eS tev et THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, June 21, 1967 LAW DEGREE Mr. W. E. Hinkson, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hink- son, 465 Bloor St. W., grad- uated from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Law, June 12 with a Bachelor of Law degree. Mr. Hinkson will be articled for the re- quired period of time with the Toronto firm, of Blaney, Pasternak, Smella, Eagleson and Watson. 80-Mile Trip On Live Bomb CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP)--A suburban: Cleveland woman took an 80-mile trip during the weekend with a plastic explo- sive as powerful as 20 sticks of dynamite under the hood of her} car, police said Monday. The booby trap in Madeline Komaromy's car didn't go off because it wasn't hooked up right, police said. It probably was intended for someone else and put in her car by mistake. Miss Komaromy, a secretary in her early 30s, said she drove from her home to Sugarcreek, Ohio, Sunday to visit relatives. She also took six children for a drive Sunday before the booby trap was discovered. Police said the explosive, known as C-4, had been stolen trom the army. Escapees Recaptured KINGSTON (CP)--Police to- day recaptured Jacques: Anctil, 22, and Real Paquette, 19, both of Ottawa, who escaped from a Collins Bay penitentiary work gang Monday afternoon. The men, serving five-year sentences for armed robbery, were picked up by city police at noon on a downtown street. The men were part of a paint gang working on the exterior of the prison for women in King- ston when they escaped. Shortly after the break police found a stolen truck abandoned on the city's main street. About 40 prison guards plus police from city and provincial forces were searching for the pair, BA DEGREE Rosemary Ursula Les- gard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Kiss, 297 Seneca St., received her BA in lan- guage from Queen's Uni- versity. Mrs. Lessard is a graduate of OCVI. She will be travelling to Germany with her husband, Lt. Den- nis Lessard, a RMC gradu- ate. Mrs. Lessard plans on teaching schoo] in Germany for three years. ITU Strikes In Welland 'WELLAND, Ont. (CP)---Mem- bers of the International Typo- graphical Union at the Welland Tribune went on strike for a new contract Tuesday and indi- cations were that publication would be suspended. A picket line was thrown up but was crossed by newsroom, advertising, circulation and of- fice personnel Gord Meyer, chairman of the union's negotiating committee, said the printers voted 17 to 4 for the strike at a meeting Mon- day night. A total of 25 printers are involved. Mr. Meyer said the printers were frustrated by their inabil- -ity to gain agreement on a new contract, talks began last No- vember. A meeting between the sides broke up last week with the un- jon demanding a 53-cent-an-hour increase over two years and the company offering 41 cents over two years or 50 cents for 30 months. The current hourly rate is 87. se ee CO SV OVS FEES Bey we we ee + 2 POWER LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 564 KING ST. E., OSHAWA Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri, till 9:30 -- Sat. till 6 500 ROSSLAND RD. W., OSHAWA Open Wed., Thurs, and Fri, till 9:30 -- Sat. till 6 ore@iALS EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21 TILL CLOSING-- GATURDAY, JUNE 24, MARTIN'S VITAMINIZED APPLE POWER Fresh Sliced SAVE Se * White © Whole Wheat © Cracked Wheat JUICE 24 OZ, | LOAF 48 oz. ¢ Tin ®@ SAVE 7c @ | | PARAMOUNT FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 58° © SAVE 9c @ POWER Canada First Grade CREAMERY BUTTE POWER EVAPORATED MILK SAVE 6c CHOICE at 7% oz Tin CHOICE MEATY « FLAN! LOIN AYLMER FANCY CUT BLUE LAKE GREEN BEANS 3 14 0z. Tins 2:3r GOLDEN VALLEY BI KLEENEX -- po LUNCHEON MEAT = 38 "OT sie TOwATO Wwe oa il TOMATO CATSUP 2 w= 35¢ BEAN RT ORNS" 29 me FRENCH FRI s ih MIRACLE. WHI 53: | BEANS WITH PORK, 2. s=-2.5% ie Family Requ We Regret Ne Declers Pleese! HEINZ IN TOMATO SAUCE SPAGHETTI 2:37 SAVE 5c te tebe KR SE ES ee seececets SECs CLARK'S VEGETABLE OR TOMATO SOUP WHITE SWAN TOILET POWER SPARKLING TISSUE | GINGER ALE 4:49'\4 47 REGENCY FROZEN LEMONADE 9' Pkg. of 120 14 oz 10 oz. Tins Tin Roll Pkg 6 oz. Tin & SAVE 15 It SAVE 3c SAVE 8c