DONALD DUCE MAKING MONEY {S BASy/] | LOT OF BLONDIE LIL ABNER VO Like A DOZEN, PLEASE/ ITS MERELY TH' MOST IMPAWTINT THINGS' IT'S WHAT ANY RED-BLOODED BOY DRUTHER DO THAN ANYTHING, IF HE HAD HIS =~, DRUTHERS."" CORN ON-URPY-EATIN: AN' LESS ON-uGHT-' LOVE!! cate > HERE 1S NO. BEAST MORE. VAGE THAN A SHE-WoLE OW SCORNED IS Gk. Carstt-lo REALLY, AIR. HARRISON, OF ANY KIND, UM MIDING 7 WOT IN TROUBLE NOTHING. AY NAME IS NOT CHRISTY SAWYER, BUZ SAWYER i| HE hi : Tet : UP ae \ JANE ARDEN BUT THEN, 'TO BE RIDIN' aoe INOT ! UP THES SECRET AGENT X39 BEFORE YOU START......GIVE THAT RNP ES re VE ME SKYLARKS _ Swinging FIREBIRDS Sef SEE THEM ALL AT "THE TRADING POST" THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID. SUMMER HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri, 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Set Family PONTIACS BUICKS BEAUMONTS GURE THINS! AN' TLL TAKB GOOD aad OF HER, TOO/ 3 THINK SVB FOUND THE PERFECT SITTER! © King Fora Srodinatn tea 1967. Worid she caro EL Channe! 2--Butta! os 3--Barrie inne! ¢--Butiale Channe) 6--Toronte Channel 7--Buttale 34-12--The Baron 9--Flying Doctor Channel 6--R 16:80 Pm, 7--Family Game Channe) %-Toronto 9-1 Spy 4--Dick Van Dyke Channe! 11--Hamifer 7--Swinging Sound 3--Luncheon Date Channel 12--Paterdorough |i Warren" Report 24--Hollywood Saveree 10.30 P.M. Movie TUSSDaY ave. 3-6-12--Disordered ve Today 5.00 P.M, Mind 4--Luncheon Date 12--Cartoons 11:08 PLM. 4--News, Weather, Sports li--Family Theatre 12-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--News 2--Popeye and Pals 8--Superman Weather and Sports jeopardy 7--Highway Petrol 11:20 PAM, 12:38 PA, 6--Passport 6--Viewpoint li--It's @ Match 3--Littlest Hobo 11.5P.M. 3-12--News; Weather; B99 PM, 11--Plerre Berton sere &--McHates Wavy é--News, Weather, Sports Nairch toe teckertel 7--News 4--Greatest Headlines + i Merv. Griffin tee amon Pm ae PM 9-01 Lends end soso |7, Movie, aeons Lie on FM. 24--Johnny Carson 1l--Marriage Confidential @--How's Business 11,38 P.M, #--Movie 1--Movie 3--Plerre Berton &--Dialing for Dollars, 6--Reach for pe ie 11:4 P.M, . evahne Graham 412--News, § s, 9--This Is Expo Pree é--Lunchegn Date Lssaioeh 148 PM. Meet The Millers oe P.M. 12--Movie 3--Movie 12--Girl from UNCL® é--Movie 1:38 P.M. tcc " FOR ae WOMAN = I'D BE a IRRESISTIBLE. BUT te THAT. aC Aa, WV ee >i eu ON ? i \\\ Ni : i y\ | ° 28-11--Girl From UNCLE 6:00 P.M. 9.00 P.M. 34-12--This Week at Expo 2-4--Movie 9--Love on 4--Petticoa' EVISION 9:98 P. li--Merv Griffin a--vack Le Lanne 10:08 T--8d Allen Time LOG 4--Anay Griffith 3--Ed Allen Time ® Rooftop 11:30 A.M. it Junction 12--Romper Room itPrerre Berton 12:00 A.M. Mele nis © ews; stery Thea' 64--As forid Turns eh cee, ep Ai ead loans 8--Let's Make A Deal -2--Huntley, Brinkley 2--Matches and Mates tae omni len id ¥ 12--Ed Allen Time 7:00 P.M. 4--Captain Kangereo 7--Newlywea Game Tomy, Favorite Martian 1.00 AM. 44--Parmword geen wd 1--Albert J. Steed @-2--Days of Our Lives TBA 9--University of The Air 2:3 PM, . | e355 A.M. 13--Calendar 3-Gilligan's Island | %--Dlaling for Dollars, | SPeeple in Conthet a--News; Weather? Virginia Graham J7~A Dream Girl Sports 9:00 A.M, 6--Coronation Stree? 7.28 PM. 'i--Little People 4--House Party ¥--News, Weather, Sports | §--Romper 3:00 P.M, &--Blography $--Worde and Musie 7.98 P.M, 4--Forest Rangers @-2--Another World 12--Ster Route 2--Topper 7--General Hospital 9--Star. Trek 9:30 AM 4--To Tell the Truth 7--Combat 11-Sir Lancelot | 3-6-12--Take 30 bt ed a 4--Love of Life | 3.25PM, = +N S--Candid Camere Sapien Mey we a0 PM, $--It's Your Move A.M. 23-4--You Don't Sey 7--Superman Show oe 8-2--Snap Judgment 6-12--Edge of Night Pa ees (Candid Camera 2:00 PA, 10:38 A.M, 1i--Super Comics 6:30 Pm. Morning Ti g--! Leve Lucy 1i--Laredo 9--Cartoon Playhouse @--The Match Game vengers ¢-2--Concentration 3-4-12--Communicate 7--Invaders 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Secret. Storm 4--Red Skeiton ¢--Beverly Hillbillies 3--Miks Dougias 24 wife 1108 A.M. 4:30 PM, " ll--Mike Douglas 11-4--Woody Woodpecker 9--Fractured Phrases 9--Mevie 24--Pat Boone 7--$upermarket Sweep «Movie 3-6-12--Long John Sliver -- HUB ERT YOUR HEALTH Old Remedies Dear Dr. Molner: What is the best remedy for bladder trou- ble? Is there such a thing as "the old-fashioned treatments" MUGGS AND SKEETER GRANDMA READS A SCIENCE FICTION LAT BELIEVE IN Sayin; iTS BETTER 'To GIVE..." CROSSWORD AOROSS 8. Net- 1. Herring. work like fish 4. Copies 6. Supports 5. Evening 11, Crinkled sun cloth god 12. Ignited 6. Chief again executive 18, Desert 7. Kingdom shrub 8, Russian diary 34, Learning $7. Greek $5. Castle letter ditch 80.Conclude $36. Edible 31, Small- rootstock treegrove 37. Celebesox 38. Prelude 39. This one: toa talk Latin qq E 'eo 77 {8 [9 V/ [ie Y ie 1 Y V//J22 |2> [24 U, V4 a our ancestors used and lived by?--V. M. E. Everybody has a streak of su- perstition, I suppose, and also the temptation to engage in wishful thinking. People dream of getting rich in a lottery, or having a rich uncle die, or in- venting some gadget that will make a fortune. We all know it isn't likely to happen and that the surer way to success is to work instead of wishing. But we still daydream some of the time. The same thing applies to health. We like to kid ourselves into thinking maybe grandma really had a secret remedy that would cure bunions, boils and galloping consumption, We really know better, though. Most of the home remedies (or the nostrums sold by travel- ing medicine men) were used for lack of anything that would really help. A lot of patent med- icines were alcohol with some herbs to make them smell and taste like medicine. If a man could swallow enough of the mess, he could acquire enough rosy alcoholic glow to make him think he felt better, temporar- ily. Other nostrums didn't even do that. They just tasted bad. The only sensible way to use medicine is to find out exactly what is wrong and then use a drug which specifically will cor- rect it. Antibiotics for infections, insulin or other medication for diabetes, anticonvulsants for convulsive disorders, thyroid ex- tracts for a slow thyroid gland, and so on. DISCARDED MANY Mostly Superstition By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Were portant discoveries (drugs, treatments or operations) in any single year, yet. by the old trial-and-error methods of the past, it took centuries to short out the handful of useful reme- 12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, uesdey, June 27, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer, Both sides vulnerable, Opening lead--six of hearts, Some players suffer from the disease called notrumpitis when they are dealt a long and strong minor suit. Granted that six or seven taking tricks are @ won- derful nucleus game, there still remains the problem of grabbing nine tricks in notrump before the opponents grab off five. Here is a typical case from a rubber bridge game. South had good reason to think his side had a game after his partner had opened the bidding with a diamond. But his tactics were surely questionable when he leaped impulsively to three no- trump after North had rebid his diamonds. The defense promptly cashed their five heart tricks to put declarer down one in a hand where five clubs with 100 honors was ice cold. So instead of scoring a plus of 700 points, South went minus 100 for a net loss of 800 points. Such disasters unfortunately occur in many games where there is a tendency for a player with a long minor suit to con- tract precipitously for a no- trump game without bothering to check whether or not it is the best landing spot. Appar- ently these players fail to real- ize that the shortest route is not necessarily the best way home. It is true that most hands which make five clubs or dia: monds will also make three no- trump, but that in itself is hard- ly a good reason for failing to investigate the minor suit game when the notrump game is in doubt. In the present case, South would have been better off to make a convenience bid of two spades over two diamonds and in that way ask North to bid notrump with a heart stopper, if he had one. North would surely have re- sponded three clubs, and South, now twice warned of the weak- ness in hearts, could then cone fidently leap to five clubs. Security Guard Feared Killed VINELAND, Ont. (CP) -- A Hamilton security guard is be- lieved to have been killed in a million - dollar fire that de- stroyed most of Prudhomme's Garden Centre near this Ni- agara Peninsula community Friday night. John Healey, 60, was last seen in the kitchen area of the resort centre as smoke from the spreading fire drove other em- * |ployees out. Fellow employees of the Law- -|rence Investigation Bureau of Hamilton said Mr. Healey had , jan inpaired leg which prevented him from moving quickly. Cause of the fire, which started in the rear of a curling area, has not been established. The fire burned out of con- trol for three hours, destroying convention rooms, two bars, a coffee shop, a health club, ball- room, hotel lobby and office and a number of second-floor motel rooms. dies, the few things like bella- jdonna, digitalis, opium, ipecac and so on, from the welter of totally useless concoctions. So now let's answer your ap- peal for a '"'remedy for bladder trouble." If the trouble is cyc- tocele, surgery can repair it. If it is a tumor or polyps, they can be removed. If infection, antibiotics. Or the . "bladder trouble" may really be dia- betes, causing frequency, or prostate disease, interfering with flow. No old - fashioned nostrums will correct any of them. But using the right treatment will. So far as that goes, the av- knowing whether his "bladder trouble" 1s really that or is a kidney disturbance, I strongly recommend that you stop dreaming about home remedies for. ing destruction of the kidneys by infection, most urinary dis- orders will yield to proper treatment--and so will the very serious ailments if diagnosed s00n enough. Dear Dr. Molner: Is it safe to use a magnifying glass for very fine print? We are an old couple who can read larger print without difficulty using our regular glasses.--B. C. No reason why you shouldn't use such a glass. erage person has scant way of| « SALLY'S SALLIES and learn something about the|is another name for the com- way the kidneys and bladder/mon but most unpleasant ail- actually work, and what types|ment, shingles. From your de- of trouble you should look out|scription, I am not at all sure that is your trouble; have your Short of cancer or overwhelm-|doctor diagnose it. Walt Disneys Snow White AND tie Seven Dwarfs TECHNICOLOR® $ta\Seew SEE IT... TODAY! These days it is rare if we don't have a dozen or more im- Note to G. 0.: Herpes zoster $ FAMOUS PLavees Tecares Alumin 2p TOD. + TORONTO 16:40 J Distributed | Toronto Stock Exct Quotations in cents | 1--Odd lot, xd--Ex-d rights, xw--Ex-warrant from previous board-| MINE Stock Sales Higt Accra 1000 BY Akalicho 500 $4 All. Pitch 2200 11 Ang U Dev 1000 67 7 Area 00 325 Arcadia 500 19 Aunor 100 275 Bethim 150 610 Bralorne 225 155 Broul Reef 3500 29 : 650 630 unker H 200 20 Cc Mines 1420057 Camfio 200 340 no 3200 150 ¢ Jamiesn 1000 75 Lencou 500 15 Chestrvile 700 28Y% ib M z 45 Chimo 500 72 comb Met 3207 17 Conigo 7000 32 ¢ Morisn 6450 460 Cc Neg 900 45 C Rambler 900 106 Cc RedP 14000 (29 Conwest 200 550 Coprcorp 1700 52 Cop Man 500 22 Craigmt 400 $11% Crowpat 5000 7 D'Eldona 2000 130 Denison 1482 $75\e Dome 100 $4912 Donalda 4900 «14 Dunraine 500 55 F'west T 4000 12 Frobex 300 450 Giant Yk 100 830 Glenn 27500 25 Goldray 1000 70 Gredore 1000 | 17 Grandroy 1500 41% Granduc 1000 525 Granisle 720 575 Green Pnt 1000 27 Gunner 500 199 Hastings 100 137 Heath 3500 8 Hollinge: 500 $26% Huds Bay 25 $64Va Int Bibis T 600 55 Jeye Exp 500 15% Jollet 6500 39% Jonsmith 5300 16 3746 Kerr Add Kelly Dsd 500 26 K Anacon 2166 68 Kid Coper 2500 59 Kirk Min 2000 «9 L Dufault 1100 $10% Liberian 100 $11% Louviert 1000 15 Macassa 150 139 Macdon 2000 19% MacL Msh 1500 49 Man Bar 8990 33 Marchant 1000 135 Martin 500 23 Mattgm! 125 $14% Adam 2000 44 Mc_iIntyre 255 $87 McWet 800 48 Midri 30000 52 Multi-Mi 1030 .123 N Exp 15000 13% Newconx 200 580 N. Harri 3600 16% N imperal 675 330 N Kelore 2200 4% N Mylama 7000 17 N Que Rag! 225 460 N Senator 5000 38 Nick Rim 12200 12% Norbaska 600 56 Norgold 1000 =7% Normetal 400 375 Norpax 500 6 N Coldstm 500 70 Rani 19 2 N Rock 2100 38 North Can 1000 120 Nudui 20% 1S Obaske 1000 Bla Obrien St 5 Opemska z110 960 Orchan 1000-225 Osisko 1000 57 Para 1 Patino 2134 815 Poe Exp 25500 113 Peerless 3000 . 8i4 Pine Polnt 7286 $50 Preston 47. Que Chib = 2100 Que Lith 300 160 Q@ Mai 1 1750 139 Quemon' 350 Quonto 500 Rio Algom 1360 $36 Rio Alg cw td $19% Roman 4116 $20Va Rowan €n 500 11 Satellite 700 26 Sherritt 210 425 Sil Eureke us Sil Miller 1500 12 Silvmq 3000-29 Sil Stand z100 «85 Siscoe 100 490 Stanrck 100 445 Steep R 200 595 Sud Cont 2500 20 Sullivan Teck Corp 256 490 Texmont 1050 70 Tex-Sol 2000 21 Tombill 3100 130 Torbrit 1000 56 Un Keno 150 575 Utd Pore 1000 7 Upp Can 400 159 West Mine 1400 300 White Star 1500 29 Wilco 000-35 Willroy 1000. 78 Win-Eld 1000-13 Yk Bear 400 210 OILS, Gl Aiminex 700 475 Banff 250 $14' € Ex Gas 200 420 . © Gridoll 1000 650 C Homestd 800 228 | Cdn Sup O 1729 $47 Cdn Tricnt 210 950 | Cent Del 1500 $12% Dynamic 400 115 480 Fargo 400 Gr Plains 1050 $13% Gt COlisds 130 int Helium 2125 310 | Mill City 700 125 Nat Pete 900 350 | N Cont Cc 1000 40 N Davies 2500 12 NC Olis 4130 450 Numac wt 6 Place G 300 221 : Provo Gas 1050 650 | Triad Oil 100 188 U Canso 100 330 | U Canso w 280 130 W Decalta 400 280 | INDUSTRI Abitibi 1235 9% ind 525 $9 Alta Gas Y 1775 $37% Alfa Nat 100 $21 Algoma S$? 420 $24% Alcan 1881 $29%e Alcan pr 600 $38 25 $43% TREN' A from ci the Trent V arts ai part-time b Enqui Direc Trent in writing ere