Oshawa Times (1958-), 16 Jun 1967, p. 7

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VOICE slavia have irs in com- emblies and issembly. A 723-0241 18-0192 3 | MENT Hotel s nas reice mbshell cceaeaiamenaiaall ACTION ITHER ; lemand PREETI N: » Nightly oiise 30 p.m, DRED for Sunday - Parties ALANA SEES ASE RENTERS ITNT ICE TO re totemd Bo UNITED ARTIOTS sont JEON eatre Phone 725-5833 it. Afternoon jus free pop- kinds of free EON MOVIE of your ewn Sd oss seen SS srs CIALS =e NEARER ARE y 18th. One NT PRICES. funded. 1.15 E 90¢ 25° save ! OUR E BOY GER Spanish Onion, ustard. 50° 'E 15¢ ccahiaaiaiaainaiiaaadl 4 AVE 13¢ iS » small Delivery ly. Only 728-7321 _ FLUNT'S a oenaalmanamaanEe .? LEAFS SIGN WARNER TORONTO (CP) -- Toronto "M@ple Leafs af the Interna- tional Baseball League have ac- ~quired outfielder Jackie War- ' ner, formerly of California An- s gels of the American League. ' Warner, 28, had a .210 average) * and hit seven home runs in 45 games with the Angels last sea- son. He is reporting immedi- . ately te the Leafs, who are in * Richmond fer a series against ~the Virginians. Adult Dance Dancing Every Sat. Night AT CLUB ANNRENE on SCUGOG ISLAND a~Musie by * eee a . 1OR SCHOOL WINS WHITBY FIELD DAY OF Charlie Cochrane And His 8-piece Band Admission---3.00 Per Couple FRENCH STAR APPEARS | The French singing sensation, | Mireille Mathieu, appears June) '29 at Expo 47. a | @ SPECIAL @ SEA FOOD MENU Friday and Saturday Live Lobster, Crab, Fresh Shrimp Alaska King Crob Legs Choose yaur own live lobster from the tank +++ eooked your erder. WEDNESDAY ond SUNDAY EVENING 6-9 °P.M. BUFFET GEORGIAN MOTOR HOTEL sitar Yor Live Lebeter, For Reservations Call . . . 723-4693 DANCE TO WALLY & THE SHANDELLS The pupils of Coronation chool, Hast Whitby Township, suceessful field ay recently. The results were: SENIOR 100 Yard Dash Girls--Nancy Brown, Yvonne |Burnett and Barb. Wood. Boys |-- Don Halcomb, Bill Fulton, Bruce Anderson, Danny Blair 'and John Corby. y Ball Throw Girls -- Nancy Brown, Barb, Wood and Yvonne Burnett. |Boys -- Bill Fulton, Mike Ti- |bodeau and John Corby. Running Bread Jump Girls -- Naney Brown, Barb. Wood and Yvonne Burnett. |Boys -- Bruce Anderson, Don !Halcomb and Bill Fulton. Due te heavy demand Field Day Successful At Coronation School Ball Throw | Girls -- Debbie Richard, | Cindi Simic and Vickie Camp-} bell. Boys -- Alan Tole, Gord. | Thom and Nicky Flamminio. | Running Broad Jump Girls -- Jill Whiting, June) Clause and Elizabeth Mc-/ Gregor. Boys -- Bill Woodley, | Alan Tole and Bill Versiluis. | | : High Jump | | Boys -- Bruce Anderson, Bill) |Fulton and Don Halcomb. | INTERMEDIATE 85 Yard Dash Girls -- Kathy Butler, Heath- er McCullough, Joanne Espo- sito, Kathy Bowman and Lor- raine Hughes. Boys -- Ken Burns, Tim Wilson, Jeffrey Sprague, David Dowdall and BANTAM Gord. ia in _5-Yard Dash | Girt ce Jebnne Weneaita: Girls -- Susan Murray, Deb- bie Barker, Jill Blair, Frances MacPherson and Betty Lintner. Boys -- David Fleury, Brian} Darlene Graham and Donna McDermaid. Boys -- Tim Wil- son, Gord. Fulton and Jim Nor- WILSON and LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE "ANGEL CLASSICAL REC 2% SALE RECORD? All 12" Long Play Records @ SPECIAL GROUPING TOP QUALITY ORCHESTRALS @ OVER 100 TITLES CONCERTOS @ TOP QUALITY RECORDINGS Lierlt Seaeeee VOCAL SOLOS @ SYMPHONIES OPERA HIGHLIGHTS ' SPECIALS ORDERS Will Be Accepted and Will Be Filled At the LOW SALE PRICES, STEREO & MONO WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. N. "Eastern Ontario's have Music Centre" OPEN FRI, TILL 9 P.M. ANGEL RP 725-4706 ae Woodley, Dennis Warrenyia,! ; Running Broad Jum Andrew Mirunski and Jeff cf P | Close. Girls --- Joanne Esposito,| |Kathy Butler and Heather Mc- Ball Throw Cullough. Boys -- Ken Burns,|_. Girls -- Debbie Burley, Susan} Gord. Fulton and Ron Frauts,|Murray and Betty Lintner. | High Jump |Boys -- David Fleury, Neil) Boys -- Jeffery Sprague, Ron |Hogan and Teddy Bonnello. | Bessie and Mark Saywell, NOVICE 75-Yard Dash 50-Yard Dash Girlé -- Jill Whiting, June} Girls -- Ingrid Zahn, Catjie) |Clause, Catjie Wilson, Vickie| Annet, Marion Young, Janice| |Campbell and Debbie Mclel-|Hale and Elisabeth Smith.) jland. Boys -- Bill Versiluis,;Boys -- David Simic, Danny |Randy Fice, Gord. Thom, Bill|Damant, David Blakely, Brent | Woodley and Jim Lean. | Goff and Robbie Cruikshank, | 'Many Swimming Awards Eamed At Bowmanville | BOWMANVILLE -- Quite alAllin, Donna Pringle, Versa jnumber of those who attended] Kennedy, Mildred Hodgson,| the adult and teen swimming|Mary Williams, Helen Ham- 'classes, at the Pine Ridge|mond, Margaret Pringle. | Schoo! were successful ass-| Juniors -- Lauren Tate, Gwen | ed Cross a' jioyal|Glass, David Purdy, Susan} tests, The classes were|Smith, Pauline Willatts, Caro! | |directed by W. Bagnell, assisted|Trimble, Harold Hammond,| |by Mrs. Caverly, Mrs, M.|Walter Hass, Carol Purdy, | Harrison and Mrs, W. Bagnell.| Intermediates--Murray Ham- Several families were success-;mond, Linda Stevens, Roberta! \ful in passing the tests. They|Craig, Audy Leddy. were Mrs. Thomas Craign and; Senior -- David Best, Gary jher daughter, Roberta, and Mrs.| Phayre, Doris Craig, Mary Pat- Craig's mother, who took les-|terson. sons up to Christmas. Also tak-| Among those winning special} ing the tests were Mr. and Mrs.|awards were: Tom Barton, sec- Harold Hammond and their son, | ond bar to bronze; Shawn Leddy) |Murray. |and David Wiggans, second bar; | The successful candidates|George Saunders, first bar; |were: Margaret Middleton, Pat Ander- Beginners -- Faith Clarke, | son, Linda Kelly, Sally Firth, Donna Watson, Phillis McRob-|Eileen McQuarrie, John Cramp bie, Aunie Simpson, Mildred|and Steven Morrison, bronze. Swim Class IN ACTION...IN DANGER... IN THE VIRGIN ISLANDS... 2th CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS The new... Flint adventure... HIN EGE = JAMES COBURN 2 ire Loop ff <5y ---- INHMIE "A ANDREW DUGGAN 4." } Cinemascope THE BAD , GUYS ARE GIRLS! tac iy GORDON DOUGLAS - in ty TAL FIMBERG + ie iy JERRY' GOLDSMITH ay TODAY FEATURE TODAY AT: 2:25 - 4:35 - 6:50 - 9:00 cmroua. Playerr Theetre ~ ents: THE 'INS' GO OUT Dancing * SATURDAYS * Dates Set + BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --.. Children's swimming classes, under the auspices of the Bow-| |manville Department of Recre-) ation will start on July 3. | Classes will be held at the! JERRY REIDT and his orchestra ¢ |Pine Ridge school and the| 6 ADULT |Cream of Barley Pool. The | 9 PANCING Ai course will consist of four} weeks of classes followed by al |week of preparations for swim) \display to be held on August 4) at the Cream of Barley pool at 7.30 p.m. | | In the Red Cross beginners, | |juniors, intermediates and sen-! lior divisions swimmers will at-| |tend at the Cream of Barley) pool every weekday morning. | In the learning to swim | = gram candidates will attend| "The biggest haul in af |Monday and Thursday morn-| crime annals! lings for five weeks at the Boys'| |'Training School. | rit. TRAIN | Classes are open for all chil-| pris. ry |dren who have reached the age/ powety bles before June 1 of Md | Parents are responsible for |transporting the children to OSHAWA || DRIVE-IN THEATRE | *& 6. 723-4972 FIRST OSHAWA. SHOWINGS AN Be land from the pool and registra- |\tions for the program: will be FOR A EWE accepted at the Lions Commu- AN EMBASSY PICTURES RELEASE » COLOR nity Centre from June 19 to 22 from 8.30 a.m, to 8.30 p.m, | The classes will be under \the direction of Bill Bagnell as- sisted by Mrs..Lorna Caverley, 'lan McQuarrie, George ' and |Brian Saunders, Mrs. Beverley 'Wiggans and Miss Jill Nichols. ING m "WY, SS dhe Groen Door = @ DANCE e Box Office Opens 8:00 Children Under 12 Free Always A Color Certoen AN to the exciting sounds of t/ ss = = FRIDAY--9 p.m. to 3 a.m. = Pm SATURDAY--8 p.m. to 12 p.m. pi | "Aren Thomas and The Intruders" l/ | / a Wi MORE THAN 100 contes- tants from Grades 7 and 8 of the fiye Whitby elemen- tary schools took part, Wed- nesday in-the annual Field Day of Champions athletic meet at the Henry Street High School field, The ath- letes representing Colbarne Street School won the over- all honors. In the picture at left are the winners of the girls' championships. From left are Kathy Hood, Col- borne Scheol, junior cham- pion; Debbie Lomax, Kath- leen Rowe School, junior runner-up: Nancy Carr, Col- borne Street, intermediate runner-up; Lisa Karssing, Colborne Street, intermedi- ate champion; Laurie Eng- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Jum 16, 1967 7 CHAMPIONS lish, Colborne Street; senior runner-up and Kathy Pol- lock, R. A. Hutchinson School, senior champion, The boys' winners, shown at right, from left, are Jim McGrath, Colborne School, senior runner-up; Keith Ib- bitson, Colborne School; sen- ior ehampions; Harold Meore, Dundas Street School; junior romenian" Tom Letham, Colborne Street, intermediate chame pion; and Steven Thompsan, Colborne Street, intermedi- ate runner-up. Renald Ken- nedy, of Colborne Street, the junior champion, was nat present when the picture taken. Oshawa Times Phatag Square Dancers AT_COLUMBUS From District | At Convention WHITBY (Staff)--Nine square dance groups from the town and surrounding district attended the sixth annual International) ,, 4 4 Square Dance Convention at the) COLUMBUS (Staff) -- On- Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Rep-| {ario Health Minister Hon, Mat- resentatives from 11 states in|ew B. Dymond will unveil the the United States and seven "ast Whitby Township Centen- Canadian provinces took part in "8! Plaque at 5.30 p.m., June Hat 2 30. Invitations have gone out Lyre In all there were across the township to attend af jthe 1867-1967 centennial cele- The following clubs from the! prations on the eve of Domin- area took part: The Oshawalion Da Promenaders; The Oshawal The official Kast Whitby Swingers; The Oshawa Circle|centennial project is the re- Squares; Squares Knots and|furnishing of their 1859 vintage Polka Dotts, Oshawa; Swinging |----------____-_________ Rows, Bowmanville; The Pine} F idge Promenaders; The Brook- lin Squares; The Ivory Rounds, Police Hold Whitby, and The Town and Country Squares, Ajax. ray, Jim Allen, Ray Hutchinson and Ivy Hutchinson, Glen Dow-} son, Murray Mountjoy, Bill|cycling youngsters are expect- Carey, Howard Philp, Normjed to turn out for the Ajax bi- White, Pierson Cargill. and sev-|cycle rodeo tomorrow. eral others. The annual rodeo, sponsored During the second day of the|by the Ajax Safety Council and convention all Royal York ball|the Police Department will ue encaic:| Bike Rodeo | jand banquet rooms were utilized/start at 10 a.m. at the rear of for an all-day dancing, round | Parkside Public School, All con- dance teaching and workshops. jtestants, boys and girls be- One _ specification for all| tween the ages of 6 and 15, square dancers participating|must register before noon Sat- was to abstain from all alco-jurday. holic beverages. The predomi-| The rodeo will be divided be- nating drink 'offered on large |tween contests for boys and wagons was ice water and milk.|girls with three age groups for Part of the program consisted|the participants: Senior be- of a fashion show including|tween and 15 years; Inter- square dancing ensembles and|media between the ages of period costumes. Assisting with|9 to 12 and junior between 6 this project was Mrs. Betty|and 8 years. Allen, of Oshawa. | Trophies will be awarded to A group of teen-agers, all in|the first, second and period costumes, demonstrated/place finishers in. each cate- the square dancing in the style| gory. of 100 years ago, under the, Parents of small children are leadership of Harold Harton|requested to bring their chil- who originated modern square|dren rather than sending them dancing in the Toronto area, alone. Safety officer Sergeant Spectators were invited to|Donald Robson of the Ajax Po- will be in charge of the annual rodeo. view this colorful display from|lice Department the balcony of the hotel. AJAX (Staff) -- Hundreds of third | Minister To Unveil East Whitby Plaque | municipal building and a plaque|the cairn the children's chol jon a brgronged cairn located in| will sing the Centennial Song front of the building. i th S. MeLat The program will get under Se 2 poi a a way at 4.30 p.m. with a pro-|inute performance gram of music by a children's : choir until 5 p.m. when the na-|_At 5.55 p.m. the Armed tional flag' will be raised fol-|Forces Pipe Band will lead the lowed by the inspection of the|%ficial party to the town hall the formal cere- ' honor guard comprising the| Concluding |township's girl guides and boy mony. | scouts, | The beef barbeque followed At 5.15 Centennial Committee |by the street dance and fire Chairman Alan Evans will in-| works will start at 6 p.m. Tick. troduce the official party in-|ets for the barbeque will be cluding Ontario County Warden|sold until June 22 Charles Healy and Ven. Harold| Persons attending the cele- D. Cleverdon. The guest of|brations have been advised to honor, Dr. Dymond, will then|take along folding chairs and be introduced by township|car blankets and township offi- reeve John Howden. |cials are attempting to receive After the address by Dr./teleyision coverage of the Dymond and 'the unveiling of 'event. fad ns ack aa 'Annual Warden's Picnic Draws Many Dignitaries © ORILLIA (Staff) -- About 360]ern part of Ontario County, wag |people turned out in ideal/also on hand for the oceasion. |weather for the annual War-| Visiting municipal representa+ den's Pienic held at Fern Re-|tives brought. official greetings sort on Lake Couchiching Thurs-|from their municipalities and 18 day. |past wardens of Ontario County Ontario County Warden attended the banquet. Charles Healy of Mara Town-| Included among the past ware ship greeted county officials and|dens were the two past County visiting dignitaries at the party; Wardens of Ontario County from that lasted until the small hours) Mara Township John A, Mae. of this morning. Donald who served in 1941 and Visiting wardens included) Patrick Duffy, the County War- Warden Merrill Van Camp, Dur- den in 1956. \ham-Northumberland Counties;| County Sheriff Morley Bain G. A. Mackay, Simcoe County addressed the representatives and York Warden F. R. Per-|on behalf of the county's judl- kins, Also at the picnic wasiciary departments. Most of the Orillia Mayor Mrs, N. Post. |county officials attended the pie- Member of Parliament W. C.|nic which included a banquet, Scott, whose riding covers Vie-| floor show and dancing on the toria, Haliburton and the north-|shore of Lake Couchiching. = PROVINCIAL POLICE OFFICERS In recent weeks officers the area Saturday for the PLAN TRAFFIC CONTROL Whitby detachment and Constable Larry Tanghe. control and patrolling of the of the Whitby and Bowman- ville detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police have devoted much time to the laying of plans for the handling of the heavy vol- ume of traffic expected in Indianapolis type car races at Mosport. Seen from left are Constable Donald Tim- leck, safety officer of the Whitby detachment; Staff Sergeant W. A. Coxworth, commanding officer of the All the personnel of the two detachments will be on the road at 5 a.m. Additional personnel from surrounding detachments will move into the area to assist in traffic track itself. Over 50,000 people are expected to at- tend Mosport and. early are rivals started to filter inte the park this morning --Oshawa Times Phote

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