a Advertise Your Vacancy z J@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdoy, June 10, 1967 26--Apartments for Rént 26--Apartments for Rent '26--Apartments To Rent 20a--Summer Properties 26--Apartments for Rent LA CONTESSA For Sale or Rent MAIJAC COTTAGES for rant, good facilities, Swimming, gs ht a" GRENFELL SQUARE COTTAGE iT } conveniences. Good fishing and ® ing. Boat. Telephone 725-6070. COTTAGE FOR RENT. le for | two weeks in June. Lakefield district. Three bedrooms. Telephone 942-4324, : | ONE ond TWO 22--Lots for Sole BEDROOMS 1 X 20 PARTLY wooded lot on HAWA'S LARGEST paved road, Zion, Telephone 725-1778. os SUITES SPRING CREEK, lots of cedar, a real retreat on two acres, $2,950. call" Kelth Pevers Realty Limited, 728-7328. N TAKE $CUGOG 'area, Oshawa, 20 miles jo lots, wi riv price. Write. Box' Mése40, Oshawe. Times. | Reasonable 14 ACRES of land on ath eoncession.| Application Jost east of No, 12 Highway. Very rea- | apnable. . Apply Box 465820, Oshi Refused Times, Whitby. TEN-ACRE LOT, some with creek, 100° x 150' lots, beautifully located. Telephons 983"5129. 23--Real Estate Wanted WANTED -Land, Farms, Homes in Osh- awa ond District. We hove .. the Buyers if you want to sell, FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA ROOM @ SWIMMING POOL DON STRADESK! Realtor @ French Provincial Kitchens 63 King St. West, @ Indoor Parking phone 723-4651 @ Free Hydro __Oshowa, Ont. @ Fobric Draperies @ Balconies WANTED IMMEDIATELY @ Broadioom Corridors Two. Bedroom Brick Bungalow zi , | @ Wolking Distance of With ae 3 ag to trans- Oshawa Shopping Centre portation ash. | ; JOHN O'DRISCOLL, 725-8585 | © Children's Playground | @ Close to Public ond METCALF | Separate Schools «Reo! Estate Ltd, 728-4678 @ Elevators A LARGE | nl double house in country detween Pickering. Must not be too ow stating. information, | location to: Box 62834, Oshawa Times WE HAVE TORONTO and Scarborough buyers: wanting to Suy homes in the Oshewa area, if selling cell R. Martin Reali Estate Members of the Toronto Rea! Estate Soars. Telephone Oshawa 576-120 a j RENTAL iNFORMATION CASH FOR YOUR HOME. Yes, | have 793.5] FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED two cesh Suyers plus several other buyers with reasonable down payments. | if you want your home solid and not just | Visted call Witlerd Johnston, 728-1066. ee, i, AFTER HOURS 576-2826 WANTED -- five to "gix-roorm house, King Street East ares. Write Box 69866, | Oshawa Times. 380 GIBB STREET ene or two bedrooms forth west or south) _ . §&.. Sneigrove Co. Ltd 24--Stores, Offices, Storage STORES, OFFICES to quit the tenants will be built on the corner of King and Garrard Road, across from K-Mart. In- Yerested parties please call 725-7531 or | 725-8497. CAVALIER APARTMENTS One and two bedrooms FOUR ROOMS heated downtown office, | any professional purpose. $60 month-| xe Immediate possession 725-8640. BUILDING, suitable for storage, Simeoe | Street area. Beech oileivy Ay 0 feet, $60 monthly. Telephone 3. SHOP FOR RENT -- 1.900 square fon| Modern and Convenient block buliding, concrete floor, high ced: | ea r, power. rew | | om Beautiful T.V. reception | 25--Houses for Rent | for Color and Black and White CENTENNIAL ACRES Equipped with stove, frig, drapes and F.M. 1304 Cedar St., Oshawa cl racer ' ose to shopping centre | FOR RENT and schools. | Two and three bedroom homes $115 -- $125 for information CALL Broadloom In living room Fully landscaped. Call 723-7711 or 728-9991 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CHOICE Suites Now Available FEATURING, Outdoor Swim- ming Pool, Sauna Bath, Use of large Recreation Room, Beautiful Landscaped Grounds -- overlooking Ravine with tall trees. All suites Electrically Heated. T.V. CONTROLLED ENTRANCE FREE Use of Rec Room for shower or reception for all newly wed tenants. FAMILY and ADULT FLOORS Your Hydro is included in your rent 74 HOUR SERVICE by Rental Office on premises 140 NONQUON ROAD Telephone 725-1481 27--Rooms for Rent |30---Automobiles for Sale 36--Legal 38--Coming Events ONE-BEDROOM apartment, Streets, bright modern one one. ee: stove, furni or unfurnished. vide ty yo duly 1S Simcoe Street South, 725-6559, DOWNTOWN, central @ PREMIER @ 321 MARLAND AVENUE PHONE 728-6722 "aioe: oversized one - pba apartment. R frigerator, stove, ed., Available uy 1; South, 725: room 'nish- near | Telephone Simece and John Street, new modern Pomp ARC EET REVERE! Teresareryerg body S NICE bed-sitting room, newly decorated, Soot Condition, standard with over dive furnished or unfurnish- 156 Simcoe Street] ® 1962 F FORD Galaxie, two - door, six cyl- employed. Telephone second The best value in aportment ory tena een, ire beens: ATTRACTIVELY Tatts Lae gre white walls, radio. living can be seen ot Couph r itson.| FURNISHED ROOM Pcl de ig Eolas. het lla aisha tae she tales : 00 1962 CHEVROLET, 31,000 miles, one ra rr A in private home, er. T & REGENCY ns $6 monthly, avaiable now.| Call between 5 and 7 pm. 'automatic, ceases ianew one > bess Steen 82 PARK RD. N. pein oon os vl aol very $950. Tele- - 'oom: Li TOWERS a ment, Apply 498 Simcoe Street North. 728-8671 roe Close' to hospital. $100 months Nov chi: rene. mueTaNe, : dhe 00 mle. miles. 24 COLBORNE STREET WesT -- -|$300 di 349 MARLAND greg FURRIGHED oe sp enaroom, apartment nished bedrooms, kitchen ad Keel 1963 Ta standard ain PHONE 725-2 Parking. Available uw: "Ss alloys ok ors businessmen preferred. sedan, Good mechanical condition. $600. i uit Ywo adul Telephone 728-2204, i. Ana C, ~~ |ONE = ROOM available for two ent AND DOWNTOWN, near Simcoe and John|men to share, In private home. Must be 1962 PLYMOUTH Beivedere sedan auto- matic, power veh 4 radio. me- 723-1260. 1./24 COLBORNE STREET WEST -- Fur- nished bedrooms, kitchen privileges ai ranged, hee Pte accel [light housekeeping. Free parking. Sui able for one 668-6207. preferred. Person. Telephone 4 Whitby, chanical 4 WOLSELEY 6110, automatic, drive. power brakes, leather interior, low mileage, '61 Studebaker, rebuilt ci gine, new tires and brakes, rl over it- | after $ phone 942-1437. STOP! | Need ct ap p transportation? 1955 Chevrolet, good driving cendition. Apply LARGE furnished room, close ye hag 1497 Park Road South after 6 p.m. Pine Avenue and Gre "or 198 PONTIAC convertible, also '57 Olds- joblie, 98. Telephone 725-2085, MODERN 1 aks Fae BEDROOM SUIT: chiar room apartments. One - vailabl , two July 1, $11 ping centre, avaliable now, NEWLY DECORATED ae licen' weleoms. " ie 219] ABPIY 3 ordova Road, it 2, Apetenes FRIDGE Call_ 728-1070, night ean 723-50. Two" LARGE furnished rooms, private SUB-LET -- two-bedroom ------f PE ict elicit iT a D FABRIC DRAPES fang hiiay, Secluaey Nest and water itt evens esa cian TO es RAMBLER Clagsic 550, 9,000 miles, suitable for] camaeviais condition. Telephone 655- 'se CORVAIR Corse, two-door hardtop, a LAUNDRY FACILITIES Avaliable any time, Telephone 576-3993. OSHAWA"S BEST RENTAL VALUE SEE TOWER on the GREEN Overlooking the park located on Mary St. North, Swimming pool, sauna bath, gym room and rec room. Our model suite is furnished by WILSON'S FURNITURE, 1, 2, and 3 Bedroom Apt. FREE UNDERGROUND PARKING TO THE FIRST 65 TENANTS OPEN DAILY FROM 1 P.M, -- 9 P.M, or by appointment. 576-2280 or 725-9750 W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LTD 21 King St. W., Bowmanville ment, 7 CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE | APPLY OR TELEPHONE THE Adequate parking. Available Juni lephon: @ 665-47 WHITBY my 'arge three-bedroom, floor yf duplex, TRestacntias area. Stove $8 WEEKLY, room with ROOMS FOR RENT, $10 and $12 Weekly. | '40 four-speed, loaded with extras, 15,000 728-2205, ° keeping room with sink, refrigerator ani range. Suitable for one tral. 3. SUBLET a Maid service, restaurant on premises. {mile warranty. FREE HYDRO Did Toor: sete eccoom apartment, Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe St. N. |1960 CHEVROLET Impala, convertible, BROADLOOM IN HALLS Kvatfabe June im swimming pool in|BACHELOR furnished apartment, ali White V-8, power steering, power brakes, ELEVATOR s 534 ae private, Jaundry facilities, suitable for | Baadis" radio. Very nice, $895. Brooklin basement, | two tories Located King - eee n, | 455-4401, Bob. ue LOCKERS furnished, No aiilarer Teeohne 725-|Avallable now. Telephone 728-280: |1955 PONTIAC staiion wagon. Good CONTROLLED 8468 LARGE furnished bedroom, es saa argonrteton Apply 63 Thickson. Road ENTRANCE wok AND 1 THREE-BEDROOM apart. 'apart- laundry privileges, parking space. 574) lorth ments, ground floor, private bath ena crerec Avenue. lives ACADIAN Beaumont, six eylinder, AMPLE PARKING entrance. Telephone one 576-3927, ROOM FOR RENT, aul eed or gentl with radio. 28-6755, o man. chen @ a Sere cones Se Ligara Saag of CLOSE TO SCHOOL Twos owt ee sae {owns Poe aOhe: ee 0 Co hen oLos Starfire convertible, _ bucket -- --- \seats, ful wer i AND CHURCHES WHITBY -- Furnished basement apart.|COMPLETELY FURNISHED house- lervise control, tilt Serine ote Base dup and cornering lights, radio, with rear gentleman, Cen- [seat Speaker and reverb, $2,595. Tele- phone 725-2214, PICKERING DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD Tenders Invited FUEL OIL Tenders to supply No. 6 Fuel Oil to a 10,000 gol. storage tank at Pickering High School: for o period of one year, to be used for burners equipped with pre- heaters permitting a high viscosity fuel. Please note the following gen- eral specifications: Max. Typical 160 F (2) Saybolts Seconds Furol at 122 F 100 200 165 (3) Gravity Degrees A.P.1. 10.5 Min. 13.6 (4) Pour Point Min. (1) Flash Point 150 70 Max. + 20F (5) Sulphur 3.0% Max, 2.1% (6) Water and Sediment by Centrifuge 1% (7) Water by Distillation 1% 0.2 Tenders will be received by Pickering District High School Board, at the Office of the Business Administrotor, or Box 70, Pickering, Ontario, up to and including June 16, 1967, Tenders are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope and mark- ed "Ténder to Supply Fuel Oil". All information in reference to the above may be obtained from the Business Administra- tor. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. D. G. Wordley, Chairman. A. Ross Irwin, Business Administrator, | VE NUMBERS chen privileges, free bakin, "tho | |1938 CHEVROLET, $150 or best offer. ABO ie 1 Talons asst Avaliable North area. Telephone 723-6508. Telephone 655-3437. Pe | id winadl TWO CLEAN furnished rooms, ACADIAN, & Beaumont, 1963, convertible, THREE ROOM 'self-contained apart- stove and television, Apply 1 fia | black with red leather interior, bucket ment, second floor, $70 monthy, heat lo pply 130 Tyler} iti @ FOR RENT @ and hydro included, central location, |C"eS-»_oF phone 728-5327. Mende mse ahi bail eR all Apt. Houses, Rooms, Room _ | Telephone 728-6489. HoLLYWoop MOTEL now open righty |i MuSTANE hi Se st i : > or weekly, rates reasonable, & igh performance four- and Board, Office Hours: auke TO QNTAINED three-room | apart North, Whitby. 668-5201, |speed, disc brakes, posi-traction. War- Mon, to Fri, 8:30 a.m. to 6 [mene pore ~---------. |ranty. Excellent condition. Best offer 654) 8:30 Gi. tS om WHITBY -- Large airy rooms for reni.!over $2,500. rade accepted, 725-2045. p.m, sat. 8: : P.M. --|tWo - BEDROOM apartment, ~"centrally|Very. central, clean, comfortable. Tele-|-------- eee re located in Bowmanville, Avaliable July |Phone 668-4363. 65 MUSTANG hardtop, eight cylinder, LANDLORD'S ieee rae |1. $70 monthly, Telephone 623- 5246, [LARGE furnished room, kitchen privi- Pistteeagech its, Nee radionebie Chae Se _23 Athol West 728-1070 | vuree"- Room apartment, ground |!@9es, close to hospital and downtown, |fused. 725°3744. ER |floor, refrigerator, private entrance, $75|S¥!t_girl. Telephone 728-7983, -- |1957 CHEVROLET. Bes! offer. Tele. "LUSANNE VILLA {monthly or $20 weekly. Telephone 723-/ELGIN STREET EAST. Furnished room,| phone 668-6542, ee ee eonee jrefrigerator, parking, aoe cae a "ENVOY, salignt" Canin 1 330 GIBB §$ CavaLY ONE-BEDR iment, preferred, $12 weekly. Art| > excellent condition, less Exciting prestige building main floor, includes yakd, oereoe re {COX OAA. 725-1497. a | han 5,000 mites. Telephone 668-6025. Centrally located, electrically |{rigerator, stove, basement, washer, ROYAL MOTEL, Whitby. 171 Brock st.| i PONTIAC Strato Chief, six cylinder, | ' € dryer, heat and hydro. Couple preferred. | North. Rooms nightly or $12 weekly, Hot Standard, radio, full price $225. Private. | heated. Roomy breakfast nook | References, 723-179 and cold water in each room. 668-5012. Telephone 655-4937, | | and kitchen. Tennis court | BACHELOR BASEMENT apartment, |BOWMANVILLE = Furnisned = ------________-- | , - 'oom, ! _and barbeque completely furnished, private --bath-|suit. one or two persons, home privi- 31--Compact t Cars for Sale } -- GoM and entrance. Laundry facilities, |leges, Telephone 623-2687 after five p.m. heat, hydro included. Gentleman pre ferred. References, 723-1795. | LY NDON | THREE = ROOM unfurnished apartment, | Let us solve your rent problem -- Visit MONA LISA APARTMENTS We feature low monthly rents, swimming pool, saune room, gym, three acres of playground, ample parking, color stoves and refrigerators, individual mail delivery, fam- ily size suites. You will enjoy your stay at Mona Lisa Apart- ments, 191 Nonquon Road. 723-6022 725-9934 Suite open daily 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. APARTMENT msi ctoatnean rie Aduits only. Available now, 24) Simeoce North Adelaide at Division fy TWO ~ ROOM furnished apartment, TV droom, ctric heat One bedroom, . elec eet, outlet, centrally ted, private en: drapes, stove, refrigencter nance, $43 monthly, 725-7279. 79 Q@N@ ~ "BEDROOM apartment, self-con-| 28-3506 tained, '@ minute walk downtown or "--siopring centre ato, he Quist guilding ATTRACTIVE ane minutes FURNISHED amd Telephone 726-1176. WHEL) Q UNFURNISHED n to bus becroem apartment 28--Room and Board Asay "Ta SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD Apply: 25 Division St. ROOM AND BOARD for Heyl ce ayer cen hs ng gee housekeeping room available. 728-4845. 2 amd 3 bedroom , ' Daher. Shanping Chairs. [SINGLE ROOM and hoard or lust room, d cony;, near Csha Sh Cent: and board or just rocm, Controlled em Aumilabie July % 72578, repping Contre. heer ote GM pn tis stop. 863 Ritson AUTO, SALES tortaannasonesls 8. -8364. elevators, -- swimmin TWO-BSEDROOM apartments, _ includ es i 3 i pool, fenced peheubond . ee Tances, balcony. Laundry,|ROOM AND BOARD for two gentiemen| King St. E., Bowmonville seo R storese every floor. Bus at door, adja-\'0 share. Air-conditioned and television. | 3-33 J23- 2347 caut shopping, Free services, Child wel-|Six days weekly, lunches packed. Near | iinet ee ene "come. 723-5035, 725-9872. North Plant. Telephone 725-7755. | GROUND FLOOR MODERN, two bedroom aparime 29. Wanted to Rent iw VOLVO and PEUGOT |stove refrigerator and drapes, One child Seven minutes walk to south G.M, School bus at door, am- ple parking, $135 monthly. July Ist. occupancy. Phone 723-5423. MEATED Upstairs apartment in Osh- |WHITBY, One-bedroom apartment, un- furnished, heated, water, recently deco- rated, fireplace. Large lawn. Baby con. teens: $80 monthly. Immediate posses. sion, 668-2900 evenings. Three bedroom opartment. welcome. No damage deposit. Immediate| THREE or four-bedroom house In clean Swimming | with lessons. [Possestn 170 Park Rd. S. or telephone aietrict. Prefer July 1 occupancy. Phone pee . 723-54 PROFESSIONAL & ENGINEER + requires three or four-bedroom family home for Ald 1. Write Box M70977, Oshawa imes. THREE ROOMS in one, fully furnished |aw: Telepi Whitby and bath, Hot and cold tap water. Clean. 648-4973 after § is. Available June 10. Telephone 728-9147. bedroom, three room --_------ one TWO - BEDROOM apartment, second|apartment, private bath, entrance. Stove nd refrigerator. Modern kitchen and floor, private bath, children weicom Available June 15. Telephone 725-5688. undry facilities. 290 Pacific Street 725- 08. TWO - BEDROOM apartment in moder ern apartment buliding. Available July 1. Telephone 668-8191. |THREE ROOM apartment, clean, cen- tM refrigerator and stove, self-contain- 128-4283 or see us at BOWMANVILLE BEACH, four-room tage, could be year round home, adult couple preferred or young adults, good privacy. Write Box 231, Bowmanville. NEW HOUSE FOR RENT, Wilson - Ethel area, three rooms, electric heating, fenced yard. Telephone 723-2418. FIVE ROOM home, good location, near Simcoe and Bloor. Close to schoo! $80 Monthly. rorealy furnished If desired. Telephone 725-679. OSHAWA, eae house, large living room, fireplace, with bachelor apart- ment to ge Telephone 942-2453 be- tween 5 and 7 p.m. $60 MONTHLY, 91 and 97 Nassau Street. Vacant. Six-room houses. No furnece. Telephone 725-0332 or 723-9210 after 6, 12 ROOMS, will rent all or part to re S$ponsible person. 12 rooms plus 2% deaths. Older solid brick, former doctor's home. Main street location. Immediate occupancy. Telephone 725-8088. $200 PER MONTH, three bestoomer ranch style home with garage, sre resi- 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 WE KNOW THE RELAXING icin fe PRINCESS ANNE NOW RENTING More and more of Oshawa's nicest people are enjoying reasonable rents at the ZZ<CKHMNODW NZTD> YalZnNS In > > PHONE 728-9724 dential district, close to ichools, churches, bus. Write Box 70108 Oshawa Times. Two - STOREY, three - bedroom "hou ise ea with garage, $120 monthly. 206 Gibb on be yours in our jou Street, Oshawa. Telephone 668-2294. suites, Tease pool gH NEW SEMI-DETACHED three-bedroom! room, treed lot, individual two-storey , extra washroom, stove and refrigerator, electric heat. $135 month- ly, Older couple or small family pre- ferred. Telephone 723-7843. TWO-BEDROOM brick home, oll heat- ing central location. $100 monthly. Ti phone 725-2539. HOUSE FOR RENT, 6 Centre Street, $95 mon' July 1. Telephone 725-8436. mail delivery, ample parking and this is just a few of the extras for luxury living with moderate cost at Princess Anne Apts. 1221 SIMCOE ST. TWO-BEDROOM brick bi bungalow, "Me-| Laughlin Bivd. Available. July 1, Adults | 725-9934 pitied Telephone 725-6311, evenings | Model suite furnished by INCOME HOME. Four-bedroom, 'ae Wlison Furniture, broad- butate Sinste tne tntnye is%ex| loom by Angus-Graydon, cellent business location. 723-2573. ----| MODELS OP 26--Apartments for Rent GFEN DAILY 2 P.M. till 9 P.M. letge rooms, ithly. allable GOVERNOR MANSIONS ADULT PRESTIGE RESIDENCE Now available two 2-bedroom suites. Also, July Ist, one 3- bedroom suite. For appoint- ment to view these outstand- ing suites, please call 723- 1712 728- 2911 SATURDAY and SUNDAY shen 11 AM. till 7 P.M, Spacious 1 and 2 Bedroom "La Contessa Suites } Apartments" STARTING AT | | A Distinguished Address $120 Choice luxury suites, electric- SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites, Sublet -- reduced rent apts. available without lease. Swim- ming pool, opposite south G.M, Children welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 ally heated, and tastefully de- corated throughout, Parking, swimming _ pool. Sauna ond recreation rooms, This outstanding oll electric building is located near schools, shopping and churches, Bus service at door, Extra large closets: 119 Nonquon Rd. APT, 105 See on your own television screen who is rniging your CASA MANANA One, two and three bedroom apartments. Centrally loca- ted, prestige building, reason- able rates. no children under 12. 230 Nipigon St. TELEPHONE 725-0657 doorbell, before you give them entry. 728-5282 Suites available for adults only, Idea! for a quiet and com- fortable living. Rental office on the premises, ONE and TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Bonus for all G.M. Employees SUBLET two-bedroom apartment, two eck BONUS baths, balcony, trig, an pool, free| Only those wishing to be es- hydro included. Opposite South GM.| pecially well treated need ap- 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- a, t Menvene 78 SUE.) nly. as we ore aware this is ments, fully equipped. Whitey, Canada's birthday party. |; WE PAY MOVING EXPENSES 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 private gentrance, FURNISHED, newly decorated, three- |°% reasonable rent. room basement apartment. Private en- laut Telephone 728-2767, Apply 162 Rit- trance, centrally located. Suitable for |°0"__°- j working couple or two girls, $100 month THREE ROOMS for rent, Immediate pos- jly. Telephone 728- 6036 after 7 p.m. session all conveniences, stove, pdt OSHAWA TRANSMISSION SERVICE New Convenient Location 116 Bond St. W. Transmissions are still our specialty, but we do now have facilities to do all gen-' eral repairs. 576-2610 All work guaranteed. y for gentlemen. Good meais. Parking. Close te bus. Also 30--Automobiles for Sale | | The Rambler Kings Bowmanville & Peterborough MAY SALE Lower than Toronto Prices. Bank Rate Financing. 60 Day 3,000 Mile Warranty. Up To 60 Months To Pay, OVER 40 SELECT CARS TO CHOOSE FROM, TRENT xe MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd.. South Oshowa 728-0921 ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiat Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 1960 VAUXHALL, station wagon, $200 or! Secretary-Treasurer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DELLA WILKINSON HOLLIDAY, All persons having claims against the estate of DELLA WILKINSON HOLLIDAY, late of Whitby, Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 9th day of April, 1967, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Re- presentative of the said de- ceased on or before the 30th day of June, 1967, full par- ticulars of their claims, Im- mediately after the said date the said Personal Represen- tative will distribute the as- sets of the said deceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice, Dated ot Hamilton, Ontario, this 29th doy of May, 1967. National Trust Company, Limited. 11 Main St. East, ton, Ontario, (Executor) By Evans, Rutty & Husband, 36 James St. South, Hamilton, Ontario. Their Solicitors herein. Hamil- | o gay tor. Close to bus, CENTRAL three room self-contained ap: ap- |Crao artment, refrigerator and stove, private | mater supplied. Adults 'only. 7 Sie" its home, Available June 1. Adults, Tele- phone 728-2767, 162 Ritson Road S. HITBY -- Three - room apartment, ji refrigerator and stove, private bath and ye Apply 137_Pine Street, Whitby. entrance. Heat and hydro. Suit work-| APARTMENT and store for rent, corner ing couple or two girls, $75 monthly.| Ritson - King Street East. For informa- 668-6360. |tien call Mr. J. Melotek, WAverly 1-4232 lor write 1465 Yonge Street North, To- |ronto, Ontario. FOUR - ROOM apartment, private en- THREE LARGE ROOMS, self contain- ed, with refrigerator and stove, $23 week- FOUR - ROOM upstairs apartment, pri-| vate entrance, close to Fittings. Apply.) after 5.30 at 232 McKim. EDRO |trance. Available now. Young couple ONE - BEDROOM apartment, furnished. Apply 176 Olive Avenue, ieraiarred, Apply 112 Stevenson Road ONE - Sr nROROOM apariment, stove and| SAE See tee nt refrigerator, priva Close 7o (SINGLE room for gentleman. Close 72%-| to South General Motors. Telephone 576- 2369 or apply 155 Mill Street. -- & TWO- AND ONE-bedroom apartment, of Phonon par tn priment, 119 and $90. In eight-plex, near south Ave. 723-6184 oF STM, jOMs. July 1. ieee le td separate lTwo-8 ° artment, ROOM edad sal apartment, entrance, newly decorated, " Immediate furnished. fon. 1 ie: Syeninge TeEees 20: |TWO-BEDROOM apartments, heat and 5, in. Whitby, sound.|"ydro supplied, near hospital, suitable po oni eae 2 nurses. Telephone 723-2043, 723- extra large suite at most | $327. north General Motors. 6798 afler 5S p.m. MT oekhore FIVE-ROOM apartment, $125 month In- cluding hydro and heat, Available April 1. Telephone 723-2024 afier 5 p.m. APARTMENTS for rent, 3 or 4 rooms, | Mette SE fridge and stove, Close to bus. Tele- 309 ) ADELAIDE WEST, 2bedroom apart- phone 725-3938. jment in an apartment building, retrip: |ON@- AND TWO-bedroom apartments. jerator, Stove, broadioom, one small a j|l¥. Telephone 725-0793. FURNISHED, two-room apartment, near |downtown. Apply 195 Albert Stree MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK ROAD SOUTH 723-9421 GUS BROWN MOTORS LIMITED RR No, 3 Oshawa TRADE UP OR DOWN. Top Price paid for Good Clean Cars, liens paid. TERMS. Phone 728-7375 or 728-7376 SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. Trades Terms arranged. R. B, Motor Sales, 509 Bloor East, rates, rent includes free hydro, free |TWO = BEDROOM apartment, 1961 WOLES: ; O aerieg, "automatic irking, etc, Call 284-6813 West Hill, [Vista area, stove and fridge, vattabie 0 ¥ WE June 1..One child welcome. $125 month: | motor. in nearest offer. | Reconditioned motor, In excellent condition. Telephone 668-4685. accepted. | 3963, offer, Telephone 623-5398 or 723- 963, \62 ENVOY Special, in good condition. Telephone 725-0791. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN, A-1 shape. Tele. phone 728-1820, 32--Trucks for Sale 1965 FORD, 1 ton, mode! 350, heavy duty equipped throughout. $1,175. Telephone Port _Perry, 985-7191, PRIVATE SALE. 63 GMC pick-up with aluminum box. Many extras, A:1 condi- tion. Telephone 728-7417. REPAIRABLE WRECKS with most parts to repair, '65 Chev. convertible, '66 Pontiac two-door. Courtice Auto Wreckers, 723-5238. '38 GMC dump truck, 1,000-20 tires, or will sell cabin chassis. Telephone 723-0057 after six p.m. 33--Automobiles Wanted WANTED Good clean local cars for cash, MORLEY STALKER MOTORS 137 King West 723-8311 723-6322 %61 OLDS, two - door | hardtop, V-8, auto- matic, radio, power equipped, finished in tuxedo black. An excellent choice. Will trade with terms to suit, 942-6322. Hand CHEV sedan. Pure white with red radio, & 72: |immediate possession. 291 Marland (asi duly. 7 'nue. Apply Apt. 107. Telephone 723-6134. | TWO - BEDROOM apartment, two chi HREE-ROOM apartment, one bedroom, If needed, Chil- iret erator and stove. cae. sive weaned hay meters ren welcome, south end, $75 monthly. atte sl AL la mitay T bedroom 'tment, intent. TWO-ROOM basement apart-|WNITBY. Two - bedr iia) Heli ment, separate bath and bullt-in sl D heak, ApBIY Apts 129. AN boards. Unfurnished. Suitable for you couple, $70. . */SULY 1, $110 monthiy, sae room apart- ~ bedroom, part- |ment, frig, stove, TV outlet, parking and ment, refrigerator and stove. Centr ral,| free laundry. Near jouth General = monthly. Telephone 723-1982 after 4 Neen One child welcome. 728-6803 after 4 lo. Perfect car. Lic. ia , Evenings 942: 5693. 43 RAMBLER, no down payment, $10 per week, radio, one owner. Wellman's, 728-7351, 1966 COMET, Cali le, speed, 289 cubic inch, dark green, nie top. 13,000 miley. Excellent condition: * |725-6216 after 5 p.m Buying A New Car? NOTICE to CREDITORS In the matter of Litz Deli- catessen store located at 12 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, formerly owned and operated by Litz Delicatessen Limited. All persons having claims against the above mentioned store prior to the First Day of June, 1967 are notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 30th day of June, 1967, full particulars of their claim. Immediately ofter the last mentioned date, the company as listed above will not be responsible for nor will they accept any further claims in this matter. Dated at Oshawa, this First day of June, 1967 CARS. WANTED lig guinea KINSMEN BINGO 2--$200 JACKPOTS 52-50 One Must Go PLUS $10 per line Both Gomes $25 Consolation $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20. Last 5 Games $30 per game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp $25 full card Guaranteed $5 a line TUESDAY Admission 50c EAST WHITBY TOWNSHIP CENTENNIAL OPEN-PIT BEEF BARBECUE at East Whitby Town Hall Grounds in Columbus Dedication Ceremony, Child- ren's Choir, Band Concert, Hay Rides, Street Dancing, Square Dancing, Fireworks Display. FRIDAY, JUNE 30, Tickets available until June 22 only from Municipal Of- ficials or: Township Office, Columbus; Johnston's Men's Wear, downtown; Saywells' Leather Goods, 16 Simcoe S.; Jury and Lovell, 8 King East, 1967 Centennial Program -- 4:30 p.m. -- 12:00 p.m. Beef Barbecue Tickets (serv- ed at 6 p.m.) Adults $3. Children (12 and under) $1.25 An Invitation to all former Teachers and Students of Albert Street Public School to attend | OPEN HOUSE REUNION Satansay, June 17th P.M. to 9 P.M, shaas on the history of Albert St. School available at $1.50) BINGO St. Gertrude's PARISH HALL 690 KING ST. E. Every Monday at 8:00 P.M, 20 games--Jackpot -- Snowball and Share The Wealth Free Admission No Children under 16 Sell your used car to Ted'. Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Cars bought, parts for sale. Iron and metals bought, 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. 1962 CHEVY II convertible, six cylinder, automatic, radio, white walls, good run- ning condition, Best cash offer. Tele- phone 942-6695, 1964 METEOR sedan, 22,000 miles. Apply a4 . two-bed: OnE FDROOM 'and bachelor aj apart- MAK. "Large one Ss Spotl peor a eaves BA, east of Taunton, 263-| ali utilities paid, Apply 35 Wilson Ra, /Schools, and oe PRIVATE SALE = Was Olds. in South. - One owner. Radio, ished FURNISHED three-room apartment pr THANE parily Bhatt oy are ce ara vate bath and_ entrance. Avaliable 'now schools. Two children me. Tele |Couple only. Telephone 728 phone 728-2372. | TWO-ROOM apartments, one furnished, T 723- hape. whitewalls, Power steering, extra snow *|tires, | must sell this car and will accept best offer. 668-2713. POLICE ic ORUISER, "66 Plymouth, V-8, WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartment, on main floor, Furnished, $115. monthly, un- furnished, $100 monthly. Telephone 668- 8727. SY oa one unfurnighed. Central. 3211, THREE - ROOM apartment, unfurnish- ed, private bath and entrance, $75 month- ly, children welcome. Apply 517 Drew Street. MODERN spacious 2-be ment, frig and stove supplied, complete privancy, use of garage, apply 121 John- son Avenue (off Anderson St.), Whitby. VERY ATTRACTIVE one-bedroom waik- in apartment, Private entrance, parking, hydro, heat. Bus at . No children, $80 monthly. 567 Rossland Rood East. East of Wilson. Coming to Expo in Montreal? Lodgexpo member offers love- ly rooms 5 minutes from sub- way, downtown area, better district, west end Montreal. Zbedroom apart- person daily. Also beautiful eastern township reliable re- servations. 20% down, | hour via auto route to Montreal. two-bedroom apartment _re- frigerator, stove and drapes. One child) Come one, come all. | welcome. Available July 1. Telephone} reservations now. Please write e067". steele eae) ARS, 6, VG WANPORD: Foster Stove and refrigerator, Fado Inchinet: 140 Nonquon Road, Oshawe " ~ New building on Gibb St. Call 725-1481 . Telephone 576-0360 or WINKLER-ZENKOVICH Real Estate Ltd. MALA GLEN COURT FOUR ROOMS, bathroom, ground ficor, Québec or phone 514-539- i i Children --wel- 1107 come. Near store and school. $70 month-| ' ly. Hampton 263-2126. (40 MINUTES TO EXPO, near 401 Hwy. inthe Times Classified Section... TORONTO "watch roomers come running! 363-2631 SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 for Action, Phone 723-3492 The mt . A-1 condition, $1,150 SPACIOUS APARTMENT, two large|!st. class rooms, board included, private|discs. Mileage 53,000. A CHILDREN WELCOME bedrooms and large kitchen, Jackson|home. Parking In Montreal. Couple $125/or idl adda G2 4h dR RE : apartment on Simcoe North. $110 month-|weekly. A. Baczewski, St. Justine de|i¢7 PONTIAC Laurentian, automatic, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. 4 Telephone 728-8478, Newton, Que. 764-4191, power steering, radio, white walls, wheel piece bath off master bed- WHITBY, central. twobedroom apart.|RESERVATIONS taken now for large|discs, 7,000 miles, Like new, $2,800, 723 room plus powder room. New {ment furnished it Geared in epart.|double_ room in modern private home|1234 00 building--Reasonable rates. ment building, top floor, balcony, heat,|in Montreal, $10 per couple, $15 for tWo\i9¢4 METEOR, V8, automatic, radio, {hot water, parking. Available July 1. | Couples, $10 for family of four. 723-1355. electric rear window. Turquolse-white, PHONE 725-0657 | 'ieee 725-5223, rego maf ay "| good condition, $1,350 or best offer. Tele- Fhe 'oN raised aporimert;| TIMES ACTION [phone 2as-20 Get Fast Cash | Quick Want Ad ibe A oonplenty Savite. newly decorated, laundry. facilities. Close 1p ° downtown, CLASSIFIED ADS |! 26A--Expo Accommodation] Jv matching interior, A superb automatic. Trade with terms to suit. 942-6322. '4 EPIC 35 MPG. Ideal foi Will trade with suitable terms. 942-6322. Our rooms are from $5-7 per |49 CHEVROLET Bel Air sedan, auto- matic, radio, looks reasonable offer with terms to suit. 942-6322. ise 'PONTIAC sedan, six "cylinder, § stand. 9 dition. $175. _Telephone 725-3073. 1964 CHEVELLE Malibu, hardtop, 283, V-8 motor, automatic, fu wheel discs, radio, 723-08: Moke |'¢ CHEVROLET Bel Air, four - door, V-8, automatic, radio. 32 Chevrolet, four- door sedan, restored. '38 door sedan, restorable. 9737. '2 PONTIAC MYure automatic, radio, white walls and wheel in royal blue, This ance has. received the utmost in serv- ice and is gpa fo go. $1,750. Licence ind terms to suit. 942-6322. T impala Super Sport, two-door harsion, V-8 automatic, radio. Power equipped, 17,000 miles on this one owner new car trade. Regal red with "sO r second car. Best trade and runs well. accepted. Will WANTED: Cars and trucks for wreck- ing. No charge for towing. Best prices Paid. Telephone 728-4549 anytime. Rob- t Nichols, COMPLETE or wrecking purposes, ~~ or __ incomplete Telephone 34--Automobile Repair AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. FRED STONE Brooklin --- 655 REBUILT ENGINES 6 CYL. Excange Price as low as $165.00 8 CYL. Exchange Price as low as $200.00 DU, two - door 1 Excellent condition inside and out. 44, Pontiac, four- Telephone 728 tian wagon, 283 964 PONTIAC Laurentian, four - door $85 per month, nti, eat @nd hydro Included, Telephone ¥ BRING RESULTS! __ transmission. Excellent family car, Telephone 668- 2a, edan, 6 cylinder engine, he ett 37,000 miles. Good tire: WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY Admission - ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 52 - 54 $500. IN 52 NOS. OR LESS $200. In announced Nos, $50 Consolation Prize $10 per line in both games $150 JACKPOT $20 A HORIZONTAL LINE $50 FULL CARD $200 in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30 $45 in 17 Nos. or less 20 GAMES AT $20 Regular Bali poy double in 1 Nos, or less EARLY BIRD GAME 7:45 $100 Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitted HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY SPRING RECITAL Friday, June 9, 1967 7:30 P.M. at the Y.W.C.A. NEW WING (Corner of McGregor and Simcoe St. Adults $1.00 Children S0e Everyone : Welcome FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES READ AND USE THE MARKET BASKET SATURDAY, JUNE 7:30 P.M. 20 GAMES, ae A GAME f) BINGO AT U.A.W.A. HALL 10th 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50. ONE GAME $150 JACKPOTS SHARE THE WEALTH Tickets On Prizes To Be Drawn To-Night TIMES Classified ACTION ADS for RESULTS Telephone 123-3492 for all other departments 723-3474 Open Monday - Frida 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 apd Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. ENDALL -- Gavin and yw) wish to announce the ir daughter, born Wednesda 7, at the Oshawa Genera' inks to Dr. Beckett, Dr. An taff. Cameron, 161 fe Mrs. Wm. Hoag. Restin tosh - Anderson Funeral Hi in the chapel on Monday, p.m. Interment Groveside 'ooklin. seoged fo Ene Florence In her 55th year. Res rmstrong Funeral Home, Ost ineral service in the chapel o ne 12 at 2 p.m. Interment emetery, Brooklin, MILLER, Frank commencing Sunday at 7 | SNIHUR, John ntered Into rest in the Oshav jospital, on Thursday, June john Snihur beloved husband lerbney, and father of Mrs 0 (Mary), Oshawa, In his 'uneral from the Armstrong jome, Oshawa on Monday, Ju .m. with Mass in St. John's rthodox Church at 9:30 a.m. inion Cemetery. (Prayers wi in the funeral home Sunday, LOCKE'S FLORIS Funeral arrangements floral arrangements f occasions, aaiei':? -- 758. 6555 Kindness beyond Price within reach of a GERROW FUNERAL CH, 390 KING STREET V Telephone 728-6: STAFFORD BROTHERS LTI Authorized Dealer ROCK OF AGES FAMILY MONUMEN " 318 Dundas St. E. 668 Whitby, Ont. = senses _IN » MEMORI perk -- In loving mem nephew and cousin Ricky, away June 10, 1964. »» You wished no one @ fond f » Nor even said good-bye, ' 'You had. gone before we kné N pil oa gh knows why. ys mbered by wae Bete oa daughters. y 'i LUCYK -- In loving memo |), dear son and brother, Ricky, ), ed away suddenly June 10, 19 1) God gave us a wonderful so' His memory will never' grow » He fashioned his smile out of He molded his heart of pur He needed a new star in He beautiful light to shine, ie out of this world of so 'He chose that dear son of ¢ 'aever remembered and sad 'By Mom, Dad and family. | MARTIN -- In loving mer fe @ear mother and grandmother, ie ise Aiea who passed a a there" is never @ day that pe That my thoughts reach out | Never a day that comes my But | wished you could 'sha | miss your smile and cheer Please 'God, just let her kno That we down here do not fc We love and miss her so. ~--Sadly missed and lovingly r ed by daughter Luella, gon-ir and family. \, LOCKE'S FLORIS Funeral arrangements floral arrangements fc occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPIN' CENTRE 728-6555 A LASTING TRIBU1 For Permanence and d we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIAI For. courteous advice f visit the Park Office. 723-2633 Tribute To Departe Fathers and Grandfathe will be published i The Oshawa Tir SAT., JUNE To ensure publication ii Special Edition TELEPHONI 723-3492 The Oshawa Tim Classified Dept Before 12 NOON Thurs., June