Iding. The 26-storey vill' be the first of buildings in the w $15 million Centre k Bay area of Bos- age of the board of as delivered by Tho- 'ley, Chairman. "To- is every. indication > embarking upon a 1e told the members. has been going on sars resulting in con- ansion of the church 1? \RMONY 'D CHURCH rie Taylor, A.R. < T. and Organ) R.M.T. t and irmaster .--Sunday School .--Kindergarten -- Tiny Tots :00 A.M. DR. OSBORNE dies' College, Whitby , Welcome to All ) CHURCH STREETS B.A., S.T.M, AMES, A.T.C.M, AY are finished ses as usual OACH PRAYER ner clothes MODEL OF NEW CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH CENTRE Chfistian Scientists at- tending their annual meet- ing in Bostom saw this model of a new church centre, The centre will in- clude three new buildings, - a@ seven-acre church park and plaza and a 550-car HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 226 Harmony Rd. S. Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 9:45 A.M.--Bible School 1 ceteris staff, is shown in the right ' underground garage. The | foreground. A 668-foot re- | i entire complex will com- prise 15 acres in Boston's Back Bay section. The pro- jected 26-storey administra- tion building, which will house the church's office flecting pool will extend from this building to the arc-shaped. Sunday School and conference building at left foreground. ALBERT STREET GOSPEL HALL 150 Albert St., Oshawa SUNDAY -- JUNE 11th 10:00 A.M.--Remembering the Lord ) CHURCH Ave.) B.A, ELLIS and 10:45 a.m, 11:00 a.m. RIES Vorid B:A. Associate Sec- d Maintenance De- ETT chool ALL CHURCH WORSHIP HURCH, YY FAMILY CHURCH nister d Organist lled" -- Sibelius y Picnic ) CHURCH -AND RD.) B.A., D.D. Paed. fon and 9 "" suble Club. | CHURCH REET World on its heart. \T, B.A. L.T.C.M. ce JRE ERSITY VE TARIO laque WING irden speak, 11:00 'A:M." MORNING WORSHIP sery and Jr. Church come! py tirade the Difference. FAITH Lutheran Church (Eastern Canada Synod) The Rev. Henry Fischer Pastor -- 725-2758 awe MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. 91 Centre St. 9:45 AuM. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 A.M. THE SERVICE TEO0 P.M Sunday School -- Adult Bible Class | 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Tuesday -- 7:30 P.M. Prayer & Bible Study ALL ARE HEARTILY WELCOME day will continue its series of NEWS FROM THE CHURCHES University President Centennial Speaker The congregation of Simcoe Cemetery, Street United Church this Sun- neer services marking the 100th an- niversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Simcoe Street} park. Plans | Church maintained by the city as Gibbs, MP, on June 17, 1867. This Sunday's services, which|Everson, whose father, oa will mark the opening of the| Everson, officiated at the a celebration of the church's | veiling of the memorial in 1949. | * ge oo will be ad- Pl Pi . | hristian ressed by Rev. Dr. A. B. B. | i Moore, president of Victoria an cnic a | University, Toronto, Special} The annual congregational, orm guests at the morning service|picnic of Grace Lutheran will be Lt.-Gov. Church will be held, June 1 and Mrs. Rowe. In the afternoon a memorial | Springhill service will be held at the Pio- Whitby. Earl Rowe Park, Bond Street West. The cemetery was re- stored by Simcoe Street United in 1949 and is now} for .the service} Methodist Church by Hon. T. N.|have been laid by Laurence Savery, assisted by Stanley bg at Fantasyland Park, formerly north of Present Awards and Life Awards to Girl Guides, a.m. service this Sunday at St. Mark's United Church, Whitby. oa The presentation of Religion 8/ Brownies, Wolf Cubs and Boy Scouts will be made at the 11 . . . ' Christian Science | "Be strong and of a courage; be not afraid, veer be thou dismayed: for the Lo: thy God is with thee pitleres | Beginning ever thou goest," will be the) continuing Golden Text of the Bible lesson | fe . oa | on "God the Preserver of Man') 7"°°° Church will at the First Church of Christ follow a special summer wor- Scientist, Oshawa, this Sunday. Summer Worship this until Lutheran Sunday and Labor Day,| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, June 10, 1967 7 regular service at 11 a.m. and Sunday School at 9.45 a.m., the church will also have a special worship service at 7.40 p.m. each Wednesday and church school, for all ages, in special group classes at 7 p.m. each ship sc hedule. In addition to the: Ww 'ednesday. Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Phillip Murray 8. 409 Adelaide Ave. E. Minister Rev. D. N. Hobermehi, M.Th., United Spiritualist Church Of Ontario ORANGE TEMPLE -- Bruce St., Oshawa (UPSTAIRS) SUNDAY, JUNE 11th Special All Mediums Service 2:30 P.M.--Healing and Message 7:00 P.M.--Divine Service Mediums at both Services REV. ANN PELAN -- REV. |. FERGUSON REV. M. HUGHES -- REV. E. MELLOR REV, HUDDLESTONE -- MRS. ANN WELLS ond MR, J. BRIGGS All Welcome z 10:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Nursery Core Provided 11:15 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL _ 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE Radio Ministry Chr. Ref. each Sunday at 9:15 P.M. ( To God Hour), every other Sunday ot 11:00 A.M. CKLB (churches in the crea) STBAAA Chureh: | Back Pastor REV. ERNEST WINTER | | gy : Ee REN SOREL ine 11:00 AM 9:45 Bible School for all ages ROBERT Catvary Baptist JOHN STREE ETS B. LYTLE | 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES The Bible Is Our Text Book 'IS THE MAJORITY ALWAYS RIGHT?" 11:00 A.M, "ISRAEL ; AND PROPHECY" 7:00 P.M.--SPECIAL MUSICAL CONCERT Seven Fine Musical Groups present an hour's Concert of exceptional 7:00 P.M, Christian music around the theme "PERFECTING THE | "CHRIST IS COMING AGAIN" CHURCH" Evening Service Broadcast over CK.L.R. Radio 1 WED. 7:45 P.M--Bible Study I ond Prayer. NEDNESDA 7-45 PM HOUR OF POWER 1967 CENTENNIAL SIMCOE STARE Gt OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH | Chapel--A bert St. United Church (Olive St. Entrance) THIS SUNDAY REV. E. OJA and MRS. B. HARDAKER 2:30 p.m. Healing and Spirit Greetings 7:00 p.m.--Divine Service Every Thursday--8:00 p.m. Open Circle In Red Light Healing and Development EVERYONE WELCOME THE SALVATION ARMY 133 Simcoe Street South GRACE LUTHERAN Lutheran Chureh -- Canede Me. Syned) PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister TELEPHONE 728-2178 Phillip Heinze, Vicar SUNDAY SERVICES 9:43 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Octette party who will preach and sing for us today. Come and || enjoy the blessings, Major and Mrs. John Wood Veteran's Sunday From North Toronto Citadel come the "Over-Sixty" Club Male 9:45 A.M.-- Sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 A.M.-- Holiness Meeting 7:00 P.M.-- Evangelistic Meeting WEDNESDAY, 8:00 P.M, -- Prayer ond Bible Study BACKSLIDING BEGINS WHERE KNEE-BENDING STOPS ! PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 SIMCOE ST. S Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor 10 a.m. Sunday School and Adult Bible Classes 11 AM.--MRS. C. B. SMITH Of the Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, Peterboro, Ontario, 7 P.M. CANADA for CHRIST CRUSADE IN THE "BIG TENT" Stevenson Road -- South of Oshawa Shopping Centre EVANGELIST DON CANTELON @ Dynamic Speoker @ Musician @ T.V. Personality -- PLUS -- GLEN RUTLEDGE ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING GOSPEL MUSICIANS WEEKNIGHTS AT 7:45 P.M. (except Mondays) [ Cisten to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sunday 11:15 CKLB-1350 | ee Sieg CR mamma BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY Soosoosnpsnonssesssb005 nalalatalalteidei bo DoDD LLL 1867 U 1967 Ecuacaat ... A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR! 166 KING E. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. 623-3396 | ANNANDALE Unfesten Your Eet Belt for . . . CHIPS 'N GRAVY BEATTY Country Club OR -- HAULAGE * MEMBERSHIPS ENGLISH STYLE * PAY-AS-YOU-PLAY FISH 'N CHIPS + Canseaiion 27 HOLES * Excavating Special rates for i * Send, Gravel, weekly tournaments. Me Loam Coll Skip Williams ™ & Top Soil for for Information, DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT sees sae 942. CHURCH Sr, PICKERING Simcoe St, N. et Taunton Rd. 725-2156 at Int, 65 on 401 "THE BIG "M" DRIVE-IN" Taunton Rd., Oshawa J. V. AVIATION Introducing: The KAWASAKI @ BS.A. @ Triumph (Gov't. Approved Schoo!) xe Private & Commercial Flying Instruction % Aircraft % Charter and Private Flights. Qshawe Municipal Airport 728-3191 @ Ducati Complete Service & Accessories 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 | Oshawa Monument Company Designers ond Creators of Monument & Markers in Granite, Mable & Bronze. --~, 7 Cemetery ae { Statues & Cleaning | 1437 King E. 728-3111 } We design engreve || letter and erect our | own monuments, i Joe's Color TV and Radio Service Spring Is Here! @ Have Your cor com- pletely Serviced for the Spring! % Tune- S Ups & Gen. Repeirs § te Accessories Drive § European Radio & Tape Recorder Specialists % Repairs to All TED'S AUTO BODY Free Estimates BODY & FENDER Repairs | | ARMSTRONG HOMES Presents | FOREST GLEN DON GANTELON EVANGELIST @ DYNAMIC SPEAKER @ MUSICIAN -- T.V. PERSONALITY "B ALL SERVICES HELD IN THE iG TENT" Stevenson Road -- South of Oshawa Shopping Centre =~ PLUS = JUNE SUNDAYS -- 7:00 P.M. ALL WELCOME --- s d by the Pi GLEN RUTLEDGE ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING GOSPEL MUSICIANS WEEKNIGHTS -- 7:45 P.M, (Except Mondays) 1,000 FREE SEATS | Churches of Oshaewe, Bowmanville, Whitby, Ajex and Port Perry HEIGHTS * Bungalows * Split-Levels * 3 & 4 Bedrooms Priced from y $18,700.00 Down Payments as low as only $1,434.00 6% N.H.A. M Harmony Rd. N., Oshewe poll Further infermation Ca HH A year ego George opaned his shop at 102 King St. and by al! indica- tions has leid the foundations for a very successful business, At @ im todey to: S ord makes and A R i models. SPRAY PAINTING STATHAM'S BA epairs SPECIALISTS 255 King E. 723-4733 || 13 Bond W. 576-1670 || R.R. No. 4 (King E.) 728-3401 Uphoistering Specialists ot reasonable * : Prices. 102 King St. W., Bowmanville -- 623-7341 & Furniture Refinishing & Furniture reflects @ person's taste and quite naturally tastes differ Fe ciekt, Om nearly os much as the multitude of furniture stylings available on Fumituk . todey's market. The demand for furniture stylings is perhaps greater today than ever before, contemporary, period, treditional, colonial and Darlington Upholstery of course authentic antiques. 102 KING ST. W. Through age or accident very often our cherished furniture pieces BOWMANVILLE become torn, stained, or broken when that happens more people are 623. 7341 contacting George Leal, the owner of Darlington Upholstery and having ig him restore their furniture to its original fresh new look. You'll be surprised how you can save on your original furniture investment If you have a@ furniture piece that needs expert attention why not give George a call and he will arrange to have it brought to the shop for re-upholstering, refinishing or rebuilding, THIS SPACE With 23 years experience in the business he is qualified in his chosen l A and during those years has worked in Alberta, Pembroke AVAI BLE and London. FOR YOUR 723-6461 customer's request he will handcraft custom furniture specialized art ADVERTISING f 723-8144 pa that is hard to find in these days of mass production, M 942. ; ' rv" * '* 5 nt 2-3310 44 pret Los Ontario, George now resides in Oshawa with his wife ESSAGE ive iidren, coma g ORE =) (um LANDSCAPING souseran] Se | |S". * i t * F a During Our em Local Moving ants ertilizers te * Tool: * Patio S! Speciali me roe See . 'atio Stone BONANZA SALE 5 YEARS pecialists NSSEN Terms Arranged $e for estim PELESHOK Motors Ltd. ume "NY THING 843 King W. 728-9429 || Harwood and Station Rd. AJAX 942.6300 728-5930 $13 crerer : Garden Centre 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER % Soft Ice Cream y Milk Shakes + Sundaes all ot 1347 Simcoe N., Oshawa -- 235 Simcoe S., Oshawa 1003 DUNDAS HWY. E., WHITBY Dairy Queen | , . OSHAWA |/ LAUNDRY & | DRY CLEANING | %& PICK-UP & DELIVERY i] * DRIVE IN ee % CASH & CA) x COMPLETE STORAGE PHONE TODAY 723-8166 50 Mill St. MODERN GRILL (UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT) SPECIALIZING IN EUROPEAN FOODS! % Dixie Lee Chicken } * Groceries and Smokes Open 24 hours Mon Fri "til 2 FREE Delivery on Orders of 345 Ritson $. A.M $1.50 or over 725-3887 Set. & Sun, OSHAWA TUNE UP CENTRE ok + Se" \Gh %*& Tune-Up & Carburetor Electrical epairs Free Pick-up & Delivery 222 King W. 728-0817 TRAVEL [inns BUREAU 25 King E. Meadows Travel Service A Complete Travel Service Land --- Sea -- Air COMPLETE ASPHALT | PAVING SERVICE %* Accommodation * Driveways * Parking Lots Cruises 723-9441 W. B. BENNETT Paving and Materials Ltd. * Ploy Grounds * Subdivisions 1290 Somerville 728-4661