we 16 'To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want A Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 11--Pet & Livestock THE @SHAWA TIMES, Mondey, July 3, 1967 2 GUI REALTY | 16 Simcoe 723-52E ds' 8--Articles for Sale _|17--Femole Help Wanted ® CHESTERFIELD SUITES W-BAR-J s--~Believe It orNot/ from RIDING STABLE | _ EXPERIENCED ' pe A yelled Bin WILSON'S meri Lan H SALESLADIES 1 Sg : | BEST Prices in TOWN Horses for rent by the hour, y . , YRS ae 2 pc. Suites from $99. 1967 doy or week. Also horses Good opening for well quoll- * VERDUN R¢ op aes, ae model, 4-seater and chair boarded fied sales ladies. Full or part 1 @ Close to all s - $138. 3 pc. sectionals from R.R. No. 3, Bowmanville time .in an exelusive ladies' gix room bungalow $197, 623-7349 sportswear shop. Must have sunroom, modern | Accountants Aer : i ' 1 ili droom Building Trades Instruction |Rug - Upholste: | vuton's Furn., 20 Church St.__|po6LmPURBIEE -- tov, black te] experience and. ability to wy eee pediocin YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO> Char $$ ---------~ pee eeage i GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,|male, registered. Telephone 723-8761 close soles, References and mereee ror 8 beni " i mip ge iS rest Is television, refrige 1 etc, $34. ee a = i o $s free Accountans. Licensed Tries! Nl. Down Payment CHSSTERRIELOS , re-ugnired an 4 Um Alcan Furnure snd Appliances, Ga/BEAUTIFUL RABY BUDGIES, reaay 9904 appearances. essential 52a Somcoe Street North, and Appliances, children con play, | if Rutherford's | fb 1a ' ken th | rial tor re-covering.. $ii § fh, 723-001 for training, talking strain. Apply T.| Top salary in keeping wi Oshawa, 728-7. a ae Monthly Instalments to order. Dolton Uptoiioring Sr cee bisa ol La dA ae = Broad, 114 Elgin East, qualifications. $14,900.00. pet citar: AB «sat -- Streat, 723-7918 TYPEWRITERS, $49. Ne money down, - - e HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter : se Street, 723-7212, : $2 weekly. Adders, Cashiers, files, new,|COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep- F 'S$ us tals, i 4 s, Pups. Show mare in foi var yi 5 SEIGNE ed Accountants, Financial Trade Build emode Ing Me ay Rae ERS -- sed, rentals, service, trades. Bili{herds, pups. Sh nare in foal to qi Apply in person to SEIGNEUR'S REAL Bl ing. 187 King Street East, Oshawa, On Sales and Service Hamil rm ter horse. Pony. Pinto, Western saddles, A RE ton, Raglan. Sportswear, Oshawa Shopping farie, TS ae Hopkins, CA; H. E @ Bathrooms _ - TYPEWRITER, electric O. standarg[Cwipment; clothing, Ashburn, 655-4662. . Chats Il @ Spotless Bricl e be ; : ukow, - _ - ee peice ~ nage <tr eetae ee i @ Kitchens ( Police C ) APPLIANCE $40.; Portable $35.; adding machine|BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready with gaage, 2 bedro: = C. HALL, B.Comm., Charter neg ate R Licensed by Police Commission $20.; cash register $35, 723-4434. ke Ba ag iF strain. Apply T mee : extra down, also sec 4 ecr coms ae ~ -- -- § East. " " an oe eee ec it a endl @ Courteous Instructors REPAIRS VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, BROFESHIONEL obs seinen -- | AVON CALLING bath and finished GORDON W. DAY, Certified General « morages @ Duol Control Cars Expert repairs to all mokes JAKOB PETER Pram Viciuen' eetvicn. Mute hoe Clipping all breeds, poodles our spe- If you need extra money don't room downstairs, W eo agg ald Sulte 205W, Oshawa Shop-| A new department of Osh- @ Fully Insured of washers, dryers, ranges, SCHOOLMASTER of Elqq, Pickering, ty. Free pick-up and delivery; board delay become an AVON broadloom and all t ping Cenfe, | e S radeon saha et Locesna -- ling dt . Dober Pinsci awo's Quality Builder. Switzerland, from 1624 to 1o7"t TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ff structure | an Gariiok Shephard as ne i ca entice epresentative. Territories BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service.| repres' i rritori A $15,900 with $2,00 @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ WAS SUCCEEDED IN THAT POST all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi-lnachurst Kennels, 655-2081 | available i diately in Osh e A . ; a8 Si | ics u ' 2 BIS. 65 CRS Hable imme iotely in SM Completes Bookkeeping | service, na | KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION 725-6553 cose ene wi BUY, Sil AND eXCHANGE "used [ELKHORN RIDING STABLE -- Horses) awa, Whtiby and Darlington 150 ACRE JOSEWA GUTMANN, Chartered accoun.| Call today for Free Estimates. ALCAN £ furniture ' or anything you have. 'The|posraed: for rent. bought and sold Twp. Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Non FAMILY WAS A SCHOOLMASTER 14 ALBERT STREET FOR 164 SUCCESSIVE YEARS Courtice Rd. and Hwy. 401. 576-1573 LOVELY FRENCH poodle, ma'e, 11] - Licensed Trustee. 17 Bond Street East. Telephone 723-4 Hl @ On Highway City Tradin Post 4 4 ig east of 35, rolling Street South, 723-1671. FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE Store, 446 Simcoe quon Rd., Oshawa 725-9696, 728-7583 Henry Pn Teta es eo ene EE ~ : - j ING OR SELLING furniture or ap.| TONS registered, house trained. 939/SECRETARY REQUIRED for |TERRANO PAVING, } ; SINGER TEENAGE CONTEST now inj 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa BUYING OR SELLING furniture or AP-IKing E. afier 5.30. Street High School Office: Must be good buen, Christmas | » 10 years in bus- | progress. Enroll today, only a few open- Telenhy 723-0011 jPliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. - -- - typist and familiar with keeping rec- hunting. Priced ric in alae aie ac iness. Guaranteed work, 19c. sq. ft. vi] eh. Sin Cont 16 Si elephone - ABORIGINES -f ee 800 x 14, $50, Telephone 723-2924, 19 GOOD PIGS, nine weeks old. Tele- a 2 ' il BELL DRAFTING and Reproduction#/ Bong East. 723-5841, ngs left. Singer Centre, mcoe ; ___ Ap | arid Centea Austral - < i : dh vi fe |phone 786-2485, Newtonville. ords, salary schedule, fringe benefitss call for details. Ltd., 53% Simcoe Street North. 723-4461. | -- -- --~ ---.____ | Street North. 725-5443 or 725-6555. NOW entra) strata oa WHO wore their roller skates through 2 cs OES further details available from Board e Blueprinting and photostatic copies |ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ail types of | -- -- STARVED -- ee " Mrs Murphy's playroom? No probleny if/AIREDALES, male puppies, registered, Secretary. Phone 668-8411. W. D. Thorn. - ---- = RaaR Eee ----/Fement work, stoops, sidewalks, etc. Money to Loan | Bring me your mowers, tillers, FOR SWEETS ~ 2 &, 4 the floor is "Samcoura." It's so regilient,|champion breeding, K. Campbell, 2660/ son, Secretary, Box 86, Whitby, Ontario. BONUS BRICK Ff Building Trades sSs-s0e}. F. McCann, RR 3, Oshawa. a 7 outboards, all makes, air ONG UP THE * : Iokaten Yornganine can mar it. Roller/Kennedy Ro., Agincourl, 293-6082. Res-| exepia nce o GIRL, aged 25 to 35 " bOI Se |BRICK AND BLOCK work. New work|NEED CASH to conselidate your bills, gs, s, NESTS OF CKAZAK KIRGHISIANS skates, furniture even stiletto heels| sonable. years old, fcr coffee bar and varien IV @ Close .to sc Jand repairs to chimneys, porches and{duy that new car, boat, travel expenses.| cooled "engines. Parts and ofS : Ww" bounce off with no damage. See 'San PUPS AVAILABLE, breed part Golden|store. Telephone 725.2932. or 1 rH 4 transportation, oa st REPAIRS cock pointing. M._LaFontaine, 725-3756 i hie gages avallebles con| service. Largest service in | as Sago Mg SPAN AEE Nae eine itl Oland bork, Line River" Retilavera, Tote iaittae cree ne home tk ground up --. ---- _ eet mor! vail " bod 3 erry "i --_ a YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. lfidential pricate Moone Call" 793-4801| OShawa AND EAT THE ARE SUCH EXPERT HORSEMEN phone fer free estimate 7251343. jphone Newcastle 987-4871 BABYSITTER required starting Septem: do dri ith | ALTERATIONS _ [chimneys buiit ang repaired. Gas" tin:| naomi?! 74 BARRIE AVE | | MASECTS WIEN AN SEOOP A CUP FILLED -- |BUY AND SELL -- good used Wurni-|imicw serren puppies, registered pure-|ber, preferably middle age. Livein' tro paved drive, w Ings installed, roofs repaired. 723-2997, |" eee Tt --| 728-2791 or 725-4633 | | LIKE CANDY WITH MILK' FROM THE GROUND Paes i oeaary ne. Jocation only: lbred champion 'sired. 'Also three-year. |room' ond. bored, Fond of children. T room, kitchen and m ADDITIONS |att-- trees boiiding repairs. Rooting, Mortgages _---- ~ a AT FULL GALLOP BM tt oe ines BOUIN. 7231 oie tamale. Closing of kennel forces alec phone. Ton-ser anece eo Give us a coll tod chimneys, _ eavestroughing, fireplaces, |------_>--= ----____ NEW, USED -- vacuums, polisners. Re- -- -AND THEN REPLACE IT -- -- -- -- |226 Linden Court | DISHWASHER REQUIRED, § pm 271i ake arrangements t¢ : ; : P| , § pm. - m to masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 668-2774. pairs 10 all makes. New hoses Phone S WITHOUT SPILLING A DROP PNESTOP BIKE SHOP Sales. "Sree! DACHSHUND PUPS, registered, stan-|p.m. shift. Apply Mw. C Price $20 a den LB dha ete beat A = R : 1 : Z s st .m, . ly + Campbell, Gen- this home. Price F HOMES OFFICES FACTORIES ROOFING, hot tar 'and. aravel, shingles, MORTGAGE conkantane mebak a zy : 1p td Fosse potioks om: 1088, Wiad is maces mia" Chie 214 Bond Stree! )gard smosth, sired by 20. of champion, |osha_ Hotel. e irs, je a sma s. Lil le | _ -- E le s i 9 Ree noms on f bslustone Roofing and. Construction. 725-693 a washers and rangers Free estimate, [GLASS REPAIRS to aluminum and | Telephone 728-6690. hen Algae sett Phd Sook ake sulea CORNER LC a Specialty |WATERPROOFING, basements; 7107 Call 728-1742 or 723-0011. | P 6 i" i: litvery, "Telcohone' "Re-rpick?: 296 Se BROMOTION SALE of ~qualliy "regis:|Conost" APPIY Mr. Campbell, Hotel roofs, etc., § Matingie or sinciatt LOANS | ersonal | 'Marine Equipment |livery. Telephone 720-2284, - fered 'Welsh and Daten" ot A tuly is t ne sic V @ Lovey 3 bedro James Allen and Sons lave. Jondiar Septic Service ee ~~" |@STARCRAFT,"" Grew Traveller "boats; |FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted free, |22 2 p.m.; Preview between 12 and 4 RRRMAID required at Hotel Gen- ow featuring built in 725-6126 | PLASTERING, ee stuccol M lable for f hia Promai acy| Removal of superfluous hair {Evinrude motors. Open sever days a{Guaranteed trouble - free winter if youlp.m. Sales Pavilion, Woodbine Race|djac., "PPIY in person, no phone calls ben; in Rollywood Is = de sidewalks: Work ace eee ee Sneys. SYOUGVIO. TOF. TSt Ig einie: HAWKS ciemned. Prenet serv-| Marie "M f h Week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltg,,|Purchase from Western Of! Company.|Course, Etobicoke, Ont. Sponsered by : e aes 'i saab ey -_ see anges pel ied i 8 ork guaranteed. Tele-| and second mortgages. Open fice on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Hled aha nae be in |Brooklin 6552641 1725-1212, |Canadian Pony Society. Information: EXPERIENCED LEGAL STENOGRA- Stone fireplace in nea | Li ee Sei ae. Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 shawa, July 10¢ th and _ RT Ig --.| ae Spec a !RR_ 1, Kettleby, Ont. Phone 727-4184/PHER for Oshawa Law Office. Repl 7 t room can Chimney flashings, eaves- [ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete-Gei| Mortgages. No bonus, First kt | 12th if ; eR EW Cruiser, fully equipped, 75)FURNITURE -- Three rooms of new/RR + if stating experience and qualifications' te ee | r drivew ed 1; Mortgages, second mortgages |= | 12th. Phone Genosha Hotel | horsepower Evinrude, electric start,|{wwniture. Pay only $15 monthly, Baron's| " --|Box 7113, Oshawa Ti pleted, Very good | troughing ceding Set laa Sareea oan Seine thine and agreements for sale pur- |>Urveyors | on these dates for appoint- Gator trailer. Telephone 723.8050 '|Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe South. |12--Articles Wanted setM eli ale NU reasonably low down ond repairs ork quoronte | Re At 7 s - "a rahe aii s ad ea -------- are | ASIEN pliaetebeasns Sia: s Les > timates, No job too lyears. All. work guaranteed. 723-0281, chased DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On.| ™ent M4" HOUSE TRAILER, sleeps four, $800. Gosttice eos ott alt Ser yt Bale | 18. Male Help Wanted Near Oshawa Shoppii e hg Satiiniares eh |EAVESTROUGHING -- all work guar: M. F. SWARTZ tarlo Land Surveyor, Commercial. blue| ELECTROLYSIS Telephone 723-5739. |Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. | ee" e sma janteed. For free estimates and reason- ae prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. | 723-4641 1" GREW Runabout lapstrake, 75 HP|'YPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv-| $ MONEY $ M MEULEMEESTER jable rates call 728-7794 26% King St. East 88 eaCen EEE | Paiscdietasts Prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. ey alt inakes. ae nee Call your | SOUTH EAST / EL MEU \Gacpantvy Oshawa, Ontario f. grkIM AND TROLLOPE, OntariolGENTLEMAN. WANTS RIDE to Noti72 Sian Gea wae FIVE ROOMS crs hae a 'aaing| FOr used furniture, picture Mie iieculdte ba } and Surveyors, 1 Elgin St East. fut, -- ol urniture Inc! ing | * _ 728-4797 pi 723-4697 Land Surveyor igin Street East Toronto, arriving 7.30 a.m. Telephone] P_ an arter _|three bedrooms, living room and dining frames. Miiitary objects, glass | Athabasca. gonato or Wag OF ror erogges | | ----$_--_----- --$$---------- f = i » bicycle, Owner moving to U.S./ d drivewa roadloo FLOORING. Seamless, resilient, trouble-| ' sl os ee ee rae - brie OT eee : --|BATHTUBS, $20. Flush-O-Matic Tollets,|foom, _bicyc . | china, silver, gold, brass, cop- DEMONSTRAT ed driveway, free. For kitchens, bathrooms, rec uality Carpente | TV--Radio Repairs Fr aaa i Pasins, sinks, cabinets, piping fillings, |Must_be sold. Telephone 668-470. , jon room, beautifull rooms, patios, pool. decks. See "San.| Q y P ry Ist and 2nd Mortgages jl sti eked hdd ind lea --Motorbikes: -|epats: motors, trailers, cars, trucks. H./FIBERGLAS FENDERS from ~$79.95| Per, coins etc. Top prices ; c or This home "e coura" at Oshawa Discount House or| GENERAL REPAIRS We have immediate funds V 1961 HARLEY DAVIDSON 7 series. ex,| hin" 723-7088. and. up. New and used auto parts. Re-| paid Toronto 282-5604 Part time evenings from carport. A phone for free estimate 725-1343. Home Improvement Specialists available for 2nd mortgages. S R ICE cellent condition, $1,300 or best. offer, ae dascas : built starters and generators, 1175. Nel-| - a -----------__:] 6.39 | 10:30 p.m. Stead yeor old. Carries fe Serving Oshawa and District Consolidate with low cost COLOR Terms or trade. Wellman Motors, tele |o----Articles for Sale (pool Bec.) Sa aaa at deel! Map Bat bese tive nights pe " i k : P. & 1. @ month. fo hi Phone 728-7351, ae error) MRI A ag eee ¥ 900d . Telephone r week, «@ CLASSIFIED RATES va nn Many te Servi loan. It pe ae wins ig or "45 DUCATI 2507 cc, 1.800 rnllaay Tike Products repaired by experts on prem-| ' WORD ADS bdictiia dan ret Bad abn BA force: * sess ie BLACK and WHITE new. Telephone 668-5678. : fee Wit ens: canes: 103, Byron 5! GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc.| Starting salary $3 per hour, DIVISION ST. TRI Cash -- insertion o' words, ' oes on. -- -- _ ~ hil * Highest prices. Call anyti e. MacNeill's | i 4, odditional words Se each; 3 consecy-| dips! ar BRANCH REALTY | FOR THE BEST CALL 1946 SUZUKI, excellent condition, must a --saaivesh Th Goad omar Masann anyie. Mache ma erties es Hf, VII_@. This property tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi-| or - * sell. $185. 228 Farewell, Oshawa condition, $15; three. 's a a jood r jood investment to ¢ ; } Sicha ly chb shih snttsSeberedht oc * ; "quarter continental | WAN T . fi eee 9 se tiaeins St 8e sone 7k com gue ie GE rk, ¢ rds, INVESTMENTS T R | 0 |HONDA CB 160, only 1,100 miles. Tele. bed, $12; Johnston 10 horsepower motor, |onn sig pee ou Y 49,1967, Centennial soc you are having dificulty mak- on, for the buyer wh tive ji ns , 940; ne i" work, cupbdoerds, . . . . coins. $13 per roll, 70c each or will trade _|for other coins. 723-6910. +.|----_----_---- [13--Articles for Rent | LIMITED 51 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario |Phone 623-2712 between 12 and 1 o'clock. 1965 HONDA $90, one owner. Reason- able. Telephone after & p.m. 725-8620. SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE {in good running condition, $50. 576-1623. | CONTINENTAL BEDS from $29.95, m tresses half price, all sizes, headboards Jone-third. off, Factory outlet. 723-3889, ing financial ends meet call 123-1146 tional words 24¢ each, Charge---10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. |recreation rooms, and stairs, Free esti- want to lay out a Ia mates, Telephone 725-7046, payment, over $200.0( coming in. Phone tonig TELEVISION FOR CLEANER, SHARPER Method of Counting -- Less than 24 Dentistry _ herds 723-1137 2a 20 TV RECEPTION [S--Trailers a WHEEL ALIGNMENT. SPECIAL AUSTIN HEALY parts for sale, electric| i F i for personal interview onl particulars. initial toga or bb Sviction oa ts os | CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental! 725-0532 Your Own | ee |. Dodge, - Bord) Pie overdrive, transmission, etc. 4 Eliza-| ee pane Dobe ae pee A te only e nitial, figure or abbreviation counts as|s , 172 King Street East, Oshawa. ait ° j rt reet, Pickering. 942-1762. | es, Cutlery, lasses, Coffee ' one. word: phone number counts to | Ear eel enti dee ees FOR Ist and 2nd Shasta Trailers mouth, Fontiog, We. correct lence eevee "reach, Phil| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal evoilable for those qualify. DUPLEX--$11,9( stonindldacth- 5 Et dL A iSO a wheel alignment, inspect and 9 ' peat Bene HAMILTON, CYRIL W. Doctor of Dental MORTGAGE LOANS | SALES and RENTALS correct caster and comber fips. Good condition. $25. Telephone 78-| Wear, Men's Formals, White | |------_____ ~ Vill @ Older property _ - urgery,: 1 ing St, E. For appoint- i a ' ees fees Peis ; a) t ith SPGIAL NOTICES oe os cents user, |(Tnnts call 725-1712, hain poe Pty ig an 728-5143 | Richard B.A align toe-in and toe-out to |SEWING MACHINE SALE. Singer auto| 'O% Furs, Mink Stoles PART TIME bd wsdl tl hides tional charge' not pald within'® der™| Dressmakin GAGES -- FREE Avice, |--Comer Bond and Division ett | corect condition 4 |eipecmmatee reget $8, 'new $19] SARGEANT'S RENTALS | UPHOLSTERY MAN now rented for $75 ti "Dri i _-- : -- -- e t t f d, |super-matic, regular » now +} i . IN MEMORIAMS lonecamnene a oa Arrangements may be made Simcoe and Taunton Rd, 5 Woata hee papel ee White iazag, nranular $139, paw siz%,| 462 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 for repairing used ear trim, other owner occupied. -- e@ 7 m ; Z oie s , i 2 & |. -- = ------ 4 ay Macatee elk tic oe in s coats, dresses, Beautifully "tallored "ibe in your own home. Fast cour- TRADE ae IN open 'till 9 p.m. extra, ing Centre, 38 Bond Street West {WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walk.. Must be able to operate venient terms -- Vend verse; 25¢ additlonal charge if not paid|covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. teous service. a e LARGE PILE of well-weathered barn|¢"s: Teducing machines, sick room sup-| commercial sewing machine, mortgage ot 7%. Rei within 8 days. iz : - ROSEN YOUR PRESENT VACATION TRAILERS BRAKE SPECIAL boards, In good condition. Telepinone nes |PHIES. Id Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, | Apply in person only to rental district. Take c TARD OF THANKS |Gardening and Supplies snaiiae | for RENT " | 2544. --_______| ENTERTAINING? Fifiy to. one hundred | of the offered opportu a dat ree = sere Puy 7 Ont. Mortgage Brokers Assoc AERIAL | Corsairs, Mobilux, Hunter, ey popular cars. First petite lado bid * lke fully equipped fevers, bathe wettens "ner "Nitchen | WHITTICK aca Serge if not ald within dk doe Garden Su lies Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 rs Tag A Long, Wood's, West- Rvality $14 88 wieels | hee Tan 'apply 38 Frontenac Parking. See ne ig rT: FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale ern, etc. ; hale A l,l aia na On ei MOTORS LTD | BOWMAN AVEN Spd a $2.00, tor the pp agreements purchased and) sold. Henick - EE aiNG gles TRAILERS PROP Utes eT lecy. FT. CHEST freezer, aw sian | Business Opportunities ' WHITBY first 20 words and 6c each thereofter i ef and Hennick, Barristers, ing Stree CABLE TV M 3 ILE *! wher months ago, cos! . Best ciish offer IN, x 5 (Word 'Ads). Niagara Bug Killers East, 723-7232. | Harwood N., Ajax 942-3491 (labor cost) potent ae lida Bid ny_exclusive area Owne oun 1250 Dundas E., Whitby 1X @ Magnificent 4 AUCTION SALES Pomogreen FIRST AND SECOND Terenas avele, SS e pel ied ar pete re eters Nocent' Dan aire, Rete: eee | home featuring any 5 PER INSERTION, able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock music stand, music books, like new, . Oe leski, R + 723- B rr -- t fl ti 8 $2.38 PER INCH PE e Gardenalt Street Northe Whitby. (666-3508 H OSHAWA EAST END TEXACO {> WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL complete. 260 Taunton Rd. W., 49 p.m. |CORNER STORE, tilly aeuioRan east eiGERGED aren at = i DEADLINES C Zc FIRST AND SECOND mortgag ee- CABLE Eg TRAILERS for SALE Including weights per wheel |GOLF CLUB BARGAIN -- mem's right|Varicty. Six-room apartment for owner, large living i ian kn ygon ments of sale purchased. Telephone Vv Tent Trailers for sale or rent, each TeGlars 1.95 jhand registered set, nine irons, four | Must be sold. Call Don Stradeski, Realtor |" ME recreation room, attac! gic riga ries laa Set tere te & models from $299 up, SORTA Ott cy (Meme ONO Or CHANIC roby hey Nye ? alathion inti: . 723-5278 Camping Supplies, hitches -END WORK at | sean cule ea te garbage LOST AND FOUND j ping plies, | -| route, good | f biti : " 5 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Chlordane jPainting and Decorating : | made, 10 to 12 foot boots COMPARABLE PRICES. | Araty " ney HD gpitl, double bad with a Included 4 omc Foe eet: | Steady Employment, vipectng bagel BIRTHS AND DEATHS DDT | $89 and $159, aL zoe cence. Inquire at Cowanville Auto O& opp 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Chi R Dig PAINTING 7 V TOWERS 576-1250 UNIROYAL CROSSLEY Shelvador 9 cu. fh. vetriger. (Wreckers, RR 2, Newcastle," or" phone PHONE 725 05 2: spect. IN_MEMORIAMS ond tia. ea oe dae [HOUSE "TRAILER for rent, sleeps six. [at exras; "Spicy weShng. Soaent ye : ~ jenced man preterad Mush Nave seers " CARD OF THANKS | Jiazinon Very Reasonable Prices, "BUILT IN OSHAWA" [Telephone 728-6007, CENTRES |thoroughly new, In top condition. Rea.| !5---Employment Wanted TE ree OR PVR 00d BUY NOW ik ' | Atox | FREE ESTIMATES AT OUR OWN PLANT [TRAILER HITCHES made and insfali-| Sonable. 668-5682, OY ores rarer parvo cmmaion |Hotel Lancaster, Oshawa. 27-31 King St. X @ You'll hove lots « crt jena epee previous; 2 est.| Slug Killer J. 0 TOOLE Shik eminent tore ten hale | The New Nome of |eotrar plod lody's, size 6 Good The Best Service Yet es NRSLE SONE Me? ing money when you liv 7 4 a oO * ; add tail ENA alba A BB aad aE lcondition. Telep! -5307. | 324 ; umns or lerger -- 10 a.m. day previous.| King Bug Killers 576-1829 ne ° ve you a better tower |FOR RENT -- Cabin trailer, sleeps tive | DOMINION TIRE STORES |DINING ROOM SUITE, like new, dark | CLEANING BY FRED aap pee a a RS economical 2 storey 3 CANCELLATIONS AND | DDT and Dithane Anytime 'or less money jrent by the week. Telephone 725-8245. | 17 Park Road South |watnts $375. Telephone 723-5673, Windows---General, Commercial ee eeu Selling experience not neces- ee ae io i} PAINTING AND PAPER h ae any aio Phone 725-651 [CHESTERFIELD and chair, newly re: Industrial, Residential 5 dential i ee eee ey ne Pe OLE ue tht before] Miecigt sh ge terior and exterior. Free estimates and OSHAWA 7 V 5A--Camping i 5 jl ee ae 5 W 2 | Severed in Old Rose 'nylons "alto. oe sais midery ia pee ek, Sane Meroe now is the time to bu publication will be charged one doy's| he eh low prices, Telephone 728-2834. as oe | ; [Toor ai correla rarausite chair. Mov-| sae inde tekiitius jtin Realtor, 728-5103 prices rise. insertion | Tank Sprayers 'SENAY % . loans : | \EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. Large ® BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 Lawn Soakers Plumbing and Heating 5 SUPPLY LTD, Ka mping Essar : = | 668-6973 company "has opening for' @. local vere While every endeavor will be mode sl r i PIANO, apartment size, good condition, |----------__"2--S 72S ident with business or sales background. CENTRAL PARK SC forward replies to box nunivers to the) Lawn Hose P| bj Di TAUNTON RD. E. Unlimited $525. Telephene 728-1176. TODDLERS PARADISE Reply "stating "eerscral history, educa- X1.@ A Q00d storey on bdvertisers as. soon as possible, wa oc-| RX 15, 20, 30 umbing iscount (Just East of Ritson) Oshawa Shopping Centre SHUPFLEBOARD | for | sale, excellent! ~ FROBEL -- MONTESSORI tion and experience to Box 70018, Osh- fine ae Tie S ept no liability in respect of loss or sf ' condition, never been used; grey all- Day N, School we imes. i a Jamaged alleg through eithi 1 rug, 6 x 9 with underpad, $35, ly Nursery Schoo | => BURR T % jood cond somaged alleged to Forwording-tuch ve-| Everything For The Gorden wer eeiek St Norh, _723-8131 723-8132 | TOWNLINE RD. NORTH BLAZON Wool a, 6°% 9, with underpe Special Summer classes for (RAFTER, {meal yore er house ik in good cong plies, however caused whether@by negli ; Tr B "66 SPARTAN console TV, good condi-| children up to'8 years, Out- |evee en att bom 12 eaped ables Mtoe raplled neatins mal Cooper Smith Co. Direct to you, plumbing sup- TELEVISION -- RADIO Waker ord Bell pean hing GYM SET |fion, $150, or will consider portable on| side activities including swim- lehed Talal teat an iy we pare lege $15, 600.0 in 20 doys 'i | 16 CELINA ST - plies Everything tig the 24 hour Service Tr one rin Meade gin eae ee ee ming. 723-0734 for appoint- onan soe Ley wee B the Bi * Club on Eula | - - ye : , ents, ING rs, "sf sini at ker Tae dieaciose 'ommission. ly Bro rs lone | 723-2312 723-1139 plumbing line. 20% off all man Pr dl Sleeping Bags SAVE $10. WRINGER WASHER with pump, four) ent. | 2691. "3 bata Call for appointment. 17 REGULATIONS P oducts, Sleeping Bags, if) : : Delivery Servi u years old. Telephone 623-5196. Brock St. E., Oshawa ee ae Breas THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT ut elivery Service supplies. HOLMES etc i SO, relemnone. 6 i os e 2X ~---.| TWO _ advertising representatives, qual: down payment. RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| BEE Il st Display of Tent Trail S ecial $29 88 B-FLAT Conn clarinet, in new condition, |LOVING CARE for pre-schoolers in. my | fied appointments, over 25 with car will. e MGEMENTS RUGIAIETIO DERE 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. j Largest Display nt Trai pecia : welt, ratent, care: priced reasonatsly to/rome, Lake Vista area. Prefer fiveday ling to make €-10'cells, weskiy Iitreneg THAN IN WRITING WoT FoR wane] J. KAMSTRA SATURDAY 9 a.m.-5 p.m ELECTRONICS ers and Camping Equipment ell, Phone 72xsis6. ____| Waele, Playmates for three-year-old. Rea-lin earning $100 weekly sna uc tonnes SPLIT LEVEL MERTEEMINY On bean THE complete CLOSED WEDNESDAY ii toa Area. Reg. 39.99 WRINCER Washing machine, $20. Tele- MOVING. Mae hues Ta a sk 10s os ES a calraoieane Xil©@ 4 bedroom hor 5 eas jone § : ang , 728-2882, . RICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN- | ANDSCAPING ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel RENTALS Tent Troiler Rentals Still STOVE, cleciric einchy excellant "Ge. truck with driver. Lawn maintenance, 19--Male and Female as a whistle and all it | SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. shes ling, new and used materials, Reasoratle TOWERS Available. Set includes, two passenger |dition, $25. Telephone Wé-enee or C0 1ORS BONS FORNONODIE, Help Wanted your furniture. Loads ¢ The Oshawa Times reserves the right to = Ai N rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. lawn swing, airglyde lus lee a ry a a 1 - SUMMER CLEAN-UPS, windows, Walls |; ----__--__-- Ee ?7 with 2 baths, built-in st Meaty sets Cae ial GARDEN SERVICE ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING "up. TOWNLINE ROAD NoRTH , 7 P E AUTOMATIC defrost refrigdrator,|and floors, offices, homer Free Esti-| y Sanet ciation" 9 plies. Telephone 725-2521, Harald" B. PHONE 668-5679 two swings with gym rings almost new, meat counter | scale, newimates. Telephone 725-1885, oven, Close to Golf a es of display advertisements 728-8267 Stark Ltd., | Plumbing, | Heating and 5 x and trapeze bar, it's like hav- etfice chairs, tine ae pet wate MOVING JOBS, take away garbage, or DATA Schools and public tra: in the cases of display advertivements| Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South. SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 728-9942 ing o whole park for your Jing, modern dictating, equipment, raylodd fobs to be dene be weak Reason- tion, Asking $21,900 | cing. 'The 'ybtunes| @ LAWN MOWER REPAIRS (Rug - Upholstery Service | Fast T.V. Service beck yord, 2 YM OT ete, ert meee arta ea oe! ~~ PROCESSING offer. Call tonight for n peal é cles mublisiers | - -v. oof racks. Everything must be sold./!472. ee ee ea ; miduvo 16 reproduce Gh eaversah @ MOTORS, PLUGS CHECKED }--------___--___--__-__--___---- 1 Mile North of King St. E. back yard, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 1985-7160. | BAY GARE given to Tnfenl Th muy home, formation, atter correctly, but assume no liability! @ BI ADES 'SHARPENED m OSHAWA DOMINION Open till 10 P.M. Daily CHESTERFIELD and chair (red), $35, Monday to Friday. Adelaide West, Tele- JUNIOR bd of advertisement it ony inaccuracies in| mi c | = suitable for cottage; stroller $12. Tele|Phone 28-3671. EE any form are contained therein. | @ PARTS WELDED # RUG CLEANERS TELEVISION | ' : phone 728-6017, GRADE 13 FEMALE student dearer OPERATOR COUNTRY RANCt ins cad 3 MACE A | Telephone Professional rug and uphol- roletia 5 |6--Moarine Equipment ALUMIN U M _ |saevs sathinette, new 7 ¢|full_or part-time in sales XII] @ One-year-old ran TIMES ACTION WANT AD Oshawa TV Supply Ltd. stery cleaning done in your |_728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m... |--------___+-- | Ln: a a See Se ter aes Felennens icine door to. door selling, : galow with garage and I Call Classified Direet } 723-8131 home or our office. Call for T.V. Rentals SPECIAL @ SIDING Tureen On COLTON Three BME et A Vacancy exits for o Junior 75' x 400' in Pickering 723-3492 j--------------- ee eo 9 New sin ft, Aluminum car top, e winners fisteeutev wiins cient fe 'rome|!7--Female Help Wanted pb Processing GRE -- ; nice size 64 { kitchenette suite, $60 complete. &:ow-|~ Ss sessing a minimum o' arge living room an | GOOD STOCK SOD 5- 961 ALCAN @ DOORS |manville 623-5340, Grade 11 education and one kitchen wtih plenty of cu; : | CULTIVATED FIELD RED FURNITURE ond MARINE STORAGE LES KITCHEN TABLE, office desk, dining. INDUSTRIAL year experience in a Data and dining area. Just on INDEX TO | Excellent Quolity, Low Prices, | INTERIORS by WINDOLF "APPLIANCES d SUPPLY LTD trator, stove, treeter: "sotomatic. 'ap NURSE Processing Centre, north of Highway No. 2. CLASSIFICATIONS Loaded or Delivered @ Custom Upholstery 452 Simcoe South | oy : EV EN | S 5 sr and iver. Paul bass amplifier. Tele:| A vacancy exists for the 's position can lead to-ad- commuter home fo ronly / | 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. Phone 725-9100, vancement in this field 000 with terms. 1--Women"s. Calumnn Visitors Welcome @ Re-Covering 723-0011 -- -- SALES LTD. [9 jo, p --_--|_ hewly created post of indus- | Qualified apolice as may op- e z--Personal 725 9674 SONS omnes ale nll oe F | 2 * |9---Market Basket trial Nurse. Candidates must ply to: o--oPOris shapes rince St. -463 wince - - A ij no ee PSE ; @ Antiques Restored REE ESTIMATES 15 Princes 725-4632 be o R dN y WHITE 4--Motorcycies cE Site a : JOE'S CO R ii celgerteanietertaatiek ce FRESH STRAWBERRIES, picked daily.| °° % Registere lurse with JOHN ot. 5--Trailers MERION KENTUCKY | pa 39 Simcoe N. LO HEN to repair or refinish your boat, CITY TV televisions, radios, |RR 2, Townline, 1% miles north of King} industrial "experience, Re- PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT. XIV @ Lovely tree shad 'Marine Equipment : PRE and Radio Service any size or construction, service and repairs. Service Street. ese | SPONsibilities will include | SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY exceptionally large garage Swap BLUE GRASS 728-3651 MARKET S-Articies for, Sale oe 0-30. ee SPECIALIZING IN- ; CALL dev. tom 7 days : = OW RiraWoetrion aston wre Pie Your venering of ge ind sg WHITBY, ONTARIO less clean storey and on 9--Market Baske' 2 ees: , ants to minor i ; ' idi 3 re Pp 1 so T.V. towers, color an = Bierce chic : illnesses; on eM at SER ACs SS eet md Aluminum sidi on co Jo--Farmer's Column | All-Green Nursery REU Bir nL NG ThOe Reon AN, Oshawa Yachthaven black and white T.V. Anten- pb LT FOR SALE. Tele associated clerical duties; no i is opel na mit toke bc l2--nrticles Wanted | Sod Growers @ Wide Selection of Fabrics AIRS 723-8186 nas, rotors installed. Sales Ee | ShIFt, work is anticipated, Cocktail Waiters first mortgage from a | TemArrictes for went Visitors Welcome @ Work hio G thea 13 Bond W. 576-1670 | | and Service 9.0m. 109 pm. |9A--Egas & Poultry Candidates may apply in all d : rchaser. Truly a. be 4--Businass Opportunities 795.9 . orkmanship Guarantee acre ttn i aE REN htc LN AAO CHRIS CRAFT a sent 'onfid f an Waitresses pu . S=Empioyment wanted (29-9674 --~ TOWN LINE N (tive full years) TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower r 248 Quebec St. Call 725- |&GGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY =| confidence to: home at only $18,900. a pan Welees i M. north Taunton Village © Easy Budget Terms--Free |structure, all-channel antenna installed, SALES and SERVICE 0500. All work guaranteed, | White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 655-4752. PERSONNEL MANAGER FULL TIME tonight to inspect. 17.---Female = _ McVay fibreglas sail boats, icked up, delivered at Store or home. Crestliner, Peterborough and : = $50. Osh v i KLAR F 12--Male Help Wanted FOR FREE estimates Estimates Rob Eat just ai hie > URNITURE COMPANY of hedge trim 10--Farmers' Column 9--Male or Female Help Wanted ming, lawn culling, tree removal and| @ Over 20 years experience ----_ DRAPES REPAIRED picldesle as WHITBY -- / Also Bartenders 26--Real Estate For Sele demolishing of old buildings call 723-5498 . Northcraft runabouts. Evin- DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm si pit. ee . SHOPPING CENTR 20e-_Summer Properties jor 72-9073 id Spee a ee AND RELINED €d up promptly. Margwill' Fur Ferin,| WOULD YOU BELIEVE Apply Mr. Campbell XVI @ We have :an i Barbe fide fg Ms NURSERY and (ield sod. Free esii|--.__ ba EN : OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN M&E Tyrone, Telephone Collect Hampton 243. TOY CHEST late home on a large fer eal Estate Wanteo mers..2nd | Prompt delivery. Telephone ustom Welding 723-8186 DRY GOOD podotlllbe nl ceRadiacn sc, GENOSHA HOTEL ; with built-in Moffat sto tores Offices and Storage GARDENS Ror cals PROFESSIONAL Electric, corbon rc, Hil |3s- wp SCOTT "motor with controls, Ex yrseeen GIne Bho. Wht mie er OF TERS : oven. 3 good sized bed 2 % 7 5 ' é - i is | 4 o Pai oes lne dy mg and lawn mowing. Telestone seems] RUG CLEANING trailer hitches, repairs, etc, [cellent condition. Telephone 728-44ta, & DRAPERIES |sell for hay. Telephone 7257108 0 MORE $$$ MORE FUN lean wig we ccs g : and only $5,000 down. Ts eee so aa a 2 Day Service OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY LTD. acRinice Sate -- Nearly new "15 723-7827 [THORNTON ROAD NORTH si acros gop ett Ang [as fental agents and part-time superine : now to inepect. Seah REEL TYPE j, 'S sharoe 2 t luminum runabout, convert- ith stream. Will tf ft U. lendents in Oshaw t Bcilenied to Rent Prema M acy ae coer Tae] "A nh ond Delve | Teunton Ral ES betwesn [i many edn Psi "| Trine A Auctions [tigi tte Teatone Ent" "| No Investments, Collections, or Fis Satine tah a, oe Ee jPhone 723-9525, 728-6879, . :_ 728-1228. riple uction: Beep paae perme i, x one 723-5111, 1-8 p.m. Compact 'Cars. tor' Sale eae ce ro Angus-Graydon 723-8131 |FOURTEEN-FooT" aluminum "runabout | Free piek up "of your house- ment, 'Also 'hay for" 799-5868 es cea acme ec ae or 2--Trucks for Sale GET CASH FAST -6254 gina PCRS erences be ' oa wih 5 stvering and hold goods, -furnishin STANDING HAY ic 3 i | - Vote j " ' ; gs ete. 'ANDING HAY M PB selene pour | c aml RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab:| TIMES ACTION IBaleO-Matic' neetten" Top 'Condition Sales held every 2nd Satur- {ORDER NOW, fresh at bailed hay. Will|~ a ome | IF IT'S FOR SALE 16 Simcoe Street Sout 35--Lost and Found SELL WITH TIMES lished. 20 years. Workmanship guaran-|. [Package deal, $795. 1527 Lakeside Street, day. deliver. 728-5221. Wa nt Ads Don't | AN 36--Legal teed. F, ti e ats ee sae -- oo j hier a sma Seat ae 3--Leoal ACTION CLASSIFIED -- |ireser "fessuin torrent ems. Mat!" = CLASSIFIED ADS IS Jeiaoh 'Cee Honan iar Blasted ys0cp0 & Seley PON ER Goer Toe carts ACTION CLASSIFIED 723-5281 3%--Coming Events D Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, vf ! accessories, including steering wheel. 6032 Kingston Rd tooth hartous Pores nditio P5630 - | AD 3--Netices ADS [Saaan, BRING RESULTS! Telephone 723-9537 after 4 p.m. "Highland Creek 282-5604 -- Telephone 6582736. ee ae ost- ey ay! WILL SELL IT! f b i ' ae ' A