Oshawa Times (1958-), 13 Jun 1967, p. 13

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) THE OSHAWA TIMES, uesday, June 13, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER OOO a i ee pS AR Ae A Oe a OE 1 OE Oe GGA SRE ARLCRASKELSSHG RRB ee I Oil And Uranium | TORONTO (CP)--Good gains among oils and uraniums em-| hasized the upward movement} Lead Upward Trend Minor Traffic Charges THE OSHAWA Wk Times, Tuesday, June 13, 1967 13 | Toronto Tops Must BearJP's Own Signature | Richmond Club zt Senne in Masters' : A " ual Championship Play) of moderate trading on the Tor- boa ' BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT onto Stock Exchange Monday. TORONTO (CP) -- 'The On-|Nov. 1 that the rubber stamp in- ped veo ne -- Oils advanced after the) {tio Court of Appeal Monday|validated the whole process. red-hot Joronto Maple st dealer. . TORONTO 10:4 A.M, STOCKS 10:40 Net | United States government de-|Uled invalid the rubber stamp-/His ruling was appealed by the Leafs scored their 15th win in ither side vulnerable. Distributed Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge : ed bd clared an oil emergency be-|i9 Of signatures of justices of/Ontario attorney-general's de-/19 games Monday night, edging Toronte Steck Exchange--June 13 | Domtar pr 500 $20%* 20% 20% ) t fy) ice {the peace on sworn statements! partment last December. Richmond Braves 2-1 to move D Textile. 225 $20% 20% 20% cause of the Middle East crisis.| " ; ; ithin fi NORTH Quotations In cents unless marked $.| Econ iny 300 $10% 10% 10% + 1 Dome Petroleum rose 2% to| made by police on minor traffic The 'appeal court decision, {0 within four games of the In- x---Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex-| Exquisite m5 854 «5% 5% 1 ; iy |charges, written by Mr. Justice George ternational Baseball League 3 @74 rights, xw--€x-warrants. Net change is) gic, 1502 $87 87. 87 ' 5714, Husky and Imperial Oil 4 ; Vid . % @KI6 from previous board-lot closing sale. | far "pigy 'ies $2, $2, Sey 1 ° e leach to 16% and 60% and, rhe ruling by three judges of A. McGallivray, said: 'In po- leaders. 95983 eae te ee 1t vance ac iner \Texaco % to 27%. ' the court means the justices of/lice court proceedings in Tor- Sid O'Brien had a homer and HAQIE MINES Fruchout 328 $16 16 Ne : cone ashame Rib Ale jthe peace nust personally sign onto, in highway traffic cases two doubles to spark a 10-hit WEST ask aaa Mik Gd we he Gen Boker 100 $64. 64 616 |was Lhead M% h 3614 Samnag |e a, alone, a great number of in- SS : .m. Ch'ge aper 600 $26 2% 2% : z i Metropolit ions r Kk yery n other S, - - oren SiooT4s *acad Uran 100 4 4 4 Si Fewer 0 Sne a Be | SELKIRK, Man. (CP) -- It|duction down because the price;cumbersome system that had |Corp. 1% to 22%, Denison % tO| other cities [uuenkaas --o ee ling Rochester fed Wi "gee iin 307 sen io ws ws 2s +0 teil HO Sh ah ai ne Manitoba paret bad steel) can't go up. sent production costs soaring. Neale gece thay 28 and Stan-| heen using rubber-stamp signa-/ "A rubber stamp can be fixed|clubbed Columbus Jets 4-0 on HK88 a i a ies s a oe ge ivoninen 00: TRRNR: -2t0m +, | OPENED FRIDAY | With the adoption of the new ee aes _|tures in summary conviction|by anyone in the police court|Pitcher Jim Hardin's three-hit Ang RUN ae ee, Sts] Have Dna 100 Slim 11% 11% |backwoods to the vanguard in) ie Abacribed 'th tem| Process, the company has cut) Kerr-Addison rose % to 16¥4./cases under the Highway Traf-|office, and not necessarily by)|Shutout; Toledo Mud Hens exis aon 0 9 (9 8: | Home A 250 $19% 1934 19% -- |steel-producing technology. | He described the new system its work force to 475 men from|Among other base metals, Inco 'fic Act. The offences involved|the justice of the peace who|Clipped Syracuse Chiefs 8-5 and @AQs ee ie A | Hee bh We Seaton sO, Lee, lone - established Mani got ce ve eee at/§00. Mr. McMurray says the gained 2% to 108. jinclude illegal parking, failing] purports to swear the inform-|Jacksonville Suns nipped Buf- @AKS ye a as H Bay Co 100 $i8\4 84 184 + wjtobs firm retired its out-dated|the official opening of the reno-| reduction will likely be tem-| Industrials activity was gen- to obey traffic signs and speed-| ant. 'falo Bisons 3-2 in 10 innings. Bary Exp) 1000. 2 2% 2 --2| HB Oil Gat 220 $342 34% Ua 'and slow producing methods for|vated plant in this town, j ly li y i : Rich d 410962 Belcher" 9500 35 34 34 -- 1 | Husky Ol 935 $16% 16% 16%+% 12 cvctom that has d host/ miles north of Winnipe porary: jerally light with Alcan up % to Ing. "A signature has characteris-/, Richmond tagged starter Bill pee Bonin eee aah des | Husky 8 pr 50 $51 5151 |@ system that has drawn a hos les innipes. | cnc RABIG MALPLOY 31% and CPR down % to 70%%.| The rubber - stamp system, tics which identify it in such a|/hibdeau for 11 hits in the 7 2-3 The bidding: BL Hawk 1000 26% 26% 26%a-- | Husky D w 7250 720 720 720 of visitors from the industry in| Key to the increased ef )INCR SED EMPLOYMENT |" j, speculative trading, Frobex|operating in Toronto since the| woy Fe MA linnings he pitched. But Thib- ast South West North Broul Reef 1500 31 31 31 Imbrex ae ee eae | lits first six: months of opera-|ficiency, which will increase the| 'In the long run, it will re-|),. Ea hates | ; ; en, | Way that it could hardly be de-) ; vi ss INT Pass 3NT Phage Hy Ae iba Imp Oll $07 $60 $7%-- MW tions |plant capacity to 160,000 tons of|sult in increased employment. = nf greg os ead eg nal ag ge ~~ yearinied by the person signing that) CX Was ag Vi at vetall Seat aaa). aint aaa? mp Toby 2 SM sw! Officials of the firm, which {s|processed steel annually from|Working in co-operation with|°"°™ » Cems (0 9./9. : i ieay colm Robe, & Torontolit is his," the ruling said. "This sronto'e. seit ay eae te ening lead--six of spades. Camp Chib 150 755 755 755 +8] Ind Wire 150 $6%4 6% 6%4+% ivi i idee|100.000 tons, is two 40-ton-ca-|the union and the provincial] _7 index, industrials gained)" )** - 1 is not the case with a rubber sil igus mere gies ig 4 a division of Dominion Bridge 5 Is | P a 747 He took to the S Cour' th hth Bob i's say you have a 60% ¢ Tung 200 195 194 194 +3 Inglis 100 $12 12 12 be é " : ; ' ; ; k ; .77 to 166.87, golds 1.14 to 174.78,| k to the Supreme Court stamp. he eighth inning, Bob Monts, f : rti Cdn Nisto 50 22 22 2 | Inland Gas 100 $11%@ 11% 11%+ %|Compamy, describe it as the/pacity electric furnaces which) government, we have attempted ee tals 1.43 to 101.0 djof Ontario the case of Jillian ' : gomery scoring on Danny Ru- ce of making a particular Candore 1000 28 28 28 -- 4) Inland Gp 210 $17% 17% 17% -- |most mmodern in the world but replace open hearth units that! to find new jobs for these men| ase me au - o 07 an | Welstord 19 charged aiee & "The circumstances which danavith's single eo Py Sees eo oe Captain joo 15 15 15 tm Int UM taz2'$90% 90% 90a 4 w/add the rapid technological ad-|were smaller, slower and in-/in other industries. We og Wierik re oe minor collision Dec. 17, 1965,/¢R@Dled the courts in various) "aye teams resume their four tain way. Then, if you are Chestrvile $00 23% 23¥2 234+ Va| Intpr Pipe 1855 $22% 22% 22% vances in the field likely will flexible. also worked on retraining pro- per pie 3,105,000 shares com-) 1 failing to yield the right of 25°, 0 authorize a stamped! aime series tonight at Rich a ig olga fl you Secale VSR tle A ats | Int Pipe w 1200 920 910 910 --15 |draw others to the same stand-| With the new furnaces, the grams." peated with: Sse ree PNORy. lay, ; signature do not apply to the oe nd os duty 'bl und to Agr non Come 1 Ow 1 | ee ee ees and of efficiency, con.pany has adopted a continu-) The plant produces steel by| Mr. Robb argued that the|WHolly different situation where! "yo ccsonville's winning run siod that is ee 7 Cong, Me a ah at ia! Jefferson 2180 sisia 34% 354 "In the cost-price squeeze," ous steel casting operation as|meijting. scrap metals, including) Doukhobors Tell magistrate before whom |an officer of the court confirms) ome with the bases loaded spe rank bier. 8 Con Fardy 141 260 260 260, jetfersn w 600 $2614 264 26%. says President MacKenzie Mc-|an alternative to the time-worn|q Jinited number of wrecked| case was heard had no jurisdic.|{t@t an oath has been properly in putialo infielders lost the ie eo eae * chance of C Ma 1 ee ee | Kelly DA 100 490 40 90 =| /Murray of Dominion Bridge, |system of pouring molten steel| cars. It does not make exten-| pys tion because the signature of 2¢ministered."' ball on a throw from rightfield 8 irk C Morin 2000 535 525 525 --5| Labatt 270 $2% 26 «2% «6+ 4) "we have to bring cost of pro-| into individual casts. It was this! sive yse of iron pellets because Histo In Son the justice of the peace was ap-._, /5@ appeal dealt only with the ||) 4); s Otti A' is important principle can Lakelnd w 100 465 465 465 5 pens Idi iclesh scale J P bY a i ffic ' enabling Amos Ottis, on third, should. b d ti ¢ Mosher 'ae sale | Rega | | LOnt Cem 500 480 480 480 Poe Te : the scrap has been cheaper. plied with a rubber stamp. clause of an official document to score a tells, dal We. for Eon Nichol oo tu oe +h] tauren see 1m 8 . | Manitoba Rolling Mills pro. NELSON, B.C. (CP) -- The jpppar, RULING position was duly sworn to. at n Toledo was sparked by Chris it application is bound to cock" mon Pon eee I eee ee ae = New Academic Study Shows | duces reinforcing bars, steel for) history of the Doukhobors, from) "a, Justice C. D Stewart of lod tins Wels 1 oes Cannizzaro who drove in four ce high tion of Craigmt 150 $114 114 Nla-- % v4 AB LA LA AS Tay nuts and bolts, special sections! their persecution in 17th century ink e sila "ity." P runs with a three-run homer and tein Ped "i proportion D'Eldona 1800 148146148 rsa aa Ls pe ante br " for building construction and Russia to their settlement in the Supreme Court ruled last authority, double. The victory ended To: sults, i Me +2% 4 12% : | bi § ; : 4 a oe Ragairseserseaacunacen -- - Ri 3 ; example, suppose you're Dome" 70 sae 48% ia | Magne €1 220 $20 20. lag Brand Loyalty Ranks First jspecific shapes for the railway a Rocegel will be told in ledo's six-game losing streak. rer at three notrump on tie sad 4 ar ae agree | Maritime 15 $23 2% 2B industry. The new equipment song at Expo 67 in July, : R . ¢ d 7 d G | " Se rere accompanying hand. West Gnt Masct 1100 135 129 125 +5 | MassFer, 1576 s7zk 2a He) TORONTO (CP)-- The Retail|whether the particular product | May permit the firm to men kasd Doukhobor 67 - voice USS1d, anada rade Urows | BOND MARKET a spade and you win the Sian" asm gam aia ze + | Mantex 1300 190 190190 |Council of Canada got'a lesson| was displayed in what was con-|its range of products. Hema te eee Choir, often) | vith the jack. Gradore Ln 2 Moore, 2820 $29% 29% 294 |and a lecture Monday as two) sidered a prime position to at-| Most of the products produced heard in concerts in Vancouver, | TORONTO (CP)-- The Cana- rbably the first thing you'd Grérey, 20350 746 7 +1! Morse pr a5 $68) 58 58 -- 'sl academic marketing ex-/tract the consumer's eye. _|at the plant go to Western Can-/Nelson, Grand Forks and other! FLEACNES ;UUU, early | dian bond market was off one- of would be to lead the Gunnar 200 47 a7 47 +2) Mente bt ate $y" Hy" at | perts spoke to the Council's an-| Mr. Fry rapped the retailing | ada although the company has|British Columbia communities, | |half of a point in quiet trading sa a desae. Tis wena HighBl DD 90 90 900 | Noranda | 482 Ssi¥e $1¥4 $16 + w| nual bape tryed a _s attracting ssgagl a ae Bo Saag market ei ve a ie lip ee i Bes Dmitry, two countries is in the neighbor-| Monday. . Hollinger 420 $26 © 25% 26 | Nor %e \sity 0 estern Ontario. jness gradu : was vanada. y : i § etrov, head of the Russian sec- hood of $330,000,000 annually,| <'t Government of you at least a 50-50 chance Huds Bay 50 Shai 6H 63H + \ pA ee LE A ley || A traditional retailing concept |-- ' ---- melodies sung in exacting har-/tion of the commercial informa- mostly Russian imports ily, _ Short bonds with down with aking the contract, and you en ear. 36 30 Bac Pete 1217 Siam 14% 4 + Ye --that of advantageous location | e ® ;mony and counterpoint. tion centre at Expo 67, said)/Canada. |the 4%-per-cent April 1, 1968 w - i] 2 , ry : | ss ss , a . t therefore feel strongly Iso 400 136 136 186 -- 2 Pembine' " 100 stite tit Ii -- | Of Products on a store's shelves} Ontario Government Strives _ The repertoire includes high-| Monday that trade between the} Speaking aboard a Soviet-|issue closing at 99.50 bid and ed to rely on the finesse. pps 000 fgg | Phillips. cb 50 $531 53% 534 -- |--was exploded by C. B. John-| lights from the long and often| | made hydrofoil on display at/|99.60 asked. | in the actual hand, you Kam Kotia 500 290 290 290 --§ | Pow Corp 100 silts lite tiie-- 4 ston, professor of marketing at| " . troubled history of the Doukho- CPR D ] /Expo, he said Canadian firms} Long-term Canada and prov- 1 go down one when East Kerr nee 1 a ie set! GN Gas 1235 39% 9% 9% -- u/the University of Western On-| For New Lake Superior Line bors. From the persecution by eciares jlack knowledge - about Soviet] incial bonds were lower with the the ten hg the king and Lab Min 10 $29 29% Bu + % ON Gs sw we a m5 m5 t'0, | tario. ? Czar Nicholas I in the 17th cen- ee merchandise, 41%4-per-cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue hed & spade. L store. 100 196 196 196 --19 | Revelstk 600 $94 9% 9 Joseph Fry, of Western's) By KEN. CLARK government's lawyer, suggested |ury to the rich Kootenay farm- New Dividends | Russia is ranked fifth in the|Closing at 844 bid and 8% wever, if you study the '4 12% = %| Rothman 50 $26% 26% 26% + %| school of bbusiness administra- : ; jq{lands of Canada in C ; ; d 1+ South hands somewhat tings oon a a 1 | Reval Bnk 987 $764 76 76 -- '| tion told the council that a six-| OTTAWA (CP)--The Ontario|/*ans-Canada Pipe Lines build Gee | ' world in terns of volume of] @Sked. fully, you would prob Lelteh 640 635 635 +20 | Secur Cap 220 285 285 285 Oe h r # Wastern's| wovernment proposed & a 36-inch line from Winnipeg to| ¥ear--all events of significance) MONTREAL (CP)--The Ca-/foreign trade and the Soviet| Day-to-day money traded at carefully, you would prob- Louvicrt 1000 16 «16 «16 ~-- Ya] Selkirk A 900 $12, 12,12 Joseph Fry, of Western's) government propose Nipigon, Ont., roughly parallel|are described in song and tab-|nadian Pacifi ilway | ' i 4% per cent. NP a SP 2 5 pigon, : ghly pa | zg cific Railways Mon-|Union's foreign trade turnover ' arrive at the conclusion Mattgmi 225 $14 141A Shell Inv w 950 $10% 10% 10%+% school of business administra-|plan Monday in its efforts at a 3 hating |lea iP Treasury bills strengthened Mc Adam 500 46 46 46 --2| Shell Can 614 $28 27% 27% \ti il that ix-| national board hearing|t® Trans - Canada's existing u. f |day declared a dividend of $1.45 |in 1966 was $18,000,000,000. X cist me gu a club finesse at trick two |tion told the council that a six-| national energy boa ring T 45 | th the 91-day bills closi t t the best of all possible See We 2 OR oA sn 6 ae |week pilot study carried out by|to get a west-to-east natural gas route bi aeee ' a scene depicting thea share on ordinary capital) , Me Tange of exported ma- 135 on cent fe the "eday It Is far better to cash iit, vie 41! Bile an, HB mM TH 24--b|the unbversity showed that/pipeline along the north shore] , Mr; Copeland suggested add bore te Russie te 1608 ene: |stock, of which 70 cents a share| sine. inch eeg pe ey mst bite at 4.55. K t in the : y brand loyalty was a much/jof Lake Superior. 'on SS s 2 3 en J -m- nhs n $ x) a ae ee the Net es 2000 yn 4 a+ % sen Con is tr do iu -- ve! larger Patol in sales than! R.A. Copeland, the provincial) yond Nipigon be added on the phasize their belief that man | are the proceeds of a dividend|jet aircraft, tractors and agri- ston or doubleton queen. Newconx we ere 0. Se 8 | eee A ee ae ee ee | lroute of the existing line arch-|Should not bear arms. jfrom Canadian Pacific Invest-|cultural machines, machine ROOM FOR DEBATE the actual case, when this Ne, Wee te ioe | fess meee a wl ® . ling north via Cochrane, Ont.,| Another scene deals with the) ™ents Id. tools, electrotechnical equip-| There are 10 national political matured, you would then N Kelore 2000 6% 6 6h Thom NP 70 $27¥%e 27s 27% + Ya) H t le Rece tion Greets and south through North Bay.|move to Canada from Russia in| A CPR statement also an-|ment, precision instruments and|parties in India, including sep- 3 N Sen 12000 42) 4) 4a Tor Dm Bk 1400 $13%4 13 13% + MM) os 1 |He said this would increase de-|1905 when the Canadian overn.|20unced a dividend of two per/earth-moving and other machin-|arate pro - Russian and pro- d se the nine of diamonds Nick Rim 72100 14% 14% 14% Trader Ap 100 $214 21% 214+ Ve "pele ; 8 |cent on prefe : ' thus produce nine tricks Norbaske 1100 55 55 55 Transair 1600 $548 5% Se + a |liveries to Ontario and Quebec! ment offered them land. Deis Preference stock. lery. Chinese Communist parties. emit Of risk, North Exp 1000 20 20 20 Tr Con PL 905 $30¥2 297% 29% -- % S d P . Pl markets to ease expected gas} The songs and scenes show - course, if the queen did gt i lS tu ent articipation an shortages next winter. Both) that the pattern of life changed| ppear on the A-K of dia- Merth Con 100 04 1D 16 -- 1) Trane MM 39S SN 9b 194 + Ve : steps would be carried out this|little with the move to Canada. | is you would be forced to Qpemaka 330 955 955 955 -- Un"Carbla ito sie wi We By GERARD McNEIL Figg ag lath pag pone eer ae Jus beige horses, the women! - Later, -inch li q | club finesse, but now, bake time 9 ee Un (Gas 1090 $14 12% 12% 4) OTTAWA (CP)--The New Left| 204 Tose on Sauaaenest Pas lbah : a ya x ~ ju! ae were formed into groups of 28 » finesse lost, you would Peerless 1000 7% 7% 7+ Yel Un Wourn 166 380 380 380 --20 | vigi fat ity of " h uu rom Nipigon along the'to pull plows. ast be able to say that you Pick Crow 1300 Versatile 225 $364 36%2 36¥a vision of a '(true community Of} sonnel officers, for instance, en-|north shore of Lake Superior| ---------------- given yourself two chances 1 i gd aa Psd pred Priel Walex oy 4109 sae Me iat vs |scholars' on the campus re-|forced rules which students had|jinking up with the existing @ ake the hand instead of Pow Rov 100 67 67 67 Weste'st 200 $254 26% 254° |celved a suspicious and some-|t0 obey but had no part in mak-| route south of North Bay. That PRODUCE Preston $580 $22 21% 22 + | Westeel 145 $26%4 2% 26% ing. Paternal! relationships/ would be completed in 1968. | Sane me a i a | we ee ie ee times hostile reception Monday | caused much needless tension The Trans-Canada applicati TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale yr fl a ' pee | s-C cation ne ; Rio Algom 1825 $37% 36% ITM + Weter® amo 8 ip i -- se) from @ class of university ad-/on many campuses. | being heard by the board seeks|t0 retail carton eggs average [ 4 spdlssy * ites iim mM FA te Ane Pas 100 is i" ist iy iuaratore and professors. A student on the university | only partially to twin its exist-| Weighted prices quoted by the| 1 e ul Rowan €n 1000 12 12 12 +1) Ww A 80 $30 30 Three student leaders whojsenate or board of governors|ing line, bypassing the new-|'epartment of agriculture as of| $"Amion! 11000 294 28h 29 + %| sales to 11:00 am. 697,000 presented the case for more stu-|did not mean involvement, he) ground north shore route that|Monday: A large 41.7; A me-| Sherritt 225 415 410 415 dent. participation in university added. It was more like "put-| would open up new markets, {dium 35.9; A small 28.8. l jue 1100 a M4 ae " tg oy ctsaaes government were called "Uncle wae A Dinte 1n We Spulh. Atri. Fess: Wholesele price to dr as 180 180 " ¢ | y op ane glivina oo 31. 30 at +21 Cohen wills 200 165 5 165 --S |mrome? by Dean R. A. Wendt! 4; cabinet. : D country stations fibre cases) shenrelé 250 350 350 350 Macassa 5 178 Ss +8 | ms by ie je Universities had to avoid a quoted by the Toronto Board of MPA, Fl AP . Steep R 1100 5465 $65 565 aeiibon WL ee 1S Ie ayy [Ot Carleton University's psychol- | labor-management relation with Trade from wholesale egg deal- rs have died fe ds wheel see Corp 80 478 ao ais +1) Silverfids 1000 $00 $00 S00 ogy department. students and seek instead "the) BY THE CANADIAN PRESS (ers: Extra large 35; large 33-34; iss Bidwoiser. in iwe years 'exmont 400 8 8 8lU 8 "What you're proposing is that | ("ue community of scholars. Consolidated Textile Mills|medium 27; small 21; B 29; C Nibsitad nydeoel f Un Keno 7100 610 610 610 ' ; tab Mr. Painter said he felt there| Ltd., 1244, June 26, record June | 25-26. tegen pha ae pe ng Ula Porc 1000 7 7 7 +t Rights Offered there be a new kind of estab-| should be a student on any sen-| 19. Butter; Canadian Dairy Com- eilhosy w e rebuilt an Willey. 3200 % 7 i =i lishment," Dean Wendt said.|ate committee that deals with; Victoria And Grey Trust, Some tenderable carlots: é n- s 8 ' ; ) 4 5 "But you're cagey enough not|student matters and even pro-| series A pref. 66% cents, August | Buying 39 scored 62; buying 40 v7 othe ete OILS, GAS As Dividends Up to be too ped about what is|fessors on the student councils.'1, record July 14. score 63; selling 63. i ; lved. Saitdaaca nek s owner, Bernie Little of Aiminex 200460 460460 TORONTO (CP) -- Simpsons-|!*¥° a. We're going to be pro- Am Ledue 1500 16 15% 16 +1 | Sears Ltd. announced Monday a|, "The only thing you can say | nals about it" Bantt | 1300 $4134 13% + 4 | i ohts offering for its sharehold-| {8 that it will be different." This | Nec, = presario € Ex Gas 1700 410 405 48 Jers and an increase in the an- goweg' make it nog ' riding the thundering hy- U Asbestos 315 310 310 310 --1s |Mual rate of dividends to 36 e discussion came during a ding I ane across ramps Bay San sip 0 im i 3014 38% + cents from 30 cents a share, meeting a yg Mer New and Outstanding Issues ay at more than miles AR So aia A ciation 0! niversity uden ° e Cent Del 700 $11% 11% 11% Under the offering, sharehold- " Th W. B B igor in front, as usual. Charter © 100 M45 345 --10 [ers can subscribe to one class Personnel Services. e e e ennett rganization AP PLICATIONS FROM ) boat roared into the sriettan Do fa it fit +2{A, Bor C share at $12.50 a| On a panel before delegates ce gente we rohing Fargo 4, 1400 440 43s 40 | share for each 10 shares held.|were Douglas Ward, president om, Limited , renc! es - i of the Canadian Union of Stu- OSHAWA -- ONTARIO ° from one of 200 moored Gr Plains 100 $11% 11% 11%--%| Company directors also de- sani Bert Paint ident E d E M M Gt COllsds 251 $137 13% 137 lared the first dividend payable|4ents; Bert Painter, presiden ted under the | i nergetic an nthusiastic ato: ts c pay: , (Incorporated under the laws of Ontario) r boats, or something in tnt Helium a4 305 i 30s +8 by the company on a quarterly of the Carleton student's coun- 9 yager. No one is certai i t Numac 100 375 375 375 basis. At nine cents, it repre-|Cil, and Rick Waern of Toronto, ee tons of boat, engine and hoe whe BET betod ested tmatiny et P iat t f the stu- : Vella 2 8 M8 3 | sents an increase in. the annual SOC ee Secrerary OF tie Sty $600,000 tipped up on its right side petted ae oe a teat ° dent co-operative housing sys- 9 disappeared in a wall of Place @ 100-215-215 «215 +5 : tem. 60,000 sh water. Ponder 2150 4 40 40 The company announced sales (60, shares) coast guard helicopter had bist ie ree or eee ry +10 |for the first 21 weeks of 1967)/LITTLE RESPECT : g | Brow from the water. He Scurry Rn 875. $26%4 26% 2% + | were about 12% per cent higher] Mr. Waern said students have 7%% Cumulative Redeemable Convertible Preference Shares inconscious and was given Triad Ol! (500 188 188 188 than the comparable period in/little control of the university i-to-mouth resuscitation as Nice Wen ee 1966 and net earnings for the|environment and as a result Par Value $10 per share hopper rushed him to hos- W Decalte 250 250 250 250 period 'showed a satisfactory) have little respect for those who ; AG ES 10 to 14 where he died. : INDUSTRIALS increase." administer it. together with 60,000 common shares without r-all winner in the $25,000 ar value and 60,000 share purchase warrants was Bill Schu Abitibi 1365 $10 10 10 P 4 P i | e driving Miss. 'Barden. Os ar we ok ° a Gat _ ° | er ee was 96.914 fiche EO Fs Sime Is vour bu SINCSS Offered in units comprising one preference share, i Who want to earn money as : Anglo-cn 100 $9% 9% 9% e YU e ee one common share and one share purchase warrant. Ang CT a8 25 Sstu sam 334 )VIETS WIN CROWN Anihes Av) 34s $25, 38 : " ; OSHAWA TI MES NTEVIDEO, Uruguay Ai suger" 114 $1014 10% Tome Growling Price: $10.00 per unit ers) -- The Soviet Union Bank Mil 260 $6464 64 ' ' y night won its first world Bork NS 300 Side lave lee + Me ° Thi i i 5, L 25 $364 36% 36% ohne is company with its wholly-owned subsidiaries, W. B. Bennett Paving & ur basketball crown by - ei Phne 21 $30 Soe SO -- | with the market Hasecleds Ldsaited annd M4. 1. Reanatt Chowtcuation Lhasited ts aaguped tn tate age ped ad P saa : ow vey Ey itt ' ine we ts of paving a rgd hares mp areas, gs the regime from owned and leased . Bae 00 380 380 + properti eres » It opera area ecked United States cham- : Brazilian" au He Fr ees | J O l l Se r l oT | y) » of sean Atteceigy Seal a st seentis ae "atlas pine ype epale ear : . ; ah etages with an 80-71 up- Wen 710 $3594 3594 35% + % : , i the first time. : Through serving the public you earn extra spending e Americans Sunday - © Forest 230 $19!2 1912 Wat % df i t f reliabilit d The U.S., U.S.S.R. and BC Sugar = 125 ale Lig te We offer, through registered dealers in Ontario, as agents, the preference shares, money end tearn importance oF Fellability an lavia had gone into the 4 Sheer 8 ir ie Hag a +% common shares and share purchase warrants in units as above, if as and when courtesy, ight of play with identical sanlts- Pp B - A n ce issued and subject 'to prior sale and change in price and subject to the approval is a ghey and one CAE Ind " 5 | Hh A of all legal matters on behalf of the company by Mesers. Allen, Hunter, Regan & each in e seven-team CD Suger «150 $23 BO Allen, Toronto, Ontario. | : i Cc $41 4 at 3 | ---- -- -- = ae a Sa a2 res rc APPLICATION FORM + C Packrs A 71 $80¥2 80'4 B04 Prospectus describing the issues will be forwarded on request. LY'S SALLIES Can brew 9180 S72 J Fe in . * z edsnnsaaamenpantos c_Brew Bp i Mie Mile Mele --Tih 'To keep pace with the growing demand for goods N i ium Ve . - oe 190 170 190 +20 and services, many Canadian busini have en- ay WINN sins ok osc 5 ches ak date a aad Hac tor cciae s tea ores (SS oeeeeneareNNe "cen @ Mo 410 410 410 --10 4 'ted their faciliti ith id of The W. B. Bennett Organization Limited trmonen i r 7 € Dredge 4207 495 465 495 +45 larged or up-da ur ties wi aid of IDB a |e ae fae ee WW ¢ Ime Bk $04 seve 46 64 Vs loans. If you are thinking about moderrlizing or ex- Suite 2524, 44 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. Address : € ind Gasp 300 S10% 10m 10m -- % panding your business, or starting a new j Madi caanses vy ite Oe | Me ae ee Oy ey Naan re hs | 2054 + Ve ; : ' : H C Marconi aor ne es ae i and need financial assistance, perhaps an IDB loan | va Please send me further information on this pany and its subsidiaries and the ' de ee oe can help you. aoe || offering Prospectus. | AGB oo caiceen nce UY. Sorcerer -~ sito token | ae eer. 1% 18 as i oe =f ee ee idb _ | PHONO: hae iene oe NE SAR RGE eeu pon PRE feision | C 1 reef Sth an Sa en CeZGR INDUSTRIAL i ig Ag 2590 Site 18% 18% -- Ve ; Make Your Application Now! | sec h Wa A : cocas F '; 13% 13+) ail or Bring Your ication to the Times" Circulation | et Bint" Seog 25 Subse 08 HM + Ma TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES | 9 PP | paap eae Aaah , 1 P 4 "Sa basta ap ee ea Department in Oshawa and Whitby. . Dotascy 2100 "$2446 24Va 24Ve TORONTO, ONT. : 250 University Avenue -- Telephone: 368-1145 | dod; it almost tastes Dom Glass LA a | a a a a ss € Me Bem, sore Sim 18% 1B . wee 6

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