Ads' s Wanted NITURE wanted, etc. "all anytime. MacNeil's 1, 668-6526. JY, 1967 Centennial S0e i a, _-- or will trade s for Rent irs, Linens, Dish- Glasses, Coffee h Bowls, Bridol s Formals, White link Stoles. T'S RENTALS Rd. S. 725-3338 beds, walk. chines, sick room sup , 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, Fifty to one hundred Tennis Club for ban- eddings, Bar, kitchen, s Opportuni es .E TIME Y MAKER $100 weekly in time, simonizing rr special polish- . No experience ® train you. $25 uu in business, ood credit. Tele- JOSEPH, 728- wrecking & business, "s 2,000 square feet, 2- with large overhead Property. For mere call Steve Englert alty Limited, modern, going con- a. Owner must sell. 725-5639 Jeanette 1, Realtor, 723-465). fully equipped, meat apartment for owner, Don Stradeski, Realtor pe required | Immedi- alion three bay major on. Must have real inimum of $5,000 to in- fon experience pre- 1 reply to Box 72227, ing qualifications and id times for personal "take over "oo for ambitious persone Sani-Van. with PCV at Cowanviile Aute Newcastle, or phone : rent + Wanted Service Yet 3 BY FRED eral, Commercial Residential stimates call OW CLEANING 6973 _ PARADISE MONTESSORI ery School ver classes for » 8 years, Out- including swim- 34 for appoint- es , Oshawa 'after boy and ¢ girl, d 10, In her own week, summer holi- mn and Olive. Tele- "pre-schoolers in 7 my rea. Prefer five-day three-year-old, Rea- nted cleaning « offices » Telephone after 6, Taking 2 'away gare ) be "ye by truck, 25-6070, sured. 728-2882, rent Lawn maintenance, reasonable. PS, windows, walls A gg Free Esti- away Garbage, or by_ truck. Reasen- ® 725-6070 or 723 Tnfant in my home, \delaide West. Tele- ning or housework 7 year old girl, TERS? Read Res lp Wanted FER UNITY 's World | OPEN ant e Editor a Times required in: y in typing, of grammar conscientious tail, interest es and work nizations in ty can prove ctive to high anxious to ding career ikers whose ched the age > longer re- ttention. id are asked ing to The hawa Times | be arrang- ERAPIST sio-therapist ' bed hos- e commen- ence. Apply g General rsion 304 R e required time. Tele- 17--Female Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES Good epening for well quali- fied sales ladies. Full or part time in arf exclusive ladies' sportswear -shop, Must have experience ond ability to close sales, References and appearances essential. op salary In keeping with qualifications. Apply in person to SEIGNEUR'S Sportswear, Oshowa Shopping Centre BEE LINE FASHIONS We are new looking fer part- time or full time represente- tives In your area to show nationally advertised lines of Ledies' fashions. Somples supplied, use of cor neces- sory. For personel appoint- ment eoll Mrs. Christoffersen 942-2347 PART TIME TEACHER for each of two classes Grade 11] Physics Grade 12 Chemistry Apply Principal OSHAWA CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL 700 Stevenson Rd, N. 723-5255 WOULD YOU BELIEVE TOY CHEST OFFERS MORE $$$ MORE FUN DEMONSTRATING TOYS. We Will Train You. Ne Investments, Collections, or leveries, 723-3568 ~ SECRETARY Fer chartered accountants-of- fice. Minimum ef 2 years experience required. For ap- pointment call 728-7371 $150 and UP 1 am looking fer a particular type ef weman who is inter- ested in earning $150 and up pert time. For interview telephone 942-1846 Ask fer Mr. Phelps AVON CALLING If you need extra money don't delay --- become an AVON representative. Territories available immediately in Osh- awe, Whtiby and Darlingten Twp. Mrs, J. Hill, 140 Non- _quon Rd., Qshawe 725-9696. WOUSEWivES sik In Oshawa - & Bow: W- manvyille, Oye is, salary Hirer details ayallabte bard a saiverue nine hours. ga e $3. or more. Wri te or Marea' S St. Batre t Ont. | WOMAN TO WORK on salad bar. Ex- pRérienced preferred, Apoly ™ person to dec NS | Sena eae aie JECRETARY RG REQUIRED 1 fer Henry treet High oa! Office; Must be typist and Prot with keeping rec rds, schedule, fringe benefits; from Board ecretary. Phone 668-8411. W. B. Thom- Son, Secretary, Box 86, Whitby, Ontario. EXBERISNCED WAITRESS + required, A Rojunda Restaurant, 10 4 ofan East. 7 EXPERIENCED GIRL, agéd 25 to 3 | years ia. for coffee bar ate ver Store. Telephoi tg 3932 or apply Bimcoe Street SAO¥SITTER Fi wr, "ond Bera foom an P a in this Het Potential Live-in, free ENT | le t and capable eet tadles : Exireprainery high income quali students, For In- terview phone 942-1846. DISHWASHER REGINGD. Fam p.m. shift. Appl esha jotel. b Genos! 1 Mr. Campbell, ME short order. cook, also si tT qir'- Apply Mr, Campbell, Hotel PAR' ar CHAMBER! equired at Hotel Gen- asha. Apply in persen, no phone calls please. SE CLEANING. WOMAN wanted, ome in ah vary eee week in aa by, 210 Cachrane St Yeleahene 60-965. SHIRT women with | . 648 litle ex yee Vid ding to learn. 6491, Bre four Martinizing, Whitby. Pxpenience ) LEGAL STENOGRA- for 1 aa Law Office. Reply |" gleting A sar ved and qualifications to Box Oshawa Times. iB at iow z 's whet Yan veh ihe Cita Nae Pant a new for an sd-riipy. 18--Mele Help Wanted _ ACCOUNTING POSITION AVAILABLE We require on ambitious young accountant, preferably an intermediate student ofa Representative 50 - 60 Years (PREFERRABLY MAN RETIRED) or semi-retired, to represent Dominion wide trade school, to quolify prospective stu- dents, who have applied for training 'courses in Oshawa ond area, The mon selected must be active, in good health and hove a goed car, Our :" employees ore covered by in- surance, pensions and com- pany benefits, Reply to Box M 71752 hawe Times or Phone S.DILLON 935 Weston Rd. Toronto 9 RO 6-4117 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS The opportunity every reliable experienced re- builder has been waiting for: --- Grewing National Organ- ization, Group Insurance. Mest Modern Facilities ond equipment. Pleasant Working Condi- tions. Hourly Wage Above Competitors. -- Time and One-Half over 40 Hours, COTTMAN AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION is opening in Oshawe on July 10, 1967. Coll Mr, §, W. MacKneson, Vice-President, Cettman Transmission Systems, 1912 Avenue Rd., Toronte. 787-6792. Secretary Manager for Private Curling Club in OSHAWA FULL EMPLOYMENT Written applications received until July 15, stating experi- ence and salary expected. I BOX 220 OSHAWA OFFICE POSITIONS Capable persons -- one to take full charge ef accounts receivable ----- other exper- ienced Accounts Payable op- eration, Each must be good typist, able to balance monthly and produce trial balance. Reply by handwritten letter to P.O, BOX 70 OSHAWA LICENSED MECHANIC Steady Employment. PHONE 725-0512 ded a i ea starting ~ scion le age. children. Tele-| [geen ission. Apply Browns' me ROUTE SALESMEN For local company. Must be 25 years of age, bondable and have desire for better earning. To arrange for interview. PHONE 723-0461 _ BODYMAN Men use to turning out top quality work required. Only experienced need apply in person to CLIFF MILLS MOT- ORS, 266 King Street West. WAITER for beverage room, enced man preferred. Must have good character reference. Apply manager |tetel Lancaster, Oshawa. 27-31 King St. experi- ES \WANTE - immediately, 5 real estate| salésman, unusual opportunity for the| right man. Selling experience not neges- sary -- we will train you. P.S.!. avall- able, For confidential interview call Ken Hann, Sales Manager. W, ©. Mer- fin Realtor, 726-5103. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. | Large Fa any has opening for @ local res- ident with business or sales background. Reply stating persona! histery, educe- tion and exasrisnce to Bex 70015, Ogh- awa Times. PORTER REQUIRED Wt G Genosha Hotel. Apply in 1 persen. youns "MAN required | for | part time job. Must be ambitious and alert to give estimates for residential driveways for a well-known having eemaany In Oshawe. For interview call 723-8691. WANTED immediately Gyproc lathers. Call | 723-5731, EXPERIENCED SALESMAN for eatab- lished retail bread route, steady round employment, guaranteed |START YOUR OWN home delivery route with @ preven product. Full er part time, must have suitable vehicie, Telephone 728-2974 after 7 p.m. acc so- ciety. The indigo! we need will be preparing financial statements, assisting in re- visions of systems and will be invelved in income tax work. The positian is a challenging one, with a form of char- tered accountants. If you are interested, please Write to Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Sells, Chartered Accountants Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, PLANT SUPERINTENDANT Required et once in the Windsor area, fof @ stamping and plating operation, En- joy liberal fringe benefits in @ growing operation. Apply in confidence stating -exper- lence, salary requirements etc,, te box M72362, Oshawa Times, 19--Mele and Female Help Wanted DATA PROCESSING JUNIOR 119--Male end Female Help Wanted Cocktail Waiters and Waitresses FULL TIME Also Bartenders Apply Mr. Campbell GENOSHA HOTEL COUPLE" WITH" NO children required as rental agents and part-time sinerio- Jendents in Oshawa apartment breton Free apartment plus incentive, Tele phone 723-5111, 1-8 p.m, 20--Real Estate for Sele GORDON Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST, E. WHITBY No. 2 Highway DIAL WHITBY 668-8826 TORONTO 364-6622 EAST HAVEN---OSHAWA @ 6 room brick home within 4 blocks of all schools, built in stove and oven in a kit- chen 11' x 15' and a dining room 11' x 11'. Plus the three spacious bedrooms, Sit- uated on a lovely corner lot in @ good residential section. Don't delay. Call teday. ALLAN ST., WHITBY A 6 ream, rug brick home for the owner plus a 4 reom fully | serviced basement apart- ment, Live for less and enjoy life, only $21,900, Call te- nite. $17,500 NO,2 HWY. COMMERCIAL with small grocery stere and gas pumps. This property has good development potential. DREW ST., OSHAWA 7 room, 1% storey brick @ fine leeking hame with many extras, only $17,500, with geod terms. BETTER THAN NEW Three-bedroom brick bunga- low. Harmony Rd. §, loca- tion. With recreation raom, OPERATOR A vacancy exists for @ Junior Data Processing operator possessing @ minimum of Grade 11 education and one year experience in a Dota Processing Centre. This position can lead to ad- vancement in this field. Quolified appliconts may ap- ply to: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT SKLAR FURNITURE COMPANY WHITBY, ONTARIO | REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY -- edver tising salesmen or salesiadies to sell in non-competitive, lucrative field. Exper- jance essential. Right person can aver- age $80.-$100, per day. Write and state juaglity construction, pleasi decoration. BRUNSWICK IN OSHAWA --$21,900. 11 year old bungalow with extra city lot has many od- vantages with wide sweeping lawn, shade trees for summer cooling, planned patio and at- tached garage, Why settle for less when you can have 134 baths, natural stone fireplace, heavy broadioom in dining and living ream. Silent light switched and all round pleas- ant living in a three bedroom on a quiet street. Call tonite, ENJOY THE PEACE AND COMFORT That belongs here in this 6 room home with rec room and fireplace. The L-shaped living and dining area is 348 sq. ff. and the fenced-in yard is 66' x 132'. Only $21,900, CLAREMONT 10 room, two storey income home or coul dbe used for o large family, Taxes only $156. Caf fer appointment to inspect, $15,900, full price. GREENWOOD RD. Sitting high on a scenic hill- side, overlooking the country and park, with the lights in the surraunding communities twinkling after dusk, This two storey brick and stone 8 room beauty with 2 fireplaces, double garage and a 2 acre lot is a real buy at $39,000. $10,900 -- OSHAWA OXFORD STREET A special buy here with a 66' by 165¢ lot and a 1% storey insul brick home. Presently rented. Call tonite. MELROSE -- OSHAWA This two yeer old 5 room brick bungalaw with electric heating is on @ quiet street but is close to No, 2 Hwy, This is a buy at $18,900, George Sullivan _668- 6226 "| Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 nt 7 Marlow Hancock 723-0: George Abramoff 723-4 N. Van den Broek 668-2675 Clare Shank 723-5145 Gordon White 668-6337 Vivian Halligan 942-0296 CHOOSE YOUR NEW HOMESITE - IN BEAU VALLEY - NOW - A limited number of fully serviced lots are now available in Oshawa's finest location, LOTS -- $7,500. Nowhere in Oshawe can you buy better lets for less money. If yeu are planning on building this spring, NOW Is the time to choose the plan you like best. Over 100 different plans available, Or bring your own plan and have it priced for you -- no obligation -- free valuation on your present home -- Trades accepted -- Mortgages arranged. BUY the BEST --- BUY @ KASSINGER built home, Call 723-2265 for fast qualifications te -Bex 72322, Oshawa Times, eourteous service, ~ +4 XII1 @ Let me shew you this 3 bedreem ranch bungalow in the! derful family home with large recreation scaped yard and garage, schools! handy and the asking price is just ronged, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 GRIERSON STREET 1 @ Immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow just south ef Ross-| land. An idea! starter home for! @ young couple. Conveniently | located i transportation end| schools @fhd recently decorated. Listed af $14,900.00, e LAND -- $1,000.00 ll @ down fer a 10 ecre por- cel within easy commuting dis- tance frem Oshewa on good road, Lots of trees to enjoy privacy for your future dreem me, $2,000 DOWN 11 @ Spacious 7 reem brick, 2% sterey home in north east Oshawa with shopping and) schools nearby, Family size kit- chen, dining room and living room on the main floor. New! forced air oil furnace just put in. A real buy for just $12,- 000.00. ROOFING BUSINESS IV @ Well established opera- tion complete with property, tools, orders and stock, to- gether with good income pro- ducing Duplex. Asking $40,-) 000. Willing to look at all recs! sonable offers. Busy farming! community, north of Oshawa @ LAUDER ROAD V @ Conveniently located, close te downtown, net a new néigh- borhood, but a highly desirable one. 5 room 11% storey brick, with garage ond hardtop drive. Cenvenient financing $3,000.00 down and the owner will carry the balance on one mortgage. LABRADOR DRIVE Vi @ Can't you have every-| thing? See this. Separate dining) roam? Yes. Attached garage? Yes. Finished recreation room? Fireplace? Yes, Yes. Paved! driveway? Yes. Landscaped?) Yes. Reasonably priced? Yes. Just what we are looking for?| Yes, indeed. B.P. SERVICE | VII @ B.P. Gas station, Snack- bar, living quarters on busy Highway, few miles north east of Oshawa. Fully equipped. Get ready now for the busy heliday season. Excellent financial ar- rangements evailable for quali- fied buyer, HARMONY SOUTH Vill @ Olive Avenue. Brick bungalow with really large kit- chen, family size living room, 3 nice bedrooms. Semi-tinashed recreation roam in high and dry basement. Paved drive. 612 %,| $11,000 mortgage. Pay $120 including toxes, e INCOME PLUS 1X @ Many success stories start! with @ good investment in Real Estate. This reasonably priced elder building divided into 4 apartments shows an income of $320 monthly, Located in| goed south east rental area! near shopping, schools and | buses. Call now for more in- formation, SPLIT LEVEL X @ 3 bedroom heme with at-! tached gorage. Exceptionally! well built, large living room,| full) basement, covered patio.| Lovely large bright kitchen.} Really close te school and bus) stops at door, Owner has just) reduced his asking price to! $23,900, Please call us. COTTAGE -- LAKE SCUGOQG X! @ Full price $5,900. for this beautiful cottage on Lake Scugog front, just 16 miles fram Qshawa. Inspect this com- pletely furnished cottage along with beat, moter, and deck the weekend. Willing to accept $2,500 down, COOL BREEZE XI @> Enjoy the refreshing breeze. Smort 3 bedraom brick bungalew on Park Rd. S. Step saving kitdyen spotless condi- tion throughout and priced te sell at $17,900, e DON'T WAIT H. KEITH PHOTO MLS REALTOR 303 HILLSIDE 725-4841 110 McLAUGHLIN BLVD. Older style two storey six room brick home in preferred section of Oshawa. Paved drive with garage. Low taxes. Call Gord Charlton, 728- 8569. APARTMENT FOR RENT Lorge two-bedroom epart- ment, huge kitchen. $118 per month. All services poid, located aboye small Plaze ot 1076 Cedar Street, Call Gord Chariton, 728-8569. IDEAL LOCATION for professional or business venture. Property consists of @ large eight room house with twe apartments. 110' by 118' lot, situated on main thoroughfare, close te shop- ping centre, Call Frank Smith, 723-3533. | INVESTMENT PROPERTY Can be re-zoned commercial. Large frontage on two mein thoroughfares. Modern six room brick bungalow with sunporch 19' by 15', and pony stable 40' by 20'. Call Frenk Smith, 723-3533. $1,900.00 DOWN New resole in exclusive Eost End of city. Three bedrooms, large kitchen, chain fenced lot. First mortgage only 614% interest. Immediate possession. Located on Kee- watin St. South. Call quick, Doug Carmichael, 723-7463, FOUR BEDROOMS Excellent two family income home on Simcoe St, North, Two kitchens, three wash- rooms. Located just south of Hilleroft. A real sacrifice at only $21,900.00 with terms, Call Doug Carmichael, 723- 7463. NORTH PART OF OSHAWA Ranch style, four bedroom bungalow with attached gar- age, electric heating, holly- wood kitchen, finished rec- reation room. Only $20,- 900.00, Call Idso Wiersma, 728-5683, 93. ACRES Clay loam farm, all workable. L-shaped bars, new silo. Seven roam frame house with all conveniences. One mile read frantage on paved road. Asking $27,000.00 with terms. Call Idee Wiersma, 728-5683. Metca REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. YOU'LL ENJOY living in this spotless 3 bed- room bungalow, goed sized kitchen, large hedged ond fenced-in lat. Asking Price is only $15,900. a 6% mort- gage with only $97. per month including taxes, Call now and see this gem. LARGE FAMILY ROOM Plus six other large rooms in <' this new split level, garage, electric heat and so close to all schools, service in choice residential area. Only 1 home left. See this beauty now, 7 ROOMS A few blacks from downtown, asking $10,500. Shown by appointment anly. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Modern building with store and 3 apartments, plenty of parking in excellent central area. Extra lot included which can be built en, TEN ACRES Industriol with spur line at rear af property. Ideal loca- tion, THE EXECUTIVE A grand home in @ grand setting of stately maples, birches, etc., and in the heart of the city, luxurious 8 room split level, brogdloomed liy- ing, dining rooms end hall- ways, plus broddloomed rec, room, with huge open stone fireplace with games room or dancing area en suite. Laun- dry raom on main floor with large flagstone patio off fam- ily room, everloaking waoded valley. This is truly a luxury. home fer the executive with grees taste and must be seen te be appreciated. OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga 725-9191 Frank Frankfurter 728-5416 Mark Temina 668-2121 Roy Yeo 725-2217 John O'Driscoll 725-8585 Jock Hagan 728-1554 MEMBER OF 0.D,R.E.B. We list exclusive & M.L.S. Lake Viste area, today. A won- room, nicely land- $17,500 -- terms ar- GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe Street South 723-5281 QUIET COURT $24,900 Better than new 2 storey brick home with garage. Large family room with glass sliding doors to patio, L- shaped living and dining room, 3 spacious bedrooms with omple closets, extra 2 pc. both. The modern kit- chen is @ woman's dream. Substantial down payment re- quired. 614% mortgage. Call . Irwin Cruikshanks at 728- 5205, SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. and arrange your in- spection, Executive Home This charming and richly mel- lowed Georgian solid brick residence with its 13 spacious and inviting rooms is certain to please the fastidious buyer looking for a home steeped in post history ond tradition. Set amongst moture and stately shade trees on a 132' x 141' corner lot, it has mony fea- tures that could not be built into today's homes because of the excessive cost. From the pillared verandah that extends around the three sides of the home you enter a large private foyer with a stately staircase leading to the 2nd floor. From the foyer through ponelled mahogeny doors you can enter separately the mu- sic, living and dining rooms. The music room with its or- nate sculptured ceiling also OQPensrinto the living room and in this room. you have a ma- hogony ond Itallan marble fireplace sided by English ma- hogany book- shelves with leaded glass doors, Through sliding mahogany panelled doors you enter the elegant dining room with crystal- chandelier, an authenti¢ Adams fireplace and oa pil- fered olcove. Leading from the dining room is a butler's pantry and larder. The large kitchen has been completely remodelled and features a built-in dishwasher. At the rear and also convenient to qa separate street side entrance is a cozy den with a 2-pce, powder room en suite and sepérate laundry room. On the 2nd floor you have an ideal bedroom arrangement with 3 large adult rooms and in a separate wing, 3 chil- dren's room, From the chil- dren's area you have the ad- vantage of a 2nd stairway leading down to the back hall and side entrance. Many other features such og the solid brass hardware, the unique light switches and ma- hogany trim make this home gracious and desirable, Lo- cated in Whitby, you have for the commmuter the new rapid transit system ayail- able. The best feature of all is the price, only $50,000, Arrange now for an appoint- ment. 668-5868 D. W. McQuay REALTOR 519 Brock St. South Whitby REALTOR LIMITED Serving Oshawo ond District for ever 31 years 723-2265 LOVELY 4 YEAR OLD. BUNGALOW 3 bedrooms in excellent con- dition. Well kept and nicely decorated, this home must be sold. Immediate possession available. Asking only $16,- 900. Call for your appoint- ment now. $16,900.00 $1200 DOWN 3 bedroom homes, newly dec- onted, close to schools and all facilities. Homes are va- cant and must be sold. Don't miss this chance, call and make. your appointment now. DUPLEX Lovely home in excellent area, close to downtown, two apartments, each with two bedrooms, kitchen, living room and bath. One aport- ment has fireplace. Well built home, also garage. Ven- dor.very anxious to sell. Call now. NORTH WEST 1% storey, 3 bedroom home, campletely remodelled, broad- loom in living room ond 2 bedrooms, extra large kit- chen, walkout basement. Beautiful large lot, paved drive. Full price only $15,- 800, low down payment con- sidered. Call for an appoint- ment. For full particulars call 723-2265 Mike Belmonte 576-1908 George Twaites 723-2008 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Ceruikshanks 728-5205 Irene Brown 725-3867 Marg Hall 723-1358 Maible Boudreau 725-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Mel Dole 623-5638 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Member of the O.D.R-E.B. WE LIST & SELL M.L.S. MORTGAGES ARRANGED 360 King St. W., Oshowa NORTH SIMCOE SCHOOL AREA Nestled on a 60' x 150' lot there is plenty of good living in this 6 room bungalow with carport, Kitchen with plenty of cupboards plus breakfast nook, dining room, living room with fireplace and built- in bookshelves, 2412 ft. pan- elled and tiled rec room with bor, plus fourth bedroom or den 11'6 x 10', plus extra 2 pc. bath. Call Irene Brown of Schofield-Aker Ltd, at 725- 3867 to-night to arrange for eppeintment to view. SCHOFIELD-AKER | |20--Real Estete for Sele |20--Real Estate for Sole |20--Real Estote for Sale |20--Real Estete for Sele | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 19 Simcoe St. North REAL ESTATE DEPT. Ralph Schofield "Manager REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT Modest rentals in this 8 suite epartment show o return of 21% on your investment. And its @ pretty sure thing that inflation will bring you --- © capital gain in the years ahead. This is the deal you have been hoping to find. STEVENSON ROAD $4,000.00 Down. 3 Bedroom Brick with attached garage. This custom built home is beautifully finished with high- est quality materials. Mony extras, including cut stone fireplace, Corlon flooring, four large beautifully finished rooms in the basement and much, much more. Call et ence for inspection, BROOKSIDE ACRES 3 Bedroom brick bungelow with attached garage; many extras include built-in oven and stove, garbage disposal, corlon floors and broadloom, Located on beautifully land- scaped lot with lovely patio, ASKING $11,900 Completely remodelled 3 bed- room, 1% storey, near Bloor and Park Road -- In excel- lent condition and only a few minute's walk fram General Motors. Aluminum siding is just. one of the many features of this exceptionally clean, neat home. Zoned commer- cial os well. Deep lot. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST 723-5221 - 9:00 to 5:30 NO TOLL CHARGE FOR THESE PHONES AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan .. Ralph Schofield 655-3663 725-5067 FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board COUNTRY RETREAT 50 acres near Mosport, Wooded land. Corner prop- erty.. Good deposit of sharp Masonry Sand. Just listed at only $8,000 -- $3,000 down. 110 ACRES, SOUTH OF SUNDERLAND 10-room stucce 'home. Barn 65' x 50'. Excellent soil, Owner anxious to sell, Only $26,250 ---~- Terms, RIVERFRONT FARM 80 acres, 5 miles Lindsay. 1,000 feet frontage on Scu- gog River. House and barn. $28,500 -- $10,000 down. DAIRY FARM 200 Acre choice dairy farm. One of the finest in Ontario County. > Excellent 8-room brick home, 2 bathrooms; painted barns 75' x 110', 30' x 50'. Stream, pond. Ex- cellent milk contract. Lo- cated near Sunderland. $65,- 000 -- $20,000 down. Call 623-3393, 728-7518 or Toronto 923-9174 After 9 p.m Rod Kruger 723-7900 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clare McCullough 723-7843 Ernie Wilson 725-9750 Bob Johnsten 725-6788 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Pat Yeo 623-3077 Roy Foster, Orono 983-5801 Weston Banister Garden Hill 102512 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 'SIBBY'S. REAL ESTATE LTD. 728-7576 TRI-PLEX Six year old brick building with balcony, broadloom floors and 3 stoves and 3 re- frigerators. Close to Oshawa Shopping Centre. FACTORY & APARTMENT At 401 cloverleaf at Ritson Rd. Completely wired on main floor and basement for light machinery, Separate entrance to basement with large doors, Five room apt. upstairs, Immediate posses- sion, 10 ACRE SITE Hampton, en new Scugog Rd. Excellent building site with large highway frontage and creek. Inspect these and other SIBBY'S Listings by calling Steve Lehan ot 728-7576 now, WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 29, 1967 21 REALTOR 576-1580 MALAGA RD. Immaculate 3 bedroom bun- galow with large garage and deep lot, Offered below re- placement cost oat $17,- 300.00 with $3,000.00 down. One mortgage for the balance at $100.00 © per month. Located in on orea of well kept owner built homes. KINGSWAY COLLEGE --3 bedroom bungalow, holly- wood kitchen, recreation room, carport and covered patio. Try your down pay- ment. Owner has purchased another property and is very flexible with the financing. 4 RAVINE LOT Overlooking the city, 56' x 190'. Full grown trees, paved street and prepaid services. If you're looking for a view plus privacy, this is it. We'll even build the home of your choice. Financing no prob- lem here, NORTH OF WHITBY Clean Bungalow with single garage and almost | acre of landscaped grounds: Asking $17,500.00. -Taxes only $210.00. Owner has pur- chased another property and will accept any reasonable down payment with one mort- gage for the balance. Paved road, school bus and shop- | ping nearby gives you coun- | try living with city conveni | ences. Hurry, you'll make no mistake here LISTINGS INVITED ! Thos. J. Huzar, 576-1580 | Member Oshawa and District | Real Estate Board. fase KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD. 728-7328 Realtor WILSON ROAD Ranch bungalow close to separate and public schools, bus line, large recreation room and, bar, extra bath with shower, ecrage, asphelt drive, screened-in patio, Hollywood kitchen, broadiaom. Call Earle Allen, 725-7782. EAST END -- hedroom brick home, sunroom, nice back iarage, trees, patio. Only 15800 end carries for $100 P.I.T, Coll Morley Bur- gess, 723-0049. COTTAGE At. Williams Point with 6 roams, 100 ft. lake frontage, sandy beach. This is one of the better cot- tages on Lake Scugog about 28 miles from Oshawa. Call Joe Crawford, 723-1021. MUST BE SOLD Down payment now reduced on this spotless 3 bedroom brick and stone bungalow with spacious living, dining room cambined, large kitchen, tiled bath with vanity, back. yard 179 ft. deep. Asking $19,800. Try your offer. Call Bob John- son, 728-2548. VACANT LOT --- Good building lat, walking distance to downtown, paved street. Asking $4,900.00. Phone Bill Ratcliffe, 655-4457, 2 - 10 - 15 and 46 Acre parcels of land for sale, some with creek. Call 728-7328 Parag ee Realtor 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 BROOKLIN 5 room brick bungalow. Pro- fessionally finished recrea- tion room, electrically heated with recessed bar. Spacious 19' x 11'6" kitchen. Situ- ated on large lot, close to schools, Immaculate. yard, $18,500 buys this 8 room heme. Stone fireplace and braadioam in living room. 4 bedrooms, master is 25' x 11'. Ideal family home, quiet district, close to shopping, transportation and_ schools Lerge 53' x 160' lot with double paved drive. 48 ACRE FARM Highway and_ concession frontage. Excellent buildings with large farm pond, 8 miles north of Oshawa. $47,000. 10 ACRE LOTS 4 miles north of new College. 340' frontage on Simcoe Street North. Act Now. AFTER 9 P.M, CALL Gordon Schofield 725-1109 Bill Dougan 725-1109 Lloyd Lafoy 655-4479 Bob Wells 723-5467 Realtor 103 KING STREET EAST Compact 2 heated NORTH WEST OSHAWA IF IT'S FOR SALE AN ACTION CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL IT! | pe '20--Reel Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale Thos. J. HUZAR | Guy LEBLANC REALTOR 623-7461 HARMONY RD. N 4 bedroom home with 3 fire places, paved drive, new oil furnace, asking only $16,900. COLLEGE HILL AREA 3 bedroom brick bungalow, with basement apt. rented ot $95. a month, asking only $18,900, terms. GOURTICE AREA 1% acre lot, 4 bedroom, 2 storey home, immaculate con= dition, new oil furnace, well ond pressure system, trode considered, asking only $18,- 900. terms, COURTICE AREA Split level home with attached garage, partly finished, lot 264 feet deep, excellent buy for the handyman at only $13,500. terms HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Bowmanville 9 room brick home with fireplace, new oil furnace, lot 118 x 175, ask- ing only $1,000 down, After Hours Please Call Howard Wight 623-2524 Inger Jorgensen 987-449} DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "SOUTHMEAD" 3 bedroom brick bungalow. on good residential street. Near neighborhood shopping plaza, and schools. Asking $15,500, "$13,000. This is @ sturdy brick 2 bed- room bungalow with a dining room and @ sunroom, The home is situated near the shopping centre on Gibbons street. Call now for more particulars, "RAVINE LOT" A fleor to ceiling natural, stone fireplace, two ear gar- age, and broadioom in living room are a few of the features of this' attractive split level home on an extra deep lot with creek. Phone for com. plete detoils. "$16,500," Nicely landscaped brick 3 bedroom bungalow located in central area north of King Street near shopping ond transportation. Some of it's features are a dining room and three large bedrooms, Rana ale tute eis FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa end District Real Estate Board BESSBOROUGH DRIVE 12 year old, 7 roam brick bungalow, three bedrooms, 1% baths. Large, brick and panelled family room, Nicely landscaped, private hedged patio, Priced at $26,500 with terms. 140 ACRES with small woods and creek, excellent for sod farm. No buildings, two road frontages. 8 miles from Oshawa. CALL: HOWARD FORDER Brooklin 655-3853 Town of Cobourg. 3 bedroom brick home, big kitchen, living room, 3-pe; bath, gos furnace, large lot, centrally located. Full: price $6,000, mortgage available, OVERLOOKING RICE LAKE Furnished cattage, space heat- er, 200 gal oi! tank, easily winterized, beautiful large treed-lot, good well, access to lake, $3,520. CREIGHTON HEIGHTS Clear lot, ready to build en, 75' .x 150', well, $3,300. Contact Mary Taul, 107 Elgin St. N:, Port Hope, Phone Port Hope 885-4637, A KEITEL LTO, REALTOR, 181 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto 12, Ontario. LAUDER RD, In: this choice location we have just listed a 5:room 1% storey brick, with garage and paved drive, well maintained and tastefully decorated. 24 ft. living room with dining area. Conyenient financing, The owner will carry the mortgage. For particulars and to inspect please call Jean Peacock 725-4330 or 723- 5281. Guide | Realty Ltd, TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS BRING RESULTS!