» ' JULIET JONES HENRY GRANDMA MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER ey ' \ ~.* ees a. se Ss i SPOT ISA OVER, 3 NAME IS 5 GOOD 00s! SIT UP, SPOT? ROLL, POT-SPOT'S POT= 'TYOU'RE RIGHT, LOUIE, THE PLOT ISA BIT WEAK! BUZ SAWYER YES, YES, STILL A WIDOWER, BUZ, THO I THINK T'VE HAD ANOTHER WIFE OR TWO SINCE YOu WERE WITH FR' THO. ¥ f © King Peataee Speen tan, 1967, Weald vghte reeervede WELL, I KNOW WHERE ONE GIRL. \Se0e A PRETTY WIDOW TVE BEEN JANE ARDEN INSECTS AN' LI [First you MUST Know IZARPS GET UP BEFORE DAWN, IF THEIR TRACKS KNOW NE PASSED TH WAY FIRST, WHAT } THE ARMADILLO FEEDS MOSTLY AT NIGHT. -2«-BUT OTHE OTHER TIM NIGHT. een FOX, COYOTE, JUAGUARONDI, WOLF, ANTS, GECKOS CHUCKW/ RS COME OUT AT ES, BOTH DAY AND A RRC amen eggs Trapinc Post SALE 'SHE'S SPEAKIN' ) /* TRANSLATION? = | KNOW YOU'LL MISS ME, BOYS -- TO HER BUT I'LL. SEND A STEADY SUPPLY OF -£R= WOLF Peace CORPSMEN, COMMUNIST AGS ISLANDERS ANTI-COMMUNIST. ,_ IN TH AGENTS--- & NATIVE. % LANGWIDGE/? od = e fad cc = = o = Wr°e "a Py San 60 ONE ewete YOU WANTED ME TOTAKE YOUTO THIS exer wae I HAD IN MINOS ~ i Sa EE -- EE UREN --EEERRR-- --RI % aan a a SEE THE TRADER .... Osa | CB © Kina Focenese Byadieatn, bans 1947. Weekd sight exacted i F i at the PONTIAC Action Centre ~ THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. TELEVISION LOG THURSDAY SVE, ioe ge Pm, ree Stooges l--Family Theatre @--Superman 7--Highway Patrol 6--Passport &--Mister Ed. 3:32 PL, ae | We: NK PTENNY ? MAY I TALK TO YOU FOR AFEW MINUTES? t @--McHale's Navy 7--News 3-612--Music Hop 2--Of Lenas and 6:00 P.M. 6--How's Business 7--Movie 6--Klahanie 412--News, Weather s 13--Lost In Space Ni--Plerre Berton 4--News 3-4-5--News, Weather, and Sports 2-8--Huntley-Brinkiey News 7:00 P.M. Ti--My Three Sons 9--Bat man @--Small World 6--TBA 4--Littlest Hobe 3--Time Tunnel 2--News, Weather 7.20 P.M. 7--News, Weather, 130 P.M. 4--Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour 2--Movie 00. PA, "6:90 PM, 6-2--Star Trek 7--Bewitched 4--My Three Sone 9:00 P.M, ihe Girl. le 3-6-12--Telescope 9:30 PA, 7--Love On A Rooftop 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes 10:00 P.M, 12--Dean Martin \1--The Merv Griffin Show 3--Girl from U.N.C.L.E, 6--Cine Club 9-4-2--Dean Martin 7--Summer Focus 10.30 P.M, 6--Peter Nero 11:00 P.M. 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News Weather, Sports 11.20 P.M. Viewpoint 11.25 P.M. Vi--Plerre Berton 4--News, Weather, Sparte 4--Novie 4--Las Vegas 28--Johnny Carson 11:38 P.M, b--Hdger Wallace A. li--Mystery Theatre FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. 9--University of the Air Captain Kangaroo 8.2 AM. '1--Albert J. Steed %--Romper Room 8:33 A.M. 3--Dialing for Dollars, Virginia Graham 9:08 A.M, 11--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby @--Pastor's Study 4-You and Your U--Sir Lancelot * | 6--Gloria 4--Love of Life 3--Jack Le Lanne 10:08 AM 1i--Ed Allen Sime 9--Me' a 8-2--Snap Judgment 4--Candid Camera 1 AM t Tl "torning Time 'ctured Phrases 8-2--concentration 7--Dateline: Hollywood 4--Beverly Hillbillies 11:00 AM, Ti--Mike Dougias 9--Mr. and Mrs, 28--Pat Boone 7--Supermarxet 4--Andy Griffith ALM, 2-4--Dragnet 1:38 12--Romper Room $--Magistrate's Court 6-2--Hoil 4--Dick Van Dyke 3--Ed Allen Time 12:08 NOOR %--Toronte Today 2-8--Jeopardy --Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News and Weather; ports 3--Popeye and Pals 12:30 PLA, Ni--It'a A Match Eye Guess v1 | ie a Weather s por 8--Merv. Griffin @4--Search For 'omorrow 12:48 PLM. 64--@ulding Light 1:08 P.M, Ni--Theatre 9--~Movie walling For Dollars, Virginia Graham 7--Fugitive $--Luncheon Date 4--Meet The Millers BWovle 1:38 PLM, 44--As The World Turns &--Let's Make A Desi 2--Matches and Mates 2:00 P.M, 12--Ed Allen Time 7--Newlywed Game 4-6--Password @3--Days of Our Lives P. 298 12--Calendar %--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl 6--Coronation Street 4--House Party -8--Doctors 3:08 P.M, $--Words and Musi¢ 7--General Hospitel 4--To Tell The Trut® 346-12--Take 30 2-4--Another World 3:30 P.M. 1--Marriage Confidential 9--It's Your Move 7--Superman 3-6-12-4--Edge of Night 44--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M, 1--Super Comics 9--1 Love Lucy 8--Match Game 'et Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Dougies 4:38 PLM. 1i-Mack and Myer 9--Movie ae: Hound lovie 3-6-12--Forest Rangers King St. at Park Rd. HUBERT TRUDVS OVERDRAWN DAUGHTER I AM COMPLETELY UNBIASED-- OUTSIDE OF THE FACT THAT LTOLDMY SHE MARRIED you? YOU WERE NO GOoP WHEN YOUR HEALTH -- Of Psychiatric Dear Dr. Molner: Please tell me if it is an hallucination when you think someone is out CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Brown 22, Per~ SITIO IE MALT i [SIP] 1, Apportion in the sun form /HIAIRIEISHBAILIAIR] 5. Cob 4. Before 23. Frae A : 9. Clayey 5. Guide grant 10, Forbids 6, Weal smells 12. Sheeplike 7. Rest 24, Bouquet 13. Choose 8. Kind of 25. Toward 14, Seine 26. Droop cause Yesterday's Answer 82,.Fishfrom 36. pone moving my se "$9. Slice Rati 40. Prescripe . tion term g V/ q iy 4. f YY 2\ [22 38, Once more 'L 39, Law S lea [2 '> 41, Ointment 42, Sam or ge Z FE 0 . Wit i Affirma- 2! 1 5 "a tive votes 37 La Za > > Asiatic 3 weight Y Y 38 V//139 ute, BO y : porter ' 3 Z . Choice 3S 44, Z group Y, G, -6°S to hurt you. You do not see anything but think it is really happening and you live in fear day after day. Please give me some facts.--L.F. Better tell your doctor about this at once and let him help you get some psychiatric help. This isn't, technically, hallu- cination, which means that a person really believes he sees things that aren't there. However, this fear that some- one is trying to harm you or planning to, is a rather com- mon manifestation of some emotional disorders. In the same mail with this letter came one from a college girl who complained that she was constantly hearing voices. That is another common sign of being emotionally upset. -- DOCTOR REQUIRED It is beyond the scope of this column to try to tell what to do about these emotional prob- lems. It requires the attention of a doctor trained in psychi- atry. I do not mean that 'the doc- chiatrist because in fairly re- cent years more and more phy- sicians have been trained in psychiatry and can deal with such problems, even though not being specialists. Perhaps just as important, they have learned to recognize when a patient should he re- ferred to others for more ex- pert car before the emotional disorder has developed too far. Finally, I'm beginning to no- tice more people who are will- ing to admit that they have these troubles and need help. Need Indicated By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD tor necessarily must be a psy-| B. Help direction, because cure is eas- ier, quicker and more expect- able if these emotional disor- ders are treated early. Dear Dr. Molner: What is the reason for blood turning black? Is it an indication of some dis- ease or is it natural for older people?--J.B. Blood turns dark or black be- cause of chemical changes in the iron content of the blood. I presume you refer. to black or tar-colored stool. This is not natural at any age. It occurs when there is bleeding high in the intestinal tract. Vomited blood is described as coffee- ground color. A scab on the surface of the skin will darken for the same reason: Changes in the iron. Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex- plain in simple language how birth control pills work. Are they at all dangerous? I have been taking them with no dis- comfort for five months, but well-wishing friends and rela- tives have told me rumors and now I'm worried about my health, This is very important to me and my doctor won't take Aes to explain to me.--MRS. In defense of your doctor, he doubtless sees no reason for ex- plaining possible side effects when, after five months, you don't have any. And he prob- ably wonders, as I do, whether friends' are '"'well-wishing" by peddling rumors which do you no good, and only upset you. Some women. do not tolerate birth control pills and have to stop using them, but you obyi- ously tolerate them very~well as do the majority of women. Briefly, the pills are hor- That's a big step in the right Mones. When a woman he- comes pregnant, the hormone | 18 THE OSHAWA Times, Thursdey, June 8, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Neither side vulnerable. NOBTR Ba ote 64 $K76543 EAST @Qs97 QT : @AKQ1091 108 / @AKi02 Si1532 Sos 863 @AKQ10632 Paty) bidding: East West 46 i Opening lead--jack of hearts. Yesterday we featured a hand from the 1966 Tournament of Champions in which the English East-West pair, Konstam and Gray, had a partnership misun- derstanding about the applica- tion of the suit-preference con- vention, and, as a result, per- mitted the Italian pair, Avarelli and D'Alelio, to make five hearts doubled. By a strange coincidence, on the very next deal the Italian pair also had a problem involy- ing the suit-preference onven- tion, but, as usual with the Italians, there was no partner- ship misunderstanding, and they found exactly the right defense against five spades doubled. Gray made an excelllent deci- sion when he elected to bid four spades over four hearts with only a four-card suit. D'Alelio would have made five hearts, and the English pair did well to locate their spade fit at such 2 high level. Avarelli led the jack of hearts and on it D'Alelio played the ten. This was intended as a suit-preference signal, since D'Alelio was obviously not sig- naling for a continuation of hearts by playing the ten, but was asking his partner to shift to the higher-ranking of the two side suits (clubs and dia- monds). So Avarelli switched to a diamond, which D'Alelio ruffed. D'Alelio now played the ace and another club and Averelli, upon taking the king, led a second diamond for D'Alelio to ruff. This fine defense brought the Italians to the end of the road, but they had managed to exact a toll of 500 points for their efforts. This hand points up the value of a clear partnership under- Standing in a situation where most players have at best only &@ vague arrangement. Adopting a particular conven- tion in bidding or play because you think it will pay off in the long run fs not nearly as im- portant as making sure that you and your partner talk the same language when the situa- tion actually arises. That is what determines a good part- nership. Power Failure Hits Four States NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A four-state area thought to be all but blackout-proof was hit by s massive, surprise power failure Monday. The afflicted area included all of New Jersey and Delaware, eastern Pennsylvania from York County in the south to Scranton in the northern coal fields, and six counties in north- east Maryland. Philadelphia was without any electricity for more than an hour, Newark for more than three hours. Railway trains, subways and elevators were halted on the spot when the electricity went off at 10:23 a.m. Thousands were trapped and had to be rescued, May Record Set By Ford AKVILLE (CP) -- Ford of Canada sold a record 26,938 cars and trucks in May, the company announced Tuesday. This was 43 per cent more than the 18,737 sold last May and 16 per cent more than the previous record of 23,121 in March, 1967. : Total Ford of Canada sales for the first five months of 1967 were 100,699 vehicles compared with 86,365 for a similar period last year. SALLY'S SALLIES balance changes and stops her from ovulating. The pills make the body act (so far as ovula- tion goes) as though the woman were pregnant. Ovulation ceases -- and unless ovulation occurs first, pregnancy cannot occur. TOD TORONTO 10:40 Distributes Toronto Stock &: Quotations in cent 2--Odd lot, : rights, xw--Ex-warr: from previous boarc MIN Agnico 900 1: Ang R 200 1 Ansil 1000 Area 100 3 Aunor 600 2 Bankfield 500 B-Dqu ABS. Bethim 10 6 Cam Mine Camp Chib 250 6! emp RL 2 $ Tung 6150 1 Con Negus 3000 ; ¢ Rambler 1100 1: Cc Red P 13500: Cop Man 500 | Craigmt no $ Daering 1500 D'Eldona 1500 1: Denison $: Endako 300 $ Frobex 10l4 4 Giant Yk 602 8 Glenn Exp 2100 | Gortdrm 100 2 Gradore 1000 Guif L 500 Gunnar 300 1: Hastings 100 1: Headway 000 High-BI 100 9. Hollinger z15 $ Huds Bay 300 $1 Jelex 2350 | Jonsmith 3000 Joutel 500 Jowsey 33 Kam Kotle 100 2 Kerr Add 2475 $ L Dufault 400 $ La Luz 400 $ Langis 2000 . Leitch 1100 6 LL tee 150 1: Lorado m0 | Macasse 150 1 Man Bar m0 | Matigm! 250 $ Maybrun 1200 Mc Adam 2000 + Nec Intyre 22 $i Midri 25300 Multl-Mi 400 1: Newconx 300 5: N Harri | 500 Hosco 600 2 N Imperal 1800 3 Newlund N Que Ragl 100 4 Norbaske 2000. Nrbsk Fr Norbeau 2 Norpax 3000 N Coldstm 2125 Northgat 1100 4 N Rock 1000 Opemska 425 9 Orchan 2100 2 Osisko 3500 Patino zi 8 Pce Exp 49800 | Pine Point 34 $ Placer a $ Preston 370 § Pyramid 100 3 @ Matta 13525 1 Rio Algom 113 $ Rio Algcw 40 $ Roman 1640 $ Rowan €n 6000 Satellite 2000 Sherritt 1200 Slivrtids 3250 Sil Miller 1000 eer Silvmq 4500 sists pL. 3 : St Sullivan 100 3 Teck Corp 200 4 Territory 1000 Texmt '10000 | Tex-Sol 2000 Tombill 1000 1 Tribag U Mining 6800 U Buffadn 2300 Un Cmstk 2! Un Keno 1375 6 Utd Pore Urban Q 500 West_ Mine Yk Bear 100 2 Alminex 100 4 Am Ledue 4500 Banff 1500 $ cS Pet 10600 2 €x Gas 500 3 Cc Gridoll 200 6 © Homestd 1 2 Cdn Sup O $ Cdn Tricnt 300 $ Cent Del 635 § Dynamic 1350 1 Fargo 3600 4 French PY 100 4 Gt COlisds 800 $ Int Hellum 2100 : AAlIL City 800 1 N_ Cont 500 NC Oils 1800 4 Numac 200 3 Numac wt 72320 Permo pe as | anger Scurry Rn 1750 $ Triad Olt 950 1 U_ Canso 2300 3 U Canso w 900 | W Decalte 1000 2 INDUS! Aigo cont 100 Dillarc In Ont OTTAWA (CP) Dillard opened-h tle with Ottawa in the Ontario Monday but inc might be willing Eastern Foot ence team if the Dillard signet contract with tl coming from C ' ders of the Wes' in a 1965 trade. ¥ in an effort to : deduction of $: and have his ci season declared In his testim Justice Ferguso lard said he mig play this season a salary higher --before the de ceived last year The salary de roots in a cont in 1965 with Oak the American I just before he Ottawa. GOT $5,000 BOD Dillard said $5,000 cash be signed and wa: another $7,000 w to the U.S. tea 1966. When Oakland later signed w wanted. the $5, turned,