Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Jul 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, td more er ALL OEY THE pAD! SHH! DONT GO BLURTING EG65 1 SEEM TO 5. ( TT OUT, PEPPER. BETTER SAFE HOME AGAIN, PRAISE Tuesday, July 4, 1967 HAVE FORGOTTEN! PAO! LET ME TELL HIM. SEE Vie CAN HARRY ONT bell Sate e BUT FIRST, SON, THERE'S SOME- ae Sy THING Z MUST TELL YOU, 14 BRID GE By 8, JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) West dealer, TOI Neither side vulnerable, ToRoNvO 10 ri NORTH Torente sivck" v5 . ws foe in ce ' ; b 4 NAP if stot Ca J Sio42 from previous be , " WEST FAST : ei SP NRE ght' ai . feoeeee a 9Q0842 Stock =f. ---- ales 5 52 Ki068 Accra 500 : ' 85 97 Acme Gas 500 { 1+ SOUTH Aetna Inv = 750 49863 a an n i @5 Ang U 'Dev 2000 rei 300 Saker armare 2800 The bidding: Bounty ex 153 West North Fast Calmor 1B -- 500 tes ig fee tee chm 9 86 Sd Pass is 3 Zamiesn 2300 ass ry encourt 1000 : Captain 2000 Opening lead--king of spades, Cabsier 300 - A AMERICAN Declarer can frequently take tN 4 pr HER advantage of the bidding by the Conigo, 2500 KE' , BIG JOE FALCON, EX- opponents to att is n & fallinan 6000 TTLE 0' STEW! SYNDICATE BOSS, READY CHERYL 'S SUFFERED oa Cou a0 TO TALK 10 US? HARD BECAUSE OF ME--MY ag) Sager € Morin 1100 Tab iis acrviry REPUTATION. ..ONE bidding pote ~ ag iy the € Red Pop "i000 FEW DAYS i s 2 est le e led Pop 1000 SIGNOR FALCON... " king of spades and 'continued Eorwest rep 0 SOUND LIKE YOU SHOULDN'T with the A-Q, East having play- Coprcorp 1000 oy avice | : ed the seven and then the four yep Tie «88 DEPORTED jto show a doubleton. Craigmt Os Dummy ruffed high, East dis- Bowen ie carding a heart, and South new Benlson "is | has to make the rest of the East Sull 225 BUM TICKER, DOC, ' tricks to make the contract. Eat Masct 0 TGOTTA SQUARE BUT IT Declarer still had the nine of fieoe Exp 5000 THINGS AnAYCOR WILL MAKE |spades to take care of, which egy GHTER'S ] THINGS A LOT he, Bnew gould not be ney Grandtey 1000 ER FOR ruffed in dummy because Hast H 9 HER! would Surely overruff, and he Since i908 SEE TH also had a possible diamond Hestioge 200 EM ALL AT loser. He could discard one or i a the other on one of dummy's Huds Bay 77 . |high hearts, but not both. fil aaet MRD E TRADING post" | ~The ies 86. S . he could stake his hopes on a pa 90 - THE diamond finesse, but he knew Kelly sd 1000 win in . there was almost no chance of kitten, ao ad jthe finesse succeeding. It was Lab Min "0 , ° |highly unlikely that West, who tse had shown ap with the A-K-Q- Macasse 2s e a 10-2 .of spades, would have Man Ber 5000 SUMME : passed originally if he also had sar ie men HOURS Mon. to Thurs. 8 om. f 0 pm. the king of diamonds. mewet™ Ta ri. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a. . So, rather than rely on a fi- rg 163000 P a.m. to 1 p.m. nesse doomed to fail, South Might 300 played a trump to his hand, led UE. the queen of diamonds, and Newconx st} TELEV went up with the ace when gatas $00 | West followed low. He then Re fnegre! 100 : drew four rounds of t ewnor j Channe! 2--Buttale 9--Lov : 4 ; . rumps to $20 fe ces ca eae | al a, uueuae = Lin " Channe) 4--Buttalo | 3-6-12--Wolick 9. Flying Doctor North Nick Rim 1300 ; Channel 6--Toronte Pan re hag P.M, oe an tke uf HEY, MCTHER- IN @AKI0 N poe 18 i Channel 7--~Buttais | 7--Fugitive | 3--Ed Allen Time LAW! GOT ANY $9 N_ Rock 2000 : Channet B--Rochester | 4--CBS News Special | 2#--Hollywood Sauares MOR 6 Hast icnie ee | crane 'fens ern 12 2m: | sa anos 224, NOON E ICEP TEA? 410 4298 Soe: oe Z anne) 11--Hamiitee ay res |'7--Movie W576 oR Grito +o | Channel 12--Peterdorough 11:00 P.M | %Torento Today South eaneer * 4 | sonal Men Mowe | 3-6--Lunchean Date 4 ie F TumsDay mye, -- | Weather and Sports | $yhawae Wosthors Snerte $? Pee Exp! 3833 5.00 FM, 11:20 P.M, | 3 © ik-Cartean | 6--Viewpoint | 3-12 an ty a SJ ae hay ies LR 2 . Rete 7--Highway Patrol | goNews, wearer et at South now led his vio Hd $--funshine | Conada | aafastoat Uiscminge Farts Grin' ere West had to keep lett frame, a 'Sattomt 270 ewcHiet wer} we ++-Ouiding Light spades -- so he discarded a Roman" 10 tweets Navy praia 4 1 1:0 P.M. heart. After dummy discarded Siivriids 100 Pa a = a. diamond, Bast had to. keep ute es "Tralimaster | 1.35 P.M, fe Pittio for Dollare the king of diamonds -- so he tof L | Pi iro i i egg Ay Blais | re ave | 1_pVirginle Graben : also discarded a heart. Dummy SUE" cont 2000 stetion's Business 9--This is Expo | 3126--Luncheon Date j thereupon took the last three 0 AR | $-Reach tor the Top | 12--Mi viet noe | aan ad i A LITTLE TO tricks with the A-K-18 of hearta, Tee te ~Movii ' "M. raat iO a ak ec a a +e News, Sports, | Movie NoMevie 4 THE RIGHT! A ere 18900 ey | tier cu --As The World Turns s gs U Buffadn 6500 sau Bice | tune | atta Be i LITTLE To THE Pearson Satisfied Be Eee va 2-69--News; WEDNESDAY | S-Wietehee ad Maton g Weel 00 Ww + Spor | | ihe PM Wittens" PA Ma ter 3:00 A.M. | J3 ae Allen Time 4 Monarchy To Stay wine 00 dana P.M. | sessed | 46 He coucte we MONTREAL (CP) -- Prime ANctent Int eee | punivei Mit rhe aie facts tte Muale Minister Pearson said Saturday OILS, rubs. 2 | ash AM | "3 on Lives 4 a debate on the monarchy. at 'Am: Ladue? oie +-TBA | F--Dialing tor'Doliars, | %-Paapie In Contmer ; this stage of Canada's history ae '3 atatineym ne | rginia Graham | H4-The Becters 7 would be futile. e eaaate ae SSilligan's Island nea fee, | aha ream Girt : In an interview with Ta Cdn Sup Q 420 $ret i * Romper Room 4-House Party Presse, he said the monarchy Fear bt i p-Nows' Wenlter, Spork TPE W nears eevee} Ad) bw will last a long time in Canada, Giicollsds 248 30 P.M. 2--Topper ba Rrather "World as many people believe it is an Midcan 500 yal peut | 9:30 A.M. 7--General Hospital 1 essential part of the country's Ninneee ey JGombat [Hawkeye | Te Tal ioe Tye | = -- . Bs parliamentary institutions. -- Permo 5000 jangerman | 9--Uncle Bobby leew .25P.M, "They are most attached to jace @ 1000 --D. 4 ews "4 R scat Camere | 5 kL Lann 3: P.M. YOUR HEALTH 4 the monarchy and to the mon- scurry Rn 1837 INCLE Fran | 10:00 Ag fils Your Move ' , arch. This is something deeply gs ee 0 BUCKS IS MORE w= AND IT WOULP 4:00 PLM. | Little "People janet ee. d tmplanied in the spirit and Ww Beceita io OMe MORE weil? IT, WOULD ae | #2 Snap ludgment Tenee at wight 5 heart of Canadians." W Decit w 100 oMeMBRaOT WOT cAPTAL zine SOMETHING AWFUL IF YOU | | iPeyton' Place' | Aecyalgld PEE UE A, Tac g aw Mr. Pearson says acceptance "TNT HAVE YOUR, YOUR SOCIETY WERE FINANCIALLY DEPENDENT ae 9 A | i1--aodt ae 4:00 PM, of the monarchy in no INDUS , SWEETIE, J FRIENDSHIPS! ON ME. IM JUST INSURING Avengers | scene eople V--Super Comics 4 no way dam- waver: ME Jeane naan Gumelies ey seewe'to. | | igvaes" |eecceeatetes, | FLEE Ga gag eee Mh Ape od Aetlogy 1h MARRY A VERY IT THAT YOU'VE GOT MON 4--Spotlight | "7--Dateline: Hel 6 ten. Eliza H M lien art eisai' Se ecaeeatnaes iv I VERY RICH WOMAN..,. OF YOUR OWN ne #4--Gecasiona Wite Cheverly HilbilNeen | aaperat Storm en as any auses of our history and tNaveates tee fn AE | a a rm Se bai 4" fr" tential Get veel, 3-6-12--This Week at E 9--Fr ; 1 PM. By JOS : ral, constitutional an ia- eae en) Centos mar Wenner o egeeiaa ocandaas bons mentary radon." tn time E\ Merv Griffin ee eee ae | Dear Dr. Molner: opinion in Canada Is 1 i erv Griffin 4-Anay Griffith T412-Long Jonn sive |year ago I Breese fangs iH a 'ath come together, This|institutions as the. seine wa § 4 causing my jaw to jump out of Pgs checked By 9 Gentist Quant to be changed, they will GREED TE i CROSSWORD its socket. I couldn't close my Mg gs Me crenae, a 5 i /mouth and had to have an oral Finally, if the tissues holding] "But I am satisfied with population in So i | surgeon 'Feast the Jaw. ithe jaw joint in position are re- things as they are at present." signed for Lon¢ = i _ ACROSS -- 5.Colonizes22.Shinto UATE MUTE | Tt hasn't jumped out of ASRS, scceenive Toation a Bis pide iy on j A ainsi : aid temple ERROR Hs EIRIE] |socket again Sat a dae Fh Ts ae 500 St ] k hes tip comm : ; ' Sloths 23. Peace (CINAIWSMmeIclalitr] [peer use these noises. is just bi Ba 11. Miss ytd a a a a al MOLWOTKOIS to ph Bary . Miss 9. Article ag. crenen ae Re j oo Oakley 10. rere Lae ae iz 3 'aun ne -- if Dear Dr. Melner: Ten years Retum To Jobs a gore =} 12. Lariat Trish 26. Prench (QJEMMATTCIAMMala) |, Sometimes you can pop a dis- He my husband had a vasec-| SAULT STE, MARIE. re too fat to 13, Troop city pronoun PAGE located jaw back into place het Can an operation restore) (QP) -- FN se i Ont, SF ENTER incase 16 Rie 28. City Alvi OMMMMMGIUIAIN] |yourself, and sometimes you ees ertility: Do you have any|strikebound hes 'ened OXFORD, E 15. Keystone ar asailas he BgdGa Baan can't. It can be an agonizing information or pamphlets on} months a early three Hi a State: anda Joan ElLIDIE|RMMTIElEINIS]} |experience--one of the unhap- artficiat ineeminauont Are the] duction' aay og si edu able Pay so : WHY, MR.OTIG, r abbr. coin of of Yesterday's Answer |Piest incidents I recall i chances for a normal baby the yee ot members so. tee J YOU'RE NOTIN fnwith my Room ene SURE L EOPLE WILL 16. Dickens Israel Aresaved 36. Growl er la man who was in such pain| same? Can this be done by our Magar red ee eer | ply Biers YOUR MAILMAN HANDED ME A FISTFLIL OF a ve ae 30,Monk's -37.S-shaped._|thai all he could do was make family decterto=e T 4 eos ppl i BILLS TODAY / + Goddess of . Sharp hood moldi weird noi " ; AP er es se Justina carne sco. a et ha nd RBINGE ABE HeaEle SPAR Vasectomy (cutting of the A contract offering an in- and Cambrid 18, Duck 20. Metal cantare -a0-Csesteae takin 18-8 Fa Boat y " vas, or duct through which the crease of 87 cents an hour in next year. They 22. Backbones fastener Sh Astorctie 4. Uitteomi lKelore « aaclar mang ic ver sperm normally flows) is ordi-|Woe°* and benefits was ratified take questions ¢ , 24, Flower 21, Loses icebreaker 42,Theyellow real trouble. Thi ognized the|narily permanent. Attempts to June 25 such as Jane A coll rae moisture $4, Dull bugle popped back ratty us jaw waSlrestore it may succeed, but The Steelworkers walked off car or AN writ 28. Sheeplike eee -- : ial place within atten prove unauccesatil" ana ie jee April 10 ives efforts and Ray Bradb : p [16 ak, ere is no w. i n to negotiate a con- 30. Small ii Z i If the joint capsule of the jaw|short of aiemeting wine tract to replace one which pl STEAM T S , Y & ieee let oo dinate PO cin' idee aaa Farewel to Si Fy islo- ' : » under the old con- arewell to Ste 4 Bah : ST soa eeggotl pc gues a ME ae A a ran fo mak tai 5 , Ze YW yy vement--like a yawn. cial insemination, but I suspect! a at PUR ated bay per | 35, Solemn " : that the avera i j.j20d she could eat : wonder Y O 18 19 20-2 OW CAUTION RECOMMENDED {cian would je ss ake wanted. Do you sate A, ? , last steam-haul BETTER KNOW AS 36. Depart LZ, "14/74 After 'one dislocation, you|spectalist. I have no booklet! No, 1 don't, bhcnuna we kane after 137 years ec RED GON IN THE SAIL SET"! Pas V7 24 25 126 should be cautious. You canjon insemination. It is entirely that eggs of the beef tapeworm thusiasts paid preting 27 woe ft ee a yawn sufficiently|practical from the physical) <j be: present. They are de- spelt, 43, Girl's Y if you know it is coming) by|standpoint, but there are nu- stroyed by cooking. Not all beef MEN SLE Na nickname br openieg the mouth a little and|merous moral and legal ramifi- is infested with these eggs--but rv p pL euPereey Y, aking a deep breath. But open|cations that should be discussed|"', 2" happen, and I prefer to EREOO, wn at th h ussed P M 1 a tats WA Z Wy e mouth slowly, so you can|with your doctor. play safe, then sane 7 ak = soe ci Se : orem . Gaz, EECA CAA awn. In fact, you usu- Note to Mrs. A. R.: Yes. v gists & ia G O Gi 7 | Jally can stifle a yous other Dear Dr. Molner: My wife/ereal eee Ge pow lies The difference a we fe a9 af I g the mouth, if you in- baby-sits and one evening when|can be cured very Plt 4 until men in th n Solan hale deeply. La to - her I noticed the|usually does not cause sentity 7 minutes long ; 45 44 The cracki i "year-old eating raw ham-/although th i tiasgss ' e team cond «Os Yy the jaw ey be tae' teal bs burger like candy. I told the|tf left, dateeatghr Wola | of 246, sleepers Fama a5 GD arthritic changes, similar. to mother I always thought raw|treated) venereal disease in ihe verts sleep ab Fp estn Y, 2 cracking of knee Joints, once --. a. a ae mother can affect children Baisg more than extr 4 , said when she was/e aT) : wi} : There: may also be some fault little the family doctor said ne Cintuncs' sal such things as MORE BUB in your "bite" or the way your/meat would not harm a person, 'ilis, ane Songrely LANooy Jt cc champagne lov

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