Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Jun 1967, p. 17

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6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER 'op Record-Holder in Masters' dividual Championship Play) BIDDING QUIZ You are the dealer, neither je vulnerable, and have open- | the bidding with Spade. artner responds Three Spades. hat would you bid now with ch of the following five inds? @AQT2Z YAKIS $92 4863 @KQ63 YQIS @QI7 HA04 @KQ042 YAQ O75 HAQSS A98752 Y4 AQIS HA 10: OKQI6 YKQH $KQI2 HT 1, Four spades. There should - no reluctance about con- acting for game. Partner in- cates a hand worth 13 to 15 ints in support of spades. It ould be wrong to bid four arts in an effort to find a bet- fe He EO i (SG a I oo. eee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, June 9, 1967 17 A A a i mh Us sR A A, SOE RAE A RY a, is HAR nH sO EH 'mI By THE CANADIAN PRESS | a : | s s s oni uin*tr-c'aw'e: NeW Report Gives Statistics ries pref. $1.19; 5.13 - per - cent pref. $1.29, July 15, record June CONTRACTS BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP)-- | The number of construction con- |tracts awarded in Ontario dur- TODAY'S STOCKS | sosiness sPOTLIGHT Quotations in cents unless marked $. 1z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw----Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale, MINES Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Accra 2000 (94 94 M4-- 'h Advocate 100 285 285 285 +15 | Agnico 750 160 160 1 Ang U Dev 500 68 68 68 Ansil 1900 7% 7% 7% Argosy 1500 95 95 95 Armore 1900 18 #18 #1 --T BL Hawk 2200 27 «27 «127 Brou! Reef 3000 31 31 31 +2 Brunswk 200 615 615 615 --10 Calmor 18 1000 4 4 49 +71 Cam Mine 4500 26 26 Camflo Camp Chib 180 710 710 710 +18 | Tung 900 186 186 186 --3 Cdn Keely 2000 7 7 7 C Lencourt 3000 11 WW, Cdn Nisto 1250 22 22 22 Comb Met 1666 17 16 16% INDUSTRIALS Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Abitibi 175 $10% 104 10% + Ve Acklands 300 $814 8% 8% + Va! Alta Gas T 140 $367 367% 367% Alta Gas w 300 850 850 850 Algo Cent 100 $84 8% Alumin 2p 105 $42% 42 42\a-- Ve Anglo-c pr 100 $19'% 19% 1914 + % Anthes A 750 $242 24% 24Va Atl Sugar 675 $10% 10% 10% + Ve Bank Mii 80 S642 64 bh + Bank N $ 515 $142 14% 14% Beaver L 25 $374 37% 37% Becker Bp 205 8 $8 Bell Phne 1489 $50% 50% 50%» Bow Valy 100 $13. 13) 13) 1%) Brazilian 300 $12%4 12% 1214 | Brdg Thnk p 730 $42 42 42 BA Oil 275 $36 % % | BC Suger 250 $362 36% 3614-- % BC Phone 55 $652 654 65% BCPh 5% p 608107 10) 101 Br Intl Fin 150 190 190 190 6" | 1 0 +% Calgary P 115 $22 22 2 + Ma] Can Cem p 18 $2314 2294 2314 | Modern Pulp Mill, Town 'eit gaze' Rise Out Of Quebec Bush By KEN SMITH Canadian Press Business Editor LEBEL - SUR - QUEVILLON, Que. (CP)--A $76,000,000 pulp mill, billed as the largest and most modern in Eastern Can- ada, is shaking itself into full production in this one-time northern wilderness. Built during the last two years by Domtar Ltd. of Montreal, the mill is the first in the East to include a full-scale plant pro- By 1970, the site is expected to have 5,000 population. The mill now employs almost 300 people, backed by a wood- lands force of another 1,100 workers. Domtar officials, who recently conducted a two-day press tour of the site, say there are two basic points that make the mill unusual. HIGHLY AUTOMATED First, it is highly automated the climate, Domtar officials es-| timate they have enough wood- cents, July 14, record June 30.| land to operate in perpetuity. | The mill is also expected to;mon 5 cents, June 30, record mark the beginning of a small| June 15. social revolution in Quebec woods. Traditionally, woods|\common 15 cents; pref. 3714|in Canada. The new information| investors, | workers have been housed in|cents, July 1, record June 16.| ¥8S gathered in a special sur- At this site, however, several cutters now are living jing the first five months of 1967 was up five per cent from the corresponding period last OTTAWA (CP)--The govern-)goods worth $2,750,000,000 and saniaitive Mitte S id ies ment published Thursday a/had imports of $2,680,000,000, for; Randall said Thursday batch of new statistics about a trade surplus of $70,000,000. | Speaking at the official open- the operations and financing of| Seventy-seven per cent of the| ing of a $4,000,000 research cen- large foreign-owned companies imports came from - the U.S. | tre for the Steel Co. of Canada, in Canada. and 63 per cent went to the U.S.|Mr. Randall also said employ A 75-page report issued by the Net profits of the subsidiaries | Ment in the province during the trade department. lists the ag-|rose to $787,00,000 in 1965 from|first four months of the year cle sou er 1 gh ur. /$750,000,000 the previous year,|W8S Up 2.7 per cent over last chases in 1964 an 5 reporte year. common 15 by 820 subsidiaries, each with| Of $362,200,000 paid in _com- "Also of interest to steel man- : jpany dividends in 1965, $37,100,-| ' . . assets exceeding $5,000,000. 000, representing 9,7 per cent of | Ufacturers is that Canada's ex- Most of these firms, wholly-|the total. was paid to Canad |penditures on new and repair owned by foreign interests, do|The rest was Satiitetad aiveny machinery and equipment are National Grocers Co. Ltd.,/0t publish financial statements | [United States and other foreign ps gage tt ae Frage ied 30; 6-per-cent pref. $1.50; 4%- | bd , PF Yow id per-cent $1.09, August 1, 'On Foreign Subsi larles July 17; ordinary 65 cents, in- crease of 5 cents; 5%4-per-cent pref. $1.44; 44-per-cent $1.12; | 4.84-per-cent pref. 30% cents,| July 1, record June 16. Canadian Food Products, first pref. 75 cents; second pref. 75 leents, July.1, record June 22. Cominco Ltd., 80 cents, de- |crease of 10 cents, July 17, rec- ord June 16. Dominion Dairies, | Marchant Mining Co., com- og said. Dividends payments to Cana-| 'And Ontario will account for bunkhouses near the cutting| Occidental Petroleum Corp.,|Vey Started a year ago. di ' P sispal stag PES = ians rose by 27 2 - i sites, getting home every few 29 cents U.S. funds, July 18, rec-| SHOWS SURPLUS leaeetgel 1963, while those| crease of this expected in- months. ord June 19. ; The 1965 figures show that the|to foreign investors rose eight| A text of his speech was Te Penmans Ltd., 6-per-cent pref. reporting subsidiaries exported |per cent. in the $1.50, August 1, record July 4.|-- _leased in advance of delivery. - Coniagas 1000 50 48 50 ducing almost all the chemicals|and designed h i t driving to w ch day! " | : : r trump suit because partner : eh a ot | Cdn Grew 5 $7% THe Me Vo a 4 an esigned so the various| town, driving to work each day! Premier Trust Co., $2.00, July | ight interpret this as 'sade eee is aes a | C Brew Ap 0 $4) al Hl jneeded in pulp production. steps in turning logs into pulp|in buses. About half of the 200 1, record June 16. BOND MARKET Chai St P fits D li g interest in a slam. We can- Se amen Oe ae es CPOs as a ws 45 |G When the mill achieves capac-|can be controlled through a few,|homes to be built during the Shell Investments Ltd, 5'-) pop oung oc me In ore roll ecline t afford to do this with a Con Negus 4600 35 3414 344+ Vo Cdn Equty 280 310 310 310 -- 5 jity production of 750 tons day--| large panels. It makes wide-|next year have been marked for per-cent pref. 271% cents, July 1, | TORONTO AGE ea ene: wpe 8 inimum opening bid, RTH A SE mag JAM I a it es Fe gat Waconia trent rin od bear er big italia Fa oe a | oe Consumer Cr ticlsm 5 hekk none Ble hid CT ee ee ak a | iL we se, a «+ fi more than $30,000,000 worth of| vision so a few operators can|number are expected to become} Tancord Industries Lid., pref. eighth to one-quarter of a point 1t1Cl , ree ump. is bi Cop Man 2000 -23:«'23.S 28 + | © Marcon 1060 $5% 5% 81% gross sales annually to Dontar's| watch several operations. | full-time town residents the fol-/§ cents, July 31, record July 14.)!" quiet trading Thursday. | TORONTO (CP)--Last year's|profit in the y d ves partner a choice between Craigmt 235 $11% Ti% 11% CPR 3615 $70"2 70) 702 | | accounts. About 75 per cent is} When it is at capacity, output lowing year. | Trans-Canada Corp., common|, Short - term Government of |; dagseg ty n the year Seen, Dare aying the hand in spades or oa) RR BE ca CPR Plies ae suere suet tvs 4 | to be exported | will th daily f ' | Ne a Canada bonds were unchanged |'Titicism of supermarkets for|18 was $9,424,804 or $1.16 a : : , D'Eldona 1000 150 150 150 +2 | C Utilities 400 $38V2 38% 38¥2+ 2) '0 F 0 : will average three tons daily for; Although Domtar has assumed 10 cents, July 1, rec rd June 16. |~* ry . ; share compared with $10,655,576 trump. Nine tricks might De done tf ay lay se 1 3| C Westing 120 $71% 421% 21%--%| The project, located 300 miles | each hourly rated mill worker--| responsibility for the townsite,| B.C. Telephone Co., common|With the 4¥4-per-cent April 1,|the high cost of food was not . ; ravi ove easier to make than ten Dicknsn 700 330 330 330 Chemeell 0 Sus av ay {north of Montreal, includes aj about double, Domtar says, the! it a it does wes ise ne kee 65 cents ay ' record June 16. 1968, issue closing at 99.70 bid fair because all levels of gov- ye yt ro fir yee artner's hand is also th Discovry 300-120 ,120 120 +4 i --%| i : : Soity eed Bes de : 4 pa pl Peake! i! a 80-aske : : year. was the first decline Phe type. . Dome 140 $474 47% ATV pstabillly ' 7 A a ae Ma pone beiphiord poor haga a productivity of 10 years ago. jit a company town. Houses are TRUCK IMMOBILIZED ey pheflgcat 1s a ork ernments contributed to infla-jin profit since 1960. Partrer sill' waually fetura to Boeke $00 $10¥8 | 10¥2) Ove Cominco" 1037 $32 3% 3v4--1 | PUM CE Maly ah ath nh _ Secondly, the integrated chem-/being sold to employees as BOSTON Bich a (CP) -- A sate ak aah ea Wie tion themselves, Dominion! Its sales rose 5.8 per cent to Poi hs gel gre gor A a Frobex BO a ec | Come Be ae |e ee a tee! pleat parr ape aes quickly as possible, at prices eck attica Pag 'nately Uicercent Hedy aes Pe ain Stores Ltd. says in its annual|$543,500,000, but profit per sales atures he has which make the Sienn Exp 2000 ar ar "e a Bees Ft as 7 86 a * |chureh' and hospital. : Fenilire ghipmenty or tay & mine me ety ee the road while a blackbird that closing at 8644 'bid 'and 86% | ere supermarket chain, with ae eras pig: 'ee ay for game in a suit more oldrim 1500 33° 32' 32+ | Cons Gas 1660 $18 18 18 Si wR SMSO ----|sulphur chemicals and_ salt eae had nested in the engine|asked : : | See ne Oe ye e201 s r : -- . ; ; s e 3 380 stores and 57 more under|low i tractive. but he ma ite Gradore 7000 22 20% 20¥2 | Corby vt 75 $29 «29 : Rackon 7 . Domtar has an agreement by é : mip ye am Boe ; 2 erilowest since 1961. cs ie ae cut San em th] cet, 2 Yt +") Contemot Charge |Sicc a Goserich On. (Nhe It will buy back the CEE ee ee ee eer ce toms -™! (construction, anys fond. steres| Dominion Stores says pubtie : Granisle 100 565 565 565 Cygnus A 1100 385 375 375 | 4 ; ' ' |houses of employees who move)?" Po ibe tose as the final link in the chain|pressure about food prices 3. Four clubs, Here we should Hesdway 900016166 | Cygnus B 25 $8 8 8 Th t | The plant is expected to have | out within a specified time. of food distribution, came in for|meant that through most of the wren sy mine mild inter- Hollinger 1070 $25%4 25m 25% + a| Dale Ross 100 Sete te see tal rea o Lown roe excess capris: 50d chlors| The town comicll and 'schoo! L ] R h the bulk of criticism and ad-|winter retail beef prices in su- ; tee Seat os ae fi Im Bibs' T 1000 50" $0 $0 -+2| Dome. rete 250 $56, OS -- i|_ TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- ie slant were "designed by |o2td ee arge tee esealc entre ie i owe mn. Tt i : Joutel 1100 70 "70 7 +3) Do Bridge 4%) Sim 11% 1% + %|General Arthur Wishart told the! ¢ hapinearini afl , but elections are to be riticism. led to consumer below cost. Bas ode lh gl aga iam Kotla 100 5 298. «STS | D°Eleciro 300 $1484 14% Mase -- | Ontario legislature Thursday| Vancouver. ee Md. of held in November, 1968. Offi ; ll 0 d Th d boycotts and protests and to) The report blames higher : ? hb Kerr Add 1432 $16 15% 16 | Born Glass HH fie ae ey uu |he doesn't plan to investigate! Decision to locate. tt in 2s . 1Cla y pene urs! ay parliamentary hearings on the|truck and rail costs, higher ments may have the A-K of Kid Coper 500 59 59 59 + 2! Dom Store 305 $17% 17% 17%--%|reports that a magistrate has|here was bane con il bility : / cost of food. jtaxes and higher benefits and amonds even with partner bab Bin 1) a Bk at ML Domtar #5 sis 16 16 + "threatened to charge the townlof black spr sss plete ility | PRODUCE BURLINGTON, Ont. (CP)--|pany mills at Hamilton, a few) Dominion Stores says its net|wages for. the profit decline. ving a maximum three spade Leiteh 1 ie ae as | Ree Be ee ee | i lack. spruce, regarded by| The Steel Co. of Canada, the|miles west, is tested with elec-| Dupont 325 $33% 33% 334--%|0f Southampton with contempt! paper men as the source of th | | ; | . bistae oe 8 ie Ty 1 aon 395 $85% 85% 85% + lof court. beateciaalle 1 of the; TORONTO (CP)-- Wholesale| country's largest steel producer, |tron microanalyzers and televi-| The four club bid gives part- Macatee ee a + | Fam rey 3 $35 34Ve 3 45| Eddie Sargent (L -- Grey CUTHING RIGHTS to retail carton eggs average| officially opened its $4,000,000| sion microscopes in the labora-| NOW IS THE TIME r the opportunity to cuebid Mattgmi 525 $1414 14% 1414 Ford Cnda 20 $1384 138 1384+ %|/North) said that according t i ; weighted prices quoted by the/iron and steel research centre|tory to determine its quality) L Fi : Mc Adam 2000 42 4 4 ker 36Ve Agar : ccording to a} Domtar has cutting rights on|agricult d ' i i iva ; TO CALL amonds. This method of pin- i nh iow 8 oe oul oe ee aan ft press report Magistrate 0. C.|about 9.000 il griculture department as of|Thursday, the first of its size|and composition. inting strength is superior in Midri 25800 58 54 57 «+3 SL Power 200 $224 224 22h |McClevis of Walkerton threat- roandin ] nd. Mo aba $0 per oo aa ee mak aie wae Ga Mladen dakosheshie are pede e present deal to the use of falta $n tay TH] St kite «25 Samm. ae a lened the town with the charge| cent er ghee nt nut ye black OE wee ee ee ee ee ase ar ote sb Fie rindi Aaa ackwood to learn how many eu ae eG | Greyhnd | raete $254 24 25% pecnes Af & almsels Orie EC & unre. current cutting is black} Eggs: Wholesale price to | making pilot plant where pro- | costly methods of producing '@) olways ready to serve you. es partner has. He may eas- pee Cal ins Be Bi 2 | Home A 860 $19% 19% Aling privileges. [ae ai a dland {country stations fibre cases|cesses worked out in the adjoin-) steel, between 15 and 20 per Fuel Oil Budget Plan Availeble + have a hand with one ace Nye oo ay tae nae eg | Homme Pit 580 eee -- ve| --------__ | operation is b Feed ip $0 AOR oe pre ae Doc ne laboratories can: We Dap to [Sent et the Feseareh in He Der OVER 40 YEARS EXPERIENCE! at provides twelve sure N impr! es a5 a0 35 +15 | HB OM Gas 275 $34¥a 34% 3412 -- VA! c h li R maak ot saitneent' tateine - Lang cg Rakin ial egg|practical test. | centre will be pure research. icks, or a hand with two aces emir é -- 'Al Husky Oil 2440 $16 16 16 # achat , it ealers: Extra large 35; large; About 85 per cent of its find-| The centre will probably cost re eae ee m viene me Nk, | Muy Dw a Oe om +f atholic Robes epecay pelet, ver - size|34; medium 27-28; small 21; B)ings would be available to the| about $1,500,000 to operate an-| Cc. ioks. Norbaska m0 % r) % imp Tob 450 $14%4 44 MM Brou ht Colo Gh woud oy carry ; 0 ~-- 29-30; C 25-26. : : jwhole steel industry, and it/nually, but the company ex-) i Rie ioades, 'Whatever vale re a PS Ind Accept 320 923% 23% Ve g I the eet igh veal ol toads from} Butter: Canadian Dairy Com-|might even do research pro-|pects to recover part of this) COAL & King St. W ata faa Dtacinane Norpax Nek cat Inglis 300 $1236 12% 12% OTTAWA (CP) 'tiie, seakin ail ing sites directly to the yearned tenderable carlots:|jects for other steel companies | from the federal government un-| SUPPLIES = m9i0 . ve ' ' orca' Inland G 50 $11% WY 11% +aN¥ S J om: 4 * | i 39 sco , yi rm of high. cards, distribu- psi Tag on as pad Ee eieas 726 8510. 10. $10 | | 802 robes of a Roman Catholic| It is expected the mill will eat jae +i a . "hen eathiced at the com- ape gig = mn, or a combination of both, N. Rank 1000 27.27 7 + we ala 2900 $105¥5 pee ee (,| prelate brought a touch of color | up. about 500,000 cords of wood | : ------ : : is highiy unlikely that two N Rock 4000 34 34 34 +2) intpr Pipe $680 $21% 2% 21% + %4| Thursday to the 93rd general|a year. Even with a regrowth icks will be lost. No cere- Opemske m0 be oe Im Piety ane Be Oe ws 340 | assembly of the Presbyterian|cycle of 100 years, caused by onies are necessary. You bid Pamour 500 204 204 204 4+ 4 Int Grp A. 2675 $9% 9% 9% + %| Church in Canada. | i U | Y) 3 7 - mat you think you can make, fae we a | ee oe ae ee | moderator Jolie togen 5 Four sotrome: With all tt Placer GS $36 3536 1 | ett 30036035 |vencta, introducing the Most : : | Tisdale yd hae Preston 1175 $21 21 «21 +%! Keily'D A 100 490 490 490 +5)|Rev. Sergio Pignedoli, apos- werful intermediate cards we Purdex 500 8 8 8 +4] Latarge 40 $13% 13% 13% + %4|tolic delegate to Canada, said: |... ORONTO (CP) -- Western ve in three suits, it seems Pyramid 200 370 370 370 +5| LOnt'Cem 650 475 a5 475 + 5 | 0, ceegale to Canada, said: | gis and golds advanced in light hl ible that @ Matta 10550 161 157 1599 +1 Laura Sec 100 $13 13 13 --% This is an historic occasion, | traqi ghly possible that partner Quente. 2000 4 4% ath Lau F125 150 $124 12% 12%+%!What John Knox would have | "2ding on the Toronto Stock Ex- ay have three aces for his Bornes a 2 a eS ined 'F Levy 100 $192 19% Ws have said under similar circum- change Thursday. mp to three spades. This pos- Ric Rope tepsion 10a 102 | Levy B pr it Se 7% 7% {stances I hesitate to predict.' |_,2U980n's Bay Oil rose to 34% bility should be investigated. Rio Alg €w 150 $21 21 2) | Lob Co B 2000 $8 7% 8 +%| 'The apostolic delegate told|*ie! annoucing its crude - oil artner's. response to th Roman 432 $20%4 20% 20% +2) Lob Co pr 40 $7 42 42 +8 cone gate told) and natural iqui P ae ee. Ryanor 100 No Loeb M 800 $12% 129% 12% the Presbyterians that unity |2%4 Natural-gas liquids output ackwood bid is five spades, Sherritt 300 430 425 430 mB Ltd 730 $28Ve 2828 was above all a question of| {tis year will increase between owing three aces, we carry ae Oe eg | eee mt Fe eae ee heart and spirit and "therefore |S°ve", and eight per. cent. | willingly to six. If the re- Slivma 1000 274 272 27 ae 4 thd ae eae the spirit of friendship in which Pacific Petroleum rose % to onse is five hearts, showiag Siscoe 750 $80 4 so --5| Merc 7000 300 300 | you invited me and the spon- 15, Shell Canada % to 28 and 0 aces, we stop at fiv Stanrck m . Molson A 250 $23% 23% 23% + %) + ; rue SPON-! nome % to 56%. : Pp . Sud Cont 2000 21% 21% 214--%| Mont Trst 150 $162 16% 16¥2 taneous joy which filled my = . ades. Sullivan 2 30 as en = 8 | Moore 752 $28%4 28 28Ve heart in accepting your invita- I racing ro ae ae Some people insisr that a ey eo ae fg Ot ee ee tion is a sign of this increasing | {"dustries down % to 33%, Bank t --1]- Morse B pr 75 $55, 55. 55 ity." Blof Montreal % to 69 ayer with no aces cannot ini- Tex-Sol 2000 20% 20¥4 20% tain 500 $5%% 58a Si unity. ntreal %4 to 69% and te the Blackwood sonvanton. Tribag 7000 110110 110 --3 | Net Drug 100 Sli7e 11% 11% -- Ve Se --______. |Stelco % to 23. Fi : U Mining = $0030.30 30 + 1 | Nat Trust 250 $18% 18¥2 18¥2 | Uraniums were up with Deni- ere is very little merit to Un. Keno 310 595 590 595 5 on $6%4 6% 6% | Tr Can Pw 25 820 $20 620 ch a theory. A slam js a slam West Mine 1300 335 330 330 +5 | NB Tel 120 $15%2 15% 15! Trans Mt 2965 $19%4 18% 18% --%4|SON ahead % to 72, Preston avaa ane I h White Star 5000 27% 27' 27%4-- | Nia Wire B 100 $18 18 18 -- 1 Un Carbid 200 $20% 20% 20% |to 20%, Rio Algom % to 34 and Player has no Wilco 500 36%a 36% 36¥a + Ya! Noranda 594 $51%4 51 51% +58) Un Gas 2000 $12% 12% 124--%| Roman C. Y, to 201 eS, Windfall 3200 24 22'4 2 Nor cil @ 310 $11 17 «1 Union Ol 400 $37. «37-37 n Corp. % to 20%. Xai toed 4 "a ms a -1 | bd Aah 100 si eo io vp Auer 2 au. a5 as | Among speculatives Bruns- Yukon € 2000 103 102 103 +2) Ont Store 750 325 325 325 | Versatd 0 36° Se Oy y,|wick lost 5 cents to 6.25 after Zenmac 500 24 24 24 +1! Oshawa A 106 $374 37% 37+ ve) Vie G Tr -- 200 $1434 1434 -14% reporting a profit of 76 cents a xreater Support isked For Arts KINGSTON (CP) -- Claude ssell, president of the Univer- y of Toronto, Wednesday ged Canadian universities to crease their patronage of the ts. Addressing more than 300 presentatives from 45 univer- ies attending the first confer- ce on the university and the ts, Dr. Bissell said the fine ts should be studied and alysed in universities, but 'essed that the roots of these ould remain in independent hools, artists' workshops and shnical institutions. ALLY'S SALLIES [ didn't want you to have a udden change from the Army esshall, so I made everything @ mess." ving it several times prob- ly stem from the fact that -y had some of these other nilar diseases and m.istook 2m for German measles. fo get back to plain measles, ecination protects against it; it does NOT protect ainst German measles. That why so much hard work is ing done now to perfect a rman measles vaccine. Year Dr. Molner: I heard it S dangerous to pull a hair m a mole. Is it? I am past 70 d have a mole on my face. I ve been cutting the hairs off. nI pull them instead? -- tS. B. L. G -ulling can irritate the tissues can Inve an opening for ection tting them, as you ve been doing, is the right y. Zulapa 200 16 «+16 OILS, GAS Alminex 100 460 460 460 -- 8 | Am Leduc 2500 17% 17 Wa | Banff 845 $13% 13% 13%-- CS Pete 1900 221 215 221 +3 C Ex Gas 2200 390 380 380 --I5 Cc Gridoll 2000 630 630 630 Cdn Sup O 1350 $36 635% 35% --1 Cent Del 1350 $12% 12 12% Dynamic 1138115 115 WS --2 Fargo 2810 445 440 440 --5 French Pt 600 450 440 450 +10 Gt COllsds 275 $13% 13% 13%4--% Int Helium 900 310 305 305 + 5 Mill. City 1900 123 120 122 N Cont 1000 32 328 = 9 NC Olls 4760 435 425 435 +10 Numac 1100 375 375 375 Petrol 2000 58 58 58 Place & 200 210 210 210 Prova Gas 4400 620 610 620 --§ Ranger Scurry Rn 1075. $25 24% 25 pooner 2000 57 «57 57 Triad Oil U Canso 1000 345 340 345 U Canso w 600 130° 130 130 --3 W Decalta 600 259 259 259 --1 WEEKLY Pac Pete 8000 $14% 14%. 14 -- % Pac Pete w 10 410 410 410 Peel Elder 150 $36 36 36 Pembina 500 $11% 11% 11% Pow Corp 740 $11% 11% 11% Prem tron 300 145 145 145 Price Com 1228 $1214 12%4 12% + Ve 39% 9% QN Gs 63w 200 275 275 275 +5 Rank Org 7415 $6% 6 b+ Ve Reichhold 100 $29 «29 no» -- Revenue 100 $92 9 9% Rothman 200 $26 26 2% -- Royal Bnk 182 $77 764 7 +a Shell Iw 11775 $10% 10 wo --%*) Shell Can 1886 $2734 27% 27%4-- Shop Save 325 $12% 12% 12%-- Ve Simpsons 22 $28 28 Slater Stl 150 $9%% = =9% «9% Slat Steel p 100 $16% 162 16% Slater A wt 274 390 390 Southam 35 $44 44 4h + Te ST Radio 460 $3194 31% 3134+ Steel Can 980 $23%e 23% 23%e+ ve Steinbgo A 405 $20 19% 9%4-- Suptest od 755 $22 22 @ Texaco 50 $28 2% 28 Thom N P 250 $27 27) 27 Tor Dm Bk 480 $132 1342 134--% Tor iron W 50 $31 3 uv Tr Can PL 275 $29%4 29% 294 LIVESTOCK TORONTO (CP) -- Trading |1967 229,465; to date 1966 186,- was active at strong to higher |691; this week last year 8,251; prices for all classes and grades of slaughter cattle at the On- tario public stockyards this week, Replacement cattle were | in broad demand and in short) supply. Veal calf prices eased lower, hog prices were uneven and gen- erally unchanged and lamb Grade A 32.15; 34.00; heavy sows 23.05 - 23.30; stags 16.30 - 17.30; boars 13.05-13.85 liveweight. Sheep and lambs 1,031: On of- fer this week 1,050; last week 735; to date 1967 24,090; to date 1966 23,678; this week last year 963; lambs 35-43 according to weight and quality; sheep 3-14. 9% -- | Vulcan 100 330 330 330 Wainoco 0 400 95 95 95 Walk GW 525 $34 33% 33% -- % Weldwod 100 $9% 9% Westc'st 850 $25ve 25 25 -- Ve Westeel 250 $24%4 2434 24% | W. Brdcast 100 $23¥2 23% 23/2 Weston A 295 $19% 19% 19% -- Ve Weston B 2050 $19% 192 192 + Vw York Lam B 100 190 190 190 Sales to 11:00 a.m.: 710,000. Agnico 100 190 190 190 Con Negus 3500 42 42 42 -- Siscoe 200 625 625 625 --35 MOFFAT Infinite heat switches, spill. proof cooking surface for easy cleaning, appliance out- let, variable broil control, cutomatic high-speed oven 9% + Val share for 1966 compared with |$1.55 a share for 1965. | Golds rose as Dome climbed \1% to 48% and Kerr-Addison % |to 16. On index, industrials lost .23 {to 165.28. Golds gained 2.00 to |173.41, base metals .53 to 98.31 and western oils 2.65 to 163.62. Volume at the close was 2,515,- 000 shares compared with 2,539,- 1000 Wednesday. preheat, removable oven door, porcelain enamel fin- ish, prices were lower. | Slaughter cattle 10,651: On of-/ fer this week 10,800; last week 11,264; to date 1967 213,318; to date 1966 233,602; this week last | year 10,699; choice steers 28-29 with sales to 29.90; good 27-28; | mediums 24-26.50; commons 21- | 23.50; choice heifers 26-27 with| sales to 28.20; good 25-26; me- | diums 23-25; commons 20-22.50; | choice fed yearlings 27.50-29.50; , Zood 25-27; good cows 22-22.50 with sales to 23.50; mediums | 20-21; canners and cutters 16-/ 19.50; good heavy bologna bulls | 24-25; commons and mediums 21-23.50. | Replacement. cattle: Good) stockers 28-21; good steer stock | calves 29-33; good heifer stock) calves 26-28; common and me-/ dium stockers 22-27. | Calves 1,653: On offer this) week 1,700; last week 1,753; to date 1967 37,962; to date 1966 44,994; this week last year 1,837; , Choice vealers 39-42 with sales to 45.50; good 36-39; mediums 31-36; commons 28-31; bonners 24-27, Hogs 9,435: On offer this week | 0,700; Inst week 9,787; to date COOPER'S TEXACO VACATION TIRE SALE The Famous _ DELUXE Firestone CHAMPION clad 'Tie For Only... 9x09 Lifetime Rood Hexzerd Guerentee, Expert Wheel Balancing & Front End Alignment. Use Your Texaco Credit Card Up te 12 Months Te Pay. Cooper's Texaco MODEL 24M20 129 MODEL 24M25 White $135. |STARR 491 RITSON RD. S. 56 Bruce St, 2 410 Ritson Rd. N. 723-8033 723-963: MODEL 24M25 Copper with window 149 FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 723-3343 kk kk] Josten E.StacrameSons ° Limiteo ©. WATERLOO, ONTARIO Amaze us a Mellow, we asked... like in Seagram's Mellow 83 Seeing is believing when you watch The Amazing Randi, internationally-famed ) magician and escape artist. And tasting is believing what you hear about Seagram's 83. Just sip and you'll know. What a difference! At last, you're onto a truly mellow whisky, Seagram's Mellow 83, You haven't had the pleasure yet? That is amazing. SEAGRAM'S MELLOW 83 Building the fame of Canadian whisky since 1883"

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