eapvessey NOBODY =NOBODY § = PRICES | Ontario Moior Sales Specials OF THE WEEK 1966 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN 1965 VAUXHALL VIVA TWO DOOR SEDAN. Ideal second family car. For economy 1965 Oldsmobile "88" TWO DOOR HARDTOP Fully equipped and in beautiful condi- tion throughout. Here is the best in driving comfort and priced to suit the working. man's pocketbook. Lic. K3674. "A444 1964 CHEVROLET TWO DOOR SEDAN GM's economical 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio. Fin- ished in bronze and trimmed to match. This is a one owner since new and has an original 33,000 miles. Lic. J92254. *999 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Automatic transmission and radio. Fin- ished in fire engine red with a most attractive red leatherette trim and white top. The holidays are coming and this is a real fun in the sun car. Just look at the price. Lic. J96977. 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne Two Door Hdip. V-8 engine, automatic transmission and radio. Look at these "Big Savings' on this sporty model. Save, save, save. Lic. J98040. *2999 1967 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN Finished in a madeira maroon and and good-all around transportation you can't beat the might little Viva. Lic. J99231. Fully equipped with all of GM's luxurious extras that go with this top of the line model, For comfort and style you can't beat the Olds. At this low, low price 'YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO BUY". Lic. K2697. $2333 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA TWO DOOR HARDTOP most attractively trimmed. This car 1966 TORONADO Equipped with just about every luxuri- 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE Equipped with 4 speed transmission and radio. Try and match this for price. Lic. K8790. carries the full General Motors new car warranty and is equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission, radio, ous extra that goes with this model. power steering and brakes, whitewalls, Sold new for over $7,000. Here is your wheel discs. What a tremendous say- ing. Lic. K4550. chance. Save, save, save. Lic. H2766. Finished in a most attractive autumn gold and luxuriously trim- med to match. Has all power equipment, V-8 engine, automa- tic transmission, radio. This is GM's pride of the industry and again we say at this low, low price "YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT 1965 CHEVROLET BEL AIR STATION WAGON In Tahitian turquoise and a beautiful blue interior trim. Handy for the work- ingman and ideal for summer holiday travel. Has automatic transmission and radio. Another "OMS Special of the Week". Lic. X12664. 1959 FORD TWO DOOR SEDAN Standard transmission, radio, 6 cylin- der. This car is very good running and in immaculate condition. The body and mechanics of this car in A-1 condition. Here is excellent transportation at a low, low price. 'Lic. J98590, 1963 PONTIAC STATION WAGON TO BUY". Lic. 4674E. Finished in a medium green and in'ex- cellent condition throughout. Another price stopper. So don't miss seeing this most useful dual purpose vehicle. Ideal for the family man and summer camp- ing. Lic. X12834. 1 yy g & 'AT THESE PRICES YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO BUY! * VISIT THE "BIG LOT" - 150 O.K. CARS TO CHOOSE FROM + ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND STREET WEST LIMITED TELEPHONE 725-6501 1966 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR SEDAN V-8 engine, automatic transmission and radio and power steering. Now here is value plus so come on in and see it, drive it, at this price we know you'll 'buy it. Lic. K8646. AS-IS SPECIALS '61 PONTIAC ic. ssesce $555 'BZENVOY ic. xase2 $444 '58 MERC Seden tic tena9s GOGd AS-IS SPECIALS '59 CHEV. LIC. 565538 $199 "59 OLDS. HTP. LIC. 481154 $444 '60 PONTIAC uc. 174209 $333 | CHESEBROU! } BY JAMES | > Of The Ti \Oshawa's firs fens Week starts H. Cheseborough i+ ial services for | dicated he hope: a\wa' 's 7,000 seni be2 able to partic' of event. This is the { a special week f 6f) has been apy ea a {3ENIOR CITIZE started: early for Ho lushka, 100, as enjiertained by The * THE PIPES and '4*he Ontario Regim qm hand Tuesday dain the senior ci ]Man § For 4i Walter Cockerill, Miianor, is celebratin birthday today. «Although his nam smund familiar, to m one of Oshawa's b Fe citizens. ,nyone who has g Ma rks Theatre betwe 196 5 should remembe: rill because for thos he, was doorman, car getieral custodian of Bir. Cockrill rarel do wn an Oshawa stre a corner at Hillsda si9meone recognizing shopping to learn hi 'The old Marks T! cording to Mr. Cock ed host to not only tulres but also to bu rlesque, and plays. were more theatre than there are now. "Mr. Cockerill rem¢ eet from: the Mar' wi hite Chrystal down thiere were anothe ond street - one sa w his first movie, | bers it being wour tlhe projector by ha pjaper bag. After the pi'ojectionist had to an the bag onto t bq ind,