THE HAZARD 1K (AP) -- Colu ty has develope spot dangerous dri \ picture of a traf- ; covered by a jig- a driver removes arts and is scored ckly he spots the Year ranteed nt Certificates WW EARN /2%o @nnum five yeors in Guarenteaad ent Certificates "on '+ Principal and y be used @s Col- for loans, by Executors In Mt of death, os Trustee Act in- ts, INTARIO TRUST | CORPORATION ) St. N., Oshawe t3-5221 « W., Bowmanville 23-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS and SATURDAYS Lc ay Clinic ith, 1967 y 5, 1967 6, 1967 to 9:00 p.m. RIUM | Needed e Life itely Low. es of Blood. rE" front 'O: Y, OCIETY oe ry | L or PICKERING VILLAGE, TOWNSHIP MARK CENTENNIAL \ THE DUNBARTON UNIT- ED Church Sunday School was established 13 years before Confederation back in 1854. On Saturday the students entered a double float in 'the Pickering Village-Township parade. On one side a preacher spoke to the Indians while on the other side a Sunday school of the day was in progress. --Oshawa Times Photo ' | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July % 1967 3 _ Hundreds Line Route Of Parade » PICKERING (Staff) -- Thelevery few minutes and toured township and village combined|the north and south sections of Saturday morning to produce' the township both Saturday and _jone of the greatest July 1/Sunday afternoon. parades in the area. To a number of township and The parade started in two village old-timers the parade sections, one from a Bay Ridges|brought back memories of the drive-in theatre and the other|old July 1 celebrations when from Brougham. They joined|Lorne Green (Ben Cartwright) forces at the new township mu-/enm-ceed the Pickering Dominion finicipal buildings and were|Day festivities. ; jstretched out for a mile when) jthey arrived at the village park! CHICKENS GROW FASTER on Church Street North. EDMONTON (CP A Unt Hundreds' of spectators, many, "?MONTON (CP) -- J cha in original costume, lined the | Versity of Alberta scientist says i rapeseed meal produced under parade route to cheer the bands - lows pahin : and floats ranging from 19th a new low-femperature process century steam tractors to a dig-| Seles fa ster growth JB play of an 1867 butcher shop. + chickens. Dr. D. R. Clandinin, a i. professor of animal science, SPECIAL GUESTS says rapeseed meal produced Special guests for the parade were the Imperial Knights Color Guard of Midland Park, New Jersey who entertained with|--- areas a precision drilling at the park| More Security With the Pickering Bue Notes FALSE TEETH before 1958 was inferior to soy- bean meal as a source of pro- tein. SPORTS DAY . At 10:30 a.m, before the Don't live yvdip & = n | J vi st parade reached the park loosening, wobbling or dropping just ' grounds a day-long sports day ' |was underway at the Pickering | High School grounds. at the wrong time. For more security and more comfort, just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. FASTEETH holds false teeth firmer. - -- 'i, Makes eating easier. No pasty, gooey The 66. events drew entries | tists, Helps check "denture trecor', from every school and high| Dentures that fit are essential to 4 School in the area but it was the) health. See your dentist regularly.( | Ajax Legion Pronghorns who! Get FASTEETH at all drug counters.; won the day with the majority of| - | trophies. | i | The sports events included | PT SERVICE. \ judo demonstrations at the high | PRO! school and a ball game between | Pickering and neighboring Ajax. | The turnout for all events dur- | , \ing the day long celebrations! | was higher than anticipated and while an arts and crafts display | jat the high school was drawing | |hundreds of admirers the| Brougham museum drew hun- |dreds more to their displays of | Pickering history. |FREE SHOW A free show of professional | | entertainment at the. Pickering \High School drew an estimated P Subscribers To... @ BLUE CROSS Mrs. Jean McPherson. Her 19th century dress included 15 yards of material. --Oshawa Times Photos Village Park from Broug- ham Saturday morning. At the reigns is Pickering Township Deputy Reeve THE H. J, MARQUIS (an old delivery wagon) arrived in style at the Pickering Boy Skips Security Guards Shares Queen's Platform OTTAWA (CP) -- A sandy- haired youngster in blue jeans upstaged royalty at Canada's birthday-cake party Saturday by scampering through security guards to share a platform briefly with the Queen and Prince Philip. A crowd of more than 50,000 was on Parliament Hill as the six - year-old boy got within speaking range of the royal cou- le. " "Hi, Queen," he said, waving a small maple leaf flag for a broadly-smiling Elizabeth. As State Secretary Judy La- Marsh, organizer of the party, smiled and Mounties tore their hair, the boy sidled over to Philip. "Hi, Dook," he said. "Hey, sonny," came the an- guished cry of an RCMP offi- cer anxious to restore decorum. Flustered officials finally shooed the youngster backstage where, resplendent in his red, white and blue T-shirt, he was kept quiet by Toronto trumpeter Bobby Gimby while royalty took over the show. "'Wasn't that little kid great?" Miss LaMarsh remarked after- wards. PHILIP TRIES ICING Prince Philip nibbled the ic- ing but got no deeper into the cake, marking Canada's centen- nial of inant wis iant plyw cake, shim- eine 'white genuine white: ic- ing, towered over the Queen as she sliced into a small fruit cake inserted into the five-foot- high bottom tier. The royal slice was the signal hundreds of balloons were set loose to drift across the cloud- less sky. The day was designed by Miss LaMarsh for children, from her specially-requested '"'mushy" ic- ing on 40,000 birthday cupcakes to special seats on the dais for about 300 handicapped young- sters. The Queen wore a_ chalk- white sleeveless A-line dress in ribbed cotton and a hat made out of little flowers with their stems forming the crown. She white coat. but the brilliant 81- degree sunshine made her de- cide to leave the coat at Gov- ernment House. The emphasis on children ex- tended to the gifts presented to Small Auditorium Crowd For Festival Variety Show If there were some "big" things about the Oshawa Folk Festival's Variety Night Fri- day, one of them was not the crowd turnout. Less than 300 people attend- ed the show at Civic Audi- torium which starred recording artist Doug Crossley. "Where is everybody to- night," asked Mr. Crossley. "'I see a lot of empty chairs," he told the audience. The shoy on the eve of Can- ada's centennial birthday also featured a host of amateur art- ists from the Oshawa area. "Nothing can. keep people home on a long weekend dur- ing the summer," said A. H. Murdoch, chairman of the Osh- awa centennial co-ordinating committee. Mr. Crossley is formerly of Oshawa, and began his musical career here in church choirs and singing with the Ontario Regiment band. He is now 'a recording artist with ARC Rec- ords of England. The handsome singer deliver- ed about nine well-known bal- lads and joked with the audi- ence. He was accompanied by the Lloyd Edwards Trio. FOLK MUSIC Several high school and other local groups presented a vari- ety of folk music. The Yeoman Trio, three-year veterans with the Folk Festi- val, opened the show. Three young men in western costumes who call themselves Two Plus One, sang two numbers. Nine girls from the Burns School of Dancing presented renditions of '(Cheer-leaders" Kevin Kelly and Stewart! Smith got the audience clap- ping for 'This Little Light of Mine' They also sang "Four Strong Winds."' Pretty Dey Brownlee of McLaughlin Col- legiate sang two songs. Baton champion Dianne Shaw of Osha went through an amazing routine using one and sometimes two batons. Dianne has won over 150° trophies in her five years of baton twirl- ing. In 1954 she won the Junior Ontario Baton championship; in 1967, the senior Ontario Baton championship and has recently won the 1967 Canadian International championship. Dianne and other. Harvey dancers presented a centennial flame twirl where the girls|the unemployment figure for through a number of|Oshawa during June, according to a report from the depart- went tricks with blazing batons. Members of the Old Country Club did dance "Tony's Ponys," "Fancy Pants" and the Can-Can. the Just Six Plus One, who were guests at Expo 67 Yast May, played several pieces of Herb routines to|gration. t The report states that pro-/physical gressive layoffs took place in The Tijuana-type brass band|the automobile industry and in from Donevan Collegiate called|some of the feeder plants. increased| unemployment vacancies in sales, tourist trade and catering occupations. Life the royal couple for their own youngsters, Denise Larraen, 16, and Steven Kennedy, 13, presented books, records of the Ca-na-da song and a wooden snowmobile to the Queen. The two young people represented the handi- capped children of Ottawa. After the cake cuiting, Prince Philip walked over to the edge of the stage where high school students hired to entertain the children were watching. The students were sweltering in clown suits and Philip re- marked that they looked uncom- fortable but that it was one way to get weight off. Students Boost | Unemployment The influx of students look- ing for summer jobs boosted ment of manpower and immi- Seasonal activity for the crowd to burst into) Happy Birthday Canada as/j{ had planned to wear a matching/ Parents Given 'Trophies Announcement of winners and presentation of trophies for the Baby Beauty Photo Contest -- rained out at Memorial Park, Saturday afternoon -- were made by president of the Osh- awa Folk Festival, Mrs. ing the All night. Baby Audrey Jean, daughter 6f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corneal, 91 Gibbons; second, Baby Miranda Sisa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Trass; and third, Baby Nonean Juanita, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Lloyd, 298 Sharbot. In group two -- six to 12 months, winners were: first: Baby Jacqueline Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron- ald Smith, second, Baby Stephen Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard and third, Baby Robert James, son of Mr. and Mrs R. Amey. Group three winners -- 12 to 18 months were: Kimberly Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Day, 169 Park South; second, Baby Jeffery Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Mullen and Baby Edwin Noel, son of Mr. Aldwinckle, at intermission, dur- Nations Show at Civic Auditorium Saturday Winners in group fe UP tOjin staging Hollywood-like spec- jcrowd of 1,000, many of whom] e {stayed after the show to watch| sie @ GREEN SHIELD | bd a_ fireworks display at the| 'Centennial Observed (ic on "| "veep nor many village and township resi- | e dents took advantage of free jtours through the township by! | All Across Ontario |special buses. The school buses) | A 'left the high school grounds PAY CASH! You Give Us The Doctors By THE CANADIAN PRESS _|crowd his enthusiasm for swim-| Parades, street dancing, fire- expo67 | Prescription | Weary felebrants across On-|ming. [works and sports events pro-| Four Se Travel | We do the rest, \tario-may be feeling some relief} 'I always carry a swimming duced a lot of noise and excite- that centennials only pop up|suite," he said, shortly before | ment. | Fout easons rave FREE Are exclusive agents for CANA- DIANA Village. ONLY accommo- dation--Annex te EXPO grounds. (250_ yards). $6.25 per person based on rty of 4. once every 100 years. |jumping into a swimming pool,,HALT STREET TRAFFIC | It might be difficult to gener-|the town's $60,000 centennial| Barrie closed its downtown jate annually the enthusiasm| project. \Streets to traffic and let the} jand spirit displayed in cele-|y.s. WINS AWARDS populations enjoy life. About} brating Canada's 100th birthday) Even the United States 25,000 persons let their hair| . nit | } s s gotit? A during the Dominion Day week-| into the act by winning two |down and took part in folk} . ve : ; awards, At Brigden, a float(dancing, a canoe race and a across the Province, smal'\from Marine City, Mich., cap-|Parade. and. large communities have ' a4 j bicer, tiaainie dn puttin o th jtured first place in a parade en iryang 10 ano «| While the Carver High School| , ° | band from Waco, Tex., won the } cipal banquet today. | kill the notion that nothing ever Hit on Lavan snow | feet SS Community programs hav e|'0P Prize of $1,000 in Sarnia. | ranged from lavish parades and Windsor looked for a way to| ~ ll lized Ch Perhaps credit for the week- Fu y Persona IZeé 1eques end's most lavish production é <i. with a Toronto-Dominion fireworks to the frog-j inspire Canadi: toward an!/ contest at Listowel won by|even better second century and/ must go to Brantford, site of Brantorama, a three-hour, 82-| City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS | 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 j ox aE: pa of 4. Also inquire about eur Bus Tours, Phone 576-3131 taculars or unusual events. Stephen Knwles, 11, when his|Came up with a Freedom Festi- | frog, Charley Brown, leaped 68| Va! marking national holidays in inches. both Canada and the. United Stratford produced a varied| States. program which included a hog-| A re-enactment of an Oct. 5, calling contest, log rolling, a|1813 battle between American parade, fiddling and a liars'|troops and British-Indian forces contest won by Betty Engel, 20,|/livened up the Thames River in who told of a gigantic pumpkin| Chatham. housing a sow and litter. | A 520-acre park built by In- Residents of Perth in thejdians at an estimated cost of Ottawa Valley had their week-|$1,000,000 was opened at Cape end brightened with the pre-|Croker, Bruce Peninsula, in a sence of David Thomson, Lord|ceremony kicking off two days Provost of Perth, Scotland, who/of Indian festivities. will be guest at a special muni-| Toronto's five boroughs helped FREE Estimetes, Reasonable Retes, Repair Specialist. and Mrs. A. M. Lea. _ |float parade. About 75,000 per- | Parents of the winning babies/sons lined the parade route to| were presented with frophies by|see the show, a year in the| Mrs. Aldwinckle. guards and cooks remained in|soacon of short supply. occupations -- routemen, auto- mobile mechanics and body-|Martin, Personal Chequing Account graduate mechanical i 8, therapists, technologists, nurses and grad-! uate social workers, | According to the report, the figure at the end of June was 5,797 compared POST NASA with 4,117 at the end of May. Alpert. Lloyd Beaule presented a composition of his own called "O Viet Nam" and also sang two other numbers. Dancing followed the enter- tainment. , Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, presi- dent of the Folk Festival, said today she was not pleased with the turnout for the show but said she couldn't give any rea- son why a bigger crowd didn't turn up. | "The only thing is a lot of people said they hadn't heard and "Ball and the Jack." about it," said Mrs. Aldwinckle. has 3 YEARS Pi it For 2 M CROSS CANADA PAVING also 6-12- 18-20-36 months to pay GUARANTEE hs After Completi: @ FREE ESTIMATE... Call 728-9292 Oshawa SPRING Take ' Drive 0 VAN BELLE | GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF » @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS ® SEEDS, ETC. Van Belle "Your Friend! 5 Minutes East Galdeninc @ SPREADERS @ TOPSOILS @ Advice on your Garden Problems © Garden Centre" IN THE NASOPHARYNX To maintain moisture, the nasal passageways pro- duce copious quantities of both « watery secretion and @ thicker mucous. A certain quantity always lingers in the upper throat or nasopharynx. If an oversupply 1 Poi ie nif L DRIP BEGINS Had ch eA ge box for @ postnasal drip. y of t' Some basic causes are air irritants, smoking, chemi- » the result is lt doesn't cost you $2.50 to get fully personal- ized cheques when you have a Personal Ch a quing Account at Toronto-D: hick CENTRE tissues medical treatment of post-nasal drip. Otherwise the great many people entrust 573 Gardens P. B. Francis, Phm.B, -- of Oshawa On Highway No. 2... io salad which require surgical correction. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A May we compound end dispense yours? EASTVIEW PHARMACY 'PHONE 725-3594 Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery m "i of colours, brown or black. But there's even more for you us with their p P' a +h Nad ch with your charge, and personalized deposit slips as well. You also get a free cheque-wallet in your choice Chequing Account at Toronto-Dominion. Now, we give you an up-to-date statement of your t every 30 days, instead of 60 days, Only at with a Personal This sim- King Street East \ Oshawa | bi eo eo Oe 8 ee 8 x J. R. Steffen, B.Sc.Phm. G. B. Miles, Manager 1. E. Erwin, Manager plifies your budgeting and gives you a better ' Plus these other benefits @ Fully Personalized Deposit Slips @ Free Cheque Wallet--Your choice of two colours @ A Statement every 30 days instead of 60 days e Your cancelled cheques returned @ Low service charges @ Fast and efficient service picture sooner of what you spent where. With our convenient Twin Account Plan you use TORONTO-DOMINION The Bank where people make the difference. i d : i ing Ai t for paying bills - et Bein fe mild age tee Toronto-Dominion do you get PCA cheques with Had --_-- pre an Savinat kasuau Gargling is not considered effective. Do not neglect your name ond address printed on them without for building your savings. This new savings account pays a whopping 50% more, interest (paid twice yearly and. calculated on the mini- mum monthly balance). Interest is paid from the date of the initial deposit. We've got a lot of other Go-Ahead ideas that work for you at Toronto-Dominion ... Ask about them when you come in to open a Per- sonal Chequing Account at Toronto-Dominion. 4 King Street W. & Simcoe St., Oshawa, Ont. W._R. Singleton, Manager... 566 King St. E. at Wilson Rd., Oshawa, Ont. 455 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, Ont, H. J. Eaton, Manager, Northway nag Simcoe St. N. & Byng Ave., Oshawa, 4 | &. D. Hayden, Mgr., King Park Plaza, King St. W. & Park Rd. S., Oshawa, it, making. q --_._.| Gananoque took advantage of! | \the holiday to launch the first| = pe ian } the St. Lawrence|f| 24 Hour : eucous } summer playhouse with the pro-|f Service Installed q 76 ANY STREET, YOURTOWN. ONT. accounT €6008® 082 Shortages of qualified clients|duction A Funny Thing Hap-| Fast ©: Radio Dispatch We} | were noted in the following|/pened on the Way to the Forum. | Plumbing Service, Pay to the order of, * | At Tecumseh wore f Paul| SERVICE MADE US, | r r t Minister \ of External | Call 723-1191 ii | men, stationery engineers,|Affairs, expressed\ to a large ue is cnc mien | Py TORONTO DOMINION CENTER BRANCH H medical 8S KING BY. Wa BAY ST., . ONT, | a BE Gp fA MAB 2HB GIL MAZE | L } OBnxX , y } »