Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Jun 1967, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, June 22, 1967 | Dear Ann Landers: What can I do to get my mother to for- give my father? For five years my father was unfaithful but he has told mom that he never loved the other woman, and he will not see her any more, Mom has asked dad for a divorce, not because she doesn't love him, but because she thinks he would be happier if he were free. She blames herself for his unfaithfulness--says if she had been the right kind of wife|M. he wouldn't have strayed. I don't think dad really un- derstands how mom feels. ould I suggest that he be more affectionate and take her out more? Would that help? We kids love both mom and dad and we hate to think of our family being busted up. Several of our friends have divorced parents and it is just rotten-- summers with one, weekends split up and nobody happy. Please print some suggestions for children of parents who are having trouble. We need your help.--In A Panic Dear In: It's a sad state of affairs when kids have to act as mediators for battling par- ents. If you feel that either or both mom or dad would be receptive to your advice, by all means offer. it. In the meantime I am printing your letter so squab- bling parents can see how they appear in the eyes of their chil- dren. I am adding my own plea that they get some outside coun- seling and learn how to live together. Dear Ann Landers: I have been a reader of your column and I need your advice. ANN LANDERS Daughters Is Reluctant To See Parents Divorce photographing deceased people no. The girl who took the pic- tures should ask the parents if they would like the photo- graphs. the mother of three children. It just so happens that I do not like coffee or tea. It's not, a matter of religious conviction, I simply prefer milk or a glass of cold water. to a luncheon or a dinner, someone makes a point of my not drinking coffee or tea, and I end up looking like a freak. Yesterday I attended a church social and when I refused cof- fee and asked for milk or water, the woman said, 'Any person who cannot enjoy a hot cup of coffee after a meal must be mentally disturbed." Persecuted A schoolmate died last week and everyone was very sad about it. Several. of us girls went to the funeral home to pay our last respects. One of the girls in the group took a camera along and made sev- eral pictures of the classmate in the casket. She has asked me if she should give a few of the pictures to the parents of the deceased. I don't know what to tell her. Please help.--Miss Lm Dear Miss: My immediate reaction is a strongly negative one, but much to my surprise, in the past, I have received such a variety of opinions about in caskets that I hesitate to say Dear Ann Landers: I am 26, It seems that whenever I go Dear Pers: No one needs to hot summer weather than a photogenic fruits as an individual salad or as plate. Luckily for most of us one does not have to be an artist to achieve an eye-appeal- ing effect. Fresh fruits are so colorful, and so attractive in shape that they need little skill How can I defend myself?--|in arranging. In fact a very simple salad made from a few FOR A FRUIT SALAD HONEY DRESSING TOPS THEM ALL Honey-Sweetened Dressing Enhances Any Fruit Salad Nothing is more in tune with arrangement of a help-yourself salad gional give a reason for declining any ever since I learned how to|beverage or food. Just ignore read. I am 13 years old now|the clods and forgive them for their bad manners. contrasting fruits with a crisp, cooling air about it has more appeal than an elaborate one which requires more handling in the making. CHILD GUIDANCE Owner Fears Loss Of Business Overlooks Rich By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |it from the pulpit? Isn't stealing Shoplifting is a serious na-|sinful? Can you remember hear- tional problem. Talk to any|ing any teacher, Sunday school merchant in a village, smailiteacher or Scout leader talk town or large city about this|®bout the wrong of shoplifting? problem and he will tell you it troubles him, Some experts on this problem|or youth. It certainly should be estimate there are 150,000 shop-|Of great concern to all of us liftings a week, with losses to|parents. Don't we want to know store owners of from $1,000,000,-|where our children are? Do we 000 to $3,000,000,000 a year, Ac-|want them to go into stores just FBI report,|to look at things there and han- nearly 200,000 men, women and|dle them when the temptation youngsters were arrested for|i8 great to slip some small store pilferage in 1965 and dur-|things into the pocket? Let us ing the last five years shoplift-/begin with the tot, when he goes to a store with us and teach him never to touch or ding handle a thing untill it has been selected for purchase. a you tl gd een id more ways to appre-|'aken something from a store, oe viifting 'goes|g0 with him to return it, mak: on increasing. What appalls us|ing sure he does. Let him pay is the large numbers of chil-|for it out of his own money or dren and youth from homes of|see you paying for it yourself. Say to him in the presence of the merchant that he must not come into this store again (for a stated period) unless he is with a responsilbe person. Ask the merchant to report to you if he does. You should make the disobedience a serious mat- cording to ing arrests have increased by 79 percent. Many stores are considerable money to prevent and detect shoplifting, but as hend offenders, shoplifting goes comfort and affluence who are shoplifting. One time the owner of a drug- store in a big city on the border between a high economic area and a low one told me that most of the pilfering in his store was by children from the favored ' economic area. "Children of the poor don't steal from us, but better clothing stores among girls from _ select boarding schools and the Ivy League colleges. seem to think it is the same as with it. In many a store where shoplifters The fresh of your salad starts with the freshness of the fruits you buy. During July National Salad Month and con tinuing throughout the sum- mer as homegrown fruits come fully transported to our mar- kets, your favorite sources of you. Take time to look around and admire the fresh fruits, in season and others are care-|1 supply will have much to offer|1 vegetables too, on display. There is an added incentive to feature fresh fruits and vege- tables during Salad Month as retailers will be vying with each other to be acclaimed re- and national winners for the best in displays. This should give consumers a very HONEY CHEESE DRESSING 1-3 cup honey tablespoons fresh orange juice 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 8-ounce package cream cheese Beat honey, juices and cheese in blender or electric mixer at high speed until smooth. Chill. For thicker dressing fold in 1 cup whipped cream. ray Child Must Hear And Read Good English To Learn It EDMONTON (CP)--If your child can speak well and listen well, he will probably be a success in learning to read and write. And grammar exercises won't help him much unless he hears and reads good Eng- lish as a habit. So say two University of Al- berta specialists in language teaching, elementary educa- tion professor R. D, Arm- strong and secondary educa- tion professor E. W. Buxton. "Talk first, then write," says Dr, Armstrong. "If you want a child to write well, you'd better spend most of your time teaching oral lan- ing definitions such as "a noun is the name of a per- son, place or thing." "We have research piled as high as this ceiling to indicate that teaching Latin - based. grammar has no appreciable effect on a student's ability to write or speak the lan- guage," Dr. Buxton says. "What's more, grammar won't help a student unless he lives with good language, hearing it and reading it." So new high school program also would: : --Kelate the language to so- cial studies and history. --Take a realistic look at English usage," by asking the student "to go out into the community and notice the dif- ference between formal gyi colloquial speech." --Train students to detect fallacies in reasoning and il- logical arguments. --Offer a wide range of reading. "If you want youngsters to write well, what you'd better ~do is have them read well and widely," Dr. Buxton says. Dr. Armstrong agrees with Im: EXPERT RE-FINISHING On oll Types of Furniture French Polishing - Restoration of Antiques Oshawa Upholstering Co. 725-0311 "The advice that has been going around for years is still good advice. Reading to a child will do tremendous things for him. And seeing Daddy enjoying a book makes a difference in the child's at. titude toward learning to read." JUST FOR MONEY |The top money you can earn os @ Marvel graduate is only a stort. Send for our free brochure which describes all the wonderful, glamorous career eppartuoiiies you con enjoy as 6 Mar- vel-trained --_professiona' hairstylist, Write or visit: MARVEL BEAUTY SCHOOLS 210 Bloor St, W., Toronto, Dept. OT. Dey or it yp Mgrs Branches in all principal cities. Established over 40 years. guage." Most parents probably re- member filling in written ex- ercisés in elementary school English classes. They're called language classes now, and there's a lot more talk- ig going on. "The child learns his errors intuitively," says Dr. Arm- strong. 'And since the error was learned by habit, you must break the habit intui- tively." Therefore children practise new constructions by talking before they write. A teacher might begin with a simple sentence about a soldier and encourage the children to add details about him: "'big," "tall," "in a red uniform." By the end of the week's work the children might be adding descriptive details to short essays of their own. GRAMMAR CHANGES In high school, new gram- mar books will make the stu- dent examine language for himself instead of memoriz- wide choice of high quality fresh fruits and vegetables for salad making. Every tempting fresh fruit salad deserves special attention being given to the dressing served with it. A dressing sweetened with honey subtly enhances the flavors of the fruits. Two such are suggest- ed, both light in texture, deli- cate in flavor and easily and quickly made. HONEY CREAM DRESSING 3 tablespoons honey tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind cup whipped cream Fold honey, lemon juice and rind into whipped cream. Chill. gan doing it in early childhood Perhaps most shoplifters be- Pretty Toenails Respond To Care you normally do, the podiatrist warns. Don't clean the sulci with scissors-point, nail file, or other blunt instrument. Rather, er, ing you see various street children of the well-to-do," he/signs in your child's room, go added. Sometimes we read of|Wwith him to return them to the the prevalence of shoplifting in|Proper authorities. It's amazing how many of such stolen brn you may see in some well-to-do homes. We parents need to get over Juvenile shoplifters don't/early and constantly to our chil- dren that taking things not ' stealing, but that it's the smart/bought or used with permission thing to do if you can get awayjis theft. Let's not pussyfoot on using the words thief, theft, Everyone has them, toenails that is, but not everyone knows are some tips from a British scrub them with a brush while bathing. After the bath, use a how to take care of them. Here|cotton-tipped swab or an stick to » gently, HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT FAST and still eat 3 meals a day! Do it this sensible way--with the PASTILS/808 Retain Plan. You can eat meat, fish, cheese and vegetables . . . and still lose pounds, Because with the PASTILS/808 Plan you eat what you need--~you'll just want Jess! This new weight control system is already used by thousands throughout North America and Europe! Just take ane or two PASTILS/808 before each meal and follow the clever points system, You'll eat less so you'll lose excess weight! Prove it for yourself! With the PASTILS/808 Reducing Plan in the long pons economy pack, from your pels pr today. You'll like it... you'll like yourself too when the pounds start rolling off! Pastils/808 Reducing Plan A near-effortless 'way to lose weight. podiatrist on how to keep your toenails sightly and hurt-free. Pressure is what causes toe- nails to hurt. Be sure your shoes fit well. Happy toes (and pretty ones) may be your reward. Another cause of toe aches is the accumulation of dead skin cells in the sulci (crevices) at the sides of toes. Normally, these cells fall off the skin's surface or are washed or brush- ed away. Sometimes, however, they pack the sulci, causing dis- comfort. What to do about it? Not what stealing. Let us face reality and bring up our children to do so. Meanwhile, let us forever set a good example of honesty. ANSWERING QUESTIONS Q. Suppose your child doing homework asked you to spell a any remaining debris. Finally, triny your nails prop- erly. Trim them straight across and not too short. Never trim the sides of a nail. Nine out of ten times ingrown toenails are caused by such trimming. If these precautions fail, take thee to an expert for a thorough pedicure. RUSH TO BLONDE MONTREAL (CP) -- Only about two per cent of North American women are naturally blonde, hair coloring manufac- turers report. This year alone 40,000,000 women, whether teen- agers with allowances or gran- nies with pensions, will spend $180,000,000' on hair coloring products choosing from 30 shades of blonde plus blonde heightening shades of mauve and pink. word for him or her. What would you do? A. I would spell it gladly, hoping to encourage in this child a good spelling con- science, Helping at the looking up of some words in the diction- ary might also be desirable. BARBARA'S Sitti' Continuing Our 10th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL 25% .OFF ON ALL COLD WAVES 75 CELINA ST. raion _ CLEARANCE BEDDING PLANTS BOX PLANTS BUY 2 GET 1 FREE Petunias -- Asters -- Snaps -- Zinnias Portulaca -- Marigolds, Etc., Etc. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. GREENHOUSES .. . 163 Bloor West But if you always say, 'Look it up in the dictionary," he probably won't, but will guess at its spelling. children of the affluent are caught at pilfering the manager often doesn't even call the par- ents or report to them. "If I did," said one store owner, "I'd lose a good customer." SPREAD INFORMATION The public should know about the prevalence of shoplifting and to think of it as theft. Editors of newspapers and mag- azines and broadcasters could help spread this information. When have you read or heard of such? When have you heard TGLANZER CABINETS 74 CELINA STREET FOR THE FINEST : Lede hs Rite i blixeny "Free Customer Parking While Shopping et Our Store" Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shades and fobrics . 2. tee es. M&C Dry Goods & Draperies EXPERTLY INSTALLED DRAPERY TRACKS 723-7827 ea aaa © gUSTOM CABINETS $ HARDWOOD FURNITURE K_ GUARANTEED FREE ESTIMATES 345 FRENCH ST. OSHAWA Phone 576-2980 OSHAWA TIMES PICTURE RE-PRINTS Avellable At - NU-WAY PHOTO SERVICE 251 King 8. B., Oshewe 8 x 10 -- 1.50 each Discount o n Orders 20 or More: Pictures - For all your drapery needs see Oatey DECORATOR | | 15 King Street East CUSTOM MADE DRAPES Phone 725-2686 experienced men clean your soiled rugs, whether it be wall-to-wall or loose rugs. Other services offered by Angus-Graydon are binding, repairing, fringing, dyeing, alterations and custom installations. The Cost Is Only 10c Per Sq. Ft. Angus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY LIMITED 282 KING ST. WEST If your rug is valuable to you... it deserves the very best. . . and it costs no more. Modern equipment, skill and only fully guarantee you the best of results when we Example 9' x 12' Only 10.80 728-6254 This is a "one of a kind' sale with up to 50% off on lamps, shades and fixtures But you can buy as many kinds as you wish Once a year each Lighting Unlimited store must clear out an interesting selection of "one of a kind" lighting ideas. it is all quality merchandise some of which was purchased for display purposes and others that a manufacturer may have dis- continued. 2° selection, The only problem is we can't sell you a pair as we normally could, But if you're looking for a "one of a kind" lamp fixture or shade -- there'll never be a better time. Redue- tions up to 50%. Drop in soon for the best LIGHTING UNLIMITED Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-0922 Satisfaction Guaranteed -- Ample Parking pantsuit. Jacket with a skirt-suit. Natural, green or gold swing- Team the jacket with slims. You have a A-line skirt makes cord «a Viscose rayon fabric by Courtaulds. 12-20 Shamrock. Jacket 20.00 Slims 70.00 Skirt 9.00 Oshawa Shopping Centre Fashions since 1867 MR. A) Life - Lon Honored ( Mr. and Mrs. Cl: Fralick celebrated | wedding anniversar: home of Mr. and } rice Fralick, Scuge where they received : hundred guests. The Grace United Women of Scugog Isl: ed Mr. and Mrs. F providing and serving S0( FORTHCOMING MA Mr. and Mrs. Mal ens announce the fc marriage of their Cheryl Heather, to D: ael MacDonald, son ¢ Mrs. Donald MacDon Oshawa. The cerem take place on Saturde 1967 at. 2:30 p.m. in Anglican Church, Lit ENGAGEMED Mr. and Mrs. W Smith wish to announ gagement of their Suzanne, to Bruce Sin of Mr. and Mrs, Bern son, all of Oshawa. ding is to take pla George's Memorial ( Friday, July 14, 196% p.m. ENGAGEMED Mr. and Mrs. Davi Hall wish to announc gagement of their eld ter, Darlene Marg Barry Arthur Clemen Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens, all of Ham wedding will take _ Saturday, July 22, 19 in Hampton United CI a @ Full 5-Yea Workmans! Guarantee @ Easy Budge Terms @ Over 20 Y« of Experien FURI 90 SIMC FREE ESTI.

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