dey, June 9, 1967 19 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pri: for Sole | fe |20--Real Estate Real Estate for Sale Ip Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale |20-- |18--Male Help Want Ip Wonted |18-- qd '18--Male He loyment Wante tock |15--Emp 1--Pet & Lives Sale Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale JOHN F. '20--Real Estate for Sele |20-- . 2 MEN Lac ieee CRNA ( | | | ) E | D aW ith VIGTCAl | DISE | DRYWALL a DING FOR SERVICE, 1.8.N. a beatae alg a THE TIME. We are | on E | ONTARIO REALTY LTD. REALTOR 40 KING $ 9 eat aang gmermatan | lee homes bee seating la 3 ress oboe JACOBS and BENSMORE | S | 14 Frank Street REAL ESTATE LIMITED DON'T MISS THIS _ Sons el ;| Open house will be eskibha can offer the best arn CALL COLLECT | TRUST 16 Simcoe St. S. Bowmanville King Street West 3 bedroom brick ae rit ppitbstae --_ ies for sale. m 8 to 10 p.m. Ex ement in town. o 1153 21 ing 4 , drive, top location fo 1] } t A S RINGER op Oshawa. Oth fy coigiaas and "work of federn office can Bie ne = _112-698-1 ar OS 528] 623-3950 Bowmanville pie: porno he Le D PONIES for sale. Tele-| ae vb k St. E., Oshawa sonal cotter se Ue Night Claciee REAL ESTATE DEPT. T2a+ oe 623-3398 oe ee es ] roc job training. ; fes- E: Duplex wi will sa . D ieaddicbttone , insured,| jo : lling pro a.m. {ELD WCASTL [BARGAIN mre mainte ees tag dag Pratvio favor GEORGIAN RALPH | -- ' Hin ond 4 Seeeorn pide Membir Gihawa and Dilirice 5 BEDROOMS ; also. truc fall ki eta | gO dé 'onfidentia GE jane Il modern conveniences, etc. e Estate Board ly brick home wit E ts, S, ready inance, odd jobs 0 dows, walls d see me fora c Alls $1800 yearly. Reol: Es Older family 3 piece = BY BUDGIES, NING -- win ond. sa | ABE | | rent . Extra 3 p 2 Sale farang, tiki san. Apply {ina ara oress asians | interview. piona ghia se FS SIOEE RANNER: |. Tevet sant $1900 George WHITBY un to wee X= SO | ' a : ag eddie atl Sales, Service. roe, 1M Ny a quiet. s ie balled eon light hou keno You: may not ri. or Ne" STREE EET Don t Miss 1 @ with attached ak | hate ans acoadenean Heme Eight year old, predate atte estate. Will mere oe E-STOP BIKE SH 214 Bond Street HILO'S PONY, two-wheel cart. Tel A LADY, 55, rite A. Ryan, 20} rience but i t enced Seeing fl all large rooms with) ICASTLE: Income home. brick bungalow, im nya family or one wanting Centre, high. Also sition pe d are a > experience: broadioom, d cup-| NEW e : ye, 64% 'a laced Resi, vee c hing ma ane 72870 i breeds, quality |Seiby street, "er baby sit $day| mind a peat ad this may be WAITER 1 "yon hve Sgnod hans The beautiful ES" by pianiy 6! ag reel "kitchen, | pee ie tle gees SEA PAsking 416,300. Frdheee a heed pre a $16, . rt tove, _ washin ood 5 CLIPP' | Call," compare | APABLE GIRL, Harmony, King»! feast 21 y ; nter GI preferred. ly manager, Hote EL HOMES' by boards in holly yerage| lot with stream. mortgag today at lis REFRIGERATOR, 5 reasonably. G ork at lowest prices, Call, week In-children's home. He 787, opportunity to e reference. Apply | | "67 MODI ig t just an averag down ith terms 0. chine. Selling very 722-6602 after 5 or ork a! week area. Telephone 728-7167 your interesting profes- caster, Oshawa. eo gas bar] SEN This is no hing is of the! $3,000 dow wi 90) ai dar ester = wh D "dogs and puppie (eee: nted_ vital and. An time. Call BER REQUIRED for Har Bowman- JOHAN home but everyt Miot 75° x : 3 bedroom bunga- RT PERRY EDROOM all day Saturday. 5 dea witkipiecane GUSH TRAINER ds, $25, up, de- le | Help | Want ; Now is the BAR Telephone | 623-2696, lity. Large 'lot | ORONO: ba oe PO! 4B clear outs nd larger bree '17--Fema sion, tI ber Shop. OMES best quolity ed. Close} oil heated wit 'oom brick bung: : tless condition FLOOR COVERING ds of yards on vb aay Mac - Jim McMullan. ile oppor: H "nicely landscap low, only $145.00. New six ri lace, Tri-level in spotle tinea de Mel ened batt lhcb ered. a quarter ro herae| I n iat eeman = This may be he com: letely furnished wage schools, House is 5 wtethd bath. Taxes : kde 313., low with car port, Hue leid with broadloom, built-in seve display. a cents per foot. Oo filly colt sanding a i * Room B McMu a tunity for youl A la egy salesman completely to reasonably price Well kept.home. As Vonbyk lectric heat, many ih id oven, extra 2 pe. w L |Furniture, 20 Church" Street, trate tall trained yi ge Operating J, 8, ac pany Nes hrbneh orice, Ape MD 135 Open Saturday and Sunday old, ee ee FOTO oan Cal George Van elt at $25,800. wit! els ready to move into. lee yains! New ° ax 8 22 oO Sih aeet work Gabi Selb pus dar. le | Open Call us for 37 oom, id and must ND Bargains! » $29. o 3883 or 728-2222. _ an Y rk habits. < in the mM. 623-7437. ' : onstaire ates ae ey ef j SADDLE Fras, unri ors, Nurses 725-3557 gd Roa gh I bl Papeete etl "|| STONE HOUSE: On 2 acres, | ters a bea gl 2B ce aiatieteast at, uten A on gah eee Wiis ired for ee sash Meee and daily by appointment, | | < with: oll furnoce ond-4 pe. HORS Oshawa, Y arate ly jumpers, ag abe St. wi ddies. Telephone 7 requ and District 2s Semeneerian wired. Experience on House | wi Iso be bought 100 acres six miles WHITB , Car bese," abyiond, oe rd 'eet dg 540 Bed Member ag lee Board at MECHANIC requir benefits. Apply In lovely (Open bath. Gan te Picial (6 Gall, Oya Gms meen 6 seam Glick bungalow: with ECIAL - ff. si - Real Es Fords _ pr : -1030. ott | ith ocres. om, Faeroe 5 . ; PECIA te La ae RIE les, 942-103 pene | ow ted barns, "h garage, ah) pons] = TRIO. EON ENS, fis man | iA redited General | EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY Lav Balmoral we 'te ee 92 ACRE FARM: With en eg eh $69,000 with Brevis con re OHI sion. ee for go cc N G ay has opening sols sueraeeene. Court | Visit the 2.8 | tome pond. Exce en pon every Location ex- RNITUF ' i i between 2 barn, larg 0. Coll terms ide and out. : | | EURNITURE = three ae, Barene cae Hospital Y O ident with business of i Rialery, eauee Stevenson Homes |, Asking $20,00 s st anxious é only $15 mon - i t persona 5, Ogh- ~ from Ste | x D. soil sking 7. llent, vendor mo: Home. conta, 21 Bes 2--Articles Wanted (PLANNED EXPANSION) ie asd cctarince"e her WA Reon Foam Ge oe apg [Tha WRERE George VanDyk 623-743 pista l gee to get moved out of town. hs chair, --, Se intone ie "hls Stee _ one cee Seu Provincial "Usht. bites geld pane CLEANER 'and pertaiia ry ' for On- M E N po dillies N required, ip edgar Pe napolis to the west wok for LAKE SCUGOG: 3 eget On ae 'dredged moter ZER DRIVE Aten Eo cis tall Geb S3bb fev epgedt seein, Tea Starting salary N s 10 AEE Gecth cal whey Geet We Annapolis -- gis Pe ROSEDALE DRIVE Summer cottage, all we Perry. Large oe Rie 00. | SWIT Wig ee After. 6 p.m, Call, 6686 mn doors, sion, seach cnceeesss é ; d Nurse' trainees ~ -- |wiring beats. epee ' ing NO . 1.) 339 ee ee Lovely beach, ont. Priced : | rd of in thi (ies on 070. = fed, etc. Registere Management 1949-1010. Basen SS i. s pointing . 2,000 down d. Boathouse. fr Unhea mort- WARDROBE, double, ae. used six NITURE wan cNell's| tario ; nnual a! large. drive-in or. ja UAL R, steady pari-time. Tel sign thei WHITBY, $ e 2000. Call Harry Pat | $2,000.down, one open S00 SeCaTY ee ._ Telephone 728-3577. Tiles Cal anvianc he | $400 with five a quired by Canada. Po- | Meat CUTTER, § a ---- mat At Blair Plaza, Accing $1 c } ; Was balsas months, reasonable. ire: ighest prices. 1, 668-6526. | $480 per zation across i hone 668-8251, Sgn og et cia a | Directions uth tts 725-2649 | RE PARCEL | gage for way, Pb ots SHOPPING Centr (668-5481, in good) ments to gani ble in the Os P i PAINTER requir ssi d | No, 2 Hwy. drive s Coutts 10-AC | a bedrooms, breeze' ZELLERS, OSHAWA SHO! exclusive une PER TENT wanted in ped! incre sitions available Em- | EXPERIENCED lider. Apply Whitby John Ballar | on No, 2 Dunlop. then /K: 6 roomed brick | les. Oshawa, Very | fig) fot a xc Blazon gym sets; includes two swings. Ix S| 120" Bese, 17 Keyboard month. and Toronto area. iH Soares poet ae Finley Ave, Alax. se] | on Lupin to Du ollow it) OSHAW/ Hlywood kit- | Six miles ic view of | garage on a lah slider, double. lawn swing, 'aye. "rings erdion, 'also. in good. condition. | le previous DI ane offare LA idedd AIL Ridge Md treet HH | HOMES ast to Dovedale, f home. Lovely Holly ed | scenic. Panoram New 100 ft. 30 days possession. Br esatele an, Gaute teetias A hae ccordion, a "ET | Credit tor cecentoble bi a ploymen 5; akoatient «Fen Wate 101 "en fo fill recent | | | e ave Beautifully landscap | Gity and « courthyelde | bie and trapeze cna Colors tangerine 3. tric trains and ac-| r d for post-gradu versified duties, opid. | L ESTATE salesmen te yequire a a to Rose chen eck garden. Call | city Ion property. Ask- | ENINGS TILL NI red deiphiniom bie, na back ara No gg HN Soaked ate course in Operating Raom | _vesifie Piwith aolary open, (REAL, fn energetic an experienced ETTER HOME | | ee Gooner. | ing $8,000. with terms | "Dial 728-4678 Delivered to your ear ace oath 'Write Box 49828, | aida promotion wi an honest, © energetic and better. "You THE B | | 9) oriot rt eee |. Geor ae ir ; i | ia fy Sen Pay BUY. ar a at ot Jeers iawn pole ven the ages jsalesmen. | pil Sooper aan te See for the | St. East to Melros AMPTON: 5 roome NTRY ESTA 585 nly five vei JANTED -- Set o r 5.30 p.m | ns will be gi e between can expec For a strict, confi ° | King § ; e and) H 4 pc. bath COU a | - oll 725-8 HOT WATER | furnace," 0 rooms, even phone 668-3167 afte ------| Considerations lable for If you ari d would like to {can expe eis calle, Jeter bere, E INCOME | South to Applegrov with oil furnace, 4 p had ight acres of wo | John O'Drise 728.1554 temperatures axcklient consiiion Tore _ Rent | to applicants avai of 24-90, and w ing ors interview, please | 728-4353. AVERAGE Oriole Court | Nicely landscaped, Attach | Twenty-eig ek, Park-like Jack Hogan 191 Eid gh LR A ysl -- 3 Articles for bn time employment. join a rapidly progress to |Realtor, 728-7377 ia ancad ' these 3. bed-| East to Nicely sking $15,500. Coli | londs with creek. Saas. | Mess 725-9 Phone 723-2894 after 4. Serer gtt part-tim join we would like PHONE SALESMAN, ba fay tr Yes it's true, low hic | garage. Asking 33.7437. tting. Five miles ho | Jee 9 kfurter 728-5416 5 Yo, Gane ou of information ganization ctor ill train, salary i brick bunga | t VanDyk 6 * $21,000. wit Frank Frankfur 121 CLARKE'S, WHITE Complete line LS further in g ' you. preferred, wi 1630, 5 to 6 p.m. only room ' orkmanship 3.) DUPLEXES at George Diced ot , fie 668-2 Ceriat(er subpriga "and: Iisteciola: aise car. RENTA For : hear from sda Rith land icl d for auto-| | lay the finest w rials | NTENNIAL ACRES RY LIVING: 5 roomed Mork Tomi 725-2217 artist's supplies an ictus frame nee DS opply to: treated in strict- TER'S HELPER require Jeri ane h the . best mote | CE dor then! COUNT la GAR atc terms. Roy Yeo phvgd Raea dg AL ALL KIN | . of Applications ite giving _|PAIN ey ee Ne Pe exterk| {wit that connot help} Wentworth to Cedor new brick bunga a Rage IRY FARM 6 ing. Telephone : used. OF MENT oe J Director est confidence, Wr loy- ee 'or refinishing. A! a for_an available irit of pride | th to Dwight. | tached garage. Located n i DA k home, MEMBER 0.D.R.E be yeas reared Gol et eto hes gga ma- | Nursing resume e auction ao enced, Me chitt" Mills. Motors Lid... 723- st pene el that all] Sou |< Hampton: blag AE od Cal | 100 pated pho Pee | Welitasslinivg & MLS. Go! it. Thun ing cn 4 t and edu interview. a ani Id have. | s | Asking ' | barns, cattle, iles | ---- panera intmen' ssa iad aieiaine | 0 = Pro shop, Bes-952, EXCHANGE used Aino bikes poe he sia | OSHAWA GENERAL HOSPITAL a 7 26 INDUSTRIAL CAFETERIA, tae cook cal ig to in the} 4.) ewiteee 'DRIVE Sag VanDyk 623-7437 | ment, meio, Rag | i ; SELL AND EXC! t : oe x IND ble cafete: Peacefully Perry. | : . 4 | Forced sale Bee eae ae, teal comet oe $6 per _mon -- Pipe : x 700 ; | requires capa 5 phone f Port Perry, North driv Oshawa Asking Herter "Post "Ete dis "Simese ain soon. sib 8 | 04 pose Know of this liom petmanent poston. Plate ohoe these homes afford. you the| Wa wok Soranile te ER] of serious ill heath "Asking City Tradin rods, i | rem anager, . i these h on es | HOFIEL - 9,000 wi ; Gy llc AU aT han Send wis wrenches, pipe | TWO ad me ex, 26 iy, night watchman! | oor nce of v ACuisint| Models. SC $2 ' > |FIBERGLAS | reno auto parts. Af hessiodee threading dies, | nL es WANTED Immedistely, night TR caanteys "living. datallel | LTOR LIMITED Cal > Jana a fen and generators, 1175 Nel- siete ig | i for aed gt ge m. -- yourself with rs once | 5.) IROQUOIS AVENUE | REA 3 HOWARD FORDER M built starter toilet ou Nt 2s ENT | Listes bint cl all SES ESOT re r office o | al bois cr ? SORT Trl" Tow TE -- ae lle airing aie SALESWOMEN ~URG 19--Male and Female ELAN ee ne ee raat eg DS Taunton panier over 31 ee BROOKLIN REAL ESTATE LIMITE Lk as and bedding ladders, ; -- ieee ; ville, lor | istric SARANIMUS, IGresntoies 'corner ef ast eatelene, alten shia d M n Help Wanted _ sigue Northwest psig ald Road, | 723-2265 > 3853 21 King rot ia Plants. Shai hard View, By dure, we Raper ste ressive org OM) 3 ee : imming - ae Bowmony' Iie and Orchard View. spray guns, ches, jost prog ies eS h Swim ohana Sethian Fea Rate te ee 7" 4 tis tarpaulins, blow tor a unique in its field, bes 'Licensed Bo y ber vl table features of the q ally well built, The J. PHILLIPS -- oe 3 Grail ire jobs. Call Monday to Thu propane torches IPMENT ae 2 saleswomen, for di | M ' Helper Sc = | i roars home is worth il @ i oe ft. living room has| NEAR S. HOOL 7 'B. 623-339 smi 4 U oe quir nization. | Ss 3 ear ; uiry. attractive Bee "Full suite sc : day 725-0714, ver BUILDER'S EQ bina lling orge Bod an hoo immediate __ ing fieclater Fu aye Hic SAvines. Chilaren's a tinal rect se ma full oay te Scho ear cin sis eee @ aahirel fireo Hicker A avin Saas a Di Bene eats aah eine ae Be eel cae are Excellent commissions, Sepa ra Anpil-stons front with SN er eT eeaog Ral: aul droom | N & Q.| Member Osha Board Portraits, weddings, appointment, 723 a wels, wheel barrows, ; ae ° if Helper Angel- e planters. Pav- dining vbr stove and oven,| this 2 storey, 3 bedr a: cMU ¢ Real Estate Boo Finest quality. For ee 'Bus brator, air compressor, benefits. Painter's Boa rd lites and ston tiful land- with built-in ered patio,| on hed brick home off | ING 3588, st peaaannia ahanaralc tric vibrator, hand trowels, : d drive -- beou " nd leading to cov ious| semi detache pci Oa RES WRECK } WILL 'eke away household a 4 mers, ha ef I. 2 ed d 'oom, re a . 3 spaci Road, 3 hug AC ee a basement and Aneesh Renal ape If you are gesagt hg nae iy ie ie ln Schreiber, Ontario scaping. Sar el eines ond Soe! Sacer Soe of| ean vine reom, din- Realtor 30 YARD : : J 276. w ing, ele k for be tea m 'oom, fire tips bedrooms, 5 luxury rooms, ' Itra modern t th 30 acres. attic, 623-7276. a> tee! scaffolding ' ing to worl ronce. Hos including sola la 'our fingertip: ce tiled lu with u 4 Dundas Wes' bungalow wi 1G furniture or ers, s t power rol- ng income. t. Group insu ires teachers facilities at y 2 closets. 4 pie der ing room nly $123 120 Du Good bung Excellent BUYING OR SELLIN 2294, 263-2695. ator, ramse' e average ine oe location. Requi er for Sep- ¢ . Call at onc da 2 piece pow itchen. Carries for 0 Y "C" license, ae ior Fryer, three fon Gisctiie ei ea jaeice - pitalization. Central foc re teoch OP sok poe Sotho, *t --enten. Aceh peageotlbe including taxes, 668.6201 li ears _ Lcaabig --|RESTAURANT eqi dry pop cocler, ¥ : w, buildin é Person To: tember : or fOOM) finished with ba | r ship, $35,000 -- : ister and dry *onry saw, es, ly In Pe E poe fully -- finis 4 NG | Township. Feleohene cs alteatianleed en mortar oe ee ae < Rd S RITSON AUTO Salary schedule is os Saige Full Price A oe ppl an abn gg a paced pe Si TS 66 64 ACRE STOCK FARM FREE! Furnace ci rites. iter it your "> chain hoist, ile gana 933 itson _ 1 1 -- $4,700 to $6, " South Osha 3 uated on a large we Ate cat Gone yours lit: level just LOTS 1 Sak feat Guaranteed trove fn Ol. Company. 'tric plane, tarpa genie DY Leve 2 -- $5,200 to $7,60 letel redecorated lot. Can be shown any , | well designed ooh a, Lorge LO 4 miles Oshawa, a Fe purchase from We: blaster, power pos ae F DS LTD. BO Level $5,900 to $8,600 Comple ot eee bungalow, t your con convenience. | 5 miles from Oshowa. caale ege on Simcoe St. Stream. ' i OO) ee | = ' _ ' ' ge ns, aUARTONS ropa id syle for 'sae, E. ders, seatveel. wal. ee ie 83 Ritson Rd. S. Level 4 -- $6,900 to $9,900 oie en we |S te Pos AS Votes pease $1000 DOWN room "home. Pointed bain i and some o disc sanders, ace lectrie A ' : bedroom and finish- led living 3 rate ' uh Excellent inv M5260). Er near 1 ing outfits, 200-amp ele Bookkeeping 73 Increments -- $300 per year epg tien downstairs. Priced wood So en oe 3% acres, Bh of Whitby. 000 -- Terms. pil ted | dole "tree "estimates 'oe @ welders. tor 728- 1 5 | to maximum. ve sell quickly. dining ict have built-in a gk hit on property, © ACRE STOCK FARM var ROA taaler ee cre, STA N ; Machine Operato Piravigul expetlence in Ontario Ranches drsisel. Bosament aparenent ly dhs, $5,200. pile pabedliat _Excalent 7 Pr ste levels. : te 4 pc. wash- : inte ens, USED bil Pig Street West. 725 i $250 for all le to keep your Ntains separa ; il, large poi ng ctive - y of room co room 181 soil, 9 ved Goodrich, 88 ing & Rentals Ltd. Large company has canna WO for primary meth- Rents nd fan a few cattle room, kitchen, ye pel 83 x got ekahane Stearn, 1,820 ie i Om. w 7 , oe Shrpses clone | arate ine Sharpening Hiksee opening for a 4 N.C.R. petal oopoved summer paket acre parcel of vacant and bedro : jot oe. Large lot pe 12 High- road frontage. $4 Si? allege vende, Oshave i 723 Phe 283224 on anunons Lain as ae poe tonal whan, gany driving. oie LIMITED gai VE way,' List price $4,500, $1,- | fed! PLACE 319. Coll Ct maa Gai aepne bladed n accounts pe red. N course. Oshowe. 4 way. BUY AND 3 ~ ain 'Sa totes vr ---- oN tional. 2 yrs. experience ley end SALESME lative sick leave plan Psat some bush and a a Realtor" TAYLOR Pe ig 000 down. 50 ACRE ew Oe Pretty Furmiurer me api Polish . Rent Attractive dtl. Ben ag ier senibe Yours for only ph Your . 3 bedroom apo Airciitee THICKSON RD. S. Kendal Hills -- oan bg loyee . : iza- in effect. spring. . 500 down ani King St. E. ly 4 years old. ee ith 11-room home. -- | 3271, se For Ren full emp ve organiza felel 00 with $3, 187 King only Hiciet an x 200, wi hay Haplipieey TRUCK TIRES AND WHEELS, 6.25 x Hall ost progressive Oo! If hospital plan, 7 balance. Try Donevan Colleg : lot, 75 0 ms, double ga MGW Sh nar cae Gare ratciean ONDITIONED interview apply Armest in its field, re- Board pays ha jood terms: or balan Hg from Edinburoh Public Large I. List price $3,900. 2 bathrooms, ¢ 70" 40" x ba Oy, 0 Ree AIR C ; Ban- For intervie tion unique i direct "4 ten 9 fer on this fine pr e Duke of only $16,- good well, New barns 35° x ¢ i vam TEED, USED wringer washers cag AE Angordigg BE gir MRS. B. McINTYRE eT en boat, oul aitat Shaueae chee io ig 728-9474 Bret ea gn ete 334 ACRE of LAND | Nes ips teN a yy a auaRA ic » atc, $34.50 ete, artes, SNe. Y a- aces ling organization. . school. rede : | 900 this build- Id not re oo Up. "Alcan Furnure snd" Applances, Sst if desired. For Diugosr 728. NLOP lent "commissions, full bene population of sof the Lake. | Investment Property A ee Pere | es With wall end tility uli ing only $59,000 -- Term, up. ; oe ' A t oO : lex -- ud as a ; Between < , Simcoe FTBEWRITER latie HH Basaeea tion call ~4332. fits. 110 miles eas lle -- 6 p 'Il be as pro ARM ing. ; fd on 7518, TEPEWRITER poring 3718. Peter Soltys 723 DUNL Ltd. | d will head, convenient to road and paling ie -- Roni aly End home ow Pt eee way a hl da ie $5. Call 623-3399 or 728. ' $40. Also electr ctric, 723-4434, ; Dish- bitious and will- il hows excellent re- ing good horse an ; Tounton Rd, oron' $20, also electr irs, Linens, Dis are ambi rail. down -- shows "aad be showing ssion ; in this aaa REPAIRS, 'delivery 42-0213 ie dines Sachin anol ing 10 -- Applicants please apply to: turn on a a ened too when Must' istics on mene a built banalon sete ie HIGHWAY After 9. p.m. brushes, etc. cn Cavin, Main Street, es, us th Bowls, Brida average income. " completely of our new varsige 7 bade Kassinge Id. Ravine lot with No. 12 \ 623-5055 ce yan fs Urns, yi Formals, White WANTED Mrs. G. Mullins, units. Mary St. Two o' bed- ore yer Oe: t sets off s le north of Brooklin, Ken Hockin 3077 Pickering. wa aed GIR ciao Wear, Men's Formals, LADIES : ' 'ANCE and one average bec walk-out basemen lot Yo mile d with good 623- ED id platform Mink Stoles. ille and In Person To: Box 296, 37 CIAL ASSIST, rooms the boy in 4 148 ft. deep Jot. Ys acres of lon Pat Yeo 3.5787 bide ere id widget Hh we. ee Fox Furs, Min hawa;, Bowmanville Apply In ieber, Ont. Phone 137. OUR FINAN LOR BUY oom, panelled for s this lovely Built-in 2% ac ice $5,000. Barnoski 72 bg TL oll 'S RENTALS | .Osho "areas to call on esta- Schrieber, MAY HELP YOU SEL! i "family: Broadloom cov 3 large bedrooms. Bu well. List pri ' Joe Cullough 723-7843 | phone 728-4406. atte vogerec RGEANT'S Whitby nts ds serve 4 Rd. S. your fan and dining Stee WiGdbEn Witcher. ES Clare Me 723.7900 ED 60" 114) SA 725-3338 lished food accou 933 Ritson IST WITH id living room stove in ultra AMA 25% ACR Krier ' ONE RE-CONDITIONS Master Travel- 2 Ritson Rd, S. 725-3338 _ blis saiias: il time L 10 TRUST ere d burning fireplace, dloom, 2 bathrooms, 72 kl: 6A Rod Krug 725-6788 fing Wave "antenna and Alliance T-18 20 7 Fifty to one hundred] ice represen io D Part-time and full tim CENTRAL ONTAR room, woo oe | oN e ee ee am eet mt teen 25-9750 rate "Gutoiate bane Phase et 1S al ip a nal et Ml i ty So | or part-time. Salary, ERS FOODS LTD. 9:00 to 5:30 attached garage is basement garage. No. 12 Highway, goed' fo Ernie Wilson adh, feie,_Sumnerele. We Phere 723) tower : iat Oshawa Senne, Club kitchen,| Full .0 id. bonus. CHAMB indie chusirtinaens aoe 723-5221 : 'A powder room T No. j Cist péice rie Orono 983-5801 is ert ee suet ties. ; ee ee Ree nr EN RGE ed patio. r. rear ACANT LO Ik-out basement. L Roy Foster, Oro ONE RE-CONDITIOI 8213 aerial and erklig 708-7328 ae | corm ortunity. eS : SALES NO TOLL CHA dily located neo ; Vv, ft. List- wo could be di- Banister itanee crieanie ete ak Le EN ety Mitel RE ital beds, walk) Excellent opp Required HESE PHONES hon large, _ privately in Zion 70 ft. x 215 ft. L $700 per acre, ale Weston i 102J12 AMIENS ROSIE (0ote OR) Motor- HEEL CHAIRS, hospital 'beds, w TT eq 120 weekly FOR T! door to lable to in 3,800, Call now yided into 10 acre pa Garden Hi saa 1ALS -- 2 oto w ing machines, sic! St For appointment ca $40 to $ SE CALL losed lawn. Avyai ed at only $3, vide ardat Ma ee ae Plead ait eee Piles, Ald' Rentals, 105, Beatrice, ) Earn FTER HOURS PLEA' enclose best terms in hig ong KLIN Howard Forde 655-3853 Ore ithe mosh eer Owen: ee ee ee -9836 TEST S : A 55-3663 you on_ the ton at PEG OR: BROOKL Brooklin ° PCO) le. Map At ae ene: a ocices Opportunities 725 98 but must be willing to work Harvey Hogan ot town, Call Yorn pe mst For full particulars Unrae lakdicased [0 66 x dence bates sai seas ; vision. ifthe , 17" General 1 Mr Welaht 3 nights @ week from 5:30 Tom Therceen 728-2870 728-9474 or 723- call 723-2265 202 with double cinboatg List Port Perry 85. PORTABLE -- television y $45.5 FITTER four hours Allan Thomp: ings. k shop, town water. cara Electrics $69.1 1 Three' monia SPARE TIME 20TH CENTURY 10.7330 p.m. end ; -KIND eorge Twoites 723-2008 | wor $5,500. a ruin orm Joh MONEY MAKER FOOD LTD. : nm Saturdoy. Please write ONE-OF-A Bult te | Soames raaszos | Price $5, S CALL: warranty. Trio 9. No money down, ler ar vue TC recachionial TECHNICIAN or ; Box Se ique, custom- , ks 728- ER HOUR | ah No money down, praia see se - recep 'a lars to RI This unique, cust d on Cruikshanks AFT "8562 tee nar amir fi ge your spare. time, simeniting | RECEPTIONIST o af rane eo droulic sys | f5935, Oshowa Timer: erravine Tor" Ideally suited | [twin Cruikshank 725.9343 | Tin Vipond 998.9173 used, rentals, service, your spare time, et olish= eed derslis; to Box 2 xperienced in hydrou a es 69239. ESTATE LTD. a ravine lot. family, tine Ed Drumm "5638 Alvin Puckrin 668-3172 Hamilton, Ragian. ae ae : ith our special po Tims, pre eames |: id components. Sor REAL for the smaller family, : iv 623- lin Wilkon 42 Lp. shaven "anes sate cecmalions ing machine. No. experience can Aa i en cage ge oe 155 SIMCOE ST. $. | for th yin living oom and | Mel Dale 723-1358 |_Doug Winstanley 655.36 PHOTO MLS REALTOR 3 v I 8 n you. th, i heldpful, in 38 in livi . e e ; foie or eae : oa on ved in in Tele. (gerogome. ego experince Pea. ie, Canale of weting if STUDENTS- 723-8144 Lieto This ovely home | Mara Holl 723-1358 KEITH 725-4841 ing Centre, 38 Bon t SALE. Ray White will pi Tele- but not ni aan » etc, to ervised, ie - is lovely ho Mike 0201 ° ASPARAGUS FOR Por pee, ae Must have good i 728- |Reply. stating a Tietes. -----| field on. installations. real ACCOUNTS and screens, Tas? sq. ft. of Reg Aker aoe ee 4 HITBY wen see -- phone MR, JOSEPH, SOMA te wath alae Fool Bee lent fringe benefits. IN- ae BRICK and STONE paige oll i Ae ey Bill McFeeters 725-1 WALNUT STREET, WHITBY aa rstEte ST eT Sypes of i ne 0291. : Hable, steaey "employment ri West phone: We palin ite fourth year glee lad land va . egg Hel ieadis 20, Slee 2 4 bedroom 11% lee $1 6 MATTRE: Smooth-top ma' ~- N fal tel Lancaster, mencing firs' i! be : completely % tial areas. Call Bill ice clean home. f Wressesy 20. Coriced, $7.88) mat. ALO Bete Be ----_ Y LT eference wi Ravine lot | rec ised at $27,900. i | -7328 | nice cle s. Call - Idso rests for. 'bunk, Bede "Hey reurnt MAUTy SAL axaURieNCeO acy --aamnina street N. D pial Cite planning a scaped, Se lg liy- Knight fae IN as lis | REALTY NG &T. EAST ae eon seas, tresses 19.88. Wilson's r EXP. ly 1120 Simcoe § . giv * . counting. patio, br ' . 725-3606 evenings. | KIN y Wisnme is cots complete, $ F op. wages. Apply arise Il Supervisor reer in public accou room, patic oii VAI Gdio. 9474 or 103 ture, 20 Church Stree eye lS : ortunity, good | E CONSIDERING a Ferre Persone ee ee handwriting to ing room, interc Gu. OWN Raaltor FOUR ACRES FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $29. Excellent opp rs, |YOU AR I) the Studio Girl 1 AX Apply in ow ' ilt-in stove and oven, $4,000 D barn ;FIBERGLAS FENDERS fr parts. 'Be é fon a giations/ 6 divans, Sper NY net ea ee Shuate BIH an AJ s Selby and Company Built-in stove double ot-. | DUPLEX--$4, ae Whihomne ides 8 Oot heute, "and up. New and generators. ue Tee location. diate posses- ager tor full detal * 576-1301, +9 am. Burrow: t West, giving ble sink in kitchen, : for If-contained units TTAGES -- 2 at Wi Include int shed. Only built starters and ge 2. sinks, Immedi samples. Telephone - --| 323 King Street f educa- d garage. Carries fo Two se td building locat- R altor co both furnished, one and __impleme Wiersma = |son ets GLAS WS Reasonable price and evenings. ed ae complete details 0 tached g ly. Call Shirley a 10 year old | tance of e Point, bo' ka Hentbee. $13,500. Call Idso t 3 SHEETS eee ee 2 sare a2: 4940 or 668-6272 _ WAITRESS neevienD aie rag tees ENT | ton and experience ee 'eases ed bes earl all furnish- 1363 Simcoe St. N. with age pita here 728-5683. : . 57 St. : oN i f it ba te door, * Bi a 2 mort door 6" Oey VARIETY store. ett is ear over. sail tle 7 URGENT PROOFREADER oe 'AST OSHAWA corer incl ided sane 'on 725-1 109 ieee JINGALOW ~~ with # BEOROOMS t+ 2 11x 2 ff, 107 6 ff. Bors, 2 ft. 10x 6 ft. 97 bE ag ee an, part UTO inti E ies jarage with ad- RANCH BUNG ' with carpor LA RENE Me ARI Ate eee best' offer. 'Long lease av 54, Oshawa ENCED REPAIR wo worar jephens| AN "A! MECHANICS ired by local printing ice $15,500. Carrie is a 3 carg Inspect ; roge and breeze Large home room, 2 ft. 6x Off. 5.286 Albert St. 725-2062 7 best o Write Box M700 cleaning plant, Tel CLASS "A" M d- Require: y lene, Full price eeainmi live itional work area. PROPERTIES attached garoge apple, laces, panelled rec ro Bas, Id transistorize: awa area. ss time, for dry i ith G.M, pro i Must be exper: 5 monthly, 3 bedr Gee ditio all to Vern OUNTRY creation room, fireplaces, rate dining BARGAIN? Ome vento record player, 1 SOS nee WP restaur i TET en eT mre Preferably wi ike in firm. aiAdant. $85 mi phen 12! 11". this now by a c 23. G ily way, rei freakin the 2 workrooms, sepa 4 "WS oabire: 'are "Compined Akins TRiviieg Fish canny JA, eee |CADY WITH © Raaly callesipe. barks uct experienge to, wor sie. Apoly ERAT PRINTERS ing room i 157". Tex is Morton at 728-9474 or 7 Savaral ii a as eat plumb benhar itd ord eS iz. poem Falle dephegied nn "jhundred LP's and Br Phone STeaiOS Ail Ponaoratie -otlers Sie Fisanclallasiery. snd Oshawa Times. poe establishe tles anst Of Osh: LTD ete 25. Call Shirley Mos- worth while lo 725-1109 or 2) landscaped, loco Soe 'lof music. Price $250. ae ae tg NOT Peden toe sal rties, |Box 69910, k, mature per- located 75 miles e CO. ' only $225. LD Lloyd Lafoy at 900. dof town, Close 'Approx. 45 x ing hea 19 interested pa FOR HOTEL des, mature per. ; S E YEAR O : y Ranch en t call Gord THREE storm windows. / On ceed tech Guha rites. |CLERK et the public, u-| awa. ; tions 57 Simcoe kal. ON awe 655-4479. 4 i RIVE -- Ranc appointmen I PeeWee rRovicaL--aeaertad sel Baad coe She tig ile Yo"type, and cash and psa fa naw taeitien Ging ina ah tart wae Ger ee | cousleeciai x 192" on | This 3. bedroom dition New | $8 cttes 9 miles out. $57,- secaghl aay had Ps So | Chorlten 738-8569. FRENCH ide, complete with wal- OSHAWA, "sim oni, Bi) eorent aed tele eh ion a7 King street West, in new facilities. sion | BX' Sicaiy week, Deri Senaurat ing, 99 x 192', on in excellent condition. ear lodge hall. 9 mi psy ne ce bath off master AY MENT [Ramarao otc te, "Utes fires included, 819.900. Terme. aa or Hotel "Lancaster, 2 nce, hopsital and > [Pickering Village, No, 2. Highwey, C-2 Zoning, Whitby at pre- hrubbery, fenced-in 800 1 Haig niece Bate living and ee ee .|nut veel cha Hos $850. 576-0184, fixtures dota Hope, hee Real Oshawa " i wages negotiable a peer 9 Ee e3| Main street of ha hoiske shru @ among the extras s, trout stream, trail- bedroom, L shape ia faa homes from whic : 'lias velve -- ia Bowmanvile 308, W. Fran be ng honk: Wee csing dut- cording to eaivietss ATELY. euler has, territories for pcre ted sent ene So sags par adit ded in the asking price - oath 'site. 12 miles' out. dining oe ei ex pn tha located Lp aha 9--Marke a Estate Lim ITY, Own your | children 6 p.m. Light Mas erg CONTACT U re ere, Faure Gen make fas ee with a jal. Coll Frank f $18,900. Call to-nig 30.000. tures. 1900. by, 2 in Oshawa. Ac ' APPLES) "2nd arade "Mcinioah, nth, INESS OPPORTUN US aakem gril ER Bae gk Eg VIDSON Bt eS 10 Yeu Tand, th potential. ° Dointment to inspect, $30, Spring fed streams. Exceptional Ys won't last long, Reus, 2nd grade Algoma Bus oF arnt JAC Beles lac cake Sala t be over 16, . H. DA 1h ee eee ne: | ren an_appointme m. 30 acres. Spr ATE SALE -- Exe these, . they 728- Ing own containers. own business largest in its "§ HELPER, mus conven!- Hialeah lB ala Ahelony Mestd McCann. r ofter 5 p.n 12 miles out. EST. ent block d Charlton N., Whitby. ational firm, unity to sin-| MOTHER'S Mt, modern' convent: 'ORS LTD. homes, industrial a me 728-9474 oO} Bill $24,000. d and structed cem Call Gor Ovcatas Thickson Rel inteen id floor opport t com: nsible girl, al Nect.. Thornhil MOT! RIO |farms, "rural and summer p 7 S$ ind ask for Bush land a well con th 2 load- ners fers groun rson. Produc | respol room. Call co LFORD, ONTA Jestablishments," ru training available. KEEWATIN ST. ' 725-3606 a 23 acres. 4. riillas ding 26 x 40 wi 8569. a Itry cere, tnauatrious ding. trade. No money | lences, own CAMPBEL A Mies. Must have car, training King St rane briek: re d. $16,000. building fice space 16 x | 85 ae |9A--Eggs & Pou alible to the building trade. No money 889-6501. ST for small 653-2020 Apply Don Stradeski Realtor, Immaculate 3 be: ¢ Knight. cleared. ine perp, office 92 & VIEW ; HH" ~DAILY -- Ls rite to Box eferences | PER - TYPI abil- | Apply : ne Ly P.ILT. Inspec : a ther 23 x . SCENIC * [eee rate pat et lo Times, Whitby, siving bank ri - |BOOKKEEPE golly rela lg LIFEOUARDS" WANTED. Apsiy_Tgi carries Ee ask for Helen i 3. 48 acre farm, ieaaly batter 24 we jy Y% of an ocre. New 3-bedroom home with at lees on eainae at store or home, and complete resume, _ KING busi A poiy in own nces to Box 6057 E Pure reeaeos sans rare today! e. Apple orchar situate ake an offer, rage on large com- bhicoeade COMPLETE AUTO WRECKING 12,000 Xperience and refere Park, Telephone 4 Baoant, & 0 hous ove. $48,000. 7 Inspect and mi tached garag lot incihe 10--Farmers' Column Se Forintive Setey Guiding 'with Oshawa Times, Retail hardware store estab- | 72 aie rr 1 ceaitons : EST-END OSHAWA McMu an : agai se Asking $19,500 pletely cage Shien D CRIPPLED farm stock pick: Trae sibihaaa ese Rallrend on pr 'ail HOUSED Rhed 96 aa requires ex- WaIRsTY salary. a eee WEST- bw.8 bee ND Gate carcale B will large Toned: Mecle North wo - hanied |DEAD AND CRIPPLED nea Farm, large overhead Tafeniatlon please kes {Permanent lished 20 y able of land feat rand Joseph's Hairstylists, Detached bunga low, é. REALTOR 10 acre pa ' hi: 9 ynilen 15 ACRE Lo fe end ea. This home is $d up Promptly. Margw' ton 263° SUG Brae e geal cutie Reatty 13-1629. ienced mon cap tel Duniee Wer Witter tae bart ct kitchen, spa tream. $7,500 each. rtly workable grea. d has a na- Tyrone. ance Wonca eke Ne lea be Stes --Male Help Wanted _ abs purchasing. Voge poh 104 Dundas W., Sie livin TOsin, completed PINEWOOD STREET as ge Grove, seal secretly @ Rann vardhon \2 1--Pe t ot & Livestock poe IGHT. Take - Out Food |] 8M position, all benefits. Rep! papttinty, Hye down pay- One peer old: hun atoray brick Cottages lake Somes os partly ce pedal dhe with lovety : --! tlets rec if t Lee, age > 1c . or com z moreno oe ERVICES -- Conan iinet Mri Are You Fed-Up DALE'S HARDWARE FRUITS || enti or hers 198" bothwosms with vonty | without 4 tp : inthe Courtice Maple Grove | complete p cured. Will tke 5 les our 5; 15,000 to $20.1 Lid., 320 R 3 SALE. 1% _ bathroo ': . ANYTIM in 8-7328. ent required. f Clipping, all breeds, id delivery; poard- bean! alae Maa of Canada la . h Brant St. 42% RE THLY ree large bedroom CALL ea, Call 72 paym balance o} clalty. Free pick-up Douemnen Pinchers Chicken Ren' Averwe W., eee With The 367 Bran : ES $29 MONTHL and three dor moving 725-1109 nee NDY- over mortgage on terms. ing and training. Dober ies for sale. Seeiwewan AV phone 857-6863, ¢ lington, Ont. CARRI ick bungalow |o- Must be sold, ven oa -- FOR THE HA ments with good terms. Bechet Rie eee" ae RE Ts re ? Burlington, Five room brick bung: Fin- town. Telephone n VALU ranch bunga- poy 6664 Dees Rew Cree code 264. einen uly Pressure : S rthwest Oshawa. Fi i. Gua ete. iN | U2BGEC4, BOR SALE tec yearaid aiftee eT ae Parsha. ait : aan VEG cated no! late lot for appointmen B. acancy «finished: ofa shh Deh ance Tin es free Tein, " crue ee arin, WB] An independent 1.G.A. Super. CLASS "A E | completely lendscoped im- | fr, Band Co, 'Reciter, | Advertise vail pcages end bath instelled ond 7328 [SORE, SOMRTHINGY Place 5 io 4 ee BOARDED. sBovaht and. sold, Tule, trainee, ane bean meter er aries Maat READ AND USE TH per et y possession. Call Me ffon ig reg Lathe Times Sioned oedite suas a we present. 728-7 Sar ue ax aaeetiar today, Reasonable 'rate: = 0504," ires a fully ANIC me or 729-0294 cies h roomers i werticulors: : rowed ; i oskal, rl ini wate for full po gg ge es Mianway, Manse: at aus em- MECH MARKET cto M. to.9 P.M on Pi Sait Na Phone 723-3492 Ing. io uM, ion' + 623-5893. ir wee! A 9 AM, I setithi you writer now. tlt Saal ld EARLING coll, chestnut TIMES ACTION _ 440 -- excellent starting 74 SIMCOE ST. S. ge HS O.D.R.E.B. Bint akude torn Atvarttor Sestnay imor > ADS Or eee oe 725-0512 BASKET " 728-4028, eve a SIF salary, -- fares, pu int Sie yy SP vei SELL +++] Reply to Box M6977 a ie herds, tg RP, Western saddles, Skt... and ie seunan. clothing. Ashburn. 655-4669. : SELL onwaniedaPilas Preset lfor Action, Oshawa Times fied ads daily, and SELL ..«