\NDERS rust ghter Who Woke Up Too reamer: I hope the of women who wrote » that they, too, are ir hearts out for an will take a page out ook before they get ; you did. n Landers; Mazie and sen best friends for began to date Eddie hs ago. I always ad- sharp mind and won- Mazie never treated and about six weeks broke up, idie called me for a i him I'd feel like a but with him because idship with Mazie. He ne that they were I said I would have Mazie myself before | an answer. asked Mazie how she Eddie she told me it nd I should date him 1 to. id I have had three we get along beauti- yesterday Mazie | Said she made a id she wants Eddie id her I didn't have ins and she was wel- im. Her reply was, much of a gentleman you. You'll have to » do the right thing. --Miss In The Middle ss: If Mazie called | safe bet she also ie. Refuse to play a d game. Continue to as long as you enjoy ny--and make it a to discuss one with SEHOLD HINT corner of the enve- ad of the postage you won't waste or zlue. TORONTO will phases of hair- - certificate of 15, 1967 IN CALL A r tom and ly Made APES test Shades and &C LY INSTALLED ERY TRACKS 723-7827 | at Our Store" 'PLAY BALL!' MAJOR MATTER FOR MINORS HERE kaheuesecuconxzxex & & & & Hie ee TYKE LEAGUE CATCHER DIGS IN DIRT TO RECOVER BALL + « « Oshawa Legion Minor Baseball Association Operates Six - Team Tyke League _ Legion Sponsors Baseball ' For 400 Boys On 22 Teams In the past, a minor league baseball game consisted of a ball, bat and a group of neigh- borhood boys struggling to get enough players for two teams and a place to play. But the introduction of organ- ized minor league baseball into Oshawa changed all of this. Fs Today, minor league baseball in Oshawa is a highly organ- ized and efficient operation, en- compassing over 400 boys and 22 different teams. Under the sponsorship of the Oshawa Branch 43, of the Ca- nadian Legion, players ranging in ages from nine to 21, play in a full schedule of games from late May to early Seép- tember. The Legion has sponsored minor baseball in Oshawa since 1949. Honorary president of Oshawa Minor Legion baseball in the city is Con. Frank Mc- Callum, who is also a director of the Toronto Maple Leaf base- ball club. John Ryan, who currently plays third base for the Maple Leafs, is a graduate of Oshawa Legion Minor baseball. The smooth operation of minor baseball in the city can 'APARTMENT SEEKERS! THIS IS THE ENTRANCE OF DISTINCTION TO YOUR HOME IN: -- Rosslynn Arms Apts. This is only one of many bonus features you will find in Rosslypn ARMS APARTMENTS -- Homelike touches not found In other apartments at the same price. RENTALS FROM: $110.00--STUDIO SUITES $125.00--1 BEDROOM $140.00--2 BEDROOM PHONE ; 728-9724 or 723-1009 ae NOW IT SAYS HERE THAT HE CAN'T . » « Umpires Who Contribute Time Check Over Rule Book ani De largely attributed to the 80 sraapparoonerae coarmmneneengcen, eenensaopanentererncnenccanrmmmereocipeost si bea re FORM ISN'T EVERYTHING IN MINOR BASEBALL PROGRAM - - - Catcher Flinches After Pee Wee Batter Fouls Pitch During Game In Six - Team League DESPITE WHAT PLAYERS CLAIM, UMPIRE HAS FINAL SAY « » - Legion Minor Baseball Vice - President Ray Blanchard, One Of Many Umpires The players in minor base- men and women who dedicate ball not only play a full sched- their time to serving in various|ule of games in Oshawa but are capacities in the organization. | also eligible to journey to vari- They serve as umpires, coaches ous parts of the province to and managers giving the game/ take part in invitational tourna- a big league' environment, EE pe aie which is beneficial to the spec-| SEE LEGION tators as well as the players. | Continued On Page 14 ie ee ¥ 4 s eis ne a. sche seat THEY WORK SO HE AND OTHERS CAN ENJOY BASEBALL PROGRAM |. « « President Ted McComb With Two Of More Than 50 Adults Needed To Keep Boys In Competition NELLIS Robert Culp Sees Self } Home _| As Always A Born Loser © IMPROVEMENTS | s 8 e aes, é READY TO TRY AND STRETCH HI Runner and Baseman Watch Flight Of Ball Cerone Not by a long shot. Only the new Pp ly restores fabrics to their original beauty. Makes colors bright as new... makes the finish soft as new... makes everything you method wear look like new! ® We are Sanitone Certified Master Dryclean- HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Lately{born loser, he says, but as for} * * ° me aa id Seals REA ORS ers, and we are dedicated to providing the very best care for all e |we've been doing profiles of the) that: Tae tele : your garments. Try us today. GENERAL REPAIRS jrecent television Emmy win-| 'you and I may have differ-|Cosby's. sleuthing partner and) Culp disparages even the hone |ners. Today: a loser--Robert/ént definitions. Losers are|co-star on I Spy. ors he does get. The Nat' al |Culp. people who commit easily and| Many people predicted Culp Press Club gaye | wes and o. Ree A two-time loser, in fact. A quickly to things they believe|Would get the Emmy this year|Cosby its community - relations Rooms --$--=--=----====|in and then, like fools, hang in{to even things up with Cosby, plaques a beige geo i | : : That i : «aq |W y as ar. But no,)monies June 10. Sai : aes | Buying or Selling! be is he committed to? I ethy vabeived Mert in the|was something to liven up the Cleaners and © Pepering don't want to go into that."|category in which both werejevening. They were desperate Shirt Launderers 728-5133 434 SIMCOE SOUTH wy Sanitone Fen) Met Pre ' "All Work Guoranteed"' For Free Estimates Call... 728-2061 GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President @ DICK YOUNG, Vice-Pres. @ LUCAS PEACOCK, Sec. Treas 16 SIMCOE ST. s., OSHAWA PHONE 723-5281 |He is against racial prejudice, jisn't he? Explosively: "I don't) know what more to say about that. I just don't understand itt" Culp, 38, tall. and athletic, with grey - flecked temples and|tend - Billj|whether they know me or not." |about the pole vault. 'offsgreen spectacles, is nominated: Lead role in a dra-|for something to laugh at.' matic series. He received an off-Broadway acting award in 1957 'but win- NOT NATURAL WINNER ning a College of the Pacifie Said Culp: "I am not a-nat- track meet in 1948 was "infin- ural award winner. Some itely more important. people are, some are not. I, "I knew I was the best actor to make people uneasyjof the year. I wasn't s0 sure