LIMITED QUANTITY INGS ITS 2 creams, mallos, » 9-0z. pkg. olue runt Price f ONLY LIMITED QUANTITY JUICE TER ol summer drinks, rice 97e scount Price NLY Mrs. Ann Pellegreno and her co-pilot, Col. William Payne, in the cockpit of the on hes % AROUND - THE - WORLD PILOT AND CO - PILOT Lockheed Model 10 Electra prior to their planned de- parture on a _ around-the Drury Praises Aut OTTAW (CP) -- Industry Minister Drury said Thursday that 15,900 new jobs were ore- ated last year in the automo- tive industry largely as a re- sult of the Canada-United States auto pact. The auto labor force in Can- | ada has grown by 23 per cent | since the free trade agreement went into effect in 1965, he told the Commons industry commit- tee, In a prepared speech bristling with statistics, the minister said the controversial auto pact has had "substantial beneficial ef- fects." To date, the industry had an fhounced the establishment of 91 new plants in Canada and 168 existing plants were being éx- pandéd. These plants made cars, trucks, buses and auto parts for the whole North American market. Exports of Canadian auto products to all countries topped $1,000,000,000 in 1966, a jump of 176 per cent from the previous) year and 497 per cent from the ocmpared with $288,000,000 the Exports to the U.S. alone to-|Previous year and $99,000,000 in talled $845,000,000 last year,! 1964. HON. C. M. DRURY .»» Tells' Commons world Amelia Earhart com- memorative flight. (AP Wirephoto) had been no attempt to seek Opposition MP's Question Broad External Aid Field OTTAWA (CP) -- Conserva-; tive MPs Thursday questioned) the practice of including every- thing from written-off loans to export credits as external aid. Donald 8. Macdonald, parlia- mentary secretary to External Affairs Minister Martin, coun- tered by noting that France in- cludes the cost of 'colonial ad- ministration" in its figures. As the Commons standing committee on external affairs wet to deal with estimates, Ex- ternal Aid Director Maurice F. Strong presented a breakdown that provided for $254,340,000 in 1067-68, against spending of 249,- 260,000 in 1966-67--an increase of $5,080,000. RC Laymen . Organize Aid He said the actual increase is} much greater if non-recurring} items totalling $38,770,000 are removed from the 1966-67 total.) CANCELLED LOAN | Among the non - recurring) items was cancellation of repay- ment of an $8,722,000 wheat loan to India. The breakdown added $61,- 770,600 in long term éxport credits to the 1966-67 'total, rais- ing it to $311,030,000. This was about six-tenths of one per cent of the factor cost of the gross national product, Mr. Strong said. Canada aims . a figure of one per cent by 1971. Jack McIntosh (PC -- Swift Current - Maple Creek) asked why a write-off of the India wheat loan was included as aid. Mr. Strong said it was debt relief and amounted to an out- lay of money by Canada. Union Officials [government intervention in the | four-week-long dispute. Deny Reports | The laborers last Sunday re- saraye dected a contractors' associa- TORONTO (CP) -- Officials ition otter of a 65-cent-an-hour of two International Laborer's| wage increase in a two-year Union locals Thursday denied contract. published reports that they had 4 nurehill (P wi asked the provincial 4 $165 shin Gordon Churchill (PC -- Win- ' ; jan .65 an hour. eir pres- nipeg South Centre) quarrelled ava as aio altel dispute) ant wages range from $2.20 to with the inclusion of export|With the Toronto Construction' s9 75 an hour. o-Pact 15,000 Jobs Created In '66 At the same time, imports of auto product inte Canada rose hy 41 per cent during 1966. The amount was not given, Mr. Druty skid thé sharp boost in exports has reduced Canada's auto trade deficit with the U.S:, but gave no figures. Production of motor vehicles "> in the first niné months of the 1967 model year had dropped > by four per cent in Canada, compared with &@ 14-pér-cent fall in the U.S, The minister said the auto pact may forte some parts manufacturers to develop new lines and dispose of existing -- equipment or convert it. Special adjustment loans to-| talling $29,000,000 had heen made by his department to the auto industry in 38 cases to date. The government was studying eight more loan appli- _ amounting to $6,500,- Such loans finance plant ex- pansion Or conversion and carry interest of six pér cent. Loans for buildings and land are repayable in 20 years and loans for équipment and work- ling capital, 10 years. | HE LOVED BOOKS SHEFFIELD, England (CP) \A Yorkshireman promised jnéver to go néar a 'library again after being found guilty jof stealing 9,319 books worth ;more than $18,000 from muniel- pal libraries diring a@ 15-year govern incréases ranging between $1.35)when a policewoman called at) 'callous his home to collect an overdue /book. He was put on probation ifor three years. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1967 7 Church Budget . 'Remains Same | Imprisonment Last Resort, oe ot the génaral as . sembly of the Presbyterian . Church in Canada will rrr Datrol Bd. Chairman Sa | AE $2,500,000 for 108R, it wae de. /Gided Thursday. MONTREAL (CP) -- George;on probation for two years than This was unchanged from thé Street, chairman of the fatianal!in jail for sik months." jeurrent year's hudgét and com-| parole board, said Thursday ' pared with a 1966 éxpenditure | imprisonment should only be of $1,082.013 on assembly work. | used as a last resort. every 100,000 had served & pri- PP PMr. | Testifying before a royal com. son term at one time or another Presbyterians gave &h aver-| mission into the administration) --a higher percentage than any- jage of $72.98 each for All pur-|of justice in Quebec, the former) where else poses last year, of which $9.90! judge said: Mr. Street testified that dur. went to the assembly's budget.) "Incarceration i & very har-|ing the National Parole Board's The remainder was spent 6n l0- rowing experience and should eight - year existence, 18,398 cal congregations. not be used too often. A great paroles have been handed out. The assembly also announced | many people sénténcéd toa pri-| "Of these, 1,951 have ré- that the Rev. William Barelay,/son térm would be better off! turned to the cells--058 of these a former moderator, now re-| under suspended séntence." were taken back because they tired and living in London, Ont.,! However, habitual criminals|failed to fulfil the conditions of had resignéd from thé board of| should be given long sentences] their parole. The 975 others com- In Canada, 243 persons out ot trustees for reasons Of héalth.| "because studies reveal that 52| mitted crimés. trustees wére Réy. A. Mackay of Hamilton and Dr. H. E. Elborn of Toronto, former ter. WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)-- Don- ald MacDonald, Ontario leader of the New Deémocrati¢ Party, said Thursday night Premier John Robarts has postponed a provincial élection in hopes the |publi¢ will forget issues which |"had them 86 aroused this | spring." | He told a nominating conven- tion in thé provincial riding of | Sandwich - Riverside the chief The workers have demanded period. His hoard was found) 'crisis' was the government's indifference to the | crushing burdén of lotal pro- j Party taxes." He described as feeble the Appointed to the board of! per cent of all crimes are com- Lorne) mitted by only 28 per cent of years, 99 per cent of the pérsons thé criminals," Youthful first-offenders should NDP Says Robarts Stalling On Postponement Of Election government's argument that al- ternatives to the provincial-mu nicipal tax Systems should await the report by Ontario's Smith committee on taxation. "The Smith report has been in the making for five years now. If thé government felt it was as important as all that, it could have concentrated more resources with the committee to complete the work." The report is éxpected this summer. Excerpts from his speech were released in advance of de- livery. "This shows that within eight jfreed conditionally have com. | pleted their sentence without re" Ontario deputy education minis-| not be jailed. "It would be much) verting to criminal acts and imoré profitable to keép them without breaching the conditions of their freedom." nagging backache! He used to be bothered by backaches and tired feeling. When he learned that irritation of the bladder and urinary tract can result in backache and tired feeling, he took Dodd's Kfdney Pills. Smart man. Dodd's Pilla stimulate the kidneys to help relieve the condition causing the Backache and tired feeling, Soon he felt better rested better, If you are hothered by | backache, Dodd's Kidney Pilla may help Dodd's, | you, too. You can depend of | Now large site saven money, credits and said they are not| Association which has left about really a gift. |8,000 construction workers idle Mr. Strong said export credits|through lockouts and strikes. of more than five years in term) The report said Gerald Gal- and no more than six per cent/lagher and George Allen, busi- in interest are included because/ness agents for Locals 183 and the rates aren't commercial. (506, had asked for provincial in- Mr, Churchill said that might] tervention to prevent serious de- be all right "for internationaljlays in an estimated $100,000,- propaganda purposes" but it}000 worth of hospital, school, was no moré than "pretense" |University, sewer, subway and in Canada. road construction. Mr. Strong said 80 per cent) Mr. Gallagher and Mr. Allen of Canada's aid goes to 10 coun-|both said in interviews there tries and two areas: India, Pa- kistan, Malaysia, Ceylon, Tuni- sia, the Cameroons, Senegal, Nigeria, Ghana, Ruanda, the Caribbean and Latin America. | The principal areas of growth| in the aid program were) French-speaking African coun- tries and the Caribbean. OPTICAL Established for ever 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 OTTAWA (CP) --Nineteen leading Roman Catholic laymen from across Canada met in Ot- tawa Thursday and laid the groundwork for a newly-formed fund for developing countries. The fund called Canadaide--| which will send money to for- | eign countries to finance devel- | opment projects with no mis-| sionary objectives behind it-- was called for at the recent meeting of the Canadian Catho- lie Conference of Canada's car- dinals, archbishops, and shops. The laymen form the board of governors of Canadaide, which will appeal directly to the Ca- nadian people and not just Ro- man Catholics for money. Most Rev. Joseph Aurele| Plourde, Roman Catholic Arch- | bishop of Ottawa, said the fund would not finance missionary works or back any ideologies. No objective was set for the fund's first campaign which is expected within a year. The fund will have its headquarters in Ottawa, with divisions in ma- jor cities and administrative of- | fices in Toronto and Montreal. | MAY GO TO RUSSIA TORONTO (CP)--Track eters Bill Crothers of Markham, Ont.| and Harry Jerome of Vancou-! ver may compete in Russia in-| stead of the Commonwealth: | U.S. Games July 8-9 in Los An-| geles. Pete Beach, chairman of} the National Track and Field Association, said Thursday the) Amateur Athletic Association of) Canada has approved the Rus- sian invitation. The runners will go to Moscow if the Russians clear the way for visas. COMPUTER IS VERSATILE CHICHESTER, England (CP) 'A $126,000 computer was bought) by a Sussex nursery to devise' more efficient planting pro- grams for export commitments. | In its spare time it makes up the payroll. | iF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE Why Not Call TOM FARQUHARSON | YOU feverexete « Address Phone SUN LIFE Assurance Company || Of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: || 668.4371 725-4563 || - | | | | | | | eee oe APPLICATIONS FROM... Energetic and Enthusiastic AGES 10 to 14 ------- APPLICATION FORM-- ----- 4 Make Your Application Now! Mail or Bring Your Application to the "Times" Circulation | | | ROO = ica aicien i | | | Department in Oshawa and Whitby. | NGSTERS Who want to earn money as OSHAWA TIMES CARRIERS Through serving the publie you earn extra spending money and learn importance of reliability and courtesy. iis S24 scanek ees oe refeder es 79 ae en 8 wterere s © « reweme i em: essere nao see dee ad What's new? Try it. Just about everyone is. 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