' 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, June 21, 1967 THE BEST HAM MONEY CAN BUY! -- Readly-to-Eat > SMOKED eam, COOKED f F ie Completely . kinned 8 ee j hd Oa tetied: E € r Partially Boned * oF Trimmed of i All Excess Fat NFB WINS AWARDS MONTREAL .(CP)--The Na- Fresh Jet-Flown Also available: Lower priced SMOKED COOKED HAM. Long shank, not skinned, not defatted. . FREE ies . pa ig yi Restigouche $] 29 gam aes oa i Lb $ Shenk. Portion, LB. . 0. cc ec cccccccceseacess 53° American Film Festival in New : a me Fuk ns competion sebine SAlMON tiherEna Veal Steakettes 10 rs 589 Don't be fooled by a lower priced ham... ing all films distributed in the For Steinberg's Fresh Baked Pies $ This Steinberg Ready-To-Eot Cooked Ham is completely skinned and the surface fat hos been sharply trimmed off. For pee eset STEINBERG | 4 os / - TO TEACH Fresh Picnic Cut Nancy Puskas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph [ Puskas, 885 Oshawa Blvd. : N., graduated June 3 from \ Queen's University with a BA degree. Miss Puskas | a has accepted a_ teaching ¢ position in Toronto. She at- tended Dr. S. J. Phillips Pu- blic School and O'Neill Col- legiate. Lb. LOCAL II Prec United States. The winning After all, you can't eat this skin and fat so we don't believe you should have to pay for it. And note thet the ENTIRE NFB films were Paddle to the Fresh Tasty Sea, No Reason to Stay, Keno- juak, and Buster Keaton Rides i d Ch Again. roun UCK ib. Ham hes been skinned ond defatted . . . not just part of the hame. You won't find a long shank either. This is the Steak & Kidney Pi ney les part of the ham thot has a high bone content . . . so off it comes before we put the ham in the meat counter. There's one other feature thot makes this Steinberg Ham different too. When you buy either the butt or short shank portion ' ; ' you get the full cut... the premium centre section hasn't been removed. By JAMES Put Yourself - Dy ~ 1 le Dr. Gordon On A Winning 'ee se 'aie building a college Not with his ha but with his min Team sees and The Ontario-Du of Applied Arts ai which is now be ed on 75 acres of coe Street North ; cession is only : flection of the co Furtl OnH Hospital author awa will meet th Toronto consultar their plans for $11,400,000 annex corporate all th tures within the hospital budget. 9 Oz The proposed : Frozen *) provide for a n Pkg. ny school of nursing, the board of hea $ Former Re ¢ Commande 6% Oz, The commandir Tins For the Ontario Regi when it returnec seas in 1945, Bris L. Purves, DSO, ¢€ terday at Newn Purves was well MAXWELL | LIBBY'S STEINBERG || Valley Farms | SAICO PURE "HOUSE '=| TOMATO | SALAD | FRENCH ORANGE COFFEE | ~~ JUICE =~ | DRESSING | ~ FRIES ¢ ¢ 16 Oz. Jar Reg. or Diet Pepsi Cola a: of 6 Pkgs. Purex Asst'd Col Ee Furies Wee am oe C iy 2 Roll. Canada No. 1 Grade California's Finest Sweet Luscious Lge. Size rt served | | ¢ p He is survived Alfreda and a di BING CHERRIES Mariyn Schoell, o The funeral se Pe ee se %. Ri, Bathroom Tissue For For held at 1.30 p.m. the Thompson Fi Aurora. eS. \ g S| : Kam ABC Powdered Regular 1.29 d You can get a fast Luncheon Meat Pais 49¢ 4 tb. 9Q¢ cash touchdown when re i Laundry Detergent Pkg. you turn your no- Steinberg's Fresh hy glee -- Sugar, Sosnitnn or Plain me $ Welchade ? 32 Oz. ] ¢ . old articles into dol- of 24 4 ; lars through a fast- Cake Donettes 3 For | Grape Drink fer i] acting, low-cost Want : : Ad. Steinberg's Fresh Kellogg's 13 Oz. tb. oepeddien "2 Raisin Pie = Je Rice Krispies 22" 89° | ---------- Sweet Cantaloupes 3 tr 89c Ads for things they Blue Star Lady Scott, -- Pkg, of 400 need and your items < 3% lb, ¢ Asst'd Colours Pkgs. ¢ es Whole Chicken ™ Facial Tissue J" tl Grown Conde No.1 Gre Fe 19¢ ist tonight ake alist tonig ee Farm Hose Frozen Green Cabbage Eo, ed coll-us or help in or Steinberg Canadian 80 STRAW BERRY -RHUBARB : .: . in e| wording an effective 9 3 » $ | meer BLOe 34 ty Canada No.1 Grade Fresh Crisp Florida ak ¢ ; Ea, * ad. Specify the six- Cheese Slices Pkgs. Apple Pie Celery Stalks a Lge. Stalks Eg, time schedule for the ~ Pkgs. For For friendly, helpful Minute Breakfast Pkg. WANT AD SERVICE CALL (HELP THE INDIAN.) ( wavsteate L roca | [sme sganon|| Wi ENCYCLOPEDIA, Meat Pies \ Granny Smith Apples ! , c fastest cash score! Asst'd Flavours 90z. 4 Q ¢ ne bel or Turkey 4 8 Oz. $ | Product of S. America Canada Fancy Grade Fresh 3 ae 19 c * ? : Buy a CENTENNIAL Orange Pineapple or ' THE MOST USEFUL ENCYCLOPEDIA . ea a Chi *xPOLKA Record PUBLISHED TODAY FOR THE NEEDS OF Asst'd Sizes Pineapple Grapefruit Hawkin's CLASSIFIED Apex YOUNG PEOPLE FROM JUNIOR GRADES Libbey Golden Haze ° Del Monte # 48 Oz. 75 ¢ Ch ' Nl Oz, 59 ¢ ot : THROUGH HIGH SCHOOL H j Ti eeZ Pkg. | TR aa agra Sherbet Dish Beach Thongs Drinks &Tins eS Pko STRA\ e : | 45 7 Oz. Children's Ladies: cunt Leaf FANCY RED Reynojd's Heavy Duty The strawbe "Your Direct line to : 3 18"x25" delicious last RPM ockeye 7% Oz. . C "strawberry fe ; " : ; - Roll over iy Times Sold Exclusively 5 00 Only $199 6 ~My 29 39° Salmon Tin 63¢ Foil Wrap ) 69 Footing mae eaders" at Steinberg ni Pr. Pr, We reserve the the right to limit quantities. No dealers please, pew eo ge q ( ty Tax 2 x. 2 *.. ee ae ay ie All prices in this ad effective June 21 to 24, 1967. oo l { < t }