Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Jul 1967, p. 12

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JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, July 3, 1967 Cine enesrnnns ae sa a a ' oa . " THIS CAIRN in front of significance. Described as dedicated by Reeve John the re-constricted East an important event by Libis ae oak ge ithy n > ownship (left) an "a Whitby Town Hall com Prime Minister Lester B. Matthew 8. Dymond, On: memotates its historical Pearson, the cairn was -tario Minister of Health Health Minister Officiates At Dedication Of Cairn COLUMBUS (Staff) -- More! "But," said Dr. Dymond, "a! 'I sent congraiulations on the than 500 East Whitby residents|changé in our national "charac-,occasion of your Centennial cele- gathered on the lawns of the|ter is becoming more and more brations today," Columbus Town Hall Friday for|evident, with more interest hav- Prime Minister. 'Your project the dedication of a cairn com-|ing arisen in who we are. is a real contribfifion to Can- gee oy its re-construction, "Let's think about Canadian- @da's heritage aad 1 would like 'Tonight we're saying Happy to be with you, but must ac- Birthday to all Canada," said ism and:how to help build a company the Queen-on her visit The Hon. Matthew P. Dymond, Petter world," he said. to Canada." Ontario Minister of Health, at Prime Minister Lester B the dedication. Pearson, invited to the dedica- tional Band provided music for "It's taken Canada a long tion and unable to attend due to the ceremony _and a "'pop"' con- time to get off the ground," said committments in Ottawa, sent a cert following the main event. the Minister. 'In fact we tend message of congratulations) A barbeque attracted a large to downgrade ourselves too which will become a part of the, majority of the people attending, much -- self-criticism is a na- permanent records of the Town'taking place behind the town tional pastime. Hall. hall in open air. Queen Visits Church | wrote the @ federal ae | (right). A color guard was formed by local scout and girl guide trooops for the occasion --Oshawa Times Photo | Raspberries, When Let Go? ABBOTSFORD, B.C. (CP)-- How do you make a raspberry want to let go? This problem is the object of - provincial research could lead to raspberry har- program that more efficient vesting. Researchers are looking for a way to make raspberries drop off the canes and into harvest-! O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- ers before they become too ripe| to survive the picking and sort-! ing process. "There is a change that takes place in the physiology of the jfruit," says horticulturist Ian jCarne of Abbotsford, » farming community in the Fraser Valley east of Vancouver. "One day it is stuck and the next day it falls off. The ques- tion is why and how can. we influence it. "If we can influence this 'sailor boarded his yacht Gipsy|should be all right." 'Sir Francis Chichester To Be Knighted By Queen PLYMOUTH (AP)--Sir Fran-|of 280 days alone at sea on-his|the light breeze. Pale sunshine jcis Chichester, Britain's lone) voyage, was smiling and in good | broke through the clouds and 'round - the - world mariner, set spirits in the sentimental re-|there was rain in the air, bul off Sunday on a leisurely voyage union with his stout 53-foot Sir Francis said he was happy |from this historic English port | Gipsy Moth. with conditions. for London to be knighted by the' 'I'm fine," he told reporters.! "Wwe could do it in a couple Queen. "The doctors tell me that as/ of days," he added confidently. Looking fit, the 65-year-oldjlong as I have enough grog I|'But we obviously have to face 5 the possibility of easterlies and Moth IV again after leaving the Grog he defined as 'any in-|we must keep the appointment | ond igre Hospital srg He toxicating liquor." ln Friday." has been under treatment for an| The 350-mile sail to London) i@ Sir Francis | ulcer since June 6--only eight | will take him through the SE Bly gucagerppbaigh maby set days after sailing into Plymouth lish Channel, the Strait of Dover|few days to "regain his sea at the end of his epic solo 28,500-|and up the Thames to Greer-|jeys but after that he will virtu- mile journey to Australia and wich Royal Naval College,jaiy be on parade again until back around Cape Horn. where he will receive Friday the the Jast lap Pi 8 \EARLY WEEK Money Saving Features AT |. On this trip he has_a.crew of accolade of knighthood from the |- three--his wife, Lady Chiches-| Queen, now visiting in Canada. | ter; his son, Giles/and a friend, \cmar, Errol a retired GIVEN HEARTY SENDOFF Number of television sets per Royal Navy officer. Hundreds of holidayers saw hundred households rose from Sir Francis, who spent a total'the Gipsy Moth IV set out in/48 to 53 between 1965 and 1966. : } MORE HAVE TV "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" BAYSIDE FANCY RED SOCKEYE SAVE 10c SALMON *=" 49 SCOTIAN GOLD-CHOICE 48 OZ. TINS APPLE ] JUICE ST. WILLIAM'S -- RASPBERRY OR STRAWBERRY 4 9 C JAM "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" -- RICHMELLO A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited CAMERA DEPT. K K 24 OZ. JAR OFFER! : ICE. 'ici' gue SSAA UV C = _K mart CAMERA DEPT = CREAM «« $7 ota oR Bio Ee ae SHIRRIFF SAVE 10¢ POTATO CHIPS 12 OZ. ONTARIO -- SWEET & CRISP BAG FREE ROLL OF FILM! Power Failure Hits By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP)--A 58-minute power failure doused the lights and silenced the organ through nearly the. entire service at- tended by the Queen and Prince Philip at Christ Church Angli-| can Cathedral here Sunday | The royal couple had just ar rived and taken their seats at the front of the church when the power failed However, the hour-long serv ice wasn't interrupted or de- layed. The boy choristers sang beautifully, accompanied only by the heavy beat of rain on the high wooden roof on the 94-year- old church. The congregation that began filling the church nearly two hurs before the 11 a.m." serv- ice started was told by a min ister that a high tension wire had been knocked down by a squall. The lowering weather held until the Queen, wearing a mus- tard yellow hat and a summery turquoise and yellow floral two- piece dress, was in the church She knelt, head bowed, at the priedieu and Prince Philip fol Jowed. Then they sat, waiting for the service to begin, and the lights went out and the organ stopped. RAIN STOPS IN TIME The power was returned in time for the last hymn and the rain had stopped momentarily as the royal couple left the church, a continuation of the good luck they have had with weather since arriving in Can- ada Thursday The Queen laughed about the incident and told the Anglican clergymen that it would make the service memorable. Organist-choirmaster Godfrey Hewitt responded smoothly and efficiently to the emergency With the organ gone, he had the 50 boys and 12 men in the choir fall back on standard mu- sic rather than the more intri- cate pieces he had prepared The Queen later asked Very Rev. F. R. Gartrell, dean of Ottawa, to offer Mr. Hewitt "our congratulations' for his leadership There were few children in the congregation of 700. Only parishioners attended, single persons on the rolls getting one invitation, married couples two. ing accomplished: in the world, | of 1197's time cost only $1.96. mad and city police sur-'from the "" Galileo to Ein-'. Major companies in Western RADISHES 2 19°| CLARITA -- STANDARD -- 28 OZ. TIN SLICED PEACHES 3 ««].00 "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" RICHMELLO INSTANT = 'AVE 20 69: OFFEE '* SAVE 126 change so the berry will fall! more freely a day or two earlier, this will be a_ tre-- mendous help."* NEWS IN BRIEF. | CLOWN RETIRES FOR EACH ROLL LEFT FOR x DEVELOPING & PRINTING pes _©20, 120, 127, 126, 35mm YOU NEED NEVER BUY ANOTHER FILM! SIMPLY LEAVE YOUR NEXT FILM BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR AT K mart's CAMERA DEPART- MENT FOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING. YOU WILL GET A FREE ROLL OF THE SAME SIZE. eeeeeee @ FAST, EFFICIENT SERVICE ! FINEST QUALITY PRINTS ! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! eoeeeeeees FREE! SAME SIZE OF FILM WITH EACH ORDER! BLACK -&- WHITE OR COLOUR rounded the church and found!to worship in other ways or not themselves fending off a steady to worship at all could not be stream of the uninvited. denied those who had settled in ire weuniee since DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP) -- STANDS FIRM Yet he did not believe a coun-.Brad the Clown has retired One elderly woman who ar- try could exist without some after 51 years of making chil- rived nearly three hours before! spiritual and moral foundation. dren laugh. Albert Bradshaw, the service, and who had no in-| The primate said Canadians 8%, Says he 'has sold most of vitation, planted herself on the have not given the Indian and his equipment but kept "one steps Eskimo the dignity and respect) 200d clown suit--just in case." Finally a Mountie brought ajthey need to take their place in He gave his last performance chair outside and set it up for the country. in Winnipeg March 4. her beneath a small tree. He also referre 'rence eae bi "That gets her off the steps Ganedians en ROUTE PLANNED anyway,"' a relieved officer 'Although we do not always _BRIDGEWATER, N.S. (CP)| : said understand them... let us con- Earl Talboy, tourist director | During the service, Prince yey to then. our need for them.", [or the Nova Scotia South Shore Philip walked to the lectern to) {t was difficult for the young Associated Boards of Trade, | read in a clear voice over the to be impressed by history but "48 laid out a new coastal "our- | dead sound system from the the sense had to be there "lest ist route. The "Lighthouse Epistle of Paul the Apostle to!demonic forces take their place Route' will be marked by the Ephesians, chapter 2, verses in the unconscidus." lighthouse signs, and run from 1-10 He joked at the outset of the Halifax county along the coast | The verses, taken from the sermon about the power failure. '° Yarmouth following the} new English translation of the 'This is not the first time in SMoreline wherever possible. | Bible, carry the promise of sal- this cathedral church that on LOAD IS RECORD | vation through grace, important occasions things 7m ' | ' sain sca heat a , have gone wrong." 4 LORT ALFRED, Que. (CP) | CONFEDERATION A TOPIC He recailka the tine © the The 15,615-ton Heering Lotte, a | Most Rev, A A, Clark. An: iichte went out just as the Aer. newly - built Danish freighter, glican Primate of Canada, gaye hon was to tart One light fi- left here for Australia recently a iy anielte sermon built around nally beamed on the pulpit. a a record 9,730 ens c Ca- Confederation, Canada's respon- ike sikine nadian newsprint valued at sbiies and' the unforgetta.pThegimiiter using the BIDIe. more than $100.00 The previ ble' celebrations. that: 'pennies. who had Kat ous record shipment was 9,084 Canada had been a Christian dictiees hive seen a: at ot ee ON. | $ great country in 1867, but the freedom ' light." ARAR HEINZ -- 14 OZ, TINS VEGETARIAN BEANS 9«].00 "DOMINION'S OWN BRAND" HILLTOP TEA xs 5g: RARRAARARAR BAGS PRESSWOODS--VAC PACKED SWEET PICKLED SHOULDERS ib. 4 5: EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Velues effective Mon., Tues., Wed., July 3.4 & 8 K-Mert Pleze, Mid Tewn Whitby Downtown Oshewe, Bowmanville We Reserve The Right Te Limit Quentity DOMINION STORES LIMITED THIS WEEK ONLY Expo Color SLIDES 5 Slides Per Pkg. 89c Expo Viewmaster REELS 1.44 each GARDEN ON ROOF i . . ' MONTREAL (CP)--This city i will soon have a penthouse gar- American Computer Feeds den hotel described as a mod- ern version of the "hanging| I { . . gardens of Semiramis". The n ormation 0 B.C. Firms Ma-acre garden will have eg sie c ridges, moats, and a m | VANCOUVER (( P)--An elec-jstein, for about $5, and do it botanical finery a sinner, "i tronic computer at Richland, without a n.istake."' winter water fountains will Wash., is providing inforn-ation In seconds it can find the form ice sculptures. for business firms in Western optimal solution--such as the Canada through a Vancouver-| best marketing strategy to com- RETIREMENT AGE UP based company. pete in business, Mr. Anderson BUENOS AIRES (AP)--The Computer Sciences of Canada Says. It would match people ga TSE en tet et Oe offers its clients direct com- the right jobs. It also had a|!aised the retirement' age from) munications lines from points)Series of "canned" programs|®® 0 ee aa ee & Plat 1] in the West to a Univac 1107 at for sales forecasting, inventory |"eshape the old Peronist social Richland. The 1107 with its huge analysis, marketing, production iatabd Sy . memory bank can provide spe- cosst and flow tintes. cific directions within five min- 107 , utes on how to solve a great BIG BLECTRIC BILL Canada that have their own q computing equipment also use A simple program might cost the 1107, Mr. Anderson says. as little as $200. An entire space. 'That's because they cannot flight program could go as justify the $5,000,000 in equip- high as $1,000,000. These "'pro-|ment just to meet their own grams" are needed before you|needs, let alone the $2,000 ean pick the computer's brain.| monthly electric bill.'"' But .once you have completed| This, he says, is why the con- formula programming -- called|cept of remote time - shared) \Fortran, the international Jan-|data processing is as important "It could do all the comput-| guage of computers--14 seconds|to computing as the concept of interchangeable parts has been {to the manufacturing industry. ARARARARARARRARRARAAR variety of problems "Even IBM, one of the giants of the computer industry, sub- scribes to its services," says Gordon Anderson, 40 - year - old) University of British Columbia graduate who is general man- ager of Computer Sciences. "9 i 4 % Albert Oshawa waves te urday's By TORONT crats toda: a nationa with one e: ave man's Forum { the fourth the sociali from the 1 viewed pr farmer an better eco About 1, pected for tion, possi general ele 1969. It wa from the t that prospt One ex: hoped to ti the main the Carter which rec BEFO] 20. Fo: A 20 - ough youtk engineerin, victed in Court Frid cealed we: William 9, Cone. 4 Peterborou city police of Adelaid ion Street 28. At this eycle chai taped and found in motorcycle Magistra led it a appearance for occasi He went 0 do anythin it at some! Prior te Counsel Bi voice was motorcycle and was di ren in this When M: ed that L education he decidec and instea and costs ed him on the peace year. WALLET A convi theft of a a parked S., led to. in the cot Bounduns, Ave., Osh: Magistra the jail se ed that F on suspenc viction fo February. He warn step one you can brought bi ed for aut SENTENC David J. ber of the eyele Clut sentencing obstructins Magistrate every goo sentence } cided to for one 1 youth had tence rept He wart sides at ' he was " business t doing dur WRONG 1 A charg

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