makes it ideal for a luncheon or supper. Serving it with a cool drink makes it per- fect for a snack 1 recipe tea biscuit douzh 1 can tomato sauce cheddar cheese, grated 1-3 cup chopped onion Seasonings: salt, pepper, dry mustard, garlic powder, oregano, vinegar, Italian seasoning Simmer the sauce for a few add the seasonings. Home economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, recommend that the sauce con- tinue to cool until the flavor through. Roll out the dough to one-third inch thick. ipinch a raised crust on the edge. Spread with sauce, sau- Sage Slices, cheese, onion, and jgreen pepper. Bake at 425 \degrees F till the edges are brown and the center bubbly, The seasonings can be va- Bits of bacon can be used as a Pizza is delicious and at the} is visiting her sister Mrs. Ralph|!owing. Jewell and Mr. Jewell at their Scugog. Later in August she willlice cubes; add the salad dress- make an extended tour of Can-|ing just before serving. jada visiting Canadian nurses) Cyt the tomatoes and cucum- who served in South Africa./pher at the last minute so they Mrs, Crombie expects to return| wil) be fresh. to her husband and four chil- has dren in South Africa via Expo,|_,B® Sure to include a table 4 ; | Cloth and napkins -- paper ones during October. She is looking that are disposable after the forward to renewing old ac- picnic is over quaintances during her stay in Keep everything refrigerated Oenawe. as long as possible before the pienic, then don't let it sit in A post-nuptial reception for the sun. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Shew- jchuk, the former Carol Anne |Stezik, whose marriage took place in Oshawa recently, was given by the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Joseph Shewchuk of Winnepe- gosis, Manitoba, last weekend. |The reception, held in the Elks' |Hall was attended by some four |hundred guests, including the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. THAW SLOWLY How long does it take for chicken to thaw? It is best to do it in the refrigerator, allowing five hours per pound. However, frozen chicken in its unopened freezer bag can be thawed in cold water. This method cuts down the time to one hour per pound. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT | FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE } Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. Rora-) The forthcoming marriage is beck, Oshawa, wish to an-| nounce the engagement of their|2!0unced of Brenda Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. eldest daughter, Janet May to Joseph Noiles, son of Mr. and|Lawrence Emmons of Whitby Church, Oshawa. ceremony is to take place on FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE | °2turday, July 22, 1967, in Saint Mr. and Mrs, Richard W.|Mary of the People Roman Broome, Whitby, wish to an- Catholic Church, Oshawa. nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Susan ENGAGEMENT Jane, to John L. Anderson, son) The engagement is an- of Mrs, Stanley Debosky of)nounced of Sharon Rose, Whitby, and the late James An-|daughter of Mrs. Harold Mc- derson. The wedding is to take Donald of Port Arthur, Ontario, place Saturday, August 26, 1967|and the late Harold McDonald at 2:00 p.m. in Saint Mark's|to Brian Elliott Gaskell, son of United Church, Whitby. Mr. and gs John T. Gaskell, Oshawa. @ marriage is to FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |take place in Saint George's Mr. and Mrs. Ray Medd,/Anglican Church, Port Arthur, Epsom, wish to announce the on Saturday, August 19, 1967, forthcoming marriage of their/at 4.30 p.m. Pack the coleslaw in plastic Mrs. Kenneth Noiles, Sackville, Township, to Roger James New Brunswick. The marriage Lint : {M is to take place Friday, August |/"t0m, son of Mr. and Mrs, 18, 1967, at Northminster United|Denis Linton, Oshawa. The Chicken Salad , Nourishment unflavored gelatin tablespoons cold water 1 (16-0z.) can jellied cran- berry sauce Y% cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon cider vinegar Soften gelatin in cold piel eshing| dissolve over hot water. Brea etreshing up cranberry sauce with fork; i ;.(add gelatin, nuts and vinegar. PlAnning. & ea Mix well. Pour into a 1-quart }/mold or pour about 1-3 of mix- individ- ture into each of six ual molds. Chill until firm. unflavored gelatin tablespoons cold water Y% cup hot water % cup mayonnaise ¥% cup cottage cheese } KEEP IN TRIM | Creeping Over weight Comes From Sedentary Living | By IDA JEAN KAIN | about it, our sedentary mode of life has robbed us of the na- tural way to control weight. Consequently, obesity in all age groups is on the rise. Young Americans, don't let "creeping overweight" happen to you! Devise ways to exercise the big muscles of the body. If you have a favorite activity for each season of the year, keeping fit will be a pleasure, In the spring swing into ten- nis; swim in the summer; bowl, bicycle and hike in the fall; skate, ski and walk in the win- ter wonderland. Or join a gym and swim and exercise at any season. There is no better way to hold the weightline than to exercise regularly. Muscular activity in- creases calorie expenditure more than any other single fac- tor. Weight control is the bal- ance between the calories con- sumed and the energy cx- pended. With exercise you can eat enough to satisfy hunger and stay slim too. ACTIVITY SHOWS Studies have shown that many overweight youngsters do not eat so much more food than the lean teens do, and some of for each 10 pounds minute by 5.5 percent. Energy Cost in Calories Per Minute Routine Activity ing, electric 1.7. Gymnastic Exercises Walking Walking, 2 mph 2.9, walkin 3 mph 4.0, walking, 4 mph, 5. soft snow, 244 mph 11.6. Recreation involving exercise lop 10.0, skating 5.0, ming, recreational 6.5, 5.9, rowing 11.6. A SUMMER SALAD WITH EYE - APPEAL Salad] Chicken Layer: 1% tablespoon} tablespoon minced parsley 4 (15-0z.) can chick peas, well over or | Pushbutton living is forcing|Uder 140, increase or decrease cottage "GrandeVue". on Lake|containers and surround it with|fat on us. There is no question|the number of calories used per 'a Driving car 2.8, driving mo- torcycle 3.4, gardening, weed- ing, weeding 5.6, gardening, dig- ing 8.6, typing, manual 2.4, typ- Abdominal 3.0, arm swinging, hopping etc 6.5, trunk bending g, 2, walking on hard snow 3% mph 9.9. Walking with snow shoes on|.: Archery 5.2, bowling 4.4, Ca- noeing, 2.5 mph 3.0, canoeing, 4 mph 7.0, cross-country running 10.6, cycling 5 mph 4.5, dancing, active 7.0, dancing, moderately active 5,2, football association 8.9, golf 5.0, horseback riding, trot 8.0, horseback riding, gal- skiing, moderate speed 10.8, swimming, competition racing 11.0, swim- tennis 7.1, volle yball 3.5, ping pong 2 cups diced cooked chicken | PEACH CRANBERRY RING 1-3 cup chopped sweet 1 can (28-0z.) peach halves gherkins 1 teaspoon whole cloves Y% cup chopped celery 1 3-inch cinnamon stick {2 teaspoons cider vinegar Y% cup white or cider vinegar Y% teaspoon salt 1 Soften gelatin in cold water; dissolve in hot water. Stir in|, mayonnaise and remaining in- gredients. Pour over jellied cranberry layer. Chill until firm. Unmold on lettuce leaf. Makes 6 servings. package (3-0z.) lemon- flavored gelatin cup fresh cranberries % medium orange, unpeeled, seeded Drain peaches. To syrup add water to make 2 cups; add spices and vinegar; simmer 10 minutes. Add peaches; simmer 5 minutes. Remove peaches; place cut side up in 1-quart ring mold. Strain syrup, add to Bean Salad recipes eeive a new and exciting flavor, They'll be on the request list often. MIXED BEAN SALAD 8 gelatin; stir until dissolved. (15-0z.) can French-cut Pour '% of . mixture over green beans, well drained peaches; chill until firm, Mean- while, put cranberries and orange through fine blade of food grinder; add to remain- ing peach syrup; cool. Pour over firm peach layer; chill until firm. Unmold on lettuce; serve with mayonnaise if de- sired. Makes 8 servings. beans, well drained j1 (15-0z.) can lima beans, |. well drained } (15-0z.) can yellow wax 1 drained ii (15-0z.) can kidney beans |. With sauce, well drained 1 green pepper, chopped | 4 cup celery, chopped Y% cup onions, chopped or 1 small onion, sliced % cup white sugar % cup white vinegar % cup salad oil 1 teaspoon dry mustard bk teaspoon salt ¥Y% teaspoon pepper }1 teaspoon thyme Mix the first eight ingredi- ents together in a bowl. Sepa- rately, prepare the dressing consisting of the remaining in- gredients. Shake well and pour over the salad, Refrigerate for about one hour, then serve. Summer's bounty of fresh fruits give a refreshing lift to mealtime, Spiced Peach Cran- berry Ring combines oranges, spiced peaches and cran- berries mixed with a spicy lemon gelatin mixture for a delightful and colorful salad. This salad makes an excellent accompaniment for meat or poultry, OPEN SOON OSHAWA CANADA'S AND FINEST CHAIN Ct HEALTH SPAS BURNS JEWELLERS 20 SIMCOE STREET NORTH OPEN FRIDAYS TILL 9 P.M, them eat less, but the chubbi are inordinately inactive. On the playground they stand around instead of moving. Fat girls, disliking to be seen in a gym or swim suit, invariably bring an ecuse from home. Girls, if you really want to |get out of the fat class, exer- /cise! Get into your slacks 20) | whip through calisthenics for 20 | to 30 minutes every day. Done to a lively tune, calisthenics can be fun and fat-freeing. Turn on the music and stretch, bend and swing. You'll come alive and lose the blues and the bulges. The following chart gives the energy cost in calories per minute of a person weighing be- tween 140 and 155 pounds. To: OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Availeble At NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. E., Oshawa 8 x 10 -- 1,50 each 5x7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount en Orders of S or More Pictures jadjust the chart for your use, eldest daughter, Dorothy Elaine, to Milton Wesley Rainey, son of Neil Rainey, Cannington. The marriage is to take place August 12, 1967 at 3.00 p.m. in Trinity United) substitute for the sausages. Church, Uxbridge, Ontario. * Pair Surprised By Party To Celebrate Silver Wedding > On the occasion of their rat mone an the late Mr. Edgar | ' : to vy. Mr,/ Bone, all of Oshawa. ver wedding se peter ogee Prrmaaments tor the carte' > and Mrs. Russell G. Bone, Ros-| ere made by their only daugh-| ~mere Street, were recently hon-/ter, Miss Joanne Bone, with the | lored with a surprise party at|assistance of Mrs. David Wel- Sis eir home don. The party began with an) .. ; . arried in|Utdoor buffet dinner, followed) = The couple was m jby a dance. The honored pair | ®Grace United Church, peste fe presented with a dehumidi-| Sand have spent their married|fier from the guests present| life in Oshawa. Mrs. Bone is|and also received were gifts of| «the daughter of Mrs. Fred Chip-|silver, flowers, and money. | 'lick and the late Mr. Chiplick.| Guests were present from To-| t 74 CELINA STREET "Free Customer Parking Wh FOR THE FINEST Ready Made DRAPES in the latest fabrics . . Mé& Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERDLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 ||) ile Shopping at Our Store" Shedes ond - See. . of d | ustom an | | Mr. Bone is the son of Edgarironto, Ajax, and Oshawa. -- by Gilbey's 'one of the finest Canadian whiskies this country has ever tasted' STOREWIDE JULY SALE CONTINUES! FANTASTIC OFFER |! English Bone China CUPS and SAUCERS 200 only 99.10 BOXED Sef m iaaimo Dear Anr dummy or friend of m last year, | love it. Wh Christmas | a snow job life she wa Well, las' home five m no wedding one that sl volved wit! didn't reali: late that he could not g insists she able dischai I say her sult to the thinking per have been ably under Wasn't she? print. I wan too.--Dumm. Dear Dur ence does it girl was dis or_not? It. sc friend didn't able dischar It was simp! ment separa service. Dear Ann be married ir lem is my to remodel th and make an They have for several 1 ance and [ | and neither « had never sa --until last : lot of hard sick about it My mother CHILD Pare Divis By GARRY | In any fam for each pare act partially more of the c parent often parent of beir the presence ¢ rious problem ents may ari more of the cl fering victims Apropos is ter from New "T have fou a girl. My tv and six, my boy six mont! "My husban his attention the two older casion, if he i our little girl. is the typical ing type. Wit! copy from sh¢ like a boy. "As all youn nothing of co ered with mu problem is t! has no patienc "Things he away with he for. If she co on her she whereas the | in the same co ing is said. M to pick on hei He has remar that she just d him that he c: "We constar ( Cool, light companion 1 fresh, colorft feminine, ab stores, Notat the carefree plain cotton: blend fabrics out' are c checks, Here A-line set starch-stiff -- eyelet» rufflin threaded wit! The robe has der cape co gins under front and either side