Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Jun 1967, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, P -- 15, 1967 i NOW 'TELL HIM HOW MUCH} WOW! TALK ABOLI : L HATE TO BREAK UP A OH, DEAR, JUST WHEN 7M Thursday, June 15, $ i MIKE, SHOW HIM { THE TOOTH FAIRY LEFT INFLATION! I lees. a GOOD PARTY, BUT T MUST GETTING ACQUAINTED WITH BUZ, TM SURE MR. RITCH | UNCA DONALD, F WHERE YOU LOST 221 | UNDER YOUR PILLOW TO GETA NICKEL! GET BACK TO MY CARRIER. Aa YOUR DARLING FRIEND, WILL SEE ME HOME. i] na KC Meet Mike §} \ your TOOTH! KS FOR IT! ect WAR, RITCH. YES; INDEED! Na dla BRIDGE ; =) PEPPERS! ane : : S hs " ROPED AFTER 2 ig DELIGHTED: By B, JAY BECKER i 7 4 j i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' 5 a FS vA Individual Championship Play) | Loo y 4 S North dealer. =4 Both sides vulnerable. be NORTH TORONTO 10:40 A t ' yy 78 k Distributed bh Arte F Georettine in cents oAxise 5-008 1h, xd EKdIv hI53 from previous ooard-lot | ERE WHEN YOU WEST i} BACK -10a THATS WHAT! 49102 363 MINES es i O04 = 752 | Stock -- Sales High L SAKW982 764 Acme Gas 3000 2% Fx a oe m 0 8 z $iosnas ics Sy tee Ansil eS 2? m= £4; = Nets lam fy "Phe bidding: | Bankfield " North Mast South West i 1¢@ Pass 164 2h B 24 Pass is Pass Breiore \ 1% 1 : us Bunk i Ar 5 ; . aia ae ; Opening lead--king of clubs. Sonne bee Po 3 YO'AN' The trump coup is a com- Crum, $900 2122 (JUST YO'AN'ME, AH DRUTHER ASSOSHEEATE. WIF PEOPLE, EF ? T'VE ONLY TWO ie paratively rare maneuver, but Candore 500 262" AN! NEVER SEE AH HAD MAH DRUTHERS/" YO"D UNNERSTAN' HOW SHOTS LEFT. nS ty AMA that is hardly a good reason for Sesster 170 $16% PEOPLE FEELS 'BOUT PEOPLE, WOLF-GAL, EF "lien DRUMMAND aly i) failing to use it when the op- a mie it YO'WAS ONE? b¢ COMPANY ARE { \ J portunity arises, Sometimes the Coch WIN 250 134 1; . CLOSE BEHIND. p declarer must make a risky i vncay A é --- 31%, | CORRIGAN, .. 4 b ; play to bring about the coup, CMa Wee iz : oe ( but, if that is the only way to € Mogul 1100 300 9 =) ro} accomplish his purpose, he Seer ae --< 4 should have no compunctions Con Nichol 1000 14 3 about taking the necessary Somaae Pop a4 4 : | s risk. y Craigmt 200 pe | fa South was in four hearts and 4 DrAragon ae oO West, after leading the king of S Seuen ibe sea | - hal clubs, shifted to the jack of ; Dome 210 $481%4 Pl iy ag hearts. a Stu aa 10% Se / cao} Declarer took it with the ace, ' Frobex 4 mh y a | » { Cararn-- | / cashed the A-K of spades, and a o Masct 3500 141 1, ; . ' i. 1 | 3 ruffed a spade in dummy. When a Glenn. 97000 sen a are aE ar" VRE VW Se aa ae aE SS ae the spades -- to be divided a Goldrim 1000 314 F 3-3, declarer led his last trump : er 50 43Y2 from dummy. East won with B Srna 20 a r E E H E R AD : the queen as West showed out, hs: psig 1000 31 7 7 | eT ee ee and returned a club which de- SD ard Rock som en wa rege : siserway ad 1% 1 With six tricks to go, this a ° was now the position: : : Hoes "Bey 4 %i, ; at the ction Centre tle | imbue' ae oa forth we CJelex 22633 «33. 2 @AKI86) Jotiet 2200 35 3 . K j A THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LID Park Rd, 'eae ve et ' Park Rd. 1 Q104 oxo Kirke Twrs 1000 4 | f A109 7852 Kopan 2000 7'2 ee ee ee , gape _-- nN a Ne titre gre sare eR ae Ean Ae é 2 WU! 10Ve 1 South oO: aime + Shore Zz11 196 ¥ COCO eer 9108 prsiokh oH wy Dp fiat TELEVISION LO HUBERT 33h eB i Mae tha gh ae oie eae PINKING / r South had already lost two Me inpe oe) $90 ' : Arie SUEARS J ee ee es kote (a oe 5 FREDS FATHER WAS TERRIBLY | | tricks and to make the contract Mision OO . Channel 4--Butfale 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes sed Allen ime WEALTHY, YOU KNOW, BUT had to avoid losing two trump New Cal 7900 2614 "4 See sopemie.- lena i Tasheenger Robt THEY DIDN'T GET tricks to the K-9. Ordinary ne Bee Channel 8--Rochester | }}_The Merv Griffin Show | 9--Flying Doctor means could not accomplish N Imperal 100 En Channe) 9--Torento 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, | &2--Hollywood | Squares this, so South placed his hopes Newlund 418 13%4 1 Channel 11--Hamilten 6--Cine Club 7--One In A Million , gen 1 ' Channel 12--Pererporough | 9.2 bean Martin 4--Dick Van Dyke on the successful execution of Mick Rim 1000 os } paige atthe 7~Summer Focus ee Roan a trump 'coup. Accordingly, he Normetel x10 400 40 | 0 FM. TH eet %--Toronte Today Jed a diamond and finessed the tht - Ticramily"stestre 8 eM, iMovie ihen it held, dect hed My Fam r Ar tue GL Dnenbib: Dat en it held, declarer cashe Jonidtway Patrol O Water seote 4--News "and Weathers the A-K of diamonds, discard. Six Men $-Passport a 1129 P. scPepere eit Pats ing'a spade, and then continued iene ee smiles! ET 10 PM, with the eight of diamonds. It &--McHale's Navy 11--Plerre Berton pe Racal did not matter whether East * 0 d { 3. aad fSNews, Weather, Sports | SYA Guess, ruffed this diamond or the next T er 2--Of Langs and Seas oa ae Pm. , ee Gittins peg in either case, East's nine | s--How's Business 4--Las Vegas pages Wie For s 2 Fgh agi ace ith trap By BEN WAF zomae boone Coe omg PM. YW), |now lose was to the king of (4), _ OTTAWA. (CP)--6is See waaner p--Rdoar Wallace: &4--eulding Lisht ie $O THE ONLY THING FRED La eee gathered around a « 1:40 PAM 1:00 PAM. Z ; BOY INHERITED FROM HIS met | table at Government \y Three Sons 9--Talk Back Ni--Merriage Confidentls 4 | da weighin of x Srauies. 1 NE i eine For Dollars, i SPORT BRIEFS Fy port tv pia aa pamela (ye | 7-Fuaitive Aion |, Year: Who should bi 34-9--Nows, Weather, [Paver Theatre | Frere te. COOPER KEEPS TITLE i, | for the first Order < £4--Huntley-Brinkley epipay | Move : WOLVERHAMPTON, Eng- | bay ool ae ; 200 A. H 13 \ and (AP)--Henry Cooper, 33- rs oug! eir de! 200 P.M. ai i sa ee! | Oe es year-old British heavyweight ||| are secret, it has hee He Baal ay MOR Beare hg BF champion, stopped Jack Bo- fut ther dave' beet sma lo aay ir} 2--Matc! es and, Mates dell, 26, of England in the sec- | that they have bee < Littlest | Hobe 7--Dialing for Dollars, | 12d Allen, Time ond round Tuesday night in a | | with nominations for | S Newks. Wonter Wane one Pee eee defence of the title he has held ) | system announced Aj 7.20 P.M. N--Little People #-2--Days of Our Lives for eight years. Prime Minister Pears : ; : PS 7--News, Weather, $-Romper Room scan It is expected that * I MEAN, ; i DION'T I. TEL 12--Bewit 4 ila A tions will be announce AFTER All. 2 WZ YOU? SEE tented | "You and: Your 3--People in Conflict TO HALL OF FAME the 100th anniversary { j, Movie 2--Topper 6--Coronation Street SARASOTA SPRINGS, N.Y. eration -- by Queen Z OF YOUTH AND 24--Daniel_ Boone | vaste ea sfHouse Party (AP)--Kelso, world's leading who is to become he GET CRACKING é--Occasional Wife 9--Uncle Bobby ocis:00 P.M. YOUR HEALTH money-winning horse with earn- new order. She is sct 4--Lucy-Desl_ Comedy &--Gloria 9--Words and Music ings of $1,977,896 and five times dd: 'joi i Hour 4--Love of Life 7--General Hospital horse of the Yi h bi a ress a joint sessic BUSINESS. 6:00 P.M, 2--Jack La Lanne 4--To Tell The Truth e xear, has been liament that day on t Pick YOU UP 11--Movie 10:00 A.M. 2-6:12--Take 30 elected to Thoroughbred Rac- t Hill 1 IN AN HOUR. 7--F_ Troop 11--Eé Allen Sime 2-8--Another World ® ing's Hall of Fame, it ment mill Jawns. 3-6-12--Man_ From 9--Meta 3:30 P.M. ervous Disorder » it was an- Most of the advance U.N.C.L.E. 8-2--Snap Judgment H--Marrlage Confidential nounced Tuesday. In the filly tion gentres on the c 6:38 P.M. 4--Candid Camere 9--It's Your Move division, recently retired Cicada , 8-2---Ster Trek 10:30 A.M. 7--Superman é ed Companions of the T--Bewltched TMorning Time {Eo Edge ot Night 2 . ay eg Babette who raced Canada, the major le ns ---- 'ou Don't Sa' i « at MY 9:00 PM 8-2---Concentration 4:00 P.M. Stops Pill Swallowing : et g ober for -- =. (three - tier system. | 9--It's Happening 7--Dateline: Hollywood | 11--Super Comics y Aurtsinger who rode limited to 50 this year. i--that Girl 4--Boverly 1 Hittoities aan Love Lucy War Admiral to the Triple future year and a ma $612 Telescope | 11--Mike Dougias 4--Secret Storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Crown in 1937_edged Warren 150 living members a 9:30 P.M. | $--Fractured Phrases 3-6-12--Communicale Mehrtens and Jimmy Stout in time 9--Dean Martin 28--Pat Boone 2--Mike Douglas Our discussion on people whojout any pills, cruthces or gim-|the jockey division, BRAVERY AWARD have difficulty swallowing pills|micks. But for many of us, a Next in Ii a3 the CROSSWORD (this is a nervous manifestation,|variety of tricks seem to help. MAY GO TO COURT Oana " " for eon of but no less real to the sufferer)| Dear Dr. Molner: This is a] QUEBEC (CP) -- Phil Wat- ee ae in th ACROSS DOWN 46. Plunder brought from readers several|touchy question but I think alson, coach last season of the ; da oc. Tee 1s = 1. Not fresh 41. Mast 19. Lose, tricks that have worked. lot of young girls would ap-|Quebec Aces of the American aid They are bein 6. Vessels 2. One of two as Here are some typical ones:|preciate the answer. Is it possi-| Hockey League, said Tuesday b a newarete decora' 11, Hairy that "wait color My husband was one who/ble for a girl to become preg-jhe intends to take legal action vittee { 12, firma for no 20, Wing RIAINMESIAIXIE| could not take a pill. Some-jnant the very first time she has|regarding his contract, which third are Medals c i 18, Mine man" 21, Dickens' a eae where I read that it was easy|intercourse with a man? --/he maintains was for three for outstandi ontri H entrance 8. Arabic char- Ticiemelelcich um] |if taken with a spoonful of/Mrs,. L.E.W. years, Watson was let go last Canute framantt i 14, 'Searcher letter acter {[RIOMIMI| IRIVMMOINIo| |applesauce. It certainly is possible, pro-jweekend when the Philadelphia r f . 15. Stuffed 4, Ancient 22,Dimi- /OIRIOJOILIS MMAINI |S] He tried i d though| vi i i ; There can be up to 10 : f i 0 e tried it, and even though|vided it occurs during a fertile|Flyers of the National Hocke hi 50 i ® again tongue tri's SJEIPIAL MELTIITIE) |he took fi ills thi ti ; ; y this year and 50 in « 5 47, Mae coms. i Gove ans SIEITISMMRIAIC EIS] e took five pi ree times ajtime in her menstrual cycle. |League, owners of the Aces, an- year. 3 : eo aged sue . day for years (he lived to be| Dear Dr. Molner: I had to/nounced the engagement of Vi , i Fy panion tional patriot Yesterday's Answer ", . ; ic The task of making ; 18, Waste silk ahha 24, Tan- nearly 87) he never had any|have a Caesarian section. Now| Stasiuk, former NHI player. nations to Governor 49. Music note 6, Pittsburgh ais 35. Sacred trouble taking pills with apple-|my doctor says that if I have} Watson said his contract was to Michener, who is ch: 20. Bee: comb, product sym. . "pull sauce. Even in the hospital hejother babies, they will have to|extend through the 1968-69 sea- L the order, has been a Ss Ace Akt AGL form 7.Pay 25, Public 36. Slight color |t00k his pills with applesauce.|be delivered by Caesarian, too.|son. an advisory council « Magadan SURE I6N'T THE BACK/ 23. Where to attention notices 37. Not working I kept some in the refrigerator|I have read articles saying that Chief Justice Rob SAME AS ATA BUS PRIVER| find Judges 8. Vex 27,Periodof 38. Require on his floor.--E.G.B. __|after a Caesarian it is still pos-| QUEBEC GIRLS EXCEL chereau; Gordon } : andKings: 9, Arranged time: abbr, 39. Pistols: I have found the following|sible to have a baby normally. MONTREAL (CP) ? ' ae teen : abbr. 10, Frances 28. Send forth slang method helpful. Chew a piece/Does each doctor feel different] city girls carried off see 24, Irish kings' Burnett 33. Web-footed 41, Samoan. of toast or bread until you have| about it, or is there one correct |mophies Sunday i off all the home heroine birds warrior a mouthful of mash or pulp.| answer?--J.D. : nized peice n a synchro- 26. Dizzy 14, Moved 34, Biblical 44, Part of Stick the capsule or pill in it] Your question isn't as simple] sponsored by the Gy competition oe --, snakelike pronoun "to be" and you can swallow it without}/as you think. There mere fact fe) the iis eek scam gp ison 1 fe [= 1+ f ye jt [8 even realizing it is there.--jthat a woman has had a Cae- Swimming 'Assotiativa vsti 31, Mr. esuttiven .S.H. sarian doesn't necessarily mean| ada alas pirat Retcds i Ale First fill the mouth with wa-|that she must always have|----- gakes Y, ter but do not swallow. Ease the/them. Normal deliveries have - 32, Krypton: iS CAS pill through the lips. Drink more}occurred subsequent to a C-sec-| SALLY'S SALLIES ayin. V7, water and swallow fast, Some-|tion. 33. Gravel is | Ne Y IF } jtimes you can take in "sand-| However--and this is the im- 35. Word of ML wich" form what you cannot|portant point--you must take disgust ZG 18 //A9 Z abide by itself.--ILE.A. into consideration the reason for 36, Kind of L 4, Dear Dr. Molner: I read about|the first one. If the same con- ee a ring for 20 jar jee oy 7 jee 25 a tablet that you dissolve injditions is still present, such as * 4 j baby 5 4 your mouth when you get theja pelvis which is not adequate a community es 40, Felt com~ % iJ ae desire to smoke. It is said to|for normal delivery, then the f iat of 4 ; passion ry Wye OA reduce the habit gradually. It is|necessity of another C-section of quiet elec = 3 x Ee Y Y Y guaranteed to help or your|remains. Rn ld re ghici ce re me 77 money is refunded. Do you be-| Note to Mrs. E.M.: Since located in E * pictures /) IN //, lieve in this plan?--Mrs.P.T. ,/you've been checked and your northern res i 44, Coveor a5 Y Ey 37 [3 139 It might help; I wouldn't ex-| husband has not, your failure to area. bay /f, ect it or any such system to do|become pregnant may indicate Simcoe ond ° ] 45, Figurative -, [4° 41 Y a2 the whole job. This is borne out|that something is wrong with. wa j //) by experts at smoking clinics}him. His refusal to be checked If you are looking for 3 hj for thin 4 At* who stress above all the value| medically is characteristic of a] 423 ot buy... visit cedar r Y ae ice MY of motivation--really wanting to/lot of men--but the fact remains} "I can't marry you, Rollie, but use @ builder of you = ff 46. Plant 45 Gh give up smoking. that in a considerable share of Til always admire your for information, 3 y f f ovules That's the answer to why/cases, about one-third, the trou- excellent taste." ; -- " ©-I5 some people can just stop, with-|ble is with the man. phone 723-1 4 } Fi t ! £ , OSHAWA ~ ee eae ee a ae ae eae ar ar ae a ee ae ee ee en er Gea et eke ee ea ee ee We eae eee ee a ea ee ae ae ee a ee eae ee eS SS, 8 Ape eee ay / Pe ' Oe PSE ee ay ey fo a ne ae astm hee oe >

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