'Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, June 8, 1967 ' » A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Toronto Woman Elected IODE National President OTTAWA (CP)--Mrs, J. Neil| , sar Gordon wt Toronto was viected Ethnic Recognition| Drug Overdose national president of Imperial) OTTAWA ,(CP) -- Senator) OTTAWA (CP) -- A three- Order Daughters of the Empire Keith Davey (l. -- Ontario)| month-old Eastview, Ont., boy Wednesday night as_ institute /called Wednesday for more rec-|died Dec. 20 from an overdose Gov't Urged To Share Cost KITCHENER (CP)--The On- tario Welfare Association will urge the Ontario government to share with municipalities the cost of prescribed drugs for welfare families, At the final session of its three-day convention here, the association also passed resolu- tions to: 1. Ask the government to provide adequate dental care to welfare recipients and _ their families, incluling the cost. of ended its annual meeting. ognition of the "'third ethnic) of drugs, a coroner's jury ruled Mrs. Gordon D. Leggett of/element' in centennial celebra-|\Tuesday night. He recom- Islington, Ont., was named first/tions. mended greater care in the ad-| dentures, without prior appro- val of the department of social and family services; | vice-president and Mrs. E. Tait) He said in the Senate throne! of Toronto, second vice - presi-|speech debate that the govein- dent. jment and the centennial com- Mrs. Harold FE. Hudson and|mission have given "inadequate Mrs. H. G. Grant, both of Tor-|recognition" to Canadians with ministering of drugs. The inquest was into the death| of Denys Martineau, a son of, | Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Martineau. | Eastview is a city within the 2, Seek an amendment of the Ontario Hospital Services Commission regulations so that temporary coverage may be issued to indigent and welfare onto, were named secretary andJethnic origins other than Brit-| Capital's city limits, treasurer, respectively. Mrs./ish and French. Hugh Robertson of Toronto was) Ballet At Expo | xtamesna tax E, N.Y.| named organizing secretary. . | MONTREAL (CP) -- The|(CP)--Jacie C. Horowitz of Ot.| Freezing Out |Royal Ballet of Covent Garden, be a Pe Wednesday | Tf) 'O (CP) -- It is un-|London, enchanted a full house| President of District No. 22 of Uhely thet the human body. can|at Montreal's Place des Arts B'nai B'rith, which _takes in| stand the temperatures of up to| Wednesday night with a produc-/four eastern Canadian proy-| 374 degrees below zero involyed|tion of Cinderella. jess in cyrogenic freezing for later! The costumes and settings by|_ Korowitz, elected for a one- revival, a University of West-/David Walker and Henry Bar-|¥¢@? term by some 1,000 dele-| ern Ontario botanist said Wed-/don could have come from the|%#*8 representing members nesday. pages of Grimm's Fairy Tales|{"0M Ontario, Quebec, New Prof. Angela M. Wellman told/for this ballet. The production, Brunswick and Nova Scotia, | the chemical engineering sec-|with its music by the 20th-cen- eid Arthur Diamond of| tion of the Chemical Institute of|tury Russian composer Serge| ra Shaped Canada that British scientists|Prokofieff, was directed by ce lcers elected members at found hamsters did not survive|Frederick Ashton ates of the board of governors if frozen 'for more than an hour| included Morris Fishman, Wel-| at temperatures lower than 41 Forge Closes land, degrees below zero. | I ' isk Posthniien | DIGBY, N.S. (CP)--For 60 rans Day jyears blacksmith Henry) yoympn % i ec @Xxtp00. ieak's: teres "wat 6. sheniar i ONTREAL (CP)--Iran's na- Trade |tourist haunt. While visitors ex-|10"@! day at Expo 67 will be HAMILTON (CP) -- oe unionists were urged Wednes-|plored his shop Mr. Trask would!; i reRy as planned, an day to check current school/happily explain the intricacies Wed pavilion spokesman said textbooks for any trace of anti-/of shoeing horses and oxen. bi nesday. me labor bias, | But tourists calling at the Earlier another pavilion Delegates to the Canadian|/Digby forge this summer will spokesman had said the day) conference on the Textile Work-|find it closed. Mr. Trask has|/¥U/d be postponed because of| ers Union of America were toldjretired and because of a short-|t@ sudden cancellation Tuesday that the Peterborough and Dis-|age of blacksmiths there was no|! the visit of the Shah of Tran] trict Labor Council recently dis- one to take over the business, /aue to the situation in the Mid-| covered a Grade 11 text that : East. Work Outside ised students how to break The shah was to have pre- it ph sided over the national day cere-| SAULT STE, MARIE, Ont| Monies during a six-day state] Russian Lesson oe DRESDEN, Ont. (CP)--M. T.|permission, the Algoma diocese | Honor Minister McCutcheon, Progressive Con-|of the Anglican Church of Can- servative member of Parlia-)ada decided Wednesday night, | MONTREAL (CP) -- A 65- ment for Lambton - Kent, said) Rev. Colin Clay of St. James|Year-old minister from Wiscon- Wednesday Canada should be,Church in Sudbury, who intro-|Sin, whose five sons have ent- a bit ashamed it took the Rus-| duced the resolution, is a part-/¢ted Lutheran pastorate, was! sians to show how our n@ional|time lecturer at Laurentian Uni- | honored _ here anthem should be sung. versity. |'an inspiration to the church'? th He was referring to the recent; He said the motion was based | by dlegates attending the. East- th concert given at the Parliament/on the changing nature of the|¢? Canadian Synod of the Luth-| | Buildings by the Red Army Parish ministry and the grow-/@?an Church in America. 0 Chorus. jing inability of most parishes | "They sang O Canada as it| © pay an adequate salary. | should be sung,"" said Mr. Mc- jyears as Cutcheon, who is a member of| Precedents Set |Luther Memorial Church at OTTAWA |jobs if they have the bishop's Waterloo has served the federal committee studying -|West Allis, Wis., and has three|un possible new lyrics for the an- (CP) -- Two pre-| ther children besides his five| Pr B'nai B'rith Slate | CEP may tae clr 0 '0 Canna Full Censorship Imposed Throughout Arab World Wednesday as|Total censorship was imposed|Beirut or received by telephone Rev. Adolph Kappes, 65, of|been imposed two weeks earlier for 25) When I a minister of the| Started heating up. patients without a three-month waiting period after the date of application, 3. Urge the government to share with the municipalities | the expense of providing elec- tric services in cases where it exceeds the maximum given under general welfare assist- ance. Australian PM To Meet Thant QUEBEC (CP)--Prime Min-| ister Harold Holt of Australia| left today for New York where} |he will meet Friday with Sec: | | retary-General U Thant of the) United Nations. An RCAF aircraft Mr, Holt and a group accom- | |panying him was to arrive at} |Kennedy airport at 12:15 p.m.) | | carrying | m, | Mr. Holt arrived in the Pro- | | vincial capital Wednesday fol-| lowing a visit to Montreal Tues- | | day which coincided with Aus- ~ ISRAFLIS HOIST FLAG oo national day at Expo | Premier Daniel Johnson paid | a courtesy call on Mr. Holt at} his hotel suite today. The prime | minister had no other official- capacity activities today before | his departure. | Pole Touches Wire Electrocutes Man | PINE GROVE, Ont. (CP)--| |Kenneth A. Montgomery, 31,) was killed Wednesday when a} long metal pole he was holding touched an 8,000 - volt power line near his home in this com- |munity just north of Toronto. | An Ontario Hydro - Electric |Power Commission spokesman | In Cairo and other Arab cap-| S24 Montgomery was 'appar- But new restrictions declared/itals, news copy had to be sub-|@"tly holding up a television an- der martial law requifed| mitied in triplicate to the cen-| 'enna mast to see how it would ior approval of every word--jsors before it was transmitted | !00k as a flag mast when he Israeli flag is affixed to flagpole at airfield at El Arish in Sinai, according to this caption accompanying this Israeli army picture. --AP Wirephoto BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) --| Arab capitals were monitored in roughout the Arab world with|in Beirut from correspondents e outbreak of war Monday. {scattered around the Arab cir- A loose and relatively in-|cuit. They had to go through rmal system of censorship had|double censorship, at the source and in Beirut. the Middle East crisis | SCRUTINIZE COPY jlost control of it and it fell them. cedents were set Wednesday as minister sons, | WEATHER FORECAST 2 |noon or evening. Friday mainly cloudy with occasional showers, Disturbance Brings day. Not much. change in tempera- tures. Winds light. Forecast Temperatures Low overnight, high Friday : s h [St "Then sk Lee iy 88 St. Thomas 85 Warm, Humid Weather :;."""* : Kitchener ... 85 TORONTO (CP) -- Official)Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Ti-| Mount Forest 82 forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. to-|magami regions: Clouding over| Wingham a 82 } this morning with occasional|/Hamilton . 88 Synopsis: A weather disturb-|showers or thunder showers be-|St. Catharines . 88 ance will move across the upper Great Lakes today and tonight, maintaining warm humid weather across southern On- tario, Affernoon temperatures in the 80s are expected both today and Friday in the lower Great Lakes regions along with scat- tered showers and thundershow- ers. London, Windsor, Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron : Variable ness, warm and humid today and Friday. A few scattered thundershowers both days. Winds southerly 15, Toronto, Hamilton, southern Georgian Bay, Niagara, Lake Ontario regions: Mainly cloudy; warm and humid with occa- sional showers and_ thunder showers today. Friday variable cloudiness continuing warm and humid with scattered thunder- showers likely in the afternoon or evening. Winds easterly 10 to 15 becoming southerly 15 to- regions: cloudi- ginning this afternoon. Friday|Toronto ...... 88 cloudy. with showers and scat-| Peterborough 82 tered thundershowers. A little| Kingston . 82 warmer. Winds light. | Trenton . 80 Algoma, White River regions: | Killaloe .. 80 Cloudy with occasional rain and| Muskoka . 80 scattered thunderstorms today|North Bay ... 70 and Friday, Not much change | Sudbury Lecpeeenacy AS 70 in temperatures, Winds easterly|Earlton ..... sosecee DO 68 10 to 20. Sault Ste. Marie... 50 70 Cochrane re gion: Clouding| Kapuskasing ...... 42 65 over this morning with occa-|White River ,.. 65 sional rain beginning this after-'Moosonee .... 65 night. | Sudbury, North Bay, northern NEED NOT PAY CASH! @ BLUE CROSS @ P.S.I. @ GREEN SHIELD You Give Us The Doctors Prescription We do the rest, FREE City-Wide Delivery MITCHELL'S DRUGS 9 Simcoe N. 723-3431 jand every photograph--sent to| by phone or cable. In Beirut this | FULL PRICE $21,000 Rossland Rd. & Stevenson Area Immaculate 3 Bedroom Bungalow of the finest quality, situated on quiet residential street near all Separate and Public Schools. Beautifully landscaped with covered patio in back yard, TO INSPECT THIS LOVELY HOME, CALL TOM HUSTON 723-5221 OR {EVENINGS) 668-4416 Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation Heod Office: 19 Simcoe St, N. OSHAWA, 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 the outside world. extended to use of telex facili. | 282inst the power line. \terian Church in Canada met! Hare. largest strike at the Ford M For the first time women|/@sest strike at the Ford Mo- | were among the commissioners, |t°T ©. Plant near Talbotville South Korean isputed Vote Disput jand will vote in the highest|"W is in its third day without /Presbyterian court in Canada.|@"¥ Sign of the dispute being| SEOUL (AP)--South Korea's! Mary Whale, Cooksville, Ont.,|Tesolved. | . parliamentary elections ended/an elder in' Erindale Church,| Henry: Kobryn, area _repre-| today amid opposition demands|West Toronto Presbytery, and|S¢ntative of Local 700, Interna- that the results be voided. Vio-|Mrs. George Forrester of Car-| gona Association of Bridge, lence and open irregularities |dinal, Ont., will both participate|St"uctural and Ornamental Iron were reported from many Of/in the assembly. Workers, said Wednesday the 131 districts. i night no talks have been ar- in| ranged between the. uni d The minority Democratic |[srae] Calls Booked |an20 one at ts ola g party called on the central! election committee to denounce) MONTREAL (CP)-- The Bell, a the balloting, charging it was|Telephone Company of Canada| Meeting Postponed a "farce" staged by President| said Wednesday calls from Can-| | Chung Hee Park's ruling Demo-|ada to Israel are booked solidly) 'TORONTO (CP)--A proposed cratic Republicans. juntil the end of July and to the oa ge cry bioiort bard j sition New United Arab Republic until the|/SChool teachers and schoo Pi acter pigs sper its can-|last week of June, | board members to consider a didates had renounced the elec-| No reservations for calls to| wage dispute which threatens to tions in two districts because of Israel during August will be|Create an emergency in schools rampant irregularities." taken until early July. next year was cancelled Wed-| Park's warty ja exnetiol ta Calls from Canada to the two/nesday. , : : atin. the voting | Countries have to go through} oth sides said they had other retain # majority for the Na.|L®ndon and the British general|commitments and agreed that for 175 Deputies for the Na- Post office has had a long-estab-|they will not be able to meet tional Assembly. lished limit of four Canadian|Until the end of this week or calls a day to each country, {poseihly the beginning of next HERE AND THERE McMASTER UNIVERSITY | Will Ap P eal | Renovate Canal | TORONTO (CP) --~ Wayne Due to a typographical error, | ford will appeal his conviction) OTTAWA (CP)--The govern the name Eric Chinn was mis-|for the non-capital murder of|ment plans to spend $2,501,000 spelled in Tuesday's boty mother, says his lawyer,| during 1967 on renovating facil- Mr. Chinn is a recent graduate! nonaid Creighton. | ities along Ontario's Trent Canal of McMaster University. He re-) wr Creighton said Wednes-| system, the Commons was told ceived Bachelor of Engineer-| qay the appeal, likely to be filed| Wednesday. ing. jlater this month, will be based) A long - term program calls 275 delegates to the 93 . : . ; leral assembly of the Preshy.( Strike In Third Day) 4,\<™, '2,0. rtieaty rafted to fill the breach, fol-| dow--with some ludicrous re-| sults. ties, too. Cairo maintained sporadic LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The|!owed the new rules out the win-| telephone communications with Beirut, but. the lines were cut \frequently after only a few "Anything to do with the war|words had been dictated. is banned," a top Lebanese se- curity official declared. This included incoming radio- photos of tanks moving through Amman, in neighboring Jordan,| again, this military activity in Egypt, an-| other Lebanese ally; and practi- cally everything from Israel-- Monday night a correspondent in Cairo dictated: 'Egyptian fighter...' and was cut off. Two hours later he got through time dictated "Egyptian fighter-bombers .. ."| before he was cut off. | Phone calls from Damascus | - including photos of damage suf-|and Amman were interrupted fered by the Israelis. |frequently. Reconnections took Most of the news reports from| agonizing hours. Israel May Overextend Supply Lines Dangerously WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S.| ward combat elements. military analysts say Israeli] Israeli columns hurtled to- army supply lines might be|ward the Suez Canal along a dangerously overextended if its\few paved roads and Many) armored columns push across|rough desert tracks. the Suez Canal and deeper into! Following behind the tanks, Egypt. | armored infantry halftracks and Although Israeli spearheads self-propelled artillery after the may extend well over 100 miles|Way is clear are convoys of; from Israel's border, analysts| trucks bearing the stuff to feed/| here do not consider supply and)and power the advancing col-| communication links strained or Umns. | exposed. | Israeli doctrine features fast-| But U.S. experts said Israeli) moving offence as the basic tank and infantry brigades must|tactic from the outset of the| stop soon to mop up remnants) War. | of the Egyptian army believed) American officers said it FINE CATCHES ruled admissible'? during the|system, James Byrne, parlia-|ac WHITBY - Two Whitby fish- trial. |mentary secretary to Transport} ermen - Lorne Taylor, Palace, "Ford has instructed us to/ Minister Pickersgill, said in a/to Street and Allan White, Eliz-|proceed with the appeal," he| written return for William Scott|of abeth Crescent - have return-|said. (PC--Victoria, Ont.). jon "certain evidence that was|for renovation along the entire|scattered behind This cleaning up is essential|the Suez Canal and deep into drinking water and food to for-!populous country. them all/would be risky for the Israelis ross the rugged, arid Sinai, |to carry their offensive across secure an 'uninterrupted flow | Egypt since routes leading to gasoline, oil, ammunition,|Cairo pass through increasingly| ed from a trip to Algonquin Park where they caught two. fine lake trout. One of the fish was 36 inches in length and weighed 2234 pounds. The other was 33 inches long and weigh- ed 19% pounds, Both were caught within a period of 20 minutes. GUEST SPEAKER WHITBY - Arthur Williams, of Pickering, a former MP for Ontario Riding, will be the speaker at a general member- ship meeting of the Ontaric South Riding New Democratic Party, June 11, in Whitby." Thc meeting to be held in the Whitb: Centennial Building, will elec! delegates to the federal con- vention to be held July 3 to £ in Ottawa. HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR .SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 FEARS OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 TO 8:00 P.M. With ber facilities. Meke your reservations NOW, Phone 723-4641, by Watch "Hockey Night In Canada" onTv BIG ALE BIG LAND é r Exter: Calle By DAVID DAV OTTAWA (CP) -- mons gets the chanc a full debate on the } crisis as MPs begin tion of external affa ment spending éstin. 1967-68 fiscal year. Calling of the de estimates today by I ister MacEachen, t ment House leader, door for debate of Ca eign policy and seen out a secret session ment to discuss the A war. ; The closed session gested Tuesday by Leader Diefenbaker. Minister Pearson did it outright but said might be a better \ examining the Middl uation. So far, members | able to examine the g on foreign policy or the daily question pe) debate is not permit House rules. In. the Commons V External Affairs Min tin said the prime mi been in touch with se ernments in an effor the way for peace ni after a ceasefire in Israeli conflict. A government spoke Liberal NV NDP Mot OTTAWA (CP)--A } ocrat's Commons mot ing to force manag negotiate with union making automation ch: talked out without three Liberal MPs W Norman Fawcett | Nickel Belt), a forme conductor, accused th ment of trying to du from recommendatior by Mr. Justice Samu man almost two years a wildcat CNR strike He described a gov appointed task force labor-management rel: just a ."delaying tac said there will be fre troubles unless progres: soon. His motion asked the ment to change the | Relations and Disputes gation act to state an could not introduce an; logical change that wo terially and adversely employee working cond til this had been negc If no agreement c reached on the chan changes, the question 1 to a conciliation boarc employer introduced without consulting work would have the right » immediately. The spark for the mo a CNR decision to instit "run-throughs" of poin' crews formerly were | Mr. Justice Freedm Given 25 Yea On Torture Chi LONDON (Reuters)- gangland boss Charles | son was sentenced to | in prison here today s ing convicted of charge: ing torturing victims by shock in an extortion ra Richardson, 33, and fo defendants were convi an 11 - man jury We night on a variety of ch the end of the 45-day tr He was found guilty charges of assault and bodily harm: and one manding money with th In sentencing him, th said: 'One is ashamed that one lives in a soci contained men like you He also was ordered $60,000 toward the cost secution. During the trial, w told how named victim burned, hurled off chi 'electric shock and beate Open-Pit EAST WHITBY IN Dedication Cer Band Co. Street Danci . @ Fi Friday, J Tickets available until . your tickets from any locations: Township Off in downtown Oshawa; Street South; Jury and CENTENNIAL PROGR FOR THE WHOLE FA 4:30 P.M. TO 12:00