Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1967, p. 5

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G. T. W. WHATTAM WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ver " mm Bible Wo e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, June 13, 1967 § ERA Council Asks Action APARTMENT STUDY PLANNED i . . ouncl ctlon : Topic Theme 8 Drivers Charg ed in sections. There were only ;. Bo P | PP is ws taba rs ee tax pile. Be felt ~~ appro- apartments ranged from $70 to '0 seasons in the year when ouncil, at its June commit- priate action wou e to im- $85. nie e could hope to travel in com- enl1or itizen ousing tee meeting, will study what pose restrictions so stringent Councillor O'Connell said Fig om eos yg J. greed . rt - mid - summer and winter. oer ae be ohn. eae eget -- would be forced there were no grounds in the tale tee sg he Bibie"| n Ccci en Ss January of 1817 Samuel Pur- ' . ing conditions @ ig! 0 close down. reports received to condemn ; 3 WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby;tion is prepared to proceed Street. Some weeks ago council It s th e's ind j Sati at the' meeting of the -affer- ' ( e pies Caches cea You Town Council, Monday night,|with the erection of 43 low moved to nel yt build- that it sonnel ioe "aiies Sead ee athe ch on ae moe eee Me Wad) WHITEY (Hat) = Ninetona/tielr boats shims Make 6 ae was a three day trip and tak action "whieh it hopes Wel tenia Units SUE MIAt At bad Deen ing; but some members of to condemn the building, it cost housing as the building ee re ee cn were. mratanion by: ute or two to Amey Mair Ae » stages carried mail and pas- result in the erection of 16|frustrated by its inability to} . council have had second would also have to take simi- was structurally sound. ---- conducted oo oe _|the officers of the Whitby de-/ment. Lifejackets and lights ngers, This service encour- page ny Prarie nang gage pak beget Pa : Ard thoughts on the matter. lar action against properties in Councillor Tom Edwards said Sinan ako wae the feat boa bad tachment of the Ontario Pro- should be checked and there 1h age ga aa Wecdeil Shania. ap lgaesased Gk & fod peter PA act gpaced gl at ge id a. ate oor gebeoeg that nce gang wg ssc sitter (looking after Moses),|Vincial Police last week, Six should be enough gasoline to en- al antailiahitente iaehiaed proved a motion asking the On-|plan might be used to provide 7 to 2 with Deputy Reeve Bob tions were just as bad. a yagi rm ys Raggett Hannah, the praying mother. persons were injured and eight sure a safe return. Care should osts" in Pickering, 'Fare- tario Housing Corporation to} 200 lots on which housing could Attersley and Councillor O'Con- priation. Since that time some Salone, wife of Zebedee, the'drivers charged. While patrol-/be taken to see the boat is not i's" near Oshawa, "Waverly" implement a program without/be built over a period of years. nell opposed. FEAR FOR SAFETY members of council had done ambitious mother who wanted|iing 14 409 miles, 210 vehicles overpowered or overloaded. Bowmanville, "Marsh's" near delay to provide for the senior) A corporation representative STRUCTURE SOUND Deputy Reeve R. Attersley "a flip flop." "It we d t her son to have the highest , ' rt Hope and 'the Albion" and citizens' housing and at the|said the availability of land Council received a_ report favored expropriation proceed- take Grliae' ab Aud 4 ei Places. Dorcas, a woman who nati cgecked with 19 drivers Here are a few do's and lobe" at Cobourg. For sev- same time asked for the start|governs the cost of the project. from Totten and Sims stating ings so developers would be at ius prion five youre was full of good works, Lydia, being charged and 65 warned, don'ts for boaters: ul years the service operat- of a land assembly study and/The cost of serviced lots in the building was in need of re- invited to build a better build- from now ey said tye. Yours the christian business woman.| Officers of the detachment] Don't stand up or change only during the winter, ceas- the presentation of a report to) Whitby ranged from $5,000 to pair but was reasonably struc- ing on the site. He said the Benworiation will. tek The nameless widow who cast-|also investigated 76 general oc-| seats. Don't operate near swim- ; operation upon the opening council on the town's request|$5,500 which the corporation turally sound. Reports were present building is a fire trap few me ths. T think th in aie FN ee ee ee as ete St ae Le ee 'the navigation season for the construction of 42 low|could not afford. He said thy also received from the County and he feared for the safety thar Wali OF Asin at Sick ue the busy housekeeper. Mrs./break and enters, seven thefts,/ashore if your boat is capsized 'ransportation by land and rental units. corporation is prepared to send Health Unit and Chief of Police of the 50 children living there. at i silicide we tie This ob John Newton read the scripture|two malicious' damage cases,j/or swamped. Don't be a show- ter played an important part Reeve George Brooks told the|a team to the town for another Rankin. Council is anxious to In reply to a question from woul she gio b 'di ' POR SSHUNS BA0n Warman: ee the location of settlements three representatives of the|look. It would then advertise receive a report from Fire the deputy reeve, Welfare Ad- l re I dane nf aud il _ As The members were reminded| missing persons. There were Have fun but play safe tially canoes, small boats and corporation attending the meet-|for builders' proposals. Once Chief Mowat. This was one of ministrator Thwaites said five in " k "t yore ts ke of ie shecial cock Book which also 45 | iiscellancous ee aic| See ts were the only means of ing the most important phase|these are received a recom- iid bensons action wea deferred families living at 300 High 4 nes te . th of suck: is being prepared. They were|rences which included domestic| ~ : 'omation other than walking. of the housing program is the|mendation can be made to Reeve George Brooks voiced Street are on welfare. The wai ate ate ig oy i ~-- a yeorag rg ckiy red gy ys mittee 3 nor or » opening of Dundas Street erection' of the senior citizens'|council. When this is approved opposition to the expropriation rentals paid by the town to the known what we planned to do. cies ahi aa teen detvomn" Gee ee FIRST tivated settlers to move back units. application will be made for of the building. He said it end of May of this year aver- The new owner paid $92,000 gg eed erie sting cat bo gmbh aged aay m the lake, Council was told the corpora-|financial approval. would a ye Li ge to pa wits yt grey and the rede he could stand to make a for ae FAA ine bance: pas et The detaahtnene suggests that MORTGAGE LOANS expropriate, which would mean otal rental paid last year was profit if we expropriate," said ah . | 'impinge' in i! f tT) Stephen Laycock Award Protested a large increase in next year's $2,000. The rentals of the 23 Reeve Brooks. views Ce ee ee ee nt Low Interest Rates : The naming of Robert Need-|selection should have given the Z suit : sa cnlorriactaea rune eneasnean crater 2 Pron' on Bove hg a Pe | FREE fstimetes, Reasonable | Budget Tailored Terms VEEN S PARK ham, Toronto newspaper col- -- oe McFarlane, a yi P t t }man Ward led in prayer. Rates, Repair Specialist, Experienced Fast Sewice CU RR sg umnist, as the winner of the|™ Couneller Edwards said Mr any ven AS '@ | if ine own rrotests Penge a ties ' A . ratfic 1s yvavi ese 8 ' Stephen Laycock Award will be} McFarlane's writing was. typi- T ffi D ] ie ica: poche Ninian VICTORIA and 0. ] 1clans formally protested by Whitby|cally Canadian and was de- " | raltic ve ays ieThe vallwaya don't seein tb Town Council. serving of recognition; while ® e | care about the public. I am get- GR EY TR UST Councillor Tom Edwards,|the work of Mr. Needham was WHITBY (Staff) -- Acting on |ting tired waiting for red flash- | who moved this action at Mon-|grotesque and bizarre. The se-| the suggestion of Mayor Des-|ing lights to go out and go| m ond Newman, Whitby Town | through anyway. It sounds like | 24 Hour s Promises day's council meeting; said the |lection, he said, was a slap in) . | * . Manager committee which made the'the face to Mr. McFarlane. : : ; |Council, Monday night, moved| ¢} vays thi Servi : Installed WHITBY (Staff) -- Dr. K. C.{council, said the main project|July 1. One will be held in the|to send a letter to the Board Stl bewdh or euhaee hay cht Feu pO Redie. DI as WHITBY, ONT. . ; j ; : | fs J ie adie ispatcne Perplexing Council Honors Student Orators | S2me*™snegte™ when zecent months has een the| Cntr Bldg x eed nHancer Commisioners ven on conc inee was oi ]"™* yt ws.si7 ' ; Sir John A. Macdonald Theatre 7 ran pide bs bree. 4 ec -|time when I could not complain SERVICE MADE US, were praised for their work , ' ,.; and another in the Knights of| ways in blocking traffic on cer-| t i i ion." | i 5 ae John Porter and Scott Smith,|tures of both winners with) during the past year in reno-|Which it is hoped to open this/Columbus Hall, Those purchas-|tain town streets for fetigthy | hese Pe aiwatton, «sald vagal Rada et 18 By DON O'HEARN idle ki vba siting spedile ge Paeisagnae' gine vating the former Ontario|fall. He said a centennial dance! ing tickets will be able to at-| periods seMbbnai! ladidd at , : speaking competitions, were/\o e Ontario Hydro lectric Count: Courth ti will be held July 1; while an tend Il th d : x 4 ; ee er TORONTO--When politicians honored by Whitby Town Coun-|Power Commission. "What you peck at its peg May Heng inter service' club dinner will tyanseortation satweaa Prbic BBs gay Sg Mr dg f to talking about each oth- cil at its Monday meeting./have done is a tribute not only) py Hobbs. in his report to/also be held in the building! provided by horses and buggies |931 Henry Street, which id ; financial promises it is While their parents and mem-jto yourselves but also to the é July 27. and hay carts, Profits from the|he had been delayed at a ioral ' na case of "his promises bers of their families looked on| Whitby school system and those | sale of the 500 ti ket ill ing for half 3 i f Mayor Desmond presented each| who work in it," said Hi .| Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs.|INTEREST GROWING ; ickets will go|crossing for half an hour by a : no good but mine are'-- y P' k in it," said His Wor : toward the equi f the the-| t 1 | with neither of them stand: with a suitable medal to com-|ship. David Bremner, 503 Athol| The public is showing more.) aritencatiaed Wg. gh : very close inspection. memorate their achievements. | Councillors Tom Edwards and/Street, after a five-week stay at|interest in the building and it ities aa Hash APA Ws rial re inh Uabeedak 1a. ante "We are delighted and proud|Hugh O'Connell added words of] the eon prgiobe Hospital isjis hoped to har at least six "nee or a ype es ie thle' altaton: Gf Whe inane SIDEW ALK SLABS scus As Pr i i it-|convalescing at home. events a week. Some organiza- a fe Centennia ne gia : re rat the present time, with that two Whitby students have|commendation. Both boys suit-| g ltinaa wold: be given tes use | Building during the County Car-|ttial area in the south end of brought honor to themselvesjably expressed their apprecia- and to the town. A recent issue |tion of the honor conferred by of The Hydro News carried pic-'council. FROM Brooklin Concrete Products Ltdds Callers over the weekend at/of the facilities and it is hoped|nival Week. This will also help the town due to shunting oper- the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wil-|that enough revenue will be ob-|to finance the purchase of| ations, said Councillor Tom Ed- liam Simpson, 306 Henry Street,|tained, in time, to make the|drapes and seats for the the-| Wards who wondered how many P Leader Donald MacDon- criticizing the Liberal prom- to take over 80 per cent of cost of ae a were: Mrs, Alwin Simpson, Tor-| building self supporting. atre. i hi greg killed before e says the party claims it WHITBY = AJAX PERSONALS onto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer,| Councillor Mrs. Eileen Moore PORTR A ae A e id do this through extra rey- Jr., Lions Head; Mrs. Bernard|said the Whitby Kinsmen Club AIT PRESENTED The same situation exists on es that will be received Head table guests at the 2nd|who were best sellers on cookie| Hansen and her daughter, June,|is interested in building an in- yon pg gh tg ge Brock Street North," said Town 1 n the growing wealth of the Whitby Brownies mother and|day. June 12 will be the last| Scarborough. door swimming pool and is Ecnrederation ig big net of Engineer Evans, who added : mba 0 seageies. Bango i St. urs meeting of the present season. | Giiikers fen the 1987-0 tan a ae which will be hung in a suit- Sesdihin-anis keene sia Lintner, local 'sscociation| Mr. and Mrs, Reg Foster, Red elected at the last, meeting, of |building committee would be in 2 ES ae per errr Sn grr every other department representative; Nancy Pollard,| Wing Orchards, celebrated their|the Knights of Columb n'|terested in having such a proj-| oricerator has been donated| B y e frozen. Which would be an gold cord Guide and Ranger; |40th wedding anniversary Sun-\Ci), No. 10S, were Goma|ect on the grounds of the cen-|fo." the use of the senior citi Service Gistieaess ossible prop ositio d Mrs. John Smith, Mrs. Thomas|4ay. To celebrate the occasion|Knight, William Goverde; Past! tennial building. , efore is 'cement ible. se Wilcox, Brown Owl: Mrs, Alj@ family gathering was ar-|Grand Knight, Jack Kahn; ad-| py Hobbs said he was sure|"°"s club. wiiducpoaed Taylor, Guide Captain; Mrs, E.|Tanged at the home of their son-| vocate, Edward Finan; chance-|the committee would go along} Mayor Desmond Newman SAWDON S [LINES PLANS Gerritson, Tawny Owl: Steph-|in-law and daughter, Mr. and|lor, John Vanderpluyme; war-| with the plan. It would be up/Said the Whitby Arts Club is it then the NDP leader out- anie Whale, Guide and Packie|Mrs. Hubert Chatten, at their|den, John Goverde; recorder,|t town council to sanction the|Planning an exhibition of paint- FUE L te s his party's plans. And in and Mrs. R. Hutchingson, badge|Summer cottage at Rice Lake. Richard Van Den Weldenberg;| use of the land. He felt land is/ ings and artifacts in the build- e he goes the Liberals quite secretary. : Present were: Mr. and Mrs,|treasurer, Matt Kolsteren; fi-| available if council so desires. |ing in the fall. FURNACE OIL -- t better. Guest speakers were: Branda|Douglas Wallace and daughter,|nancial secretary, James Mc- DANCES STOVE OIL AND COAL sidaui lt Kish ill ule Kring, Stephanie Whale andj Willowdale; Mr, and Mrs, Hu-|Carroll. Guards: Namish Mun-| THREE MeeCarl CITY CROWDS IN 244 Brock St. S., Whitb se beak af tos ae npet td Nancy Polloard, Taking part in|bert Chatten and family, Mr,|Toe, Robert Ronan, John Sillius,| Councillor Yemen. | = a kyo ace: hee Goble ahh 6 oer Y cost of educa- the "Talent Show" were intro.|and Mrs. Neil Taylor, Oshawa,|L0u Goverde. Trustees: Noeljchairman of the Centennial : 668-3524 _ And it also will relieve the e ils. Cathe-|Mr. and Mrs. Donald Foster and|Cormier, William Debosky and|Celebration Committee said|11,000,000 inhabitants and is the icipalities of the costs of } Scat PT Nema Gre Oahe) SC lidren, Highland Creek, Mr.| 4 Samanski. three dances will be held on!world's largest city. rine Broughton played piano selections, Susan Mesher ren-|ad Mrs. Eugene Bull and fam- dered solos, Leslie Ann Hayes|!ly, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs, gave a tap dance and a skit was|David Foster and family, Whit- ices such as health, welfare the administration of jus- 2 how {is he going to pay presented by Lori Engdahl and|by. Other guests were: Mr. and x : Mary Ellen Akey on "The|Mrs. James Gemmell, Toronto, ll, he mentions three po- Brownies and the Clown." Mr, and Mrs. Orval Bell, Osh- al sources: a natural ree awa, and Mrs, Sadie Packer, ces tax, a weight-distance Brown Owl, Mrs. Thomas Wil-| Whitby. The celebrants were and more tax dollars from cox and badge secretary, Mrs.|presented with a trip to Expo wa. R. Hutchingson presented 18/67, golden bars and 14 badges. NTS GROWTH Three Guides were presented| Mrs. Neil Wilkinson, 241 Lupin en there's a fourth: the ins with golden hands: Joanne Mor-| Drive, entertained at her resi- se in revenue that will be rison, Leslie Ann Hayes andjdence at a demonstration. Over ing in from the natural Janice Attersley. Two world|20 neighbors and friends en- th of the province. pins were presented to Jean|joyed the evening. The hostess ' . te : = a nero th the NDP at the helm Mitchell and Joanne Morrison'served refreshments. Frederié B. T. Carter Georges Etienne Cartiee © Edward Barron Chandler Jean-Charles Chapais James Cockburn, George Coles impossible proposition ap- Newfoundland Lower Canada New Brunswick Lower Canada S Upper Canada Prince Edward Island ntly becomes possible. BROCK NOW PLAYING is type of confusion unfortue One Complete Program Each Evening ly marks the fiscal post- WHITBY STARTING AT 7:30 of both opposition parties. all their promises there is larity as to how the money be raised. H VAGUE is is not a new develop- . It has Jong been a hall- : of both the Liberals and NDP for a long time. Both been vague. ; d as long as it exists it be hard for them to get the c to give any real credit eir promises, > proof of the pudding is in 4 Robert Barry Dickey Charles Fisher Alexander Tilloch Galt Col. J. H. Gray John Hamilton Gray 'Thomas Heath Haviland William Alexander Henry © John Mercer Johnson Hector Louis Langevit Nova Scotia New Brunswick Lower Canada Prince Edward Island * New Brunswick L. Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Lower Canada ha, SUZANNE LEIGH -- FRANK FINDLEY fein Dias ae Both Features Recommended es ADULT ENTERTAINMENT will cost and tony. Ghee, ALSO -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION h parties should give more "THE COLLECTOR" in Color -- Begins 7:30 Sterring -- Samantha Egger -- Terence Stamp 'ht to this. And in turn the : may give more thought TALKS CARS SUMMER Summer driving ahead. Are your brakes safe for the miles ahead, planned holi- days? Jonathan McCully A. A. Macdonald John A. Macdonald William McDougall Thomas D'Arcy McGee Peter Mitchell Oliver Mowat Edward Palmer William Henry Pope Prince Edward Island Upper Canada Upper Canada Lower Canada New Brunswick Upper Canada, Prince Edward Island Prince Edward Island N this Centennial Father's Day we at Seagram's join all Canadians in a salute to the Fathers of Confederation. It is a fitting time to honour them because of the wisdom and foresight with which they laid the foundations of our country. For it was as fathers that they worked and planned, with devotion and concern for the well-being of their children, for the William H. Steves Sir Etienne-Pascal-Taché Sammel Leonard Tilley Edward Whelan A Newfoundland New Brunswick Lower Canada New Brunswick Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island welfare of the Seneratons " -- We salute their statesmanship, and the great be- ele tick : ginnings they achieved. As fathers, we accept the trust ee ee ene they handed on. The challenge will be met: to build for 4 aearene: Maren vp te 4 G 9 a ers Day today's sons and daughters, and for their children's | | Re If in doubt, have a brake inspection per- formed on all 4 wheels, date brake drum. resur- children, an even greater Canada. EAor perenne facing equipment. PR TO CONFUSE. These portraits of the Fathers of Confederation form a unique collection R GERMAN ~WHICH of miniature paintings on ivory. They were commissioned by The House ah 4 S aie Ortad tooieaio of Geanrern a jos now turing Canad cng the auspices d the' 3 ouse 0 cagram . Centennial Commission. In 1968 they will have their permanent home : 4 nig high -sopeh i ld ' DISTILLERS SINCE 1857 nlE PALATINATE: In the Parliament Buildings, Ottawa, ° A { 5 : , >

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