DONALD DUCK NUBBIN JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER qr. DEWEY, WHAT'S ME AT THE FIRST CHECKERS. ) THING YOU MUST'VE BE CHEATED! JA GOOD LOSER?, a? 4 SELLING NECA PUASTIC BACK -VARD 'SWIMMING POOLS aero. thee Othe AS THE U.N. AMBASSADOR FROM THE NEW NATION OF "WOLF ISLAND; WHAT CAN WE. SEND TO YOUR PEOPLE? Sa a EE" Trapinc Post SALE WHAT ARE YOU READING? WELL! WHEN f ABK A CIVIL QUESTION, EXPECT A CNIL AN6WER // BUZ SAWYER JANE ARDEN * A, HA WHAT ARE YOU GOIN' "TO Po? ,. WHERE YOU GOIN' TO GO? 16 THE OSHAWA Times, WELL, Z MADE THE MISTAKE OF INTRODUCING HER TO ARICH OIL TYCOON WHO OWNS A Gr tas TIME... Friday, June 16, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You.are South. Your partner bids One Heart and East bids Two Clubs, both sides vulner- able. What would you bid now with each of the following four hands? SECRET AGENT X9 AGAINST MY OUTRUNNING DRUMM AND (AND TWO BULLETS S AREN'T ENOUGH TO TACKLE THEM WITH ALL AT ONCE... © King Features Syediontn, lac. 1967. World rights reenrved. Se i ee SEE THE TRADER .... = o tam, 1967. Would rights reserved King Features Syndicate. NOW, WONDER WHAT'S THE MATTER With HER / 6-16 at the PONTIAC Action Centre THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD, TELEVISION LO 2---Buttale Channel 9%-Toronto Channel 1i--Hamiltes Channel 12--Peterdorough FRIDAY 5:00 PLM, 12--Three Stooges li--Family Theatre 8-Superman 7--Highway Patrol os Wot ton © King Penruree Symflani, 'e Time Movie 5:30 P. 8--McHale's y 7--Ni jews 6--12--et's Sing Out Lands ana Seas 6: M. 12-4--News,, Weather Sports 9--Seaspray &--How's Business? 7--Movie 4--If's About Time 6:30 P.M, 12--Iron Horse Vi--Pierre Berton 9-6-3--News, Weather Sports 4--News #-8--Huntley-Brinkley News WHAT'S WITH THIS STUDIO THING? I I, WORK MAGAZINE! YOU'RE BUILDING A GUEST BX, 0 £33 e.G: tad, 1967. W. © King Fantures Syndicate. 9--Phyllis Diller 8 derful Werld 6--TBA 4--People Are Funny 3--Road West 2--News, Weather Sports 7:00 P.M, \l---My Favorite Martian 9:00 P.M. 12--Movie 7--Ringo vie 4--Mavie Movie 9.90 P.M, W--Rat Patrol 24--T.H.E, Cat 10.00 P.M, Merv Griffin 9--Mission Impossible 2-8--Beauty Pageant 11.00 P.M, 2-9---News 3-6-7-8-11-12--News, Weather, Sports 11.20 P.M, éViewpoint 11.25 P.M, i--Plerre Burton News, Weather, 11:38 PLM, iMovie SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. M--Outdoors Unlimited &--Davey and Goliath 4--Captain Kangaroo 2--Clutch Cargo 1:20 P.M, 8:20 A.M. 7--News, Weather, Spert: | 1--Sennitze) House 7:30 P.M, 9--Cartoon Playhouse 1a--Rat Patrol &--Three Stooges Time Tunnel 7--Rocketship 7 9--Pistols 'n' Petticoats | 2--Hercules 8-2--Tarzan 9:00 A.M, 7--Creen_ Hornet A--Let's Go 6--Rat Patrol 2--Mr. Magoe 4--Wild Wild West 9:30 A.M. 8:00 P.M, 1--Sonins $--Movie 4--Paper Capers 7--Time Tunnel 2--Stingray 3-6-12--Get Smart 10:00 A.M. 6:90 P.M. 9--Stingray 4--Hogan"s Heroes 3-6-12--Tommy_ Huntei 2-8-11--Man_ From U.N.C.L.E, r @--Flintstones 7--Popeye, Gumby 4--Frankenstein Jr, 2--Sinbad Jr. 10:38 A.M 1--Hobby Time 9-4--Space Ghost &2--Space Kicettes 7--Beatles 3--Popeye and Pals 11:00 A.M. %--Lone ra if 4-2--Secret Squirrel 7--Casper 4--Superman 3--Movie 1:38 A.M, 11--Camera on Canada 9--Beatles 7--Milton the Monster 8--Skipper Sam 6--Cousin Bil 4--Lone Ranger 2--Jetsons 12 NOON 11--Hawkeye vi le 7--Bugs Bunny 4--Roadrunner 3--News 2-4--Cool McCool 12:30 PLM, --Sir Lancelot &--Movie 7--Meagiila Gorlile 6--On Safari 4--Beagles 3--Western Jamboree 2--Wells Fargo 1:00 P.M, 11--Outdoors Unilmited 7--Champlonship Bowling 4--Rural Review 3-6-12--Focus 2--Upbeat 1:30 PLM, li--Peter Gunn 4--Bat Masterson 3-6-12--On The Scene 7--Movie 3-6-12--CBC Sports 4--Movie 2---T.B.A. 3.00 P.M. 2--T.B.A. 3:30 P.M. 7--Theater Seven 4:00 PLM, 11--Mark Saber 9--After Four 3-6-12--Snooker 2-6--Baseball 4.0 PLM. 11--Donna Reed 9--Wide World of Sport 7--Sam Snead ee, ess chee aeyt ' ie D) NS 7m es cs TLL SAY ONE THING... soe THE AIR POLLUTION IN YOUR SURE IS NICE/ sso ow MY BYES BIGGER "THAN MY STOMACH... © King Features Syndicate, tne, 147. Wald sights rearved. 1b CROSSWORD 4 -- ~ -- . ACROSS 6. Armadilt 24. La ISITAIL JE MS TH]! PIS] Pray a GIA hie Teest CHCA INTE RIA . Girl's name of Sou ssasaa 5. Masculine 8. To shut in the RIEL ICED MMPIAI 9. Gaze 9, Thick Ryukyu NOMS aN | 10. Unrolis slice Islands P| 12. People 11. Marsh 25. Biblical Aa 13, Polka, for plants city iKIRMEGIR|| [7] one 15. The Nether» 26.Partof [AWMETIEl ITIMI! INIG] 14. eval lands if "tobe" [PiLITI [Elo MET [O/e] ines See 50.Cap- ENCAITIE MSIE DIS 16.Seaport on 18,Children's 31, Site Yesterday's Answer the Avon game ofa 36. Little River 21, Anglo- Nov. 1943 island 19, King of Saxon conference 39, Edible Bashan 22. Like 32, Performer tuber 20, Indian 23.Babe Ruth 33. Bore 40, Dad's come mulberry specialty 35, Vista, panion 25, Ancient TFEPBAETE Y aakied 4, 37. Gumbo Y i : . 28. Scotch a alder be Y bs . Music note 30. Patella Y 4G. 34. Begrudged 7, +4 ao 7 oe ke OG Wg . Lift bo ihe Y VAM AP Ga fad | 41. end 42. Fre ch be 2% j2! 2 st ase 43.Fils with = |" Gia WOG 1 m 'wonder ta Y Gia eet 44, Cupid DOWN faa a5 [36 UY Ca 1. Step 2. Caribbean BB Y coun 3. Skill ie --Y ia 4. Pasha y a 7 b. Twiggy, Y 43 Y 44 Wy for one > Io FAMILY ARGUMENT. 401.00KS LIKE sae HUBERT 1. @KI7S y4 4KI92 4K 1073 2. @KIU3 97 $3963 aKo5 3. A596 YQIT2 AIDES g 4 @3872 ORS AKITA a6 1, Double. East's overcall provides the answer to what might otherwise have proved to be a difficult hand to bid. There is ample reason to think it is better to have East play the hand doubled than to try for a doubtful game contract. On defense, you are likely to take four tricks--two clubs, a diamond and a spade. These, added to partner's values, indi- cate that East should miss his goal by two or three tricks. Under the circumstances, it is better not to jeopardize the sure profit for a doubtful part score or game contract. 2. Pass. You can't very well bid two spades at this point, since it might force partner to make a rebid that could prove embarrassing (for example, three hearts). With a misfit clearly in sight, it is better to play possum by remaining si- lent. 3. Three clubs. The best thing to do is tell partner right away ofthe club void and thus alert him to the possibility of a slan.. The cuebid implies heart sup- port as well as length and strength in the unbid suits. North does not need much of an opening bid for a slam to be possible. Thus; if he had some- thing like: Spades--K 10 2; Hearts--A K 10 8 3; Diamonds--K 4; Clubs King St. at TE Park Rd. he. would probably make 12 tricks. The cuebid tells him that he need not worry about club losers, if that is one of his con- cerns. At the same time, it puts him on notice that a slam is imminent if his values are other than clubs. 4, Two hearts. The choice lies between two diamonds and two hearts, and the direct raise is preferred because it quickly and clearly identifies our limit- ed values. A voluntary heart raise in this position announces a hand worth about 9 points, whether in the form of distribu- tion or high cards. Of course, the raise is not forcing. A two diamond bid might create an unnecessary problem: if partner next bids two hearts IM KIND OF SICK HIM! 7 NO -CAN YOU UNTIE US, PLEASE? AFTER THREE HOURS or three diamonds. In either case, you would be in a rela- tively poor position to gauge whether to show your heart sup- port or suppress it. The best way of avoiding this type of problem is by bidding two hearts right away. SPORT BRIEFS FIRST CASUALTY MOSPORT, Ont. (CP) -- The Indy 200 race claimed its first auto casualty Wednesday when OF World rights recurved. a © King Features Syndicate, Inc., | Garry Gongdon crashed his dster in practice for Satur- YOUR HEALTH Dear Dr. Molner: My husband has had asthma since he was 25. He is now 58. We have always lived in a house with oil steam heat, but now intend to move to a smaller one which has hot water heat. We were told that hot water heat is bad for anyone with asthma, but that oil steam is moist so my husband can breathe better. We are not tak- ing the house unless we hear from you first.--Mrs. P. M. B. I'm afraid there's a good deal of misunderstanding about which kinds of heat are "dry" and which are "moist." The kind of fuel makes no dif- ference. The type of furnace may make a difference. Any kind of heating system: is bound to cause some evapora- tion. The warmer you keep the house, the dryer it is bound to become. With a hot air heating system, a water tank is built into the fur- nace and, if you keep it filled, the warm air rising from the furnace will carry some mois- ture with it. MOISTURE HELPS Keeping some moisture in the air is more comfrotable for everyone, but it can, indeed, make, an even greater difference to a patient with asthma or some other respiratory problems such as emphysema. Whether hot water or steam. will be drier depends on pre- cisely what kind of system of piping is in use. If it is a "closed" system, with the hot water (or steam) being piped to the radiators and then flow- ing back to the furnace with Type Of Furmace Changes Air Moisture By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD f day's 200-mile race. Congdon's Harrison Chev Special went off the track at No. 1 corner and damaged its radiator but Cong- don was unhurt. HAS TO PAY WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. Tax Court ruled Wednes- day that shortstop Maury Wills of Pittsburgh Pirates must pay federal income tax on two prizes he won when he was with Los Angeles Dodgers -- the S. Rae Hickok belt and @ sports- car. with escape valves on the radi- ators, enough moisture may be pushed into the air to make a difference in the humidity, AVOID WORRY However, my suggestion would be not to worry too much about the type of heating sys- tem. If the house is too dry, then you can get humidifiers. These are trays which can be fitted on top of radiators and kept filled with water. The evap- oration keeps the air moist. Some people use other kinds of containers around the house for the same purpose--decora- tive crocks, pitchers, large vases. But remember that the surface area of water, not the depth, is what governs the|me the cause of a tennis eblow, amount of evaporation. Thus flatiand is there a cure for it?-- trays are best. Plants (which|J. M. have to be kept moist) also help. And the tightness of the house itself makes a difference. A tightly sealed house gradually dries out and little moisture can get in from outdoors. Even running an inch of water in the bathtub will add a great deal of moisture to a dry house. Electrically operated humidi- fiers are available. BID FOR GAMES VANCOUVER (CP)-- Mayor Tom Campbell says Premier W. A. C. Bennett has joined him in a bid to obtain the 1976 Win- ter Olympics for Vancouver. Campbell said the premier agreed to put up $5,000 to com: pile technical information sup porting Vancouver's bid if cits council will match the amount markedly influence by the emotions, these stories probably are the actual cause of some of the trouble. Dear Dr. Molner; Can you tell It's a term used for bursitis of the elbow, caused by exces- sive pressure or strain on the joint. It usually can be treated successfully, Resting the joint is usually part of the treatment. SALLY'S SALLIES Dear Dr. Molner: I had a hysterectomy some months ago. I am quite fed up with the would - be 'authorities' who Claim that a woman is "'sex- ually inadequate' after such surgery. Could you print some- thing about it?--J. Y. Physically there is nothing about the surgery which affects sexual activity, desire or ade- quacy. I have on occasion printed letters from women saying so on the basis of their 6 none of the water escaping, | either type of fuel will provide equally dry heat. It the steam system is onel own experience. However, the old false notions persist and are told again and again. Since sexual activity, is 60) "I'm going to change the color of my hair before the wedding. 'Wil that make @ ditlerance2* f TOD TORONTO 1/4 Distributes Quotations in cents r--Odd lot, xd---Ex rights, xw--Ex-warra from previous boar: MIN: Stock Sales Hi Acme Gag 4000 2 Agnico 500 15 Akaitcho 2200 '5 All Pitch 7400 (1 Am Moly 9200 1 Ang Ruyn 300 11 Ansil 1000 Argosy 2000 9 Aunor 100 24 Bankfield 500 Bethim 750 64 BI Hawk 17000 2 Bralorne 760 18 Brunswk 100 64 Calmor 1B 1000 5 C Mines - 26450 4 Camflo 100 33 Camp Chib 105 75 Cc Tung 2000 22 Cdn Niste Candore 1500 2 Can-fer 500 9 Captain 1000 1 Chestvi 22000 Coch will 200 13 Comb Met 4000. 1} Coniaur 2000 2 Conigo 22000 3 Con-Key 500 | C Halli 750 6: ¢ Morisn 400 50) Con Negus 500 3. C Rambler 500 13 C Red Pop 6000 3 Cop Fields 1700 12 D'Aragon 1000 1 Deer Horn 1150 21 D'Eldona 500 14 Donalda 500 F Mar 298 16 F Orenada 7250 1. Glenn 21100 = 21 Goldrim 7000 3: Grandroy 3750 4 Granduc 300 53! Granisle 100 56: Gulch 2000 3 Gulf t 1000 Gunner 3350 15 Hastings 400 14 Headway 1000 1 High-BI 200 92! Hollinger 1550 $2¢ Huds Bay 29. $6; Hydra Ex 2100 1) trish Cop 2000 «14 Jelex 2000 37 Jonsmith 500 1 Jowsey 6000 7: Kam Kotia 600 29 Kerr Add 2725 $15 K Anacon 1117 & Kid Coper 500 5 Kirk Min 2126 Kirk Twns 2000 14 L Dufaujt 360 $1 su 3000 «(14 Leltch 1700 625 Lorado 500 85 Men Bar 750 (19 Match 2125 7 Matigm! 150 $14 Mc Intyre 119 $86 Merrill 500 78 Midri 14600 56 Min-Ore 7000 12 Mullti-MI 200 138 Newconx 400. 595 W Harri $125 (15 WN Imperal 800 340 New Jason 5000 3 N Que Ragl 100 410 N Senator 3500 41 Norbeau $00 40 Normetal 215 390 Northgat 800 490 N Rank 1000 27 N Rock 1000 34 North Can 1000 104 Obrien 7562 51 Opemska 300 955 Pamour 200 216 Pce Exp 34725 112 Peerless 1 7 Pick Crow 72 18 Pine Point 355 $48 Porc Pay 133 6 Pow Rov 1000 57 Preston 1750 $ Q Mattgmi 9575 143 Rio Algom 649 $37 Rio 580 Pr 40 $102 oman 1855 $21 Rowan Cn 6000 13 San Anton) 2100 21 Sarimco 1200 «+11 Satellite 6000 27 Sherritt 1000 420 Sil Eureka 2000 135 Silvrfids 2600 435 Siscoe 300 535 Stanrck 200 390 Steep 1165 585 Sullivan 100 385 Teck 732 465 Tombill 800 112 Tribag 115 95 U Asbestos 500 310 U Buffadn 3000 35 Un Cmstk 8000 10 Un Keno 100 560 Upp Can 150 154 West Mine 2500 315 Willroy 500 79 Yale Lead 500 22 Yukon C 2800 116 Zenmac 500 23 OILS, ( Alminex 200 475 Am Ledue 1000 15 Banff 2465 $14 Calvert 6000 24 CS Pete 700 205 CE Gas 11800 455 Cc Gridoll 400 635 Cdn Sup O 417 $4) Cdn Tricnt 150 $10 Cent Del 820 $12 Cc West P 200 155 Dynamic 400 122 Fargo 356 530 Int Hellum 2100 300 N Cont 2000 34 NC Olls 100 415 Numac 200 380 Place @ 700 221 Prove Gas = 2435 690 Ranger 400 245 Scurry 14191 $31 ner 8500 63 Triad Oil 500 190 U Canso 2000 350 U Canso w 100 138 1000 10 Vandoo W-Decalta 1300 INDUSTE Abitibi 325 $10' Acklands 400 $8! Alta Gas p 10 $92 Algo Cent 200 $7: Algoma St 405 $25 Alcan 1172: $31: Alumin 2p 23 $42' Anglo-cn 200. $9! Ang CT 4% 210 $39 Ang CT 315 100 $53 IF YOU ARE THINKING A LIFE INSURI Why Net TOM FARQU SUN | Assurance C Of Canc RESIDENCE: 668-4371