-_s- ere eee eee ee ? ei . ad yo} . a : » > ey we 4% 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Wednesday, July 12, 1967 564 Polish Sailor KING ToStay Here | '*"® OSHAWA HALIFAX (CP) -- A Polish sailor, who says he wants to stay in Canada so he "can start living", has been granted a one- Open Wed., Thurs., year permit to remain here. Stanislaw Lubaszko, 23, left & Fri. TH 9:30 4 the Polish ship Jupiter in St. . John's, Nfld., March 15 and be-| S#t- Till 6 p.m J ¥ gan hitch-hiking 300 miles to Grand Falls in the centre of the province. He was picked up by! the RCMP and brought to Halls) fax where an immigration in-! quiry ended in a deportation or- der. His case was later brought to the attention of Immigration Minister Jean Marchand. Mr. Lubaszko's lawyer, Walter Goodfellow of Halifax, received) a letter from the immigration) department Monday confirming} the granting of the one-year per- mit. It will have to be renewed' yearly unless he is eventually granted Canadian citizenship. Mr. Lubaszko had made two previous unsuccessful attempts) to escape from Poland, one by| going through Czechoslovakia} and another time through) Greece. If he had to return to Poland, he said he would have| to face five years imprisonmerft and "possibly liquidation." Researcher Denied Files TORONTO (CP) -- Board of| education files on Toronto| school children have been! closed to a researcher who says he has access to them in some * other Ontario communities. of educational administration at PURE WHITE GRANULATED the Ontario Institute for Stud-| jes in Education, is study- ing how immigrant children form political attitudes. Dr. Ernest Ingram, head_of OISE field services, says Ham-| ilton, St. Catharines, and vod Toronto boroughs of Scarbor-| ough, North York and Etobi- coke have promised co-opera- tion. . : Toronto board of education comeory ' : A SEPERATE LITA ee ee Se ee eee eee | turned down the request for ex-| amination of files on grounds | POWER FRESH SLICED POWER PERFECT GRAIN FED RED OR BLUE BRAND BEEF STEAKS: ROUND LB. BAG @ White 24 oz, © Whole Wheat peg ® Cracked Wheat said the OISE's motives might} knowledge of the parents sue questionnaires to Grades 2,/ be good but "when you start think we are treading on hi 4, 6 and 8 in schools with many| @ummze of privacy and precedent,| letting out the private evalua- ice." immigrant children, His "°c Board member Kenneth Carson| tion of the children without the Prof. Haller, 34, wants to !s-| Political ctizensrip, which he MASON'S ASSORTED SOFT 2M et in SENET POITS ae | says may be particularly im-| 04 portant for children of non-Ca-| nadian origins. : Sd 4a % i 10 ss McGill Grads | 'Tine Tin Leave Canada ad MONTREAL (CP) -- About one of every two students who graduate from McGill Univer-| sity with doctorates leave Can-} sity with doctorates leave Can-/ CANADA 1st GRADE CREAMERY where, Dean Stanley B. Frost McGill said today. "We rejoice in the Common- wealth scholar returning to his! homeland, but we can neither afford nor can we admire those, who having received a first: 1 Ib. class education at Canadian ex- Pkg. , pense, immediately run off to the highe r salaries of the States," he said. te Sat : -- Dean Frost's statements were contained in a report outlini ing the operation of McGill Univer-|MAXWELL HOUSE -- AZZ PURPOSE GRIND sity in the 1965-66 academic! year. Of the 68 students graduating | with doctorates in the spring of| 1966, 37 replied to a question- ' hs aire sent them by Dean Frost. Ten said they planned to stay in Quebec, nine would stay else- where in Canada, 15 were to go : to the United States and three si eet ee | to other countries. ee "The majority were going 10 earn between $8,000 and $10,000) per annum, but of the 15 going/POWER LIQUID SAVE 8c [ CARNATION GOLD RIBBON CAT OR SAVE Se to the United States, no less 64 than six were. going to earn BLEACH Bi 3]¢ over $12 000 a year... a "Twenty-four gr raduates we going to university or hospital REGATTA STANDARD SAVE 2c _ GERBER OR HEINZ STRAINED STOKELY FANCY genres ceva vereccine DECCERT PEARS 2':: 33¢ BABY FOODS 4% 46¢ PEAS 2 4 37 ¢ | | MARTINS KOUNTY KIST SAVE 3c ; OLD SOUTH FROZEN FLORIDA SAVE 33¢ | reaiwrece coin ce APPLE JUICE "~ 27e WAX BEANS 'te Tle ORANGE JUICE 4 'Sz 65¢ industry." The university's annua cent to $24,200,000 from $13,400,- 000. ; | AYLMER FANCY CUT BLUE LAKE SAVE 4¢ | V!VA ALL PURPOSE To Repave GREEN BEANS 2%: 3i¢ FLOUR xe B5¢ SALMON = is 58c PARAMOUNT FANCY RED--SOCKEYE | REGENCY FROZEN WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--A re- paving program for a 26-mile stretch of the Macdonald-Car- | ee Bass sie : i tier Freeway between here and Tilbury was announced Mon- ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 GRADE NEW CROP CALIFORNIA day. NEW CROP SALMON-FRESH NO. 1 GRADE ate nenl LARGE SIZE 45 for $424,532, the lowest of three STALKS yrevVu wy eCT TV eC Vere ee ewe www NYLONS 2 EVAPORATED MILK 2°33. DOG FOOD 10:5. 1.00 ¢ POWER POWDERED NABOB ALL FLAVOURS 5-MINUTE SAVE 3¢ Freeway = LEMONADE = ":_--«9¢ DETERGENT * 99¢/PUDDINGS se WO tenders. A spokesman for the com-| 7% pany, Earl Jones and Sons Ltd.. NEW CROP perp PLUMP SWEET RIPE' said the project is expected tc RED-CUTTING take about 10 weeks. ie i San ROSA PLUMS we ATE RACCOONS LEARN FAST G Raccoons, invading suburb 2 G 25 The repaving job will take the| ~ creases out of the first stretch|!. ' of Highway 401, started in Au-| CELERY j gust, 1956. P i An Amherstburg, Ont. firm|~ has been awarded the contract LARGE ee at a record pace, have beer known to sleep in mail boxe end hitch rides in cars. f ry hg Ott an 500 ROSSLAND RD. W. OSHAWA Open Wed., Thurs., & Fri, Till 9:30 Sot. Till 6 p.m. \ lb. SPECIALS EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JULY 12th aA CLOSING, SATURDAY, JULY 15th We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities to Reasonable Family Requirements -- WE REGRET NO DEALERS PLEASE Ss ac LEAN TENDER -- ROUND OR SQUARE "35 LEAN CANADIAN ; "LOIN PORK CHOPS marty >" rrr nermash A Sor enema atetanene ae SUPER VALUE BRAND D RINDLESS BACON.» 12: MARY MILES BRAND WIENERS____: 2 ..::.. 954 | MARY MILES BRAND SLICED COOKED 4 ®@ Macaroni # a & Cheese 1602, : ® Chicken Pkg. e - HB a Loaf each a FINEST QUALITY--SEAMLESS MESH WHAT WE DON'T KNOW CAN HURT US. THAT'S WHY WE WANT YOU TO CALL OUR 'PRESIDENT'S HOT-LINE' 239-4361 ° 239-4362 CALL TORONTO COLLECT Let's say you just shopped one of our stores and you came away miffed at something. Chances are we won't be seeing you again. That hurts - and hurts bad. At Power - the most perishable item we have in our store is you. We think it's import- 'ant that our customers express their dis- _ likes to someone who can do something in a hurry. That's why we created the Power president's "Hot-Line". Our president's ear is always open to you. Ditto for our two vice-presidents. So - if you have some little irritant that's bothering you, dial the "Hot-Line'. You'll feel better. And so will we. ee ee ee ee 2 A ae ee Se a Oe A ee ae oe Le Ot ee ere Siieedteahoteetiehealecihctedistacescecteaees ata teats ee ee TC Toren Toronto tee Quotations in t--Odd lot, x rights, xw----Ex. from previous Argosy 10 Armore 30 Atl C Cop 15 -Daqu 2 Bethim 4 Black Bay 9 Bounty Ex 10 Bralorne 5 Brouvl Reef 50 Cc Mines 100 Camflo 3 Camp Chib 2 Cc Tung 5 C Dyno x Cdn Keely -- 50( Cdn Nisto -- 30 Candor 497 Cantri 20 Chestrvile 35¢ Chimo 106 Chrom x Conigo 278¢ C Bellek 100 € Callinan 150 Cc Halli 260 C Mogul 40 C Morisn 20 C Neg 1050 C Red Pop 520 Cop Fields 22 Cop Man 100 Coulee 267 Craigmt 20 Cstland 218 Crowpat 100 D'Aragon 300 D'Eldona 140 Denison 104 Dicknsn ai Dome 60K Donalda Wor Dunraine 150¢ Fiwest T 4001 Gnt Masct 32: Glenn 43501 Goldray 100¢ Goldrim 500 Grandroy 2500 Gunnar 325 Hdway 1650 Hollinger 405 Hydra Ex z1¢ Int Bibis T 1300 Jaye 28300 Jensmith 1000 Kam Kotia 200 Kerr Add 3305 Kid Coper 2100 Kirk Min 500 Kirk Twns 1000 L Dufauit 300 Lakehead 1000 Langis 1000 LL Lac 400 Macassa 100 MaclL Meh 2100 Madsen 4500 Martin 1000 Match 2000 Mattgmi 140 McWat 1500 Merrill 500 Midri 85951 Mt Wright -- 2000 Multi-Mi 2500 N Senator 2000 New Taku 500 Nick Rim 5000 Norbaska 1520 Normetal 200 Northcal 500 N Coldstm 1500 Northgat 7850 North Can 1000 Obaska 1000 Opemske 525 Orchan 200 Patino 200 Pce Exp 64200 Pine Point 2130 Placer 300 Preston 275 Pyramid 1100 Q Mattgmi 4850 300 Rio Algom 856 Roman 100! lowan 56100 San Antoni 500 atel 10200 Sherritt 700 Sil Eureka 200 Silvrfids 1900 Silvmq 1000 Siscoe 100 Stanrck 1000 Steep R 400 Sullivan z Texmt 15300 Texore 5 Tombill 1500 Torbrit 1000 U Asbestos 3700 U Buffadn 3500 Un Keno 700 Utd Pore 1000 Upp Can 300 Vespar 7000 West Mine 1100 Wilco 1100 Willroy 7350 Windfall 3700 Yale Lead 1000 Yukon C 300 OILS, Alminex 700 Asamera 133 Calvert 3000 CS Pete 300 Cc Dehi 250 Cc Ex Gas 800 C Gridoil 300 Cdn Sup @ 200 Cdn Tricnt 100 Cent Del 1350 Dynamic 900 Fargo 0 French Pt 1000 Gr Plains 15 Gt COllsds 1925 Int Helium 2810 Mill. City 1200 N Cont 2000 N Davies 1000 Numac 100 Numac wt 7400 Peruv 200 Place @ 1100 Ranger 600 Scurry Rn 2250 Spooner 2500 Triad Ol! 20 U_ Canso 1000 U Canso w 1650 Vandoo 1400 Wespac 2300 Wstates u" W Decaita 400 W Decit w 250 INDUS' Abitibi 305 Acklands 600 Acklands p 72 Alta Gas T 173 Alta Gas ws 150 Algo Cent 74 Algoma St 407 102 Argus C pr 750 Ashdwn B 500 Atl Sugar = 2110 Auto Elec 400 Bank Mil 360 Bank N S 350 Bell Phne 8 Bow Valy 750 Bramaiea 90 Brazilian 252 BA Constr 200 BA Oil 385 Calgary P 200 Can Cem 75 Can Iron p 7215 Can Malt 100 Cdn Brew 74 CB AAW 50 ¢ Chem ws 100 C Curtiss 2000 Cdn Equty 1000 C Imp Bnk 320 € Marcon! 850 CPR CPR pr 650 C_ Petrofin 475 Cdn Tire A 250 C Util S pr 25 CWN G 4opr 125 CWN S'2 p 100 Chemcell 350 Clairton 500 Columbia 200 Columbi p 1465 Cominco 206 Con Bidg 500 Con Paper 25 Con Paprp 325