Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Jul 1967, p. 11

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ed Glass SH AYS » Priced C Gd. e MRS. A. V. WALKER, them on _ their Cooper, right, accept an honoring Walker, MPP for Oshawa Jeft, shares the pleasure illuminated address from golden wedding anniver- Riding, at an anniversary as Mr. and Mrs. G. P. the Province of Ontario, sary when it was presented reception, | to them by Albert vV. --Oshawa Times Photo \ ' a : iE : Mr. And Mrs. 'Perce' Cooper Congratulated On Anniversary | Provineial greetings were ex-|illuminated address was receiv-} tended to Mr. and Mrs. G, P. rs iy and blag at e ) r Ss y |tary, ober yelch, an rom Beg . 'by seen V"!Gordon Hawker, secretary of| Walker MPP, accompanie Y|stewards of Kingsview United| Mrs. Walker, at the reception! Church. honoring Mr. and Mrs. Cooper's. Mrs, Cooper is the former, golden wedding anniversary. ee Wood of ee and all SI é ooper grew up in Kirby, The home of the couple's son, Don.|°UDle was married at the home ald Cooper. and Mik. Cooper. jof the bride's parents and came Verbena. Court ana fhe bride.|'° Oshawa in 1917, They have wearing a champagne dress| "esided here most of their mar. of Swiss embroidered nylon and ried life during - which Mr. i cotton and the bridegroom of| (Pe! has operated his own 50 years ago received two hun-| business. ; dred friends during the after-| They have three children:| noon and evening. Mrs Gordon Kellett (Loreen).| § Guests included Mayor Ern-Mrs. Gordon Pierson (Doris)| est Marks and Mrs. Marks andjand a son, Donald. There are! the Reverend W. L. Herbert./nine grandchildren. Greetings were received fron.| A family dinner party was| the Governor - General Roland) held at the Hotel Genosha, prior! Michener; the Honorable Mich-|to the reception and the family ael Starr MP; Prime Minister! gathcred afterward at the home Lester B. Pearsoa; the Honor-jof Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pier- ANNOUNCE AUGUST WEDDING | A graduate of the Class of 1967, Oshawa General Hospital School of Nursing, August 26. at 12 o'clock, noon. The bride-to-be is the | daughter of Mr, and Mrs, | ° Miss Joanne Elizabeth Murray Douglas Ruther- able John Diefenbaker and the son where a Presentation was) Rutherford will become. the ford, Oshawa, and her Prime Minister of Ontario, the made of an oil painting of a bride of James Seanvus fiance is the son of Mr. | Honorable John P. Robarts. An! fall landscape. O'Donovan in a ceremony in and Mrs William Joseph | O'Donovan of Toronto. | sect =f St. Andrew's United Church, SOCIAL NOTICES -- THE STARS SAY |financial commitments FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE AT HOME the latter two months, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold A.| Mr. Clarence Harrison,| By ESTRELLITA make and launch long-range Parrott, Oshawa, wish to an- Myrle, will be pleased to wel- FOR FRIDAY plans for expansion--to cover come his' friends to his home ee a ee ag nounce the forthcoming mar- op the corner of the 9th con- ed vate ie Poboeninge tb hee peat 3g you riage of. their daughter, Ann cession and No. 12 Highway on|88ainst some ee | should attain fine results during Elizabeth, to Phillip Raye|Saturday, July 8, from 2.00 to tions on Friday. 4.00 a7 ; 1 |the first three months of next ni 00 p.m. and 7.00 to 9.00 p.m.) A happy event or some pleas-| year, to be followed by another Friend, son of Mr. and Mrs. ihe: opcanion of ~ n his 80th ant personal contacts could in- profitable three - n.onth eycle, H. D. Sanders of Kansas City, | hirthday. |spire optimism which, on the! beginning June 1, | Missouri. The ceremony is to! ENGAGEMENT other hand, could be deflated by SEEK CHANCES | F n Saturday, July} mapeahinnscabsct sp | some disappointment in the car- E SHANCES | "ee ag in | Mr. and Mrs, Frank Singer,|rying out of plans. Take all in. On the job front, look for| 29, re gh hare glican), | Oshawa. announce the engage-/|stride, however. All should be good chances to advance during) Matthew's Churc' Anglican), | ment of their daughter, Lynda righted within 24 hours. |the latter half of August, the shawa. Joyce, to Charles Robert : last week in September, the last| " : Crowther, son of Mrs. Walter|FOR THE BIRTHDAY -- |two weeks in October, the end| ENGAGEMENT |Murphy, Newcastle, Ontario, If Friday is your birthday, | of y December, next Mr. and Mrs. Murray Doug- and the late George Crowther. |Your horoscope indicates that,!and-or May. las Rutherford, Oshawa, an-|The marriage is to take place| While you may not make much! scientists February and at 3 o'clock in St. Andrew's "€Xt six months, you will, if youl should have marked successes| f! Joanne Eliza-United Church. only daughter, beth, to James Seamus of the "good life' for a time ary, March, May and June. | O'Donovan, son of Mr, and FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE |and stress the practical side of| Personal affairs will be under Mrs. William Joseph O'Dono-| Mr. and Mrs, Harold Camp- your nature, make fine ad- generally good aspects for the van of Toronto. The marriage|bell announce the forthcoming vances along monetary lines. next 12 months. is to take place on Saturday,/marriage of their daughter,|beginning with Jan. 1, 1968 generous with expecially August 26, 1967 at 12 o'clock|Elaine Louise, to James Cam- influences governing There are several other "ifs," | romance during September, noon in St, Andrew's United eron McClelland, son of Mr.\too: it will be most important}late December, in February, Church, and Mrs. James McClelland, all/that you limit expenditures and|May and-or June; on travel in Cees jor Whitby, The ceremony is to/avoid speculation during the! August, September, late Octo- ENGAGEMENT take place on Saturday, Julylfirst week in August and ber, late December, January, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thomp-|15, 1967, at 5.00 p.m. in St./throughout September, Novem- April and June son Dickson announce the «n-/Mark's United Church, Whitby.'her, and December. Make no. A child born on this day will gagen.ent of their daughier, ana 'Saleen ce fb thaes Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. Pat ae eece Curtis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Curtis of Clear-) Ns WY water, Florida. The marriage IOs will take place on Saturday, August 5, 1967, at 4 o'clock in St. George's Memorial Church, Oshawa. SS LEGACY FOR FOSTER SON When an old gentleman living in a tiny Alberta hamlet died, he left his precious gold watch to his young foster son in India. The boy was living in a Chil- dren's Home run by the Unitar- ian Service Committee, Ottawa, and Executive Director, Dr. | Lotta Hitschmanova, was ask- ed to take the watch to him. Said Dr. Hitschmanova, 'The gratitude written on this boy's face, and his excitement when, I presented him with this treasure I shall never forget'. it c 1 f Snes Ae > = F If your rug is valuable to you... . it deserves the very best . . and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully Enquire About i. a t , tl aa] aa ve erga Housshald goods, as te th experienced men guarantee you the st of results when we tinned goods and that famous Dominion meat. Sunmertime is the | y close your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. ds ci to stock up on Grand Prix on | Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, sf ye ees ae fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations. HAPPY HOLIDAYS begin with that wonderful feeling of fresh- Ch fea a T , ' The Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 ANGus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. WEST 728-6254 OPEN SOON OSHAWA co. |bride - to - be, and her daugh during|- handle for hooks, It will not bend out of shape or pull loose. : : musicians, | be the engagement of their/°" Saturday, August 12, 1967,/financial progress during the) many of whom are Cancerians,|Courageous in the face of dif- nounce | : ; : can put aside your innate love! jn September, December, Janu-|lent doctor or nurse rity Program (PSP) is simple and secure. All you do is choose a savings goal and make monthly deposits toward it for just fifty months, The full amount is life-insured and when you reach your | goal, your Scotiabank pays. back what you've saved, plus a generous cash bonus. Anyone under sixty is eligible, so I suggest you start today to make it pay! PEACE OF MIND... that's what you will enjoy when NUPERCAINAL® CREAM is in your medicine cabinet. I've found, for my family, it is the only all-purpose first aid cream--and it is hoth anti- septic and anesthetic. It's wonderful to be able | those emergencies that arise in every house- hold-- minor cuts --skin irritations (even acne and diaper rash). And I have found Nuper. at drugstores everywhere. Pees, | PEOPLE WITH A TASTE for fine things agree... Brights mR. CRESTA ROJA, the red table wine that has se lbecome a favourite among Canadians, makes eres: (an ordinary sag re occasion! Until noe you may have thought of red wine as very dry, but "= - [> here's a wine that will change your mind -- Cresta Roja is a happy medium: not too dry, not too sweet. To make any dinner a special occasion, serve It is so easy on my budget, I find it hard to believe! DOMINION has a GRAND PRIX soft drink «===> to suit every taste-- and a wide variety of flavours that are perfect as 'mixers'. These handy cans are so convenient for home -- or travelling -- and, like all Dominion's 'own' brands, wonderfully easy on your budget. At the same time they give you the superb uality you expect from all Dominion's good "Vacation Special" price of only $3.95 -- $1.00 below its regular each Certo bottle and package, Q Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, July 6, 1967 11 Showers, Presentations And Tea F or Sylvia Jean Rose, Bride-Elect Prior to her marriage to Con-jwith a lead crystal flower vase. 'stable Robert John Hraynyk this| Miss Rose's Grade Five Class Saturday, Miss Sylvia Jeanjof Dr. Phillips School present- Rose has been the guest of hon- ed her with a hammered alu- or at a number of happy and minum lazy susan tray. memorable events. A trousseau tea was held in The family of the future her daughter's honor by Mrs. bridegroom entertained at a din-| Fred Rose, at her home on Col- ner and miscelianeous shower lege Avenue. The hostess was held at the Ukranian Natfonal assisted in greeting her guests Federation Hall, Bloor Street by Mrs. John Hraynyk, mother East, Oshawa. Mrs. John Hray-\or the future bridegroom, and nyk was ass Mrs. Nich-|the bride - to - be. | olas Hraynyk, Mrs. Fred Tur-| In the afternoon the guest eski, Mrs. William Hasiuk, Mrs.| book was presided over by Miss/ Jerry Hasiuk, Mrs. William Po-! Jane Dalton and in the evening| pee -- ge oe by Miss Mary Jane McAvoy.) ichael Yourkevich, Mrs. Peter ' i 4 Yourkevich, Mrs, William Your- Mrs. doveph Nash, avi grand-| hristine |Mrs. James Nash, godmother of] | Rose. Susan 'the bride, Mrs. Lorne Dalton and Mrs. Nicholas Nash, Miss A miscellaneous shower was aunt of the future bridegroom held at the home of Mrs. Lorne poured tea Mrs. Arthur Cory! Miss Dalton, Wilson Road South, with who very ably looked after the) n.; co - hostess Mrs. Carl Creamer. refreshments, was assisted by They were assisted by |daughters, Miss Judy jand Miss Mary Anne Creamer | Some friends of the mother Cathy Linton and Miss Susan Rose. ily. A large attendance WENDY TAYLOR, CATHY LINTON AND DEBBIE MacLEAN Kuieh Mis, Stormie ingles ip Holder, tr tames see CAthY Linton Crowned Queen was Mr. and Mrs tae : I jcrowned Miss Rundle Park for The runners-up were Wendy -Mals In Mlexandra Park, July their! Miss Christine Nash. Miss Dar.| 1967 at the official opening of Taylor, daughter of Mr, Dalton lene Bilcox, Miss Judy Dalton|the neighborhood park recent- Mrs. Neil Taylor, and Debbie ard Burk and Debbie Harlow, was MacLean, | present for the official open- Mary Maclean. 42 The Go-go winners were Elaine Campbell, Marjorie Warne, Helen Senkiw and Rose- mary Strumbinski. The five of the ple-eating con- Linton, test who were eligible for the winners Dennis 1, were Richard Krupop, Lau- and rie Woods, Peter Derry, Rich- daughter of Mrs Many prizes were awarded to lucky ticket holders jof the future bride held a cup . q i land saucer shower at the home Dance Recital ing ceremonies performed by of Mrs, Charles McDonald,! Fred Ellegett, the park's first Windsor Avenue, Oshawa secretary when it was organ- lized in 1947, Mr. Ellegett is The pupils of Mrs, Trudi Jor-lalso the past president of the ter, Miss Christine Nash, were dan gav ' i , ' Rave a ballet rec | alc Je co - hostesses at a dinner wiich ontacc, Hospital psec ne central council of Neighborhood was held in the Rib Room at the entertainment of their par.| Associations, the Genosha Hotel. Miss Rose ents and the patients. | Also present for the occasion was presented with a Royal Those taking part were Bar- W2S Harold Godfrey, Rundle Doulton figurine, bara B . Park's first vice-president in The College Avenue neighbors| 224 entham, ¢ harmaine 94 had a get-together at the home Ford, Leslie Hart, Janet King-\-"*" pe aaa, of Mrs. Patrick McAvoy where pow Ja ne Sage, Cathy When es -- activities the future bride was presented engrew, Jennifer Hart, Wendy | WETS YBRHe ue t 3 . tha with many delectable grocery Reece Janine Milian, Susan sort many te Aes ate items for her pantry shelf. Co-. Newman, Paula Wright and,clubhouse to play bingo, dance hostesses were Mrs Russell Cathy McGrath and judge the beauty contest Young and Mrs. Arthur Cory \ welcoming introduction was and a "go-go" contest. Also assisting the hostess were $'Ven by Jennifer Cathy Mis. James Nash, aunt of in Pleases Patients Hart. The! Linton, the successful Miss Susan Rose, Miss Patricia P'O8'@m opened with a mime| candidate, is the daughter of FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and fabrics ee M&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 "Free Customer Parking While Shopping eat Our Store" McAvoy and Miss Mary Jane » Exercises at the Barre', Mrs. | Meavns Trudi Jordan danced two solos, na > Dh "Dance Caprice" and "Th : a Schest pots ie * FUN tet Dancer", ick SAIGON (AP) -- The only School presented Miss Rose] Throughout the program, tap Woman candidate for President and jazz routines, by the pupils of South Vietnam, Mrs. Tran aret Connelly add- Kim Thoa, a city council mem NEW YORK (AP)--Gil Sha ma ce SHE WON'T RUN DIFFERENCE IS SLIGHT [of Myre. Mare ed variety to the recital jber, announced she has quit the piro, manager of a= grocery All the' z aad: ;,| race because she cannot find a aie . A 4d ' pupils participated in oe ena Soviet UN mis-|the finale, entitled "Nocturne" | suitable ny shen pete for vice- pee 4 § shalt says of the with Jane Sage and Janet King. | Pres! ay - She ae Bigg agra gE: ike shee an They "€lerlee as soloists and Barbara Ss aie bg ae a ay ot ' yey a Ne rest of us--except Rentham, Charmaine Ford and| °°"?! ied | ig aed they spend a lot more. Leslie Hart in a trio elections. | Between dances Paul Jordan played piano selections. ------ (|) | | OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE | [5 | REPRINTS NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King St. £., Oshawe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each 5 x 7 -- 1.25 each 20% Discount on Orders of 5 or More Pictures RE: WIFE PRESERVER Substitute a --<--__ = gZarage door regular clothesline unusually dependable and iculty; would make an excel MONTREAL, July 6th. -- There's nothing quite li t--this savings plan that com- bines savings, life insurance and a cash bonus all in one, Designed, of course, by THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA to fill your, special needs. Scotiabank's Personal Secu- © recommend a product that takes care of ainal Cream has the most soothing and relax- ng effect when applied generously and gently to tired and aching eet! Do get Nupercainal All-Purpose Antiseptic Cream, available Brights and your tastes! Cresta Roja is a blended wine, Rae |made from imported French hybrid grapes -- goes well with any red meat--from charcoal- broiled . steaks to eg haggiig pong Planning to retire your old T.V.? Most old timers were built to last. But they have one problem. They won't tune you in on the exciting new world of Color TV. Some people have been trading up to an Electrohome Color TV console. Precision-built by Canada's oldest name in electronics. Cabinets by Deilcraft .. . Electrohome's own fine furniture division. When it comes time to put your old TV on the shelf -- treat yourself to performance, beauty and dependability -- with Electrohome Color TV. , ELECTROHOME COLOR TV WITH THE DIFFERENCE rights Cresta Roja. : | OR PATIO PARTIES -- PICNICS ... COUNTRY LIVIN'... preserve this SYaeT § | fresh fruit goodness for next winter-- with Certo Cl { * == ness that's yours with DEMURE. I know you'll shy = be delighted with this mint-fresh, gently med- iim | icated feminine douche because Demure re- lieves irritation and helps destroy odour-causing | bacteria to keep you forever fresh and lovely. Ask for Demure in its packable plastic bottle. And for the easiest, most convenient way to apply Demure, get SHY, the modern hoseless feminine syringe in its cleverly designed case... now, and for a limited time only at a COMplete instructions accompany st! At drugstores only, See SALE humid COLOR TV ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL CENTENNIAL PRICES In effect during the month of July. PARKWA' TELEVISION We Service What We Sell... Ourselves Closed Saturday Noon During July and August 918 Simcoe N. 723-3043

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