24 THE OS! HAW, 20--R 'A TIMES, Wednesday, J pat Al -- ate for Sale , June 7, 1967 rage home bid Ta aS mew 23--Real 26--A\ soe, cal Bona ais oo akseen E pa. wi Stradesk of state W. rime EAR Bi Doster, 'an nts fo buna BILINGUAL. 4 t town! Out of Ti ted r Rent |2 on Bet net ° quickly. ieee Smaller hon a Buyers G R F 6--Aportments for R . Cal dow! te 'or rgent! N F nies, Schotel Cruiksh ane "open ples oe L ent |26--A jeld-Ak shanks we le dow. bu portm er Ltd. now can n pa yer. ents 20e--Su Sf eeet.| nece: arrange yment or To : ee ees rangi all cash if A RE SA Rent |26--A 'or Sal rties GORD Cc pa le CHA\ : H @) com rtme' a or Rent H. Kei RLTON ONE ond TWO Suites ote ALE COMPLETELY aed for Rent Bien Now Metter wt - Keith Ltd ee cr ae CE tw. | BPARTM pee Deaiaee a ae 27--Rooms f o Wate INES INN bora SHAWA'S LARGE ming Po ona ENTS eee Ca tee oa a singles r_Montht -856 SUIT: ST B large Re Bath, Use Sane Hpbi Ror sien Crear' Avenue. room, kitchen A ' @svi ly Rate: 9 ES eoutiful erantion. Ri se pac ap 18, right "mos . nett oe patter ae (all tes @ : cas Land: Roos la ious reeks, right sod imcoe RNISHE 9 space, obiles AR meals @ cotta ove! scaped m, nd 2 ed 0 eee toe pote bg D ROOM 7) for ne ee Land, Frm, Home No ii an Roving. with oa pee oe i ra a, ae a Sale |30--Automob wy. N eon wa a 5, Homes ii R 1 gui' . wi Ss WNTO! South, le Ji sh- | TWO Nee Road arking | t- 196 ile RR 0, 35 th ind Distri es in O easo i 3 Ei Sim WN, , 725-6559, uly 1/5 rnished son Road S$ facill- 2 PONT s For 5 Phone W No. 2 e Bu District. W sh- nabl ae lectric START bein fd gO mg ple jor si room yee good Co! TAC sii r Sale WEST G Minde Erp SU WORE ha Appli bd TY, ally Hea ING AT [iil pg el location pas epee 8, suitab or rg lly ix, eViinder UILFORD. STRA\ iat 1.401 pplicati .V, CONT! ted, rigerator badraaen se pO al OOM for ren Te ohn Mean | Be iatensice: 4 auto, Ve D 2656 Bee we Pel! R ge E ROLL 120 irieratr, stove, Turi apr naern Vey sae aoe iva ACA ee Sie ae ar "4 38--C. in Petevaa™ ef NT! ED oa. Ava ppp tag adh yf nf kitchen Fee ished ES DIAN Be POP cual ee re Phone 725-4651" . " "a This outstanl allie sr at pay is MERC Ere.S woe mn ' ino! ish is 1 U: ildi ing wily . Tv) Ls L. 4 1284 RY e i 2 bedroom Midis lot.end i tanon wa, Ont FR ay: ot Ree Roo chose is LB dlécinia aul ascot privte ; refrigerator. Furnished room 090 | mites. Vary gr neg natu sebey ab Excellent be too" SA ggg Rion) @ HEA E phn at for al for showe cath ti nBeBA near Won of "Availabe. now oe Division suit Toay, sit we Fie cnc = aa Condition. Tele: | low as $. eon Lak nt | locati old. Write Picker! ta eure LT ints. newl r E s, Bus servi ng and iO - Ri ston. 1. Appl ce oe 11 week ated. r new 6. cyl le- McGra Soctown, C e. As jocetion 'fo: Box' e283, ing, Must not HCL ly wed xtra lar ervice Sets eee See fy lait eg ly. Appl Py See Ringers! stane th, 6 CASH nie sete oe ountry} § @ SA UB FAMI ge clo: ot door ee ROE Tatas rg dogencl lal Aen y IN Dre cee "Mander, rad LIMITED, BOWES ond all H. Ih FOR YOUR HO Cuinwa Tita UNA R LY and A wool i 65 mont jecaied ocivane door! Telephone 72 rnished housekeep. fa ae Ke PL Oshawa Times. p yi sg . price LIMITED, P.O. 8 ea "YOUR HORE. Yer Tb uincks Y DULT FLOOR 119 No oie ReORoOM 2 plied SF satan Fosse see JA rough jox 53 It You wih reasonable, es Ih MIN 'our Hydra is i Be Inquon pred, termine. : le wey, tae fe La 4 T i vel Gok Lie HOUSEKE gh, 742-4234 5, want senmunle Prego an G POO in ra is includ APT. 1 Rd, | shopping BROOM spartan Seek, D MOTEL now N sarneae & 'esas ge En EKEEPINO COTT: . peheteia A es sold Set © L your rent ed 1108 Hop Gutet bull een nent, elf-con | WH Whitby. faye Mg OMG bed Le ll ll rE ae ikon AGES SMA Aker Ltd. Sohnston, 728 just French Provi 24 HO ATTRACT Buildings "Telephone oid Waray ts fe eet! eee 1964 OL! ret Wes stalker Motors, Jl = feet fr ca Ce o--_ Rental Office on prem 728-5282 RPE oe cea Pe a herd top, 300 hips V8 ratty pone sappe SPI tures BEDROON mms. |west area, L. | one oF two bedraom: Free FRING s | 140 premise conv, near shaw iainge living. Foom,| LARGE tu eee eomerab Tae gine, aut ho, Va ow. pa corraring a oan ee sine. Fo 'Cottage tor baa wi nigh ce coms} @ F Hydro NON s FU Avatlable J sete pede living Erne | begat: 68 irnished ele-| pow 'omatic trar cans eee eae at eee plus auto 3 : 1 'ape: a e room, er 3 trai Analg: speak lights, wheel, | Stale amen S re, roe ae URNISHED ond fa Se cat na ma Cmte a ce ay al 7 ffi coni ephon | pes, a apa fu riished a gS aelk wall tir om radi power es Fours |. Tele veniences, three eae eo J ices, S! eB es e 1,2 SHED storase ppliances, inant rnished nr bed-siti " ires, balanc 'adio, whi elephon rage 9 e- Weert ewe Ir private , Stora' roadloo: 725 pase ond 3 b pbaldy gee SEL ny pang Sucoishee Toa Ne ing and warran e of ite ere & see ] Saacke rasabe iyo ree FFIC | . Walking Dtarce 3 -| 48] Twin" Convolied er opart- non; pent Free Pie a nary ELGIN reves Si ete ee kgs lic 981789. 31--Compa: aN NCROFT ; st 19. T h istan elevato entrai DERN, , 59072 eas, Ogle igerator, EAST. Se, ' ict TH senor, Sra FO | ¢ Oiave' sopsng Os Twin cevators swimming cong EOP Peer wilted Ah | 95 aust $2,695 Cars for Sale : fe sen pe, front R | ildren' 9 Cen HAWA' : playgr ing ecte e ainicn room OAR. oe vn | ished i IN1 Th fg apie S08 RENT |Z Ohlins Payarund STN ALOE 723-2347 oat a sas ROT TH aan match TIN 1100 sedan, fi The Rambler K fishin e cook e. 2 imcoe S' s 'o Publ Vv * jee ark R osit, Chis | North. R iL, Wh ' ching ive bei , tin- anvil in ouseKEer e Mca G os ,000 s t, No epara ic ond ALUE WH d. S. Oe an eek nt itby. 1 s buck ige with ile & gs $ * aa. q. ft pera' | @ te Sch LUS. iTBY. or teleph he oor MIBTRlY 7 Brock peed et seat M Peterbo ow SEKEEPING -- | 528 good. parki out | Elevat ools S ANN Wale cored one BAIBNLY ot Ae ae a | 4845E neniaen and 4 AY rough IN 50 swimming. safe cottages "her to Fosse 28- rking. 'ors EE E rated, fir hasta, Wan apart 28-- ier eee ile en ae ssion, -- Li Lower SA N Sra eee Sa ti meen | FAMILY TOW Eacttng "prt wae aie Hg Re ii "| ron cusrn 9995 | 6 ste Augost. xs. in duly August, AB ee iy. 3m square ral, location, or ADUL' F Centrall prestige Ls THREES monty immediate so SS | hack D CUSTOM 3% 0 Day 3,000. Financ rices, $ COTTAGE cn 3 weeks In irons nooaE each, ion, appre | FU T FLOORS on heated. Bei ai owe entrance, Move) Saat Posses- LE ROO engine SS : 300 er 60 Viaiced ieee $ IN 51 NC Lake, eight age TY eB jeu any. ocan healed ' RNISH h and ki my bre trically |? Di esiame DEY. iment, M missi ith Crui cylinde VER jonths inty, 10 PE wine atte sour on Pau ee ee ita Rgtasllghlad the GREEN Bd bateaue coe ke [hei oe Pa By and BOARD s mision custom rad tans 18 enODaE he cue" R Lh $6500. FU after S p.m. wiring. Tel Street prvi suitabi 725-8640. month | D Ov ie. court building OOM wearin renfell ret. on i . 284486 Fi ite FROM a quiet LL PRICE, e- | feet, Fhe shi are gr geen oa ee RE erlookin, e Streak ar BOM seartioeat 3 Hi Street, Ap ly: "64 .. $99 7, ; wuanas Cop aaa zon war bane oratinsan "00 NTAL INFORMATI fay eo: We alae dO ee ee FIVE Mat aia at 25 'Divisio gt gg de : AUTO SA facie GA BE radesk! lock bulld' ae ON Swimmi . and ses a reat Each Tolsoh ng | col on wi dark elu: nished Sr pes ling, ing, oe ; 7 imm B , Roo Hits Aha 27 8 IM _aparime LBOR t ith: whi bi luxe, A $20 cot! Ti overhi con ing joa m: m, + eleph nt ___ | boi NE sf it ue " iment a Street, echoed concrete 'Mesr, as S| 23-5] 1] | gym room Law iS adc Ath Soi "if pice" Piel Two m= Som jone 723+ a5 ben in| bare pelea ay saver, a oe A oes King St. mM LES $75 aa 511 00 area, r in rl 48) | ec y .m, Nae urs: t bul sk ae | vil share, m : . a s Soe al aos ia | AFTER HOURS 5 Our rode wit ure baths | NoLoRD'S arm. t0 5 pm Rn a eayret, je 2 ee ei | twe. FOR R 383 - con 76-28 LSON' is furni 23 ORD' p.m. TED PN Toeghone Tae ari: | housekeeping Parki RD for gentlemen. door PAR * : $0 ee ese PicigdAP 'Avail 3 26 2, and S FURNI ished |= thol S ASSOC bead rhe te ape r phone 728 -| SINGLI Pall room Sad ctleay oe engi r station ISIENNE VOLVO IN 50 N ae 378 aiceneta ee tor CE | 80 GIBB 3 Bedroom TURE THREE ithol West IATION ae Ghee parinaht in 4 Shite LE ROOM a States ema INS6 gine, aut wagon, V. *M and 20 9424326 | Mest 728-1 MOpERN 5 rites RS ald near: south preva ype 728-4845. sion 'omatic tra -8 ERC PEUGO regula -- weekly. L sand. NTEN | STREET Apt. and Bei Here ts 1070. (|! DERN, iA AL phone ane ae tee, GM and board or lust roc at , custom transmi. EDES T doub! F only $2,500 LAKEFRO! z NIAL | | FREE Available. June 10 Gia, Silly turntahed apartment, ivi «Asatte lephone 723.8364. r lust room, eering and radio, 6 Gene; BENZ e in | Sey Fee or iy NT cottage ACR | | _UNDERG ee Ho! and cold tap iy" furish and ment, private room, tr 29__W bus stop. 663 Ritson Centioed Ad Dominio power re rol. Repai Five $ motor aude a eh ont 16 tage with 1 ES } TOTH ROUND P fi oO - BE valistore tw ae laundry Van itil pall Rede Toom 'anted nie ede tires ion Royal j to-Electri ir and Early Bi portunity ded. Dex urnished, bi miles | 304 Ced | E FIRST ARKING floor, BE blac mang 08. tice, 990° Pac Shes ore | WANT to Re 23 hike a oe Looks ake a ic Servic: ly Bire il Dick Was "6. Ooo and) lar St., O: | 65 TEN, vatlable Cah cha $60. Men lacitt tg garay TO REN nt 365X new and nd Bill' . phvis 723-528 'oe he » Oshawa AL! ANTS | Sune, chitdren" welco OE ae treet 725-| 100! ge to stor d te Rent | gs coeveou one. Li 449 Ri ill's G ADM tage, Pie ect Two Peas. RENT ER FROM OPEN DAILY Tae en ._ ee welcome. Hein ss cai Searian e 128-9476. inate banana action a epee eas ic. Oshawa itson Rd, ae $100 sie sandy silevision i Lt ay Cot ree bedroo | iM: am ® @lephone | pullaing. \ apartment In. mo a8. tral, refri OM apart phone ha! OS jonths, Telenone monvertibs OLET Zz 728-09 2, 0 ne boat. ices lake pad fire $115 -- m home: | p or by a) P.M. CORNE 8) vailable modern ed, BEA epdaltd Beriment. os unfurnished LADY de. one} mai ible, finish IMPALA OLTA 21 Bom Kol $5 wee wirantage, $125 s T 576-2 ppointm newly ER ~ SIMCO! eae vate. entranc stove, oan, a ort Perry. Abst™ desires two oF in_red with ished in Y N and 21--F Be weekly. 7204767, Broadloom i N Cc 280 o vale tas eednes and rid Ula! ra elon | (a. Say mee = lH ig eutomatie t black i Ro- our Authori NICK' Ur --Farms fo aly, 720-8767. m in livin, oO r 725-9 plied. tite Ae phages "t Brock West oe oe 2767. Appl tario. sh, Andrew! Rekicaawie" and and wale transmissi interior, 'ond iorized Da S Ss r Sale : Fully land io om 750 | 700. month ps Heda Bhs dob eat | July y 162 rat Nye ae ite wall ission,, radio Sp Fiot D tsun df sca On W. F raeui iy cat See ment, 1..'$70. : 130-- On Oke s, Lic, K adio ecializi ealer NORW Call 723 ped, e and t R . FRANK URNIGHEDS pent | Jean oe THREE Be part S| (8,0 . K5655. R ing in Vi 'OOD AR -7711 or 7 Mod wo bed 2 EAL ESTA Hell bthict sotto acs session "ROOMS for rent, | 24 vailable | obiles f 'ia eine a 1,595 epair and olkswagei at F EA from 9 25-9991 lern and C rooms 1 King $ TE LTD ralek, canteally." y | decorat ator Cee | rent, imme 'or Sal OLDSM : 160 Gnies i ; t. W. F Vena seen partment, > Agar ely Close fences mediate pos le 2 doo OBILE Sime ice . $15, ARM 2 a.m, = 5 Beautif onveni ., Bow . pehgkoh Eh slag y lecotea" guitnon ree | 2059. supplied, Seen, per: T r_ hai SUPE 08 Sout | $15,500, | Good pre wera eae ae one | i ug _[pamstptoon pe ay ones ac ee RANSMISSION SER | Hondirar Marcon UPER 88 ed a ci UbIIee wood, acres near ing ost ed for t EDROO. Whi r and tion | soive ye Rrra on tirtond hegeart de ARGE ROOMS 2 yas 'onveni vi brak. roof, pow and wh Sur $250 8 exc 40 black Were fede «omioom Petertorouh, SPF wal tt ae oo Pingel ambit vi eee Sie" oe i bet Foe sea B16 Bond st. W service Cease vermecra ond 33 ii FOUR CO} jen (or addi ick house W Hew HOUSE FOR ephone 576-1 pu: -- Visi |ONE B -- oo lawn, | self GE CLEAN Street, swe main} speci issions t. W, : ite walls. 32-- eae ugh OR seporate di Misra! badreor, heating, fenced yar saat Wes Equi MO sit [fee pata pare n, [ating South 6 Wg om Sve) eee inte are stil eee $1,695 Truck: ag and living ining room, room), _ | SHOPP yd heise Wilson -| pped with A welcome, Sariiho amen Hae pF ics ack apartment, ave faciliti t we do Our re ONTIAC 8% TO s for Sal 'na 7 Hes room, Full ot large 'oom 4 pellet, eames sleet rapes a stove, f ISA une | recentrally, laundry, all facil | | 728-0480. rea $85. si 'ators Sho hae eral repai ies to di now f loor seda PARISIE elephone 7 . cher e ] returni rdwood nd F. rj CEN lephone ey ae ce |two BEOROO ult cou Shoppi pairs. lo all inish in, gle NNE Fou! 'olet pick Ch WN ond 30 Mo bon 6a Perry" crescent E aren Three be : M. 9 APA SAERAL fh 723-2050 ne child aaved 'road, ple Telephone 57 gen- | cus a ee All a vp, #1 ildren U re end 30" dal ta "rery_cresen.'els mi, abe C T ariment, - three room > Fanasiee je|paved road, Shad asa All 6-2610 - Shen cel paviot lock |725-s36 as trode 'esitinohations beacons jean-to 12' x 50' wi close three Telephone sane lose Pgh orl self-cont wa, $e 17 mil ment work ires, Li io and interior sa, Cou: fable fo : 24' x x 50', with -- {723 to all a Soleprone to phone 7: ine tien jained patele: Mata North- on cou guara' Lie, whit r, {198 ries Ake Whee 40' drive shed 723-5873 _ aft anion ie: i a shoppi Wi oN rate al eve orivatel res fl ollie East of untry inteed 550276 $1 wall S3 GMC Cor Auariesimebcisoci milidvoue,. silo 12" Five R A persia level, ind school ping cent e feat WHITBY Fr PAE vol rate eal a at 4 Garcon Osh-| MOR : $3 C 6 $1,39 Soa' Cominion tae reckers, Cent water. bow! goroge. B x 32), [oe oe ian 'elephone ols, re rents, swi re low m refrigerator Three - Road's. APARTMEN lackstock, "986: Paid E CA 4 Pryde ace 395 e890", te ae Gare N ral have bowls and all arn has aon Fi a room mming onthly in dicted dbasiPoet speed Toom ai Men ene nbuale een sr id for G SH door T BISC is 1 at hen one wn leighborh hyd bul Oe rhe are 'ation, » gym, pool 9 cou Peggle ba Bd partme: tion ci ing street Ee To Trad ood cylind AYN! TERNA' otter. Tele: rhoc 132 oc iro, Lots of tidings lid rena Scheel. to playgro , three ac sauna: ee ple or tw Fis dahl bath de or all Mr, J Hi east Tent, corn le up or d Clean t iy atin economi E tus ae ele. about 60 ranch fearby" rer roams fi emery Shed dene for inf color pve ena gare of | [Fou ; Ogi 375m PB Plea He ads Yon lotek, WAve hemel OC lown, Lien Cars. ransmission or with ical 6 567 after ren y ; 'ormati patella le parki FOUR - ROO) 5 monthly |TWO para ee ee erly. 1-422 DDM 8 paid Lic, 42 and standard 1950 FOR 4 p.m. pickup ture and ocres of en tos ment fireplace, Rouse, atio ividu ind refri ing ate ent Mu iy, {TWO BE ape et Nort 232 OT R 5976 whit 3-23 a , ceda pas: rien ¢ oe 7 | lerse n ily si jal mail rigerators, atk 30 or pstairs a its saueellea ie hy To 314 OR SA sheet wall a os Goes Be marsh con r bush, bea - 5 and 7 Teese pres ly size sui il delive 'ors, | THRE! 30 at rire he partment tor © supplied. score PARK LES 62 ee $11 is, |PRIVA' Queen cale-Faiaahone additio be purch ct ae p.m. 92243" CAL your sta ieee Vou. wit et tana aiies rene 1 Pll tie wires ala ran ao ROAD SO! BUICK 2 195 PRIVATE SALE, Street, 6 Telephone beef "a $1,500. jased for pack Ieic ees, eae . ie ments y at Mona will enjo eae OOM apartr opty] pire mee ses. Telephone 72 writable 723 UTH ower st door ha fon Teleohuns 1963 GMC | Excel ' MEN , 191 Lisa A\ y ined, "gated, ov artment, iy furni M_ups je 723-20. -942 _| cust eering rd Rr faeey C plek- oe a Wi for lent " dei entrance -- TS. Fi Non part- and Adela Aval 2, refrige self One ished, tairs 4 1 om. and top, eo 728- extras, "up wi a port red. 2. eb 'ou quon del lable rig 'con- bl one | apart tii radi b Vee b | TANT, » Al ih / ig ones of fa tne Sq anoar ate 128-4 723-6022 su gare or ria poor tater tat wea GUS BRO Trea on ear OSHAW pproved siliceous. 1 waded e 8 m # & B fap tote enne n| FOUR "= Rol . $60 monthly. "% $ Ww me roy, ano a sent Samar ame ee Se 2 PONT 195 anted oy high elena nara anata The |. ae aoe Senet rs ia tt AY are OTORS L Poe WA AUDI and BR pinnae" ae au or s -9934 rin Gene errcis tantrence ply 12" stev vais 8 aR he 3 bert AURENT Good NT i) Limited, COCKS BRICK BUN S. jowma ee us |_Suit 6798 atte rN Motor" Teles sateen ne stnthien Ree TRAD lo. 3 Osh engine, autor big 6 |AN cl ED : Con Realt in wall bi GALOW, at @ open dai seven Ri S p.m. ors. ence, Clove 'and (to Le roo nson Rea P E UP awa sion automa' cylinde cosh lean lo a See ie eke ioe ~ 340 Marl ena aoa se tah Fe pd, Sat Ce create | sta Frida te ae 13) Sle oman a, wiliciee -- sonny, avalible July tT rao, Enpeeow tag aeone Be ee 3 & CouMedes | ve, srucesace lo. Lie. STA yy, oad Cock oe: aveite (613) $0 MONTH 725-6311, Avail n Av RENT TWO-ROOM d oe dol Tale oe cupboards, living = ere ne 728-7375 ERMS. in 62 STUD .. $1,095 MOTOR: LKER Ontario: s Limited, M Bowes bene Jv ARATE toe ee A e. | Mor ING tar alge Aone sis isha Mand phd Lath Keon rim, "Aulomatte or 728-73 door sed EBAKER 723- 137 Ki : 2 jarmora, jephone pol hou: 97 Nassau pt 11 ni 'e and moi pal po nw Gob montnc Inch tw ment, MONTHLY, ipa Ao a bt see Ub linde voy Ae delux 8311 ing West | ARM Hi room houses. No Sree : 1 icest p fe 68 723-1927. nes S40 onthe. Inch fo chil: Pine ONTALY, 'two = 6 pelle Evenings pure, white with r engine Siph hg 4 73 @) tne M HOUSE for 34210 mad i ee are shawa's i ari ping" and. tra Sr Sirah ee says poll make vite. with red] TH with ig 6 cy- CAR 3-6322 h gton for rent, 10 Rel le rents enjoyin in ee ND Tw Tephone | Tél stove. P Pac. ar 4 Hs parke| came, sss RSI ea 1S ONE With, stondand SW 705 g jad Teak di gih fis p-eck Telephone 7: faved pa Ou ens 'arreiaee, veral ' Lit DONT Buyi A 2 TROON, ship, 'Telephone WwW R at the adults on! bulkiito. oly A Tw 28-4500. king. A rigerator |e Tike Re Sa Sales! +49 con ic. K595 1sS uyin TE F | : animes snide igh E KN cane Bill aa a partments, ($1 0- a rranged. R. 8. aden" ae rit Se nye 19. rheah babe AN D ° K | Recneliie ; will rent all or | RELAX! OW T A refrl MENT a one 668-3591 1. Quiet Ne paige ONEDed or | 1957 MONARGH co otor 2cempted, ica tt $4 sag as ae Ca H feat Math: aire hee es NG ATM HE O A peat and Beartmment "Inch 1 gets \wnitey--G 'a8 Gan tine cane MSS 3096. Name convert els akoe 95 | Ce "Cash" to. tt ue iT eigeuety. alld brick, sore. a re! OSPHE R a tice. Cine including | stow wHitsy, Se eee ent, eee tbie Nae Alaskan jeluxe, fini r Dealer to th ed". PRI | at RE S lose t peg atv: | oa 'One-bed (ge rll must tin vais terior. Li white wit inish TED Hip Pa Ne PHOTO D. 5200 nc. Talons 7258 "immedi P ae ie oreo sn ping at Be bg i Cust SELL Telephone r, Lie. 5 e_with ed 72 CAMP ee | $1,5 MLSR ranch 4h R ll dee late M ines T thre red, 728-69) Mand per month, T lor. Hyd) rnished ble, V-8, p 1 1962 i; . S41 47E red in- _72BAASA Re MOTO! ' | 00 J. EALTO Sere aiaiee i, three be P 5 A Marland 'Ave Le cede ay, °"4 |ONE-BEDE elephone 668 Tneluded "$125 owe, et Chevrolet 62 R ++ $89. SHAW R TORS $50 ack R_ |shurcne district, el aren bearer | 4 Ss allie ake deapee Avalioole ho Sita gr aro included. $125| 6 FO mammos nm POM converti| %¢ AMBLE |ouant, parts tor ARLE Lai \ 0 Snowt 725-4 churehes, bus. tno 6, soo oms, S L ap areregy ears cval eae nt, new sto North, nent i EIR, ORD a 'ec Brome, dan, ai R delu: bought, AUTO | WRECKING 574 $15 84] Te eB ; R nent RONG at _ 576-3479, Nan aodedicin: Noth. Lives in teen dygrast irl a SS eS: dio utomati xe 4d BO tien ora C0, " 0. Speci HO ox 70 school uildi m -- r tri ate le: jone 7: S, 13/ + Pol and tic, loor WANT joor Si tron Ca \. Se 100 ACRE FA domes tT = news ANN Y T bing mia aregrrae maa aba Must a mdi Hat] wots 00 miles, Me pene: fe ethic wal rs ra- re Ne chee Sree East. and, meta pie ,000 0 ven Fool RM prea clo: obedreom. gale. Avaliable ere 'Apply Availabl room, ni for, pri- enti -BEDROO! ~ appreciate or my: rT) ele ic. J78804 r-- SI is is ert Teleph e for ft rucks for OR c alow, im 9 year ol deg i wt, A N M THREE y 108 Westmount, 1 i ie passes Laide apart rotor In-ekenle pa 04 . leeps four). Nichols. Faire ts oat for Wied egular $27 Be oiy ott id bung- FwoBEDR 4 after 5. hedged tet with PART. large, H ROOM 7 mount, be Ne ans session, wield seemed mrersert 668-4685. excellent. condi | ie a, $895 3 'anytime. Prices $50 each $27,000 wh ema Cal raat ie EN N e lepcehe ee inure opin Fwoseoceon saan wife 2. RARBTE aaciaigna| ful V.8 engi 4--Automobi so 9 Earl 728-5683. Call Idso yee olmmediatey, very ce C 202 Clarke oom and 1 close to partment, for re supplied apartment 98s 208, | 728 snacks "ER, "no dow jone| tr V-6 ei ertible obile rly Bir * wie cel B 5 B ngi Pow: A Repai Sk ¢ BEEF 3. Mol Co Mages month. 'an be yo N ONE-BEDR oS phone 72 furntehen. wee i. pear one heat and|! bal yoke Coe ae Seder iiter ine, st er- UTO. pair ate Ga CATTL DERN, Sod aps G suites, i urs in o ene o neg BS daa C5 lephone pital, sult nd [1957 CHEV Aer ection: io. Li n_and andord T MAT im E FA possession Tee ng eae room, indoo! ur spaci 7 rede, Bee partment set AE LEAN 723-2043, able |'64 MG. VROLE man's, ic. 2659. custo RAN: Ic M lon J wee vi r poo ious tove Park in |mi three - , yas Bi T Ss = hae oe m ra- SM Ade eS ee nm. fee er ere bungalow Nola. oe I, Sauna scion Near" 'Farking laundry tui fen, private washroom 1H Me Bes tiers. Telephone 62 A os $1,295 ys ission $1. |stoom pore barn, solid : th Manes Re psc and celery. OT eatin PHONE ) p Leda imal fe pay a se on ety mae stairs apert- pen ET, Caliente Alte BE Ea anda al 2d 1038 Simboe § TRE card for reg furnac rick house id seven 26--A; oad arter | extras Bs just a ¢ parking 7 pe echt Hi Ps gesuitgga ng = 5-0278, pial a ate nt etl 725- rane at Riis 6 e, convertible, tom rd transm! loor coach, eanctineinh t. N. 72 x | ; : Phon : : i $30 gee bathre new oil partme: | moderat luxury ive of the 98-972 ing. Rising er nazoom spat. e_ after io Sins ye, ear to let, | igen after 5 p.m Bani cen 4) Lie, radio and ission, Busines: ions are 8-7339 games 2: , ; nts OE cE | e CO! iving wi 4 |. 19. Available J} nae ae 744 SIM jour, 725-4 acant Ji hos- 1962 CHEVY m. At coer 5125: whi: cus- mi s--R Our O 5 Idso. Wi with t om. Only qT for R Dri st at 9 with GO a uly 1. gnable rent and | apart com sou 388. one 15, [seoraatt Si eee Ae ition. 59 ite wall: ents, E: epairs inly except iersma 728.561 Call he best ent [Prince VERNO Ce ore. ote Tephone" Gée09. rheatliat rae ning condition onvertibie 3 ee hes a +4 Guori xchanges. A Adjust- | Py de A y v cs A 4 PO! $795 anteed. s. All $ McLA 8-5683 living value in a 1 ss An M R parking, A LS. Deal ont 189: | TWO vane dhe Tiree Nemec ible Massa Pe ap ie eylinder,| 2 NTIAC Work 100 i : san bs partm: 221 ne A ANS uly 1. Ri 10. month! sher, di a TeAN a + front in child. ESTA' 95, cash ¢ good run- door LAU: A in C _ Two UGHLIN B @ seen ent SIMCO ts IONS NEW sslang, 729 Ault Av FAG i Pra soe te Hed Fee! Whe feel ioe r coach, 6 RENTIA FR Il games wi home storey brick LVD. # 72 EB -SraN '| A Ing Beedle: 1310, 728- Available rel Cre Cale aM Bpartment Mee joe tie Te 4 5789u8 and cylinder, N ED ST d ib ; , paved dri six root @ ; 5-99 As DULT PI ie iat ect La slag toad ._ Telephon eniid .welcorne: © ee to ste aa Be a 70 hg 45 radio, a Brook ON ape new bath drive, m REG M 4 RE RESTIGE free ist aconsrnionl tates now je 725-0793 . Praga HE ad Wiaiss toe condition. alo tates ie R lin -- E Shar. Beh a oe a Seer ENCY odel sui SIDENCE S13 West t 'ree teias reat We rent: |Gowntow two-roor lable imust be. sold" 67 Forth ton olen es ep $795 EBUILT 655-3 ad , ing $17 tine, tow 'uae pets TOW Wlis suite furni No: ONE oat Hil, parking,' ees" Pioues a get sgh rea 1 ale rd Fea oad hon he at coach, LCON d 6 CYLLE ENGINE tans pd Game down 1998 with reasc Ask- ERS loo on Furnit ished b ow availabl gear ler-9 nt includes |26A--E ats itor, Ragta tera artaee ny Wenicies| 2 ch, 6 cyl leluxe, 2 xcange PI ES edictely ure ry suites le two ing. Avi apa xpo . 42 ofan: 1988-7160. ad, the bast matic inder door 8 as | rice oft cn, nye reasonable & m by A\ . broad ha me 2-bed: ies OOM | epariments 'e Acco WoLsELES arranged. Bill sted Magee rene engine, CYL ingen Ww ' nh 728-85 Call Go 349 MAR ngus-G' = scien gi uly Ist, room fone ROOM ai Spar tipeaies .« Neder? 40 MINUTES mmodati drive, SELEY 61 a ee m radio, smission ai au- . Exchani s $165.00 ec 22-- eee ss P LAND AV MODELS en. | tan suite. For ¢ oneas. a thee Come ® z CaS ES TO EXPO ion| cine mileage, ea eee wie. 524461 3 le A: : Lots for S HONE 7 ENUE OPEN : ing sui view the Seiecelay ee weakly. A Sb ideratyg Mee Aya Md ane 8) bess, athe te 61, 35--L os $20 BU: ale 25-2227 2P DAILY uites, ple se outsta pints Ada 723. eee ae tn ienentreek Cap My. | af conditions pi agit fl ay! '61 convarn, Mote $6 ost a 0.00 Leavi * M. ti 7 , please call ind- cluding a pooner on, Que. aczewski 3 Gace vare| ver 6 eal sande brakes, ebuilt one CORVA 95 POMERA' nd Fo 63 ing Bond ; 1 AND SAT til go P 9917 fa dg nent, $125 RuSaRVATIO bel itd 1963 tue See ndard with sy body | sedan IR MON FOMBRANIAN PU und 0 pm ' 0A URDA 'M 12 APARTM eraewee afters ut aa sg ee de le, ower ste Sige sion, ab gllal ZA 900 wits thine P, lost and 8:00 7 | 2 fi EN after ve Apri], Mi room faken qT er fi , CU: tic ph inest area. in A :00 off Si RES * PR | Y and SU 72 "4 phone. aor cs Som Gooea ge: 310 Aen new, tat er Jeietnne ea vation alee walls, oti radio transmis- = meso seas ee Simcoe fter Bingo. ' Excell imcoe N IER & | ALA M NDAY 8-2911 wary BD as aks 3 or, 4 rooms, | 27. , $10 for par cou a rere STOP! Need alae eo, automat) 94 vs A Mea white Lost -- Male i ge leash, Teles : oy lent buildi ' | M, till 7 base BY. Full us. Tele- meek of four. 723- two] 1497 rolet, goed arn Wanapaieiion? 7 2 1 PO -. $695 Teleptiens Fede nahipe ss ' tiful ilding si 321 MA\ P.M lentrenee, 1 y__ furnished ooms Paid Mada tel mite etetee 6 INTIAC . mae se, Connaughi tis view 'ith ma beau iene ogy SHELDIAN ae Ralriaea mal _ATTR te Bont ie porie oaton i pon 6 oylinder engine standor 36--Legal a SUNN land. tees 8-67 " A 3242. p. ineieed., Raseon and AC ae ireanie enfian seda sigs oy 4 hangars a eM 22 Sad be NSIO egg ae sa, Seerontble FURN TIVELY pater Dany, sslon, | pow ign 285, bots 190618 white rd ice 1s Call B ODERN a Co 1, 2 NS Immedi Gib Fae ae RIEHIONE ISHED Recto HEF gg EM adie pie es walls. the 1956 Nas hereby ILL BED 1 AN! nt and 3 ni late }0-ped! te Avai R owner 725-10: egg She Ne ad vinng,| 6 hes erlal V2 given og ce ero ire Apartments" Siblt'™ reduced ronan mek a mee) ae mare Se aed a sen le me ee cite 'nee oma O ' : " a -2557 @ STO ECORA Distingui mi je withor a ea JEDROOM ap Telephone _7 Nl een 5 ons. jaae H nies. © autom tran: spee e, 4 do Bay Magra aldwin. § pride VE AN TED inguished G ng pool ut lease. S pts. | gna ay: 'apartment 23-6134, 82 PAR ond Z pm. lime Tab a pag atlcy go000| smission, id syn or |e Le ABM Bena! 2 avs 7 Shectig, L @ BALC D FRIDG Address .M. Childe opposite wins. [eee AY acai" apen t, two ch K RD PONTIA $1500. 7209090. } 'alls, Li radio cromesh it On aa from June ONIE E Choi bathe } iidren ite south lephone 723-780 'Ape Refrige i- 7, _N order, mTIAR pee -7 pri ic. J973 and whi ; y owini ned car june @ FAB < Centon Jeunes oa ee welcome. T TWO-BEDR ey Rawns 28-8 : evenings. aeden In excallen 60 BG Saor 37--A 8. will R E N e RIC DRAP ly heated ry suites, electri edroom two and . Two broadioom OOM 1 ena/24 COL 67 | ino Pi body. "1 t cunnin PONTI / $495 uction R. Mayne EAL ESTAT! LAUND ES corated , and ta , electric- 8 suites, three stove, TV throu; rae | nished BORNE mobi ONTIAC 725-8010 4 doo AC LAI Sale re 67 Ki i e RY FA Parki throu: ste full 85 0 Avelia ame IP fra spaniel gle dob = bile, 98. Telephone 725-208; a r sedan UREN' : EN tials : FREE HYDRO. Paring, wimmi ie) gc ga Se Sos A in a war -- rin cl ond wie wal tis | Suntan S TWO JA yi es d DL ecleatir -7942 BACHE included. |TWO | furni "iaiage ar ure|new. "Call New i iia ee » Lic, J80 'a *ro8d, Zions Telept 00) ecrea pool, a. aide furni prefe Call 2 ors bay 139 Si a Ke eigeen: PLY wooded, lot @ ELEVATO! MIN HALLS tion rooms; CA apartment | bulid ee and ialurnished | bedrooms ae lin AGA NNeweaste, 90s Farr ee Ape aturday, J e Biya g area, pre aT @ LOCK See on MA aor pi livedog aay, ta yea atl with itch Buaket rADIAN i Sra dee AS ,_ June 10 55 a Dg RF egg awe 2) ml e ERS ee, One, two NANA eee pense $95, parking. t Pre: Fearon Tabi ng room chen | Fadiox Bea? maki cariaerlibia ' 1S SPE E O'CLOCK' 1967 b serie ata peel es aga onl is pidgin ima three bed lee ae _-. Unfurnished a8, a) coupons Haare: pg A rar £1.30, ering and surornatle, 60° CORVAIR CIAL pete E : Excel lot aT. wa Times. TRAI th , bef iging you! ted, ts. Ce room roadioom, Twobed 5. |ranged, roo EET LL AC 1,300, 668-2270. jop. Ex 9 et dl rt state 5 weit bulla fishing, 75" near Bra aa @ AMPLE = vidddtsilil aes ca. aye able cae wee Teto-. 19 cident waco ayo atten Telephone 723 me, kitchen privileges ar aitions prog oS Raed eo RaaABLeW 4. ic. 172376 Oshowa, we Sonn Mrs. in 5 | eee ia LM al rans Bay. @ CLOSE Sascenihie ee 12. Pe lode no childee reason: sia. eal Pa Banat ct ee babel peg rabale i959 Waran fe ie on 8S Ne RAMBLER 1g ++. $129 ce St. Pay north oe 2 No: st east ad an : ie AN SCH ites TE! ipig in unde! stove, fr ee ae uly 1.1 gle or ¢ Furnish s K tou ning. ae 'cone sith Ba » Lic. J60 elvina' edard im Fag Rly Rema on ath ce D CHU jOOL Ps ayailabl LEPHONI on St. ie pa gH Serer Aa or rae. leet ed slee Celi Frege citag ee AS 571 b tor lale Schoo sae ORE fh Hiohitey, 'Vor RCHE! nly. le for E 72 etree rator, | ane ah leans eae a eed... Seeping Fo idles 2 ae rdtop. V tee : urner F refrige A Times, Whitby. Sy tex ae wiceasion,| CLOSE s Id ad 5-0657 See ie. Lh OG nd gl A oc clll gla joms. | 1959 reet, back rae: Veen $89 vi rigidai rator, TENA ey eas tehawa TO SHO! leal for ults BON BR Sipe pate hag SS Teed apply. Teleph pony oe. quer sae sion RCA. Vi stovi 4 x 150° ten ion ae i ehawa| AP PPING C fortable _@ quiet and US fa 1GHT, Twi 5. Be LE BACHEL ly. Telepho elderly 6-2919. lea er % 04 50 machin A. Victo e, tele- In msi some with creek, PLY OR entre | Rent living. eid come | ce 2 bedroom, ment, separ 0-ROOM ure lee ae OR furni ne 668-| 1956 CH sale. 7 M ae t, Sewi announ GARRARD cutee 00" ABOVE unbees THE re sel on the pr we pe Be! sleet apart- cone SGetornished. and heat, Par: Mg Ra Tl ofte. meas ROLET, ax cylind wiht ORE CARS ng oa conti inet, ates y Geer re emi M A HR onthi jable cup- now, King suitabl panel: ler, sti ard suite, ie, di Seon. Sara eek ERS lonquo' ises, OVIN' 1, oom aes, Phone Min | cup. TWO upsta Telephone 7 atultable for ar ae er, panels. $75 and TO ay » chi ns per bo inch. 25° front n Road, 190 IG EXP ate ba' IM ups PP alld Ai upstai 78 Divisi HEVRO! reo c la fet, 6 ina ¢ $5,100. Ti wit c , Osh Non ENSES Seca Te Cent egy ereeny pply 242 rs bedr 2805, ion, | Perfect s LET, t HOO: rm ch chai up. a awa qui Pigtcrk yas partment, _pri- days Gr Sora aaa Bent Sol relent four - ch air, rs Want an apie NDON Ml 725-1481 728.9726 BPACIO, Tr Santee on eu tae TS ez ee| Gad FROM tbls, tb etna, $150. J ee Cell. 94 Location, ee Bihan Bd ight hi ing _roon +7814, one |radio. Be: WAGEN, ir ' res es a Frei le ir, rou 4 20 Cost Don't PARTMENT WINKLER-Z1 MALA GLEN CO ae ie ig gig 1s RAMBLER Ch RN ANY REA\ nd hows | Stee ond 6 chat $50. FULL - One mcoe Nor -ZEN CHIL UR ment, retrigera bed awed. |LARGE Telasnane ahh, 3058. Classic ma"| O SON ing me ccum cle antique ey P d bedroom th Real E KOVI DREN WE T hid "noni. el room, _ heat pin GE turn one Whitby, "66 550, 9 7 000 FFER C ABLE gard achine, di janer, wash $8 ayl jahas ava: elecitic state Ltd. CH 1, 2 anda LCOME ( 74 ak shy te nantes. ar ping, centre, ined raah Ye '6 =RVA miles, ONSID 9 a aesle ishes, bedd " 0 e, refri heat, TOR : piece 3 bedroo one Faeivi?. afters me et Fl hy pvalobie' eaw 19 te Soon, Gan ERED any more a ing, REGULA gerator, | ONT! bath m sui 'ikon 2 afte 522, ie Avene aoa e shor oe ee reat. a, two-d erou re arti R 77p.s8a, | hoes 363-2631 ioe oi rane 'de artes el snd aches r4lTWO LARGE Secale m,n at alan ; ren pepe $40 INIT N Rai Sewn COVE ing--Reaso New (TW paid. Apply late spat pel Merron le rnished oo romana A tle mil : . S CASH Ni si yo eeu Cea a Pon ___ PHONE ny rater aan sins sere see te via |r PONTIAC 'dene ste MYLES. KING, $15 'an ad-wr ied Ad: s Peds Mi 65 ng Privi sement M S$ FOR REN or 723-3 y 214 Cade V-8, ai AC" Lauren' 28-5724, and 725- » aucti ers Phone Get Fast ( 7 Young coiple Irelen entri unfurni: pit servi RENT. wall ad- | radio, tomatic, aavaniien' War. ao 3039 juctionee! SPECIA : The Q t Fast Cosh. eae aid il Nowe o ished |e Gueen's fia ON Ab No. down | throughout ae. oe A "Oshawa. . uic ash --\¢LEAN, 78-6423 ir bus st WORKIN 's Hotel, rik on weekly. | Motors, paymie ghout. ih ing, brak Ke ;. U if k Want A |SLEAN, three -- Foom between 39 |lady, ee simeonst ns pee "a King "stree monthly. ai9736. if of CTION d a a 'ont N Cc e| Wi onl outed. "Pete Bie. So one Tees ly, two and HEVROLET,. 1 t West, Stalker a priv AL 'ay | Roba Parting" 'Bie toe ah send: 'emi ceaking or one furnished and rear. en QLET, motor, irs | ants ' me eniatd 6S E me DOOR PI North, e. Apply 27 Adults we ._728-8780 lay art aja bed 78-1377. Beay pe on | t., O: ion H tirte- R ge ag esd boda 7 ai tped Bene leee!: ds y poor. $60,| M Bs shawa, TI all, 33 Hi LY BIRD None ratoereh = beating yore eer: ye a0. | otor: 'i 'at 7:30 p. hursda all G/ gentle rigerators Very ing room, pri- Feitohone T5e-0502 automat! s Limi ShenaHitd a Lawn ¢ June AD: wat ia" CHEVROLET _ wgtonatic Very, 1250 Dund imited vecuum sites, lamps MESO ast, or sl wena V-8, pow T Imi un polish leaner, lamps, | to er st pala, 2 las St ier, dre eee ish E Seaion" radi eer ing, convertib Whi ee elect! ser: ectric Vv i io ~_ sect rage, Philips vet ery. Th " 668 a a refrig- " hy ee beds He, washi on | sae ee ED y other | garden its merous to articles t tools, mapas ann," "USES LE je NING, quet rms RC ioneer. 7:00 OR? : and 7: Children | under 16 f a