tia et me BLONDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER USSR Ee | Oe Re a a BUZ SAWYER 'WU LOOK WORRIED, MARY. | VERY DISTURBING 1$ SOMETHING WRONG? WO, NOT REALLY, ONLY IT HAD A EXPERIENCE TODAY, MARS, CHRISTY SAWYER, MIND You, NOW, AT ONCE, BEFORE SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENS, © Kiet Fenrares Syedionta, en, 1967. Werk sights reserved. JANE ARDEN THAT'S TH' SECOND PRIS' SECRET AGENT X9 THIS GUY IS CORRIGAN, A 6-MAN/ HE INFILTRATED THE OPERATION AND ARMED THE £ NO, DRUMM, YOU'RE THE ONE! YOUR INTERFERING MADE IT ALL POSSIBLE! ee i IT'S ALL OVER NOW, /-, MISS WIDDOE! i ROP flys eerie a FINISHED WITH DRUMM! YOU'RE 20 THE OSHAWA Times, Wednesday, Juve 28, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer, Neither side vulnerable, NORTH @K73 92109 $943 $Q1084 EAST $105 @AQTORR 86 9732 38752 oan 45982 O76 UTH a84 WAKIG4 oK106 AK5 The bidding: South West /North East ly Pass 29 26 49 Opening lead--Ten of spades, In the same way as declarer is frequently faced with the problem of locating and captur- ing a missing quéen, there exists also the recurring prob- lem of how to deal with the missing jacks. To make the accompanying hand, South had to guess the location of either the jack of |diamonds or jack of clubs. One slip and he would have been finished. West led a spade and declarer TORONTO 10:40 A.M. Distributed by Toronto Stock Exchang Quotations In cents unle r--Odd lot, xd--Ex-divid rights, xw--Ex-warrants. | from previous board-lot All Pitch Am Larder 500 22% 2 Am Moly 1000 17 «1 Ang U Dev 4800 72 7 Aunor 500 275 26 Bankeno 500 69 6 Barex 500 3B 3 Bary Expl 500 21 2 Belletere 7100 18 =} Bethim 600 600 60 BL Hawk 500 26 2 Bralorne 225 150 15 Brunswk 150 635 63 Cc Mines 62275 66 6 Camflo 700 330 32 Camp Chib 1656 790 76 Camp RL 200 $2258 2 Cc Tung 4900 211 Cdn Keely 1000 7 © Malart 7100 10 = Cdn Nisto $00 22 2 Candore 4200 25% 2 Cantri 2000 13 «#1 Chestrvile 7000 282 2 Chrom 100 210 21 Coch Will 3050 109 10 Conigo 944 333 Cen Fardy 3900 280 27 Cc Halli 2500 73 7 C Neg 10000 4304 C Rambler 800 104 10 C Red P 16500 28% 2 Coprcorp 1200 51 5 Cop Fields 300 131 131 Coulee 2500 35 3: Crowpat 4000 64 D'Elda 12000 140 (13) Denison 3108 $724 7 Donaida 8500 14% 1. Frobex 300 455 45 Gnt Masct 100 130 13 Giant Yk 100 825 82: Glenn Z Goldrm 15000 ERE third round hi | BUTIMNOT ruffed the 5 - id high, Bota 1100 230 21 AT A West showing out. South drew rari $50 $25 $2 ea bry thay tg three rounds of trumps, East Gunnar 875 200 191 : og ij i Headway 1000 16 «1 lezd) \ OUT OR MY ) Net amond 'ta the "quesn i, ote : "| which lost. to the ace. Back Huds Bay 335 $646 |came the nine of diamonds. ee Rad | South now had to consider Joliet 12700 43% 3 SEE THEM ALL AT |whether to finesse against the Kerr Add" as sie 1 jack. He rejected the finesse K Anacon 72100 75 75 (which would have been fatal) Kanan PR ae "THE TRADING POST" The PONTIACS |iceserce [Ss 2. had by this time become 2 ae eae Pe 5 mathematical certainty without Min eit oe 5 s THE the finesse. Mattgmi 100 $14%@ 14 ' win in ami y Declarer knew that East had Me Te Ese started the hand with exactly McWat 1500 $1 50 ' a six spades. Furthermore, East mere ge a Sa S 5 { Sef A MONTS had shown up with Bogert Mice mt 4 © i i ' [ J three hearts. With ni of his in-Ore e SUMMER HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. cards accounted for in the ma- Muna om ioe 190 jor suits, as well as the two Nat Expl 2000 13' 13 : : Fri. 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Sot. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Riaunonde be kad fort aves. it Nealon" 2000 $s -- became impossible for East to N Hosco $00 mi FH have started with more than N Mylama 1000 16a 16 y / posers Ma muAt N [/wever. sesices, near | BURST two, club | tie i ee : UNUSUAL TUFF YOU WHAT'S SO This being the case, a dia- ee ie Be Lf) 4, \ke AT EVER GIVE YOU UNU@UAL ABOUT OUT OF HEZE | 1 mond finesse had to be ruled Norgold 2500 7% 7 *\_INNARDGBSTION P EATING THREE ee ee a ea. a as ; out because making four club Normetal 225.390 390 TIN CANS se00 "Channel 3--Barrie Sc Warren Report 24--Hollywood Squares | I'LL BE 7 \-- "3 }j |tricks had become an absolute Northgat 400 S15. 510 ° " i , : : j Chainne) 4--Buttale 10.20 p.m. twee see. ||| LATE! a N Rock 3400 40 0 Channel 6~Toronte N--Merv. Griffin focMlaney Movie | GE >) 5 After winning the diamond Opemska 280 940 940 Channe! 7--Buttale 10:30 rm. | f-Luncheon Date: F | Ca 3 return with the king, declarer Orchan Bie 220 as Channel 8--Rochester | 9 Sports Hot Seat. | 412--News, Weather ani = played the A-K and another si9Ko Channel 9---Toronte | ee ee ie | Pouvs and Pals 3] |club, finessing dummy's ten Pick yee ve ea te Channel 1--Hamiltee | 13-11-9-8-7-6-43-2 -- Mews, | 2#--Jeopardy | { after West had followed with Placer 180 $4%4 34 Chonnel 12--Peterdorougd | Weather, Sports ci ae D) 3] |the nine. South then discarded Pyramid 400 335 3 WEDNESDAY EVENIN® | ¢ viewnamy | S-Eve Guess A : the ten of diamonds on the Ce eee PLM. | . Tas PM, eoren Sor, Te i mimi contract. Q Matigm! 3100 134 132 'lores Petre Berton |1232Newss Weather, te © Declarer could have acheived Rediore. 2500 51 sl 7--Highway Patrol | Savi eee nee | Mae \SHEHED @ 4] the same result by cashing his aT ae ee ee Sa Moody. Woodpecker 11:98 PM. | °] |last trump before leading the Roman 3315 $19%4 19 5:0 P.M, 'SsJohnny Carson | 4-6--Guiaing Light clubs, West would have become Rae" toe ce : j boMcHales Navy a thd | 1:00 P.M. embarrased for a discard in Satellite 500 25 25 : Baer vied 11.38 PLM, 9--Movie such case. Sherritt 1275 430 425 12-6--Music Hi | 11-4 pth : "ieee oe Content "i I LOST THE Counting how many cards the Siscoe T8000 } 2--Of Lands and Seas | g_ Movie $--Dialing Fo Dollars, awe, GREAT RACE defenders have in each suit may 6:00 Pm, | 11.48 PM, Virginia Graham dered b t Hi &--How's Business 12--Movie 7--Fugitive = AGAIN THIS be considered by some to be i r /--Iwillger reatre | 6--Frost Report 612--Luncheon Date i hard work, but it does take a BUSINESS SP 6--Green Hornet | _M. 4--Meet the Millers a. lot of k t of the f { 412--News, Sports, icaapateey tars 2--Movie . 0 guesswork ow = Weather | ye r game. ; | 1:0 PM. . 3--Ross Caldwell 11--Movie | L 3 230 PM. | e--tet Deal i Ae ee ye ko LIVING 1 UP us 3 T---Pierre Berton | 4-Captain Kangarop | 2--Matches and Mates PANAMA (AP)--On the "na- y e 3-6-9--News, Weather, | 1.30 AM. 2:00 P.M BK P : " : F orts Albert J. Steed | 2--Ed Allen Time tive bill of fare" of their jun- Z | +News 9--University of the Alr | /--Newiywed Game gle survival training, 21 U.S. & 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 3AM, | ¢6--P, 'a Fe * ribo PM. &Dialing For Dollars --| '34--Days ef Our Lives astronauts. from 'the 'Manned - 11--Fugitive Virginia Graham j 2:30 P.M. Spacecraft Centre at Houston, r Se 1 ani ia meas | 2--Calendar Tex., had their first taste of * CcTBA , | ccRonme Reon Pore a Some smoked iguana, the giant liz- By JANE BECKI 4--Lowell Thomas | 8--Biography J--Dream Girl ard. After classroom instruc- TORONTO (CP)--Thi : vm tion they spent three days is dian bus ines are taki ig 2 : ey +30 A. | the jungle. , . gh Na Nl en Pa | io sir ance . aie ag Sint Y OUR HE ALTH oer pee to ters tt . ; ify bel 7--General Hospital " Uncounted other pi be "a As lnciea een | euoreer tile [eee Te a SALLY'S SALLIES are taking charter bus \ S-Hollywood Palace | 2~Jack La Lanne $Cocking Montreal from all over 'e Faun bn--ad "Rite ain | Po-Anesier: Wore | 4 : tinent From Ottawa a i a len Time f ' ceeemevine | 4a SS Seamth | jag PM Cause Of Psoriasis ge a eg ms an eee jacana Saeee 2.0 P.M to Expo on special b s 1:45 PM, | 20 AM, ; a : , vs YES -- THE ANNUAL Showcase ERE Ey, rime Sotheecean pew ' ters. ' # I i 9--Cart ' 5 SOULE pwr Nor nto j-Stiine Wlins | Hateeae owes' | Remains Unknown | HB Pl % z ' --Moni --- . : - t ce a Gee DOWEL T text cui S612-Green Acros | 38--Concentration 'na Te "As in last year's r . CAN REMEMBER. WELL -- BAR INSIDE, cae 11-Mke eosin 1Super. Comics By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD a lot of people have | : ° 4--Beverly Hillbillies | 9--Fractured Phrases reve A lll ; us because other ways ew ee AB hf Ra 3-6-12----Commwnicate Dear. Dr. Molner: I have had|pected factor. Thus control of 1 ling are difficult," sa; s ie Tien, | 3-9 Allen Time ie Daan psoriasis since 1 was 17. It has|nerves sometimes helps. d rp a é GOOPNIGHT, ALVIN tae tose Nae AL ee worsened, I am now 47 and it} Many psoriatics are heavy | of Colonial Co , 3 i! gy See CU fy pon a0 PM 9---snaipireen cont al |now covers 85 per cent of my wegnes. This raised a the. onto, vege ed } en 'sees | ee body. Any information wouldlory that taurine, one of the Montreal bus franchi : j [ a |be appreciated. Doctors have/amino acids, is involved, 'This SEES PERMANENT C : ig be ont agen -- fa is in most meat. Ltt __smesetaie tae "A lot of them will tr oa ig CROSSWORD 'WeLLM 880---) 'Therefore low - taurine diets) "If I stay up to read this, Tf ularly by bus from _no ' > rs. A. * have been tried, but this is very| b¢ dead-tired in the morning! Larry Needler of Tra ® AOROSS 5, 'Know- 23, Per- Psoriasis affects some 4,000,-/difficult to achieve, since pro- Canada, a suburban On ¥ 4 1. Strike ledge . form- 000 people in the United States|tein is necessary in the diet whose charter work n¢ - ' 6. In 6. Exclam- ed and while it does not endanger/and to leach out the taurine|@24 prevent itching; and get major part of its busin 7 : advance ation 24, Lite- life, this scaly skin ailment is a]means boiling the meat first, |SUnShine in summer. he expects Expo to ma x ii. Indian 7 dd vn ag aor, nuisance to many and an abom- "| For those with severe cases, ; manent difference to r ': Lsisde Paton ~-- sia Is] |ination to some. OINTMENTS USED more intensive treatment "nust pany. : jeden. ade an BCE It has been studied inten-| Many treatments revolve|be undertaken. If the condition "A lot of people hav: iatumbes 9 kare 28 Hand Wicoeistmetatsion) sively, and yes, some new in-|around the use of tar ointments.|is not completely cured, some elled any distance by | : : \ * jack dog "bomb [ERIASIEMURIONS| (formation has been found. In some, steroid ointments are|degree of relief is usually pos- the war. They're thrill ~ 15. X's 10, Over 31,.Worn + METTIEIS| me col Not, however, the cause. Her-|USed. In something like 20 to 30/sible. Self treatment may ag- wo a LU KNOW, ROY, LAST WEEK SO MUCH + THE NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES' CLUB HAD TO ] 16, Anglo- 18, Dull out Yesterday's Answer leditary factors are suspected,|Per cent of cases so treated, the|gravate the condition as so often P ORFUL GOSSIP CIRCULATED AROUND TWO SPECIAL SESSIONS / i Saxon finish 82. Red and a disorder of the metabol-|!esions may disappear but, as|is the case with skin diseases. 2 THIS END OF TOWN penne, serf 19. Sets of jets 387. Vege- ism of the skin is thought to be|! €xPlained above, it isn't easy o . i] | 17. Faulty boxes 83. One of table the immediate cause--that is,|t0 be sure just what brought the| Dear Dr. Molner: A speaker a : c oeng 20. Mixes theGreat 38. Sling there is a rapid reproduction, SUCcess. at a downtown hotel said that a . ; 21, Greek Lakes ae pound or turnover, of skin cells on the, The Goekerman regimen jp-|pyhorrhea is a phase of, or BCs - -- -- ap and oo surface, causing the surface (bears to have met with consid-|closely akin to leprosy. Is this = ere pad 22, Ini ow ; - a layers to slough off rapidly,|@Table success. This is used in|true?--T. W. dh eitie ataand sd ses . This accounts for the scale, if|°%tensive and extreme cases| I don't know what he was 29, Ancient TERE EAT lo (his theory is correct. (such as Mrs. M.'s) and is best/talking about and don't think 'he 30,3 ia Over the year there have|*t@"ted in a hospital. It consists|knew, either. What was he sell- & Rowers fl Gi pen aotns a are' gunn. th slot nie James r Y psoriasis. Perhaps even hun- ment at night, removing it in| To Mrs. H. H.: There {s no 32. vue. aisgeg faggge gent tried. Unfor-lthe morning and applying ultra-|reason why having taken the topped 5 Y unately, what helps one person | violet light. Later the treatment|birth control pills for six years - hill Y rT EAS wy a ee a wshuatians may be continued at home. should have any effect on hav- 85. Heads: Y, YU, YUUA cleats up spontaneously, this|, Another treatment, used only|i"g @ baby now. PI $9, Bulten's zi jez jes V7 |26 [22] |merely confuses things, seien-|n the most extensive and re- ' Aimee tifically speaking. When some va ance cases, involves use of Walt Disneys 41, Drome- Cs) 28 sort of salve is in use and the agers | methotrexate, a S0- : dary psoriasis clears, what did it? ae Ad Pg dagen antagonist. W White 42, Bestowed 29 Wy? 5 The salve? Or nature? 1s has to be used under close no | 43. Farewell Md scrutiny by a physician, The ae - 44. Sows UAE VA, +|\SOME THINGS KNOWN medicine is given once a week ine Seven. Dwaris 45, Miss YAS Now that I've outlined what|but frequent blood counts are TECHNICOLOR® Sa Daner : Davis 2 [35 [34 Wi, 38 37 [38 we don't know about psoriasis,|mandatory because the white) --------- ee ty UA, here are some things we have|jblood count can become de- SEE IT... TODAY! DOWN Y, found out: pressed. ; 3 1. Begone! as Baa Milder types of psoriasis are} My advice to people with s 2. Manufac- WY) known to improve in summer,|small patches of psoriasis gen- oued 44 Y 4 get worse in winter. Sunlightjerally is to have a dermatolo- f = 8. Soon Yi K helps. dé gist prescribe an ointment # rauaus payee tucargy & Pirate Emotional tensions are a su!which will keep the skin soft