12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, June 10, 1967 "To Buy, Sell, Rent or Hire...Read and Use Times Action Want Ads" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, BUSINESS SERV By R. J. SCOTT 6--Marine Equipment Saturday 8 to 12. 8--Articles for Sale 11--Pet & Livestock FOR SALE The Oshowa Board of Educo- tion offers for sale, by sealed bid, the following 1966 mod- Wid w Mra, Murphy's pI he jpractically nothing can mar it. * Py - Fy g 3 = 3 3 S a 3 bounce off with no damage. See coura" at Oshawa Discount House, -or phone for free estimate 725-1343. FOR SALE -- 1O wore thelr roller skates through|PROFESSIONAL DOG ieeviewe _ lavroom? No problem if} clippi all breeds, cially. fe nd ft Skates, furniture. even silletto heels|ar Germen shechere oepoiee for |Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. poodles ee pickup and dellvery; Yi bosre. Doberman ie iwe-veaves querter horse, mare, Telephone 14---Business Of VARIETY STORE. Db; ear, Well established, best" offer, Long lease ewa srea, Write Box Times. THRIVING FISH AND growing comm OSHAWA, Simcoe Sir fae eee for sale. A Included, diggs James Hapeten, Port | Bowmenvilie 623-3393, | Estate limited BUSINESS OPPORTUN own busines? and en| International firm, on offers ground floor op cere, Industrious perso patible to the building required. rite to Bo Times, Whitby, giving gi DIRECTORY | + Gateoneg Monon. pedal ty famera 'and light, new Bell| HORSES BOARDED. Sain and wold, snd ieee, 1 only -- Evinrude 6 H.P, -- pal gy ro projector. Sacrifice |Reasonable rates. 668-5213 om LEE AU Ww Accountants Building Trades Gardening and Supplies (Plumbing and Heating gi No, 6602E C487601, eee aaRIAGE: gar nes HORSE, gente riding Taner poo By relat BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. N oR : udev oie yb H.P, = or nearest offer. Good je-| Bowmanville, 623-5893, inrge rovers doors Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- Down 5 i : Es 0, phone 7; HALF ARAB YEARLING colt, cheat igetig coe Street North, T2007, Res, 723-7605. Months Bite ments apse 4 KENTUCKY SOD Plumbing Discount 0 SQUADS ftp 1 only a= Johnsen 3 HP, -- ORNERAL ELECTRIC retrigerator,| With white son Tel hoe itn Hi heal tcteedd PH GUTMANN, Chartered eccoun- y - 149 Brock $ | Lys Be Seri Af No. C496558. cook stove, large Quebec |728-4028, evenings, io he 'aaa fant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street . ee 'aan N rock St. North 4 GARIANS AS a heater all In good condition, *Felephone COZY-J RANCH, Reg'd. German Shep savipped, cress - Weak, Telephone Tt. Remodelling -Green Nursery | WHITBY -- 668-6601 WATER WONG only -- Johnson 3 Hp, ---- [ean | Sms SN ANON sera, pups, Show are, tosl fo suet: po a Me WILLIAM C. HALL, B. Comm., Charter- Growers Mote f No, 0496652. + PER CENT OFF on Arlems roto-/ter horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddies, fares, u" Se aimoe's $8 ed Accountant, 36a King Street East. @ Bathrooms Direct to you, plumbing sup- 5 fillers. Lawn mowers and one horse-|€qipment, clothing, Ashburn, 655-4662. 0504, r Oshawa 725-4599. @ Kitchens 725-9674 -- TOWN LINEN. | plies, Everything in. the tg kre @ tomes ete ebde th ak ee toes 15--Employmen T nae Aw 5 ' gelding wi jack markings, Also black Recmumrent, "Suite, Z09We Ochaws ther @ Recreation Rooms Ya_M. north Taunton Villoge plumbing line. 20% off all peri . nth Pp, --~ [CONTINENTAL BEDS from $79.95, mat-|Studded show saddle, Martingale and two 1S---employmen ping Contre, 1259953. © Garoges supplies. io. 209668 freases alt Price, oll ey heat O8 SY PUPPIE FOR GALT i TODDLERS P, YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND €O., Cher- Cutting Now D ne Sarat No. 209668. one-third off. Factory outlet, 723-3867. |LOVELY PUPPIES FOR SAL teres 'Accountants. Licensed Trustees inj) A new department of Osh- Cultivated Field i. CHESTERFIELD, sideboard, china c@:i-|$4 each. Telephone 263-8450. FROBEL -- MO nkruphey, 32) a4 Somcoe Street Nori.) ewa's Quality Bullder. SATURDAY 9 am. 43 'p.m. These motors may be seen ot net, lamps, coffee tables, television.|BEAUTIFUL Toy Fox arg puppies, Day Nursery Osnews, ai Excellent Quality, Low Prices, CLOSED WEDNESDAY Eastdale Collegiate and Voca- | Telephone 668-3743. excellent pets for all ages, male $40, Open house will b TGPRING, BEADLE AHS €6. Charter-| KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Loaded or Delivered WHat ous 4 tional Institute on Monday, REP RI@BRATOR: 20 exterior lever female - 925. Telepnione _ raraore. 7 from 8 to 10 p countants, i OCEAN le ' | " 'i ing. King Spreet "skin eH. On-} Call today for Free Estimates, a5. 9674 Rug - Upholstery Service om § co ~ Prue sg phone. 725-1990. fen elas Hud either ante ee oe or 25 - § " 5 BUY AND SELL -- good used furni-| Telephone 723-0734, * ee ee TOT OO ie. POPRITIONAL ety | fae ni between the hour of 2 ond ¢Hhraangamincr, etic, STANDING roR SERVIER TN Rik coal Bioek St GARDENS | On 6 " ranzah, gra Raftels, BARGAIN -- ful ea |EAVESTROUGHING. Free estimotes,|service and resmmnbin ee. Phone at RUG CLEANING Pod apr pies sf sey aede RIOMN YOUNG, BOR BLAND, 7 and 8 o'clock in the even- | 527). Arabisn, | excallent cantormaticn "one aise fruck with driver sett DRAFTING end Reproductions Fir gunrentoed work, Murrey Hollldey, Ya5-|304, 2 Day Servi OF MOTION OFA $PIMKING DIED 5 MINUTES AFTER Ing. VACUUM CLEANERS, used and new,|Mmanners. Contact G. A. Canfield, Liber nance, odd [obs of all k + 534 Simcoe Street North. 723-4661 FOR FREE ESTIMATES lawn culling, 2 ay service BARRELAS | op, RECOVERING HIS SIGHT AT THE All used cleaners guaranteed. Tele-|'y Stables, 262903, SPRING CLEANING -- Blveprinting and photostatle coples, TERRARG Ug ol AY pare tn As hedge trimming, tree removal and de- Free Pick-Up anc Delivery PUNISHES, 6-10 AGE OF 91, (YARROW, ENGLAND? Offers to Purchase, to be for- |Phone 723-4163 =§=§ ss SSPRINGER SPANIEL puppies Tor sale. and floors, stores, offic Iness. Guaranteed 17|molishing of old bulidings, call 723-5498 . ded to the Business Ad- |ONE-STOP BIKE SHOP Sales. Service.|Apply S45 Fox Street, Osh estimates, Telephone 72! Building Trades Bond East, 723- seat. or 942-5646 Angus-Graydon (0a Pn eb Weld ts warde: 5 yg. [Repairs, Cycle Centre, 214 Bond Street WELL BRED St oes CAPABLE GIRL, 16 wil at ter aoe aravel, shingles, GARDENS ROTO-TILLED lawns pre. pre- ministrator, Oshawa Board of |E. 725-6344 phone 728-8033. week in children's home. repairs, large and small | pared, Cedar hedges, etc. Telephone 728-6254 Education, 555 Rossland Road | REFRIGERATOR, stove, washing me-| BEAUTIFUL" BABY BL BUDSIES. reed) Wilson area. Telephone REPAIRS Rooting ene anstrvtion. sari. 723-8426, : . West, Oshawa, Ontario, not. |chine. Selling very reasonably. Good|for training, talking strein, ene. eee ALTERATIONS [aitnaXPES, bullng, repairs. Roofing,| DEPENDABLE lewn service, citing! INTERIORS by W TV---Radio Repairs 5--Trailers loter'thon 5 P.M,, June 16, |condliilon, Telephone 723-6602 affer 5 or|sroad, 114 Elgin East. 17--Female Hel chimneys, | eavestroughing, fireplaces,|trimming etc., free estimates, Telephone y WINDOLF ' all day Saturday. See lithiasis masonry. Gord May, Whitby, 666-2774, 1967. CHILD'S PONY, very quiel. Twelve Tl NS m ¥: Li by, 668-4724, FLOOR COVERING clear outs! Discon- hands high. Also two-wheel cart, Tele ADDI (@) PLASTERING, cement work, stucco and|EXPERT LAWN service, apraying cul- @ Custom Upholstery TRY Offers to be in o sealed enve- _|inued. patterns, thousands -of yards on| phone 723-5070. ; H ma Hdewaiks, Work guaranteed. Telephone/ting, trimming, fertilizing, elephone 46 @ Re-Covering ve. hae waeey ened on tha sisplay. Ideal for home or cottage. clear. occ ippnies all Broedey Goal per ating Mees, Orca, CR tere pane og ere Gone maa ar ae] * Mitt Revere 'eurrivosaawar | KAMPING -- | saivisTelGutre Het lahat cutest! oo tim oe Nurse M . u a Specialty Work vlna oor e a or three Yt gs Telephone ty gover 39 Simcoe N, AT OUR OWN PLANT , oe f tor bs (Alovenas Hi strollers, $12.88, large si: HOUSE TRAINED 24 a and pupples. years, All work guaranteed, 723-0281 nae U | motor covere: chrome high chairs $13.88 Toys and oe b $25. up, de required eee d TOP SOIL, tour yards and up, $2.25 per 728-3651 We give you a better tower fer must be stated, $10.88" crib. mattresses' $9%8, "burpper|tivered, 985-2645, James Allen and Sons |ROOFING, CHIMNEYS, ell types oflyard. Manure, two yards and up, 35 for less money. FOR pads, olly lumpers, rockers, | walkers, [Two RUDISTERED Guarer fh 540 B cement work, stoops, Pigg alcad @tc.iper yard, Telephone 725-0697. ; A A car bed: byland, L a r orse ' ery' Pho! f h yland, 22 Church St. 725-6126 655-3061. F. MeCann, RR 3, Osha GARDENS ROTOTILLED er ploughe OSHAWA TENT TRAILERS In cases of identical bids, the Sryom mares, 'one filly. colt standing at side, i a 'Vv TO' jorses wel rain r si sate Ore Sian wet oy "work and lew mowing. Telephone. 6éb-saa8 'er RUG CLEANERS OSH AWA 7 V ond received shall be accept- | Crannel_antenne, $50. TRIO Televie|show or games, wx and three years Accredited 668-8095, Ve CAMPING SUPPLIES ed, sion. 728-5143. old, Can finance, 576-3883 or "man Hospit id repairs to porches and en ck 'pointing' M Larontaine, 7as9786. Professional rug and uphol- FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fur-|TWO SADDLE horses, quarter horse, Carpet - Tile - Linoleum Experts In installation. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner lene te nn iawn mowers sharpened! stery cleaning done in your All motors subject to a reserve ie red, Pi Yok] ; west T 3 If you are stuck with @ rough |chimneys bullf and repaired. Gas. iln-|Telephone. J25-9528. sears", OY"! ~--home or our office. Call for SUPPLY LTD. Five Tent Trailer models to bid, Hane Bendlittete es eel gen Wier iaeoa ates (PLANNED EXP, concrete sub floors ings _Installed, roofs repaired. 723-2997. |TAWN CUTTING SERVICE, Prompi| formation. TAUNTON RD, E. choose from -- tents and WARDROBE, double, mirrors on doors,|THOROUGHBRED poodle spot Black Starting salary S. E. Lovell, Chairman, miniature, Telephone 668-61 i dining shelters -- all sizes. Iso McCli E * : ' (ust East of Ritson) Se une) eet tee x tario Registere 725-996 | and courteous. Price average lot %1.75. St Cc rt t-Tile Co Company bande : Oshawa Board of Education -- | months, - aya ares ae . i aiiaiia lRBUPHOLSTERY by expats Eoted.|_723°0131 723-8132 Open until 10 p.m. ch tedaa TELLERS, 0: OSHAWA TnCPPn 19 Centre: 12--Articles Wanted $400 with fiv i Rs us, ts; Zeller' : 576-3879 Quality Carpentery Need Free Sainalen Great eee Hae 1 mile north of King Street Business Administrator, comparable' Value Includes two swings,|VACUUM CLEANER and portable tele increments to Se EET Ty TMT tr j te glider, double lawn swing, gym rings ae good condition, Telephone 728 th SUBSRINOT scariest ous GENERAL REPAIRS 1 Seiwa <Cpraee ae bene Avene: TRADE - IN en Townline Rd. Oshawa Board of Education |8nd°trapere ber. Yours. tor $29.68, 'Seve 2070 month, tree. For. kitchens, bathrooms, rec| Home Improvement Specialists Rut erford S 725-0311, ~~ op etal 728-9942 7s me $10, regular $39.88. Colors fengerine| OOD USED FURNITURE wanted, ofc. Credit for acceptat ' '--Swap and Barter ren Th rout Seuht hat art ne ene MacNell's service and for rooms, patios, | decks. See "San Serving Oshawa and District feta A EERE acta eee Ne Poe See a coure' at Oshewa, "> ll pal CHESTERFIELDS | re-upholstered and YOUR PRESENT Delivered to your own back yard! No| Furniture, S68:S461,, 668826. 3. coure" at Oshawa Discount House or for Mony Years 5 phone for free estimate 725-1343. i restyled. Free estimate. See our mate- 1 e down payment, only $1.25 weekly. aa ee ate course in Oper Honest ond Dependoble Service Drivin School rie! Pad recovering. Slip covers made AERIAL PS, -- We rent and sell Heed yy ening ts ae ne CLARKE'S, WHITBY. Gone out of busi- pe ae ey were Bd vere] Technique. lon Upholsterings 75 Charlies F ; 'ondition and 120 base, 17' ag Phone 725-8576 $e ore 723-7212, on most everything in camping ycle. Telephone 576-2512 after 6. aa ante ae Pocit.ycig tio" con accordion, aise In good condition. 72% Considerations. wil Ba tioni lies. BATHTUBS $20. Fi : * 7731. "a tag IFIED RATES or 623-3411 (Licensed by Police Commission) Salas Ghd Service C ABLE TV and vacationing supplies marin vas caine ag fing : siderable .lenath of picture frame mould abt FOV ahd aaavle WOU Ghd wee to opplicants av: Cath -- 1 insertion of 24 words, 1.20; REMODELLING, trim work, cupposrds.| @ Courteous Instri'ctors For bet ide ali Lie ada Poca eh ck wT _ed pad |e also cylinder phonographs and part-time employr additional words, 5c eai Hhvahagh rooms, and stairs, Free est 2 Golf clubs repaired, regripped. Golf les: records. Write Box 69828, Oshawa Times, te nortan 9) 9 worse 32's eas > last CARPENTRY bier --ord @ Dual Control Cars HOME OSHAWA Travel Trailers |@--Articles for Sale sone by appointment, Thunderbird Goll WANTED = Sal of ladys lows, Gowia a ena tive | Insertions of 24 w words, 8.76; addi- work, 'new and repairs of all Kinds. Tele- @ Fully Insured ABL e Front Canopies WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used 13--Articl H ib aoe ane 'aunt aUALVY cer <i oe FOOD FREEZER CABLE TV @ Side Canvas Awnings furniture 'or anything you have, the|!3----Articles for Rent Director if rsh pald within 8 days. palrs, Serving Oshawa 'istrict. tor for many 725 6553 LTD, @ Stabilizer Jacks Street Soom asten, wereld Nursir Mathod et Counting <= Lese then 24 ieee Te Seems Sere Tee 3 723-5278 @ Extension Mirrors FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29.98 RENTALS words rds; each word M SERVICE es H and up. New and used auto parts. Re- OSHAWA GENERAL initial, figure or r abbreviation counts St Dentistry 14 ALBERT STREET Saas ati : ee " SIX SERVICE BAYS _ |tullt, starters and generators, 1175. Nel OF ALL KINDS ee ee one umber counts i e i Sol CAREPOOT, "BRINN; Sentai| Money to Loan Red ond Blue Brand Beet. ee eyed FOR FASTER SERVICE |is' soar for sele. Telephore euam_| REDUCING EQUIPMENT --= EATON BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- Surgeon, 17% King Sireet Want, Oshawa Tour BIT Complete range of Frozen Fast T.V. Service @ T.V, Antennas GERANIMUS-tehelne ard beat massaging belts, rowing mae SORIAL, NOTICES oo og saa |"2_eebainiment,_ 728-81 BaeO Cash to. constlidaie your bilik] Foods end Groceries. DOMINION SUBWAY WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL [piants." shenk's Greenhouses, corner of piped tend as eau of CAN/ conte We feature second t t 12 - jomerville an irchar lew. per montn, tional charge If not paid within 8 days.| Dressmaking cent, Also first mortgages avaliable, con-| | Also Freezers available Trailer Park and Sales | (oui, Pontiac. We comers |LEATHERETTE tor sain wiiv vio ao| PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- Pipe $2.50 for the. tiret 25 words and. éc DRESSMAKING, summer clothing. "done|fdential, private funds. Call 722-46 TELEVISION 1010 Dundas St. E wheel alignment, inspect and [gay '7zsqna7 <*! Mondey to Thurs)" cleaning rods, pipe vise OSHAWA BF by experienc: woman. ' v3 - . . eecn 2 Beat ae phe call g epee Melrose Street, 725-8731. A LOAN OF $5,000, re second or fi $199 up 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 668-2866 papehee castor Bs comber, PHOTOGRAPHIC SAVINGS. "Children's bared aig ee bona require within 8 days. Bots areeae baantiotty eeleres att le a Telephone Tas 1473 enytimne. ~ 1 VACATION TRAILERS be tie lb aaa 98 Pine Natty. Hor Spepinttwat: $5:| toilet auger. S R GARD, OF THANKS _ [covers drapes, Mra, Tome, 666372 |Mortgages CALL... JOE'S COLOR TV for RENT © Porn ears ih ces PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- ummer Ke Sech thareotier "witty See exdaitional Gardening and Supplies : 725-9836 and Radio Service Corsairs, | Mobilux,, Hunter, | © Torsion bar adjustment 1 WIC ay Ta fold alecard. pladders, ladder jacks, Sales St« Sree it not pala within & dave. for details SPECIALIZING IN Tog A Long, Wood's, West. extra. atte" 62-7276 pcapenbige Noss piace © Melted, eed 2! SE per tc lai ring Garden Su lies MORTGAGE 20th CENTURY FOOD LTD._| EUROPEAN RADIOS AND. | SiG 4. resi ens BRAKE SPECI AL pllences: Celi elmers nésnava aeszens" | FS, tarpaulins, blow torches, ® Hours arranged first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter pp : 7 propane torches. ment Ads). APPLIANCE 13 Bond W. 76-1670 MILLER TRAILERS Most popular cars. First [Guarantees trouble = tres winter't your| BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT. -- © Camionny 'tanet AucTI Les Harwood N., Ajax 942-3491 Quality Royaline. 4 wheels, purchase from Western Oli Company. t i finishl my, SRSTIRR TALE pan insertion. Niagara Bug Killers TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- d-foot towe : " -- |708-1212, cement mixers, _ finishing P ig ug Moneys avolloble for first REPAIRS structure, allchennel, "tte inti, EAST END TEXACO $14.88 AQUARIUMS yepaitedcostam: bolt; ort | towels, wheel barrows, elec- for interview, \ DEADLINES omogreen and second mortgages. Open Expert repairs to all makes |Read East: lust ees of Ritson 'Roed. TRAILERS for SALE ginal new and some old style for sale.| tric vibrator, air compressor, PERSONNEL WORD ADS . Gardenall mortgages, No bonus," First of washers, dryers, ranges, Tent Trailers for sale or rent, Plus $2.00 per wheel Leo jock hammers, hand trowels, $ p.m. DAY PREVIOUS Cygon 2E mortgages, second mortgages oe . Welding 8 models from $299 up ee cost) TYPEWRITERS, 'new, Used, sales, ser- bh onic Be ged pon 2 UPPER LEV FEMS 'B Bacon. | Art ond Grub Sacto NS | Custom Welding | seule. Stitt | woes. aaAnce speci. [cst sits eine | Sohne, emt svar clin alathion . ustom elding made, '0 3 USED TIRES, most all sizes, B.F.| | lectri i BIRTHS. AND DEA Including weights per wheel " i ers, electric hommers, mas- 9:30 -- 12 vam. DAY OF PUBLICATION Chlordane M. F. SWARTZ _ FURNITURE ond APPLIANCE | Electric, carbon arc, il | 98" 9nd Ler tias na ie ee el ony sey, ate Jocks, ee IN_MEMORIAMS and DDT 26% King St. East 452 Simcoe $. -- Oshawa trailer hitches, repairs, etc. SHOCKS, MUFFLERS USED and damaged plumbing materlals.| Mortar mixers, mortar boxes, a GARD OF THANKS. Chipman Rose Dust Oshawa, Ontario Telephone 723-0011 OSHAWA T.V, SUPPLY LTD. |U@ CHEYROLET, Pickup Comeer unt.| FRONT-END WORK ot [ftv Colloge Avenue, Osnawe, U™na'| | Chain hoist, miter saw, elec; CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Diazinon 723-4697 Taunton Rd. E., between |4°em, -- COMPARABLE PRICES TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 425 x| bloster, power post hole TWO T column--4 pm. day previous 2 e2-} Atox NOW Ritson ond Wilson Rds. WF WOUSE TRAILER, Telephone @B. 20, only 25° par cant worn, Telephone) Oucer" oscillating umns or larger ¢.m. . 'é Bri 2) . ' sande by CANCELLATIONS AND Slug Killer 725-0532 putbearde all rane tillers, Tr SHAMROGK Wallace hea SHAMROCK Waller Tia penal UNIROYAL GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers,| JISC sanders, acetylene weld- CORRECT King Bua Killers FOR Ist ond 2nd " makes, cir |2___Personal convenlences. Telephone 725-8508, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 and} ing outfits, 200 amp electrie T iS] is] i MORTGAGE LOANS cooled engines. Parts and pe ene thin anc CENTRE up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 Id SALESWO hey baverti or OF RUBLICATIsa. before] DDT and Dithane service, Largest service in TRAILER HITCHES made end Install. Simcoe South, 723-0011. Deaahs publication Sion will be charged one cevs| Weed Killers We ee weet ee | Ghent, COMPUTER Se emibnien tor ton TOGa The New Name of TYPEWRITER portable si Standard ST A N 1 S insertion. a i . sox WUMEER RENTAL 6108 Dust Guns GAGES -- FREE ADVICE. 74 BARRIE AVE. DATING SERVICE |House 'Trait, sieps six. Four] DOMINION TIRE STORES [Tmachine $20, alin eleciric. 723404 ae inee hin While every endeavor will be mode to! Tank Sprayers Arrangements may be made 728-2791 or 725-4633 The ult dern, Scientifie [7 aiviews sa heal 17 Park Road South VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoes, Sharpening & Rentals Ltd wires 2 selesworn forward replies to box numbers to th®] | own Soakers in your own home, Fost cour- |NEW, USED -- vaciuma, pollners: Re] IBM Computer -- @ unique, |four. 'Apply 77 Mahavion' Ave Onto: Phone 725-6511 Bee ui Bervice "mibtn tireer 3 e er wins re Sy Wi teloecs ol of ios or Lawn Hose teous service. ad oe eee pit hg A es f he HOUSE TRAILERS FOR RENT alvo Sin: : aa | ees King See Excellent i ae: damaged alleged to orise through either GUARANTEED REPAIR fo all wri confidential me of find- {ing space In Newcastle. Telephone 576- HIDE-A-BED "SOFA and platform rock- one ea benefit: failure or delay in forwarding such re- RX 15 20. 30 . ROSEN hi fo all wringer b, Ideal Dotes 0785. ee | oud ith $70. Tel nefits. lend an Al ag A a : ' MORTGAGE SPECIALIST Call Sane or Testo. sae ile ig the First Step "9 finding {CABIN TRAILER, 22' to be renovated, A L U M | N U M phone 728- 06 ater 8. ile eh Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- pe responsible for replies uncalied for| everything For The Garden | Weekends and Evenings 728-5623 Repiic Servi True Love and Marriage. brand new tires. Telephone 760116. @ SIDING ONE RE-CONDITIONED 4 1%" tower] es Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee If you are ambitious in 20 days. Cooper Smith Co. | ist and 2nd Mortgages |>SP™S ervice For inf and Applica- |5A__Camping o ee Fe ee aang eet cr vad] Urns, Punch- Bowls, Bridel Ing to work for be REGULATIONS 16 CELINA ST. We have immediate funds rerlghhe DBL dai Asta Prompt serv. tion, Send 25¢ to: CUPID, cree par Ms DOORS rotor, Complete $80, Phone 723-8331. Wear, Men's Formals, White @verage income. : é s. jer Ward, bb © . " y tower| i THE SHHAWA TiAns WiLL nor St 723-2312 723-1139 available for 2nd mortgages. |Street West, Whitby, 668-2563, ses igs le 3 soe st. Ufperty" Street North, Bommanviiie, ple: LES Sructure' with double. B213 'wetial a0 and gh deetneiadan cious TISEMENTS SUBMITTED. OTHERWISE Delivery Service Consolidate 'with low cost sf Blt nics, roasts, camping, hayrides, 629-2171. Alliance automatic rotor, $60. 7238131. | SARGEANT'S RENTALS Apply In Perso Oe eT WRITING MORE ry loan. It pays to deal with the Surveyors Removal of superfluous hair |€OTTAGES and camp sites for rent on E V E N | SS TYPEWRITERS, $49. No money down, 462 Ri Rd. 2 THAN ONE INSERTION, OF ons the 50 50 company with the high repu- |i, LIM AND ~TROLLOPE, onpare Marie Murduff will be in | Buckhorn Lake. Good fishing and swim: $2 weekly. Adders, cashlers, files, new. itson Rd. S._ 725-3338 933 Ritson ago tation. Land Surveyors, 111 t used, rentals, service, trades. PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN! sterion Kentucky Blue Gross. | BRANCH REALTY Prove saa. | no" tm UM) Oithe, oe Coresa ete! \@--Merine Equipment SALES LTD. [smite Rosia Sree "pee? Cy, cos cane SERT! 260 on, von ond ub 2Be del. INVESTMENTS DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On| on these dates for appoint- quipme: 15 Prince St. 725-4632 _|SEWING MACHINE SALE -- Eines, $9|qvets, Parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, CHAMBERS FOC The Oshawa Times reserves the right to up tario Land Surveyor, Commercial blue CITY TV televisi ai new White's, $69; _re-conditioned | Parking. 723-7726. aA i one memes ce classify advertising according to its) No. " Field Sod, 200 sq. yds. LIMITED prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. nt, FREE ESTIMATES ; Lend dl rude Jeet Singer portables, 's29. White Bina Sew-| WHEEL SHRINE, Geass proper classification. and up, 20¢ del, Top soil 51 King St. East TV--Redio Repai ELECTROLYSIS ; Seih -- and Fein ---- oS oe te est. ers reducing machines, sick reer bu Bookkeer Thefiterwt ob ne eerie] fain complete" Landscaping | 723.1137 "--" OS PERT ne ol hoi aug Rg Ml Pp Nag gg = Fgh deena Machine O| " 'ain 1157 725-6210 MRS. VERONICA FRASER, or anv. . ig 4 a tresses, $29.1 crib mattresses, $9.88) mat-| | 4--u=_B (e) rtuniti j that which the MRS, VERONICA ERASER: "or shy. % jusiness ortunities i sind aco. "p Eetaey| rin om ewe. leone mee aemee rat| TV SERVICE [inter mame ane CALL rarer intind Sion [Seo yak iter Pr = pitta: re al adv a " a "i ' ts snatter correctly, but assume no liability] BETHANY LANDSCAPING -- [Street 'North, Whitby, ssecisus, 4 OO COLOR clety, Oshawa, 723-8211, about an urgent] Oshawa Yachthaven and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p a Ab ile HARDWARE STORE Large company has of advertisement Said lessen hoa in Bo ille 623-7594 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale or family matter." 723-8186 248 Quebec St. Call aos hel deed RNOReS from $29.95 Drasticall del a opening for a bo ony oer are contained therein, wmanville * agreements purchased and sold. Hennick! BLACK and WHITE _ |DRIVING To TORONTO via 41, Leav- 0500. All work guaranteed. [pnd, Ub, New and used auto parts, Re-) Orastically reduced In. price. machine operator ¢ MES ACTION WANT. AD WEED and TREE [er soi Sarristrs 31 King Street] "FOR THE BEST CALL |slomsemal'sapasan™ "von Imrested CHRIS CRAFT CHESTERFIELD SUITES [e_=2@ bat tant Sn Orting vatinee et ore TIMES ACTION WANT A! est, ment and thriving business at SALES and SERVICE 3 SHEETS GLASS 14", aff. 9 x 5 ft. 5 i * : 2 yrs. experience FIR ate" SPRAYING eres tot ana woe ewe! = «TL, RR. |. O |4--Motorbikes McVay fibrésls, sail boats WILSON'S Rec, PPR EM KS bun Wien hag taut presi eine | 723-5281, confl- bc e bd e i953 NS.U. 250 Good condition, restliner, Peterborou: a Ix 2 ft. 10; 6 ft. 8 10; 1 door 6' 7 : Free Estimates. jth parity ad. George Nymeyer, TELEVISION motor overhauled, $380. Telephone 26-1 Northcraft runabouts, Evin- BEST Prices in TOWN war"? 'combination: Soore, 28 0x 64 9; eed ae sche EVERGREEN FOR CLEANER, SHARPER 2309. nude cutboord motors. 2 a Suites from $99. 1967 |21t- 6x 641. 5.286 Albert "St. 725-2062. . For interview. « INDEX TO LAWN. SERVICE Painting and Decorating TV RECEPTION -----|omea, noes 0 S& SR Telephone 7%) OSHAWA YACHTHAVEN $138. 3 'pe sectionals from [AM tra PM ratio" saa. recae paver H. KEIT MRS. B. Melb CLASSIFICATIONS 728-4849 Yan Con ito ce INDIAN, "excelent condi, new tld 197. hundres UB's and sixiy EP's. All kinds . KEITH jaca akc PAINTING TV TOWER paint, nd. chireine.: Lanting Ge %6r S008, GTARCRAPT." Grew Traveller bests Wilson's Furn., 20 Church St. |of music. Price $250. Phone $76-2195. Realtor Ltd. DUNLC br : INTERIOR, EXTERIOR Sees twee vinrude motors. Open seven days FRENCH PROVINCIAL chesterfield 3-Sporteman's Colume NURSERY' SOD ag Be ge oy Et 728-5143 bis gi a for sale. $400 or offer, Teie- eee Aherine "Siorage and Supply Lid, RUTHERFORD'S sulle, beige brocade, complete We wal. SPARE TIME CANADA Lt Motorcycles Now Cu ing cee peli bs Ay oateSinate fod Feta OREO SEES EE SRE - 3-room gr: Livi Room, nut marble top tables, lamps, cee ! z : ; EXCELLENT FISHING BOAT, groups, ed velvet chai r rie Equa Choice quality Kentucky Blue J. O'TOOLE Corner Bond and Division Hag Biology $375, very os god 'condition, Sato, berate, non ype flat Bedicom, Dining Room. $399, ; ee ---- MONEY MAKER 668-3361 6--Articies for Sale . ' 576-1829 : oe 1965 SUZUKI, 60 €c, ar sit [TY Kant sna , , Rasy | Earn up to $100 weekly in pian Sens! Fin odhag end save or we will after 3 p.m. ko ited Se i il al inde io, "cond. canton. TPptephone 725-8194 ee delivery or Las oe Ply gestole SU) your apere time, simonizing WAITRE N--Pets snd L 668-4965 PAINTING AND PAPER hanging, Free| hour Service 5--Troilers between § and 7 p.m. RUTHERFORD'S Orchards, Thickson Rd. N., Whitby. cars with our special polish- 4 pm. - 11 pm la--articies Wanted estimates and low prices. Telephone WAL ing machine. Ni Wearticies for R ofter 6 p.m. - : sep he HOLMES ; Camping 'aller. Telephone 72 156 Simcoe St. South 9A--Eggs & Poultry neaded 06 We Sept you, $25 Apply Mr. Car 15-Empioyment. wanted CHAIN LINK Bie Foccos Sema eens e = 66 Shamrock 16° GREW CRUISER, fully equipped, 75/PAUL BASS amplifier for reguiar orlEGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY =| Will put you in business. Pope teeny FENCING Fark Lid. Plumbing, Heating and! =F ELECTRONICS Cc horsepower | Evinrude, electric start,)bass guitar. Good condition, $84. or best!White Feather Farms, Oshawa, 6554752.| Must have good credit. Tele- GENOSHA Hi 17--Female Help Wented bias ee ation amper offer. T after 430 p.m. 725-|Picked up, delivered at store or home.| pho ~ OSHAWA We-Male Help Wanted Sold and: Installed RE on aera south Sleeps four, 66 V-8 Mercury [2, CABIN CRUISER with 40 horas-|9100. bool. MR. JOSEPH, 728 _ B=Reel Estate For sae Free estimates, recsonable ling, new and used materials Reasonable RENTALS aged ic Disellant a han Tinto eae nie ine wer FO nae gi Mh ly 10--Farmers Column rms tor Papen Bae nee 2 Teale 2: Mei TOWERS _ es ent con |iaeFT, MOULDED any vend |ABOIY Si" Melroce"81. Telephone 1107597 ee Prometiy"Margw Fur Fe px! BEAUTY SALON CASHIE x service. Inside and : . boat with 40 HP Johi Ie motor. - pty = ree Noe gut, Reasonable rates. 5762078 PHONE 668-5679 668-5430 Phone 2-aasl. nn wn" [Eotega ator 6 bia Teepe Teac [se rergmnane, Gallet Haren 6 FOR SALE nae 723-5377 iv SAIL BOAT and trailer for sale. TELEVISION, RCA Victor, 23 Inch, con-|LOOK FOR the Nixon Crom Wademarx| Excellent opportuni --* ee Apartments Yor, Rent LAVA dower teas | FOR T.V. Rentals Shasta Trailers -- |Sscziset gegine,,$5° complcte:|nole "model. Good working _conaton. when you need animal health producis.| location. 4 saten, Fave dryars, Soe ee eee Room and Board @ MOTORS, PLUGS CHECKED New. Sets : SALES and RENTALS Sree ene CHESTERFIELD set with rocking chair, |70mlca! treeknents, Short's Pharmacy, 2 'sinks. Immediate posses- APPLY MR. CAI fo Ret @ BLADES SHARPENED RESULTS ALCAN coffee and two end. tables, two. lamps,|Brooklin 655-3301. sion, Reasonable price. GENOSHA H( a @ PARTS, WELDED FURNITURE ond Richardson B. A a 0 fatal De 3 tua at, | Telephone TIMES | APPLIANCES Since ond faunton a" | TIMES ACTION Stir want recaine 14. (OREM BRLIORT. Tae «ov Fs BY wir can. 2, HC Avtomoble. Repaw | Oshawa TV Supply Lta. | ACTION CLASSIFIED = | ar tok CLASSIFIED ADS _ [pitts set of, Jones: reaisterea gat us| \Want-Ads DOKI *Ficeneae, teateina provites Minimo te Box 69910, Oshawa Times. 36--Lege! j 723-8131 ADS 723-0011 open 'till 9 p.m. Mis a3 vestment $15,000 to $20,000 per unit. Write RELIABLE WOMAN jo . F SELL and SELL : FRIGIDAIRE STOVE, 30" with rofle : Chicken Delight of Canada Ltd., 320 children In my home, Mon Auctions FULLTIME SALESMAN. Clessified Ads <cece en rr 'esting Cost-T ey Pay! Saskatchewan Avenue W., Portage ta 8 a.m. ~ 6 p.m. Light hou: 723-3492 edie FS] and SELL ya e _.. /ece'ER Sepa" et ea Y POY! [pra Mennon en ashy ares bt aie Volo aii. abe, as 7 ' | ' i } | WEED LIVING QUARTERS? Reed Roa THOUSANDS vi ! |zHousa reed Times Action' Clesei-|sell for you around the