Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Jun 1967, p. 20

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a ---- _ FIFTEEN MINUTES to Expo. Two fast if desired, 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, June 19, 1967 30--Automobiles for Sale [36--Legal 26--Apertments for Rent 27--Rooms for Rent WANTED TWO - BEDROOM apartment, $129 per month, heating and electricity paid. Near school and rch, yard for chil- dren. Available July 1. 723-7393. TWO BEDROOMS, living room, kitchen with cupboards, private bath. Apply 411 King Street East, 723-2549. ee SPACIOUS 2-bedroom basement apart- ment, close to schoo! In Whitby, refriger- » ator and stove, heated, vacant July 1. Telephone 986-4257. +98. ONE - BEDROOM apartment in modern bullding. Refrigerator, stove, dinette, living room, drapes. Near Osh- awa Shopping Centre. Available July or August 1. Adults. 723-2570. NICE clean unfurnished, heated, three- ping Pi 723-5. LARGE furnished bedroom, ki laundry privileges, Crerar Avenue. HOLLYWOOD MOTEL now open nightly ities. Near south General Motors. 725/07 Weexiy, rates reagonable. 800 Brock 0793. os BS ea --|North, ee $110 monthly. Two - bedroom | Wice furnished bedroom, suitable for free laundry facilities. Near south Gen- iota girl oF boy, fairs apartment, TV antenna, $60." monthly. Couple preferred. Available June 26. Telephone 728-5683, 00 AVAILAB: NOW, $115 monthly. Two- bedroom apartment, on top floor of du- plex, stove, fridge and free laundry facil 4SULY 1 apartment, fridge, stove, TV outlel and eral Motors. Telephone 728-4975. - TWO-bedroom apartments. Teaminne peasenbion. 291 Marland Ave- fue. Apply Apt. 107. Telephone 723-6134, et NICE bed-sitting room, newly decorated,|ing business hours. light housekeeping. Free parking. Suit- able for one person. Telephone Whitby, 668-6207. LARGE furnished room, close to shop- parking. Ad Pine Avenue and Grenfell or 1522. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home, Call between 5 and 7 pm. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 Good clean local cars for cosh, % MORLEY. STALKEP MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 '64 PONTIAC, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, good condition. Best offer. Inter- ested? Contact Auto Workers Credit centre, available now, parking 3) Whitby. 668-5201 Available immediately. ROYAL HOTEL, Whitby, 171 Brock St. N. Rooms nightly or by week, $12. Hot ind cold water in each room. 668-5012. pone le A est Sach FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month in- ind heat. Al 24 after 5 p.m. "and refrigerator inc fe ori ns ce chase shined die _.|Apply 160 Agnes St 'i eae COSY, FULLY FURNISHED three-room | Rooms FOR RENT for gentlemen. Tele- apartment. Bus at door. Parking space. oA ne yo. fang. Centrally located. Telephone 723-7244. ne ag riment, re-|°2 i Valiant, two door hardtop, K5895, $895, WHITBY -- we hewn SWvatianwe (chen privileges, free parking. Simcoe|R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East. Ry 100 per month. Telephone 668- North area. Telephone 723-6508) 149 PLYMOUTH, Licence _ K5666. '39 ro? i |FURNISHED ROOM in widow's home.|Pontiac, A-1 condition, K8176, $495. R _ | to-wall in living room. Built-in refrigera- | tor and stove. Washer and dryer 725-9328 or 576-1426 it WHITBY -- Central, two bedroom apart-|TWO FURNISHED bedrooms with kitch i ji 4.;en and laundry facilities. Sitting - room ment. Furnished it desires. ony, hest,|with television. Hydro. included. Very|motor.. In excellent condition. Telephone Keg one Plenty of parking. Telephone central. Ladies only. Telephone 728-3719. 666-4685. i223. |ONE ROOM, private washroom and|1962 V-8 FORD Galaxie, automatic, So ne | gO DIO fOr gentieman, northwest sec- TWO-BEDROOM apartment, larae bal-|sio7, cony, electric heating, broadioom, wall- | 139 Bus stops at door. free, SINGLE furnished room, central loca- ion. Whitby 668-2466. vg |63 OLDSMOBILE 98, black, four-door close to: downtown, | V-8 automatic. White walls, radio, rear Tele- phone 728-0852, 74 Oshawa Blvd. South, "rooms, stove luded and cup board. "WEEKLY, room with television, kit- Telephone 728-| Union. 728-5187 anytime dur- \60 RAMBLER Classic, standard trans- |missicn, re-built motor, clean inside and out, perfect condition, $600 or best offer. Telephone 668-4267. FOR SALE -- 1956 Chevrolet, good con- dition, Best offer. Telephone 723-5100. |sedan, A-1, fully powered, Telephone 5/6- |1381. No triflers please. a 62 VOLKSWAGEN window van, A-1 shape, $725 or best offer. Telephone 723- 6400. WHITE '66 Chevelle, two door hardiop, seat speaker and dual exhausts. Tele- Phone 576-2132. Wee 1964 BUICK Skylark convertible, auto- matic, low mileage, power steering and brakes, bucket seats, radio. Excellent condition. $1,850 or best offer. 723-6782. 1959 CHEVROLET, four - door sedan, clean inside, motor good, needs some body work, mo licence, $75. Telephone 668-8139. '57 DODGE, new motor job. J80674. '62 B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used| cars, '55's and up. Trades accepted Terms arranged. R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East. i 1961 WOLESLEY, 699 series, automatic $400 or nearest offer. Reconditioned IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF HASTINGS CANADA PROVINCE OF ONTARIO TO WIT: In the motter of Marie Hobbs AND In the matter of the Child Welfare Act | hereby appoint Monday the 10th doy of July 1967 at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon at my Chambers in the Court House in the City of Belleville, Ontario, as the time ond place for hearing the ap- plication of Herbert Ralph Locklin and his wife Thelma Jean Locklin for an order for the adoption of the child known as. Shelley Marie Hobbs. And notice is hereby given to Mr. Milton Hobbs, father of Shelley Marie Hobbs, to at- tend at the above time and place' and to give to the pre- siding judge any evidence which he may desire to give in connection with the said application. And further take notice that if Mr. Hobbs fails to attend, the adoption may be complet- ed without further notice to him. Dated at Belleville, Ontario, this 16th day of June, 1967, J. C. Anderson; Shelley WHITBY -- One bedroom apartment on kitchenette, refrigerator and stove, walk-|radio, one owner, very clean, Telephone thly. Un-|ing distance from hospital. main floor. Furnished $110 monthly. rg furnighed $100 monthly. Telephone 668-7 Telephone | 723-6318. | '64 CHEVELLE Malibu, two-door hard- BACHELOR apartment available imme-|top, 283, V-8 motor, automatic, full whee! | WHITBY -- Furnis i} apart-|diately in residential east-end home, con-jdiscs, radio, excellent condition inside WHITBY -- Furnished basement ap i and out. 723-0844. ' lable June sisting of large, completely furnished ment. Adequate parking. Availab! pall AULA tl | vate entrance. $65 monthly. 723-5964 apartment available from July 6 at re-|ELGIN ST. EAST -- Furnished roam, | 17569, Evenings 942-5693, bu i Private entrance. : duced rentals. Prestige buliding in north refrigerator, | parking. 445 FORD galaxie 500 ccnvertible, stand Oshawa with Pt th oo pool, sauna and|Gentleman preferred. $12 weekly. Tele Bs 9 other extras. Telephone day or evening Phone 725-1497, Sean oe 28--Room and Board os vt. Telephone » 655-4726. ba 3 SUB-LET -- attractive two bedroom 723-575: WHI r Separate bath, pr "11963 CHEV sedan. Pure white with red _..Jor best offer. 576-0428. IHITBY. One-bedi furnished, heated, water, recently deco- rated, fireplace. Large lawn. Baby con- sidered. $80 monthly. Immediate posses sion. 2900 evenings. FOUR - ROOM spariment, private en- trance. Available now, Young couple preferred. Apply 112 Stevenson Road North. FURNISHED basement apartment, 22 rooms, semi-private, central, dry, well heated, modern refrigerator, full stove, antenna. Available June 25. One or two adults. Abstainers. Telephone 576-0116. _ [tra AND TWO-BEDROOM apart- ments avellable In July. Georgian Court ec eee toeentemen 443 RAMBLER Classic siation wagon, six cylinder automatic, excellent condi-| 3 Apartments, Whitby. Telephone 468-2296 | or 668-3470. gE eo ent. | COLBORNE EAST, 57. Room and boa i typ sce wigniohed apartment | corieman to share, close to north GM. Sult two persons, hydro Included. Near For further Information telephone 3148. Shopping Centre. |TV |week, private at oeneett ret aa = 3, | close to schools and bus stop. Telephone -ROOM unfurnished roel ¥ psp entrance and private bath, $75/723-1498. priva' URSEOEE etnias th. Children welcome. Apply 517/ROOM AND BOARD available for lady tra at lor gentleman. Close to hospital and bus. A ee eee or SELF-CONTAINED fthree-room --_apart-| er Brock Street East. Telephone '29--Wante rere Rent FIVE - ROOM apartment, | General Motors. p.m. 668-4870. Eevee _|abl WHITBY -- One - bedroom modern building, electrically heated, | stove, retrigerator, w July 1. $95 monthly. 668-6907. | 7» two-bedroom a available now, two July $110. housekeeping room available. 728-4845. riments, One| 30-----Automobiles month- SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St ly located. Apply 147 st or telephone 725-2938, Brock privileges, parking. 7%-| GENTLEMAN, preferably teacher, 5 day lephone 725-2305. vent, near south!two - BEDROOM house, unfurnished, |M"S_D* Telephone after fiv@|wanted by mid-August. Must be reason-|63 RAM je. After 5:30 telephone 942-2405. apartment, HOUSE WANTED to rent or buy with approximately 10 to 20 acres within 35-|----___ terstanis sets eat wai drapes supplied,| mile radius of Oshawa, Write Box 71012|48 RAMBLERS, three from which to hing facilities, parking space. Avail-\o.awa Times, le e" Py RD ate -- --|for Rambler, 728-7351. SON BND RORRD: for, gen Lecbhgui Rha ET) CHEV station wagon, V-8 motor, cus- te rd.|/Rambler, 728-7351. section,/\y, Wellman for Rambler, 728-735). --|1964 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic, for Sale ltrim. Automatic, radio. Perfect car. Lic. rd, V-8, white with red interior. $2,000! 1964 COMET, two - door hardtop, 289 four speed. Telephone 728-0469. 761 CHEVROLET convertible, six automa- tic, $750 cash. Telephone 576-1291. ' "62 RAMBLERS, three from which fo choose, excellent summer _ transporta- tion, fully reconditioned. $10 down, $9 weekly. Wellman for Rambler, 728-7351. 's7 CHEVROLET deluxe, four - door, V-8, automatic with power brakes and Steering. $5 down, $5 weekly. Wellman lom radio, excellent condition, $1,450 or best offer. Telephone 725-1053. | tion, $10 down, $12 weekly. Wellman for '62 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard- top, V-8, automatic, radio, white walls, showroom condition. $10 down, $12 week- 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu, two door hard- top, 283, V-8 motor, automatic, full wheel discs, radio, Excellent condition, inside jand out. 723-0844, 6 cylinder, low mileage, one owner. Tele- phone 728-3045 after 5:30 p.m. Ask for Mrs. Davey. R Classic, two - door, six cylinder standard, radio, white walls, low mileage. $10 down, $11 weekly. Well- man for Rambler, 728-7351. |choose, all fully reconditioned and guar- lanteed. $25 down, $18 weekly. Weliman bed Rambler, 728-7351. 43 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 | ,» two children welcome. Apply 219 Cirdata Road, Apartment 2, daytime. | Call 728-1070, night call 723-5482, | WHITBY -- Furnished ment. Adequate parking. 17, Telephone 665-4726. Saf WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartment, re- frigerator, stove and electric heat. Tele- phone 725-8020 before & p.m. a NEWLY DECORATED bachelor apart ment in apartment building, suitable for working or retired lady. Central, stove, refrigerator and laundry facilities, Tele- phone 728-3344. 'allable June} BROCK EAST 4, one-bedroom 4 ment, all facilities pald, parking, laun- » one child welcome. Central location. Available now. Tele 728-6319 before :30 p.m. or 723-2050 after 4 p.m. GENTRAL three room self-contained ap- artment, refrigerator and stove, private home. Available June 1. Adults. Tele- phone 728-2767. 162 Ritson Road S$. SUBLET three bedroom apartment,/ stove, fridge and drapes. Available now. Marland Ave. 723-6134 or 576-3479. NEW BUILDING, in Whitby, sound- proof, now renting 1 and 2 bedrooms, extra large suite at most economical rates, rent Includes free hydro, free) parking, ete, Call 284-6813 West Hill. | APARTMENTS for rent, 3 or 4 rooms,| fridge and stove. Close te bus. Tele- phone 725-3938. | | THREE-ROOM apartment with kitchen: | ette and bath. Stove and refrigerator In-| cluded. Children welcome. Available | July 5. Apply 303 Albert Street, 723-5575 | or 728-6939. i SINGLE room for gentleman. Close to South General Motors. Telephone 576- 2369 or apply 155 Mill Street. | THREE - ROOM basement apariment. | 516 Wilson Road South after five. HEATED upstairs apartment in Osh- Osh. | awa. Available now. Telephone after § p.m., Whitby 668-4973. ane | TWO - BEDROOM apartment, available July 1, $95 monthly. Telephone 576-1989 '& CENTRAL. Three large furnished rooms. Private entrance. Parking. Two children allowed. Telephone 576-0116. WHITBY -- Three - room apartment,| four-piece bath, parking and_ laundry facilities, centrally located. Telephone 668-3207. GIBB STREET -- Sub-let three-bedroom apartment. Available July 1. Adults only. e 728. Tw ROOM spariment, in_new| five-plex, built-in stove, drapes, balcony.) refrigerator, parking, central, adults only. Telephone 9.48. THREE ED! IM apartment and ga- $100. Two - bedroom apartment, $95. Schools and elena f rage, large yard, Share bath with one other family. 4736 evenings. MODERN, 2'-room flat. Private, par- tially furnished if desired. One or two adults. Close to Oshawa Shopping Cen-) tre. Occupancy July 1. 728-3690. | THREE - ROOM apartment, bath, self. contained, stove, laundry facilities. Avall-| able July 1. Telephone 728-6906, HOLIDAY SPECIALS 1960 FRONTENAC 2-Dr, -- Lic. -------.. Radio, ex- ceptional condition, 1964 CHEV, 4-Dr Lie. 594-36E. 283 V-8 and automatic and radio, Seé this one. $1695 1961 WOLSELY 4-Dr. Lic. 545672. Automatie and radio, whitewolls. Real sharp. $795 1963 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4- Dr. Lic 'automatic, whitewalls $1295 1962 COMET Custom 4-Dr. Lic. .461503. Automa- tic ond radio. Sharp. $1095 1962 FORD FAIRLANE 2-Dr, Lic. 588363, V-8 outo- matic ond radio. $1095 BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA Phone 723-4675 26A--Expo Accommodation |T Coming to Expo in Montreal? Lodgexpo member offers love- ly rooms 5 minutes from sub- way, downtown area, better district, west end Montreal. Our rooms are from $5-7 per person daily. Also beautiful eastern township reliable re- servations, 20% down, 1 hour OSHAWA RANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions are still our specialty, but we do now hove facilities to do all gen- eral repairs. 576-2610 All work guoranteed. 467417. 6-cyl., Telephone 728-8415 -------- | bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. via auto route to Montreal. Only those wishing to be es- pecially well treated need ap- ply os we ore aware this is Conado's birthday party. Come one, come all. Moke reservations now. Please write MRS. E. V. WINFORD, Foster Quebec 'or phone 514-539- 1107. ---- RESERVATIONS taken now for large double room in modern private home in Montreal. $10 per couple, $15 for two couples, $10 for family of four. 723-1355, rooms in modern private home, break $10 couple, $6 single adult. Special rates children. 725-4497, Advertise Your Vacancy MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-9421 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No. 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cors, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 in the Times Classified Section... watch roomers come running! Phone 723-3492 WANT-ADS DON'T COST--THEY PAY per week, radio, one owner. Wellma: re '9% MERCURY convertible, powered by '56 Oldsmobile engine, bored out to 345 cubic inches, % cam, solid lifters, two| holly four-barrell carbs, Mallory -- igni- In A-1 condition. 728-4842. tion and brand new top, This machine 's/38--Coming Events 2. Judge TENDERS CAFETERIA OPERATION SECONDARY SCHOOLS The Board of Education will accept tenders for the opera- tion of five Secondary School Cafeterias for the school year 1967-68 up to 4:00 p.m. Friday, June 30, 1967 at the office of the Business Admin- istrator,, 555 Rossland Road West, Oshawa. Specifications obtainable from the office of the Business Ad- ministrator, Oshawa Board of Education J. R. Backus, Business Administrator 7--Auction Soles AUCTION SALE. Property of Mr. Davidson, 387 Masson St., Oshawa. June 24 at 1 p.m. Writing desk, radio and re- cord player, arm chair, floor lamp, coffee table, Simmons bed chesterfield, china cabi- net, dresser, radio clock, table and chairs, sewing ma- chine, Easy washing machine, rugs 12 x 13 and 9 x 12, law mower, dishes, garden tools, 1954 motorcycle N.S.A, Terms cash, MYLES KING AUCTIONEER 725-3039 31--Compact Cars for Sale % VOLVO and PEUGOT xe MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1963 AUSTIN 850. Perfe: ply 409 Bernhard Crescent. Ope ies 1961 MGA Roadster. Excellent condi- tion. Apply 238 Kaiser Crescent. ca 1961 SPRITE, excellent condition. $550. '64 MGB, red, black Interior, new fires, radio, etc, Excellent condition through- out. $250, Take over payments, Telephone 728-9567. 32--Trucks for Sale REPAIRABLE WRECKS with most parts to repair, '65 Chev. convertible, '66 Pontiac two-door. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. 1952 CHEVROLET truck, good condition. Telephone 655-3024 after 5 p.m. 1959 CHEVROLET, one-ton, dual wheels, cabin chassis, very good condition. Tele- phone. 725-2162. VOLKSWAGEN pick-up, will trade for @ panel truck or sell. Telephone 942-3321. BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday ot 8:00 P.M, 20 games--Jackpot -- Snowball and Share The Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO Nos. 53 and 55 TONIGHT 8 P.M. RED BARN EXTRA BUSES '63 2¥%4-TON GMC stake truck. $1,200 or best off In top condition. Telephone 623-2792, 33--Automobiles Wanted _ CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used car to "Ted". Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING co. Cars bought, parts for sale. iron and metals |COMPLETE or incomplete cars for |wrecking purposes.~ Telephone 576-0317. |WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- ling. No charge for towing. Best prices |paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime, Rob- s. 34--Automobile Repair FRED STONE Brooklin --- 655-3653 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price Paes) low as $200.00 | AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions ore Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges, All Work Ven EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP CENTENNIAL OPEN-PIT BEEF BARBECUE at East Whitby Town Hall Grounds in Columbus Dedication Ceremony, Child- ren's Choir, Band Concert, Hoy Rides, Street Dancing, Square Dancing, Fireworks Display. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1967 Tickets available until June 22 only from Municipol Of- ficials or: Township Office, Columbus; Johnston's Men's Wear, downtown; Saywells' Leather Goods, 16 Simcoe S.; Jury and Lovell, 8 King East. Centennial Program --. 4:30 p.m. -- 12:00 p.m. Beef Barbecue Tickets (serv- ed at 6 p.m.) Adults $3. Children (12 and under) $1.25 _ 50c KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY See Saturday's Ad ADMISSION 50c Guaranteed. DAILY NEWSPAPER READERS An average 300 million coples of 8,000 daily newspapers are sold throughout the world on any given weekday. That's why IMs smart business to ad- vertise in The Times' Classified Section .. » 8 so popular. It's the one place people look for your a" Te get your offer before 23,000 subscriber-readers at 723-3492. ' tow eost, lust dial oo. rast... SELL WITH TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS DEATHS OBITUARIES BEUCHLER, Elizabeth Verna {in erento, on Friday, June 6, 1967. A former resident at 5 Al- ma, ir ear. e- - |leved daughter of Alber! and. Freda| Dany Street, Charles Ernest Beuchler (Thornton Road North), dear/Baxter died, June 16, at St. dren. Inte: Children's Beatty), C grandsons, Funeral 18, 1967, Mrs. E. ice at Interment tery, p.m. on sister of Diane at home. Dobbie (Carol Lee) of Oshawa and Mrs. Earle Sisson (Louise), North Bay, grand- daughter of Mrs. C. Beuchler and Mrs. William Emery of Oshawa. lieu of flowers, Home. Louis M. ferin St., Whitby, dear on of Wir. . L. Pritchard, dear brother of Elizabeth and Louise, in his 18th year. Resting at the W. C.| Town val Chapel, Whitby, for serv- is survived by two daughters Whitby, Wednesday, June 21 at 1 p.m.|Mrs. D. Sawyer(Phylis) of Win- Newboro, arrival Mrs, ducted by Rev. Robert James, Pastor of the Free Methodist portation officer for the Crippled Chil- Union Cemetery. In to Crippled irment donations Centre appreciated. PHILP, Margaret Jane At the Ross Memorial | Say, on Sunday, June 18, 1967, Margaret Jane, loved wife of Willlam' John andj Year club. dear mother of Hospital, Gladys annington, Zeila (Mrs. (Mrs, Resting at the Service in the Pritchard, both .of Whitby, John's Anglican Church, St. Mary's Anglican Ceme Ontario, approximately of motors. Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL. CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST |__ Tele LOC Funeral floral pee feeese' -------------- | Andrew's Church, conducted the! STAFFORD BROTHERS LTD. Authorized Dealers ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMENTS 318 Dundas St. E. 668-3552 Whitby, Ont. acute KE'S FLORISTS arrangements and arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-6555 IN MEMORIAM brother, Calm and niece Floren who passed And_ secre He asked With his cares. Calm and And trust band Warre dear son, passed away June 19, 1966. Precious forever are memories of you, tomorrow Today, through, Wherever Dad. The heart In happy Who loved ed by son Shirley, Bre ' MILNE -- father and who passed Calm and But trust by ary 8, His charmi He had a And died --Ever rem and brother, Cemetery Tuesday, June 20, at 7 p.m. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. SALMERS -- In Flight-Sergeant in action June 18, 1943. Are a pleasure to recall, LARKIN -- In loving memory of my| Douglas passed away June 19, Alfred -- Larkin, 1966. peaceful he is sleeping, who Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss him, But trust in Ged to meet again. --Always remembered by brother Ray, ice and .nephew John. LARKIN -- In loving memory of a dear brother, Douglas Alfred Larkin, away June 19, 1966, Our hearts still ache with sadness, t fears still flow, What it meant to lose him No one will ever know. for so little in life, And suffered more than his share, His life was devoted to others, love, helping hands, and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain, But we who loved him sadly miss him, in God to meet again. --Sadly missed by sister Viola and hus-| cher in 1956. He served as chair; n. Douglas Alfred Larkin, and all our life we go, whatever we do, We shall always love and remember|tinue their studies during their You. t broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone, For a part of us went with you The day God called you home. ~-Lovingly remembered by Mother and MILNE -- In loving memory of a dear | father, Bruce Milne, who passed away the death occurred, June 16, June 16, 1962, Gone from us, that smiling face, Those pleasant cheerful ways, that won so many friends bygone days. You left behind you broken hearts you so sincere, Who never can and never will Forget you dear. --Sadly missed and lovingly remember-/| John, daughter - in - nda and Johnny, law In loving memory of a dear Grandfather; Bruce Milne, away June 16, 1962. peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain; We who loved him sadly miss him, in God to meet again. --Ever femembered and sadly missed| 4! Institute for the Blind. son Jim, jand grandchildren Ricky, |ny, Kathy and Karen, daughter-in-law Adrienne, Janice, Dan- RENISON -- Unveiling of a monu- ment in the memory of the late William | Reginald Renison, Miriam Pitka, 1967, beloved husband of who passed away Janu- will take place at Union loving memory of Eugene Saimers, killed ing Ways and smiling face kindly word for each beloved by all. embered by mother, father » Orest, Oshawa Cobourg dra Park an Easte game. decision, Rose s walks. for safeties Britton. Livingst Cobourg Oshawa and Reid. A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanence and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. Bantams Win Over Cobourg Association bantam Bryan Rose limited the visi- tors to six hits in claiming the double that scored two runs in the seventh inning. and walked only two. His team- mates collected 10 hits off ing pitcher Bob Livingston who struck out 15 and issued three Wayne Tutin, Larry Dart and Les Kiraly each had' two hits Legionnaires Reid, Steve Shine and Paul Cobourg, including a double and others went to Rick Bassinger, Norm Orviss, Doug Dafoe and Jim McDonald. 723-2633 Legionnaires downed] Angels 7-2 at Alexan- Sunday afternoon in rn Ontario Baseball league and contributed a truck out 16 batters los- while other went to Rose, Joe on had two hits for 000 020 000-2 6 3 Dennis church and trans: Lind- Lloyd Cecil Osborne), Peterborough and Della (Mrs. Rupert Harrison), Oshawa, also survived by seven grandchildren and six great- Cannington chapel Tuesday, June 20, at 2 p.m. Interment at Cedar Vale Cemetery, Cannington, Ont. PRITCHARD, Louis Martin Suddenly as a result of a boating acci- dent at Ounville, Ontario, Sunday, June 1698 Duf- and |nipeg and Mrs, R. Hart (Mar- (Visitors | commencing 7 p.m., Monday. Minister,| of Oshawa; a eee Cornish of Port | CHARLES ERNEST BAXTER Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough A resident of Peterborough for the past 12 years, he had been Four Civil Service Softbal League teams were in action a Resting at|. a ~ MeIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home," 152) in failing health for 10 months./ Alexandra Park on Sunday! ing Street East. Service in the chapel) Born in Pickering Township, night Monday, June 19, at 10.30 a.m. con- H Mr. Baxter learned the butter making trade as a young man. A resident of Oshawa from 1936 to 1955, he was employed by General Motors until his |retirement in 1953. Hé was a member of the company's 25 which had been rained out. In the first half of the twin Country 2-0, in one of the bes in the second tilt, Cadillac Bil liards outlasted Foley's 11-9. A member of St. Andrew's United Church, Oshawa, the deceased was a former mem- ber of the Masonic Order in Toronto, Local 222, UAW and the Oshawa St. Andrew's Soc- liety. Predeceased by his first. wife, Mina Hooey Cornish, July 21,| 1952, Mr. Baxter married the|the former Margaret Mcllvena in| {Oshawa 12 years ago. Besides his wife, Mr. Baxter for Rexcos claimed eigth strike outs and allowing only four hits two of these singles in the firs still unable to score. third inning on_ three straight hits by Gary McDonald oger Doucette and Doug Mar Craggs. Jim Parker banged out ion) of Oshawa; a son, James two stepsons, Roy Perry and William Cornish of Bowmanvil- le and 11 grandchildren. | lead Cadillac Billiards bill, Rexcos blanked Town and games of the season to-date and Ken Howard pitched the win inning. The losers loaded the bases with none out, in their final seventh inning, but were Rexcos got their two runs in shall, plus a sacrifice by Rick a| Dick single and triple during his two trips to the plate, after replac- ing W. Mooney in left field, to to an 11-9 victory over Foley's Plumb- Rexcos Score Shutout: Cadillacs Nip Foley's ljing in Civil Service Softball t! play. Cadillac picked up 15 hits, cleaning up previous one more than Foley's, and put schedule games of the week seven of them together in the seventh inning to score three -|runs to more than make the difference in a seven-inning {| game. Foley's trailed for the entire -|game, pulling to within one run of Cadillac in the sixth inning, but scored only two runs in the -|final inning as compared to! ,|three scored by Billiards, t} Other batters picking up two hits for Cadillac were F. Brad- ley, K. Bradley, Murray Foster and D. Ashton. Single hits were picked up by S. Hartshorn, Jim Mooney, Gord Trombley, Basil -| Fleury and D. Orr. ;| Garry Rowbottom poked out -|two doubles and a single to lead Foley's at the plate, while G. Minilly hit three singles. Moore also helped Foley's by hitting a double and a triple while Garry Butler hit two singles. Single hits came from Ross Bennett, Milt Terry and R. Hall. The funeral service was held) at the McIntosh - Anderson} Funeral day followed by interment in| |Oshawa Union Cemetery. Reyv.! jJohn Morris, minister of. St. Steals Show By JOHN BEST service. WILLIAM JAMES BEATON William James Beaton, a na-! tive of Whitevale, |lawyer in Toronto for 50 years,| Canada. |died June 16 in Toronto, Mr. Beaton headed the firm of Bea- ton, Leake, Fellowes, Hoolihan and Elaschuk prior to his -re- cent retirement. He was in his 79th year, He leaves his wife, the form- the massive effort the Russians have made to steal the show at Expo 67 in Montreal. every community is doing some- daughter, Mrs. R. I. P. Cam-|nial of Confederation, there is 'eron, and four grandchildren. | The funeral. service. will be |held at the A. W. Miles Funeral |Chapel, 30 St. Clair Avenue | West, Toronto, at 1 p.m. June |20. Interment 'will be in White- vale Cemetery. Mr. Beaton was born at) Whitevale where his father and jgrandfather served the town- |ship of Pickering as township clerk for 100 years between them. He was educated in schools, graduated from the Un- iversity of Toronto and Osgoode Hall and was called to the bar in 1917 upon his discharge ;from the army. | He was elected a bencher of the Law Society of Upper Ca- nada in 1941 and a life ben- level in the U.S.S.R. to mark shevik revolution. in Moscow's Red Square Noy. sheviks seized power in 1917. It version of the parade that takes place every Nov. 7. Other parades will be held local | and there will be the traditional lengthen it this year in honor of the jubilee. fare, few public celebrations are in prospect. |man of the Legal Education !come prisoners of war during lee. | the Second World War could con internment. : producing more butter, more replied. It's true that fhe government has set special production tar- ELIZABETH VERNA | BUECHLER Following a lengthy sickness goods this year. It has also been jenroute to the Sick Children's | Hospital, Toronto, of Elizabeth | Verna Buechler, beloved daugh- jter of Albert and Freda Buech- ler, Concession 5, Thornton's Road North, Whitby Township. |She was in her 12th year. | Born in Oshawa, April 25, | 1956, the deceased attended the | Crippled Children's School and | special items abroad. Whitby Minors. Get Three Wins By CLIFF GORDON" | Training Centre where she was a member of the 35th Brownie Pack. She also received assist- jance from the Canadian Nation- | Besides her parents she is| survived by three sisters, Diane! at home, Mrs. Earle Sisson (Louise) of North Bay and Mrs. Dennis Dobbie (Carol Lee) of Oshawa and her grand- mothers Mrs. C. Buehler and Mrs. William Emery; both of | Oshawa. | The funeral service was held at the McIntosh - Anderson Funeral Home at 10:30 a.m. today. Rev. Robert James, pas- tor of the Free Methodist Church, who acts as transport officer for crippled chirdren three wins, one tie and suffer- ing only one loss. Hurons it was the attack for Whitby as he Whitby earned the shutout. The pallbearers were Eric In Novice action, Whitby prov- and Arthur Buechler, Ray As- kin and Arthur Catton, rivals from Ajax with Whitby claiming a 7-1 verdict. FUNERAL OF Tom Schoer led Whitby with MRS. VERA RUSKAY three markers, Tony Howe had Requiem High Mass was sung|a pair with Chris Reed and in Holy Cross Roman Catholic|John Macdonald each adding Church at 10 a.m., June 17,\aces. Brian Colem scored the for Mrs. Vera Ruskoy whollone marker for the losers. died June 14, at the Oshawa; The Pee Wee game was General Hospital, in her 69th,;somewhat different story as the year. powerful Ajax entry tripped the The mass was sung by Rey.|Whitby crew 8-3 in a fast run- M. J. Darby. Interment was in|ning game. J. Huslin sparked St. Gregory's Cemetery. Ajax with five goals while M. The pallbearers were John Sagan, Ken Ostler, Sam Brad- ica, Stan Hapon, G. Stasinski| and Ray Sheremeta. a single. Tom Horner banged in one for Whitby as did Brian Mitler and Frank Lavalle. FUNERAL OF In Bantam action, Whitby ZBIGNIEW TOMCZAK psc Ajax 9-3 in a spirited Requiem High Mass was ahi in st Hedwig's Roman Cathe| John Reed paced his Whitby olic Chureh' at 11 a.m., June/team with three goals with 17, for Zbigniew Tomczak who|Mark Howe getting two along 5 se ? with singles by Bob Robinson, died, June. 15, at the Oshawa + General Hospital, in his 54th\Wayne Kozak, Barry Taylor year. and Jim Aikenhead. Mike Connors, Jim Smith and The mass was sung by Rev. A. Bagsik. Interment was in "ord MclIlwen each scored one goal for the losers. Resurrection Cemetery, The pallbearers were Stanley Gujda, Joseph Gajda, Michael Juzik, John Kajomwicz, Casi- TAKES SOCCER MATCH VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van- 101 010°31x--7 19 3 Livingston and Orviss; Rose|another mamber of the tribe to mer Stankiewicz and Michael |couye; Royal Canadians, repre- Czyruk, sented by Sunderland of Eng- land, suffered their first home NEED A HAND defeat in United Soccer Assoc- Chimpanzees scratch them-jiation play Sunday, bowing 4-1 selves to. point out they want|to Houston Stars represented by Gangu of Rio de Janeiro. The game drew 6,785 fans, groom thi e We MOSCOW (CP) -- The Soviet Pickering| Union almost seems to be cele- Township and a corporation|brating its golden jubilee in Nothing taking place here this year is comparable in scale with Unlike Canada, where almost er Florence Isabel Peacock, a|thing to celebrate the Centen- little apparent activity at any the 50th anniversary of the Bol- A big parade is to be held 7, the date on which the Bol- will probably be an enlarged two-day Nov. 7 holiday, although the government might decide to But aside from such standard The average Russian seems jing four years olds and hardly aware that an important) anniversary is taking place. I LARKIN -- In loving memory of a|committee and organized and/ asked an electrician why Rus- who administered the plan whereby|SiansS were not doing more in | Canadian students who had be-| Outward celebration of the jubi- white bread, more shoes," he gets for a number of consumer making selected purchases of There was plenty of action in| the Whitby Minor Lacrosse Set- ing (5000). Maiden two-year-olds. 5 up last week, with five games, Piper's Pride, Turcotte 115 | \County Town teams claiming! Cloncurry, No Bo' In Tyke action, Whitby down-| ed Oshawa 4-0 in one game,|No Warning, No Boy 112 | while gaining a 0-0 standoff|Pioneer Escar, Kelly x107 against the Oshawa Mohawks. | ¢0>'* McKenzie, In the 4-0 win over the Oshawa Four Blues, Inouye 115 rattled the twine on three 0c-|ing (5000), casions and should have had at/9f. 1st). 5 Furs least as many more. Allan Mac-|tompionette, ed much too strong for their) ait Image, No B 2 Terrible Tan, Inouye 114 Jochett added two and P. Booth! iane"s2 me, Russia's Massive Effort At Expo 67 For example, Russian buyers | ordered $2,400,000 worth of wom- en's clothes and men's suits in Scottish fabrics with which to make coats, and the word is that these will be placed on pub- lie sale just before Nov. 7. For a lucky few, at least, it will therefore be possible to ob- serve the 50th anniversary of the revolution in style. At one time the Kremlin had thoughts of celebrating' the jubi- lee the way Canada is doing it. It had the inside track on an | official world's fair for 1967 but later decided to back out and leave the field clear to Canada. TRIAL TODAY Cassius Clay (above) went to court today to answer charges he violated Universal Military Training and Service Act, when he refused draft into United States army April 28. Oshawa Tops 'Whitby Tykes | WHITBY (Staff) -- Oshawa Legionnaires scored a 7-6 win over Whitby in an Eastern On- tario Baseball Association tyke game here Sunday afternoon. Brian Whyte had a pair of Owsh, osrfewiatbulead doubles for Oshawa, with the second driving home the win- London in early March. Earlier |ning run. Winning pitcher Terry they placed a large order for Thompson hit a triple and two | Singles, Gary Sherban had a double and single for Legion- naires and Terry Harper two singles. Robitaine had a double and two singles for lead Whitby, while Connelly had one double and a single. Oshawa outhit the losers' 9-6. RENEW OLD BONES Research work to adapt spe- cial plastics to replace human bones is being carried out in many health centres. SATURDAY, JUNE 17 1A-Time F'or Grubb 9.10 4.50 3.60 2B-Nosliw Kelly 4.10 5.30 2B-Moody Marty Turcotte 4.10 5.30 Time 100 4-5 coudy and gi .|, Also ran in order-- Miss Tiger, Admiral, Red Rick, Sal, A-Fresh Yankee A-Addison Hall Farm and Ro. entry: J, Logue 8- The Pheasant Stable and W. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,200 claim- 7-Thirty Grand 6.20 2-Dula Gail Bell 1-Try Brandy Gomez 2 , Also ran in order -- vedas, Latin Art- ist, Galanx_ and Supreme Chief The Daily Double, Time Factor (1) and Thirty Grand (7) paid $36.60 Kelly y 4.00 D'ch 4-River Party Grubb 4.60 3-Arctic Troops Hinojosa B Time 11 4-5 | | FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 allow: | ances tow year olds, § furlongs | 5-Balperion Walsh 18.60 5.50 3.20) 3-Mighty Me, 3.10 2.70) 4-Ovation, Gordon 3.50 | Time 59 2- Also ran in order -- Post Pioneer and: Tampa Grouble Balperion and Mighty Me, 40. | | FITH RACE -- Purse $2,500 claiming | | four year olds and up, 6 furlongs | 3-May Berry Hinojosa 11,50 4.90 3.40 TUESDAY, JUNE 20 ! FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim- Furs |Bright Billie, No Boy 117 | |being played against out-of-town! Not So Social, Bell X117 teams. Whitby enjoyed one of|Go Go John, Bell x112 jtheir better weeks with the /Cew on Roses, Kelly xi07 | |Pornme Souffle, Fitzsimmons 117 y 1 | Mister O'Shacon, Fitzsimmons 118 | Combat's Call, No Boy 120 | SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000. Maid. en. Claiming (5000). Two-year-olds (Divn! Jof Ist). 5 Furs leton Hills, Steve 115 No Boy 118 scrappy hard|J0ck's Pride, No Boy 11 s Sunday Top, Bell X110 working Scott Ravary who led|Mambo Cate, Kelly x115 | Run Sadi Run, No Boy 120 | THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,000. Claim-| Maiden two-year-olds (Divn| | Duke's Ace, Kelly X115 Gomez 117 conducted the service, Inter- see ; i Donald got the other Whitby Tutti Mani, Thomas A-xXxX107 sr siaiaele in Oshawa Union Boal. Mark Tutton in goal for\®tuse Tartan, No Boy ns Surfer Joe, Walsh Hi Duke, Kelly X110 Count Crescent, Fitzsimmons 118 |Ballyhoo Boy, Werry 120 'joy A-120 Bacon .Benny, Inovye 115 |A--Grovetree Stable and Dane Hill entry FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Maid- Gay Andrew, No Boy Gay Swaps, Hinojosa 114 | |Charleran, Bell X104 | Italian Lover, Gomez A-109 jAnn B. , Turcotte 104 |Globarantter, Gomez A-124 Sunyou, Steve 114 SATURDAY, JUNE 17 | WEATHER CLOUDY--Track Good | FIRST RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond. Purse $900. ing. Purse $800 2 7-Royal D'ion, Findley §.10 3.10 eo T-Right Step, Curan 3.20 2.30 FOURTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond. |Purse $1,300. |7-Sharon Dolly, C'bell 440 4.30 3.30 e 7.50 5.00} 4-Diorina Chief, Cok 3-Mae Mir, Varcoe WOODBINE RESULTS -- |2-Choir FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,500 claiming | Time m1 | throughout the country. as usual|tow. year olds, 5 turiongs a F,. Edmiston entry ahi i THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,1 im- | Ti "We are observing it differ-|ing four year olds and up, Stitionee| ats ania * ently--by building more houses,|?-Victory Myttr | A-Que W4 |K Black Creek, Gaylord |Purse $10,700 9.60 2.80 2.90 Beauty Walsh 4-Land Office Shuk Also ran in order -- Mornins' Mornin, Feat or Famine and Gordian SIXTH RACE --_ Purse $15,000 added "Canadian Maturity Stakes" four year River jolds foaled in Canada 1% miles on turf Advance, Serenity | course 4He's a Smoothie H'se 3,20 3.10 2.40 1-Holarctic Turcotte 9.50 4.20 2-Hinemoa Shuk 3.80 |Time 208 '4-5 course soft Also ran in order -- ice Water and |Bye and Near up 1 1-16th miles |The Exactor, He's A Smoothie and Hole 3.70 2.80 /arctic, paid $51.50 2.90 | 70 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $30,000 ad- ded "Canadian Oaks Stakes" three year old fillies foaled in Canada 1 "% miles 2-All W Have Walsh 21.80 5.60 3.50 1A-Jammed Lovely Fits'ns 2.70 2.30 5-Victorian ivy, Gomez 3.70 Also ran in order -- A-Northern Blonde 3.10 2.40' Speedy Sonnet, Zacata, HY Lam Smythe entry EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,300 claim- Also ran in order -- Sky Spark, Tan-/|ing three year olds, 1% miles on Mare wood, Autumn Souvenir and Mary Tell shall turf 4Baby Dill H'sa 9.90 $.00 3.40 3C-Prompt Response Kelly 4,50 3.20 7-Anns_ Gem, Gordon 3.00 Time 155 3-5 course soft Also ran in order -- A-Johnny Gurkha, Daring Daryl, Thunder Jay, en'? Velvet, B-Last Duchess Late scractch -- B-Dark Freedom, €- ountensire ae F. Klugman and K. H, Berkeley entr B-Mrs. H. A. Luro and J. L. Agro entry C-E. Lieberman and W. Moldowan entry. Attendance, 14,052. Total Handle $811,965, WOODBINE ENTRIES A--H A Luro and V H Droulla entry (EXACTOR WAGERING) FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300. Claim. ing (5000). Two-year-old fillies, § Furs Gold Pinch, No Boy 114 Cat Nip, No Boy 114 Bley's Queen, Kelly X114 Field Doll, Gordon 119 Rip Khobar, Gomez 119 Gay Sister, Kelly X109 Frisky Flight, Griffo 114 Wincuba, No Boy 114 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,800. Allow- ances, 3- and 4-year-olds. About 1 1-16 Miles on turf course Little Bullfrog, Gomez 117 Dauphen Bleu, No Boy A-100 Koura, Barroby 112 Redirect, No Boy A-100 Fleur, Fitzsimmons 102 A-Golden West Farms entry (EXACTOR WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10,000 add- ed 'Seaway Stakes,' fillies and mares, three-year-olds and up. 7 Furs Liz, Hinojosa 117 Sharon Market, Gordon 117 Snow Time, Griffo 114 Margabella, Fitzsimmons 132 Cosmic Grey, No Boy 112 Speedy Lament, Barroby 114 Kate's Intent, Dittfach 112 So War, No Boy 114 Anxious Age, Inouye 115 EIGHTH RACE--Purse $2,300. ing (5000). Three-year-olds. 6 Fur: In The Tub, Barroby 112 To The Day, Dittfach 111 Jesting Maid, Alter 106 Mugger Hugger, Gomez 111 itty G., Turcotte 106 Kool Copy, Kelly A-X101 Judge Wudge, No Boy 111 Leelover, Kelly A-X101 Princess Selket, Hinojosa 111 A--L C Morrisroe and E Lieberman entry X--5 Ibs AAC; XX--7 tbs AAC; XXX-- Claim- $ GARDEN CITY RACEWAY 7-Blaze Oregon, Walker Also Started: Lucky Grattan, Kelly Mac Hal, and Jamie Barker 3.80 Pal, Algermac Amber Chief Cc, |3-Duke Mack, M'Don'ld 10.60 §.10 3.00 2Reverie, Findley 3.90 2.80) SIXTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Claiming. 7-Paul's Signal, Kopas 2.50|/Purse $1,600 Also Started: Chasmar Patrick, Supe-|6Adam Hover, Furness 4.10 2.40 2.10 rlor Eddie, Smart Wick, In. Wann and|2-Shooting Par, Findley 2.50 2.10 Amber Gray Lincoln RET Pde Crowe 2.40 : jarted: Merrie 5 - SECOND RACE -- Mile Pace. Claim- ves fa brose Abbe and Roger R. Grattan Scratched--Echo O. Valley EXACTOR, 6 AND 2, PAID $8.40 2-Midnight Babe, Gemmill 2.40| SEVENTH RACE -- Mile Pace. jnvi- Also Started: Jo Ste Lo, Widower's/tation. Purse $3,500 Pick, Ellis McKinney, Roman Goddess |4Replica Herbert, H'bert 4.60 2.90 2.50 Scratched--Hi Adieu S-Lynden Butler, Silliphant 3.00 2.70 DAILY DOUB, 3 AND 7, PAID $40.50|6-Brave Sir, Findley 3.00 Also Started: Baron Adios, Adios THIRD RACE -- Mile Pace, €laiming.|Alice, Earlylakes John and Gentry |Purse $900. Yates. |S-Leo M, Wann, Bolly 15.60 7.40 5.30 |8-Andy Byrd, Wellwood 6.30 4.10! EIGHTH RACE -- Mile Pace, "The ;/3-Kawartha Babe, Alexander 8.00) Jockey Club Maturity Pace." Purse Also Started: Long N Lovely, Davie/$7,815 Bive, Belle Richards, Timber Prince|4-Pat's Ezra, C'michael. 3.70 2.80 2.56 and Alexandra. |1-Prince Bambi, Davies 3.10 2.50 7-Rip Herbert, Herbert 2.80 Also Started: Oneida Howard, J. M. Express, Belmae Chieftain, Hazella, and Narciss NINTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond, | Also Started: |Grattan, J. R. Adios, Kawartha Star|1-Buddy Brae, Kopas 17.40 6.50 4.50 land Duke Bee Dillon. 5-Sonny Creed, Galbraith 4.10 3.10 \3-Armbro Egan, MeKinley 4,00 FIFTH RACE -- Mile Pace. Cond.| Also Started: Armbro Gimiet, Gracie Purse $1,400 : Lochinver, Mighty Stein, Dick's Boy and \S-Mr. Chief C., Davies . 14.00 4-Donna's Champ, Waddell $5.60 3.80 Angelic Wick 4.40 2,80 Attendance, 4,766, Mandie, $205,068 een till I FARMINGD in 1918, barel adian-born E 'armingdale over France, amed "circu: Richthofen, G Baron." As a flyer Flying Corps, shoot down fis and become a Later he be forestry depai lot, serving 29 At 68 he's s ing instructor | est federal pil state. Crabb, born remembers hi: He had been « weeks when it first training { lines. He was ina gle-seat SE-5, twin machine- "We were a mation of Ge engaged with fought hin. do 1,000 feet, th him." He learned | with his mark: German down. Crabb sai duelled '"'at le with Richthofe marked '"'circ about even wit D-7s. "We were ¢ was pretty got the two sides few who hated I guess we th fanatics." Honor To List TORONTO (( Forestry Assoc lished an honor ince's trees. The roll wil on Ontario's m est, oldest, lar growing trees, | the association' manager. Trees that connections wit events and. ii and those wit tures worth no recorded. Mr. Coats ha sons with infor tures send then tion's headquat "Trees cann( in the living st says. "But the and death ghou derstood." Northern Understa RANKIN IN (CP) -- An an has lived in the eral years sees for greater und people of the N Robert Willia sor in the anth ment of the U1 katchewan and the university' Northern Studi sciences have | nored by rese eastern Arctic He urges est research statio Rankin Inlet, a: ment of about ¢ 320 miles nort Man., as a pos: Mr. Williamsc Rankin Inlet f years, said in a the town is typi in. geography, and animal groy porary social ch site of a close adult population perience with t machinery, methods. . He estimated tablishing a st $60,000. Elderly Exhaustir CORNER BRC When it comes year-old Charles pace that would men half his ag At least once Rendell, a veter: wars, goes on | from his Corner In April, deter his fitness and walked the 32 n ner Brook to De hours 40 minutes centennial projec After the wal felt grand. I nev like giving up = walked another During his c Mr. Rendell stop to eat, but othe a steady pace. "If anyone wa walk they shou knit stockings,' take a flask of just to kill the have any." Mr. Rendell bi walker. the hard "In 1930 I wa after being shipw son Bay," he exp a pretty rough t He was mate 100-ton motorshi when it was be shore of Hudso R.. H. Taylor "an crew, including walked the 300 m fll, Man.

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