Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1967, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES Monsey, July 3, 1967 USE NATIVE TONGUE LONDON (CP)--The Ealing international Friendship Com- mittee urged citizens to greet immigrants on the street in the streets at three locations, their native tongues to make and by 9:30 p.m., the Regal them feel more welcome. By Saturday evening though, Room of the Whithy Centennial = - the weather relented enough to Building was filled to over- allow hundreds of local citizens, flowing. ot the with undampened spirits, to don For those who preferred a Columbus Club their centennial attire and head lighter vein of music, the Royal for what one smiling ball-goer Canadian Legion and Knights called, "the bash of the year'. of Columbus Hall featured mus- 133 Brock S. N. WHITBY Although the exact number ic for square - dancing and TUES. NIGHT at the Centennial Triple Float- similar dances. Doors Open at 7 P.M. Admission 50¢ No Children Under 16 Yeors of age please. } PARK a : ' ica | Speech CONFEDERATION CELEBRANTS WEREN'T HAMPERED BY tional red years ago, thovsands ef sanial Colebroions Comalie erience i: planned a great number of Oshawa and auier sree re events spanning the July 1 dents closed up their stores and weekend. 3 houses and went to Whitby to IN O'HEARN --The golden fleece ; apt to be hollow. RAIN ing Ball is not yet known be- cause of the shifting from one ballroom to another, cars lined A street dance on Colborne Street , to be held after the torch - light parade, was rained out, with band and dancers seek- ing refuge in the fire hall. As the rain continued, most of the dancers headed for home, leaving only 150 people where several hundred were expected, held at, Centennial Park at mid- night Friday; and rescheduled to be held at Henry Street High School, could not be held until 9:30 p.m. Sunday. Many resi- dents who would have turned after festivities began at the town picnic, Saturday, bands- and officials alike were running for cover, pursued by torrents of rain. While lines of automo- biles were filing toward town, out for the event under normal small groups of children remain- circumstances were not even ed, happily playing in mud pud- aware that it was under way. dies, to the consternation of A loud - speaker system, mount- their parents. ed on a car to advise the chang- For many Whitby residents, ed plans, refused to operate. the rained - out picnic meant Within a scant half - hour dashed hopes. As one senior citizen put it, "We were really looking for- ward to a good outing". DANCE SUCCESS celebrate Confederation. vo ome m0 routs ane : Park carrying torches, Within ir prowess on a drill field. minutes after their arrival at But they didn't have rain the. park, the rain, which was to FIREWORKS tberal Farquhar to contend with. mar the festivities of the week- The mammoth fireworks dis- More than 7,000 people are guides marched from Dundas reported to have watched sev- Street West to the Centennial \ eral troops of soldiers display his farewell speech For it's entrance into Canada end began. play, originally scheduled to be closing day of the ie) tnt sre esos gm EARLE Guia ceuemo sure ea se nie a eR wre emotional moment d orator made his ifter 41 years In the 1 in public service, nished he was given se. s all he was given, ven, or apparently 1 COURSE BEGINS MONTREAL: (CP) -- A Can- ada-wide urse on home pro- gramming and management of the mentally-retarded has been inaugurated at Montreak Chil- dren's Hospital. The "course is jopen to social workers, nurses, Pickering Service Church Window Dedicated IF orced Indoors Marks 2st Anniversary RECOGNITION inique recotd-- nur history only by '. Nixon--he should hing more, some 0 show we appreci- who 'give of them- ve us, senatorship? No, party bag-men. overnment dinner? e for visiting roy- \inter - faith service of remem- village was under the direction WHITRY (Staff) -- Rain thatjlocal factories towering over al occupational and physical ther. brance thanksgiving andlof Douglas Copp, while the praise was rained out of the| children's choir was directed by Pickering Village Park and|F. W. Bush. into the high school auditorium} The service was concluded Sunday afternoon. with the singing of the "Folk Representatives from nine|Hymn" and benediction by Rev. faiths from Pickering Village|Forgach. and township addressed more] The collection taken at the than 400 in the spirit of co-|service will be used to assist operation. one or more Canadian Indian Swept across Ontario Sundayjbusy freeway. stayed away from Whitby long}; The Whitby Brass in St to be dedi-| vided music for the morial window Anglican Church has become an annual event} Later, the with the church, The Right|moved to the front of lkeverend H. R. Hunt, DD, Suf-| church building, where the win The 'Call to worship", Band|were raised by enough for the new tower Me-\under the direction of Band-|tional Ladies' John's|master Stanley Redfearn, pro-jers' Union service, cated. jwith Mayor Desmond Ni wman | In an outdoor service which|reading the Scripture lesson. congregation apists and psychologists. Funds the Interna- Garment Work- the Bingo Starts ot 8 P.M. SHARP b y/students, chosen on their merit,|fragan Bishop of Toronto, dedi-\dow was presented by Henry lcated the new. stained-glass|G. Perry, chairman of the Win-| The service was planned by|window and commemorated the|dow Committee,. to William and the 'Centennial Hymn"', by|a joint committee of co-operat- lchurch's 12ist anniversary. Bonk, People's Churchwarden, the inter - faith choir ing religious groups to express| The window, designed to em- on behalf of the congregation. Scripture readings were by/|thanksgiving and hope for the} haloes dhe coamertion betenen The window was then dedi- Rey. A. Prashun and Rev. B.P. {future of Canada and its citi- Pag ret sand the surrounding|°ated and blessed by Bishop Smyth, and a prayer of thanks-| zens. aoe | Hunt. and press clubs. if he had been on e of the fence, sit- porter of the goy- Oliver could have th at least a sher- Rev. W. Forgach, was followed / to further their education. by the singing of "O Canada" NICOLS - MOTOR SALES LTD. or a seat on a \PPLAUSE e. For his great ot a round of ap- r other, to one who iked and respected S seems shameful. more bitter battles the future is over ivate beaches. " ment, through Forests Minister e, has announced a survey of pri- beaches on_ the and presumably lakes, in southern survey {s finished, indicated, ways. f making more of available for asd e studied. f the areas con- are public access shore-line, \TE the public moves beaches they are th irate owners of roperty. aspects of beach d clarification but assumed that the fo the high water ¢ property. n the day comes rnment has to de» id enforce it,~ the nt beach property > imagined. full credit (or if 0 be a property ame) for any de | public use goes le-handedly. party ald MacDonald vernment into ac- S AGO ARS AGO, 3, 1952 0 men have pur- enosha Hotel for d sum. Harry amuel Sable will tel. Millman has re- prdinator of aivil awa. RS AGO, 3, 1937 services were in United Church 1e 7ist year of of the present 4 er of Health, Dr, Kay has advised bathe in the Osh- the water at the wa-at-the-Lake. VAFAF TT OA § CARIBOO IGT mi 1858 giving was offered by Rev.| Participating groups in the Frank Conkey. ' ecumenical service included The Rev. Melville Buttars conduct-| Anglican Church, Baha'i World }ed the sermon, followed by the|Faith, Baptist Federation,| joffering and dedication by Rev. |Christian Science Church, Luth-|* W. A. McKay. The prayer forjeran Church, Presbyterian the future was by Dr. Hilliard.|Church, Roman Catholic} At the service, the Centennial|Church, Society of Friends and| Choir from the township _and the United Church. Delegate Reports To Institute On District Annual Meeting | AJAX (Staff) -- Following thy Hutchison made the pres- the Ajax Women's Institute pot/entation. A short memorial] luck luncheon, at the home ofj|service was held for seven jcommunity, was first thought|"-- of in 1963, when the Tower Win-| dow Committee was formed! under the auspices of the St. John's Men's Club. The central figure, Christ, nerstone in 1845; schooner "Maple Leaf"; St.|000,000. FEWER ATTEND MOVIES | LONDON (CP)--The number} of movie theatres' in Britain fell is|by 124 last year to 1,851 says flanked by six historical scenes|the Cinematograph Films Coun depicting: the laying of the cor- \cil. At the same time Sudiences the old lake |fell by nine per cent to 287,- John's Church as it appeared in} early days; Rev. John' Pent-} land, the first rector, commut-| ing on horseback between Osh-| awa and Port: Whitby; Whitby Junction and the old 'Plank road,' and the modern en- virons of St John's, showing 668-6841 WHITBY DAY & NIGHT SPEEDY TAXI SERVICE 1967 Mrs. A. Burrows, Mrs. Isobel | members who passed away in. Mackness gave a report on the/1968 in the district. district annual meeting at} Tentative plans are being Brooklin which she attended as|made for the district annual a delegate. Mrs. M. Devolin| picnic to be held, July 11, at presided. Blackwater. The roll call was answered; Mrs. Hutchison is in charge by citing an outstanding hap-\of entering handmade articles pening in centennial year. The! at, Oshawa Fair. St. Andrew's choir was spe-| 'The mystery parcel was won cially mentioned for its per-|hy Mrs, H. Reaman. formances at Expo 67 and in| half hour was enjoyed. Ottawa. me A letter of appreciation was SEEKING IMMIGRANTS received from William Parish, | campaign chairman of the; BUENOS AIRES (AP) -- Ar- young adulis workshop, for a| Bent ina is seeking more immi- donation by the Institute. At the "Awards Night," at/|the hinterland. "'We are inter-| St. Andrew's school, Lynn Mc-/ested in maximum immigration | Millan was presented with a|from Europe," Interior Minis-) citizenship plaque and pen andjter Mario Diaz Colodere said. A social) |grants from Europe to populate | PROCLAMATION of Whitby, passed on Monday, June 26th, 1967, declare CIVIC HOLIDAY in the Town of Whitby D. G. NEWMAN, Mayor, TOWN OF WHITBY In accordance with a Resolution of the Council of the Town | hereby MONDAY, JULY 3rd., 1967 Doted at the Town Holl, Whitby, the 29th day of June, 1967. Rambler Headquarters CARS MUST GO! aa cmeemnemmecenremrenancianereraaeerets pencil set on behalf of the Ajax Women's Institute. Mrs. Doro- One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murols @ Custom Vreperies @ Broadioom @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER|| mma' DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby KINGDOMS GO KAMPALA, Uganda (AP)-- President Milton Obote has pre- sented a parliamentary bill to abolish Uganda's four heredi-| tary kingdoms. "'Uganda is a society in transition. It has gone| a long way since the days of! CENTENNIAL ATTIRE DOMINANT AT BALL pa ill Arriving at the Whitby ~ LEWIS stage of the Centennial checked gown, with Mayor Centennial Building, Mayor Triple Floating Ball spon- Newman wearing a match- Desmond Newman and sored by the Whitby Cen- ing jacket. About half the | OPTICAL Mrs. Newman joined more tennial Celebrations com- people at the ball were in Established for ever 30 years than 100 other couples in mittee. Mrs. Newman is Centennial attire. 10% King Street West the Regal Room, the first wearing,an 1867-period --Oshawa Times Photo 725-0444 WHITBY 7 ioe Plus -- Second Feature Attraction "DESTINATION INNER SPACE" in Color Starring -- Scott Brady -- Sheree North BEGINS 7:30 BROCK * Now Playing-One Complete Program Each -- Starting At 7:30 Pau Hanscom Oscan Homotxa =... Eva Renzi We will pick about... 100,000 Quarts in the next few days. TOWN OF WHITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION There will be no garbage collection on Monday, : July 3. Garbage normally collected on that doy will be picked up on Tuesday, July 4. Councillor £. Moore, Chairman Sanitation Committee W. A. Evans, P. Eng., Town Engineer. 1964 Meteor Fordor Sedon. Tutone, V-B. Lie, 379522, $1394, 1963 Comet Tudor Sedan. 4 sp. trans. and radio. Lic, J75615 $1244, 1963 Pontiac fm Strate biol ha v8, THEY MUST BE SOLD! COME AND SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY FOR PRESERVING OR FREEZING MacMillan Orchards | On the West Side of Highway No. 12 | Just North of Rossland Rd. at Whitby | | ' J ae | STRAWBERRIES FRESH PICKED -- FOR SALE STRAWBERRY FARM cane FOR TAUNTON RD. PICK YOUR 'OWN ANY TIME BRING CONTAINERS euto., radio, Lie, 539818. $1394, 1961 Pontiac Strote Tudor. 6 cyl. tadio, Lic, 199113, $594.00 Motor Sales Ltd. 1967: AMBASSADOR 990 2 Door Hardtop Gleaming biack finish with spotiess turquoise interior, 290 V-B engine, automatic transmission, radio, re- clining seats, whitewalls, discs, power steering end brakes, lite group, visibility group, solex glass. Lic. 480511. Less than 3000 miles with factory warranty, SAVE $724.00 1967 AMBASSADOR 990 4 Door Sedan Royo! blue with white vinyl reof, powerful 343 V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering and brakes, solex glass, whitewalls, wheel discs, visibility group, lite group and radio. Lic, J80593. Less than 3000 miles with factory werronty. SAVE $821.00 1967 REBEL 770 SEDAN Smort tutone brown end ton, 290 V-8 engine, outo- metic transmission, individual reclining seats, power steering ond brakes, dises, lite group end tutone point. Lie, 580512, SAVE $605.00 redio, whitewalls and wheel 1964 Rambler Americon fordor, Orig. turquoise finish. Lie. 370905. $1194, 1963 Plymouth Forder eden. tatone. Lie. Tiara' $1094, M1962 Meteor Tudor Sedan. Econ. 6 rl, radio, Lie. J78810 $1044, 1966 Rambler Americon Tudo cylinder. Lic. 'irassr, $1794, Your Rambler Dealer NICOLS Whitby

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