F Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Salvation Army Head Says Gambling Replaces Drink TORONTO (CP)--The new na- tional commander of the Salva- tion Army in Canada and Ber- muda says gambling has re- placed strong drink as the top social problem in England and Canada may be the next victim of "this frightful perversion." Commissioner Clarence D. Wiseman arrived in Canada Wednesday from London, Eng- Jand, where he was in charge of officer training and recruit- ment at the Army's interna- tional training college. He suc- ceeds retired commissioner Ed- gar Grinsted. Loss Of Confidence OTTAWA (CP) -- Growing militancy in labor unions and labor's loss of confidence in the fairness of the law were cited Thursday as two reasons for the current wave of industrial unrest in Canada. John Crispo, political science professor at the University of Toronto, and Harry Arthurs of Osgoode Hall Law School, in a presentation to a joint meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association and the As- sociation of Canadian Law Teachers, said there is also rea- son to believe the unrest may be simply part of the price of prosperity. Boy Drowns BAYFIELD, Ont. (CP)-- Danny McLeod Jr., 9, drowned Thursday in the Bayfield River. Police said the boy had been net fishing for minnows on a breakwall. Bayfield is about northwest of London. Awarded Damages MONTREAL (CP)-- The widow and eight children of a man who died in 1962 as a re- sult of a beating inflicted upon him by two policemen were awarded damages of $20,800 in _-- Superior Court Thurs- ay. 5 miles Charles E. Vallee, 47, was as- phyxiated when blood filled his lungs after he had been punched and beaten into unconsciousness with a blackjack in a police car. Rid For Immigrants OTTAWA (CP)--Royal assent was given Thursday to a bill boosting the immigration de- partment's fund to assist immi- grants to $20,000,000 from $12,- 000,000. The fund is used to make loans to immigrants to help them come to Canada. More Join CLC OTTAWA (CP)--Canadian La- bor Congress membership has reached an all - time high of 1,450,000, the labor organization announced Thursday. Film Voted Best MONTREAL (CP) -- A Na- tional Film Board color cartoon, The Animal Movie won first prize Thursday at the Gott- waldov children's film festival in Czechoslovakia, it was an- nounced here. The 10 - minute film dealing with the influence of environment on how animals move, also won a UNESCO silver medal, adding to honors already won in Venice and La Plata, Argentina. Break Off Talks MONTREAL (CP)-- Negotia- tions in the strike by 7,500 office and plant workers at Northern Electric Co. Ltd. broke off Thursday, a day after they had started. A spokesman for the Northern Electric Employee As- sociation, which represents the hourly-paid workers, said "no new negotiations are in view." Adopt Proposals TORONTO (CP)-- Metropoli- tan Toronto police commission-. ers Thursday adopted a pro- posal to begin tagging prisoners awaiting bail with plastic iden- Medical evidence showed that tification bracelets. HERE and THERE PLANS APPROVED The Darlington Public School Board has approved sketch plans for a four-room addition to Enniskillen Public School. Tentative approval has been received from township council for the issuing of debentures in the amount of $120,000 for the project which total cost will be about $133,280 TEACHERS HONORED Mrs. Hartley Lewis and Gor- don R. Elliott, two long service teachers who retired this month, were honored recently by the Durham County District High School Board. Mrs. Lewis taught for 23. years and Mr. Elliott for 27 years. OFFICIAL HONORED M. J. Hobbs, -- eecre- tary - treasurer of the Darling- ton Township Area School Board, was honored at a testi- monial dinner this week by the board. Mr. Hobbs, who has held the office for the past two years, served for many years as secretary-treasurer of the South Darlington School Bourd and as supervising prin- cipal. The new senior elen.en- tary school opened last year TOP STUDENT Kenneth Knox, Hampton, was awarded the United Co-opera- tives of Ontario award as the best all-round student in the two-year agricultural course at Kemptville Agricultural School recently. START NEXT YEAR Ken MacKenzie, manager of the St. Mary's Cement Co., Bowmanville, announced last; week that that plant will start production in the fall of next year. PLAN FAIR The Orono Fair Board plans to hold an old time costume contest as one of the features of this year's fair. A sheep section will return to the fair this year. FESTIVAL SET It was announced this week that the Annual Drama Festi- val at Orono will be held this year on Oct, 26, 27 and 28. OPEN NEW OFFICE The recently completed new Post Office in the village of Orono was opened for business this week. No date has been set for the official opening of the The bracelets were rebom- mended by Police Chief James Mackey following an escape two weeks ago by a bank rob- bery suspect who impersonated another prisoner. Chief Magistrate A. O. Klein said the bracelets would have to be used with the full consent of prisoners or they could con- stitute an infringement of civil rights, New Integrated Site OTTAWA (CP) -- Cornwallis naval base at Digby, N.S., will be the site of the new integrated training program for service women beginning July 24, an armed forces spokesman said Thursday. The base will house all classes of enlisted women and will be used for basic training of re- cruits. for the training of male naval None of the existing facilities | personnel will be changed, the spokesman said, Nurses Evacuated NEW YORK (CP)--Officials of CARE announced here that their group in Algeria, includ- ing two Canadian nurses, was evacuated Thursday to Athens because of the Middle East fighting. The Canadians are M. Jane Schmidt of Kitchener, Ont., and Noreen Richard of Caraquet, N.B., a third Canadian nurse stationed in Algeria, Terese Dowling of Vancouver, hap- pened to be home on leave at the outbreak of fighting. Receive Sentences WOODSTOCK (CP) -- Three men were each sentenced Thursday to one year definite and one year indeterminate in prison for passing counterfeit money. Guiseppe Fazari, 23, of Tor- onto, Frank Fazzari, 26, of Guelph and Cesare Varamo, 23, also of Guelph, were convicted of passing counterfeit $20 bills on Sept. $3 at Tavistock, 16 miles north of here. Cardinal Ill ST. LOUIS (AP) -- Joseph Cardinal Ritter, 74 - year - old archbishop of St. Louis, was in critical condition Friday in De- Paul Hospital. He had suffered two heart attacks since Monday. SAM Sites Ready NEW DELHI (AP)--India ack- nowledged for the first time Fri- day that its defences have been bolstered by Soviet SAMs--the surface-to-air missiles the Rus- sians also supply to North Viet- nam. The annual report of the defence ministry id: "Work on installation and operation of surface - to - guided weap- ons and training of personnel in this field has progressed satis- factorily." Sheikh Has Ulcers NEW DELHI (AP) -- Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah--The Lion of Kashmir--has been flown to New Delhi for medical treat- under house arrest for two years in south India, The Indian government announced that the 62 - year - old Kashmiri inde- di leader was "weak and was named after him. building. exhausted." PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS THURSDAY, June 8, .1967 Justice Minister Trudeau an- nounced the resignation of Mr. Justice Leo Landreville from the Ontario Supreme Court. A Senate motion to impeach the judge because of his stock dealings, which was to have been debated Thursday, was withdrawn. Prime Minister Pearson told a Commons external affairs debate that a United Nations- supervised demilitarized zone should be set up between Is- rael and Arab states. Opposition Leader Diefen- baker accused the government of following an uncertain and irresponsible policy on the Middle East. j The prime minister said leg- islation will be introduced next week to set up a Crown corpo- ration to take over the Cape Breton coal industry. The state visits office an- nounced that Tunisian Foreign Minister Habib.Bourguiba Jr. GOVERNOR - GENERAL Roland Michener and Mrs. Michener toured Expo 67 on foot Thursday. TORONTO (CP)--The provin- cial cabinet has approved changes in regulations under the new Consumer Protection Act to require money lenders to begin telling their customers the cost of credit in dollars and percentages beginning July 31. Other changes in the act, passed at last year's session of the legislature, call for "'itiner- ant sellers' to post good-behav- ior bonds of $5,000. Leslie Rowntree, commercial affairs minister, said Thursday the act will also require such sellers to pay registration fees newals at $25. An itinerant seller is defined in the act as one whose busi- ness includes "'soliciting, nego- tiating or arranging" other than at his place of business for a buyer to sign a contract for the sale of goods under which credit had cancelled a planned state visit to Canada. | FRIDAY, June 9 The Commons meets at 11 a.m. to debate estimates of the department of Indian affairs and northern develop- ment, The Senate stands ad- journed until Monday. FISHING CONTESTS ST. JOHN'S Nfid. (CP) Mrs. Margaret Williams, presi-| | dent of the Newfoundland Tuna Association, says at least four tournaments are planned for the province during the coming tuna fishing season. FREE Estimates, Reasonable Retes, Repair Speciclist. Fest ss naan Radice Dispatebed 5) Plumbing Service. SERVICE MADE US. Cell 723-1191 ee a aie edie oc ne ae LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE TAKE NOTICE THAT: Name of Street Cromwell Ave. - 401 Interchange Road acid werk being undertaken, Bloor St. West From Te ee Cedar St. 100.0' South of N. Limit Lot 3, Plan 180 South Limit Plon 850 Cedar St. North Limit Plon 831 Wentworth St. West Dean Ave. Lomond St. Dunkirk Ave. Elmridge St. Olive Ave. South Limit Plan M-84 Harmony Rd. N. 60.0' North of S. Limit 636.0' North of 5. Lot 14, Sheet 4C (2), Limit Lot 14, Sheet Plan 357 4C (2), Plan 357 John St. West Burk St. Nasseu St. Park Rd. South Hillside Ave. Quebec St. Phillip Murray Ave. Tremblay St. Oxford St. Rosslond Rd, West Brookside Dr. Somerville Ave. Rossland Rd. West Stevenson Rd. North Gibbons St. Thomes St. Cedar St. 150.0' East of E. Limit Valley Dr. Wentworth St.W. Cedar St. Simeoe St. South Wilson Rd. North South Limit Lot C-3 Sheet 1, Plan 335 Oakwood Ave. 85.0' South of S. Limit Hillside Ave. DATED et Oshawe this 9th day ef June, 1947. 1. The Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa intends to construct cement concrete sidewalks on the streets as shown below, es @ local improvement, and intends to specially assess a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly en the work: ESTIMATED COST ~~ Owner's Annual City's Owner's Cost Rate Per Side Width Total Shere Per Ft. Ftge. Ft. Ftge. West' 4' $2,149.00 $1,149.50 $2.50 $0.352 West 4' 1,496.66 780.83 2.50 0.352 South 4! 823.65 426.83 2,50 0.352 West ~ 4' 2,562.10 1,316.05 2.50 0.352 East 4' 2,880.00 1,440.00 2.50 0.352 North 4° 1,589.15 1,364.15 2.50 0.352 East 4' 8,854.20 6,087.53 2.50 0.352 Nerth 4' 1,196.40 ° 929.80 2.50 0.352 South 4° 1,297.50 1,002.50~/ 2.50 0.352 North 4° 6,058.20 3,234.10 2.50 0.352 South 4° 2,719.50 1,653.25 2.50 0.352 North 4° 10,373.15 5,998.85 2.50 0.352 West 4' 6,290.40 3,481.45 2.50 0.352 East 4 6,600.00 6,525.00 2.50 0.352 2. The estimated cost of the work is $54,889.91. The special assessment is to be paid in ten equal annual instalments. 3. Application will be made by the Corporation to The Ontarie Municipal Board for its approval of the undertaking of the said work end any owner moy, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, file with the City Clerk his objection to the 4. The sald Boord may opprove of the said work being undertoken, but before doing seit may appoint @ time and place when' ony ebjection te the sald work will be considered. L. R. BARRAND, Clerk, City of Oshowa. is extended. LIST BUSINESS In other business in the legis- lature Thursday: --Ken Bryden (NDP--Toronto Woodbine). criticized the gov- ernment for resisting atten-pts to give civil servants equal pay for equal work. --Eddie Sargent (L -- Grey North) attacked the use by of $40 and obtain annual re- 'Consumer Act Changes Approved By Legislature cabinet ministers of chaffeur- driven government cars to travel to and from their rid- ings on weekends, --James Auld, minister of tourism and information, told the house that a "rather WEATHER FORECAST (CP Wirephoto) Interest In Arts Held Essential KINGSTON. (CP)-- There is no more important service uni- versities can render to Canada than the development of an in- formed interest in the arts, the first Canadian Conference on '| few cloudy intervals, warm and TORONTO (CP) -- Official showers may develop in this warm alr today and Saturday. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Windsor, 'Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Warm, Humid Air Covers Southern Ontario Forecgst Temperatures forecast issued at 5:30 a.m, to-| Low ov might, high Saturday ~ day. Windsor .}..--.++++ 6 85 Synopsis: A weather disturb- Ha ance north of Lake Superior is causing an extensive area of M4 cloud and intermittent rain across the Northern regions. A warm humid air mass covers all of southern Ontario. A ad oo 4 afternoon or evening thunder- Paterbarough os Kingston ...++++++. 60 728 Trenton .... Lake Ontario, southern Geor- gian Bay regions: Sunny with a humid today and Saturday. Chance of an afternoon or eve- ning thundershowers both days. Winds southwesterly 15. Sudbury, North Bay, northern Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- gions: Extensive fog patches clearing this morning. Variable clooudiness and warmer today and Saturday with a few show- €xXP06/7 Four Seasons Travel Are exclusive agents for CANA- DIANA Village. ONLY accommo- ait ae to EXPO grounds, (250 _ yards). $6.25 per Seren Sone on party of 4, Also inquire about our Bus Tours, Phone 576-3131 ers or thundershowers. Winds light. Algoma, White River regions: Variable cloudiness with a few showers today. Mainly cloudy with occasional showers or thun- dershowers tonight and Satur- day. A little warmer. Winds light. Timagami, Cochrane, western Janes Bay regions: Cloudy with intermittent rain today. Satur- day mainly cloudy with occa- sional showers or thundershow- ers mainly in the afternoon or evening. Not much change in temperature. Winds light. CALL OR SEE DIXON'S FOR: OIL FURNACES SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 24-HOUR SERVICE 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 the Arts and the University was told Thursday. Secretary of State Judy La- startling" increase in mail in-;/Marsh made the suggestion in quiries from prospective visi- tors to Ontario indicates that 1967 "will be the greatest tourist year in Ontario's his- ory." --Energy Minister John Simonett said the national energy board is studying ways of getting additional natural gas from the United States or building up storage for winter, use in view of a statement Wednesday by Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd. that it may have to ration natural gas to|j Ontario distributors next win- ter. --The house approved spend- ing estimates for the civil service department of $1,780,- 000 for the fiscal year ending March 31, 1968. During debate on the spend- ing estimates, Provincial Treas- urer Charles MacNaughton an- swered Mr. Bryden's charge by 'saying that the principle of equal pay applies to all classifi- BE WISE . » « ECONOMIZE! SAVE DOLLARS ! Save on Premium Quality FUEL OIL cations of civil servants. DX FUEL OIL $ $ PH. .668-3341 SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX and DISTRICT ae oe a speech read by Undersecre- tary of State G. G. E. Steele. Miss LaMarsh was unable to attend the conference at Queen's University. She said the standard of Ca- nadian amateur art is some- times deplorably low and the government is trying to remedy the situation by increasing pub- lic exposure to professional ac- complishment. '& KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD. announces the appointment of Mr. Joseph Crawford With @ number of years in selling residential, commercial and farm properties. Mr. Craw- ford is now joining the staff of Keith Peters Realty Ltd. Mr. Crawford is fully qualified to assist all parties in the choice of Real Estate either buying or sellina. KEITH PETERS REALTY LIMITED 728-7238 the Camp Kedron sign. supervised fun. Baseball, Camp Kedron. NAME OF PAENT - GUARDIAN Address ....405- A SUMMER CAMP for Boys and Girls 7-14 KIWANIS CAMP at KEDRON Owned and operated by the KIWANIS CLUB of Oshewe es @ community service, sshasaad camping facilities for the past 32 years, for children 7 - 14 years. Camp is located north of Oshowe. North on Simcoe St. to the Natione!l Stud Farm. Turn right at the road north of the Farm, and drive te Ritson Road, turn left and you een't miss Camp Kedron covers 25 acres which allows active kiddies ample room to have safe well- volleyball, basketball and archery comprise part of the c camping program, offered by Camp Kedron. Swimming is featured in a well supervised "pool (78' x 36'); which is regularly inspected and maintained to Dept. of Health standards. Campers ore prepared and tested for Canadian Red Cross Life Saving and Water Safety Awards. MR, T. W. COTIE is the Camp Director. This will be his 18th season at Camp Kedron, In his regular profession os Director of Physical Education for the Board of Education of the City of Oshowa, he is well qualified to supervise his staff and maintain the high standards set at fe ere eee re ee es ee eee ee ee ee 1 would like my (son, daughter), te go to camp. Please send me en application. MR, W. R. SINCLAIR, chairman Kiwanis Camp Committee, e/o 827 Oshewa Bivd. North, Oshawe, Bus. 728-7305, Res. 728-2835 SPRING Take A Drive To VAN BELLE GARDENS For The... DO-IT-YOURSELF @ FERTILIZER @ TOOLS ® SEEDS, ETC, Van Belle @ TOPSOILS 5 Minutes On Highway No. 2 @ SPREADERS @ Advice on your Garden Probleme "Your Haka 4 Garden Centre" 'ost a Oshewe Gardens +e. 623-5757 i Argus Medel Instant Loed, Aute exp. w. case and cube ww. case .... Polaroid Swinger 7 x 35 Extra Wide Angle w. case 7 x 50 Merine with cose ... rH 28 KING EAST ~ 723-4621 Open Evenings till 9 P.M. PERFECT FOR EXPO SHOTS Argus Cerefree Instant Lead Outfit with cese Minelte Aute Pek "500" 2.8 lens with flesh cube 35MM, Maieltine ALS Auto exp. ¢.f., 1.9 lens w. case 99.95 35MM. Minolta Hi-Metic 7e R.F., 1.8 lens CdS Mete: CENTENNIAL SAVINGS ON MOVIE CAMERAS Argus Super 8 Automatic Zoom 1.8 lens w. grip. Minelte 8KS Autemetic Zoom 1.8 lens w. case .. 7 POWER CARL WETZLAR BINOCULARS 7 x 33 Nevigeter w. cose ......... KARN'S PHOTO SALE Comp at Sale 24.98 19.67 63.83 36.67 59.95 49.67 79.67 99.67 18.67 94,50 67.67 235.85 167.67 47,30 14.67 39.95 24.67 teeeesseens 31.50 19.67 Aluminum Awnings Combination Windows-Deors | CMH. "Accepted Siding Glens Patie Doors Shelters for Parking Lets --Ges Pump Islands Jalousies Aluminum Siding pesexe ao Inserts for Aluminum Boers end Windows Baked Enamel Finishes Optional €nd Screen and -- Storm Window troubles FOREVER SHOWROOM end FACTORY 95 ATHOL ST. E. -- OSHAWA PHONE 728-1633 ALUMINUM OSHAWA FREE PARKING Install More than 30 gi bers of the Sime Teen-Age Club will Punis! US. O UNITED NATION The Soviet Union is other members of t Nations Security Co Israel is a bully and and must be punishec The United States, a sort of package de ing the council to ¢ taneously for full obs: its ceasefire resolutio a start on a peace dialogue between I the Arab countries. Canada is asking tl try council to make that a general ceas effect and then tackl step without attempt what that step shoul Under the appare less leadership of ¢ began another roun consultations early t effort to find some agreement that will Most Ca: Arab Ste OTTAWA (CP)--Th of Canadians known ¢ he in Israel and the J b.-dering her befor break of war in the were still there Thu ports the external | partment. It said that less weeks before the w last Monday there Canadians registered embassy in Israel, banon, 138 in the U; Republic, 38 in Jord in Syria. The department ¢ these were minimum Canadians were not | register at their abroad and many did was no accurate wa: ing how many tou in the warring cov alone government ar personnel and depen Two chartered pla ated 123 Canadians banon Wednesday. B; Ambassador; John | Cairo estimated onl; Canadians were le U.A.R. Arrangements for evacuations in the w: be put into effect necessary, the depar It cited the. situatic as an illustration of cult it is for the ; here to fix the num! nadians in the war | May 23-24 there wer dians registered wit bassy in Tel Aviv. broke out, additional registered, bringing almost 900. Ambassador G. G Rome. has made : arrangements for ev Italy of those Canac rael if necessary. It here some of the Canadians in the U join Americans lea chartered liner fro dria. R SWI Was On *