Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jun 1967, p. 22

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SiS Pe QZ THE COHAWA TIM®E, Thorodey, June 18, 1967 = "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads' Call The irect Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants BOB CLANCY'S Ping service. Si Complete bookkeeping service, im- coe Street North, 725-0397. JOSEPH GUTMANN, ir) pan tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street jest. 723-4833. Monthly Instalments Remodelling WILLIAM C. HALL, B. Comm., Charte ed Accountant, id King Street East, Oshawa 725-6539. @ Bathrooms @ Kitchens GORDON R. ea, Certified General Accountant, "Sulte "gal Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, 725-9953. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- fered Lcegaae ints, Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy, 52% Somcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-7371. petenthin lnc HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter- ed Accountants, Financial Trade Bulld- Ing. 187 of rice East, Oshawa, On- tarle, 725-3509, Hopkins, CA; H. 8. Beadie, CA; E. gril, CA. @ Recreation Rooms @ Garages A new department of Osh- ewa's Quality Builder. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Call today for Free Estimates. 728-7583 Blueprinting sett ag beng and Bh ses » BY coe Street N fad dy 'ond photostatle aoe Merion Kentucky Blue Grass. 200 sq. yds. and up 28c del. No. 1 Field Sod, 200 sq. yds. and up, 20c del, Top soil $2.50 per cu. yd. We main- tain. complete Landscaping Service. (Free estimates). BETHANY LANDSCAPING Bowmanville 623-7594 Building Trades Gerdening and Supplies Mortgages No Down Payment 50 -- 50 Pilg cae Meg vyg Mer Hennick and Hewes Sarre a King Street East, 723-7232, Aight AND SECOND mortg: avall- Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Strest Wiortte Whitby, 668-3338, FIRST AND -- mo! jes, Pi erties bought and sold, ob ay or forma. Ha aod Seorge, Nymeyer, s George ri Guide Realty Ltd. the i Painting cal Decoreting WEED and TREE SPRAYING Guaranteed Results, Free Estimates. Building Trades Plumbing Discount 149. Brock St. North WHITBY -- 668-6601 Direct to you, plumbing sup- plies. Everything in the plumbing line. 20% off all supplies, ree estimates, EVERGREEN | de work, parva Holliday, 725- LAWN SERVICE PAVING, 10 years In bus- 728-4849 Iness. Seerenes work, 9c, sq. ft, 17 1. 723-5841, CHAIN LINK FENCING REPAIRS ALTERATIONS ADDITIONS to HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Rec Rooms and Kitchens a Specialty James Allen and Sons 725-6126 PLASTERING, cement work, stucco and ora Work guaranteed. Telephone Vinyl. coated or galvanized. Sold and installed. ATLANTIC PAVING and concrete, Get your driveway al by experts: All work warranty for perlod of three years, All work guaranteed. 723-0281, ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, all types of Free estimates. Reasonable rates. No. 2 hwy, Ajax 942-1154 FORD'S GARDEN CENTRE 12 p.m. -- 9 p.m. SATURDAY 9 «.m.-5 p.m. CLOSED WEDNESDAY te Mow: MARY goLons yu. AnEiian a natal wenn) 'somo | ARKS Wand ORME OS a vaerrwly ad By R. J. SCOTT ff! 4 pena GANHET WAS GRANAED A PENSION FOR ie SERVICES . MIS SOLDIER WIFE, DEBORAK SAMPSON, WHO FOUGHT MK MHE. REYOLUTIONARY WAR. se PENSION WAS GRANTED MARCH Ay 3}, "soe. UO, Wed ah mo, PAINTING INTERIOR, EXTERIOR Very Reasonable Prices, FREE ESTIMATES Carpet - Tile - Linoleum Experts in installation. If you are stuck with @ rough concrete sub floors call Stuemo Carpet-Tile Co. for 24 hour service 526-3879 7--Swap and Barter |8--Articles for Sale 11--Pet & Livestock BATHTUBS $20. Flush-O-Matic Tollets, basins, sinks, cabinets, piping bile g boats, motors, 1 ebeg cars, trucks. Chinn, 723-71 1 WILL take away housenold discard. ables, free, from garage, basement and .[attic. 623-7276, POODLE AND TERRIER puppies for prey Ae eight weeks only, $15. oo FREE! Furnace Cleaned, adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble - free winter if your 2--Articles for Sale ae from Western Oll Company. NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- mouth, Pontiac. We correct wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor and comber, align toe-in and toe-out to correct condition .... 7.95 @ Parts extra if required. @ Torsion bar adjustment extra, o BRAKE SPECIAL Most populor cars, First Quality Royaline. 4 wheels, $14.88 Plus $2.00 per wheel (labor cost) e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per -- each 1.95 YOUR PRESENT FLOORING, Seamless, resilient, trouble- free. re kitchens, bathrooms, rec ---- pool decks. See "San- ar Oshawa Discount House or pee for free estimate 725-1343, ar IED RATES WORD Al Cesh -- , insertion of iBtordl words, 1.20; jitional words, 5¢ each; consecu- ro tive Insertions of 24 words, 3.24; aaa c each; 6 col 4 words, 5.76: mead words 24¢ each, Charge--10 per cent additional charge If not paid within 8 days. Method of Counti words counts os 2 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one ties tive tlona! mates. Tel A-l CARPENTRY, block and cement work, new and repairs of all kinds, Tele- -- Less than 24/phone 725-4891. QUALITY cai ; phone number counts two ie we or 623-3411 REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, | recreation rooms, and stairs, Free estl- jephone rpentry and general re- vented grt | Oshawa 'distriet. for for ma lonest, wee service. DEATHS -- IRTHS, --- is SOCIAL JOTICES |EMORIAMS S250 for the first 35 words per with 25 eag,.| Dentistry tlonal charge if not pald Sahin 8 days. Hoenig DR, For appointment, 72-5171 % M. north Taunton Village 725-9674 -- TOWN LINEN. @ LAWN MOWER REPAIRS @ MOTORS, PLUGS CHECKED @ BLADES SHARPENED @ PARTS WELDED Telepho Oshawa TVS Supply Ltd. JOHN My Dental Surgeon, 172 King street Mest, Oshawa, NURSERY and field sod. mated stery cleaning done in your TV--Radio Repairs '5---Trailers TENT TRAILER TRADE - IN FOR RENT $25 per week including mat- tresses. Telephone 668-3794 not on Saturdays '61 16-FOOT GLENDETTE traller, elec- tric brakes, refrigerator, two gas bot- tles, In condition, sleeps five. Rea- sonable, 404 Glendale Avenue, ed, Algo all types of welding done. Port- able equipment for rent. 723-680, HOUSH TRAILERS FOR RENT also park- ira ae space In Newcastle. Telephone 57 CABIN TRAILER, 22' to be joe GsQ0S1. F'Mccann, RR 3, Oshawa, J. O'TOOLE BRICK AND BLOCK 'work, New work NURSERY SOD : 576-1 AERIAL and repairs to chimi porches and Now Cutting '6-1829 Re ano are P| choice acy Kenly Bl stot 3 also some No, 1 Field Sod. |PpaiNTING AND DECORATING, a Fey ea cane reece aetyen | Pick up and save or we will ing Alax, Pickering, and Dunbarton t ABLE TV ALL TYPES bullding repairs. aati: deliver. ie nied ae chimneys, eavestroughing, fireplaces, 668-4965 ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup- masonry. Gord May. Whitby. 668-2774, fer & plies, Telephone 725-3521, Harold R, OSHAWA ROOFING, hot far and gravel, shingles, Sottero Baek elit flumbing, Heating and repairs, large and small jobs, L. and H. CHAIN LINK ne ha Pha aema dh la sain CABLE TV Roofing and Construction, T2695. FENCING ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- WATERPROOFING, basements, flat nee ling, new and used materials. Reasonable LTD. roofs, etc, S, Mastrangelo, 231 Sinclair Sold and Ir rates, free, 723-1191, J. Foley, 723-5278 Ave, 728-2446, Free a » reasonable PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, In- Carpentry shies. law prices goatee e-- ggaaag and Phone Anytime PAINTING AND ae Regine Free T V TOWERS Quality Carpentery 723-5377 [eu and low prices, Telephone oVe "BUILT IN OSHAWA" PP gr aicatd REPAIRS MERION-KENTUCKY S 0 D Rug - Upholstery Service AT OUR OWN PLANT Serving Oshawa and District BLUE GRASS OSHAWA We give you a better tower Honest ond Denendoble Service | All-Green Nursery 'RUG CLEANERS quis Phone 725-8576 Sod Growers Professional rug and uphol- OSHAWA T.V. brand aid tires. Telephone 57 FOR i Good used 14 ft. Sia rate Trailer 1010 Dundas St. E., Whitby. 1% CABIN TRAILER for rent, sleeps six, Propane, hydro, lee, 260 Clarke St., 725-2595, TRAILER HITCHES made and install- SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK at COMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Name of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Road South Phone 725-6511 pu 725-1 AQUARIUMS repaired: on bullt, orl- os eg and some old style for sale, TTPEWanER new, used, gales, ser: vice, all makes. Free estimates. Gali your Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime, USED TIRES, most all sizes, B. F. Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725- FINNISH TOY Spitz, American Toy ter- rier, also Border collles, house geo to $100. delivered. Telephone 9 FIVE KITTENS, "nine weeks old, 1 weeks old, te good homes only. Telephone 725- -|COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. Germs 4 herds, pups. Show mare In foal to quar- ter forse, Pony. Le Western saddles, jequipment, clothing. Ashburn, 655-4662. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, re for training, talking strain. Apply USED and damaged plumbing materials. Reasonable prices. J. Foley Plumbing, 319 College Avenue, Oshawa, Broad, 114 Elgin East, STANDING FOR SERVICE, 1.B.N, Ret lfranzah, grandson of Raffels, grey jArabian, excellent tion and DINING ROOM on be mahogany, | ma: matching had tea coffee tables, TV Apply 744 44° Glengrove, Oshawa, PIANO, upright, 52", Weber by Helntz- man, re-bullt, excellent fone and ap- pearahce, $350. stian Hohmann) (Piano and Organ Service), 725-7001. LARGE PICTURE WINDOW, with alum- conformat Contact @. A. Canfield, Liber- ity dsgvenb Bp 263-2303, DOG oe all breeds, work lowest prices, Call, yan-p60n EIGHT-YEAR-OLD BAY saddie mare with loosa bred quality compare LOVELY KITTENS for sale. Telephone after 5 p.m. 728-2776, Telephone 728-5217. PUPS FOR SALE, le, six weeks eer hone 725- LEONARD refrigerator, sultable for cot- tage, push-button working order, Bowmanville 263-2591. old, ready to take away. Telep! 8437 after 3 p.m. heed tpi pub one 550 and good condition, 169 Church pireets years, 700 | FOUR-YEAR-OLD riding mare, Tele phone 576-2865, Se BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply T. KELVINATOR heavy duty range, four burners, also electric refrigerator, full freezer. Telephone 723-0847. KNECHTEL wainut china cabinet, bronze and beige kitchen suite, tele- phone table, hand lawnmower, all good Condition. Apply 432 Park Rd; North, Broad, 114 Elgin East, POODLE PUPPIES, miniature, Te, "he Male and female. Telephone TWO BAY WELCH horses 5 saaaics for sale, also harness and collars, wagon wheels, Owner leaving country. Tele- Phone 723-2573 after five. WEDDING coe _ pe ag - % Perfect cond ciate It. Pickering, wae avin. Led SALE -- abi Weich ponles, meres. os a ar-old Bis to TWO GIRL'S BICYCLES, in ped condl- tion, $15. each, Telephone two-ye: saddie, Bay riven pie 'can ate 5 p.m, 655-3982, 10' WHITE ENAMEL erie oes ter, refrigerated, $250, Apply Nell fire. ware Ltd., 948 Simcoe St. N. 728-4791 n|12----Articles Wanted $ MONEY $ BABY STROLLER, also ei con- verts to stroller.. Telephone 728- MERRY - GO - ROUND, $15; asia aquarium, fish and all, $75; Remington electric typewriter, cai and nylon Hons sacrifice, $150. 668-6416 eve- nings. WRECKING At AJAX TOWNHALL and LIBRARY All sizes 1' and 2" dressed 5A--Camping lumber, 34" hardwood floor- ing, plywood, accoustic tile, KAMPING windows and doors with frames, florescent tights, radi- ators, kitchen cupboard, plumbing. f atlas on Sale for Half Price. SALESMEN ON JOB CHESTERFIELD gn Mil Bi ec gold, Lazy-Boy footstool, mauve; wringer wine acta twin galvanized tubs; Coleman two-burner stove; six dozen quarts, pints, GEM. 723-7: For used furniture, picture frames. Military objects, glass china, silver, gold, brass, cop- per, coins etc. Top prices paid, Toronto 282-5604. VACUUM begged) rag portable tele vision, good condition, Telephone 725- five dozen} 2070, 1569, GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. RIFLE FOR SALE, '243 Savage, left- handed bolt with scope and other goodies, Telephone 576-3328. ONE-WHEEL TRAILER Pg yg 9 with hitch and turn signals, $30, 324 Baldwin Street or 728-4498, jes UPRIGHT freezer, GE auto- atic de - frost refrigerator, Skidoo Sleigh, filing cabinte, fore chairs, sae! shelving, lawnmower, stay ( bolt cutter: '67 Ford ard veep LT Hamilton, Raglan 1-985-71 Fv TOWER ESAT -- 40 ft, structure all channel antenna, $50. TRIO Televi- Slon, 728-5143, BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap- pliances. Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695, KROEHLER platform rocker In rin nylon, excellent, $40, Telephone 723-0859, Highest prices, Call anytime. MacNell's Furniture. 668-5481, 668-6526, 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 462 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 perl bled ag tk fo one hundred shawa Tennis Club for ban- [srg "arliog weddings. Bar, kitchen, parking. 723-7726, NATIONAL bole fee four-burner, 7B-0655. Angus-Graydon éc each plus 13c per i of verse; 25¢ additional charge If not paid within 8 days. CARI THANKS ee te ne first 33 aga with 25¢ cae if not sq within 8 days. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, summer clothing, by experienced woman. casio Pages| ii Jc\Melrose Street, coats, dresses. Beautl ly ta' 15 itp. covers, drapes, Mrs. Toms, tons. COMING EVENT: $2.38 per inch (aleplay)s $2.00 for the first 20. words and 6c each thereafter' (Word Ads). ALES G55 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES WORD ADS Spm. DAY sna gag Laer AND_ FOUN! 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION IRTHS AND DEATH 5 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN _MEMORIAMS = and CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS ern alin eoetge 1 col m, day previous; 2 col- umns or irpar = _ ie a.m. day previous, pon Cala AND iy DAY OF PUBLICATION advertisement cancelled nao onl gi will be charged one insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to pic tet ree to box numbers to the ie oe soe as ony te ac- page Sg pie in respect of loss or alle Nf to Poles sean bed failure or delay in forwarding such re- ies, however caused whether negli- ence or otherwise, The Times will not e responsible for replies uncalled for 20 di " ariel THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT 8 1E FOR ERRORS IN OVER: TiseMenTs : SUBMITTED OTHERWISE Gardening and Supplies yard. Manure, two yards and up, $5 lper yard, Telephone 725-0697, h offi tae of oo ef Cal fr SUPPLY LTD. UNLIMITED 725-9961 TAUNTON RD. E. Townline Rd. North Gust East of Ritson) . priced nurs -- diyrirgeyreng." 723-8131 __ 723-8132 where, Five models priced RUG CLEANING from $319. 2 Day Service TELEVISION -- RADIO @ SEE--New ideas in Free Pick-Up and Delivery 24 hour Service Camping -- Air campers, Perfect for your Expo Holi- day $199. SEE -- Everything for out- door living from tents, dinnig shelters, Coleman products. Sleeping bags, etc. We also rent TRAILERS and Dee as in the CAMPING L! ALUMINUM @ SIDING @ AWNINGS good peldigiak leg hospital beds, walk- chines, sick room. sup- BED, MATTRESS" = spring', good condition. Telephone 725-1077. REFRIGERATOR, Coldspot, Piles, 'Ald' Rentals, 105 Beatrice, '725-16ee 14--Business Oppertunities size, ie condition, Only $59. Tele phone 728-4291, @ WINDOWS @ DOORS LES EVENISS SALES LTD. BOY'S BICYCLE," excellent conaitiof 28" wheels, red, $25. Telephone 725-8535. SPARE TIME MONEY MAKER VIKING refrigerator, one year old, good tion, freezer top, also refrigerator, $25, suitable for cottage, Phone 728-3671. TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 8.25 x a seg 25 per cent worn. Telephone 18 Prince St. 725-4632 RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Esta b- mre, rons irs, "Felon pare. HOLMES tenn free Pane INTERIORS by WINDOLF dcp a ee Braces sa. © Cuter Veet TV towers ae NGercom Pees ite @/ i PHONE 668-5679 cee, semen rere OF Se Wek ie ERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 'TOP SOIL, four yards and up, $2.25 per 728-. 3651 § Fast iy aad DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Townline Rd. 'North 728-9942 1 mile north of King St. East OPEN UNTIL. 10 P.M. DAILY (See tlh al sh eta adhd Bet iki THISTLE VALLEY PARK, east on, Liberty Street North, Bowmanville, pic- nics, roasts, camping, hayrides, 623-2171. uckhorn Lake, Triple A Auctions Free pick-up of your house- hold goods, furnishings etc. Sales held every 2nd Satur- day. Jendon's Sales 6032 Kingston Rd, Highland Creek 282-5604 GUARANTEED: USED wringer washers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and up. Alcan Furniture tal Appliances, 452 Simcoe South. .723-0011, TYPEWRITER portable $35. $40. Also electric typewriter, adding machine $20, also electric, 723-4434, VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213, Fleming Vacuum Service, Malin Street, Pickering. TYPEWRITERS, $49. No ney down, $2 weekly, Adders, cashiers, Mes, new, Standard Paine Biel entailed le Aico) beans Mresentols bar coaeee and camp sites for rent on Good fishing and swii ming. Boats available, 668-8332, JOE'S COLOR TV and Radio Service SPECIALIZING IN Chipman Rose Dust Diazinon Atox Slug Killer King Bug Killers DDT and Dithane Weed Killers © Dust Guns Tank 'Sprayers Lawn kers Lawn Hose RX 15, 20, 30 Everything For The Gard Driving School (Licensed by Police Commission) @ Courteous Instri'-tors @ Dual Control Cars . lished 20 years. Workmanshi Garden Supplies |gateerants esta afte a ' zi REEL ea Tawn sharpened |725-0311. io r Sexaticl a8 Killers and repaired. Pickup and. 'delivery. Tele- CHESTERFIELDS --reuphanlered ew psbbyadb FOR FREE stimeted of Tiga Tin. Haller: rocuerkar ei een, kes Cason JE Semis oo bul ca x0 Seen Umber 6 Chai ae ' ot ae ae inaivwabicn Sales and Service Chlordane APPLIANCE Fe DDT Rutherford's REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes EUROPEAN RADIOS AND TAPE RECORDER REPAIRS 13 Bond W. 576-1670 TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- @-foot tower 6--Marine Equipment CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. SPECIAL 12 ft. Aluminum car top. $159 year guarantee MARINES STORAGE and SUPPLY LTD. @ Fully Insured 725-6553 14 ALBERT STREET Cooper Smith Co. Money to Loan NEED CASH fo consolidate your bills, 74 BARRIE AVE. ver July 3. Pa: jexpenses and driving. Camping. jers wanted to share Write of washers, dryers, ranges, $80, Osnw av Supp attenited his fo tl 0 5 nges, Rien as pee ty 1, Tau 655-3641 Open to 9 P.M. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ Welding FREE ESTIMATES A L Gi A N ; to repair or refinish your boat, . FURNITURE and APPLIANCE | Custom Welding any size or construction. 452 Simcoe S. -- Oshawa Electric, carbon arc, Hil CALL Telephone 723-0011 trailer hitches, repairs, etc: ' OSHAWA T.V. SUPPLY Lp, | Oshawa Yachthaven < NOW Taunton Rd, : Ei, ae 723-8186 ring me your mowers, tillers, Ritson and Wilson Rds. oultard, all "makes, oir 723-8131 SALES and SERVICE cooled engines. Parts and service, Largest service In |2--Personal Hh bigs by sd Oshawa, DRIVING TO CALGARY and Vancov- ¥ Roos runabouts, Evin- rude outboard motors. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. -- and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p 248 Quebec St. Call 525. 0500. All work guaranteed. CHESTERFIELD SUITES from WILSON'S BEST Prices In TOWN 2 pc. Suites from $99. 1967 model, 4-seater and chair $138. 3 pc. sectionals from $197. Wilson's Furn., 20 Church St, RUTHERFORD'S 3-room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room. $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy ec Mehbeearge delivery or RUTHERFORD'S 156 Simcoe St. South IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE 16 CELINA ST. buy that new car, boat, travel expenses. 728-2791 or 725-4633 Bex 70s, Oshawa Times Ne niece sl Od ERTI ANY AD- e = We feature 'second mortgages at 12 ! = OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN USED FURNITURE. Clearing an estate. VERTISEMENT. NOR SF ANY AB) 723 2312 723-1139" [Wee ess oe mmorigeges avaliable, con.| NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re|LADIES WISHING RIDE to Toronto, 723.8186 cate ne 0 set with rocking chairs Telephone 728-9270 . mo ee reo or Ti VaIcE CHARGE FORA, SINGLE IN- Delivery Service |fidential, private funds. Call 723-4631 ny (etl makes. New hoses, Phonearriving 7.45. Call after 6, 725-0383, er RCA Victor a Melee DEEP FREEZE, siove, eirigerator, AECOURTANT BOO! = SSTON IN WHICH ERROR 7 any time. Ja eee ee . en Removal of superfluous hair |1S\,FIBERGLAS boat, 40 | horsepower |good Catton TR4OR: nes ch arnt fare iB eoteroom gute |Otice manager Pee eats Chl ig lo all wri chen si fairl new. in. chen aaerang ecoware | == LIBERTY §=----[Mertgages wae ane reer, ree estima | Marie Murduff, willbe in [Feshone eva ter s'prm.~"™|MCYGLM, sn 20" when, iy gpa|canen "nr "e™ conston. Warn Ounce Teel, Rxzartnnd proper classification. costour TeeNeuIN Da Phone G ae Hotel Wee We RIVIERA, 40 HP Johnston tv CLEARANGE SALE, oF and up, 17-|chasing. Available now. 5763437, Osh- In the cases of display advertisements Free eitahie" Toe Go ; 4 ibd i el sleeper seats, top and|DRAPES, two pairs, rae one pair 15",|Inch table models, 21 G4 TS a ae Tagg nel hi gra a nme i MORTG AGE Free . Telep Brooklin;| on these dates trailer, condition," $1,475.|patterned and one "pair 12" off wing) models, All" sete 'quarantecd, 169017, ny MAN SEEKS 5 apprenticeship as for more space than that vie the 2 nt. LE OLYSIS 725-5250, pa gold ye PReasonbly Priced. |15* BOAT for sale. Telephone 725-5879, |&¥fo mechanic, Telephon actual error occupies. The ishere Septic Service ELECTR *STARCRAFT," Grew Traveller | boats, male DINING ROOM SUITE, Including table|WILL BOARD four. or ort endeaver to reproduce all adverising NS P Evinrude motors. Open seven days 8|VOLKSWAGEN CAMPER, good condi-|With two leaves, four chairs, buffet and|Chlld In my home, References, 5 2d week enmeet Correctly. but comune Oe) l SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Promet serv. 723-4641 week, arin Storage and Supply' Ltd|tion, sleeps two aduite, twe chiaten eos hutch, "Like new. Dark eeu "Rally day and night. Phone Tost falter Ward, be seen at 40 Meadow Crescent. Tele-|Gu el WILL GIVE day-care for pre-school c resca chil- 'any form are contained therein. 7 Street West, Whit! (668-2563, itt ae ua ts Hae A Sa eon Roses Moneys evallatle for first by, 4-- Motorbikes Ea porary gr mprreeseng ad FRIG, automat ae high ldren In my home. Phone TIMES ACTION WANT AD Choice NG. 1 grode Hybrid aoiteeon. ia il igh fowl Surveyors 1966 YAMAHA, 80 c.c., excellent condi-/Phone_728-8112. GIRL'S BICYCLE, $10 and galvanized] none 668-6508 ny oe 4 ne pe. ve siting ner hom nr id le * a ee ee water nl 'elephone Bt RAD labret it te FS aot abo ring ie a) Call Classified Direct Tan. florabunda, Grandifiora mortgages, second mortgages |¥. PLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontarlolnon ° 7ay-1n66 after 4!2g HP GALE, electric start, '62 model. ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales, Service.| Telephone 728-658 de \y Ie a f Land Surveyors, 111 Bigin Street East. 668-2970. ELECTRIC SPANISH guitar, Anpeg am- ing ie Cycle Centre, 214 Bond Street/BARGAIN -- a 723-3492 and Climbers. we opener 'or sale pur- [Phone 725-64 1984 BSA. 500 ec, $250, Telephone 72°|narco alummum and tega-iong| pifier, Reasonable, | Telephone 728-2600, |, 725-634, also truck with driver fawn mae jased. <2 8 (ER SEP boat és 'Woo! fable, airs, i : 36 Outstanding Varieties BONEVAN AND FLEISCHMARR, On |= trailer. 7284920. ___|brown and. beige. Good condition. $20. 9A--Eggs & Poultry nance, odd fobs of all Kinds. 728-2882 INDEX TO Such as Mr, Lincoln, Red M. F. SWARTZ soe Ontario Street, Tassos Ton tallenge. Telephone 7a isea. n" |hersepower "Evinrude," glace tert io ene 00s --"OANSY PREG DAILY --=|end. Wosre, othoes, Peale the © Free i ° iow mI je. by rl 7 -_ ie by . le Pinnochio, Montezuma _ and 26% King St. East HONDA a ia Ppa Gator trailer, Tele el Liason : is) Mar yg Blyroor? "No: prob 6 Pe I a desde Bs ngs mates. Teletone vais, CLASSIFICATIONS Everblooming Climbers, Royal Oshawa, Ontario TV--Radio Repairs condition, tke new. 6250 er. west ior.|ap" CABIN CRUISER with 40 horse-|the eer sarees ie ap resilient, | rer oP _Sellvered at store or home. | WOULD CIKE JOB. as spabvatier tor " 725-3993, motor, 1 8 cA a le s Column Gold and Blaze. 723-4697 io Lag cphone 668-627. 4 vi pracy pe ane eae, 'els 10--Farmers' Column Telephone 243-2040, aes Sportsman's Colume Thete reody-to-plant roses in |~Tst and 2nd Mortgages | |V SERVICE |5--Treilers Saat Locnon Plophone Pa-tud._ "lear SF Ganawn" Dlcout House, erlin er Salas, Vie "retin tons | An every 80 milien pera apn S--Trallers rk -- Feritiized We have immediate funds COLOR Shasta Trailers |i: Foor cruiser with tratier~anal>oe or * PENS 728-601, if fo answer 263-2013, One con-|4eny, Newspapers are sold throughout the F-Marine Equipment and sprayed. gvailable for 2nd mortgages. oF Evinrude motor for sale, Telephone 725-|CONTINENTAL BEDS from $22.95, mat-ltor" oo Roag yg, = Tee Nort of Teun "that's "my fs smart bu ticles for Sale Each $1 Hee We som cost BLACK and WHITE ee NN ee third off. "Factory outlet, 722-3007. |3§ ACRES OF GOOD HAY. Standing or|.... I's so populer its tha ve einen ee loan, It pays to deal with the FOR THE BES 14 == 95 MERCURY, electric 'starting, by the bale, Tolephone Brooklin. 65525%6.| people. look Neg Blo lake x mn and company with the high repu- BEST: CALL Richardson B. A. BUY AND SELL = 900d. used: furtl: y Gfter "before "25,000: subséribersrectery oe ae olen for Rent 14--Bus nities Secempiorrentt wanted 1é--Agents Wanted 8p ogg Help Wanted Help Wanted Mele or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale Hh zee at g = z ares , * > re ae a ao - af eke me ot ee Be a tee eee eee he Pa ok * per doz. $10.80 Box Plants 45c 128 Liberty St. N. Bowmanville 623-3074 Cutting Now Cultivated Field SOD Excellent Quality. Low Prices. Loaded or Delivered Visitors Welcome 725-9674 used, rentals, service, trades, Bill |Hamilton, Raglan. MATTRESS BARGAINS. Ft Types of mat- tresses, all reduced, mat. tresses, $29.5 crib ouiieanes got mat- tresses for bunk beds, $! Yj cots complete, sina8, Wilson's Purni- ture, 20 Church Street. FIBERGLAS FENDERS from_ $29.95 and up. New and used auto parts, Re- eens Ps generators, 1175 Nel- son Earn up to $100 weekly in your spare time, simonizing cars with our special pollsh- ing machine. No experience needed as we train you. $25 will put you in business. Must have good credit. Tele- [ig MR, JOSEPH, 72: PIZZA AND RESTAURANT on Main St., within 5 miles of Oshawa. 50 seats, take = and delivery service. short hours. Fully air conde tioned. Reasonable rent. Write Box M69681, Oshawa Times. THRIVING FISH AND CHIP restaurant In fast growing community Oshawa, [= reasonable offers considered. Fall- Ing health reason for sale. Financial 95|statements shown to Interested parties. Replies to Box 68500, Oshawa Times. Whitey -- Dry cleaning business, In- cluding stores, buliding, and equipment, FRENCH PROVINCIAL chesterfield suite, beige brocade, complete with wal- nut marble top tables, aged ban he red velvet chair and rug, also Ajax store. For more particulars call "A 8, McMullan and Co, Realtor, BED, brooms, chairs, hatte cup- board, clock, clock-radio, 15----Employment. Wanted curtains, cultivator, hose, Iron, linoleum, lifejacket, lamps, ladders, mirrors, oars, plywood boats, pressure cooker, 'printing cans, stools, tables, washer. TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Special Summer classes for Wes = green good nylon bed-chester- Li ay suite, T hildren up to 8 years, Out- side activities including swim- FENDER baseman amp, WEDDING GOWN, full se a 1, bought In May. Telephone 728- BEAUTIFUL. peau de sole aie dress, size 10, latest fashion with de- ten-inch| Speakers, 180 watts, Telephoe" '263-2910 ming. 723-0734 for appoint- ment, 11 Brock St. E., Oshawa MOVING-- Move insured. 720-2002, Ing |truck with driver, Lawn maintenance, any odd jobs done, tachable train, Sell half price, condition. Telephone 728-3270. MOVING JOBS, take away garbage, odd Jobs to be done by truck ge od tation. BRANCH REALTY LALO. FOR Ist and 2nd MORTGAGE LOANS We have private funds to loan as Ist and 2nd MORT- GAGES ~-- FREE ADVICE. Arrangements may be made in your own home. Fast cour- teous service. You'f! Find Whatever {You Want--In the Times A. ROSEN MORTGAGE SPECIALIAT INVESTMENTS TELEVISION LIMITED FOR CLEANER, SHARPER 51 King St. East TV RECEPTION 723-1180" Ontos 6210 Your TV TOWER 725-0532 ; 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division Simcoe and 'Taunton Rd. open 'till 9 p.m. 'complete with controls, Fangio! running $500. 725-5132. condition. cANOE 12 FOOT sarap Ode. 2 pad- $65, 725-4885, and One location eG Prey Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723- a HUMBER, 16 ft., fibergias, VACATION TRAILERS for RENT Corsairs, Mobilux, Hunter, Tag A Long, Wood's, West- ern, etc. EVERYTHING for TRAILERS MILLER TRAILERS Harwood N., Ajax 942-3491 leeper seats, sind pn Rn evenings 985-2409. Telephone 725-3529, | phone 723-4163. -}VACUUM CLEANERS, used and new, All used cleaners guaranteed. Tele- DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick- sd up promptly. ee Fur Farm, Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721, Licence 101-C-67, re 23,000 subscriber- big cost, lust dial mae 17--Female Help Wanted 11--Pet & Livestock LEVENS 14foot fibergias 22 HP Mer- cury, 600 Ib. Explorer trailer, excellent] [) Appy 1239 Meadowvale Street, 15 HP EVINRUDE motor, 14 cedar strip and fibergias boat, good condition, $200. 723-7723. ARISTOCRAFT waterski boat, ae Bog jectric, 2,000 pounds capa: rail. er, price $595, Telephone 725-9391, or T.V. Rentals New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 723-0011 EAST END TEXACO TRAILERS for SALE Tent Trailers for sale or rent, 8 models from $299 up. pr 10 to 12 foot rae $89 and $159, 576-1250 a a a ae 725-9201 after six, BOAT, 35 HP motor, and vel Price $650, 742 Law 6p. Street, after 7" GREW Ryasbout egg 75 HP rio Street, 725-5632. prints, 13 Ontari SPAULDING, June 13 FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur- niture, Pay only $15 monthly. «Baron's Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S, GOLF EQUIPMENT. New and used. Golf clubs repaired, regripped. Golf les- sons by appointment. Thunderbird. Golf Pro Shop, 655-4952. up. New and used auto parts, Re- built starters and generators. 1175 Nel- Son St, 725-2162. PHOTOGRAPHIC SAVINGS. Children's FULL-TIMA SALMSMAN, Classified Ads sell for you & the clock, Dial 723 2 Ye Af COO A AR ee ee portraits, weddli team events, 72 ei@.|ing and training. BAY MARE for sale. Very gentle. Good for child. Telephone 668-3809. HOMING, RACING pigeons gale, very good stock. Must sell. Ravblts for sale, breeding and meat, young and old, Friday evening and all day Saturday. Apply 473 Ritson Rd, South. FOR SALE--a Samoyed dog, 1% years STENOGRAPHER Experienced, mature person required for stenographic du- ties in Sag mereeing Dept. Must be fast and accurate typist. Telephone Ajax 942-2120 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used/old, can be registered, Asking $25., also furniture or anything you have, The/six-month-old Spaniel pup. Telephone City Trading reat Store, 446 Simcoe | 668-4925. paraet Bopity Tenens TWO REGISTERED Dachshund pups, a Labdplngiees FENDERS from $29.95|small standard breed, Reasonable, Tele- phone 623-3430, Pete a teiing DOG SERVICES -- les our spe- ciate. Free Fh showy, "and delivery; board- Doberman Pinchers and German Sharherd een for aac | Ings, Finest quality. For appointment, 3588. Dachurst Kennels, 655-388) for appointment. STARK ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS LTD. AJAX 17--Female H: "Registered 1 Required OPERATING Registered |! Required EMERGENCY C ROOA Particularly inter son desiring 3-11 shift. Salaries in acce experience and Orientation perio Appl Ajax and P General Nursing Persor PROFESSI MAINTENANC! requires exp Cleaning 3-4 hours in Mon. - Fri. 942-5! WAITI 4pm. - 11 Apply Mr. | GENOSHA a ee CLERK T Minimum 3 yeor: Permanent posit week. Excellent | ditions. Phone 7 TELEPHONE CANVAS ployment. Apply Du 352 Wilson and Olive IF YOUR CHILDREN not turn your spare | For information call 5 PROFESSIONAL OFF! ture young lady with ence, accuracy and f minimum grade 12, ty: minute, starting sala pending upon qualific Box 69569, Oshawa Til OFFICE CLERK cap small payroll, accurate keeping experience pre 70584, Oshawa Times, EXPERIENCED dry top wages, Apply 1120 WHITBY -- Young gli 3¥a-year-old boy, four t days a week. Telephor PART-TIME DESK C able to work shifts. A bell, Genosha Hotel. please. HAIRDRESSER -- ex time employment, sal sion. Air-conditioned 728-0662. SWIM INSTRUCTOR 'camp, flve in, minim bronze medallion and ¢ camp age. Child welco ison. Little Buckaroo R. of Harmony Ra. off 7 18--Male | Help Profess SALESA This large mul company selling ally known prodt motive markets s * ceptional salesm« The man we sele ably be 25-35 experience. He w ed an exclusive, territory now pp! above average will represent a of consumable hardware and parts. He will be ed at the compa to achieve a hig! commission, For confidential i Toronto collect: MR. H. B 221-11 Kacuat Mana for Priva Curling in OSH/ FULL EMPLO Written applicati until July 15, st ience and salar Apply - BOX 2 OSHAV STOCK | SUPERV Electronics comp facturer located quires responsib supervise two e stock room and and receiving. M perience. Teleph pointment 942-1! DUC INSTAL For new Ho: Ajax and Osh $3.50 pe Steady ' Call 9-5 pr Toronto 24 REAL ES a SALESA age 24 Must have prov cord. Apply MR. SCHOFIELL Realtor 360 KING WAN' Experienced carp own Vehicle, wi carpet on a col CONTACT BOX

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